Does it really deserve AOTY?

Does it really deserve AOTY?

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It deserves all the AOTY.

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Nah but I liked it

Only for 2018

I preferred VIolet Evergarden it was a lot more impactful.

Yes, it was a nice and solid story, with some really strong emotional moments.
And also it had a proper ending unlike most animes in 2018

honestly, this. Sora Yori was just a tier below Violet Evergarden. still a nice show though. Solid 7/10.

But it missed the part about being interesting and having people watch it


Not even a first post nor true

good job vegfag


Fourth also starts with an F you fucking retarded niggers.
Behave yourselves so I don't spam this cunt threat with gore and New Zealand clips.

same. they just handled the drama better in VEG. Some of the scenes in Yorimoi was a bit too cringe for me.

Do it and get banned you fag

It was solid before it became formulaic

Oh the horror of IP bans.

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Anime of the decade

No. AOTD is Kill la Kill.


>/thread-ing your own posts
Yori shills are pathetic.

Did (You) like it the most out of anything last year? If yes then it did because AOTY is a fucking subjective label you retarded piece of shit.

No, it was overrated garbage.

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This. Only forced drama–loving teens and shills liked Yorimoi.

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Hell yeah man. It's not even questionable

It's a strong contender for even the coveted AOTYAY, if you ask me.

Stop bumping your shitty thread please.

sure, i barely remember what else came out in 2018. last year sucked and most of the "good" stuff happened at the beginning of the year. 2017's leftovers. 2019 is looking up so far, though

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No. It's massively overrated mediocrity.

Yea. It didn't have anything on par with episode 10, plus the worldbuilding was just much better.

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Yes, although I wouldn't have minded if 2nd place won either.

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that looks beautiful.

What is with the obsession with these 2 boring shows? VE, HSL, Island, Isekai Maou, Bunny Girl Senpai and plenty others are way better.

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Well, yeah. Comparing Violet Evergarden to Yorimoi is like comparing Shakespeare to J.K. Rowling.

true i guess

>VEG shitters
>People pretending to be VEG shitters

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Yes. Best show of 2018. Veg was close second for me.

That's the only one you listed that I watched and it was in my top 5 despite the disappointing last episode.
I'm sure I'll get around to VE at some point but I already watched >40 shows last year.

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This but unironically.

stop bumping your dead thread kid

Bunny Girl Senpai should be AOTY

Unironically the shows I've enjoyed the most in 2018 was SoraYori, VE and SBY.



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stop replying to yourself

Actually it's Madoka. We went over this just yesterday.

Is this the thread where Yorishitters, VEGshitters and Franxxshitters shit on each other when none of them is in the right?

but its certainly better than garbage like VEG

You do realize Shakespeare was literally Seth McFarlane-tier for his time, right? He used all the stuff we bash Western media for; bad puns, cringey sexual innuendo, scatological humor, current events humor, even pop culture references and political grandstanding.

Do not open this image

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How often did they turn up to Yorimoi threads? I can't really remember it happening even when they were flooding the board with shit threads.

Yes, you didn't have to make a bait thread to discuss it though. Cause now it tuned into VEGautist talking to himself again.

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Franxxshitters died with their show.

You do know the mods and jannies love Sora Yori (and Trigger) and hate vile evergarbage and everything kusoanus shits out, right?

So what will the five evergarbagemen on Yea Forums do during their bans now? A month without shitposting is a long time for a dedicated shitposter.

Nobody move or the pig gets it.

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VEG would've been much better with lolis.

Fraxxies are dead after that ending.

Put down the knife and let the pig go.
Don't throw your life away, little girl.
We can talk about this.

When will they all learn they're all equally inferior to Madoka?

The discussion is about the year though.

Always nice to know the measure that the anus cult has resorted to now that they've lost "their" board and anons now to call them on their bullshit.

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Kyoto Animation will be persecuted,

It's probably hard to keep sound mental health when your favorite studio has been nothing but disappointment for an entire decade.

don't open
I told you so

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I just finished yorimoi, and now there is a hole in my heart i cannot fill...

Help me brehs, what series can I watch to fill the void?

>VEGshitters on damage control samefagging
I've watched your teen threads die with ~10 ips max every single day for the past week, it's getting sad and the samefagging is so obvious it hurts.
If you liked VEGG your opinion is instantly discarded and no one will take you seriously. dream on Toilet Shitvergarden turds

Yeah, only Devilman can rival it

Madoka was pseudo-intellectual garbage.

Same with Yorishit.

You aren't wrong

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Certainly not for me.

That's a pretty asinine thing to say. The story's not that complicated.

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Boring, dropped it. Go watch K-on!

Yes. It was easily among the best shows of the decade.

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They have been broken by their own show. Nobody even bothers bullying them any more, their show was so shit that they deserve nothing but pity at this point.

Third time's the charm?

But it was the third post?

>yorifags are so retarded they can't even count

There is nothing to be seen here. Move along, citizen.

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It's a great series, but honestly 2018 wasn't the greatest year for anime in general.

Very easy watch.

The 2nd to last episode had me tearing up.

Very good.

>disgusting mediocrity
>anime of the anything

t. manlet


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Anima Yell

your an incel

dumb yorispic

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sorry, you're dick is small, incel

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Literally the only correct choice.

It did in my eyes. I dunno if it just hit me at the right time but it is one of the deepest emotional connections I've ever had to a show. Also the threads were great but at this point I have come to terms with the fact that we can never have them anymore.

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Why this random show in particular?


I thought you would've said it left a hole in the brain instead.

It was trash, and so am I.

>Another bait thread where VEGfags triggered about YoriMoi/Yuru Camp/SSSS Gridman/Zombieland Saga is being called AOTY and not VEG

only delusional and/or mentally ill /u/fags think HSL is AOTY

I hate /u/ as much as Yea Forums does but the last couple of episodes put HSL over the top.

rent free

If I enjoyed ComfCamp should I watch IceBoat?

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The shows are honestly not that similar in tone or theme at all. But you should still give it try. I loved Yuru Camp too but they are very different shows. Going in with that expectation is not wise.