so, I'm supposed to believe a freak like her wouldn't get bullied to suicide?
So, I'm supposed to believe a freak like her wouldn't get bullied to suicide?
pretty girls can get away with murder
>so, I'm supposed to believe a freak like her wouldn't get bullied to suicide?
You're living proof that it can happen, user-kun.
I died 10 years ago.
user pretty girls dont get bullied due to whiteknights and the pussydefence
what about by other girls?
Konata is witty, good at sports, not judgemental, easy to talk to and very sociable.
Why the fuck would she get bullied? Weak losers get bullied.
Konata is a Chad, and Chad can openly talk about anime as much as he wants.
Youre not wrong but all those things can still make someone weak
theres people that are social, witty and good at sports but still have massive glaring insecurities or other weaknesses
Just watching anime isnt really a reason to get bullied, some people are confident about it but perhaps theyre insecure about their hair or the way they talk and then you bully them about that
Trust me, Im a bullying scientist
when have you ever seen konata have any glaring insecurities or weaknesses
Pretty much this. Konata is the lead of the group if you notice
Tsukasa is thinking.
I miss kurokonaposting.
there's bigger targets in that show
post the comic
you know the one
not the gay one
This. She's even open and proud of her small chest and makes the best of what she have. Konata is very confident and even kind of a bully in her own, but a kind one.
So she's based
She probably did get bullied, but simply refuses to give a damn.
I love misao
She's pretty and confident. No fucking way she breaks to some pitiful school bullying like some pathetic sad sack with zero pride.
I buy sausage
S-stop it user, that's not funny. Just cut it out.
h-hey man, real funny h-haha. you're just fucking around r-right?
this, she'd have tons of orbiters. Only uggos grandma-looking girls would be unnoticed and bullybait.
>nagato yuki cosplay girl never gets screentime
Cute girls don't get bullied.
You forget that girls are always toughest on their own.
I'd rather bully Miyuki