
I'm ready for an exceptionally homosexual episode

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It's kind of disappointing to think about how we've already passed all the greatest fights. Outside of Notorious BIG and Metallica, there's nothing to look forward to.

>this sub

>actually preferring notorious big over green day and oasis
Im also one of the three people who likes the final arc so im hyped for that too

Imagine not liking green day and oasis.

I'm ready for some VOLA VOLA

I reread the final arc today with Uragirimono no Requiem. It made me feel many things. [Spoiler]And Giorno is now one of my top five favorite JoJo characters[/spoiler].

I think every battle has something to look forward to.

>Notorious mindfuck + spice girl
>OG Edgelord´s death
>Polpol exposition hour
>Green day and Oasis
>Colosseum fuckery
>SC Requiem
>Bruno´s death
>Golden Whack
>Infinite death animated
Plenty of stuff to look forward to.

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I'm excited for

I really wonder what kind of voice will Cioccolate have.

Also, I really hope they don't fuck up his green hair.

I really doubt they'll fuck up his hair. More importantly, I wonder if they'll CG the helicopter or not.

I don’t like the Notorious BIG fight

I'm really not looking forward to the ending but at least the reaction from animeonlys will probably be funny. They better not fuck up this scene though.

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So Tiz tops, huh.

Weird, I could swear Tiziano literally radiates bottom energy.

But he's black

Watch Narancia kill two fags in broad daylight and nobody even bats an eye! FUCKING BASED!

I also like the final arc, especially the part where extra-dimensional alien souls are brought by SCR.


Didn't Mista do something similar? I remember some line from the manga suggesting such