Shingeki no Kyojin

>The moment that ruined snk.

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>*the moment that SAVED snk.

fixed it for you, no need to thank me.

What ruined it is that not only did Kruger pass down the AT to Grisha instead of Dina, but he let her be turned into a titan for no reason whatsoever.

Zeke was just lucky.
He literally killed himself for no fucking reason.

He should have taken her to Hizuru.

Where does this rank on the asspull scale? O MY

what volumes/chapters will s3 part 2 cover?
will it go into grisha and the eldia restoration?
also why does it say all 10 episodes are airing at once?

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It will end at the ocean with a preview of Falco.


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Zeke's heart is so pure and full of love that he parted the clouds and made the sun shine. Zeke is the one, true messiah.

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Brainlet detected

Fuck off to where you belong and take your garbage series with you.

Isn't the next part 2 cour?

Happy Birthday Annie, I love you

Nice argument, dipshit

Is Levi blind now?

i would imagine, most likely partialy blind if not fully.

Not him, but you can't have Royalty being the wielder of the Founding Titan. The plan can only work if someone who doesn't have royal blood is the host, and then some member of Royalty touches you to allow manipulation of PATHS. If he have it to Dina she would then somehow have to have someone else eat Freida then touch that person and have them use the will. It's easier to just have some none royalty to eat the founding titan, then capture some royalty and have them touch you since you would then have control. Was this too intelligent for you somehow?

Hans is manlet's ocean

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That's not pic related

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what? his eyes are gone now

The only reason why the Founding Titan would have to touch someone with royal blood to access the paths is if the Founding Titan isn't Royalty.
If Dina had the Founding Titan she would have access to the paths by herself.

Cute and canon.

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Did you forgot about "all royals that had the founding titan are controlled by the king's ideology"?

I'm prety sure it went to shit right after they started torturing that noble with pouring water down his ass.

It was a bad plan, Levi.

>man of culture
We need her, bros

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Better version

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Who are you talking to, whale

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you wanna talk about autism? here the mismatched color was bugging me

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Happy bestgirlday everyone!

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I wonder if she's aged while in the crystal

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The pregnancy was an accident. Eren and Historia couldn't resist

I don't think so, she seems to be in full blown suspended animation.

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Favorite part of the chapter.

>10 episodes

*koff koff*

Who'd win with 3dmg on?

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>Eren will succeed in annihilating the world

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>He literally killed himself for no fucking reason.
>Trying to kill Levi.
>No fucking reason.

>Eren ordered his men to put the shitlet down

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As long as Mikasa doesn’t sperg out and the fight is in a city or a forest she should beat Annie pretty easily, Thunder Spears are incredibly deadly to shifters since they can be fired at range and pierce hardening and Annie relies on her CQC and hardening to keep her safe

But what if Annie uses her feminine wiles to seduce Mankasa?

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It was very nice of Pieck to hand herself over to Eren to make things easier for him, maybe she'll tell him where Reiner is too.

The Yea Forums roster poll for the Spring babby is live, so go vote if you want to see Armong playing on the team; carrying the spirit of Bert on the divegrass pitch.

No. It's only 10 episodes.


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Annie canonically has no feminine wiles to speak of, Bert withstanding

Damn, I was hoping they had taken the break so that they could jump right into Marley without doing promo materials that would spoil the few of the anime only crowd left.

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Are you by any chance a homosexual user?

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Mr. Tybur putting on his drag make-up and kissing his brother Willy in the lips.

Riddle me this Batman. Why this counts as Eren eating her and not Porco.

Something that changed his mind on this whole no more babies retarded Zeke's plan. Zeke will get btfo by Eren once and for all.

Eren fights for your freedom so dedicate your heart!

If he passed it to Dina and she stole best titan the promise would've affected her and nothing would've changed.

When will Historia reunite with her beloved Ymir?