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>Tsukasa Did Nothing Wrong
A single flu outbreak would have killed 90% of the people he revived because of his retarded ideas.

Even tsukasa knew he was doing something wrong at least felt very guilty over it

i don't said tsukasa reasoning is baseless, but it's utopis. it's unrealistic. Tsukasa is communism. sound's good on paper, doesn't work.


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doesn't matter
his retardation was claiming to purify society while reviving corrupted mongrels just because they came in handy

True, but I personally really hate most boomers I come across. Most are such entitled and obnoxious assholes that I could sort of sympathize with Tsukasa's reasoning.
How is it unrealistic? Get rid of the old and make way for the new to forge a path that will lead society to greatness. If boomers were revived, we'd end up with a world in a worse state with probably even less consideration for the environment and what not.

>Tsukasa goes into a coma
>Senkuu immediately resurrects capitalists who introduce currency to the world

it was top kek

You are very arrogant in thinking a bunch of retarded kids know more about how to make a functioning society than old people
Senku has been successful because he knows the value of the knowledge his elders discovered and passed along.

>Get rid of the old and make way for the new to forge a path that will lead society to greatness

Yeah, and in the first step towards building a new human civilization in this pure new world free of the corruption of the old worlds adults he chooses to revive a conman, a crooked cop, a literal sociopath, and a journalist. And these people were apparently high up on his list of people worth reviving as he ranked stone people on their value to his new world.

i like Dr Stone, but goddamn their females looks fucking awful

>Post your face when animation isn't produced by JC Staff
And it shows

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Bocchi's never been able to draw women well.

sometimes Bocchi draws them well or at least decently in a bunch of panels, but 95% of the time they look like shit

it seems the anime might fix that
Look at the KnY trailer and compare it to the manga.

Is the reused still shots ironic? I mean it's pretty funny but it also feels like the animation will be very limited.

The voices are neat, I expected Yuzuriha's to be higher but not having a constant squeaking mouse shriek everytime she talks is nice
Senkuu is better than the voice that I imagined in my head
and the animation looks not bad, legitimately great in fact
hopefully it won't turn into quality in the second half of the season

I hope you get a decent anime, stone bros
t. cloverbro

Honestly this series does not need huge amounts of animation, as long as the visuals look as great as this trailer and the direction is good it will be great. Hopefully they speed through the first arc so we can get to the village arc asap

I fucking love the soundtrack man

Interesting that they released two different pv's at the same time.

I am liking BC's tournament arc so far

Yuzuriha doesn't look like an ayy.
There's still hope

Their bodies are usually great, it's just the faces that head into kawaii uguu territory

So where anime will end?
Tsukasas death?

Cour 1: first-half - prologue arc, second half - beginning of village arc
Cour 2: village arc, ends with Senku learning about his father's survival

Then season 2 can be the Stone War.

I wasn't expecting Taiju's voice to be so deep. I was expecting Asta 2.0.

It will be 24 eps?

I always imagined him having this guy's voice.
Close enough.

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tsukasa was right, old are corrupt and evil where kids still pure

Tsukasa made one mistake he revived people older than 10 years.

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I hope prologue arc only takes like 3 episodes

that's the next villain,

>Senkus voice
I'm aroused

>3 episodes
I hope so too it's ideal.
Ep 1 will end with introduction of Tsukasa
Ep 2 Yuzuhira comeback
Ep 3 Tsukasas edge
And ep 4 will end with Senkuus death.

excellent taste, and checked

is that fucking Jonathan Joestar?

Ep 1 should end where it ended in the manga, it's a great intro.
>we will become the adam and eve of this stone world
>now THIS excites me
>doctor stone logo appears and credits roll
no opinion on the rest

> Japan really wants children to love chemistry
> excellent animation
Is a win/win for stonefans

the amount of male nudity they have animate around must have been difficult
