New PV is out.
New PV is out.
and key visual
Thank you. Also please stop shitting up /alg/, thanks.
"Combusting love"
"Wing-soaring freedom"
I love E-chan!
i'm coming over there right now!
But where are my krauts botes?
Wasn't there already a show about battleships anthropomorphised as cute girls?
That was Japanese made, this is Chinese made. Big difference
Look like low quality shit 3dcg out of the ass
No, you must have imagined it.
>The ship that terrorized japan in WW2 and came back from the dead several times is now the MC of an upcoming anime
Let that sink in
? The studio is Japan and director, VAs, composer are Japanese too
She was only MOSTLY dead. She got better.
>get revenge on Enterprise by making her a girl and drawing lots of porn
There's a flaw in your statement because she has no porn.
And that makes me mad.
but she does have like one good doujin
Shocking isnt? But its really normal the idea and product came from China but everything else is made by japanese even some artist in game are japanese
E thighs!
I'm talking about the anime you fucking braindead retarded gachafag
And why do you ask if you know the answer, retard.
This one will be better
Man I miss Arpeggio.
What a time to be alive
Shame the anime went off the rails, and the manga scans are dead.
My lovely wife Juneau!!!
I wonder which events are going to be animated visitors dyed in red is a big one just for akagi sperging but itll probably just be midway
As it should.
>Chink game
>Americans are good guys
Huh? Did I miss something?
Rape of nakin
Antithesis to Kancolle. Though the main story is pacific war campaign with you on the allied side.
Because the anime isn't made by chink
Humanity's savior indeed
Based Grey Ghost gonna dab on Foxkeks
Ywn split this useless cat in half with your large torpedo
Tits really are the one true path to world peace.
>started playing this a month ago
>actually enjoy it
>see this
So happy to see my wife animated, and as the main villain, where she should be rightfully placed.
I expect majority of the IJN events to be animated plus Winters Crown and possible the Kraut one. Dunno how the PR botes will come into play though.
Where is Lusty?
I want this to be the ED
Practicing "soft landings" in her room with a body pillow with Shikikan printed on it.
Whens best fox my wife amagi going to show up?
Never unless in a flashback
it's gonna be Akagi and Kaga focus getting shat on by Enterprise
With Akagi being the main villain I think she'll definitely appear in later episodes
Season 3 or 4.
Amagi is such a sweetheart
I'm pretty sure enterprise has at least a couple good doujins
Yukikaze of kure
Unicorn is cute.
Uniporn is not a good girl
Chinks love the WW2 american Navy user.
Fuck Uniporn is so cute
She's dead by the time of the main story sweetie.
Yeah Kancolle team where a bunch of nationalist so of course IJN gets wanked there but most /his/ nips liked Burger botes
You do realize the Chinese were a part of the Allies right?
China had no WW2 navy and the Anglos couldn't help for obvious reasons. So it fell to the American Navy(and crayon eating marines) to win the war.
Who doesnt love WW2 burger military shit
No autistic akagi screeching?
Not yet
Sweet, more ship lolis. Count me in.
Flashback only character.
Soviet botes?
Does anyone seriously have any hope that this is going to be good?
I mean it's not going to be fun bote stuff like most people want. Its probably going to be really edgy and have a lot of CGI fighting. Count me out.
Probably only this as Kaga realized she failed
No we're getting it now. We're not getting 12 episodes that ends with Midway. Expect Red Dye to be animated.
>Its probably going to be really edgy and have a lot of CGI fighting
but that's what I want
SOL is garbage
North Union. There aren't many Soviet botes right now though.
It's fine either way as long as it's well written. KC was not.
I hope it will bring more purifier doujins
>Monster girl fags
>Enterprise is the MC
Holy smokes yes
>Kaga goes from chaosfag to full blown wife material thanks to loving cuddles
The power of the D is too strong
They need to check in with WoW. They making new soviet bbs now. 75% made up but nice looking.
Non-spoiler rundown?
very nice
I just like fatties
That particular event is on right now as a re-run user, I can't provide a non-spoiler explanation sorry.
I love Rodney!
This better have best girl Laffey
Explain further.
I hope my little wife, Sara, will get a lot of screen times
She failed the moment Akagi turned out to be an evil cunt. And then she helped her.
Kaga gonna get dabbed on by Akagi when she tries to leave her side.
Why are nip carriers gay for Enterprise?
>right now
Hm I hope they got plans to introduce more russian ships
Who wouldn't be gay for Enty?
Because theyre M and shes S
Cant wait to remind the yuropoors and SEAniggers who runs the show.
Can't wait for the IJN to get BTFO at Midway
Demonbane writer and kiniro mosaic director
I want to go stargazing with Enterprise
Akagi BTFO by episode 3
Best girl and best starter is z23 user
>Sara "slap a jap" toga
I really just want it being better than OG KC anime.
And actually have some guts putting a SKK as character.
Sara "slant eyes deserve to die" toga
>Enterprise is a major character/protagonist
It's shit. She is so fucking dull.
>he seriously didn't expect this
So what am I supposed to expect in terms of animation? Does anyone know anything about this literally who studio?
I'd rather have 100% slice of life than the shit we got with KC.
Animated shitcan when?
Fuck you I love her hat
It's like if KC Akagi become MC in KC anime
Top personnel and budgets are usually far more important than the studio itself to the final result. Expect lots of CGI, but that's a given nowadays.
Who would you rather have? Hornet? Only American carriers can be the protagonists.
I want more! More Enty!
Enterprise isn’t a glutton.
>not liking stoic MCs
>Hornet or Yorktown
That would make for a shortened series, wouldn't it.
Wrong everyone loves Laffey. German destroyers are shit.
Get fucked Enty hater
You could always have them defy history.
If they're lucky it'd be 2 cours and work it out like how im@s did their SoL to drama shift.
Everybody except the middle one sink in this picture. Good riddance.
Seriously though
where is Lusty at?
Huh? Oh I am sure she will be in some fan service shots beating up the germans.
Prinz better be animated
This cute Jap bote when
Which American ship do you want as the protagonist user.
It’s shit. Get some taste.
Post your married boat(s) if you got one
That's a traitorous bong
Why? Russian ships in ww2 were shit. Russian surface navy is a shit show even today.
Well KC Akagi without gluttony is boring
San diego
That’s because KC anime tried to be both sol and have a story at the same time in 12 episodes.
>Your gonna carry that weight
>Akashi isn't the MC
>Storyline isn't Akashi's shop of fairly priced goods in perpetual economic war with Shiranui
Laffey or San Diego
I would rather have a war hero than a fucking fat joke.
This desu
>Fairly priced goods
Im on to you cat
Their subs are great though
>fairly priced goods
Is that a good sign?
I mean, KC writer did Euphonium, K-On!, Accel world, etc, and we already knew what happened.
Their world war 2 submarines were coastal defense shit that didn’t end up getting much kills. During the Cold War era their nuclear submarines had more accidents.
>Storyline isn't Akashi's shop of fairly purr-iced goods in purrpetual econyamic war with Shiranui
I'm looking forward to the anime, I want to be able to discuss the cute characters without having to go to the shithole that is /alg/
Didn't the director was someone from the game dev?
Only Tripizs so far. I plan on ringing Victorious next
Nah, the director directed Campione before KC (maybe this was a red flag?), then Akuma no riddle, problemchildren isekai, fuuka, etc.
I liked Campione though. Mondaiji was pretty fun too.
If it has to be a burger boat, then 3d5 would be a million times better than Enterprise.
I'm still utterly baffled that they had Diomedea handle the KC anime.
Lowest bidder?
Diomedea wasn't the problem though. They ran both world's end and Kancolle at the same time and you could tell the people doing world's end were having a blast doing so even though it was low budget while KC had all the money and popularity but was an absolute disaster.
Which nation did you want as the protagonist? The brits?
Well director and writer work together in Campione anime
How bad is Campione actually? I hear LN is good
Stupid larper where are your horns?
Well I suppose that's true. Either way I just want more silver-haired onee-sans to fap to.
Prinz, Arizona, Enterprise, Laffey
/alg/ used to be good. Then EN came along.
We didn't gatekeep hard enough.
Get out.
I hear an Arpeggio mobile game is coming out in spring, is it true?
Lol yeah I'm sure you like her and not bring a spiteful baby.
>Ayanami & Akashi confirmed siding with Azur Lane faction from the start
How the nips would feel when Ayanami is fighting her own countrywomen and siding with burgers and bongs?
oh no
I love my canon used goods!
Krauts, but I know that would never happen. So yea maybe brits then.
>Meme "NUMBAH WAN" girl
Good thing the anime directors aren't listening to you fags
It's honestly perfect.
>San Diego is just a meme through the first half
>Major enemy thrashes the fleet
>San Diego gets her retrofit
I used to post there last year and having ENfags flood the place with zero discussion for JP stuff is bad sure but the real reason I stopped posting there is because I'd regularly wake up to a warning or a ban even though I was doing nothing wrong so I stopped posting over there because it wasn't worth having to take a time out from the site for it, especially with the state of the place. Saw this thread on the catalog while on my way to another thread and was happy about being able to discuss this without having to go over to /vg/.
This, that place is shit.
That's what I'm talking about there. Good director and writer didn't translate well to good anime for nipboat. Maybe chink will be just more competent.
>jp discussion is fairly regular on /alg/ without issue
>All this false victimhood
Holy shit
Well second season isnt done by diomedea so we'll see how that goes.
Maybe if you followed the rules you wouldn't get banned.
Who handled KC season 2?
Got banned for posting Sheffield once. Bunch of fags.
Seriously doubt they can do a better job considering the series doesn't even have a proper story in the first place.
Obviously you should only discuss jap on a weeb board
Post sfw next time.
You have to be either a doomposter, a spammer, a gunnigger, or a KCshitter in order to elicit a ban from /alg/. Otherwise, you're lying out your ass if you think you got banned by posting normally
Any Javelinfriends here?
>I want to be able to discuss the cute characters without having to go to the shithole that is /alg/
user... As a lovelive fag I can assure you one thing. /vg/ shithole will come to Yea Forums in your comfy threads. You can't escape.
I remember seeing some retard on /alg/ crying about getting banned because he posted a picture of a girl pissing in a cup.
It's not out yet, it was announced a few months ago. It's going to be done by Kadokawa's new inhouse studio, ENGI.
>Post sfw (FULLY CLOTHED) picture of boat
>Deleted because lolis are not allowed
>Make one post complaining about the game fucking you over
>Deleted because you're not supposed to say mean things about the developers
>Say that you dont like a ship
>Banned because its the waifu of the mod killing the place
Yeah no the place is trash. Literally the only place on Yea Forums where you get randomly banned for staying on topic and praised for shitposting, thank god for the anime giving us a new home.
Eat dick. I could have made a collage of all the random bans I endured last year over there but I chose to just complain about it to friends until it was too much and decided to just leave instead of trying to mount some autistic crusade.
I was talking more around right after JP release. Like late 2017 to early 2018 was comfy. I took a break during last summer for a few months before EN so I don't know if maybe there was some janny going through a power fit at the time. I must've missed that.
clothed =/= sfw. Post the picture then.
Fuck you, it was sfw. Doesn't matter anyway, I quit for Brown Dust. At least I have some context for the animu.
I quit as well soon after EN came out. Maybe the anime will make me want to go back.
sure it was
If it was you wouldn't have been banned
/vg/ moderation is a lot better then Yea Forums
newfags just can't read the rules
>sfw (FULLY CLOTHED) picture of boat
Somebody post Isokaze.
That's odd, because I've posted a lot of clearly nsfw loli there that I've been banned for on Yea Forums and nothing happens there.
>New studio
>Doing in-between animation and paint for Bloom into You, Iroduku, and Release the Spyce
I don't know if this studio is good or not
Spoonfeed me please
For academic purpose only
Just post the image so we can decide if it's SFW.
No bro, it was probably the tuna, think of the advertisers!
If you post the tuna you get canned.
I posted that multiple times on /alg/ without issue
bro no, as soon as you posted this I got 503'd
We're losing the advertisers already
Yamato fucking when?
When's the non-chink GFL anime getting announced
We'll have to wait and see. The trailer looked promising.
>all deleted just yesterday
eat shit shill
I've gone on wild shitposting sprees on /vg/ where I crash entire generals for hours because I need to let out some steam after a shitty day and never get touched but I've gotten banned over there for a single pot simply telling someone to fuck off or the most harmless shit on /alg/. I'll take Yea Forums moderation 10 out of 10 times because if I get banned here then it was usually deserved and I can accept it instead of dumb shit that makes you ask what the fuck.
If it's just inbetween department, I'd say they're doing an ok-to -good job. But the hell of dice rolls are director, screenwriter, and the fucking fatman input.
She just tripped, how is this not sfw?
Sheffield is nopan though
You sound like a shitty person so it doesn't surprise me you got banned.
only shitty people go to that general anyway
>doesn't understand the definition of sfw
>no lewds
>not animated by based chinese studio, but some retarded cheap japanese sweatshop
Why would nips give a shit? The first chapter in the game is literal reenactment of pearl harbor and they didn't even care.
If you want to get really anal about safe for work then by definition the entire site is not safe for work because your employer wont like the fact you're browsing Yea Forums at work.
I don't think that Azur lane' s Yamato who be as beautiful as kancolle
Is that you ump nigger
How on earth has this not get a copyright lawsuit?
This is not like pokemon and digimon or family guy and the Simpsons.
This is a literal literal literal literal fucking literal ripoff of kantai collection.
I don't post on /alg/ anymore. I was talking about last year like that user said.
Here's some more images I've posted countless times on /alg/ without getting deleted.
>This is a literal literal literal literal fucking literal ripoff of kantai collection.
Because you've overdosed on memes or haven't really bothered looking at it outside of what some idiot on the interne ttold you
And Kancolle ripped off Arpeggio.
I'd say it's well deserved.
You're all neets anyway.
Posted all the time on old /alg/
>inb4 deleted cause shit Yea Forums moderation
>Lusty titty-slapping z-class destroyers
>literally posts the same picture that many times on the same day
Do you not understand the definition of spamming you retard
This ripoff isn't a spreadsheet simulator tho
SFW is mostly a filter. Besides, what YOUR employer feels doesn't affect the definition of the term. It's there so people don't derail discussion with racist or lewd shit and act civilized. That's why majority of the serious boards are blue.
Depends on what part of "last year" anyway. The place went to the shitter after anniversary and its a wasteland where everyone there has convinced itself the general is perfect and anyone that disagrees is a raiding shitposting KC/gunfag there to shit up the thread using concernposting to try to mislead and split the community. New /alg/ is honestly the most autistic place on /vg/ and should really be avoided at all costs unless you're a phoneposter and have a high tolerance for autistic children.
>How on earth has this not get a copyright lawsuit?
For what? The gameplay is completely different. And you can't copyright the concept of "XXX is now a bunch of girls".
keep crying
People were actually cheering the retard on because they believe janny was oppressing them, what a joke.
You can't copyright ww2
It's been a while since I stopped playing but I can't wait for this.
Yeah, but it's China, what do you expect
Hey isn't this the game where lolicept keeps on drawing that black hair cowgirl?
Considering the rogue janny is the worst part about /alg/ then yeah i'd cheer him on too
Think of the advertisers.
You mean that manchild that quit twitter and went to the police over cyberbullying?
It's the game whose community drove lolicept to quit.
wtf i love azure lane now
wait what
It's KC fake news.
a kantai fan actually was the one who harassed lolicept into quitting
>make joke about earthquake and shaking breasts
>butthurt AL fan upset he isn't posting AL
>proceed to harass him
btw the perp's account doesn't exist anymore. He apologised in like 3 different languages after a multinational mob came after him.
fake news
hahaha what
>he apologised in like 3 different languages
Based lolicept just showing people what happens when they fuck with him
Post the rest and see who was the one defending him and harassing him
>draws nothing but cowtits and boobjobs
Good riddance.
I thought it was a KCnigger at first, but that Hiei guy turned out to be Tanaka hater who've sworn to destroy KC since 2014.
And also that guy (Frandle_akr) who ignited all the flaming, was actually an AL worshipper.
HieiHasseKai5 is a KC hater, many of his post was mocking Tanaka, the game producer, and game characters.
he's back baby
Ok since nobody would post the source
The fuck is based chinese studio you fucking shit for brain nigger?
>Based lolicept just showing people what happens when they fuck with him
He went to the police and twitter. Twitter did nothing and the police isnt going to do shit either.
There are a metric fuckload of KC ripoffs, and still new ones being made to this day. I'm sure the devs just stopped caring
I thought he got banned because loli was in his name
But he summoned a horde and drove the people who shat on him to commit social media suicide
Imagine being such a manchild that you go to the police when someone bullies you over the internet. Good riddance indeed.
I don't usually watch mobage/video game anime because they're usually fucking shit but AL has some fucking hot designs that can't be missed.
Game still sucks though, Auto battler zzz.
>T-they were bullying me!
>Cyber bullying
What a little bitch
>pic related, Frandle_akr was in damage control mode after realized his lame joke created an opportunity for the internet trolls to destroy his favorite artist.
>was actually an AL worshipper
>worshipping literal chinkshit mobilecrap
Fucking gross, what the fuck is wrong with this weeaboo? Is he a chink?
I seriously doubt they can get some of the sexier ships into the anime considering their high profile VAs.
Meant to reply to this.
They'll have small cameos with barely ten seconds of dialogue.
A lot of Japanese-wannabe taiwanese nowadays, so probably.
Akagi is the sexiest ship and she's the main villain
A lot of chinks want to be japs. Let's be honest here, wouldn't you too if you were a chink?
>but AL has some fucking hot designs
And they're probably all the secondary bait cowtit boats like prinz, lusty, belfast or takao
Kill yourself ledouche.
Well this isn't GFL anime where they failed to get the VAs to reprise their roles as well as being made by a literal chink studio
feels bad
Mainlanders are probably not self-aware enough since president poohbear's propaganda is very effective.
The younger generation islanders are basically Japanese in everything except their language.
>Well this isn't GFL anime where they failed to get the VAs to reprise their roles
That's a huge yikes, how do you fuck up this badly?
That's a strange way to spell Kisaragi
It's weird how GF who has a proper well written story gets SoL while AL who doesn't have any to speak of gets a serious anime.
Nobody wants to work with Chinese.
Big shocker, I know.
the game is fucking suck and all the boats(girls) in this game are fucking generic at shit and literally no personality at all, even generic harem shitshow every season has better characters and girls than mobage shit like this
>c-c-commander pls don't look at my pantsu i'm tsundere
Also the voice acting is fucking shit, sound like they're bored out of their fucking mind
Everyone knows the sexiest ship is this tuna right here
Probably their management. Even literal who mobages can get an anime working.
Wait what? Source?
I'm not surprised though looking track record of MICA
>proper well written story
Fuck off you stupid dipshit shill, shit is even worse than 13 years old deviantart manga wannabe
>5 advertisers died for this Tuna
>Proper well written story
>four teens go into a tomb where an ancient evil is sealed then they unleash it on the world and now everything is fucked
Lets not kid ourselves, the entire thing is trash and only the cute girls make it decent.
The PV is on youtube
>proper well written story
lol no
Definitely their management given the shitstorm a couple months back.
retarded middle management uncle literally fucked up the studio because he couldn't keep his semen stained hands out of the pot and let the team do their shit
>1 Taiho died for that Tuna
No, what I mean is the source of that news about GFL failed to get VA to reprise their roles?
Don't do it, you'll summon the mommy and brap posters
Why is the AL community so trash? Even the /vg/ AL general is infested with cancer.
>MICA almost get scammed by SEGA for VC collab
Looks stupid or incompetent
Name one mobage community that isn't infested with cancer.
That's what gacha games do to you
Chink nationalist weeaboo
>click on this guy with japanese name speaking japanese
>he is actually a chink
Fucking weeaboo
Most generals are actually fine and dont have half the autism /alg/ has so I'd go with any other general.
>Weeaboo is an insult
bro you're on Yea Forums
>ryo hanzo hatsuki XD
>its flipino or vietcong
>Most generals are actually fine and dont have half the autism /alg/ has so I'd go with any other general.
>being this new
There is a reason why people called /vg/ a shithole
Too much T&A, drives men mad.
Sorry but I play a ton of gachashit and go to other generals, I'd take any of them over /alg/ easily.
/gfg/ is usually pretty good, at leat they don't harrass people.
Give me essex
Weeaboo on Yea Forums is fine,being weeaboo outside of Yea Forums is fucking cancerous
Fuck you she already had two reruns
I'll let you in on a secret
harassers aren't a part of any general, except for maybe /gbf/ or /fgo/
>literally /alter/ 2.0
>play chinkshit
Kill yourself ironic weeb
bro are you stuck in 2013 when weaboo was an insult?
Man some of the characters from this game look so good im almost tempted to give it a try. But I don't want to fall down the gachage rabbit hole.
FGO can take on chinkshit anytime any day
And both are still better than /alg/ because they're not autistic hugboxes where people come up with the wildest conspiracy theories when there's shitposting
The game itself is pretty low quality even by gacha jpeg collector's standard.
Stick with doujins.
Well if you talk about GFL in /gfg/ obviously you don't be harassed by person there
Try talk about GFL on another generals
>literal Yea Forums hell hole
>better than anything
I guess its up to your tastes
Fuck off to your /vg/ shit hole
>I was shitposting and got called out so everyone who called me out is just a conspiracy theorist
Why would anyone talk about gfl outside of /gfg/? This is why the AL community is so reviled, they post their shit everywhere.
Yeah a literal Yea Forums hellhole is better than some autistic hugbox because you can already discuss the game there and have fun doing so instead of having to deal with the autism and conspiracy theories of people there
They aren't afraid of refering to the SKK as male every chance they get, so I'm betting they will.
The only time you'll be spending shekels are buying cosmetic and marriage rings. Unless your luck is really shitty like fucking rank E-- shit when comes to gacha.
Name these fabled generals that are supposedly so good. I visit 2 other generals for games I play and both are way more worse than /alg/
Literally nothing but tranny posters, discord drama, and erping. Gets to the point where Yea Forums is better to actually discuss the game
Nothing but doomposting, cuckposting, forced memes, and more recently ryona
/alg/ may be more draconic, but I'll take that over the rampant shitposting that goes on in other generals
Whats the point of these gacha->anime type shows? With so many shipgirls, theres no way you can please everyone. Kancolle also ran into the problem that if you take a setting like this seriously, it ends up being shit.
>Yea Forums shit
>anything fun
Your brain on Yea Forums
They'll just animate the most popular ones. As well as ones that are important to the story.
The shove needed for Kadokawa to release S2
They only need to animate Nimi, the best and most popular girl
just goes to show how bad the thread is these days
Can somebody post that quote from kadokawa that's directed to Azur Lane?
If anyone's wondering why this thread is filled with shitposts its because the /vg/ thread found it and is shitposting on it while jerking themselves at how good they are like usual
For what purpose? Do you want to mastubate or something?
My cute portable health pack
>/alg/ is a super sekret club that no one else can gain entry to
Oops, messed that up. Haven't crosslinked cancer like that in a while.
Tell them their game and chink frontline are currently dying together lmao
>The Yea Forums thread is attracting all the shitposters at this current hour.
>It's fantastic
Looks like the usuals who shit on their thread is in here. Too bad you linked it and they'll probably get shitposted again.
How is a chink copycat of KC getting this much hate and shitposting?
Yeah funny
the place has always been a cancerous circlejerk anyway where they dont realize they're the problem and the reason the place is so shit
Guys /gbfg/ are laughing at us again.
The general seems pretty tame as the people described it here. Maybe this guy is right
>Can't even link properly
Shitposters everybody
>pretty tame *unlike* the people described it here
I fucked up just let me die
>How is a chink copycat of KC getting this much hate and shitposting?
I really fucking hates chink
They have dedicated shitposters like this guy who saves random screenshots and even fake ones
Because its "peaceful" right now and its not melting itself over how the evil gunfags, kancollefags, fgofags and wowsfags united themselves to take down the mighty azur lane
>Shigetaka Kurita, director ofKadokawa Dwangocorporation, criticizedAzur Lanefor lacking the sense of "tragedy and heroism" inKantai Collection. Kurita described the game as "merely anidolaction game with a fleet motif". He found the greatest appeal ofKantai Collectionto be the "sorrow of the Imperial Japanese Navy" saying that one might cry while playingKantai Collectionbut notAzur Lane.
It's tame because the worst of poster in this thread
Well, there are some dedicated shitposters in the general. It's a chink game so they hate it. They post the same screenshots in Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /jp/ and other /vg/ generals. Then link the /vg/ general to get a raid going. As they have been here for a while now the general has calmed down.
>that shitfrontline shill keep spewing about gfl story is amazing, masterpiece etc
>try it
>its fucking dog shit try hard its like a fucking 12 years old wrote that crap
They’re discussing how to fuck over people ingame btw.
Yikes. Why do they hate chinks so much? Japanese nationalists?
Well it's not like I like the chinks, I'm pretty much indifferent when it comes to them.
>"sorrow of the Imperial Japanese Navy"
Always makes me chuckle
That guy was 100% right, though his reasoning was retarded. Azur Lane is an idol ship game that just throws a bunch of big titted cliche anime girls at you. KanColle actually respects the ships they're based on.
This is why nobody like ALfags.
The only reason the /vg/ thread is calm is because all their shitposters are here in full defense mode about how their thread is the best in the board along with their usual shitposters because it was linked over there
Sure thing.
Hello Yikes user
Usually you in /alg/ do shitposting. Why are you here?
>Shigetaka Kurita
Apparently this guy 'invented' emoji.
FYI that guy was fired. Stop masturbating over it.
Yeah, it's hilarious how somebody is calling a Yea Forums hellhole like /gfg/ the best thread in /vg/
its certainly better than alg at least
>KanColle actually respects the ships they're based on.
Fuck no. If I take a peak at the American ships in that game, they're all just a bunch of nippon-idolizing weebs. AL does a way better depiction of them based on their history.
>this cope
Kek, maybe they're just improve their game and not wasting time on adding literally who like Kaibokan and useless collab like skincare.
He was also fired from Kadokawa. And barely worked with KC.
and what exactly is wrong with Shimakaze? She was a fast ship with low armor. Reflected completely in that design.
Autism over this picture in 3 2 1
Most all of the gaijin ships are like that. The American girls and equips are some of the best in the game though.
>KanColle actually respects the ships they're based on.
Fucking lmao, take my (You).
>all these shitflinging across 2 games
Your usual Yea Forums/ salesposter here. How about we deal this with a tradition
Image related is their earnings in japanese yen since December
>they're all just a bunch of nippon-idolizing weebs
You dont play KC because this isnt true at all. They reference other, Japanese, ships because they're part of the same fleet now.
>this is an American boat in AL
Girls frontline is a year older than AL though
>Dickship Nelson
>Potato Interprid
You need to include FGO in the image too for maximum shitposting power.
Oh no no no bros...
More than AL ever did
Which column is sales?
Why do you compare a fucking giant like FGO to two literally who chink shit?
>all that blue
My eyes
>There's actual people on this website who engage in "my chinkshit is better than your chinkshit" shitflinging
>Dickship Nelson
Great reference to how actually retarded the ship's rigging was
>rank 191.1 and rank 173.8
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the kancolle killer they said
Its a daily thing on that general
Where is the other chink game in that list?
>free falling from 8 to 173
What happened?
Arguments aside for a second. What do we actually expect from the anime? Are we just gonna get Midway (which would be fucking stupid), or are we gonna see some events animated + anime original things.
What other chink game? Girl's Frontline? Didn't even make it to the list, of course.
Prolly a dead month with reruns? I dunno I don't play AL but that happens in the game I play
They sure shut up quick about comiket after c95. I remember they were saying
>t-t-those are pre-reg numbers!!
Absolutely pathetic
This is the worst thread in Yea Forums's catalog right now. Can mods delete this shithouse and keep Yea Forums scum away from Yea Forums?
>What other chink game? Girl's Frontline? Didn't even make it to the list, of course.
>KanColle is killing itself
But seriously which column is sales?
The column with the kanji 'sell' in it.
For every one Kancolle "problematic" design, there are like 10 for AL
Which game is first place? Idol Mustard?
Never forget potatogate.
2nd, 3rd is average ranking.
Monsterstrike, this shit is literally make more money than FGO.
There's like absolutely nothing nautical or historical about 90% of their ship designs. Most of them are just designed after their namesake. Like hmas vampire being literally a generic vampire.
Yes, and we love them for it
Monster Strike
Doesn't this artist have a history of tracing for his commercial works
What the fuck even is this cluster shit, no wonder it bomb so hard
Nothing to sale really, like You roll the gacha like in Kancolle using ingame currency and pretty much farmable.
And the cosmetic skin that released this month isn't really woth buying.
It's really like I'm in /vg/
thats because all the vg shitposters came here while they laugh from their threads
>Drop straight down rock bottom to rank 168
>b-but its nothing to sale
/alg/, gunniggers, KCniggers, and /alter/ in one thread. Amazing, really.
Did Japs that got hired for the art intentionally try to sabotage the game? When I look at this I dont think nautical at all.
But it isn't.
You know these girls are all over 70 years old, right?
A lot of the girls in the game don't have any real naval themes to them. The maids are a big stand out to me. Also a lot of the time the rigging is for sure slapped on by another artist.
Watch this shit yo, can you even flop this consistently?
what the FUCK is the appeal of FGO? why do tards keep throwing money at it?
barely any of AL boats are related to boats. They're literally idols with vaugely ship looking riggings. Some boats have riggings that are just completely high fantasy in design. And when they do try to do history references they fuck it all up, just look at their saratoga's funnel.
Its better than whatever chinkshit you got heh
Oh no no no hahahahahaha
It's a Hoontah, out for the Hoont.
But seriously, Royal Navy Madams wear Tricornes and that sailor shirt asso its just pass the mark to fill the rest with references to Bloodborne
>in the same chart
How does this even work?
The tricorne given to naval women during ww2 looks nothing like that or the classical tricorne for that matter.
>one spooky ghost gas tits
no thanks
Don't drag us into your shitposting, KCniggers.
We know that’s the case for the Kongous. The chinks literally shopped the new Kongos onto Hao’s rigging for the old designs.
I don’t understand the appeal of that game. It was pretty shit when I tried it.
AL setting kinda fantasy especially the IJN
Yeah, they pretty much went "BB reference"
Honestly both game girls didn't have Naval feeling
Take that back you bloody fucking cunt, i fucking hate every fucking boatshitniggercancer fucking cunt
This is why I don't really like AL, there's no consistency. It feels like they dug out idols out of the reject bargain bin then called them a boat.
Are you talking about monsto?
It's pretty much their japanese version Clash of Royale
Normal people and kid's play the shit of it.
Its ping pong with pokemon BING BONG WAHOO
Its actually very fun co-op game and you can play like literally everywhere in Japan
>Honestly both game girls didn't have Naval feeling
How do you figure? In KC like 90% of the cast wears a sailor uniform or some sort of nautical attire.
Fuck off, KCniggers. You literally use FGO to shitposting and keep bringing this shit to FGO.
>there's no consistency
I cant stand that there isnt even any consistency within ships of the same class.
Shibafu’s carriers are lazily designed especially the midway 4. Saratoga is wonderful though.
Well Sara isn't Shibafu. Obviously is much better than other CV
I know. half of them are furries and the other half are elves or some other stupid non boat related shit. It's bizzare. I have a theory that the chinks just have a dartboard in the office with just a few archetypes which is why the designs all look so random.
Most of carrier didn't even look Navies and has Onmyoji practicer(AL also has it)
And after all this time watching anime, sailor clothing=schoolgirl cloth
There's consistency, and it's historical it's as follows.
>Japs are yandere or furry or both
>Kraut are tryhard edgelords
>Chinks are muh glorious culture and irrelevant
>Burger are a slapdash mix of out of date shit at the beginning, then start turning into high collar justice-fags
>RN is a pack of deviants, perverts and maids as is tradition
>France is pretty but gets shit on by everyone, even itself
>CCCP is irrelevant
>chinks are irrelevant
They’re only some of the strongest boats in game and also excel against fighting jap ships.
I thought the use of archery for aircraft carriers was a great idea. Especially for the time. The Onmyodo were used because they give life to inanimate objects, in this case paper airplane cut outs. This is better demonstrated in the arcade game
>sailor clothing=schoolgirl cloth
Which is straight up ripped from sailor uniforms.
>excel against fighting jap ships
lmao, is this some kind of chink wet dream? because they are mostly sunk or dead before even fighting Jap ships
I wish the American Carriers in AL used firearms instead of bows for their weaponry.
Yea Forums - Mobage Sales & Shitposting
Only 3 of them
Damn, the timestamp didnt save. Its @0:54
Arguably not the PR boats, and definitely not Roon.
At least they are dying together now AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
Duh, it's even sadder that nips actually ate it up, but looking from the sales number in this thread it seems like that stopped being the case already.
I know you guys are flinging shit at each other but I wanted to let you guys know the stage event will be live on NicoNico tomorrow
I'm not shitting you, they have a passive skill called jap resistance or something that gives them flat damage and defense bonuses. Also all of the game's enemies are japs so that naturally puts them in the top tier.
The shitposting is normal in Yea Forums
Every new show gets shit on the first few weeks then everything calms down and becomes comfy
Chinks love to believe they single handedly resisted the Japanese invaders.
>Ark has a steampunk rifle
It's not fair
Akagi is gonna attract the most cancer guaranteed.
Ark is also a lolicon
They need 3 in field, one of them is limited.
I agree it's a nice idea, but the post is saying about naval look's which didn't look naval at all
Sensei Launcher is nice
>jap resistance
LMAO They are not even trying to resist when japs raped the shit out of their son and daughter. Anyway their ships are all outdated, barebone as fuck and can never stand a chance against Jap ships, i thought you guys saying this shit is historical accurate something?
If you want to hear a bigger joke, they gave them out for free during the anniversary of nanking
So irrelevant in real life they make themselves strongest in their weeaboo game copying from Jap game
>chink ships speaking Japanese
>jap resistance
>chink games
>only have japanese voice acting
Why does this happen so often?
>chinese ship are voiced by Japs
>jap resistance
>wanting the show to be animated by TOHO with budget ot 100$, paying animators in cup noodles, QUALITY, stills and flapping mouths
>instead of getting high budget fluedly animated high profile superior anime by actual chinese studios, that currently completely BTFO japanese in animation fluidity and quality
complete imbecile
Even chinks think their own language is disgusting.
Because Chinese sounds like shattering glass, cats fighting, and nails running along a chalkboard all at the same time.
>that currently completely BTFO japanese in animation fluidity and quality
? the only thing they got is budget everything else are fucking shitstain
Korean is worse
Could have sworn all Chink ship has chink voice in CN server, but not on other server.
>they have a passive skill called jap resistance or something that gives them flat damage and defense bonuses. Also all of the game's enemies are japs so that naturally puts them in
the top tier
>If you want to hear a bigger joke, they gave them out for free during the anniversary of nanking
Now this is inferiority complex
>posting in a thread of chink game that btfo japanese game
>knowing Japanese animation is loosing in quality to modern chinese one
how can one cope that hard?
AL devs are actually huge memers.
Tai Yuan has piracy memes.
Heard the chink voice is so shit, even the chinks does not want it so they make a Japan fan patched, kek
>sales fagging
>false flagging
>general shitflinging
This thread is fucking awful. How hard is it to talk about an anime? You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
>good actual chinese studios
>posting in a thread of chink game that btfo japanese game
You're high or something?
Blame the toxic AL community.
I mean, the anime is tied to a pretty divisive game and we dont really know much about the anime. It was bound to happen
The only thing they BTFO are themselves
chink pls, i'm already watching that gaymer chinkime of you and its average as fuck, top tier cringe though
>Azur Lane kills Kancolle
>cope fags: but muh FG/O!!
Do not call for disaster. Chinks will listen and make own FG/O killer too.
>toxic AL community
If you think they're the problem you need to take another look at this thread. /alg/ has been plagued by a group of shitposters for months now.
>Chinks will listen and make own FG/O killer too.
That's even better.
>Azur Lane kills Kancolle
Stop false flagging
user please, everyone knows Kadokawa is the kancolle killer.
I already told they're only know how to kill themselves lol
kanColle merch sales are stronger than Azur Lane’s merch sales.
>azurlane will be the fgo killer and dominate Comiket
>Girl frontline will be FGO killer and dominate Comiket
I don’t remember girls frontline fags saying that when I went to the general but whatever.
>Complain about the event because i'm disappointed in what we got
>Instantly get labelled an avatarfag that has been shitposting about it for several threads raiding the general for laughs
>Literally made one fucking pot
Don't know if shitposters or not but the thread is maximum fucking autism where you cant have fun or say anything slightly negative without triggering the fuck out of autists
>Storyline isn't Akashi's shop of fairly priced goods in perpetual economic war with Shiranui
God I wish.
We're all pawns in the palm of the gardenscapes chad. He determines when a mobage dies
Are you that blade runner spammer? Yeah, stop spamming.
See, that's exactly what i'm talking about. I said I made literally one (Uno) (Wan) post complaining about the event so how is that spamming?
It's the result of us getting raided a few times and having one particularly draconic Janny, it's a shame but /alg/ is pretty much always on stilts.
back to /gbfg/.
Imagine doing worse than Priconne of all fucking game.
>Post the same image with the same comment for a week every thread
>Dindu nothing
He came and deleted half the thread and left up all the off-topic yesterday. With jannies like that who needs shitposters.
Its more than a shame, it makes the general unusable. Whats the point of posting in a general if you cant have fun and enjoy discussing the game with other anons that enjoy it because the entire /alg/ experience is dodging landmines?
I have hopes for the Yea Forums threads to be better after everyone gets all the shitposting out of their systems and can discuss the game with people that stick around without everyone being on edge all the time.
>fgoprojec? Was dis?
>Nobody noes it I jus say FARTNITE #1
Thanks for continuing to prove my point. Feel free to think i'm whatever autist is living rent free inside your head but I read the patch notes, was disappointed, made literally one post then everyone flipped their shit because everyone is mentally ill like you then proceeded to fuck off because there's no point in keeping the thread open when everyone is always quick to pretend you're some dedicated shitposter out to kill the thread.
Is it actually a raid or are the retards there just paranoid?
Pretty sure they've got paid shills in there. If you say anything to suggest the chinks might be doing something wrong you're instantly branded a shitposter.
>If you want to hear a bigger joke, they gave them out for free during the anniversary of nanking
That has to be bullshit.
>muh sales charts fags fail to realize you can 100% collection AL/DFL without spending a dime
It always amazes me.
Paranoid as fuck, literally just read the above posts.
I haven't posted in there in months but apparently i'm a notorious shitposter who spams there daily because I didn't like the patch. Combine that with the janny they were talking about and the thread always being on edge and its a horrible place to be in.
Gee it's almost like in an environment of anonymity the actions of one can be attributed to any who fit the pattern due to a lack of any identity to separate oneself from bad actors.
I am sorry user, coincidences happen. Just like how you accidentally typed in the daily spammers post word-by-word and attached the same image by coincidence. Have a happy ban evasion period.
Do you know overall ranking isn't affect by sales?
>daily spammers post word-by-word
>and attached the same image
I dont even have any blade runner images saved, I only post Yea Forums images that I screenshot myself
But continue making /alg/ a horrible place to be in, you're doing great work in driving everyone out.
>>make joke about earthquake and shaking breasts
Based CEPT.
I like how the people there casually blows £50 on a gachage and thinks it's no big deal
Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We'll totally miss someone disparaging the devs. /s
inb4 >something something stop being poor
>Casually blows $5000 on an fgo banner
I think you should image search that post. He has been spamming that everywhere ever since posting it himself. If you want to know how much people spend on that game in average then there is a plethora of sources with verified information out there. People have literally acquired every single non-cosmatic item there as f2p.
What's worse is that he's dropping that for QoL shit that should've been in the game from the start for free
>shat on granblue, priconne, im@s, and bangdream when they got hooneymoon period boosts
>"m-muh f2p friendly/nothing to sell" in defense when the sales fallen down to the abyss with no rebound
>Straight down drop from ranking to 168 and revenue too
>b-b-but sales fags
What the fuck is wrong with Belfast's boobs? Looks awful.
Who cares about nip's ranking.
Pretty sure western whales still shell out for this garbage.
Oh no no no no no... You don't want to see the world ranking.
>Pretty sure western whales still shell out for this garbage
Shit is not even on any ranking in western appstore/playstore LMAO
The game probably cost pennies and few rice bags to make anyway judging from how low effort everything is.
Lmao half the playerbase quit after incompetent western management
Here's a beautiful chart
Left to Right
CN > JP >KR > TW > Global
What's that on the middle?
Wait, what? I thought that the unicorn is just a stuffed toy. Why is it moving around?
Hello Yea Forums
Sorry but Fate OWN this shit
Nice anime discussion
You'd expect something "chink" to get away unscathed in Yea Forums of all places?
Enterprise is my favorite ship.Look at that hair animation.
Dude, we have, like, 30sec of PV and only 10 being animated. Even with that, there are only 2 new still cuts. Do you really expect ANIME discussion?
Tomorrow when they release a full PV with Akagi's laugh
Best laugh
No. Both AL and KC blatantly disrespect and mock the ships the girls are based on. AL, if anything, treats them with more respect by being more fantastical about it. KC dips into the uncanny valley of respect where it feels really off.
I honestly hope you're ready for a complete overdose of her laugh.
It'll be like watcing Higurashi all over again
I don't get it.
What? The strip, basically its Akagi asking about a letter SKK is writing thinking he's cheating on her with another bote, but it turns out the letter is for Akagi and SKK is thanking her being being by his side and the rest can easily be filled out. I just saved it cause I just love the end
What do Japan-hating young patriotic chinks think of their countrymen being so weeaboo that they make so many games intended to appeal to Japanese with Japanese art and voice acting ripping off Kancolle?