Nicholas Garcia
Xavier Rogers
More like Bitchko
Kevin Kelly
More like suicidal loser
Oliver Perry
more like my wife
John Nelson
More like Shitko
Jordan Adams
Why would you waifu a girl with no last name?
Hudson Ramirez
Fuck Ginko
Isaac White
It's okay to like Ginko
Justin Cooper
Caleb Fisher
more like cuteko
Gabriel Allen
Why is she such a violent angry bitch?
Blake Baker
is trash.
Noah Phillips
Yes! Ginko a cute!
Blake White
We love Ginko here.
Juan Turner
JCs are the best.
Caleb King
Hudson Barnes
My wife!
Jordan Perez
Kill yourself THK.
Brody Powell
Not again fag. just use sauceNAO god damnit
Jonathan Young
Ginko a shit. A SHIT.
Camden Edwards
is super cute!