5toubun no Hayanome

One Yotsuba thread a day, keeps the doctor away!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Miku > Ichika > Yotsuba > Itsuki >>> Nino

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nino a shit

Reminder that Nino is in fact the kisser

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When ?

Is it? She already confessed and made herself clear she wants him. There was no need to hide behind a disguise or at least she would have made perfectly clear it was her.
In fact, it could be any sister but Nino

I can't believe Yotsuba is fucking dead

Attached: boing.webm (1280x720, 2.23M)

She wanted to kiss him at the bells before they leave. She is most likely to be the kisser than her sisters.

Ichika a best. A BEST.

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Tezuka x Shaft second season when though?

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Why were they running nude?

I'm going to marry Miku!

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Why not?


How can it work when Yotsuba is dead?

Ometeto, Uesugi!

Pick the girl that dresses with fashion like a hobo
End up as a hobo with her both wearing dirty ugly clothes on the side of the street.

I can't believe Yotsuba is the bride


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How can Nino even compete?

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Thats how Fuutarou imagine them

428 best quint!

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She can't.

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This is critical info, have we seen Yotsuba's room in the manga???

Why does the show refuse to give me shirtless Futarou?

They won’t let you see his nipples anyways, so for what purpose would that serve?

Now that you mention it we've seen the others room except Itsuki's.


Yes after the date chapter.Her room was filled with plants.

I wanna see his bellybutton.
I got a bellybutton fetish. I wanna drop my cummies in Fuutarou's bellybutton and then suck it from there.

We haven't yet. She could very well be hiding something in there.

Do you remember about what chapter was that?

The only shirtless scene I remember was when he stayed over their house and Nino tricked him believing she was Itsuki.

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Full of Fuutaro's photos, of course


what a bitch

The best!

He could, sometimes even if the guy doesn’t have nipples in the manga the anime will give him like with Kogarashi in Yuna.

Well, we got just a little view of it. It is quite...strange to be honest. Who the fuck has a ton of plants in their room?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-21 Vol 8 Ch 68 (5Toubun no Hanayome) - MangaDex.png (875x266, 477K)

He has been shirtless a couple of times in the manga by now I think but anime I can’t see anything at all. Not fair.

>worst girl in op

Reminder that Maruo has to water all of these now

Yotsuba is an angel who did nothing wrong.
She and Fuutarou both deserve happiness.

>Two hidden portraits
Calling it, one it has her mother and sisters and the other one is a photo of her visit to Kyoto with Fuutaro

Just like Itsuki, I am watching everyone else squabble hopelessly while knowing I have already won

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Just watch new episode. When did Fuutarou become so handsome and cool and cute?

>t. worst poster in thread

I don't see Nino in the OP

You know what I just realized, bros? That even if Fuutarou ends up with one of the quints he would still indirectly be fucking your favorite girl so in reality non of us lose since they’re the same except for hairstyle, personality and voice.

tl;dr you are all cucks.

Miku stop posting anonymously on Chinese basket weaving forums and confess to Fuutarou asap

We already know Yotsuba got cucked by Ichika by then. Would she really be so much of a cuck that she'd keep the photo of her sister and the boy she had been interested in just because they looked similiar? Actually...

Attached: 8.jpg (1426x2048, 720K)

Imagine Shaft animating 5toubun
>Fuu voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
>Boner-inducing subtle fanservice
>Unfinished backgrounds
>Many, many close ups
>Nino head tilts

Have we seen Itsuki's room?

Nino is the poisoner

Lucky you

Attached: Plants.png.jpg (1200x659, 172K)

>>Nino head tilts
>Ending scene
Head tilt
We really were quintessential quintuplets

>Who the fuck has a ton of plants in their room?
Someone who is in perpetual depression maybe

Appreciable taste my guy

> No you can't yotsuba! Everyone stop her!
> We can't, she's too fast!
> Yotsubaaaa

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I want Shaft to animate this scene.

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Nino > Miku > Yotsuba > Itsuki >>> Snake

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Haircut Nino was a mistake.

Wasn't that Miku? Or is this the Nino disguised herself as Miku theory?

My husband.

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You being born was a mistake.

short hair > long hair

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Nino was a mistake

I do miss her long hair, but medium hair is still nice. She still wears cute ribbons so it's diajoubuu.


what the fuck do you niggers have to talk about that you keep making these threads every other hour

So were the other four


cute girls

because fuck your mom

thats why


based motherfucker

Is there anybody that can realistically compete with Miku? We all just witnessed what a sweet girl she is. The only sister I can actually see competing with her is Yotsuba, to be quite honest, my dudes.

i'll fuck you m80

>people strive to have comfy thread after going through non-stop shitpost that has lasted for over two days
>the only ones left who are still trying to stir up shit are anti-Ninofags aka Snakefags

Looks like a waifuwar on the surface but in reality they all desire the fuutlong.

>not being a fag for the F

Miku please

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Imagine being this wrong

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Is it even confirmed Shaft helped make episode 10 or was it just a meme?

You're stirring up shit right now as well

About how much I love Fuutarou

Go away anime-only

Which boards would the quints post on?
Ichika Yea Forums
Nino /fa/
Miku /his/
Yotsuba Yea Forums
Itsuki /ck/

actually i am

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Objectively wrong, she’s a miracle

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They're listed in the credits a few times

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Attached: Fuutarou (Modo de Estudio).png (487x682, 351K)

Only Miku is autistic enough to come here.

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Literally a direct upgrade from the manga, how did they do it?

miku probably spends her free time shitposting on /jp/

Obviously not. That's clearly a comment based on observation for the purpose of deterring shitposters.

Yotsuba watches anime, so Yea Forums too

>Anime only gets good and there's only 1 episode left and no season 2
What is even the point? Are they just fucking with us?

For the purpose of provoking them you mean.

Self-inserting as quints is truly a wise choice

Will we get early spoilers like the other weekly manga this week? I miss getting spoilers on Saturdays.


They just gave best girl the budget she deserves.

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Either Tezuka is greedy jews and only goes for quality for the climax knowing people will still buy it out
Or they made the early half with the lowest expectation possible, thus not putting any budget and faith into the sales. Halfway through they realize 5toubun is a literal goldmine when up until episode 9 has been made.

we can only hope there will be a season 2

same story than with: Hataraku Maou-sama

the whole point of the anime is to shill people into buying the manga so they can watch ninofags seethe once itsuki wins

If they are the type that don't care about collateral damage and bringing down the whole thread despite getting a spotlight put on them, then maybe. But it would mean that these threads are already doomed so nothing can stop them.

I want Fuutaro for myself. Fuck the quints

Budget cutting obviously.Isn't it pretty common that the animation perk up only during climax?

They are. Now fuck off with fanbase talk.

An S2 is practically guaranteed. The anime did absolute wonders in merch sales, etc and heavy manga boost. It'd be an huge miss not making another season.

What? Which chapter revealed this?

Volume 5 intro

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Volume 5
The cleaning supplies she bought to clean her room is scattered about in it. Usually watches dramas.
Been wearing contact lenses for 3 years. Even now it takes 5 minutes to put it on. On one eye. Usually watches variety shows
Does origami with the last of the toilet paper. Usually watches documentaries.
There's a theory that her ribbon is growing bigger because it's drawing the nutrients from her brain. Usually watches anime.
Her ahoge occasionally pricks Fuutarou in the eye. Usually watches wide shows (variety + talk show)
Got the VIP treatment for the field trip: rode there in a high class foreign car and rode home in an ambulance. Doesn't have a tv at home.
Doesn't have a tv at home

Most of the budget went into episode 1, sorry.

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Because the last few chapter of field trip are where most of the kino moment resides at.
Ichika falling in love
Miku in igloo
Miku comforting Ichika
All quint switching on the lamp
All quint holding his finger
Fuutarou gratitude to the quints

Thats why it remains the best arc so far.

I wouldn't be so sure
>S2 estimate: Spring is too soon, Summer still unlikely, most likely is Fall which is end of year
>Negi set on ending the manga within the year
>this means it's possible by the time the next season airs bride has already been decided
>lose all tension, only buyfags are the loyalists
This is one of the reason i want the madman to slow the fuck down

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Yotsuba is literally one of us

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That's a cute Miku.

>Usually watches wide shows
Kek. Negi with the bants

What the fuck is wrong with Rena?
>Ichika is bipolar
>Nino has dependency issues
>Miku is autistic
>Yotsuba has no self love
>Itsuki has some sort of binge eating disorder

Can't believe Nino only fell in love with the blonde version first instead of this absolute black hair chad

Thanks. So is Yotsuba /ourgirl/ ?

Guys, do you think Yotsuba will let me have sex with her if I ask?

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Usually I would agree but it makes her look less cunty.


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Every fucking thread.

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That's because she's a shallow slut who only cares about looks


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We need all the quints and Fuuts in China dresses

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>instead of this absolute black hair chad
Because she hated him. After accepting him she later fell for him.

quints doujin game when ?

Attached: Itsutsugo-Lovely Quintuplets.jpg (800x600, 229K)

It's pretty clear that Yotsuba wins, right?

Miku/Nino/Ichika are doomed by default because of their fighting, Itsuki is doomed because she's default girl that knows his past.

Yotsuba is class rep with Fuu and is the only one actually pushing him forward. More importantly she's actively trying to avoid the conflict, which means she'll inevitably rise above it.

Only after he came like a prince, what a bitch

An VN eroge is developed user

left to right

Thats not eroge.It just a VN.

>there’s no way that’d happen
There’s no way that’d happen

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Agreed. Chinese dresses are a top tier fetish

Reminds me of THAT pissing scene.

will be sixsome route

yotsuba, literally the genki otaku girl of legends.

This pic hasn't gone full meme yet. Put a katana on Miku's back.

Reminder that Yotsuba is the only one that Fuutarou wanted to voluntarily hug.

This week dubbing session

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Speedreader. She started to like him after saving her from drowning. She denied her feelings and thought she just missed Kintarou for a long time then eventually came to an conclusion that he probably doesn't care for her so that now his job as their tutor is complete they won't ever see each other again, his role is over. But after coming to her on his bike she realized he did care for her which she visualized him as prince charming which led to her true feelings of him breaking out which she confessed. It's really cute.

Are you talking about the senpai scene?

thats terrifying

Any translations?

>someone will fall for that


not yet.

When will a grownup Raiha get her own spin-off show where she gets caught in a love dodecahedron between Chadtuplets and has to choose among them for her future husbando?

Would there be a possible Eskimo end?

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Damn Miku looks like that?

Attached: hips.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

I wish Raiha got rid of that stupid hair tie

You know who is the worst and most annoying character in this anime?
I hate her stupid face and her ugly smile as if everything is alright in her life. Wake up and smell the spoilt milk you spastic cunt. Everything isn't sunshine and roses.
And don't get me started on her lame ass haircut. Its like Marge Simpson had sex with Chikorita and the resulting hellspawn is this little annoying piece of shit called Raiha.
I feel really sorry for Fuutaro that his mum left them and this little shitstain had to run the house. Cruel, mean and manipulative is how I can summarize Raiha in 3 words. Cunt to summarize in 1 word.
Fuck Raiha.

One of the most absolute kino moments in the whole series.

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Those are some nice childbearing hips

Literal child bearing hips

Yeah, they all do.

What is this? Did I download the wrong anime by mistake? Am I in fact watching 5toubun no Hanayome by Tezuka Productions?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.13_[2019.03.22_00.18.53].jpg (1280x720, 97K)

That igloo boob jiggle was 100% unnecessary.

He was talking about Miku specifically.


there will be no spin off, I will buy raiha by paying off her family's debt, and then she will bare me a son

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Why are you gay?

Post the webm

Except it was? You're telling me boobs wouldn't bounce when you lift yourself up quickly and bump yourself? You think boobs are all gravity and must stay down?

it was totally necessary.

Negi told me it is absolutely necessary

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I'd say Fuutarou's kino moment. When he recognizes his attachment to the quints despite his always indifferent attitude. It was enough to turn Nino from tsun to dere.

Also, keep in mind Fuutarou doesn't think any of them really like him at this time.

Attached: 59-20.png (1426x2048, 980K)

Yotsuba chapter next

Attached: Thepromisedchapter.jpg (504x475, 153K)

So, she was the first one to kiss him right?

Yostuba is an idiot. Fuutarou actually asked if he could hug her but she got nervous and changed the subject.

She's also the first one to kiss him on the cheek.

Attached: 51-17.png (1426x2048, 827K)

>big bro
pick one

/**Line break = New bubble
Double line break = New panel**/

Can you believe it? Just the other day,
I got a boyfriend!

Nobody was asking...

And the boy in person,
is none other than,

You idio-
I told you to keep quiet about that...!

Wait, this is all just a misunderstand-

Leave this to me. I'll take care of Yotsuba.

Looks like you're all ready to go, Miku!


My only impressions of you were "sluggish" and "feeble", but
I see I'll be adding "lacking with the sword" to that list.


1: If you're the one making the declaration then there should no problems, right, Yotsuba?
2: It looks like we're doing this then.

(Bubble left of Ichika) All: We're quintuplets, so we already know
That our feelings aren't going to just go away after being told that the one we love found a girlfriend.
That's why we're going to battle to the death.

5: What the heck is this!?

doesn't even look like miku

Itsuki = story mode
Ichika = 4x white mage
Nino = speedrun
Miku = 100% max stat run
Yotsuba = no save, no restart, no item timed run

Reminder that Yotsuba isn't even looking at Nino but at Fuutarou. She knows when there's no threat there.

Attached: 14.png (2230x1600, 1.38M)


>100% max stat run

Thanks Senpai, you’re the bestest best

>Futaro blushing
Who else has gotten him to blush? Nino?

You say that, but she still looks kinda surprised

Didn't take much time.

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Top 2 girls.

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Nino sure does enjoy pointing when she talks to Fuutarou.

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Why develop a stand to stop time just to rape Fuutarou when you can just use Yotsuba's drugs.

>Miku's look of despair

Pic related, me and my bitch?


Bottom panel disagrees user.

Rereading some chapters, and how ichika mentions they all went to Kyoto, I'm 100% convinced they all met fuutaro as a kid. Once he figures it out, it'll change his view of them and he'll start having to figure out how he really feels about each.

>I'm going to strong arm into saying yes

I just want Fuutarou to spend some time away from the quints until they sort their shit out. He can figure out what he wants to do in the future while they have some quality family counseling.

The last episode better be animated by Shaft too. It would be so disappointing to have a taste of good animation cruelly taken away.

>taste of good animation
So, is anime finally good?

Nice headcanon, go write your fanfic now.

Yes, episode was pretty fucking good, with zero QUALITY and actually a lot of quality. Can somebody actually post some webms?

There were some sub-par to saved budget animated stills here and there, though. So, not zero.

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Which quint would be Tomino's favorite and why is it Ichika?

Miku is a diamond in the rough.

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Miku makes me diamond alright.

Don't bother feeding him. That guy won't give up trolling despite having been debunked (see and the relevant discussion in following) few times already. .

Luckily for her she's cute and stacked otherwise she'd just be a random autist with the power to poison everything she cooks.

Shhh, Miku is sleeping.

Attached: __nakano_miku_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_mushi024__34033d63abe509cced803a1e424b3c50.jpg (1080x772, 152K)

Miku is for heartboners.

Attached: The Quintessential Quintuplets - c038 (v05) - p121 [dig] [Kodansha Comics] [danke-Empire] {HQ}.jpg (2587x3684, 3.14M)

>5toubun gets so popular that it gets a full adaptation backed by a competent studio in a few years

Yotsuba is 100% looking at Nino. Itsuki's stealth shocked expression is pure comedy gold considering she's supposed to be the biggest quint.

I'd love to dream and pray about that but then tbis user here comes and my expectations drop.

someone post her pupupu panel

In the first panel everyone is looking at Nino.
After that, only Ichika continues to look at her while Miku and Yotsuba look back to Fuutarou, probably curious about his reaction.
Not sure whether Itsuki is looking at him or Nino, maybe she just saw someone eating in the library in the corner of her eye.

this image never fails to flare up my jealousy of fuutaro

Someone please kidnaps Negi for a few months

I would if I could

Chill, guys.
The solution to this is very simple.
Negi will just never reveal the bride.

Attached: fufun.jpg (116x315, 19K)

Something like this I guess? I shortened / changed two words to make the TS look better, tehe. Thanks TLanon.
This is from futaba was it? I wonder if any of our content ever reach there.

Attached: yotsuSensou.png (710x3057, 1.61M)

This is the first time on my memory when somebody actually wishes for author to drag out his manga instead of wrapping up the story

Two of the last bubbles have been swapped around but it reads better like this

I've seen them post some colors.

A waifu bait can be found anywhere

> Two of the last bubbles have been swapped
Ack, is that so?
How embarrassing, I even missed the bolded part, ahaha.

Attached: yotsuSensou v2.png (710x3057, 1.61M)

Attached: miku goes pu pu pu.png (1346x662, 494K)

Hmmm. Futaba allows gifs / webms?

You didn't have to swap them back but oh well

Jesus, she's even not in top 10 waifu baits, a failure rip-off character

Attached: cerberus.png (594x369, 162K)

Nnn. Well, preserving the original content is always important. But here's the one with the swapped text ~ bolded words.

Attached: yotsuSensou v4.png (710x3057, 1.61M)

So this... is the power of Yotsuba...

Attached: 68.png (1138x1618, 790K)

Are they lewding yotsuba?

It's a jungle.

Nino made it clear in scrambled eggs that she wanted to kiss Fuutarou. At first she was going to approach Fuutarou by the pier where the grandpa was fishing, but decided against it because she looked like Itsuki at the time. Then she planned on meeting Fuutarou by the bell but she was foiled again.
Then in the hotsprings she finally said she can't afford to keep up appearances. Also since they were leaving the island, this was Nino's last chance to finally give him a kiss. So it makes sense as everyone else has started leaving for her to run up to Fuutarou and give the kiss. The reason she hasn't revealed herself to Fuutarou is because the kiss went terribly and she is the type of person who would want a perfect first kiss. The other problem was Raiha was calling out to them to hurry up otherwise they would miss their trip home.

Yotsuba is made for lewd

Yotsuba's smile keeps my heart beating.

tahnk you la'

Help I can't stop watching

I guess you're going to die soon

>Ichika on the phone.
So did they have HanaKana voice Itsuki when she was pretending to be Ichika, or is that just to go along with the ruse?

Don't worry friend, I'm here for you in this Kyoto Trip arc.

Attached: shutterstock_541045471-390x285.jpg (390x285, 27K)

In this order Fuutarou is going to reject the quints. Yotsuba is the bride.

I genuinely believe that anybody who doesn't like Miku and Yotsuba is soulless and heartless.

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She's my wife and she doesn't want to cheat on me, so no.

>anybody who doesn't like Miku and Yotsuba is soulless and heartless.
But user, that's why I like Miku so much.
She feeds my despair boner.

user, show me on this doll where the chikorita touched you.

Hope does last.

Nino really seems like a girl who thinks about romance flags in real life and the like.

Prepare to be killed, cooked, eaten, digested and defecated.

Attached: Ugh.png (611x519, 484K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.49_[2019.03.21_21.26.37].jpg (1280x720, 170K)

i want to hug yotsuba

I wouldn't say no.

Attached: weg2.png (1100x500, 945K)

get in line, we have to take turns

>episode was pretty good

Only animation wise. Otherwise it was full of really really stupid things constantly happening.

>harem ending

Attached: bunny blowjobs.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

It's such a shame that when someone said Shaft would animate this, it was just a joke. I unironically wanted them to animate 5tou.

>Implying it will not turn into powerpoint
Atleast the OP/ED will be great.

She is an incredibly determined girl who wants Fuutarou to reciprocate her feelings.

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sleeping pills arc when?



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I've got a super clever idea guys. I'm gonna say "gladly" in response to this post.


Haha so funny.

>that one bunny that can't reach the banana
That's Yotsuba, isn't it?


2nd season when?

Her train is fueled by sheer determination alone.

Attached: D2QF9t2U8AEMCOp-orig.jpg (658x1170, 102K)

>Yotsuba acts stupid and happy because she's actually the one with the most baggage and will win

Ranking valid for anime-onlys.

She doesn't do that anymore. That arc already passed a long time ago user. Now she wants a wholesome relationship.

Attached: Nino Nakano 477.jpg (1608x1152, 137K)

Repeating the same thing over and over again wouldn't make it a fact.

When did this happen?

When Negi gets drugged and goes into a coma so that the anime staff can have enough time to catch up

There is just too much cute Nino art.

Attached: Nino Nakano 313.jpg (2000x1414, 301K)

It's an reminder because it is an fact


Itsuki will the last one to realise her feelings for Fuutarou and will still win.

After get rejected, Nino will become a baker or a Sister ?

Chapter 2

My housewife

Tezuka will animate this and it'll be full of QUALITY.

Forgive me sister Nino, I commited a sin. I can't stop lewding your sexy body.

Attached: 73778058_p0.jpg (1447x1863, 1.1M)

She will become a mistress

Attached: 1552948648907.png (613x1144, 918K)

Why do we have to talk about Nino on every fucking thread?

Does anyone else think Itsuki turning out to be Reina was an asspull? Compared to Nino and Miku falling for Fuutarou, this just seems like the worst way to try and build up affection points between Fuutarou and Itsuki. They had some moments before the hot spring trip that felt way more natural, but this is just like Nisekoi and the stupidass locket.

Why do we have to talk about Itsuki on every fucking thread?

Because she is a shit who ruins the manga.

Generally speaking, Rena itself was an asspull. But for me it seems that Yotsuba would be more fitting for this role.

No it doesn't.

Can we just stop talking about that bitch then?

>plants absorb oxygen
>having too many plants in a closed room might result in death of suffocation
>in fact many people use this to die peacefully in Asia
Yotsuba has suicidal tendencies.

Because I love her and everyone needs to know it.

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Or maybe Yotsuba is just THAT stupid.


Plants absorb co2 though

>amerishart education

You need to refresh your HS biology knowledge.

IRL Yotsubas right here.

>hates Nino
>still brings her up

Fuck off already you're making us look bad here you dipshit.

Probably not as cute nor as pleasant to be around though.

imagine the smell

Just like Yotsuba!


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It's rude to point.

Because she is the first girl with the best chances to win?

Nini's toes are overrated

First girl is Ichika.

It's a habit she picked up from her ex-bf, Jotaro


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Miku breast jiggle webm where?

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nino a shit

Would you be able to let go of Fuuts for some big-breasted bimbos or would you fight tooth and nail for the affection of your rival?
Asking for a friend

No, Itsuki was planned to be the bride from the beginning and the careful plot building was needed to make people interested in the other quints. But what the fans think is irrelevant. Negi knows what to do.

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First girl is the bride, who is me

Takeda, get out of Yea Forums and start studying.
Only the best get to be astronauts.

Not really, if anything everyone should have seen this coming miles ago. Re-read chapter 33-34.

I wonder if he even notices himself doing it at this point.

Whoa. Yotsuba is smart after all.

Itsuki being Rena and feeling guilty means either two things:
> She is also Lolikano and she feels guilty for not telling him from the beginning / hiding it.
> She is NOT lolikano, and she feels guilty for saying goodbye for someone else's behalf. And the content of the charm was probably something like, "I'm not the person you met x years ago."

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Very nice

Takeda is actually Takebayashi. Since when were you under the impression that Takebayashi is a girl?

No way. What happened to her.. his childhood friend then?

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What are you talking about?
Rena doesn't matter in the romance side of things.
Itsuki still doesn't like him and Fuutarou never liked Rena.

Because I love Nino. She's the best








I want to tickle Yotsuba to see how much her Yotsubas jiggle

You just know yotsuba is a hunterchad

Why are the quints so huge?
Are the nutrients going to their chests instead of their heads?


calm down Takeda

I think theyre suppose to be foreigners

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Nino because she has fire

>not wanting a passionate bitch gf


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Yep, he loves Itsuki because she is Itsuki, Rena doesn't matter


It’s hideous

They're dumb.

The hints of Rena being Itsuki were always there. You just missed them.

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-ly perfect

What is?

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True. But there were strong arguments against her being Rena, too.

No, just ugly


Yeah, she's perfect.

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So, if you think she’s so perfect, then you should be able to tell me what makes her great

>The hints of Nino being the bride were always there. You just missed them.

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Anons keep calling ninofags subhuman chinks.


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Itsuki is the alpha and the omega. Ninothing.

It’s actually Yotsuba though.

>3 flowers
Yep thats Miku

I don’t believe you


>holding hands
>cuts to the bonfire
Yep it’s Itsuki

Boobs too big.

Considering the few number of guests at Fuutarou’s wedding, who even are those people at the top row?

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What’s with the sudden high quality of art in this episode? The others are terrible.

Impossible. It can only be Yotsuba.

You misspell Ichika and Miku.

Fuuts can't tell their voices apart, so there's no need for that.

Best part of the manga deserve that kind of quality

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End of the season, gotta go all out for the end

Can I have some Ichika?

Nino BTFO'd her two sisters just by opening up about her love, why can't they just say they love him too instead of shutting up and acting like a shy introvert especially Ichika? It's already out of character for Ichika to manipulate her sisters, can't she just say she loves Fuutarou too and go for the kill?

Why bother animating these chapters properly when most fans mostly talk about the other stuff this arc?

Here you go.

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Gotta speedread fast

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They’re scared of being rejected, especially Nino actually, kinda why she was trying to force him along and not hear his response


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Fuutarou won't have enough stamina to handle all of them. No wonder he looks tired as shit even in his wedding

Vote for You're Waifu in the Yea Forums roster poll for the upcoming Spring Cup. You can also vote for your other favourite players/names as well as suggest player ideas that aren't on the roster.
5tobun doesn't have it's own rep as standard to vote for, but Nino is looking to be the player representing you're waifu, just stick her name in the seasonal waifu section to boost her chances


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Yes but I would've remained an Ichika bro if only she wasn't trying to manipulate her sisters into her favor. Miku and Nino are trying their best in their own ways, Ichika is just borderline yandere now.

A snake can be beautiful too

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Don't come crying when Futaro proposes to Itsuki.

Agree. That's why Raiha is best girl. Fuck quints

What pissing scene

No Nino


Fuutarou already stated to Yotsuba that she shouldn't openly ask about love, meaning it should have a time and place, and that should be the same for confessions.
Now imagine if Ichika and Miku also entered the fray, and he is free to be in a group. It would have led to forcing Fuutarou to make a decision on the spur of the moment, while his feelings are clearly not sorted out yet, and Maruo's warning is also a factor. He would have went with Yotsuba and Itsuki, because he is not ready, and they are pushing.

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It's Shaft that saved the day.
Even Nips are saying thanks.

Lol all the incel shippers so salty at Nino's straightforward path to Fuutarou's D.


He's probably referencing the trainwreck known as KissXSis.

>literally who is left in the running

Trying too hard

You can write them in retard
I wrote my actual waifu in, fuck seasonal whores

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Raiha haircut was a mistake.

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We're near the end of the season so quality is swinging back up for the finale, their scheduling may have allotted for more time/money to be spent on this episode, and they got an assist from Shaft.

Itsuki > the rest

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Ichika a shit

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*2nd best

How did this cold blooded creature turn out to be the hottest quint?

evil is sexy

>enter the name of the meme
They're not too strict with that one, right?

What the fuck is 4 and 5

Reminder that the Holy Alliance of actual interesting characters MUST stick together

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Probably depends on which one you're having trouble with.

>warned for reporting trolling
Fucking hell.

Am I dreaming? This week's episode actually looks decent without too much of the usual QUALITY.

Sadako will steal the show for Kyoto trip

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Episode was mostly done by Shaft.

Even a mob char can be better than Mikunt

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Early effort was all in Dororo. But now that the party is over, they moved to the party that isn't.

Out of the three, Sadako is the cutest
But that’s wrong dummy

Dororo was mixed effort with Mappa

What makes Miku an imouto but not an onee-san?

She is autistic

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I wonder what Fuutarou smells like

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Uh? Which one?

The good kind of "autistic".

Yotsuba is a miracle of the universe, but I don't want her to get tangled in the Fuubowl or even win, because she deserves her own happiness removed from the sibling drama.

The party isn't over quite yet.

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Too late, her happiness is now dependent on getting the F.

Maybe it's time.

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By being younger and having an onee-san. Plus no one looks up to her as an onee-san besides Raiha, while the quints depend on Nino for cooking and stuff, and she is very possessive of her sisters. Ichika is obvious why she’s an onee-san

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>Ywn be sniffed by Yotsuba as she presses her yotsubas on your back



books and poverty

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My fucking dick.

Nino > Itsuki > Yotsuba > Miku > Ichika

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Why is Fuuts so popular?
He isn't even handsome.

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When are we getting spoilers for the next chapter? The wait is punching me.

We're not getting spoilers anymore.

Alpha chad fuutlong.

I don't get people who puts Miku in last places. Do you have to act so contrarian that people have to pretend they don't like Miku?

I hate when memes overlap. I escaped the Tokyo Ghoul hell only to land in the 5toubun party hell. The ride never ends.

Yotsuba's the only sane quint now. She'll need to do something with Fuubowl to prevent her sisters from slaughtering each other

Ichika would like to show you something

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He kind of is though, or certainly at least not particularly plain. His usual demeanour, hairstyle, and dress just downplay it so it isn't always that apparent.

Just look at how fucking shit she is.

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Low ranked doesn't mean hate

>1st in every poll made worldwide
>hurr she's shit

Yea Forums has a really shit taste

I'd fuck the shit out of her

I'm obviously talking Negi intentionally showing the bracelet on Fuutarou's wrist in that scene.
It's actually pretty clever. At the time of chapter 32 release it wasn't that important, but Negi made it grow in importance in Nino's and Fuutarou's relationship in the following chapters.
And speaking about holding hands, it's a nice parallel between the wedding and the bonfire.
There's also a parallel where the bracelet is present in both of those scenes.
And it points to Nino during the bonfire.
You don't have to worry about that. I hope you will actually continue coming here after Nino wins, though.

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Best pair

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No. Only the subhuman chink is called the subhuman chink. Even by Ninobros.

user was obviously being sarcastic, stop being a dummy

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Yotsuba need to woman up and tell all the sisters to fuck off. She's reaching her breaking point.

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She should stop wearing the dumb ribbon first.

The charm doesn’t mean anything, stop being autistic

>Yotsuba can recognize Fuuts from his smell

It's 2D so it's cute

I agree. And Nino needs to drop her ribbons too, and Miku her headphones, and Itsuki cut her ahoge, and Ichika is perfect.

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She’s going to be fine, and she’s going to save Fuuts and make her her sisters see reason
>because she deserves her own happiness removed from the sibling drama.
if she doesn’t win I hope Negi gives her her own happy end

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It's just one or two persons, user. Most people here love Miku.

Calm down Fuutarou, marry her first.

>she should stop wearing herself first
What did user mean by this?

Your delusions are cute... NOT.

>Do you have to act so contrarian that people have to pretend they don't like Miku?
Are you 12? Do you realize that there are people that simply don't like the archetype of the "shy meek girl who easily falls for the MC"? She's way better than girls like her from other series, but compared to the other 4 quints she's nothing special. And just because she's last it doesn't mean "hate"

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Would you eat her bread?

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Don't troll report then dumbass.

It didn't happen in a blink of an eye, user. Futaro earned Miku's trust by working hard, which later turned into romantic feelings.

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People can have different tastes, user.

>All of that by the fourth chapter
Kek, she sure took a while to fall for him.

same like Rem the waitfu bait

I like her. I just happen to like Nino and Yotsuba better.

working hard ? it's very easy for a bookworm like Fuutaro

No. I'm not a retard like Yotsuba.

Best trio

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I can totally see Yotsuba getting a happy end without Fuuts, she’s probably going to be the first and easiest to cope with losing. But if she did win that would be awesome too

Sure, probably better than my own cooking/baking at least

>she’s probably going to be the first and easiest to cope with losing.
She already got a head start for coping.

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>easiest to cope with losing

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I don't disagree with you, and I DO think that the important part of Miku's character is not the effort Fuutarou put early on, but the effort SHE puts constantly, but I can't deny it took her only ~2 days, or around three chapters, at most (with one afternoon at least), to fall.

He had to chase her around til they collapsed from exhaustion too

Ninofags get mad after calling out how easily Nino fell for Kintarou, then for Fuutarou after accepting him, and counter this by saying 3 months have passed between Chapter 47 and 59.
This fourth chapter is a complete bullshit regarding Miku. She may have already started to feel something, but until she herself accepts it, it's not different than Nino trying to downplay what she felt was for Kintarou. And after Miku accepted Fuutarou, she only confirmed her love in Chapter 31, after 3 months have passed, and she tried to deny it, or not go for it in several occassions, just like Nino.


>the thing that's a big part of a relationship between one of the quints and Fuutarou and randomly shows up during the wedding totally doesn't mean anything

Dread it. Run from it. Party still arrives.

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Here's your (you)

We call it tsun shit

Only for free.

>I hate when memes overlap. I escaped the Tokyo Ghoul hell only to land in the 5toubun party hell. The ride never ends.
Something something shunkan destiny or some shit like that.
You are not allowed to escape.
Also, the Party* never ends.

Nino falling in love with Futaro is harder to stomach because of how hateful she was to him.

Kitto ano hi kara kimatteta kono shunkan Destiny
Kasaneta toki to mirai wa ai sō
Mō dō shite mo anata na no kagirinai omoi
Beru wa narihibiku itsu made mo

Hito-tsu zutsu kasanete iku futari dake no chīsana kagayaki
Sukoshi zutsu kawatte iku tsunaida te no tsukuridasu katachi
Hito-tsu zutsu kasanete iku futari dake no chīsana kagayaki
Sukoshi zutsu kawatte iku tsunaida te no tsukuridasu katachi

Blonde wigs do wonders.

I think we should take a break, bros

Do you guys think the user who has an archive of 5toubun threads in a google doc spreadsheet still does it? I wonder how many threads we have until now.

Well Miku is autistic

I'm making a new thread then.


stopped at 40-something

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Fuck Fuutaroufag

based and ninopilled

Post your favorite quint right now

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Start counting from here
22+ is mostly Seto no Hanayome and other Hanayomes. Add a variable for non-5toubun names 5toubun threads and average it.
I could have filtered by date (someone should do it), but I'm lazy.

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Snakes are actually my favourite animals.

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Peace I'm out

At least don't start the thread with bait

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>the user
It was the scanlation team.

These three.

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Yotsuba a best

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Are you me?

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I just realized yotsuba writes in hiragana

Their stepdad is Dio after all