Lelouch and CC won.
Code Geass
So, aussie anons, what are your impressions about Resurrection?
I still frustrated how this AU retconned the relationships of ship, like of how in the Picture Dramas that seemed to hint of Cecile's feelings for Suzaku, as well as how the PD that wonders what will happen in 10 years which showed him next to her, now though it seems they shift her to Lloyd though.
I still don't get why it would needed as a single romance and let in the idea that Kaguya had as the girls harem to Lelouch.
>still no cam
Ausfags confirmed fags.
Not canon so who cares
Pffft, I can smell your burning ass, kallenfaggot.
I was hoping for a more interesting story honestly. Two immortal people living in the world while trying to hide their secret sounds like a fun premise for an anime.
you cared enough to talk shit in a LLxCC thread faggot.
duh, this is the starting point for R3 (or more movies).
a starting point, like perhaps later on like in 2021 for the 15th anniversary for an actual sequel of the tv series? If so, I wouldn't if they had it that Lelouch would of return but as a different character like using elements from the male protagonist for the upcoming Lost Stories game, as well as maybe a variant of that new knightmare frame as well, the Pendulum.
>still seething
Feels good to be a CChad
cucks, lmao
>no one cares
Sounds like a great movie
CCchads always win.
A truer love is hard to find.
Except, you know, in the original canon.
Lelouch wakes up to this every day
Based CChad
He is a lucky bastard
like perhaps it stats the frame is the base form and gains additional forms, so perhaps it could can attachable energy wings in navy blue color later on or even gain some elements from Lelouch's old knightmares like the name of it could be Pendulum Mirage(after the Shinkiro).
Movies are new canon. Deal with it.
But they're not. TV canon is still ongoing and expanding.
Movies are canon AU. Deal with it.
you mean the manga releases right? With the one that focuses the parts of Suzaku and Kallen, as well as the Code Geass Re; manga that follows the events after Turn 22 with additional events not shown in R2?
Yes. They're blatantly in the TV canon and not the movies.
Also what did they mean by this?
>he thinks they will keep referencing tv canon after L&G ends
Which is still canon. Stay mad.
incoming yuri.
Lancelot & Guren kinda makes me want to ship KallenxSuzaku. With Kallen on top.
You're fucking kidding me, the date already passed and I thought it was going to be an Event cinemas thing. Fuck.
>cucks, lmao
kind of makes me hope that they actually make an sequel, but state that it would follow events in the Code Geass Re; manga when its done.
>Which is still canon. Stay mad.
And still AU.
Dissapointed the aussies failed us in delivering a camrip
Also, perhaps this version of Lelouch under a new identity if amnesic at first, as well as having the personality of like Eiji Hino from Kamen Rider OOO, as well as Sougo Tokiwa from Kamen Rider Zi-O who wants to become the greatest and beloved/kindest demon king.
managed to find this
or leaking the movie like the broly movie
>Kallen gets several butt shots but CC gets none
maybe this is how good the anime was and people decided to not ruin it and just have people wait for official U.S. theater release or of the actual BD/dvd come out?
If i remember right CC gets a random butt shot in this movie as she's giving a motivational speech to Lelouch
>roo fuckers failed us
Now I’m actually gonna have to wait for this
or maybe no one cares
Or maybe there are no cinemas with it playing in Australia
>this butthurt about new canon
Whatever let's you sleep at night.
>this is how good the anime was
>people decided to not ruin it
user, be serious. Give me one example when something like this stopped leakers.
I'm a Shirleyfag but frankly I couldn't care less about the movies Shirley, what made her interesting to me was the amount of shit she goes through and how she reacts to it amd how she remains pure in spite of it. It made her more interesting than random clumsy girl with a crush on the MC, which is all she is in the movies.
So whatever, congrats I guess.
Yeah, the Shirley I want to see happy is the one that endured all that suffering, not this nobody from the movies. If they were worried about her taking spotlight from C.C. in the movies just write her out completely. The few things she was allowed to do could've been handled by other characters.
C.C. is the best girl.
Agree to disagree