Hibike! Euphonium Chikai no Finale theme song PV preview

>dream solister
>blast! youtube.com/watch?v=eLqb7Tc6uxQ

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I'm very much looking forward to seeing this on April 19th.

Can't wait for shipfags to get btfo.

Even the song sounds lesbian.

>Can't wait for shipfags to get btfo.
You mean you can't wait for the Kumiko x Reina shippers to have their tears flowing?

look at those pictures. kumirei is in the middle of them all.

>tfw no kanade gf

This is gonna end with Kumiko and Shuu getting married, isn't it?

Attached: Hibike! Euphonium Movie.jpg (546x800, 120K)

That's just bait, wait until it actually airs. The tears will be even more delicious.