Other urls found in this thread:
IT was in the OP all along.
Did she actually appear in the novel or is this anime original?
She appeared in the novel once before this as well.
I was aware of her appearance in the novels during the British Halloween but was unaware of her appearing during WWIII.
Could these runes be "the locks"?
Best girl!
Maybe they're not runes, but actually chains
I hope Nishikiori and the whole staff falls in a hole or something fucking garbage piece of shit
Great now Turdwayniggers have an image of her to spam
> Chaotic Lawful
>Wants to get rid of impurities because they'll ruin the Earth overtime
>Hates humans because they go against the natural law of decomposing
She literally just wants the Earth to be clean.
>Screenshotting your own thread
Go back there
Have you seriously managed to be in raildex threads this long and not see a single birdway image before this?
One more week until Accel blanco.
>"so am I fucked or not?"
He is getting stronger.
>you’re not allowed to screencap similar threads right next to each other any more
Any other new laws, police man?
Sorry something must have triggered my filter because i didn't see that image just now
She wants the earth to decompose too mate. She doesnt want it clean she wants it in pieces.
Wouldn't it be red if it was mine, since technically I posted it and I was already in there?
Haven't made a thread for over 2 years now ever since I found out you can't delete it later if you fuck up.
Maybe they skipped Misaka doing stuff in WW3 so they can go over it again in Railgun 5? I can hope can't I?
>That Hamazura vs Mugino sequence
Damn, that was actually pretty good
That's mine actually, fag
>being so sensitive you need filters to protect you from posts you dont like
>ruining the point of the filter in the first place by then bragging about the posts you dont like being hidden and asking for them to be posted again in ways that dont trigger the filter
No, they skipped it because you niggers wouldn’t shut the fuck up about her “””saving””” shit
That shit was spoopy
Honestly one of my first thoughts as well was "maybe the mikotofags will shut the fuck up" as well.
It seems that our only hope.
When is she going to die?
> that scene when fiamma defeats satellite without any actual effort
No? That's not what her motive is. Literally her line is "If you humans want to go down, don't take the planet with you" meaning her goal is to only rid humanity and any other things going against the natural law. The Earth will naturally decompose over time so she has no need to destroy it.
They already have the jet
I mean unless I missed Misaka in a tank charging a Russian base and fucking shit up in the last few episodes.....
So... Is he going to be the next archbishop after Laura's defeat?
>tfw they missed a chance to show Kaguya
Yes? Read it again mate. She says she wants the earth to break down and that if it werent for the shitty humans it would have already done so.
No, Crowley is. He’s going to rape Stiyl while in Lola’s body
Give me the exact line then user because I'm pretty sure that's not what I read.
Was there someone in there? Because I remember that there is a girl in one of those satelites from NT10.
Still waiting for her to appear again. NT21 would be the perfect place for her.
Touma dodging that hilariously oversized dagger sword thing was sleek as shit too.
Wasn't she in another satellite?
Coronzon is pure evil according to the narration, not debateable.
You underestimate the autists here
And now we wait for Accel and Railgun.
>suffering from Success
We've still got 2 episodes though?
>The world has been in crisis countless times already: World War III, Magic God Othinus’s rampage, and the rise of Kamisato Kakeru’s irregularities to name a few. This world should have been destroyed all on its own. That is one form of natural breakdown. But that did not happen and history has continued to this day. Why? Because of the people who refused to give in to the natural current and unnaturally stood in its way!!”
>And now we wait
It's not done yet autist.
We still have 2 episodes left retard
*2 episodes of filler
heh, nothing personnel, sinner
The narration also said that Fiamma is invincible.
I really liked this and thought it was a funny idea, so I hope you guys enjoy it :)
If it is pure evil, why it is dwelling in Sephiroth and not Qwilfish?
Birdway is going to be a main girl in Part 3!
It sounds more like she's pissed that people aren't letting the world die on its own and keep stopping it from being destroyed when it was supposed to, not because she wants the world destroyed. She just hates people who go against the natural flow.
Mad cuz not breeding
Cant wait for the start of kamachi's out of control blonde loli train
What the fuck is this sword anyway.
Doesn't it get tiring holding that thing up like that? I can't imagine he exercises often.
I mean their PVs which should be coming later today you brainlets.
Oh great, now Shitway will ruin everything.
Fucking hate that piece of trash.
It's his high school boy cutting sword.
>sounds like
Stop avoiding the truth thats right in front of you. Coronzon specifically fucking says that she gets off on killing, on breaking things down and on their natural course. She then says the world not ending is not natural, and says she hates that its still around. How hard do you have to stretch to try and pretend this murdering demon who happily nuked AC isnt evil?
>People already starting to seethe about Basedway
Rent status: free
I thought it'd be tomorrow.
>get punched with meltdowner arm
>getting this asspained from a few second cameo
Get some thicker skin, snowflake
You mean the people (You) are false flagging as to try to get attention?
Trash is trash, no matter how long it is on-screen.
Shitway is even worse than Mina.
>I'm apparently pretending she isn't evil
Never said that, I just said her motives isn't to directly destroy the world, just humanity who keeps it from naturally destroying itself. Who knows? Maybe she does want it to end afterwards, but her words from what I read seems she's more concerned with wiping life first before the planet itself.
Cybernetic arm
Fuck off, THK.
It's already Saturday in nip time, the PVs could drop any time when they start waking up.
Wasn't one of them the IF pv though? Also what's the eta until the fest? I have to sleep and don't want to miss it.
Why is it glowing?
*downvotes you*
IF PV was on the square enix channel. There are still two private videos on toaru project's channel.
There is no maybe about it. She does. This is stated. She wants to wipe the life from the planet, break absolutely everything down and then watch the planet kill itself.
She gets off on watching others killing people the text literally states that in a perfect scenario she wouldn’t need to get directly involved at all and would just pit two enemies together for mutually assured destruction.
She’s not evil in the true sense of the word but she is more aligned to lawful/chaotic neutral. If saving people would cause breakdown she’d follow that means to an end.
Okay, one of them is accel for sure, but I don't think the other one will be railgun. Maybe they are saving it up for springfest NT soon?
Kill her already
>Lessar pops on screen yelling jan jaja jaaann
I missed this in the stream apparently. Holy fuck she's so cute
Seethe more
> The World starts playing
She NEEDS to be a main girl in part 3 for more cute lewd schenanigans
She gets off on both killing and on watching others kill. Do you have to reread the scene where she nukes AC and when she stabs Aleister?
>She's not evil
Under literally what definition of the word?
God i hope not, JC staff needs to stop working on a dozen+ projects at a time
Spring fes is generally for games and confirmation of titles announced during Fall fes. We might see more things like scheduling confirmation for Accel/Railgun but we’ll probably have to wait until Fall fes for an NT adaptation confirmation
Anime Touma can clear that distance in one jump.
New ringtone
Why does the Bird trigger people?
Did Touma's arm dragon attack that lady-boy?
Its friday. They'll try anything.
Because it would actually be smart if it dwelled inside tree of knowledge but since its so stupid it can only go to the tree of life.
Artist source user?
Fiamma is like it can't be helped, my man, what are you expect me to do.
She's just so beautiful and perfect.
>he doesnt know
It CAN be helped fiamma
>Watch the planet kill itself
Not kill the planet. She's evil, no one is arguing this, but you make it seem like she wants to destroy the planet itself rather than watch it die naturally.
user she’s literally following her nature as a being beyond humanity. Im not excusing her actions but Coronzon is not an evil being from the standpoint of humanity.
One could very fairly argue she’s doing some level of good by effectively resetting progress and seeing the path of rails whatever comes next goes down.
If you want an evil being in this series look no further than Othinus who is the closest to being evil via resetting the world to her ideal for her own selfish reason. Honestly no one in this series is truly “evil” as Touma ends up getting through to them at the end. Coronzon is just incomphrensible because she is literally not human and exists on a different stage than us.
It was described as sparkling water in the LN. If Kamachi meant for it to be runes, it would've been stated by now, or in NT22.
Lola is CUTE and not evil!
Uh no? From humans viewpoint *especially* she is evil what are you on about?
>One could fairly argue
Is that what you think you've been doing? Since when is "resetting progress" ever seen as a good thing? By humans definition coronzon is evil. If you want to go cosmic level, coronzon is opposed to life and is as such evil. There is no definition you can pull out your ass to not make her evil. Coronzon in fact is even destroying the world basically because "I hate it" when you get down to it, its definitely a selfish move.
Those marketing gimmicks went too far.
I want to punch Shitway.
Wasn't there also a Fiamma restaurant?
What other Fiamma products are there?
In the womb with my dick
>Touma leaves Accelerator to take care of his daughter Kazakiri
That shoulder game is pitiful.
I want to breed Lessar
Moral relativists fuck off
Is the ost where fiamma cuts off touma's arm new? I feel like I'd remember something this jazzy
Was it necessary for them to make this so cute?
Yep it is
Doujins for this cute penguin fucking when I cant handle the wait any longer. She's been top cute in literally every episode she's in.
Is Fiamma supposed to be evil too?
I think it was played sometime during WW3, but yes technically it is new for S3.
Comedy director
Never OTcuck
So I am finished watching heavy objects and i really like it where did stopped in LN because i want yo continue to read it
But she’s not opposed to life, she opposed to the continuation and stagnation of life as her role as the great equalizer. If life springs up through the chaotic nature of the universe she’s fine with it but she is not fine with it persisting against all odds and stagnating.
user she hates it because it’s the anthesis of her nature, if you want to call anyone evil call Mathers evil for summoning her in the first place and being a jackass who neither Aleistar or Touma could reason with.
Also it’s incredibly small minded of you to think that nothing good comes out of a reset. Sometimes things must end in order for progress to be made, Coronzons job is to intervene when just that is occurring. Hell she even comments that it’s ridiculous for humanity to not have access to the pure elements and their corresponding spells when she while possessing a human avatar can do it. If that’s not stagnation I don’t know what is.
Fiamma is a good boi, I don't agree with all the over the top faces he had this episode. The whole point of his design according to Haimura is being cool and refreshing
No, Fiamma did nothing wrong
It stopped on volume 3 so you could start on volume 4.
Just make sure to read EX before reading volume 14-15.
I can see some priest watching all this shit going down and commissioning a stained glass window like that.
where are the PVs bros...
Nothing this cute and sexy can be evil
No, his objective is to save the world, he outright says it.
Yes it is a "the end justifies the means" thing, but at least in his own head he doesn't see himself as the villain.
Vol 4
What was Mathers problem?
1-22 were the first 3 volumes. The last two were anime original
The anime ended with Prizewell Cityslicker right? Then jump to volume 4
Literally nothing says she is against stagnation. She is against things persisting. She would like life to show up and then disappear. It has shown up, now she wants it gone. Stop trying to defend an evil demon.
>its small minded to think resetting progress wont help progress
user, I...
Do you think that the ferret is actually alive and has been trained to hold a small camera so that Lessar can secretly record Touma whenever they talk and later on when shes in the safety of her home she watches the recording and schlicks while eating bangers and mash while cooking up ideas on how to get Touma to bang her mash with his Big Ben and the ferret eventually slinks away like the weird snake mammal thing that it is and creeps into Lancis's room who is busy undressing and she takes off her pantsu to reveal a big hairy jungle and the ferret gets aroused and scampers up her leg and buries his body into her stargazey pie which takes Lancis by surprise but also excites her and they spend the rest of the night making sweet love and later they do food play and the ferret starts eating spotted dick while giving Lancis his spotted dick but then suddenly collapses and dies because raisins are poisonous to ferrets and Lancis is heartbroken but realizes she is pregnant with his son and continues on for his sake and they hold a funeral for ferret-kun as God Save the Queen plays and now Lessar keeps a stuffed version of him on her to remember his incredible patriotic sacrifice?
He was just too cool.
Girls suck.
Boys are the best.
Wasn't it red?
user I don’t know how to make this any simpler than there is only so much that you can refine something until you literally need to reset and do something else to progress.
Not for long.
I do. Its made Fiamma far more entertaining than he was in the novels. Being boring cool smug the entire time and having no other personality traits made him really boring to read about. Having instead a smug meme lord who is having the time of his life is a vast improvement.
Where the fuck did you get them? The PV isn't out yet.
It's shitty when you think about how he's actually a good guy by NT4, huh?
It's over bros...Accel looks better than the main fucking series...
>the only way to progress is to refine one thing over and over and then nuke it and try again
I hope you're joking. Regardless, this doesnt change the fact coronzon is specifically not some agent of progress or development or whatever. She doesnt care about stagnation one bit. She only cares about seeing things come apart.
Nice mix of Arata's and Index's design. He doesn't look bad at all.
Dis you even read my post at all before replying? Is this a bot?
>Mugino gets the best animated sequence of Railgun S AND Index III
I love this copypasta
I love Fiamma.
You need to put two .. in order for the memes to work.
Mariydi pls
You can't just gas everyone you see
Fiamma is over the top this episode.
Best girl always wins, user.
Especially bullied sweating Fiamma
I'm getting Baki flashbacks.
This is a bit much
Actually looks fucking good holyshit.
Wow, Accel actually looks human for once and not a sticc.
Except her crush’s heart, kek
Are there pictures of Mugino getting slashed, choked or burned?
Although he is sorta supposed to be sticc, it makes no sense for him to have any muscle
I loved the side eye he gave IB when he first got it
>oh you coy little hand
Subs are out. Now just for the .ass
This but with Junko
Why the fuck Hamazura spared Mugino???
Hopefully not all of it.
Where is /ourguy/ the eternally bleeding siscon?
Her wand looks too big
These have to be fake. I mean it looks good but the PV isn't out.
She's proto-Dion.
He pities her and never wanted to shoot her
your mom is fake
Mugino doesn't have a crush on anyone. She is likely to try and crush a person's heart, though.
Probably has more than one
Estelle looks human for fucking once (barring the Idol Accel manga)
> OT last boss wants to save the world
> NT last boss wants to destroy the world
What would next the last boss want to do? Create a world?
Literal trash
The savior of Raildex is here.
That explanation would fly if he hadn't literally shot her the first time she tried to murder him
He misses taking his harem out to japanese Friendly's
I wonder what Fiamma's hair smells like.
>Cut Misaka's only action scene
I guess Index 3 will be flopping
That episode was pretty fun actually. Here's hoping they keep up the consistency at the very least for the last two episodes.
sometimes JC staff is based
Yeah no, your body will pull that trigger regardless of what you want. Properly functioning humans have survival instinct for a reason
He was never anything more to them than a slave who could be disposed of any moment, dumbass secondary.
Is black power also IT, IB or something third?
How many episodes will he be bleeding out?
That was Kamisato. And Othinus wanted to go back to her world.
If I had to guess, Takahashi Rie would voice Estelle
But it's more likely they go with some newbie to save money
if the first arc is the only arc and no filler, 3-4
I drew them myself, user. You caught me.
Eh, Mugino floundering on the ground looking stupid isnt going to trigger your self defense instincts. Maybe if she had made a sudden movement towards him.
Black is IB regenerating. IT was white smoke.
Wait a second, where was the greater power?
>Animating a manga series no one enjoys
It's like they don't understand the whole point of an anime is to advertise material that actually has potential
> oh noes he has entire OP CGI sealed in his arm
Shut it down, he’s self-aware.
JC Staff'd
Thanks for the shit gif faggot
It sounded like IB and Touma screaming that he doesn't need it's help. Then he started absorving it inside himself again.
I did read this part though. He couldn't go through with it because he couldn't accept the way Item was falling apart.
No u
I will never understand the appeal of belly punch.
Face punch is great though.
So if the screenshots are being sent, that means PV has to be in around an hour or two, right?
>oh no people are excited about Accel better start shitting on it
>Touma wants to create a new world
>Everyone is trying to stop him
Snake of the Festival Touma soon
>oh no he didn't sing a show's praises like everyone else, better take it personally
>If saving people would cause breakdown she’d follow that means to an end.
That's evil in all decent moral systems.
Face has bones so punching it too many times can hurt your hand
I want my own Fiamma to do with as I please!
No homo.
>Seething that people like something
You could've fooled me into thinking it's from Silver Link, it honestly looks like it
At least keep your terms straight so you arent so obvious
was he always that handsome
I know people meme that Accelerator manga is shit because of Arata's art, but it really just isn't a good spin-off.
Yeah yeah getting IB back was cool and all touma. But how the hell do you plan on beating Fiamma when you're stranded on a 1x1 several stories tall pillar with no range attacks?
Neither is Railgun but what can you do?
>A show which is based on a manga
Are you OK?
Same thing he's been doing the whole anime: jumping nigga.
She's finally done it lads. She's on the big stage now.
People meme about the art because its by far the most obvious. Its not like the rest of the spinoff isnt also criticized for its flaws though.
>implying he can't jump that
Did you see the Carissa punch and Accel punch?
Wake me up when Himegi appears.
What is it with that picture and pasta?
LO seems younger.
>the conversation was about the series not the show since we've seen nothing about it yet
>wasnt able to keep the accel shitposting and the episode shitposting seperate in his head
Railgun at its absolute worst (Dreamranker) is 10x better than the Accel manga. It's only notable for introducing the Scavengers, who are practically Railguns now anyway. The plot is totally disconnected from anything happening in the Index verse, and it's a huge wasted opportunity.
>People will bitch about how the anime handled the IT scene
>until they read NT22
was this all apart of Kamachi's plan?
> I am totally stronger than magic gods right now, like give up already dude! Why don't you believe me?
>totally disconnected
hello speedreader
We just saw the PV you dipshit. And the point was that the Accel manga doesn't deserve an adaptation.
> Dreamwanker
> Absolute Worst
I thought that glory is reserved for SCHOOL.
Except no one has, shitposter
>Estelle is finally in anime form
>Is not her Idol form
Why caring?
The look of a man who really doesn't want to eat a mean haymaker.
You mean STUDY and he's talking about the manga. Level upper was still probably worse than dreamranker though.
Who's this semen sucker? What does she do?
>Touma will never save you
NBR imouto bait for lolicons
Good boy!
Be smug for the first part of NT then become another generic harem girl with no relevancy
Railgun is a very good manga.
Imagine taking away that crown and not giving it back to her.
Make it a NT8 doujin with birdway in the bathtub then, who cares, all I know is I need some Lessar asap
Was this in novels?
Level upper was the only bad arc in the manga.
>dream ranker
>absolute worst
Yikes, get some taste. The only bad part of that arc were the shota chapters.
>I know people meme that Accelerator manga is shit because of Arata's art
No. Accel manga is the same garbage as Index s3.
Dream ranker is actually pretty good now that it's finished and you can read it in one sitting, it was absolutely dreadful to get through because of 19 pages per month though. But like the other anons said Level upper was way worse, the only good parts of that shit was the SoL.
That ITEM subplot is so retarded, and yet so hot.
I want to see her become Dark Rikou when she reaches Level 5
Say what you want but this is 10/10 ep for me
The robutt fight was pretty bad all things considered too. And it meanders a lot and didnt seem to have direction for a while. Who even remembers what the point of the scavengers was?
Leivinia Birdway. She claims imouto status and pisses people off..
Anime will fix everything, mobileposter.
>still posting this shitty facebook chart where it lists 2 or 3 criticisms and the rest is "waaah why didn't they do this thing I wanted"
Cute girls, cute Fiamma, cute IT. What else does an episode need?
Kamachi really didn't know what he wanted to do with the characters. It reeks of editor meddling because they probably demanded that he resurrect Mugino somehow.
How did Touma not give her the T?
This and some of the early brexit episodes are my favorites of the season
Reminder that Part 5 was hot garbage but the anime made it kino
>So this is the power of the spiral...
When does Birdway get punched?
Robutt fight was good minus the last bit and we finally saw Mikoto fighting someone on par with her since the fucking Sisters arc. Scavengers were there to restore their rank and Leader got some development.
I don't like accel mango but holy shit, that expectations list is atrocious
How would you rate the 3 seasons of index?
S1 8/10
S2 6/10
S3 4/10
How is JC Staff allowed to exist?
Based Hamazura
> buff herself to use more lasers
> miss every single one anyway
It's like Mugino doesn't want to win, lmao
>What else does an episode need?
Good drawing, good animation, good pacing, good direction. Many things.
3/10, try again
I'm rating them for how well adapted/animated they are.
cursed image
Whoever made this feels pretty entitled
>yfw hip thrusting animals
S1 - 7/10
S2 - 6,5/10
S3 - ~ 2/10
>How is JC Staff allowed to exist?
They destroyed so many franchises that I really do not understand this.
She made the crucial mistake of going for the T with no build up. If she had done the cute cheerleader act, the doting and the supporting and then acted cute and shyly asked for him to be her boyfriend she probably would have landed him. Instead she started from the get go with "please knock up each and every one of my eggs with your sperm" and touma immediately backed off.
can you belly punch a girl into orgasm given she has her ovaries down there?
Hope they go down after they completely butcher OPM
>Kamijo -> Kamijou
>Ability crystal -> body crystal
>Russian Church -> Russian Orthodox
>Roman Orthodox -> Roman Catholic
>sorcerer -> magician
>magical item -> spiritual item
>x question if I may -> My x question
>Right Seat of God -> God's Right Seat
>List of Prohibited Books -> Index Librorum Prohibitorum
>Person superior to god - >One Above God
>B'Tselem -> Bethlehem
Why is Fiamma so cute when he's scared?
What the fuck with her face? Did they even see what this character looks like?
Gap moe
>I'm going to masturbate SO HARD with this arm
Wow! It looks pretty cool.
Would you recommend watching ep24 while eating BK or a hot pocket burger?
The last two episodes are gonna be atrocious since JC staff will be channeling all their staff into OPM2 since its airing
Does it matter?
All sluts love beatings.
what the fuck?
thaks user
They really sold Fiamma's "I'm a genius! Oh no!" moment.
>yfw you fucked up badly
Please stop with this shitty "kino" meme already.
It's actually kind of cute when it's small and not trying to murder everything in front of it.
It's not our fault Kamachi shits out kino almost every other month
I love Misaki!
Thanks. I won’t be able to do my version this week since I’m out of town.
Remove Misaka
>literally only one mention of the word and user is already on edge
Anyone else getting Akio Takami vibes from the Accelerater PV shots?
>Accel anime screenshots look good
>People come in saying it wasn't needed at all
Funny how this never came up when it was announced, but now that the screenshots show up it's suddenly a shitstorm. Hmmm.
Fuck off, cancer.
Cringed hard
I cant believe they STILL haven't figured out sorcerer is wrong.
They skipped it because they didnt wanted to ruin a Mikoto scene with shitty JC Staff quality
She doesn't mind. It's not as if he's exclusive to his girlfriend or anything.
Is this trash finally over?
the hamazura subplot is the worst part of s3
Shut up spic trash.
What Mugino even tries to accomplish?
I cant wait until the PV comes and its another Power point with 50% black screens
Pretty sure people were surprised and not particularly positive about accelerators anime from the moment it was announced. The focus was always on the fact that it meant the big announcement was going to be something worth caring about.
S1: 8/10
S3: 3/10
You're the only spic here. Only spic subhumans bring Yea Forums cancer in here.
>yfw Accel pv has more sakuga than OPM2
The Othinus strategy.
And thats Hamazura at his best, he is even more forced in NT
You can apply all the reality on Railgun too.
Get ready for Demon God Othinus in the last episode.
It's not a shitstorm, just a couple people looking for replies.
>they actually got IT right
For once JC Staff, you met my expectations.
You want NT to be ruined by JC Staff already?
>Accel anime screenshots look good
Nahhh. It looks better than index 3 but that doesn't say much.
Its ok. But personally i will wait for the trailer.
No one was going "REEEE WORST SPIN OFF WASTE OF AN ADAPTION". Everyone was surprised but no one was going ape to piss people off. It was a quiet and interesting reception.
murdering the worst character
>no one was saying it was the worst spin off
You're joking I hope? People even literally joked that "at least it cant be worse than the manga"
>R-railgun is bad too!
No user, its not.
Yes. I don't actually care about the animation, I just wish the pacing was less autistic.
I don't see her murdering Shitway (as nice as it would be)
>It looks better than Index 3
So it looks good then? I say wait for the trailer too but to say 'it doesn't look good' is silly.
Nice writing kamachi, lmao. Touma is once again saved by bullshit deus ex machina that was never implied to even be real. What next? Does he have an even greater power behind this one? This is Naruto tier fiction. I am out.
>I don't actually care about the animation
>only screen shots
Its gonna be a powerpoint PV you fool
SEETHE harder
No one was. They were saying the anime would improve on the manga. Different context.
The anime is.
NT first few volumes were shit to begin, NT2 was full infodump with fanfic tier scenes in between to please the fans.
And JC Staff will make that worse
Don't worry, it was foreshadowed, just like the Misaka equivalent of the Sephiroth and Qliphoth.
Should've read the LN bro
Also garbage.
Ok how the fuck does this work? Is the adaptation being retarded or am I being retarded?
Spot the Krulfag.
>So it looks good then?
Even a piece of shit looks better than index 3. That's literally tg: re level or even worse. Until the trailer comes out we cannot determine whether it will be good or not. It may be something good or it may be
Wait, Mugino is no killing Hamazura anymore?
You're lucky I'm too lazy to dig through th archive and prove this blatant revisionism wrong
Everytime he nearly dies something conveniently pops up and saves his harem gathering ass. Every. Time.
You didn't think that he was actually a normal high school boy that just randomly got Imagine Breaker, did you? Imagine Breaker is there to keep something from getting out
Hello it is I the creator of that infamous Accelerator Manga Chart, it honestly amazes me that after all these years people still share this... I think this all started when me and a friend were talking about Accelerator's Manga's low quality and I ended up making a meme making fun of the manga's weak points and the other side being things I wish were in the manga, my dreams were definitely idealistic and unrealistic but I was having fun making that honestly. My friend then suggested for me to post it here so Kamachi Kazuma sees it and tries to improve upon the poor quality of the manga since he believed Kamachi spies on these threads. Needless to say it never really went anywhere but this meme still made me and my other friends laugh. I'm fairly neutral on this old meme continuously being shared here but just thought I'd drop by and revisit my thoughts on it almost 2 years later.
At last I have found a sane man.
Frenda doesn't have hamazuras luck
Almost like people are falseflagging for attention, really makes me think
>W-why don't they just cut his arm off
Secondaries BTFO
Yeah, thought so.
>doesnt like smug lolis
What's wrong with you?
would it be a lot to ask for NT to be adapted with this quality of animation and better pacing?
>The anime is
> The best thing that happened to this franchise in anime
You can tell that the episode was fun due to the amount of fags trying so hard to shit on everything else
Are you trying to imply with that pic that Apocrypha looked bad? Because Apocrypha had god tier animation, especially with action scene.
>something from getting out
W-What is it?
Yes. JC don't give a shit.
Do it yourself if you're so confident you're right. Go find the thread and show off how positive and totally hyped for the accelerator anime people were. No one has ever given much of a shit.
It works exactly like that. If his arm is destroyed, the new one takes the place and returns Imagine Breaker where it belongs. Nobody knows why it's like this but this is like it is.
read nt9, kid
I just want to destroy all their faces with my fist.
It really is sad. Imagine being so pathetic that they spend every waking moment just trying to be hostile and shitposting at all times. What a miserable life they lead.
>This quality of animation
>Posts a still
At least post something animated, damn.
I think I got a Bingo
Might as well watch ed edd n' eddy.
Touma's unrelenting, unstoppable lust.
I meant in relation to the episode, pic was unrelated
Kamijou Touma
An eldritch abomination(s). What we know so far is that Aleister needs to purify it by having it gain EXP, which is why he keeps putting Touma in ridiculous situations. If it fully gets out, shit will get real, to the point that Aiwass says it can oneshot him.
Mob is an anomaly in this day and age. The anime industry needs to slow the fuck down
Am I the only one who wants fiamma to win?
I hope there's guro art of Birdway
I dont think thats too much to ask since apparently they're in production hell and we know that there was no way to end the season at any good point before this.
Why the FUCK did they cut Mikoto's sakuga?
Do they hate money?
>Does he have an even greater power behind this one
At least try to pretend you're secondary.
Instead of that, pixiv has this.
thats why she ranks under Misaka as Lv5, she has less control / need more time for calculation even tho output wise her Meltdowner could outclass Electromaster
Othinus did literally nothing wrong.
Fish Eggs
It was well spent on super Hamazura and Fiamma realizing how badly he fucked up.
Holy shit I've waited for Birdway for so long I don't know what kind of emotions I'm feeling right now
Nips where's my Accel PV?
What are chances of Othinus being in last scene of S3?
What's her appeal?
100% with Birdway being in the season, unless they announce NT right after the episode
Keep the world exactly as is.
I know. All I feel is disgust that she even exists.
>can take a hit
it's here
Mikoto a shit
Her literally everything.
Lolidom but she isnt even good at that
HC and Jaaan look totally normal and all the sisters look totally off model. Its weird
Birdwayfags are cancer
It looks better than OPM 2 and its not even airing this season
Othinus did a lot wrong. But in her position I'd be likely to do the same.
Is this the same for Kakine?
Accel only needs 50 years to acquire level 6?
Holy shit it actually looks good.
Blonde, does anything else matter?
Well so much for a continuous year of anime
>wow wtf why are fans of a character celebrating her appearance in the anime? This has literally never happened before has it?
>That last order clothes
>That OST
>That colorful, not washed out artstyle
>That sakuga
A-anons, I...I think I'm in love...
Yog-Sothoth with dragons instead of tentacles
Who's she dragging?
There is no sakuga there but the colors are the best of the 3 series
So it will be only one cour right?
The scene of him falling was pretty sakuga and the effects look fun. It looks promising.
I want to cut Birdway's throat and watch her bleed out
I want to break every bone in her body
I want to burn her
A very cute french terrorist
ED: sajou no hana
So it's airing in july?
Yeah Railgun s3 in fall
Not really. There are always two or three anime per year that can shit out great production value.
And Mob in particular has the advantage of having very simple art style which allows them to produce incredible animation much more consistently (just like Sun & Moon, who I think is easily the most consistently well animated long running anime ever). With a more complex artstyle, they produce something on the level of Blood Blockade BattleFront, Eureka TV or OPM (which was technically a Bones anime ft. Arifumi Imai).
NT anime when?
OPMkeks literally DED
Accel has SHAT on them
Was IT bending and crushing HR in the novel? Because if not that was a neat as hell little touch.
Somehow looks better than Index III.
>series composition guy is the same as Clockwork Planet
Pls no
Where were you when they saved the state of Index?
Great, I just hope they don't rush Gunha/Touma broship scenes
I don't think so but that also could've been IB rejecting Fiamma
Is there ANYONE in fiction that can beat three Innocentius?
I remember HR glitching in the novel.
>Railgun anime
>Rushing anything
Your worries are misplaced. On the contrary, you should be scared of them dragging shit out.
Looks like there's some new scenes in the anime to help pad it out. Might even fix up Arata's pacing. It's looking pretty bright.
Wow, actual animation, and the airdate is not a month immediately after the PV? Holy shit, this might actually be fucking good.
Who is the redhead that Yomikawa attacks?
I like the way they framed Fiamma's arm in these shots.
>Guitar metal OST
My GG boner is high.
But they have enough material adapt this time.
Fuck both you cunts and your novel, this anime is objectively shit
Accelerator OP is titled The Sixth Lie. ED is Sajou no Hana.
>when that shitty death meme visiting anime from twitter actually predicted the future as it skipped Accel anime's door
Absolute fucking based
No matter how I look at it, it looked like it was holding on to HR, pulled back when Fiamma staggered, and then was getting ready to end him.
>that OST when Fiamma cuts his arm off
Imagine all the effort and budget that Index NT is going to receive if Accel got such a treatment!
It probably was. IT wanted to kill Fiamma right there and then, but Touma told it to fuck off
Worst Kamachi protagonist.
R-Railgunbros...we can still compete, right...?
I fucking love Accel's VA
I'm here to fuck imoutos and lick lollipops.
Back to discord you go.
Looks like the Big Order director is gonna pull a LAST ORDER instead.
>Accel PV already looking better than the entire S3
No no no not like this.
They had enough material to adapt last time too but that didn't stop Nagaispace.
At least you have key art which all but guarantees that it won't receive the Index 3 treatment. I can only assume Railgun 3/D's PV will air after the first episode of Accel drops just like with what happened when Index 3 first aired.
Be optimistic, at least it's not Index III, DAL 3, or OPM 2.
>key art has the uniforms colored incorrectly
>no gloves on Misaki
>3D backgrounds
It's ruined already.
Don't bully the smelly frenchie.
Index3keks btfo.
PS1 graphics
>inb4 it's Nagai's "vision"
>Lolidom but she isnt even good at that
That's the best kind.
How high is her powerlevel? Can she walk all over fiamma?
PV where?
>yfw the mech are not CG and are actually painstakingly handdrawn
Ok, amma in. It looks ten times better than s3.
Big Order director gonna sneak in a h-scene for him
What Nagaispace accelerator even supposed to be about?
No, Fiamma is the 3rd strongest magician on earth right now, but she's really strong for her age. She's like an Accel tier prodigy of the magic side
With Index she can create OH MAH GUNGNIR and btfo the universe.
Now, I wait again.
I think this is the latest power level chart I have since I haven't browsed here in a while.
She can walk over most people, but Fiamma etc are in their own category.
Which characters are most likely to listen to bands like Anal Cunt?
> implying thor can defeat fiamma
>There's still one private video on toaru project's channel
Who are ready for Anna Sperglord > Magic Gods? She spared them after all.
>Accel anime looks THIS good
Guys, we might actually get actual doujins scanned...
Ollerus and Aleister, dummy.
Umidori, Saia, Accelerator
>Hishigata x Hirumi
>Hirumi x Estelle tentacle rape
>Accel x Estelle vanilla
>Accel x Leader watersports
>Accel x Seike full homo
I'm really feeling it
Misaki's anime.
Fuck I am hyped
Probabbly just a shilling video for the Index 3 BDs
>Accel x Estelle x Hirumi
>Accel x Hishigata
>Accel x Imoutos x Last Order
AnimeJapan hasn't even officially opened yet so they could be saving another PV for later.
I am ready for Railgun III.
I stopped reading actively a while ago. What have I missed? I think I was around NT 17-ish.
This image sums up NT18-22.
Yeah Railgun will still look the best.
Accel BTFO magic gods, Touma has eggs in him, and Hamazura beat up his GF just to bring back a bitch to teach her to blow bubbles.
Will it be good or bad?
Time for Carnival Phantasm!
Nah, Railgun 3 will look like ass if the PV pic is anything to go by.
You missed Crowley (flashbacks included) vs Laura Arc.
I didn't read the manga, is it him again?
10/10 fucking episode I really like it when they focus on the dialogue like this
A new chart is coming after this volume is finished maybe
Yeah, I too am happy for the 5 second still frame animations of Railgun 3!
They're adorable together. This reminds me, it's a shame Sasha wasn't with Touma instead when he had a little magical loli squad going in NT8.
Who is the character designer?
I like how you keep posting this when its not even close to true and you havent gotten many replies at all. Thats dedication to your craft.
Is Coronzon really stronger than Magic Gods? Like they can trivially destroy the world, while Demon Baka need keikaku to pull that off.
Sasha x Touma x Lessar FUCKING WHEN
Unfortunately she's already a mother and not part of the golden so she doesnt mesh. A shortstack and a loli is a god tier combo though and I hope to see them in lots of doujins.
Literally read what he said, this was made like 3-4 volumes ago and a new one is being made for after this volume
>checked the archive and I only posted it twice including now
Rent free.
This is post infinite-nerfing
I wanna lick birdway all over
Coronzon doesn't want the world itself to be destroyed, she wants the humans to wipe eachother out and then let nature take its course.
No, they're not, there is literally only one guy that always tries to push this headcanon of his and get btfo every time.
>vs Laura Arc
Now this is the motivation I've been searching for. Thanks user!
Where does Coronzon fit in if Fiamma has full power ( no interference from Touma ? )
>Tsūjō Kōgeki ga Zentai Kōgeki de Ni-kai Kōgeki no Okā-san wa Suki desu ka? (TV) : Character Design
WTF I LOVE 八重樫 洋平
She does
When did all these nice storyboarding came from all of a sudden?
I really like the dialogue parts, Mugino and Hamazura then Touma and Fiamma
>Index 3
No, this is a different siscon. He's on another level of taboo since his imouto is actually blood related, and it's necrophilia.
I'm not sure about stronger in general, but Coronzon's keikaku is opening a hole to the bottom layer of existence and pumping in power to eradicate everything instead of painting over the canvas. That really infers she could nuke a planet at least.
>using cross-board term instead of plain old oppai loli
You sicken me.
They saved storyboarding for WWIII.
holy mother of based
Shortstack isnt a crossboard term its a real life term dumbass.
Birdway spinoff when?
OPMfags are crying right now
More like this.
She had LN that featured her and PArt2 (New Testament) she had lots of roles
First, the gremlin gods don't get a separate slot for their nerfs so they are kinda iffy with the standard. Second Coronzon's plan is to make it so nothing even the currently immortal things can live. You could argue that full power gods are probably stronger. Nerf gods are about the same but since Kamachi is giving god killery away for free now they should be sub Coronzon.
Give me examples of his art.
It's not Yea Forums related or something that originated from Yea Forums. It's like you use bipolar instead of tsundere.
Lessar isnt an oppai loli
Bipolar is not the same as tsundere. Do you get your panties in a twist when someone says psychopath instead of yandere/gire too you fucking weeb?
This is only his second time as a character designer. This is what I was referring to
She's not flat, so she is.
No shit it isn't.
>psychopath instead of yandere/gire
Which is stupid and wrong. Not using proper terms makes you stupid. It's that simple.
Magic Gods at full power, most likely not but I think they are about equal, maybe Coronzon having the edged on them as nerfed Magic gods.
Reminds me of Satsuriku no Tenshi.
>anyone thats not flat and is short is an oppai loli
You're a dumbass
Cuckedex 3
Yes, yes you're right not using the proper terms is stupid and wrong. Which is why I used the proper ones instead of trying to be a weeb and inject japanese words into every sentence I write even when they dont fit.
Careful guys, my LRD senses are tingling.
A loli with breasts larger than A is an oppai loli. Deal with it.
>muh weeb
Go back to Yea Forums, cross-boarder.
>Retard saying PV would look like a power-point black screen
>PV comes out, not a single peep from him
>its not Yea Forums related so you cant use that word
Stop saying retard, use baka.
Stop saying cool, use sugoi.
Stop saying lewd, use hentai.
>Index 3
Am fucking hype for jewish blonde goddess
He's too busy trying to start fanbase wars
>A loli with breasts larger than A is an oppai loli.
What rock did you crawl out from under? Lessar is 14 anyways and doesnt have the loli body type. She's just short. Stop being a dumbass.
The Sixth Lie
It's literally posted in this thread and in the PV itself
Then... THIS is the IT after all? I wasn't imagine it that way :/
>forcing slippery slope fallacy when we're talking about proper lexicon and not generic shared words between languages that can be conveyed universally
Lessar has always been a loli, troll. And there are plenty of JC who have loli bodies. Age is irrelevant.
>anyone who thinks that I'm being a cringy weeb for refusing to use english words must be from Yea Forums
Mate there's line between having fun and going along with a boards culture and being a fucking weeb. You clearly havent learned where that line is if you're going to jump on people using english words on an english speaking board and sputter about them not usig your favorite anime words instead. If you want to use words knock yourself out, but jumping on everyone who doesnt say desu after every sentence makes you a fucking weeb.
kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino kino
suck it basedboys
For making a spin-off few wanted look better than the main series everyone wants? No thanks.
Learn English retard
>we're talking about proper lexicon
>for oppai loli
Holy kek
These guys.
FUCK NO. PV looks good yes and I fucking applaud them but the show hasn't aired yet. Let's not forget all the bullshit they've done with Raildex since it has first gotten an anime.
I was expecting a watery dragon head shape taking a bite out of fiamma's gnarly hand.
Reminder that LO and Worst crave the Touman and can't wait for Accelerator to die so they can return to their true savior and love Touman.
>Lessar has always been a loli
Welp, thats my signal to stop replying
I honestly would prefer nagai shit than a shit paced LN adaptation
This isn't about using English words on an English imageboard, this is about you using the improper and cringe term from like a crossboarder.
What's next? Loli is just a made-up term that doesn't mean anything?
>no taller than Index who's a loli and near Sasha's height
>petite, childish underdeveloped body save slightly moderate tits
>not oppai loli
Good. Now stop replying.
>Not having them do it instead.
Fucking based.
I fucking love accel
>improper term
Lessar is short. Lessar is stacked. She is a short stack. Dumbass.
S1 7/10
S2 7/10
S3 2/10
Will we Indexniggers ever get a decent adaptation of NT, or a Studio change?
Go back
stupid sexy demon.
Rent-fucking free.
NOW if we could get Heavy Object S2 or Heavy Ice, everything would be fucking perfect
>Index who is a loli
Not him but what the fuck.
We fucking hope they'll fix the pacing for NT adaptation.
S3 has been so fucking weird and cramped. Remember when we used to debate about having WW3 a separate single cour instead?
>LRD is on a roll
Well, this could be worse...THK worse.
No no no user. Its "nani the fuck".
Go make you own threads, your kind don't belong here.
If you think s2 is 7/10 then s3 shouldn't be a 2/10
S1 is 7/10, S2 is a 6/10 and s3 is 5-6/10 too
I remember there being so much hope when Index 3 was first announced. I don't want to repeat the same thing for NT.
Uhhh yikes!
>Not him
Sure thing. Index has always been considered a loli and it has bee argued to death. Stay new.
But an NT adaptation literally hasn't been confirmed.
What the fuck do these acronyms mean?
Hopefully Toaru project doesn't end on railgun s3
By retards maybe
Boogeymen people on Yea Forums love to deflect to. They're not as bad as ACK, though.
>newfags doesn't know kinoposting roots in raildex
Serious question. How long have you been lurking Yea Forums?
Said a retard who can't into loli and thinks age matters.
I havent said a thing about age. Index is too tall.
>people still trying to pretend that Index, Accel, and Railgun are seperate
Any win for the spin offs is a win for Raildex. Most of us like everything here. Not sure why people try to make a fanbase war when there isnt one
>under 150cm
>too tall
Thanks for proving it again.
>still trying to make a fanbase war
kek GTFO newfag
>>people still trying to pretend that anyone was trying to pretend that Index, Accel, and Railgun are seperate
Not sure when people try to make a false argument when there isnt one
>tfw Accelerator has better animation quality than Index S3.
why is everyone bashing season 3
Do you really want me to link all the "INDEXKEKS BTFO" and such? Are you really going to pretend the literally dozens of posts this thread didnt happen?
Not being a braindead defender =/= bashing
It's honestly dogshit paced and budgeted
But overall, I'm still happy we got it adapted
Because it's a shitty adaptation
NT is even less adaptation friendly.
Like 3-4 fags are sperging like every week. Most here wish it would have been better, but are still having fun with it
Likewise, saying that you like something about the anime doesnt make you a braindead shill, which you seem all to eager to call everyone
Not him, but...
>what is falseflaggers and fanbase war shitstarters doing it for the lulz
But if they don't rush it it'll be fine
Fuck off back to your plantation.
shame that i skipped battle royale because it was so confusing, after seeing miguno like this, im interested what happened
Index never had a good anime but at the very least it had two serviceable ones. It's not like Railgun and Railgun S where you have the excuse of saying I like these episodes EXCEPT the filler part which are always conveniently at the latter half of the season, and you can genuinely say, "yeah these parts are fucking good." But with Index it is always a mixed bag of nuts, some are good, some are bad, many are just boring, until season 3 where it is just a mess. I was always more intrigued with the world at that time and the SCIENCE and magic bullshit it had, and later thanks to Railgun manga and the LNs made me love the characters more.
At that time when I watched it as I have not engaged with the novels or any of the manga I would rate Index 1 a solid 7/10. Enjoyable, kinda boring at parts but picks up in episode 18 living you wanting more since it blueballed me with Index and Misaka meeting and the whole science vs magic thing. But things have changed so here is my current rating:
Season 1; 6/10
Season 2: 7.5/10
Season 3: 4/10
I would have been more cruel for season 3 if not for the fact that there at leas a few a few episodes that were genuinely well paced, well animated, and well directed, and the fact that the stories are one of the best in the original novels but it's overshadowed by the amount of really really bad episodes and story alone can't carry the entire anime. must be.....slow...
what exactly is fiamma trying to save the world from
i feel like he just wants to be heroic at any cost, even if hes clearly doing more damage than good
If you had a life, you'd know people can't be at their computers all the time. But sadly you're just a cancerous Yea Forums monkey.
They're very, very upset that we've gotten Index 3, Railgun 3, Accel, and likely Index NT and on. So they've spent all season trying their damnest to make everyone miserable. Its funny to see them sperg whenever you say you like the season despite its flaws, or even just express general happiness. They always immediately jump down your throat to try to call you a shill or say that we're "just pretending" or whatever because they cant stomach the fact that we're getting literal years of Raildex and theres not a single thing they can do to stop it or stop us from having fun.
who are "they"
Who cares? Index is old and busted.
Ah, and here comes the "Index 3 is under attack by a group of angry anons who are mad we got more anime" argument even though no-one on Yea Forums thinks like this.
That gekota is creepy.
Because it looks like fucking shit?
The 3-4 shitposters, obviously. Lets not pretend they dont exist again, you've been proven wrong countless times already.
People with opinions he don't like.
If people wanted to troll a fanbase they would troll a fanbase large enough to actually care about, like BnHA. No one is "down your throats," so give it a rest.
Right then, so when I express that I liked a certain part of the episode and get called a shill or what not, it's actually secretly by people that enjoy the show, right? Oh and when people literally spend hours shitting on the show and blatantly say that the series is shit and Kamachi is a hack, they secretly love the show and are just tsundere, right?
Nah, just accept the fact that you cant win and move on champ.
Stop kidding yourself, season 3 was garbage.
Some people just want to see the world burn. Don't worry, guys, I love all three series and nothing will change that for me. False flaggers and trolls be damned.
Larger fanbases are far easier to be drowned out in but good try
Gifs better than webm
Based denialposter, you show them.
The absolute buttdevastation out of this post, top kek.
See. look how triggered they get. Their hands are probably balled into little fists in frustration. Bless them.
Fiamma was cute this episode
Nice lack of reading comprehension
Nice damage control, shill.
t. 3-4 anons
>Gifs better than webm
good taste
Holy fuck pretenditsgoodfag is delusional as fuck
For what, sites not supporting webms?
>has to default into "Y-Y-YOURE JUST MAD"
Kek, get fucked
uhh the anime is perfect guys, 10/10 episode btw
its just 3 guys that dislike the anime
Seems like you're the only one getting triggered here, user. But please keep avatarfagging.
I don;t think you meant to reply to me, user
Rate the PV
Better than S3/10
Literally nobody says this though. They say they like the anime despite its flaws. Then you try to paint it like we act like its flawless when we dont.
This. 3-4 guys is literally just MP having 3-4 different personas.
No one said any of those things?
Nice try, MP.
>repeat the same thing every few weeks
>watch as the same couple of fags reply angrily to it every time
>No one even posting the way MP does
>Holy shit it's MP, I knew it all along!!!!
>maybe if I blatantly lie, people will think its tok much effort to prove me wrong and I can convince the one or two people who dont know better than I'm right