Is Yea Forums ready for Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV?

Is Yea Forums ready for Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV?

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Only if they kill off Maria. She's useless.


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Trailer fucking when

I'm always ready for Bikki dikki.

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Do we have a date yet?
For when the show starts airing, I mean.

I can't believe its been 14 seasons allready...

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Of course. She promised she would come back.

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I hate this

How unrealistic is it to hope for an entire season that is as great as the first episode this time?

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I'm looking forward to having actual stakes again.

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Ugly and uselessv

XV news in 15 minutes

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If I bait ack he'll keep the thread alive til news comes right?

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15 minutes


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they're just gonna delay it again

Any bets on how short whatever they show us will be?

Im guessing like15 seconds of just still faces in shock

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A single image

If you don't understand and appreciate Maria you're an idiot. She's cute and feminine, tries her best and is a good girl. Just because she's not as badass as the main cast yet doesn't mean she sucks. STOP BULLYING HER

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I've found you BROTHER

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Wait, are we expecting piccies soon?

I haven't kept up with the news.

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SPoilers in 5 minutes

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Where ?

I can't tell if you're shitposting.

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Is Miku's radio show returning?

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It never left

Yep I'm thinking she's back.

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What kind of madness will season five bring us?


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So there's no news?

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Hopefully Hibiki's dad will show back up.

Not at all but I can't wait regardless.
I'm also not ready for another complete lack of subs

It is time

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got baited

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When did Jii become the designated pits girl?

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>Maria is still a main character
It's shit.

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Because she has no other notable features.

tagline is from Nijiiro
>Yes, just believe
>Create a history out of light
>Unknown to even God himself
>The undying flame
>Shines on the future
>Won't you fly with me?
>Just feeling
>On days when your tear-stained wings
>Are too heavy to fly, then wish
>Hold in your right hand
>A strength you draw
>Fly together like birds Singing heart

Attached: XVlogo.png (960x480, 235K)

We need new yuri couples.

No, we need good writing and time management.

Half of them are exposing their pits in that lineup

Shush. She's the pits girl now.

The inclusion of all the season 2 girls as main characters was the worst thing to happen to the show.

Debate me.

No, we need shitty ass pulls and plot twists that don't have a point except to be unexpected and try to be over the top, and Miku gear.

Can't, you're right.
They should've died at the end of GX.

Are we going to have a flat earth debate too?

How did this show get 5 seasons?
I could barely sit through the first and the second was just bait. Thats as far as i could will myself to get.

Literally impossible until they drop the squad back down to 3 members (even then, in S1 Chris didn't show up for awhile and when she did, Tsubasa took a vacation to balance the timeshare) and stop having so many villains.

>I could barely sit through the first and the second was just bait.


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No rly.
There was supposed to be magical mecha and singing and we basically get neither

>having expectations
>watching symphogear
pick one user, or you're just gonna end up hating something otherwise.

Why does he need a squad of little girls to fight for him when he has shown us he is more than capable of taking down final bosses by himself bare handed.
Does he do it just to beat up the little girls while playing training montage music?

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Did you speedwatch the first season?

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He could have ended everything before the whole shooting the moon shit. He's just got cheap shotted for being too perfect.

He also seemed to do just fine against the noise by simply hurling the fucking earth through them, no need for singing.
Not that the noise have really been all that relevant since season 1, they are pretty much reserved as cannon fodder for whatever new big bad they are fighting.


I already have a hand in my pants

>S1 title has X-drive
>S2 title has base form
>S3 title has ignite
>S4 title has ignite
>S5 title has X-drive again

Attached: xdrive.png (1280x720, 936K)

This. Fuck whatever constitutes "good writing" for those anime critic wannabes, Symphogay is about crazy bullshit happening all the time and specially right at the end of every episode and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>Title is purple
You already know who is back to help her girlfriend

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>only watched seasons 1 and 2
Time to marathon

Should have been YV but it's close enough

Where is the pv?

If you mean the short TV CM, probably in like a week or two like last time
If you mean the full PV, not until June

>user posts hot dolls.

Patrician taste there my fellow doll fucker.

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Xnite Drive.

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I don't think Hibiki had foot-wings in her X-drive before, so this is something even further beyond

Bikki is for Miku, though.
Yukine is for her senpai, though.

has anyone here been to a symphogear live before
how hard is it for gaijin
I really wanna try for the next one

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Zoid did a writeup on his blog
The hardest parts are that BD tickets have to be paid for in-person at 7-eleven so you need a specialized proxy service or a person in Japan, and the fact that ticket resellers have shut down since then so you have to go through the BD tickets.

I tried the BD lottery but didn't win.

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I love this.

XV = Xtreme Ver

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We aren't blessed enough to deserve another appearance of him.

will he ascend past death next season?


Im not ready Yea Forums, this is my favorite, retarded series. What am I supposed to do when it finishes?

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>violet XV
There is no gear with that color. Tsubasa x Chris docking confirmed?

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I know she's been lacking in screen time lately but it's still rude to forget Miku exists

Will anime music ever top Radiant Force (Ignited)?

So Angel Bikki confirmed. Anything else?
The Mikugear thing and god plot could be also be a ruse for all we know.
Fuck I want less battles and more quality character development time, but with 6 main characters this will never happen again.

The character development we will get is if miku kisses hibiki

right on the butt

The non-ignite version is better, and the scene with it is better than the scene with ignite. Ignite is just shit all around.

Hell yeah. Symphogear is stupid fun action and I love every second.

I'm glad we aren't losing sight of what's important

there's always this period of uncertainty for me between Symphogear seasons, after one ends and before the next one is announced, where I briefly have no reason to go on living

I can't believe this guy stop drawing yuri and draw het porn including Miku instead.

fuck bronard

Tbf didnt the G Xdrive have wings? We havent truly had Xdrive since then, GX had the 3rd tier of Ignite and AXZ had alchemized Gungnir

I just want one of the villains to be as hot as Cag. Without a male voice this time, plz.

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Ignite Beyond the Blade and Senritsu Sorority is superior tho

>Hell yeah. Symphogear is stupid fun action and I love every second.

It would be cool if it got some of the Mob Psycho 100 animators on board

I am ready

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>God could not know
We endgame now boys. Hibiki's going to first the Custodians. I hope the Custodian boss doesn't turn into a giant monster like all other bosses.

Yes, I'm ready to see my cute gay daughters get a happy ending.

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Shit I haven't even finished AXZ.

Will this be Miku's season?

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Yes, that means she is going to die

I hope XV is good
S1 is still the best

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I can't wait to see more of my wife Kirika

get ready for aj news tomorrow
i hope

They'll be lonely without best cat mom.

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At least we can all agree that if it doesn't bring best girl back, then it's shit.

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Based. Maria is very cute and a good wife.

Shitty cat. Need to be out down.

Wrong pic.

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I just hope she gets to be flirty and gay with Tsubasa. It's all she's good for.

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Oops, my hand slipped.

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Can we please get a season that's not shit?

I don't want Symphogear to end
Summer stay away

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).subbed.mkv_snapshot_00.11_[20 (1280x720, 1.74M)

All good things must come to an end, user.

This but unironically

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I can't wait for Hibiki to ascend to godhood and make the Sun Shine forever and ever.


>Without a male voice this time, plz

I'm not sure if I can keep myself from anheroing without a constant stream of Bikki content.

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Best outfit.

It's Hibiki x Miku dummy didn't you pay attention to the end of the last season.

Learn how to draw before XV and you can make an endless stream of Bikki content yourself!
only if you draw Dikki tho

I went to the GX one ama.

How does Yea Forums feel about the upcoming BanDori collab?

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Forgot XD

It'll be fun, Arisa and Miku should join forces.

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AXZ finally didn't shit on biki all season but her song was lame and full of essentially meme lines that made it akward as fuck. They better give her a good catchy song again and stop having every line out of her mouth about her right first grasping justice. Even Chris had bad dialog like that last time.

How did Kayanon sound? In the recording she doesn't seem to be trying all that hard to sing in Kirika's voice, but this seems to be unique to the GX live. Was it the mic? A cold? Or was she really just not good at it and improved?

Fuck off.

>muh sun
>muh star
>muh warm
>muh shine

But all of Hibiki's songs are bangers. Chris is the one that gets shitty combat songs.

Post more Chris.

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>Makyuu - Ichaival
>Gun Bullet XXX

I want to hug Chris and call her cute

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Ok, but only because she is really cute and fluffy!

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>You can never hug Chris
>Chris will never call you a dummy and hit you

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I hope the artist sells it online.
Their style is really good.

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This. Is Symphogear goes on further it's at risk of ending up like Nanoha.

I want Fine back.

Too bad, you're getting Carol.

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>Carolfaggots STILL think that worst girl will ever show up again

This anime makes me cum so much

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maria is best girl and nobody can ever convince me otherwise

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>posts bench press
i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you saved that filename from somewhere else because i refuse to believe that someone who likes maria for the right reasons can be this retarded


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Why do people say (or even wish for) Symphogear will end after XV? It could have ended after S1 or even G but it kept going. As long as it sells.
I wish for Symphogear to never end.

I wanna see a happy, healthy Chris!
I wanna see Maria have cool fight scenes and do really anything.
I wanna see Tsubasa do Tsubasa things.
And I guess I'm looking forward to new Shirabe character songs.

I hope dess is the main character this time.

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thank you for believing in me i have fixed the error and it wont happen again

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Liked Shirabe in G, but she felt like a filler character in GX and AXZ

>it wont happen again

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>shirabe character songs
absolutely based
sense of distance is my jam

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delet this

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Hibiki's scarf keeps getting more and more badass.

Because all points in AXZ lead to either Tsubasa's Grandpa (father) or the Custodians being the main antagonist for the season, and there's no feasible way to make any season following custodians have any merit.

You could say her character in those was too flat

Give me one reason elf should still be around.

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Godbikki and the Custodians having a kaiju battle sounds fun.

I love when Chris is being herself

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>Maria is slightly taller than me
This can't be happening...

Well we aren't sure yet that the Custodians will be this season's main antagonists. But even if they are, we could still get other antagonists after them depending on how it's gonna be handled.

Red hot blaze WHEN?

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If they don't bring back Hibiki's obsession with curses we riot.

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The ride never ends does it?
Fuck I haven't even seen S4 yet.


cant wait for the threadclouds

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Bikki stopped having obsession with curse around the same time she was hit by Miku's beam. I say that's not a coincidence.

Chris is 5', not 6'.
She is 153cm tall(which is short even in Japan, hence every one of her outfits sporting heels).
Maria is actually 5'7 and Elfnein is 4'7

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Maria is a Russian.


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Jesus Christ, that smile

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Do you have the one of Ver episode in GX?

chris is cute

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i dont know if cloudanon was making them then

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Maria is Ukrainian.

>best fuck trap


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dess is best

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So they are just one character.

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Meant for

Fuck it.

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She is really cute.

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>mfw time for episode but stream is down

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give me one reason not to

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This thread must get fluffier!

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Healing Chris with the power of hugs!

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bros i love this show so fucking much

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that's dangerously fluffy

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Big man with a monster arm. Take that away what are you?

We are nowhere near done!

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Chris is a fat slut.

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>Ywn feed Chris cake for her birthday

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You ara a fat slut.

I'm not fat.

I thought you would never ask.

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Did the gachashit produce any good art?

>There are ''people'' on this very board, who haven't seen Symphogear

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Sure you aren't, user.

A Hero

it can't end after this, right? I need my hot blooded geahs

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you tell me

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Shut up and drive the car Maria.

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stop bullying maria she is very nice and cool

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How about I bully you instead?

Eyes on the road.


Tsubasa should bully Maria's bumhole.

Anyone has the live version of G-Beat from this clip?

Maria is for raising a big family with.

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I want to marry Hibiki

Hibiki doesn't want to marry you!

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I don't know, Miku seems like the kind of girl who'd go to anonymous image boards to talk about Bikki.

You don't know that

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I want to be Maria and Tsubasa's buttler.

Can we swap Maria for Saint Germain?

Attached: Saint-Germain.(Senki.Zesshou.Symphogear).full.2120582.jpg (1000x724, 489K)

Probably Adam throwing that nuclear fireball.

Only if we also swap Chris for Cag.

no, it was some tripfag


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All the lives are on nyaa

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Are we getting new Gears/modes or good villains? Because it's always one or the other.

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What is going on here?

For such a big announcement there doesn't seem to be much art or video or music clips with it.

Sure is funny how you picked that image out of everything to post. Oh right, because you think that's a "crack image" and you are trying to use it to "troll".

Quite literally nothing. That card doesn't even have a story behind.
Though it's obviously just Kanade imposing on Miku's personal space.

Oh boy

Oh, and there you go replying to yourself.
Maybe if you weren't so autistic and could make posts longer than a few works you wouldn't stand out so much.

If it's just Bandori bands covering songs then I dont care too much. I'm sure they will be fine but I doubt I'll like them more than the originals. If it's some Bandori Geahs maybe I'll play the game again tho 2nd anniversary gave lots of free shit.



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>want to write a fanfic with La Pucelle on this show but taking Kanade power instead of Hibiki and been even better protagonist than her
>i still stocked on my fgo fanfic
Well, a last she is been sleeping with a bunch of girl

See There's something seriously wrong with you.
Why can't you just act like a normal person.

It sure must be nice to have a pass that the mod won't ban even though you're ban evading, spamming, shitting up thread, and literally breaking the law.

Fuck off Mugino

Kanade is so handsome

just keep walking and don't look at them
the best thing anyone can do is ignore

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Alright Miku calm down.

Shut up Maria

Dumb crackshipper.

I sure hope they bring back Kanade and Serena this time.

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Miku is an easy bitch.

After how terrible last season turned out? Not really but Symphogear will always have a place in my heart.

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>After how terrible last season turned out?
Sasuga, tripfaggot.

Just warning that La Pucelle will tail all this girls even the small secondaries and they will love it.

wasn't crack until gx
either way its not worth complaining about because i'm a fan of tsubamari anyways

Attached: chris is the confluence of every ot3.png (600x600, 184K)

Miku isn't easy XDU Kanade's just a horny dyke who flirts with everyone


Is Chris the ultimate third wheel?

>no shipping cancer in the thread for over 11 hours
>suddenly "everyone" is posting shipping cancer and spamming short garbage posts
Hmmm, what a strange coincidence. Really though, it seems much more likely that it's just Austin samefagging and spamming. Because that many people all showing up at the same time is not logical.

It's just such a shame that the mod (Troid) obsessively protects him and lets him ruin threads as much as he wants. Everyone else has to suffer because of Troid's personal vendetta and mental issues.

Seriously, what went so wrong with your life?

He doesn't care, he doesn't even watch this series. He just shitposts with shipping cancer in these threads to try and "trigger" his "ack" boogieman.

>XDU Kanade's just a horny dyke who flirts with everyone
Even Shirabe?

Go ruin a Gridman thread.

i feel like there's a card of that in xd somewhere, makes me want to hunt

Can we just skip to Summer already? Spring's looking boring as fuck outside of Sarazanmai.

Stop replying to your own post you autistic shit eating retard.

It sucks so much that every single thread has to be ruined by this person and he will literally never stop because this is all he has in his life.
You literally can't reason with him, because all he cares about is attacking people to try and force people to accept that they should just ignore him and let him act as badly as he wants.

Couldn't find it.
Have a Maria instead.

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You are the one who ruins Gridman threads. No one else. You even admitted yourself you're trying to ruin them and attack people.
Yet oddly, for some reason "everyone" tries to blame the people who tell you to stop, and say that they are the one's ruining threads.

Sure is 100% irrational and insane, huh?

No because the XDU artist is dogshit and can't draw to save his life

Chris is straight.

I'm okay with that

But Maria is shit.

>the people who tell you to stop
Attack of the clones.

Based and redpilled

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What are the odds of them finally ditching Elfnein so more people don't needlessly die because she'd rather make noodles in a stupid way?

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god fucking damn

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I like the new Bikki scarf, but was it really necessary to cover up her butt?

Why didn't you address the sheer retardation and total illogical nonsense of you trying to blame people who are doing nothing wrong, WHILE you also take no issue with the person who flat out says he's trying to ruin threads?


Why? Don't they realise how much joy that brings?

We are getting a new Miku gear, right? RIGHT?

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Even expired cakes like Aoi.

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>with the person who flat out says he's trying to ruin threads?
Citation Needed.

>Rumored to be the last anime season
>It is now a gacha franchise

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Why do you need citation for your own posts?
And of course, even when you get the citation of your posts, you're just going to pretend they're not yours.

Also, you still haven't addressed how this thread magically fine for 12 hours, then suddenly "everyone" in it is spamming shipping cancer.

To think that sword gets to sheath herself in that every night.

It has been for like three years.
No figures, just some statues. No games, just gacha.


Attached: 54137379_p0.jpg (1200x1423, 1.18M)

>still months away
>threads already shit
Time to keep the thread open only during the livestream like last time I guess.

Chris deserves her own geah-harem.

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XDU hasn't even been out for two years

Oh, you actually did get a 3 day ban already this thread.|a|bait|3

To bad the mod will never enforce it.

Good idea. Hopefully the accusser will be asleep at the time.

That's what the alchemist trio should have been

>gets blown the fuck out by
>can't even pretend to address it
>falls back to trying to "troll" by reposting the same garbage over and over
>actually thinks he's "epic" because of this

Chris is specifically for use to relieve sexual urges the other Geahs have. She's the perpetual bottom bitch of the group. Tsubasa is the least kind when she uses her too.

I discovered this thread this morning. You're too paranoid.

Here's an idea, go to the IRC channel and talk to the mods directly and tell them that is blatantly causing problems and trying to ruin threads.|a|bait|3
While ban evading.

Stop spamming replies to your own posts.

There's probably like 3-5 different artists for the mobage that vary in quality since there's good stuff like and bad stuff like that one Chris/Dess card where they look nothing like the character art.

You are the only person who misuses the word paranoid like this. You have literally no idea what the word means. You use the word paranoid as short hand for "accuses me of samefagging."

Look at how you REFUSE to address there is "someone" (you) with clear intention of trying to ruin the thread, yet you will only reply to the people who tell "them" (you) to stop.

Her scale is really good

Attached: Chris.jpg (720x863, 301K)

> Tsubasa is the least kind when she uses her too.
Best Mom would never bully Chris like that.

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You are the problem. You know who he is and how he works, so why do you keep making things worse?

Why did you just reply to your own post?
And what do you mean "how he works"?
It's totally normal to tell off insane shitposters who are trying to ruin threads.

They're bad in the same consistent way that it makes me think there's one artist that puts in more effort for "important" cards

Maria is really ugly and stupid.

Chris, stop being jealous that Maria took your crush.

>don't want it to end
>but also don't want it to stagnate and lose its way like Nanoha did
Hope they have a plan for what comes after it

Maria is okay.

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Maria is lame and gay.

Just make movie versions of the seasons like what they're doing with Nanoha but make it different enough that they're not replacements for the TV timeline (Stuff like Miku becoming a full-fleged geah in the G movie, Carol actually knows what the fuck she's doing, and so on)

Maria is gay and lame

>Maria stole Chris' senpai in GX
>Chris stole Maria's daughters in AXZ
Who is DMjii going to steal in XV?

Attached: Xdu_clean_shirabe_chris_kirika.png (1024x1024, 734K)

Maria has a small dick.

Maria has a micro penis

>tfw we might live in the timeline where topdad gets erased

A movie version of the first season would probably turn out incredible.

Tsubasa's old girlfriend.

But Top Dad was the best part of GX.

-ly bad


Tsubasa's mom.

-ly gay


Attached: DESS.jpg (700x700, 227K)



Also correct.

>high budget remakes of the fights between the geahs
>high budget First Love Song
>Sawashiro sex voice in theaters
We can only pray


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And beautiful.

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Sad but true.


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Hibiki doesn't have a dick, she peed in Miku's butt

Bikki has a dick, and she peed in Miku's butt.

If only.

>implying that won't happen at the end of XV

If only they had the balls to end up the series with a bang like that but you and me both know that's not going to happen.

they should end the series with balls and banging

Bikki's big balls.

Doing a drum solo on Miku's posterior.

the geahs are gonna travel to the afterlife this season and remeet all the dead characters
I'm feeling it

Attached: AAAAAAAA.jpg (717x789, 347K)

Ghost orgy.

>yfw nanoha treatment

Uh she didn't seem that off to me and they did a lot of on stage jokes about her letter but I'm more of an og3 fan so maybe I just didn't notice. None of them sounded exact to the recordings really aside from Nana since Tsubasa is just basically her voice

You can also just watch the live BDs

I'm glad alchemy is over

I'm sad alchemy is over

I'm sad Cagliostro is over.

I'm gay

me too

we know, miku

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Will Nana wills it this time again?

We're you the bikki dikki guy?

We're all the bikki dikki guy. Unless you mean the trannyfucker.

Where is symphospats

This franchise is still alive?

I fell asleep during the second episode.

Nothing will ever surpass S2. It's literally impossible.

>Franchise was doing great
>Disk sales, concerts and BD sales
>Gacha comes in
>Almost no work needed to make more money than selling disks, concert tickets and BD
>Suddenly, the next season will be the final one

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Literally the only season in the history of the franchise that WASN'T planned to be the last one is AXZ
Them saying they want to end it is nothing new, it just gets more likely to actually happen the longer it runs

As long as it prints money it's not gonna end. The industry loves milking franchises too much. It's just a matter of how they continue it after the story is over, and how much the quality drops.

>Maria cannot stay behind as a tech support

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I was ready even before the delay

Will Shirabe's transformation scene in XV manage to outlewd her AXZ one?

Attached: 1501952091910.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Only one of these two is expired, user.

they've gotten lewder with each season so it only makes sense

Attached: shirabe s1 henshin.jpg (1216x4096, 566K)

Expect the lewdest transformations in the next season.

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Chris has her own friendharem that she doesn't let get any screentime anymore.

She kind of has one though? I feel like she makes a perfect threesome with all three other couples.

We are, but are /u/ ready?

I've been ready since the last season aired.
Just hoping they don't completely fucking ruin it with stupidity like topdad and dollshit.

being third best girl has to be good enough

Attached: 56029338_p0.jpg (650x975, 726K)

At least the gacha shit can bring her back

Attached: E2C875EC-16D4-4324-BAD1-089297ABA15A.png (750x1334, 3.21M)

>bloated shit res png screenshot
This is your brain on kusoge.

Create a history, with the light God could not know

XD Cagliostro really needed to go full XD Fine tier and be basically naked.

>XD Fine tier and be basically naked
Please elaborate.



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Whatever set of villains they have this time I hope they don't kill the best one off first again.

Attached: __garie_tuman_and_noise_senki_zesshou_symphogear_drawn_by_ikezawa_shin__8b22220d75a9f119bcdbcd01e188 (1000x1237, 470K)

>robe makes heart over womb

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I've only watched through season four, so I've got some catching up to do.

Attached: bikki_butt.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

Man, I really liked S1's transformations. The ones from G and on are nice too, but S1's simplicity is nice too.

Attached: The fate of those who insult Maria-san.webm (960x540, 2.5M)

Can the Shinais be done with the XDU comic artist or can we get our own version of mini-this after XV?

Attached: シンフォギア_2019-03-05-17-44-25.jpg (2220x1080, 1.19M)

>4 seasons
>7 years airtime
>they STILL haven't done Zombie Kanade as a pawn for the evil guy


Which season had Maria's mom get some kind of alchemic clone? Last season or the one before?

Because Kanade's VA doesn't sing live and she was only ever a plot device to boost Tsubasa in the first place
If they were going to do it they would've done it with that boggart in carol's doomcastle

GX; it wasn't a clone. Just a a defense system of the castle that takes the form of someone close to you. It later turns into Maria and then Serena.

Replace her VA then, she only had like 5 lines and the artstyle changes from season to season anyway so no one would care about a VA change for a character with almost no lines.

Maybe one of the divine assholes in the upcoming season will pull a "now you have to fight a manifestation of your weakness" and Tsubasa gets an evil Kanade that guilt trips her on failing to protect things.

>all of the alchemists used to be men

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>no one would care
Look at this person and laugh!

>is a singer

So why doesn't she sing anymore?

Hibiki's dad left her mom to rot when things got tough, then Hibiki didn't give a fuck and forced her mom to take her dad back and make her a little sister

And no one cared

I'm not laughing anymore.

She doesn't and never has done character songs live as far as I know, but she does other stuff live
It'd be dumb of them to go out of their way to revive a dead character that served her purpose just so their VA can be a no-show at the big concert

Neither is Hibiki's dad, since if he tries to leave again Hibiki will beat him to death and get away with it. It's like that episode of the twilight zone with the godkid.

Just speculation, but I'm not sure at 54 she can pull off the idol act anymore.

Easily solved, just break the whole thing into fragments and then it centers around Hibiki's cognitive dissonance of parallelism. One where Top Dad escaped her and one where he's still hiding at home and let the viewers piece together with Bikki as she struggles to restore her sanity (and the timespace continuum). Finish the season on Top Dad getting his teeth punched to his throat.

Shirabe is the hottest geah.

She looks pretty much the same as she did 30 years ago, which isn't saying much

Easier yet, just retcon Top Dad out of existence.

Carol's existence was essentially a corrupted flash drive, you may see Garie again
After an important event gets cliffhung by the ED, we'll cut to Elfnein finally managing to open Carol's rpg inventory full of relics and doll parts, rousing Leiur, currently chilling on the ocean floor mostly intact, into action .

Attached: 52297216_p6.png (719x942, 639K)


Even when she was young she was not that hot. Older her is just the same her, but a little worn down.

Attached: young takayama.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>takes pieces of each autoscorer and combines it with the remains of the faust robe
>creates a relic pendant from it that turns elfnein into a teenage form due to its imperfections

That would be boring since he's so shit he deserves to get his shit beat in. Punch him so hard he winks out of said dimension.

This isn't a good thing

Shirabe and Chris are the lewdest gears

Attached: Symphogear_XDU_264.jpg (1080x1433, 271K)

Nana Mizuki is extremely hot for a woman who is nearly 40

>people born in 1980 are almost 40

Kill me

Hibiki's species is all female and they reproduce asexually. Top Dad is a Custodian sent back between G and GX to observe the new potential threat and used his mind control to convince everyone he's a deadbeat dad.

She has no soul

The plot has shit the fan and I doubt they have the guts to have real stakes this season. I just want to watch Hibiki and Miku kiss.

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>"Just let senpai help you out"

And then Shirabe and Dess do a tag-team lesbian sandwich on Chris, who is unsuspecting and entirely innocent but made the mistake of letting her guard down around predatory teenage dykes.

The writing was shit but genocide was great
I'd prefer Elfnein super-mode Christmas Carol over Elfnein super-mode JK Carol, but either would work

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Chris was made for rape.
It can't be helped.

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Ogawa should marry Shirabe already.

dipshit father-grandpa is going to kidnap sunshine to use against the americans, who went out and pissed off the custodian fleet with mass-produced gears
custodians find miku interesting and take her back for god to deal with
the squad finds out after sacking government headquarters in rage, and they set off into space with the help of mecha-ver who is an ai produced from the data contained on the memory card
cue Tengen Toppa Symphogear Omega: Last Song

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Elfnein would inexplicably be flat as an adult, despite being Carol's clone.

Polygamy isn't legal in Japan and Shirabe and Shirabe's girlfriend come as a pair.

Whenever someone brings up that its Carol's "body" and not Elfnein's defective one, a ninja drags them away before they can say more.

That's some Kill la Kill shit.

Shirabe's girlfriend should just become Shirabe's mistress. Then they can all be happy.

If Elfnein can't figure out body transmog like the Illuminati did, they could just get married normally and force their husbands to live next to each other.
The average nip salaryman sees his family about once a day, wouldn't be hard to do it at home

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They can just wait for Japan to get gay marriage.

Attached: shirabe lazy stich who cares.png (3454x1359, 3.66M)

>Implying they legally count as separate people

>t. angry neet


Nana simply wills herself to appear younger. That's part of her power.

She doesn't need to appear younger.

I want Nana to will Maria out of the franchise.

I want Nana to will you out of existence.

Daily reminder that Tsubasa has more chemistry with a dead girl than one who has been lusting over her for three whole seasons

Between them and some linker they barely count as a single geah, so yeah, that comes as a package deal.

i like maria

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I like Maria's body.

What did Chris do to you to treat her like this

She smells weird.

I like Maria's voice.

I like Hibiki's abs

I like Hibiki's ass.

I like Bikki.

Look at this Chris.

Attached: D2TjgMBUwAAIH0N.jpg (1152x2048, 344K)

Tryhard slut.

Attached: dess distractor.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

nice zenbus

Cute! But lewd!
Do that at home!

What's the point in dressing up if you do it where no one can see you

You literally cannot have Chris without both cute and lewd.

I wish this was her actual outfit for the new season

It's for yourself.

Attached: bg_hibiki.png (912x912, 87K)

I want to lick her thighs

If Hibiki sat on your face would you die?

It would be extremely pleasurable.

For her

>tells everyone to look away from the screen
>none of the men can do their job
>no one thinks to switch to a different video feed


Attached: Chris.jpg (2716x2972, 1.16M)

How will Kaneko out retard himself this time around? Will they finally go to the moon?

I still don't get why Miku covered Hibiki's eyes.

They'll finally give Chris a girlfriend, right?

She's straight.

She'll get a refugee bf from Val Verde.

because miku is a raging lesbian, and thinks bikkie must be too

bestgirl is best

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She didn't want her husband (female) to look at another girls naked body


Let's just blow up the moon.

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And we'll take care of them wascally wabbits, too!

I just hope Miku has some actual screen time and get to be badass for once in the anime. Something tells me she's not gonna show up much in episode 1.

They will give her two.
And they are going to date eachother instead of Chris.

Just what we need. More gears.

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We need Yumigeah.


That wasn't the gif I was expecting.

Attached: 1394131312980.gif (691x546, 2.43M)

That's the good stuff.

>Every other episode of XV
>Man you girls got your asses smacked out there. Hit the the training room until you figure out how to not lose.

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chris is the worst girl

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garie is the worst girl

Stick your dick in a doll joint and die.

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i binged this a few months ago and quite enjoyed it

ive got one question , is s5 getting fansubbed ? or will crunchy cover it ? I used commie subs for the current stuff that is out but does crunchy sub the songs or not?

yellow > red > blue > green

Crunchyroll didn't pick up AXZ and they most likely won't be doing XV.

Original TLs are dead and CR still hasn't picked up S4. Enjoy screaming endlessly.

Pink > Orange > Red > the other Orange > Blue > Green >>>>>> White

c-commie is still active right
they will pick this up surely

Attached: 1433516248795.jpg (311x376, 120K)

Vale's still alive and as far as I've heard they're still planning on doing XV.
Their AXZ subs were actually pretty good

Any reason why they didn't pick it up? I thought they did the first 3 seasons?

Symphogear is incredibly niche in the west and it turns out when you pick up the third season a few weeks into airing and don't even release the first two seasons until a good while later, it doesn't tend to perform well

sweet, thanks for putting me at ease user

This. I think all I've seen was Skiddiks saying they need a timer, but they should be fine. I hope. I need Heavenrend

Fine was right.
Fuck the moon.

Skiddiks is their timer, iirc it's the typesetting he doesn't want to do and wants to find someone else for

>Micha will never be given the body of a THICC oppai loli

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I wonder how they'll do that one again.

The Custodians will make copies of the relics and Genjuro will shout the name of every single one of them.

When did you realize Tsubasa is irrelevant?

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All of the Gears get disabled by Custodian hacking, everyone is about to lose, and then Hibiki goes full watashi no kobushi wa sinfogiaあああああああ, she's so awesome and pure and something something fusion specimen that her fist itself counts as a relic, and we get

>New Aufwachen waveform detected! Running analysis now!
>There's a match! But's it's...
>Hibiki... datto!?