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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: One-Punch Man Season 2 PV 2 [720p].webm (1280x720, 1.14M)

I literally cum every time I see expectations destroyed haha how does it feel to see the anime you have waited for so long die like this?

opmbros... this... this is not epic

I hate that they fucked up genos nose

Is there still some hype left?

Genos is canonically Jewish, though. He came from J-City.

loos like shit animation compared to s1

a very quality season indeed.

Same, OP.
The feeling is mutual.

Attached: 1549644136694.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

reddit is that way -->

Attached: TTGGrimance.png (128x128, 26K)

Raildexniggers faced this but worse.

You can go back anytime OPfag.

>THey literally only animated the first episode

oh... onepunchbros....

Attached: please.png (1040x932, 599K)


New chapter when?


>they actually changed the filters in the HA meeting scene

Attached: 1482705792073.png (326x276, 100K)

THIS!! I remember when OPMfags were acting all smug and shit because S1 looked great, now it backfired. HAHHAHAHAHA

Attached: based.gif (498x280, 423K)

Typical contrarian (you) farmer.

here's your reply

are they going to air a black screen afterwards

OPM was a mistake. Mob is now ONE's magnus opus.

to be honest, if you didn't lower your expectations as soon as you heard it went to JC staff, you are an idiot. Also...who the fuck watches OPM for the animation? Yeah it was cool in S1 but it's not why people loved it.

Attached: 1530434791788.gif (343x495, 1.63M)

the boi be floating at his enemies

a-atleast garou looks cool...

get back to me when the next chapter is out

Attached: 1487374563305.jpg (900x600, 88K)

Why do you guys blame JC Staff for this shit? Why not ONE? He ultimately had the decision for which studio to animate S2. Madhouse would've animated S2 if ONE had just kept his hands to himself.

webcomic or manga?

madhouse passed on it ONE had no choice in the matter.

Now they just need to make Garou's eyes glow yellow in the other scenes with dark lighting. He has anime eyes, come on. Make them glow.

Attached: 1522368618285.png (800x1248, 2.05M)

FUCK opmfags and FUCK murata's shitty fillers

Attached: maxresdefault-1-1-696x391.jpg (696x391, 63K)

Based HxHchad

season 1's animation played a huge part in why people loved it so much

You just know a series is trash when people only care about the animation, literally 0 (zero) substance in OPM.

Fuck you OP
This show is going to be nothing but shitposting.

Please. I liked it when it was just as scribbling webcomic. I love the time when I was waiting with Yea Forums for the translation of the next chapter. That was such a good time.

I just want to hear the king engine.



Attached: AkkoSmile.jpg (250x219, 14K)

>JC Staff
How could it have been worse? Deen? Bones?

What? The anime looks awesome.

Attached: genos_blasty_blast.webm (1600x1150, 2.96M)

Why does the animation look so bad? S1 had legendary animation but this looks terrible.

How the tables have turned. Back in 2015 OPM fags were ridiculing DB super for its low quality animation and poor pre-production now DB super 2.0 has a greater Pre-production and will probably have great animation and art thanks to shintani's design and new staff.

Piss off bait-kun. The only thing I care about in the anime is voice actors and soundtrack. Murata's art animates itself and it has unreal levels of detail for a tv show to match anyway.

Bones would have been kino. And Deen might have worked out, it's 50/50.

DBS will save anime while OPfags will see their anime die a pitiful death

May it go down in history that boogieflop killed OPM

They passed it off to a vastly inferior studio. Newfags don't know this, but JC Staff is renowned for garbage tier adaptations.

Bones has some good sakuga I'll give you that

Attached: All Might Carolina Smash.webm (640x480, 2.99M)

Jesus, it hurts how true this is.

OPM S2 will never be as shit as DBS
nothing will be as shit as toei DBS

>nothing will be as shit as toei DBS
>I've seen literally over 20 series, trust me!


jokes on you, I knew itd be shit 2 years ago

We are talking about DBS 2.0.

oh my god it looks so fucking bad

One Piss.

>those comments
holy shit

>Look at this moeshit/romance/comedy/fujoshi with worse animation than DBS!

Missing the point

Not him but what is the shittiest animation and art you've ever seen for a series?
2016 Berserk comes to mind for me


Attached: 1552966660315.jpg (876x670, 162K)

I hope normalfags would learn from this experience. Never overhype series that are on shaky grounds

You can't prove it

Look at all that sakuga. Sasuga.

okay here's the show then
It's not exclusive to one season either, but this one is always reposted

Attached: Deku_vs_Shouto Todoroki.webm (854x480, 2.72M)

>og webcomic so popular that it gets a redraw from one of the best mangaka
>now one of the best selling manga
>"but muh animation"

it looks even worse than what i imagined it would look like

Damn, is JC staff really going to disrespect Murata's god-tier art like this?

>moving the goalposts
I accept your concession.

>i-it looks just like the manga
>y-you're overreacting, wait for the preview

lovin' every laugh

Attached: King Before and After One Punch Man.jpg (1279x635, 196K)

It's going to be Tokyo ghoul:re all over again


You would expect a series like OPM that was a wild success in the west to not be in shaky grounds

But I forget that gaijin money evaporates when crossing japans border


it really does and i'm crying

fucking called it. Knew this would happen when Boogiepop was announced a year ago. Normalfags BTFO

Attached: 1552139563134.gif (220x233, 273K)


And they were right to do so, dbs was absolute garbage and even this adaptation won't be as bad


What's the problem here?


Yeah no. It might not have been the only thing, but it was a big part.

This is just adapting a boring part of the source material with animation that's shitty for even J.C.

except when its SoL. Always rely on JC staff when it comes to SoL

The studio knows that OPM will print money no matter what, so they spent a minimal amount of cash on doing an actual good job with the animation. This is business through and through.

>huurrr JC staff gud hurr

Give it up you lost.

Attached: 1536761650099.jpg (772x768, 57K)

>King, Garou and Sonic frames
q u a l i t y
>general animation
>Garou’s voice actor
>Suiryu’s voice actor
>Saitama’s jump
comedy gold

Attached: Hurr durr.jpg (274x321, 26K)


W-what's gonna happen OPM Bros...

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Attached: Boo06.gif (500x281, 1.21M)

>who the fuck watches OPM for the animation?

Attached: FB_IMG_1551583799891.jpg (720x546, 31K)

I didn't know JC Staff posted here on Yea Forums.

I hate doomposters so goddamn much, just wait for the actual anime to air in few weeks.

I love how everybody is shitposting to hide their feelings

A1, Toei.
That's about it.

It was supposed to get released on 2017/2018 but they cancelled it. That's already a bad sign. Newfags should have known at that time what to expect. They should be fucking thankful that this is still greenlighted.

Boogiepop also looks like complete shit, biggest disappointment of the year for me.

>they even reuse BGM

Oh nooo

I am really hyped actually. I don't mind that much the action scenes looking bad if the rest is good.

The fuck are you talking about? We knew it was gonna be shit when they announced the studio change two years ago.

Reminder that only sakugafags and visualsfag will cry about this PV, there's nothing wrong with it as long as they adapt the source.


Attached: 1445977870988.webm (540x608, 1.59M)

>cancelled in 2017/2018

There wasn't enough material back then.

even if you're being ironic i won't allow it

Attached: king.jpg (886x1389, 488K)

Dude it's JC Staff
they couldn't even be assed to make Index look like something more than puke filled garbage.

Fuck off with your false flagging.

Is that supposed to be a good example of Madhouse animation?

Because Murata's is literally better animated.

One Piece has more sakuga than OPM season 1. Also DBS with good production will be better.
Keep seething OPMfags

It wouldn't be that much worse than this season opening, so it seems

Oh no the Mobp*ssy is afraid!

>there wasnt enough material

The whole Garou arc finished like 2 years ago. What are you smoking about, user?

>DBS 2.0 will have X and Y

>He compares anime with hundreds of episode with a 1 cour anime

No shit it has more Sakuga, the question are they consistently good?

>false flagging
>Genos is half-CGI
>barely anyone is moving
>no sakuga at all

No, stop your trolling.

Attached: 1445950851725.webm (852x480, 2.74M)

They adapt the manga, not the shitty webcomic.

This is worse than I thought it would be. Genos has really poor cgi, and all his punches are very slow and stiff.

Some smoke is blurred, and effects work is very hit or miss. Many action shots are actually just one character shot, with the camera shaking and speedlines to convey movement.

Almost all faces look very poor, either bad animation supervisor for first 2 episodes, or design sheets are just very bad. Saitama jumping away at the end was just his jumping shot being dragged on screen.

Worst part, this is only the first 1 or 2 episodes, considering the time we have till release, this schedule could actually fall apart worse than Dragon Ball Supers did.

It may have ups and downs but it's better than OPM.

>who the fuck watches OPM for the animation


It finished a lot longer than 2 years ago in the webcomic. Hell the last update was over 2 years ago.

Meanwhile, in an alternate dimension where KyoAni instead animated One Punch Man...

Attached: 1489833848288.png (1280x1344, 2.46M)

how can you like that one punch 2 pv when you have things like this

Attached: 1545871210457.jpg (741x741, 59K)

Its 2.

Episode 1: King intro
Episode 2: Garou+Fubuki intro

Announced in production by J.C. staff
>calm down retards, let's wait for some footage from the trailers first
First pv dropped
>T-There are n-no kino animation because this is supposed to be an offical annoucement! Wait for the second one and we'll s-see
Second pv dropped
>gu-gu-guys let's wait for the first episode to be aired first before we ju-ju-judge this o-o-ok?

Are you baiting me or your just stupid? There were already 80+ chapters in 2017. Garou's arc basically ended at that time as well. The anime stopped somewhere at chapter 38. Tell me, how is that not enough?

you can literally pick assorted pans and still from Mob season 2 and you'd still be able to build a better preview than this OPM one

S1 had Episode 5 and 12 to make up that kind of fights.


Mob Season 2 has easily been movie-quality so far.

Attached: 1552517900537.jpg (6400x3600, 2.06M)

To be fair, Genos actually looked good in this frame.

Attached: Genosss.png (2160x1080, 866K)

S1 had episode 1 to assure people Madhouse ain't fucking around, junior.

They adapt the manga, not the shitty webcomic.

Get your eyes checked user.

First episode my dick.
They already gave up and goes for "muh plot" "BTFO animationfags" already.

Glad he looks good in one frame of the PV user.

>your just stupid

I don't know. Look at the mirror?

I was talking about Murata's manga you fucking retard

MOBchads win again. OPM is a garbage reddit tier show. AHAHAHAHA

KyoAni animating One Punch Man would've been kino.

Attached: 1551279531407.webm (704x396, 2.55M)

KyoAni is too busy.

Attached: dragon sakuga.webm (900x540, 2.74M)

remind me agan why they changed studios

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Expecting the OPM fights to be like this.

Have you seen the last episode of season 2? No? Then your opinion is worthless.

Why do people say Genos is CGI? It's a metallic coloring, his arms are drawn.

"The whole Garou arc" will end in like two years from now in the manga, moron. And the manga volume with S2 finale events didn't come out until August 2018.

Technically this counts as a victory for OPMchads.

Inferno Cop ?

Looks like garbage tbqh.

Boogiepopchads ordered it, so Madhouse had to obey.

Is this porn?

The first PV in S1 is enough for me to binge the webcomic/manga, that's when you know that the animation is so good.

Previous thread IT'S FUCKING OVER

Boogiepop > OPM story-wise, that's why.

Go to bed JC Staff member.

Attached: Kigami.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

Every shitpost and meme about S2's quality has been confirmed. Every single one. It's more than beautiful, it's a magnificent catastrophe. People will drop S2, there's not a single positive comment on the youtube upload.

Why do nips waste good animators in a fucking anime where a little girl kicks grown up men on a battlefield?

And they say anime isn't dead. Kek.

They adapt the manga, not the shitty webcomic.

Honest question. Why didn't madhouse make the second season? Why was it handed over to JC Staff? Does anyone have have any concrete answers or possible reasons?

>muh women can't do action scenes they should come back to the kitchen hurr

Attached: ezgif-2-a374aeacff81.gif (600x338, 1.69M)

Hello wake up, nu-madhouse is garbage as well.

Why is FubukiXSnek so popular? What the fuck?

Attached: 0630e99d2d71833c54bcd3d23f2ed01b444c929av2_hq.jpg (400x400, 25K)

pretty sure they announced it to be released on that year's fall season

For comparisons, this was JoJo Part 5 preview, not much of a diference imo, considering JoJo is one of the best animes of 2019.


It's Little Busters all over again, isn't it?

Attached: 1374760939960.png (848x480, 462K)

Does your wife's boyfriend likes chinese cartoons too?

Why would you ever wish Madhouse on anybody?

Attached: stomp.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

This. You had to have S3 to have an opinion on S2.

The animation sucks. So honest question, why is madhouse not animating the second season? Why was it handed over to JC Staff?

Boogiepop Phantom which is way better than this shounenshit


They were busy working on Boogieflop.

Does this trigger you, user?

Attached: 1547712846294.webm (854x480, 363K)

Still better than JC Staff.

Wait why are they doing ONEs version for season 2 instead of Murata's version like they did with season 1?


Attached: 02-4.jpg (800x689, 28K)

well, for one, they needed to wait a couple fucking years for the midquel to get made

the problem is that whatever technique they used to color and shade his arms is so disgusting that it's hard to imagine that someone actually did that by hand


Attached: JUST.png (876x670, 808K)

There should be an indicator whether an anime is a passion project with dedicated freelancers.

The JoJo anime is garbage but the brand power is so strong that people will suffer through Toei-tier scribbles and pretend to love it.


doesnt really matter if Kodansha pays you more than hikkie sales

>Blurry as fuck picture

Boogie did nothing wrong
It's JCgi staff's fault

Attached: D1urrP0WoAEF8u0.jpg (1920x1080, 86K)

would it have flopped as hard as VEG too?

They doing justice to his shit-tier speedlines and action though.

stop memeing, that metal sheen looks gorgeous

No, they didn't announce its official release date ever until last August. And the date was April 2019.

why is he so smug?

ONE couldn't keep his hands to himself.


that's true though you fucking retard

Attached: male vs female str.jpg (1068x526, 78K)


Casuals love it for Murata's art and fanservise, user.

what could have been

Attached: JUST.jpg (720x720, 80K)

Let's predict how many cgi models are going to be used!

If only...

Chickenscratch is easier to adapt than Murata's work.

Murata said he would never ever want to draw Elder Centipede again. No way JC would want to draw it, period.

they are close in rank

and, uh, i guess they're both pretty grouchy and petty despite being decent heroes? And they're almost old?

>MGTOW still triggered that women are doing fight scenes

Attached: 1552030589027.jpg (418x419, 112K)

>biggest normalfag embracing manga of this decade gets a piss poor sequel to despite its fans
nothing of value was lost

Attached: miyazaki.jpg (460x468, 54K)

All of the monsters and half of the humans.

I'm triggered that they aren't putting me in wrestling holds!!

Why are we blaming ONE for this?

Now that Brendan doesn't have to pay alimony anymore, why doesn't he help fund S2?

The last scene where Saitama jumps off the broken building is animated so badly , it's like he is floating

Based secondary

>muh realism
But a flyweight fighting a heavyweight is fine, right?

Attached: 1447605021252.png (176x150, 911)

Imagine being choked by Violet using her loli thighs.

Attached: violet thighs.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Kek, not even Machine God G4, which was the biggest candidate, is CGI. Stay mad.

Jesus Christ, Overlord is one of the worst things I've ever seen. All 3 seasons too. It looks like it was animated using cardboard cutouts that were cut by a blind person.

>w-women are only allowed to fight if they do it sexually on my pee-pee because I'm an incel
>I-I'm stronger than a woman!

Attached: 1375429566024.gif (260x330, 18K)

the Jojo anime never had good animation
part 5 was a step up thanks to a few good moments here and there, but it continues to be still frames panning around for the most part
people aren't fans of Jojo for the quality of the animation, and the reason people are shitting on OPM season 2's preview is because the first season had fantastic animation, and was well know for it

So who will be first to pick up the pitchforks? OPM or konosubafags?

Attached: 1552100281322.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

>w-women can fight... on muh penis hurrr

Attached: 1326216403017.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

I fear Drive Knight is going to be mostly CGI. Elder is definitely going to be CGI.

I blame ONE for ruining OPM before s2 was even announced.

Konosuba has always looked like shit.

Elder Centipede is the biggest candidate.

Konosubafags are used to shitty animation. It doesn't matter to them if the anime is shitty as long as they get waifu fanservice.

OPMfags are sakugafags though.

JoJo has great art and direction while OPM was carried by its animation.

What's wrong with wanting a cute girl to put you in a figure four?

how is not everyone in that stadium dead?
anime is fucking retarded

This cute girl is about to put you in a figure four, user! Quickly, don't tap out!

Attached: Tiffany Moore.jpg (470x264, 24K)

Definitely CGI: All centipedes, the giant octopus, all debris during fights, Genos' arms, Metal Knight, Drive Knight's toolbox, Mumen's bicycle, Child Emperor's gadgets, Gatling's gun arm, Glasses' glasses...
Probably CGI: Gouketsu, Bakuzan, Eyesight, Orochi, the monster crows, random background monsters
Could be CGI: anyone when they actually need to move during a fight scene

They were busy with Boogiepop and other stuff. But Madhouse wasn't even relevant in OPM's actual animation, it was all thanks to director Shingo Natsume's connections. He is a freelancer, meaning he could have pulled it off with any other studio that isn't bankrupt.

Fubuki is 23, Snek is 37.

Naruto protected them with Sage Mode Jinchuuriki Genki Tengen Toppa Ki.

All the Centipedes are 100% going to be CGI

What point are you trying to prove?

>caring about one joke man after all that filler shit in the manga

No matter the quality, I will enjoy watching this shit, I mean, I've reread the manga lots of times. Also I'm watching Black Clover by Pierrot, so... anything is good quality.

I can't believe OPM has become a fucking slideshow anime. Fuck JC Staff.

Attached: 1549179486859.jpg (440x660, 75K)

Boogiepop isn't animated as well as OPM S1.
Maybe the freelancers were busy on MP100.

Genos' arms are confirmed not CGI.

Except he didn't. Murata did by drag-on-balling the pacing.

Season 2&3 are significantly worse than 1

Attached: (You).jpg (426x287, 22K)


Attached: DVZqA9QV4AETPc_.jpg (720x779, 70K)

>g-guys h-he l-looks g-good in 1(ONE) frame, the anime is s-saved
cope harder

>doesn't move

tfw no gif

Pew! Pew! Pew!

At ONE's direction.

The only thing OPM S2 will be similar to Mob Season 2 is the pacing, I expect the Superfight arc to be 2 episodes as Murata mentioned it last year. The QUALITY will probably go to Suiryu, making him the scapegoat of the series.

Spot the retard

Is it like what Ufotable does where they coat the characters with layers of digital post-processing until you can't tell there was ever hand-drawn lineart there?

Attached: source-s-dude-trust-me-5136382.png (500x488, 16K)

why would anyone put that much effort into this? I fucking hate japan

This. It was shit since Garou vs TTM.

>why is this anime about mutant girls and magical witches not conforming to reality

Neck yourself.

Attached: 1368634129132.png (636x720, 649K)

>we are getting the Gatling kino animated
What a time to be alive. Opmchads, rejoice.

Attached: 1510327598018.png (624x7803, 3.87M)

Well yeah, you can't go even slower than manga.

>animation preview trailer
>doesn't move

ONE let Murata have free-reign in the fight scenes and he drags those on and on, even the ones that are supposed to be anti-climax scenes for humorous effect.

I can cope with the animation but what is that choice for Garou's seiyuu?

Can someone do a comparison of Madhouse S1 vs JC Staff S2 from the new pv?

You have never seen a 3d model animated? Go check the berserk 2016 anime.
Maybe, I don't see the problem though.

It's Kyoani's way of telling other studios that people without talent should know their place.

Attached: FMP k.webm (853x491, 979K)

it'll have less animation frames than the manga had panels

>tfw no animation

Attached: 1546173580860.png (1280x714, 897K)

Don't you get bored typing like a dickhead all the time?

Attached: 1547653685884.jpg (378x381, 32K)

I didn't watch for sanity sake who the fuck is it?

Fucking Tamahome is voicing Garou because they didn't care.

The movements so fast, the eye can barely keep up.

By the time Season 2 starts airing, Murata should start covering the Dragon Fights, get rid of Bug God by early April, if the fandom is disappointed you can persuade them to check the manga to witness Tats vs Psykos and Orochi, Atomic Samurai vs Black Sperm, etc.

>I can cope with the animation
You shouldn't.


Attached: 19977791993.jpg (1200x630, 79K)

>I don't see the problem though.
It's barely moving,it looks like a slide show, and it's using filters to hide the lack of animation.

I like how the S1 PV had a man the size of a mountain punching a city so hard it sent skyscrapers flying. S2 PV has people... standing around, motionless.

I mean with the metallic coloring. It looks good imo, Genos is supposed to be shiny.

He will ruin those with fiilershit too.

>its gonna be full cgi
oh I am excited

Not really when people cared more for the dragon monsters than the Demons outside of DoS

DBS 2 is in the production with a good schedule.
Watch KnY till then fellow DBstan

Attached: 1472016236598.png (1493x1600, 1021K)

You're responding to a troll, just ignore him.
ONE wrote the tournament too so it's not 'filler'

>except when its SoL. Always rely on JC staff when it comes to SoL

And Railgun

Remember when Genos's arms weren't CGI?

Attached: Animation Porn.jpg (540x456, 70K)

Fucking this Fagrata ruins everything.

>Boogiepop also looks like complete shit, biggest disappointment of the year for me.

>hasn't watch At Dawn or the new arc

Metal Bat vs Elder is going to be a clangfest.

Is that your justification for this pile of garbage:

But it's trash.

What? Garou’s seiyuu is by far the best thing about all the released trailers. He’s dope.

>Metal Bat vs Elder is going to be a Powerpoint Fest


yes, very realistic, this would surely happen in our world...

A miscast, that's what it was.

Attached: 1472028266501.jpg (1366x768, 82K)

>opm thread
>seething mob fags

Finally, the interest in OPM will die and the threads will go back to how they were before the anime.

Attached: 1537277461314.webm (720x405, 1.79M)

People are still mad that PhoenixMan vs Child Emperor was a long fight, considering CE was never very popular, its understandable.

I've never justified the bad animation, I'm just responding to the retarded claims that his arms are CGI.

I can guarantee there'll be more errors in this scene than in entire other anime.

>Elder will be full CGI

Attached: disgusting.png (432x415, 177K)

>Boogiepop also looks like complete shit
Only the first 3 episodes with the weird fight looks like shit
The rest is great and the OST is godly

Do you get triggered by any anime with a girl fighting that isn't a cat fight, user?

Attached: 1373804198863.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

What if S2 was cancelled? It might even be a wise decision since it doesn't look like much money went into making it in the first place.

OPM got killed because of Murata
>anime will get hate cause of art
>manga is filler now
>studio can't use different animation styles like Mob cause it will not suit the art
>ONE gave up on the webcomic

>I'm just responding to the retarded claims that his arms are CGI
Your proof that they aren't is where...?

Still better animation than JC Staff One Punch Man.

>this is the power of Japanese feminism
the absolute state

Attached: maximum_smug.jpg (300x300, 59K)

God I fucking hate speed lines

I wish.

>Metal Bat will be full CGI

Attached: Activia.gif (320x180, 806K)

I hate Murata too.

Funny part is it really did nothing to change that.

>Garou stands still and deflects numerous identical bullets
>add blur, shakecam and chromatic aberration
>add dramatic OST
Even for JC this scene is easy to animate relative to the amazing impact it has.

As long as Sonic looks hot it'll all be fine.

just be happy they're in the back and not in the front with the laser fire

Why is Winnie the Pooh a badguy in DB?

Did Ghost in the Shell make you REEEEEEEE?

Attached: 1452853184623.webm (854x480, 2.4M)

Attached: Ghost in the Shell (1995) 1080p_a.webm (1329x720, 2.76M)

This is getting near 1969s level of not wanting to put in effort.

Attached: 1447026214345.gif (400x299, 2.99M)

I swear it looks worse the more I watch it

I really hate how murata handled Garou.
He's portrayed like a cool anti-hero with a dark past, that is actually much kinder than the heroes. Garou was supposed to be an egotistical edgelord that could beat everyone until Saitama kicked his ass.

It actually makes me hate garoufags.

>unless women are portrayed as submissive or as complete jokes in combat, I will feel completely triggered by them
>even in fantasy settings or times when they have cybernetic implants to assist them

Attached: 1540573336692.jpg (634x845, 331K)

Genos punching G4 looks better than that though.


That slide show you're citing cannot be called "punching"

no because Ghost in the Shell had a multi-billion dollar future corporation invest money into a project where the end result was no longer human.
Cybernetics and enhancements are fine, but biologically female humans are incapable of overpowering me.

That's a fact of sexual dismorphism

Fishman Island in One Piece was trash, but it wasn't filler.
Fullbring in Bleach was trash, but it wasn't filler
Year of Sauske was trash, but it wasn't filler
Boku No Hero is trash but it's not filler
Your feelings on the arc doesn't change the fact it's not filler.
And they're cold blooded individuals who probably have never seen a single tokusatsu in their life and should not be called 'people'.
Only the people who understood my 'Kick him to the Sun' reference have any right to judge the fight.

Half CGI Death Gatling is going to be hilarious to watch.

This makes me so happy
OPM leditors can finally fuck off with their trash parody shonen aimed at 13 year olds.
SNK chads still sit on top (amazing manga, even better adaptation).

Why does OPM inspire such Yea Forums tier shitposting and false flagging? It’s popularity with the west?

Thing is Murata is a Garoufag.

holy fuck calm down, you undesireable roastie

men not "me"
responding as fast as I can to make that clear


Probably, also a capeshit.

>no because Ghost in the Shell had a multi-billion dollar future corporation invest money into a project where the end result was no longer human.

And what the hell do you think Violet is?

Fucking secondaries.

wow this is pretty sad

Looks good, OPMbros.

Attached: D1_YlAKUcAAuqnz.jpg:large.jpg (1520x720, 84K)

Thnak you for the warnings DALfags, a lesson was learned.

Fucking based.

What are you referring to, anyway? This thread is at least 90% sincere disappointment with the PV.

>reeing at girls in action scenes
>get made fun of
>y-you should calm d-down


Attached: cunt-destroyer_o_410812.jpg (198x267, 13K)

Wtf is wrong with redditors ? it's full of "it's not that bad guys" " it's above average quality animation"

Tokyo Ghoul Re preview even looked good...before the series turned out to be bad.


I agree. The difference between KyoAni and your average studio is so large now that it's a fucking chore watching any non-kyoani production.

Attached: kyoani background characters.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

Virtually all negative opinions in OPM threads are considered bait anyway.

What is it about Violet's superhuman feats that trigger incels so much?

Attached: 1547556699877.webm (854x480, 1.2M)

I absolutely love how Garou is portrayed by ONE in the manga and the webcomic and I love the fact that it makes poor goddamn autists with no reading comprehension like you seethe even more.

Attached: 1533514372182.jpg (307x205, 83K)

I'm not going to waste my time spoon-feeding you the difference between drawn armas with metallic coloring and 3d modeled arms. Believe what you want, faggot.

>complaining that anime isn't realistic
>complaining about anime girls beating up soldier mooks like this is the first time he has ever seen this happen
>complaining about shows you don't watch

Attached: 1547883243513.jpg (250x250, 6K)

I'm mostly just annoyed at your insufferable presence in the thread
this violet anime doesn't concern me at all

Attached: 1552759596840.gif (600x338, 1.32M)

Redditors are mad as fuck, their favourite manga got shit anime adaptation.

If this was done in a realistic way it could have been good.
Guns are the ultimate equilizer after all so the girl could have been a sniper just like the Russian Female Snipers of world war 2.

This animation and anime is everything wrong with the protral of women in roles of power, had it been kept realistic with her possibly fighting along side men and trying to keep up it would be worth the watch. Really sad too, some studios get it, but you gotta make the female either human, give her body enhancments, or have her use her brain, but not like these webms are showing

Attached: 775 confirmed kills in one picture.jpg (916x1425, 290K)

>no reading comprehension
I'm beginning to wonder if that's why ONE has made things so much more obvious in the manga.

>I'm not going to waste my time
Ah. So no proof that those obviously 3D-rendered arms are not 3D. Gotcha.

Nah, people were already having doubts after seeing that PV. It's 80% stills and the color palettes looked like shit.

>complaining about shows you don't watch
that's most of Yea Forums
and people still have the right to call out shit for when it rightfully stinks

>never watched the anime
>moving goalposts

I accept your concession.

>Half CGI Death Gatling
They'll most likely just coat his 2D gun in some metallic gradient.

>and people still have the right to call out shit
You mean the guy who says that GiTS is different because the girl isn't human without knowing what Violet is in the anime like a fucking secondary piece of shit?

definitely bones. But too bad for OPM newfags, theyre working on Mob

AoT is fine though because the 3D gear is equal in power when used by both men and women, it's about form and finese

They've been bullied by girls for so long that they can't stand muh strongk women.

See pic related:

Metal Bat? More like CGI Bat! kek

Attached: smugarcher.jpg (360x360, 16K)

>dodging bullets

Attached: silence.jpg (103x109, 6K)

>AoT is fine though because the 3D gear is equal in power when used by both men and women
So in short you never watched Violet Evergarden and you're complaining about her feats without knowing a thing about it to troll. Gotcha.

of course I haven't watched it, I don't bother with dumb waifushit
I'm not the first autist you were talking with before, by the way

The proof is the pv, nigger. It's not my fault if your low intelect can't differienciate 3d and metallic coloring of a drawing. I won't be the one to spoon-feed you said difference.

Attached: Arm.png (373x357, 262K)


Fuuuck roasted.

>it's okay when some other studio does it like in GiTS or AoT


And this is just one minute's worth of footage. There's two hundred and forty times more QUALITY we have yet to see.

>The proof is the pv, nigger.
The proof that it's CG is in the pv, kike.

when I said it was "sad" I was talking about the animation, specifually the perspectives, not the fact that it was a women you retarded jtc autist

people usually use their best work in the trailer. so it's only downhill from here.

KyoAni animated it. There's not enough tits or fanservice.

it's bad in every anime or manga that does it you inbred turd latcher

You just proved it's CG. Thanks.

I can't believe you're still mad people don't like the anime you keeps shilling

Hi MGTOW. Have you choked on your black pills yet, you unlovable neet?

Part 5 Polnareff isn't looking good

This is the gif every mha fag uses when talking about quality. Just accept that MHA sucks more cock than it's MC

You guys can stop now, its getting embarrasing.

Attached: CGI.png (190x195, 79K)

what does that reply have anything to do with anime or manga?
Mine was talking about the ridiculousness that is dodging bullets while you're taking this shit way to personally. I mean this sincerely, maybe take a break from this website

I posted one clip lol. All the posts that followed were other people.


Why did they change the studio?

>1 minute worth of footage

Where did you learn how to count? Half of that shit was a black screen. We'll get 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) times the amount of memes from this season.

>please stop proving me wrong
>here's more evidence that I'm wrong

Why is Sugimoto the immortal using a minigun?

thanks for posting these
now I know to stay away from this garbage

Because ONE molested an intern at Madhouse.

>he overreacts
>gets dunked on
>tells the people who dunked on him to calm down

Are you actually retarded or baiting?
My entire point was that Garou was much better in the webcomic.

But user, I AM being generous, the PV is two minutes long.

>poster count didn't go up
We all know you're samefagging hard, MGTOW.

Why don't other studios learn from kyoani? are they too prideful?

Attached: mechanical animation.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

You outed yourself.

>its a 3d model
Keep going, we're in front of everyone.

You're assuming I'm the same person from above.
Assuming everyone in a comment chain is the same person is a telltale sign of a newfag

I've never doomposted unironically before, guess this will be a first.

they did it that way to emphasize the comedic atmosphere of saitama just chilling and not being phased at all by Sonic's muh speed you dolt


the poster counter went up though

Attached: samefag.jpg (510x1499, 108K)

The only studio that should be allowed to do anymore anime production is KyoAni. This shit is beyond horrible.

>tfw Murata animates better than Madhouse

Dude I'm the one who started the discussion and this is my third post here, one of them textless.

>High level animation for a nigga standing on water
What a fucking waste

No it didn't.

>posts the same calm down at anyone who dunks on him about a show he never watched
Keep embarrassing yourself.

>phoneposting this hard

>complaining about free stuff

You reap what you sow :)

None (or most) of you don't support the industry. Partly the reason why hets and yuri-neckbeards get shit like Overlord S3 and some random yuribait crap(lol!)

Meanwhile compare it to the dedicated fujos who buy bds/merch/mangas and their devotion is blessed by Touken Ranbu, Double Decker and now Bungou Stray Dogs S2.

Attached: 14590235920862.gif (1920x1070, 2.26M)

My entire post is meant to say you're a dumb goddamn autist with no reading comprehension. Went right over your head like everything else you look at.

Garou is an ~edgy~ tsundere hero-villain in the manga too, and he's literally written by ONE, not Murata. His characterization is more solid and straight up better than in the quick draft-like webcomic version.

Attached: get out.png (800x1150, 255K)

Secondaries are the worst. Embarrassments, truly.

I ain't that guy but you're an absolute retard and you need to take a step back from posting here so much.

>Garou is an ~edgy~ tsundere hero-villain in the manga too
No he isn't you fucking retard. Stop speed-reading.

how the fuck can you phonepost with named filenames jackass?

Attached: phoneposting he says.png (1698x442, 114K)

I ain't that guy but the guy who's getting triggered by Violet Evergarden posts is obviously samefagging hard and should stop telling everyone to calm down while he throws a fit all over the thread.

Masking (you)s is why people phonepost, you phoneposter.

>that is actually much kinder than the heroes.

Sounds like you didn't read the series.

Why are you all so upset? In my eyes, this is a win-win situation. It's either gonna be decent or a hilarious fuck up that we can all laugh at while watching together with Yea Forums. I'm looking forward to it a lot.

Not that user, but by having a laptop nearby and a phone on the other hand.

>we will never get a good adaptation of NT as long as JCStaff and that shitty director is in charge of it

why even live

toei are you fucking retarded , this shows that you know nothing about anime you fucking idiot, pls go neck yrself.

Attached: tumblr_o1ncyg867r1v20qjdo1_500.jpg (500x376, 52K)

You should know, phoneposter samefag.

Attached: 1415164215694.jpg (200x200, 45K)

>Someone didn´t get Garou again.

Is he that hard to understand or what?

Attached: 007.png (800x1150, 356K)


That would explain a lot, but yeah, has to be a reason. Sublety is dead and people need to be told everything.

Attached: 044.png (611x290, 301K)

I feel bad for anyone who has to do that to bring credence to an arguement

I think it looks fine to be honest, except for Garou's parts.

this beggars belief. why even bother making it without stellar animation. opm is nothing without sakuga

Attached: sio.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

OOF! Fucking busted.

Attached: [samefagging externally].webm (699x386, 233K)

Yes he is. The manga only makes all of Garou's pre-existing webcomic traits more obvious, you dimwit. You trying to pretend he's some kind of different character "written by Murata" = your own retardation and lack of any reading comprehension, nignog.

Attached: 1509219372847.png (160x261, 65K)

you guys think this will have any effect?

Attached: whoops.png (163x57, 1K)

really? then ask and you'd know we're seperate people
mods will back me up if it comes to that

Tell that to that one guy being triggered by VEG webms.

Attached: 30a.jpg (475x356, 63K)

My sincerely condolences for OPMbros. We Snkchads and KnYchads will carry this season.

>4 years of hype ruined with just one trailer lool
>PLEASE postpone the release of this season and give the team the time it needs to deliver better quality.
>Welp looks about that time to hit up that manga

>Ask me how I'm not the same guy, quickly ask me

Attached: 1376654014273.jpg (376x326, 26K)

>but it continues to be still frames panning around for the most part

i feel like that's better for something like jojo which relies really heavy on panelling and single shots but i could just be a fantard

Pokemon Sun and Moon like dislike ratio was also like that, just saying.

>The manga only makes all of Garou's pre-existing webcomic traits more obvious

Muratafaggot confirmed.

Yeah, it will lower the little chances there are for S3.

you fucking retards OPM has more sakuga in it's first episode than the entirety of one piece and dbz combined.
you are fucking blind if you ever compare OPM to one piece you fucking morons please die.

Kyoani's action scenes always look dull and boring. Not even a semblance of reality and everything feels artificial and staged. They should just stick to pandering to their fujoshits and lolipedos fanbases.

Quick. Post more VEG webms to trigger those totally not the same persons.

Attached: 1424462451338.jpg (482x436, 41K)

>still convinced it's a samefag boogeyman

How do you people even remember studios for being good or not?

Sakugafaggots were a mistake.
Muratafaggots were a mistake.

OPM is satire.

>please believe me and this other person that's totally not me

Attached: 1200px-MrSock.jpg (1200x2042, 304K)

>who the fuck watches OPM for the animation?
Who the fuck doesn't? It's an action spectacle. "The story" has maybe a 10th of the depth MP100 does. You get the best of both with that adaptation. Had murata not upgraded OPM with his manga I doubt it ever would have got an anime.

I guess when they leave you something memorable like ufotable and kyoani?

Attached: beyond.png (286x224, 24K)

>manga literally written by ONE
>Garou scenes especially so
>nothing new, all of Garou's personality traits are just more blatant
>wahhhh M-murata sniff sniff i-is the devil c-characters are c-completely different!
Quit wasting oxygen okay.

Attached: 1507771495283.jpg (1836x1369, 643K)

Is season 3 really in danger now?

>already proven a samefag
>samefags some more

Attached: shooting-your-seller1-550x259.jpg (550x259, 25K)

Yeah and it deserves it.
>"Bros let's just make Lusamine evil again despite making her more of a workaholic mom than evil maniac."
>"Also I hope nobody is still bitter over Ash's loss."

this looks like it was made by american youtubers

That only works with separate networks.

Will this season get to this scene? (one of my favorite from the manga)

Attached: 2.png (800x1150, 825K)

>implying he doesn't have separate internet at home and with his cellphone provider

Should get up to Elder Centipede getting oneshot, so yeah.

>OPMfags blaming ONE for abandoning one joke man when he clearly shows in his twitter updates that he love and care more about MP100

Seeing OPMfags got btfo'd this hard makes me sad.

In my decade of watching anime I never bothered looking up studios. I only worried if whether the story itself was shit.


It goes up the the Elder Centipede fight, so yes.

Crossboarder confirmed.

Attached: jiren_you_retard.jpg (1024x640, 88K)

I have a feeling I already know how that Elder Centipede will look.

Attached: 1547612794191.jpg (640x368, 24K)

>he won't stop after being exposed

Attached: 1402578229267.jpg (347x315, 10K)

>he hates VEG
>he's a Jiren poster
It makes so much sense now.

Attached: over_here_Vegeta.png (1152x647, 766K)

Garou is looking pretty cool.

You mean Chadposter

Attached: Jirent wrekt by Broly.jpg (696x1046, 765K)

Elder Centipede is looking real cool.

Fair point, DBS in the ToP had great animation but horseshit writing(atatatata and kakakakachidaze).

fucking el

Close, but Garous hairline looks less like its on the retreat.

Attached: 6b5b0fd53412217c9bc6565750a37bd1.png (906x921, 741K)

Because they were waiting for it to snow in April

>Garou is a manlet with rage who gets owned by an overpowered main character

Pretty much.

>hating kachi daze
Opinion discarded.

Garou is based and naturally white haired. Blonds and chinks get the fuck out.

Attached: DozvZ4GV4AEY2ad.jpg (2048x1444, 607K)

It was spammed how like BNHA spammed If you say run(good thing they toned it down in Season 3).

Miyazaki will have to go full John Williams mode to carry OPM Season 2.

>his name is garou
>his eyes are slanted
>implying his hair isn't bleached
>chinks get out reeee


he cute and swole and kinda reminds me of ban from seven sins

Im glad that no matter how the anime turns out, blonde hair has been BTFO´d beyond recovery.

Attached: Blonde Hair BTFO.jpg (1024x845, 396K)

>Miyazaki will have to go full John Williams mode to carry OPM Season 2.

You lost me. Wut?

>OPM season 2 is gonna be shit because you weren’t paying Crunchyroll $7 a month back in 2016
Lack of funding isn’t the reason it’s gonna be garbage you retard

DBspics hate KyoAni kino confirmed.

Shouldve made a Live Action Movie instead, give it to the Russo Brothers and wouldve gotten quality.

What's with this shitty coloring?

Garou does look cool indeed. Sameface db faggot №145313 Vegeta does not though kek.

Attached: 1457320935468.png (713x948, 871K)

>to despite its fans

Attached: qDvzKUlL_400x400.jpg (240x240, 11K)

At least we'll get some more Tatsumaki I guess.
I hope they shoehorn her in every single episode somewhow.

Attached: 18.jpg (1840x2598, 2.01M)

Wouldn´t know better, typical fan coloring.

Attached: 1543997513969.jpg (1024x1632, 413K)


Attached: Garou.png (800x1232, 2.19M)

Alright, I browse other boards and don't spend all day looking at this shit.

Attached: file.png (353x687, 280K)

Why did they cast Hikaru Midorikawa as Garou's voice when they could've used many other more fitting voices for him?

Watch JCStaff give Garou pink hair instead.

>Murata does a better job for fun quick fun than the animation crew consisting of several people
I just...

Attached: 1574883627543.png (351x225, 71K)


Attached: The Symbol of Fitness and Cola.png (800x1138, 310K)

Because Midorikawa fits Garou perfectly.

Just wait for the rage over Fubuki breaking Muratas limiter and he goes nuclear on JC Staff before remaking it all himself.

>What? this slide show looks awesome

Western likes/dislikes don't matter.

How did people watch this shit?


>Tamahome, Rukawa, and Heero Yuy fits Garou perfectly

Seems to me that you have no idea who Garou is. Speed reader, I presume?

I wonder if Murata will mention it in his streams. I would just love to hear the guy's opinion man.

This has got to be an edit. I swear it didn’t look that bad the first time I saw it.

Tell that to DMC: Devil May Cry.

>more Tatsumaki
>not more Fuckbuki

Attached: fubuki vs virran.jpg (1246x1300, 399K)

>tfw this perfect male specimen walks up to you and tells you he's gonna give ya a kiss on your cheek in That voice

Nope, it only started getting a little better with the Zamasu Arc, and first the final of the Tournament had genuinely good animation.

The final battle was kino though.

For that he would have to actually start streaming again.

Why would I want more of the most generic looking thot.


You forgot the part where the kiss knocks you out.

Attached: e6c6ef2e9be6526e51b4ca21df0e9ace.jpg (564x1384, 119K)

Filthy fujo ruined Garou.

Is there a reason why he isn't anymore?

It eats up time.

Burnout over a repetitive story.

Garou Namek.

He mentioned wanting to change what he did with his online presence.

Despite watching thousands of anime with girls beating people unrealistically, this scene made me ask the same question.


Attached: fubuki vs sis.jpg (1086x735, 113K)

Yes, Midorikawa going nasal, rough and deep for the default voice and his great emotional range on top of that fit Garou perfectly.

I'm sorry you never understood the character whatsoever, you poor retard.

>post count didn't move

whoa now user, don't want to sound sexist now do you? All women are just as capable physically as men are

>Yes, Midorikawa going nasal, rough and deep for the default voice
What are you even talking about? If he actually did that (like Kappei Yamaguchi is capable of) then I wouldn't have recognized his voice as soon as Garou spoke.

Stupid question but why did JC staff pick up the project in the first place if they knew they wouldn't handle it well? For whatever reason that may be (bad production schedule, little staff, etc).

>pls respond

Thread dead. Shitpost somewhere else.

Actually it was

>Stupid question but why did JC staff pick up the project in the first place if they knew they wouldn't handle it well?

Money. Like with Little Busters, which made money despite being animated like ass.

You're right but one person shitposting in this thread does't want to step out of their bubble