What did Negi mean there?
5toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
He will be her dinner for sure.
She detect some snek trickery going on
Kill yourself Ninofag
stop making threads
Another yandere?
What a bitch
Itsuki remembered she's winning this shit.
With pleasure!
What will she do during the Kyoto arc? She's definitely getting the climax with the whole Rena/lolikano thing.
Ichika you don't deserve to get mad at Nino on Miku behalf when you fucked her over yourself
Why did Ichika turn to the dark side? She seems to have lost her moral compass. She killed Miku and means to kill the others anyway she can.
Everyday I can't sleep
She understood you have to play to win, and by play I mean get rid of the competition first.
>dark side
If you keep repeating the meme that she did something wrong, maybe it might come true.
Her big sister arc never was natural.
Not on purpose and so brazenly. Ichika feels there are lines that can't be crossed.
Itsuki's hair is for
>It's not enough that I should succeed. Others should fail.
Which quint will self destruct first???
>Ichika went snek mode, but didn't go too far to hurt Yotsuba
>Nino's too aggressive, she knew when to stop after knowing Fuutarou's in another group
>Miku's too shy, but this arc can be a chance for her to face this issue and man up
>Yotsuba's too selfless. It may become an important plot point laterif she's relevant
It's interesting to see quints have their own problems to overcome, but what about Itsuki? I wonder how the Rena secret will play in her character arc
Yotsuba chapter next?
Nino, eventually she will realize there's nothing she can do to make Fuutarou love her and will implode.
She is 1 second older than the rest and developed some kind of superiority complex because of it.
nino a shit
No one and the quints will be fine with each other like before after this arc
Miku can't even speak up after making her mind long ago about what she wants and plan to do.
Now Itsuki is a wildcard.
Nino and Ichika have already eliminated themselves. Its between our austistic cute, the self loathing idiot and the renowned eater
And now you make me can't sleep too. Fuck, I always feel the need to shitpost in every Toubun thread
Itsuki: About Rena... to tell or not to tell...
She is a bully. Miku did nothing wrong.
I kinda hope that she reveals she's Rena and Fuutarou just shrugs it off cause he's already over her.
Like, I do get she thinks its a big deal but...
my cum to splatter on
Miku's experience about love is entry level,she is totally oblivious about what to do and an extreme airhead.
Nino is always a romanticists at heart and the most normalfag of the bunch.
But what more surprising is Ichika,whose said to experienced lot of affection and attention yet still even more of a pussy than Miku.
He meant to give me another multi-purpose Itsuki crop
>Fluffy hair and the softest quint
She's perfect.
She didn't get mad because of Miku.
She did get mad because Nino's "If you want to say something then speak now" was directed also at her, but she's pathetic and can't even try, plus if Miku speaks up all of her lies would be revealed.
She was in deep shit at that moment
Is Itsuki the best girl?
She was always like that
Damn! Itsuki looks like this!?
Ichika > Miku > Yotsuba > Itsuki > shit >>> Nino
Yes Fuutarou. You want to fuck her now?
With no survivors.
It's F's fault. The cock can change people
Miku > Yotsuba > Itsuki > Nino > backstabbing traitorous whores > Ichika
She witnessed Nino's confession and believed that Nino was in the lead and decided if things remained the same she would never catch up to or overtake Nino.
Ironically, Nino herself was afraid of Ichika overtaking and decided to all in and as we have seen in the latest chapter, she needs to calm the fuck down.
That depends. Best at devouring? Probably
>I kinda hope
Are you afraid?
Itsuki is contemplating whether her hunger is for burger or cock. It's always burger.
She reminds me of some baka zombie.
What's happening here?
bad art is whats happening. Delete this
You should be. Fuutarou didn't have the best opinion about Rena after she fucked him up
She's going to try and enlist Itsuki to get them to make up but fail terribly and get even more depressed.
Itsuki is the cutest quint
Yotsuba is the sexiest quint
>Ichika learns Miku likes Fuuts
>Suddenly starts liking him herself
Golly gee, why could this be?
Itsuki and Miku are unironically ahead of Nino and Ichika to win the Fuubowl. Yotsuba remains a mystery.
How many Ninofags will kill themselves when Itsuki wins?
Cute as fuck but Nino doesn't talk like this
Not what you're implying obviously because there wasn't a "next day"
Does her nutrition go to her hair or something. She weighs only 55.6kg despite all the shit she has eaten.
I wonder why Itsuki didn't come back to help Fuutarou when he was depressed
Unironically only Nino is in the bowl and light years ahead of others.
He doesn't even see the other four as women.
Because she's a selfish bitch
It's possible that she did, but Fuutarou was long gone
I still aren't completely sure what exactly I want to do to Itsuki. So many possibilities.
Why didn't 2 or 3 just ask to join Fuutarou's group anyway? There are two empty spots.
In the BTFObowl, yeah
no u
Put her on a diet.
The fact that he just lumps nino with ichika here as the thirsty ones points at him not giving a shit romantically about either.
He's literally chatting with his future wife here.
Nino wanted to be alone with him, so that's that.
Miku might not have wanted to go along with 2 other guys as that would make completing her plan awkward?
Or maybe simply you can't change the group after you submit it? Otherwise Fuutarou would go with Nino
She still hadn't asked whether he was alright when he came back home. Maybe Itsuki was pic related and played 5D chess to help Fuutarou and Nino make up with each other
I don't care about those silly things. Itsuki has long hair and an ahoge too, just like Fuutarou. That makes it pretty clear I think.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
He only knows 'second hand' about Ichika and we have multiple chapters on how he feels about Nino.
Would unironically make a great chapter.
>long hair
user you're even dumber than I thought
Yeah, the moment when he will reject her will be great from his POV
>expecting anything from insecure-kun
>Yotsuba with Miku
>Yotsuba with Ichika
>Yotsuba excluded
>Yotsuba and all quints
Why Negi love to torture Yotsuba so much?She just want to spend some time with her cutest sister Miku.
>He only knows 'second hand' about Ichika
Exactly, and he still puts Nino at the same level.
Ichika deserves to win
So Fuutarou intentionally made a group with Takeda just so he can avoid being with the Quints, right? What will the Quints do to Takeda for stealing Fuu-kun away from them? Ichika will obviously disguise herself as Rena.
The same level of people who he knows are in love with him.
Read the manga if you want to know how he feels about Nino.
Ichika BD bonus
Will yotsuba have her revenge on oneechan?
animefag here. does miku lose the bowl?
I meant just the ahoge and you knew that too, You just had to be mean and fake not understanding on purpose
I'm not insecure and you've yet to explain how I'm insecure to you.
Onee-san a best A BEST
Ichika will disguise herself as Takeda.
Well, the disguise might not be necessary as she looks like him already
Nah, man, Takeda saw what pressure Fuuts was under from the quints and gave him this to take some of it off. Same reason he tried to become the tutor in the first place.
This is why he alone deserves Yotsuba.
Yes, by marrying Fuutarou
Oh, I knew that very well.
user you're even dumber than I thought
She would make a great couple with Fuutarou
But Yotsuba's been trained since birth not to want things or else her sisters will take them. How will she manage to overcome this brainwashing and pursue her own desires?
Whatever "lead" Nino had is gone, even reduces to a negative the moment Fuutarou found out that another one was lusting after him. She went from the girl who likes him to just another liability.
>killed miku
did mikufags already forgot how many times she helped and pushed her? not her fault when miku is a scared bitch
Ichika please.
I hate to not use Itsuki pics but you put me in a difficult situation user.
They have to work together to protect Futaro from Nino and Ichika's love melodrama.
I really hope Negi will properly address Yotsuba's deeper issues this arc and have Fuutarou get out of the despair route.
You can call this everything but ahoge which it isn't.
It was like she was looking at a walking burger
>pic related
Why would Yotsuba have any issues with running a marathon?
Nice headcanon.
Itsuki will cause more melodrama with her Rena secret
Alright user you're really tired, maybe after a good rest you'll find your senses again.
I bet quints'll disguise as each other for their master plans in Kyoto. This'll be some next level of mindfuckery
Anyone know how QUALITY the blurays are?
Incoming Itsuki win I guess, at least this series was somewhat interesting for a while
user you're even dumber than I thought
Fuck off.
Kill yourself, retard.
They fixed Miku.
Whoa, look how happy she is.
Why would Nino disugise as anyone else?
>only 1 vote for Itsuki
Fuutarou will pursue her on his own so she doesn't have to feel guilty
Are you retarded?
She does not need to go on a diet with a body like this
I don't say this often but,
Are you?
Rude, Unless you thought I wasn't dumb to begin with and that you now only think I'm an infinitesimal amount dumber.
Caring about the redditor poll.
>Fuutarou-nyan, don't spend time with those homos or those sluts, only pet me meow~
Itsuki's gormless smiles are one of the manga's highlights
She can choose to not reveal it given the situation.
Got pics?
He's her future husband after all.
The quints belong to their father, not some little faggot who happens to be good at academics and is only fit to be their tutor and nothing more.
Haven't been on Yea Forums for a while. Are these threads still mindless Ninofag circlejerks?
Kyoto shitshow will have both Fuutarou and Yotsuba despair and then heals each other. Screencap this
>t. "assblasted 5 years later" Maruo
Not since yesterday because Nino got BTFO hard by Fuutarou, so they are on suicide watch and damage control.
but it makes me pp the big PP, so it can't be that bad
Ninofags have been getting told the past few weeks.
Itsuki eats the snek when ?
What a cute fatty. The best for Fuutarou really.
>middle left panel
Fuutarou is so handsome
>pet a snake
No, thanks
True, but Negi is building up to it. Even in this chapter with She also might not have a choice
>animators don't give a shit about Nino
The only good thing about them.
Yotsuba will win. I still believe that this will happen.
By who?
Reminder that Yotsuba's was literally cucked as a child by Itsuki. This is going to be the repeat of that.
Nino is giving you a chance to confess your sins and repent.
Why did they fuck up Fuutarou, though?
Kyoto Goodbyes 2: electric boogaloo
>Ichika will snek her way to Fuutarou using Maeda's perception of their "relationship"
>Nino will full-on attack Fuuts
>Miku will have a conflict-resolution about her shyness, cowardice and maybe what caused it in the past
>Itsuki will eat
>also reveal Rena in the worst possible way
>Yotsuba will get mad for the first time at the quints
How could Nino become Itsuki in BD ?
I fap to Itsuki and Ichika more than Nino
Miku told her she loved Fuutarou and Fuutarou told her Miku would support him and Ichika. Obviously she's suspecting something.
I'm disappointed that this wasn't an Eatsuki edit
>The best for Fuutarou really.
I imagined myself as Nino and get fucked by Fuutarou yesterday
He will be hurt more if he know how horrible the true Lolikano actually is
How do we know Ichika knows it's Fuutarou in the picture? Nino didnt.
Maybe she just thinks Itsuki is into this blonde looking dude.
>only pet me meow~
She's been stuck at the starting line for the past 70+ chapters
I'm marrying Yotsuba! Please grant me your blessings!!!
The other girls have done pretty dangerous things to him too. Throwing him into the water isn't as harsh as some other things that happened to him.
I wonder
Nino immediately realized Kintarou is the boy in the picture. Ichika also saw Fuutarou with the blonde wig so she should know that boy is Fuutarou
She saw Fuutarou wearing a blond wig during the test of courage, maybe she was able to recognize the kid in the photo as blond Fuutarou
>breaking his hopes and dreams
>not as bad
Nah. She's way past that. Her problem is she keeps changing the goalposts
>Lol I should get the highest grade
>Lol he should recognize me
>Lol when I make good choco
>Lol when I make good bread
Like she already knows she can't win even if she does so it makes sense why she's stalling but still
Fuutarou doesn't hold grudges, Ninobros said that multiple times to me.
stop shitposting, negi
>Completely missing the point
Sasuga, Insecure-kun
Rare 15 pair
>Still keeps deflecting
>Bad example
None of this is happening except Itsuki eating.
The end of that arc is when she recognized Fuutarou as the boy from 5 years ago. No wonder the very next chapter had her asking him about the past.
I think you spoke too soon.
If i were Negi i would make a nuclear war capable of making the purest Yotsuba rage
This will make the other quints snap out of their cocklust and start thinking for the benefit of the quints again
Fuutarou will enter, while almost breaking himself comfort Yotsuba and manage to convince her it's not her fault
Cue despair!Fuuts and more distancing from the quints
Enter Takebayashi
But user
It's a good thing that Fuutarou won't be alone with quints this time. Takeda and Maeda will help him
Itsuki is the torpedo that will emerge stealthily and sink all the other ships.
Cute couple
How is it a bad example, sounds pretty fitting. And I wasn't deflecting, just quoting the good words of my bros. Don't be so defensive I'm harmless.
As I keep telling Mikufags, Takeda will take care of her when she inevitably crashes and burns. Meanwhile Maeda can take Ichika.
You mean a submarine. A torpedo destroys itself sinking another ship
based rare breed of 5fag
>A torpedo destroys itself sinking another ship
Torpedo is Ichika
Maeda is married with a kid on the way
Today is Itsuki's day. Nino got BTFO by Futaro.
Ichika with the director
Fuck this, I'm part of the Nino Squad now.
Nino is a dumb cow.
Why are Ninofags saying Fuutarou having that talk with Rena was a bad thing?
If not for her interference, the shit with Nino wouldn't have been resolved since Rena was the last push Fuutarou needed to go all-in.
Maybe she'll do it if Futaro tells her how much he likes Rena.
based TakebayashiChad
Nino - Isanari
Ichika- director
Miku- Takeda
Yotsuba - Eba
>Quints dressing as each other
That level of mindfuck is for the wedding.
Pretty much this.
We really need a backstory of why miku has such low self confidence.
Your entire life is a meme.
Because they said that Nino was Rena. And now ...
>Nino - Isanari
Itsuki - Raiha
Fuutarou actually marries one of the quints just to get close with Maruo
What the flip are you talking about?
>all this osananajimifags
fucking niggers don't give negi ideas, the last thing we want is a netori
>Because they said that Nino was Rena.
Is that what these threads have fallen to? Making up shit about fanbases for cheap (You)'s?
>it makes sense why she's stalling
You do realise that it is Negi who is doing the stalling?
This isn't domestic girlfriend yet.
I'm not arguing for him holding grudges, but against Itsuki being "best for Fuutarou"
>How is it a bad example
If you're talking about Nino drugging him then he never cared.
He was deeply affected by Rena fucking him up to the point of changing his opinion on Lolinakano.
It's not equivalent.
Says the guy who immedialtely jumped in to deflect to "other girls"
Not him but I also fairly remember some People said that.
>on the day i met that girl in kyoto
>i decided to one day become a person who would be necessary for someone
>it is for that reason...
>that i study
literally the very next day
>fuck your motivations dude, drown in a ditch
>Rena was the last push Fuutarou needed to go all-in.
What the fuck are you talking about. Fuutarou was dead because of Rena and about to give up.
"Go all-in" my ass. At lest read the manga before shitposting
How will tadeka protect Fuutaros purity form this hyenas ?
That was some aggressive expansion.
By taking Fuutarou's virginity first
Nice, people really love Itsuki
Go back and never return, retard.
>stealth torpedo
I thought it was pretty clear that she wanted him to continue chasing his dream while forgetting all about Rena.
Yeah, he finds another girl after breaking up with Ichika. Ichika's an actress so she's gonna be a slut and go through a thousand men in her lifetime.
There, I actually got you to type more than 10 words. I don't think he was that traumatized by that just a bit confused for 30 minutes. Itsuki saying sorry will more than make up for that. Also I repeat, I wasn't deflecting.
>Rena before
>fucking bitch, whoever ends up Rena is a massive shit for treating F like that
>Rena is Itsuki
>it's not like she really meant for that to happen
Go be fat somewhere else.
Reminder Takeda will win the Fuutbowl.
Implying Takeda won't marry some alienfu.
>"Go all-in" my ass
I always said Rena 2.0 was Itsuki, believe lolinako is nino though.
Point to me one hing that Rena has donde wrong.
Oen thing,
What her lips taste like ?
>people actually thought Fuutarou meeting Rena was a bad thing for Fuutarou
Immediately after meeting her Futaro got the motivation to confront stubborn Nino again. Rena gave him the push he needed.
>I kinda hope that she reveals she's Rena and Fuutarou just shrugs it off cause he's already over her.
You're retarded user. She obviously has more to say then just "I am Rena". Considering she has trouble talking to Fuutarou whatever transpired in Kyoto
>just a bit confused for 30 minutes
>Also I repeat, I wasn't deflecting.
Saying that you weren't deflecting doesn't change the fact that you were.
A cute and Fuutarou's wife
But please be gentle
Thanks for ignoring my post proving you wrong, shitposter-kun
Well that's because she never tries to love him on his terms, only hers.
It's ok, I know I cannot change your mind user but I like conversating with you because you actually made me use a lot of Itsuki crops I rarely get to post. I always look forward to it.
You know you cannot change my mind because I'm right.
Meat sauce.
Your waifu wars are dumb. Liking my best girl is enough for me, whether or not she wins.
Left him completely soaked in the middle of winter knowing full well he left the hospital a few days prior (which was also her fault)
I'd sooner take Itsuki as the bride than Nino nor Ichika if it comes down to it. At least she's the lesser of two evils.
Nino deserves another slap, she's still kinda bitchy
indeed. I've faced it Itsuki will win regardless of who I like.
Following your discussions, I can definitely conclude that you are the retard here. For two reasons actually.
You don't realize that Itsukifag is baiting you very deliberately to engage in that discussion with him, which you've basically lost the moment you tried.
And the second reason is you're making whatever happened with Rena that night to be something very bad for Fuutarou, while in reality, it was something he desperately needed. And considering the fact that she was trying to make him move on from Rena, going back to fish him out of the water wasn't an option.
Stop pretending to be retarded.
>At least she's the lesser of two evils.
It is better not to choose between two evils at all and just pick Yotsuba.
Nino a loser.
Same. Although I really want my quint to win
No, but you're right for believing in yourself, that's always a positive trait, even if you end up being wrong.
>I kinda hope that she reveals she's Rena and Fuutarou just shrugs it off cause he's already over her.
>He thinks it's only her allies as Rena which she has trouble talking about
>The chapter literally spells out for you that it's something which happend in Kyoto
Isn't that Ninos best feature?
Demi glace.
Ichika's lies getting exposed is one of the best reasons to keep reading.
Go RP elsewhere retard
This is the only chapter Yotsuba will be relevant in for this arc.
Itsuki would be a balanced wife, Ichika would be an unhealthy pushover while Nino would be a pushy cunt.
>Your waifu wars are dumb
But harems are specially created to cause waifu wars. If you do not want your girl to win MC's bowl and cause mayhem or holy war in her name, then you are not consuming this medium properly.
You've drowned in your headcanon.
But her meal is already unbalanced
>Blantently ignoring contend to suit your narrative
This. I just want her to be happy
I already partook in the waifu war user. I'm just exhausted and realized too late that literally everyday is a party.
Because telling somebody to let go for his reason to succeed is healthy. They would Fight constantly, then have makeup sex? dunno the fighting puts me off her.
Don't bother user, he's baiting.
God, Negi really need to give us SoL filler chapters, i can't handle all this parties due to him going mach 10 with the plot
Yotsuba is like a true route heroine with limited amount of screentime. You need to complete other side routes of inferior heroines first just to experience blissfulness of the true end.
Him acting like a retard only does disservice to Itsukifags, so I don't care.
Itsuki having good intentions is fine, but you also have to consider all the wrong she's caused Fuutarou.
Good intentions do not excuse bad results.
She has no route.
I can't wait for Ichika to crash and burn
This is the chapter that turned me into an Itsukifag.
Nice argument
when has that happened though? Mangas do tend to follow very similar patterns. Itsuki will win.
This is why I need my beach chapter
>The entire fucking point in that scene was for Fuutarou to move on from Rena and chase his own dreams, which was very necessary for Fuutarou
>It served as a goodbye, a goodbye to Rena for him.
Going back to get him out of the water after that (which he stupidly fell into himself) would go completely against the whole fucking point of that scene to separate him from his delusions about Rena. There was no going back there retard
You didn't have any argument to begin with, dumbass.
There were no fucking bad results you disgusting speed reader. The only bad result is that he fell into the water by his own fault. Itsuki/Rena wasn't going to get him out of that water since that'd mean walking "back" towards him. You're a retard. Get over yourself.
Incomprehensible headcanon =/= argument
Rena's pretty wide.
Not that guy but why didn't she just go somewhere to take off the disguise and come back to help him as Itsuki?
By breaking him, Nice going Itsuki.
>What the fuck are you talking about. Fuutarou was dead because of Rena and about to give up.
>"Go all-in" my ass. At lest read the manga before shitposting
>at least read the manga
So this is what it means to blatently ignore context and have zero to no reading comprehension. Sasuga user
>Itsuki will win.
I fear that this is true and that's really a shame. This manga would be golden with a little bit unexpected ending instead of just boring "first girl wins" end.
Nino is a big mistake
Do you think he's fucking handicapped or something? He can get out of there himself easily.
>I will blatantly push my native by making the Rena scene to be something bad for Fuutarou even though it was entirely essential for him
>has no counter-argument
>calls others speedreaders
>ad hominem
>chimps out
Sasuga, Itsukifag
>There were no fucking bad results
>Breaking Fuutarou's heart and spirit
>Causing him to almost give up everything
Look at pic related and tell me there were no bad results. The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Quints were a mistake
>which was also her fault
Wasnt that Raihas fault ?
Yotsuba chapter next
>big mistake
Not as big as Itsuki. Plus, she can be fixed quite easily with the following method:
t. Rena
Your delusions and headcanons are a waste of time. Take a hike, mad moron.
Oh, please explain to me in what way Fuutarou giving up is him going all-in.
I'll be patiently waiting, professor.
>all those renafags coming out of nowhere
>Still no counter-argument
>More insults
No wonder you're running away
What the fuck
I love how there's a lot of 5toubun-inspired crossovers lately
>Too bad, huh?!
>anime cover art
>5x lolikanos
It's the one thing the anime did good, explosive pixiv arts
Nino really loves getting BTFO left and right.
What if their mother actually had another set of quints girls whose birth caused her death?
It's really funny. The exact same thing happened a few months ago when we thought Ichika was Rena. Only this time with Itsukifags
>He can get out of there himself easily.
I'm talking about his mental, not him getting drowned. The girl he admired and wanted to meet again so much just said they will never meet again. How the hell could he still be fine after that? Itsuki at least should have asked him how he felt
>we live in an age where Rena apologists exist
If this were the threads 8 months ago people would crucify whoever was Rena as worst girl
Imagine sex with Nino. Her favorite position is cowgirl.
For what, giving a chance?
Counter-argument for what? Your headcanons? LOL
Still be better than waifu bait or snek win
Probably Yea Forums X's retardation
cute, but a shit
Served her right. Bitch can't keep her legs closed.
Fuutarou's future wife can't be a mistake
Yes, my cute little shit
>What the fuck
Well, hope (.png) is the last thing left for Yotsuba fans so it obviously should be quite big.
that is because the thought it was Ichika, but now that is Itsuki they gotta defend her
Is this referencing something?
>love love now you're under my spell!
Monochrome .pngs should be quite small.
What the hell are you even talking about?
Nah people were always like this. If it wasn’t Itsuki they messed up hard and it was a losing flag. If it was Itsuki, she messed up, but it was a winner flag.
God I love Nino so much
Excuse me for being only able to post one page at the time.
Everything since pic related up to about halfway through chapter 43 shows in how bad state Fuutarou was in.
>you're honestly retarded that you'd expect to me to actually answer you seriously.
I probably am since you have no answer other that deflecting.
>Try reading the manga from that chapter onwards again.
Right back at you
2nd worst girl, with worst fanbase
*1st best
She knows she can't waste time. A snek is breathing on her neck, give her a break.
*2nd best
> threads 8 months ago people would crucify whoever was Rena as worst girl
Nonsense. At that time there were enough people that acknowledged that what she was doing was for his own. She even spelled it out that she needs to disappear in order to not hold him back.
Only people that didn't want to read back then or now say that her motives were bad.
How long faggots keep seething after Itsuki win
Then explain why it's retard. Is it that hard to follow?
no, I definetly said 2nd worst
*1st best
Not that long, but people will call out Nino fans for quite a while afterwards, ignoring the other losing quints.
*2nd best
They're just trying to make Rena look bad to deflect shit.
Where's the source of this, by the way?
I've been under Nino's spell since the oneshot
Ponytail Miku > Ponytail Nino
Are people seriously posting entire pages on Twitter minutes after the chapter was released?
I agree actually. Looking forward to Miku's ponytail art.
Cute bride
>quoting Takeda (Shingen)
Cute poison maker
To be fair, Some Ninofags remind me Rukiafags.
Yeah, yeah... you're good at talking things out of context. What else is new?
Just look at his face He even says 1 day after that his mood was shitty, and 2 days after even Itsuki noticed his mood "improved".
When will this cutie appear again?
Miku has become too smug!
smug miku.
Forgot pics.
>N-nino apologized! It wasn't Fuutarou!
> That smug Miku
Too bad this panel is really small
Reminder that Yotsuba will win othergirlfags and have a nice day.
It isn’t a look of love.
Cute meme.
5-chan is hungry and she's seen her prey.
You sound surprised. Why?
How can she win if she doesn't fight in the first place?
Finally a bigger version
As someone who likes Nino, I have no idea why people thought it was her, the flow of conversation made it seem like it was obviously him. But I didn’t bother participating in that discussion.
Everyone else destroys each other of course. The best way to win is to do nothing.
Do you think you'll find the end satisfying if your favorite doesn't win?
Yeah. My favorites are 4 and 5.
I thought the chapters on magapoke were delayed, huh.
Who t/h is that Rukia ? sound like a side character of Bleach ?
Itsuki is mad!
Because love isn't something to be fought for, it's something that just happens.
The ride itself is great, i just hope the ending doesn't throw the ball hard and it'll be a decent to great experience otherwise.
Win or not, i shall shitpost
After chapter 72 probably not.
I can sorta see it, I’d say more like any series with two prominent girls in general.
For some reason I imagine Itsuki to be voiced by Hayamin in this scene
If everyone's happy in the end then I'm happy
This is a cute Miku
>the dude doesn't even blush
The chaddest chad to ever grace the romcom genre
I see fire in her eyes
All the quints will be alright.
Here, calm down and have a bite
pointy and perky nakanos
I'm ok as long as any of my top 3 wins.
Tacos > burgers
Who ABN here (anyone but nino)
They all gonna wins anyway.
If it is consistent, has me emotionally involved and entertains me, then I couldn't care less whether my favority quints wins or not.
This story has the potential to create something that makes me bawl my eyes out if it is executed properly.
Sadly the chances are much higher for it make me bawl because of boredom.
>Because love isn't something to be fought for
lol. It can happen because you fight for it.
Panino > Burger > Tacos
Amazing Bride Nino.
Nino isn't that bad really. I'd be mad if she won, sure, but Ichika is the one who absolutely doesn't deserve anything good to happen to her as a result of her recent actions.
Why does he look so old here.
Miku's smiles are adorable
Too bad it's fake
That's what happen when you marry 5 starving succubus.
>wow, that girl is acting like a bitch towards all of my female friends. Suddenly I'm in love with her!
As long as Negi doesn't pull shit out of his ass to make some other quint win, I don't care. The ride has been fun.
Ichika only did ONE thing wrong. She's fine. They wanted her to go all out, she is doing it.
Doesn't make them any less cute
I wasn't talking about Nino or anyone or particular, but what you say completely doesn't fit with real life. Don't think that you can get someone you are interested in to love you just like that without fighting for it. That's totally unrealistic.
You're missing miku most adorable smile.
If Nino = liverpool
Ichika = Man City
Miku = Tottenham
Yotusba = Arsenal
Itsuki = Man U
For me, it's Yotsuba.
Not bad
It's a sign, negi will deliver it.
So adorable that it kills me.
Can you post the panel of Nino being BTFO?
Yotsuba always looks like she wants to cry but despite that keeps smiling
*Nino's cute pout
I just realized
>Maeda AND Takeda were Ichika's classmates in 2nd year
Oh shoot,she is going to squeeze these 2 poor guy the best way she can especially Maeda.He will take Ichika's side because he think Fuuts is going out with her.
bros over hoes
>No way fag
I don't think user was talking about any quint in particular too, I don't remember that situation
>that girl is acting like a bitch towards all of my female friends
for any of them.
I hope Negi retcons him so Fuutarou remembers his name at the wedding, I want them to have a killer bachelor party
Congratulations, Fuutarou!
This is a new piece for my BTFO collection.
>o-only 5 digit gets count
>gets trips
>th-this counts
Hopefags are hilarious.
What did Negi mean by this?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
For something simpler, trips are fine.
What's up with the deleted posts?
His first idea for the title was "Kyoto sister war". What did it end up being again?
Based janies hate nino
some got purged for chimping out at each other
Those posts I saw on the archive were defending Itsuki though?
Sister's War, round 1
Post Yotsubas
Falseflagging. It's probably mitchlan.
I just want to avoid a panel having my waifu cry tears of sadness
Originally its 京都姉妹戦 but he felt its too similar to recent titles.
So he use シスターズウォー.
I-I don't want that at all.
People will say stuff like "as long as it's well written" but the reality is that most of them will turn and call the ending poorly written or an asspull if it doesn't have their favorite win, no matter how much sense it makes to everyone else.
Are you fulfilling your wife's dying wish?
Nino literally did nothing wrong. She was simply speaking from the bottom of her heart and being honestly straightforward. She was direct and blunt, but gave equal opportunity to let others speak up. Ichika was just mad because her manipulation and scummy scheme that even took advantage of Yotsuba was thwarted. Miku was trying to muster up the courage to say she also felt the same way or also wanted to group with Fuutarou, but she was too shy in the end.
I'm good with anything but whatever wi'll piss ninofags and antiharemfags is more welcome than the rest.
Rena wanted the Uesugi genes?
Must be feel really sad when all your daughter ready to kill each other just for a dick from some guy you really hate, huh?
If there scenarios where there's only one winner then yeah, the others should be expected to fail.
Based Ninobro.
The bride of course
You tried.
Despairbros rise up
With the decrease of of Ninogays these threads have become more tolerable.
Thank you, Fuutarou
I'm still here
Yotsuba will never find her smile.
>but gave equal opportunity to let others speak up
She didn't give Fuutarou any opportunity to speak up
I mean if the kiss isn't a red herring then Itsuki isn't winning. But if the kiss is a red herring then yes, she's probably going to win.
Need more pics like this
this only implies that Fuutarou doesn't really mind going along with her if he didn't already have a group. I don't understand why everyone is saying she was btfo'd here, it's not like he expressedly refused her.
pic related is what BTFO looks like.
My favorite quint already did that, multiple times. She's such a crybaby despite her attitude lately.
What decrease? I'm still here.
Futarou is in a group of three, right? Couldn't they have tried to enter that group?
He's the one being confessed to and asked. He's the last person who should interrupt.
>You should feel fortunate to have me as your girlfriend
Yeah, no, you fucking bitch
Kyoto arc is going to be Miku centric, isn't it?
I doubt Negi would bully fan favorite this much if there wasn't some payoff to it
Ichika is pure, she has been driven into a corner.
They likely don't want to get anywhere the other two.
>Miku centric
Yotsuba and Itsuki because she's so fat that everything ends up being itsuki centric.
All of them especially Yotsuba will get their own spotlights. This is the climax after all
>no ponytail Miku's yet
Twintails Miku should do for now.
Fucking drawfags...
2 classmate girls A-san and B-san where ?
Man, Maruo sounds like a cool and reasonable dude. I'd have a couple drinks with him not gonna lie.
It's not the climax unless it's 25 chapters.
She'll probably confess this arc but 1 vs 2 and the Rena stuff will likely be a bigger focus
I haven’t missed any 5Toubun party, and I don’t intend to do so.
Chapter just came out a few hours ago. By tomorrow there'll be a few.
If you can't beat us join us, Ninocostumers
A climax doesn't have to be the final arc
Nino gets rejected is a climax
>A climax doesn't have to be the final arc
It is harem and Negi needs to sell his work till the very end. This means that climax will most likely be during the last arc.
Thank you Negi he did not put for Nino
this" crazy eyes or blackened "
main girl
Nino definitely needs to chill out. It is Itsuki's right to gaze at whoever she wants.
Kill yourself, subhuman.
I didn’t see Miku getting called to chill out when she did the same thing.
I blame Negi for this.
>You should be grateful
Said every entitled bitch ever.
Good to see that she got exposed as the scummy little brat that she is.
>but gave equal opportunity to let others speak up.
>"I don't care what Yotsuba was about to say"
>"I decided Fuu-kun and I go together and you have no right to deny that"
>"You shut up"
>This isn't an illness
>This is a crime
This is not the climax, at most is the beginning of the end, this arc miku will confess, itsuki will reveal herself as rena and fuu will discover yotsuba is lolinakano
That way we get all five into the bowl in one form or another
>I didn’t see Miku
I did not notice that but if it indeed happened then Miku needs to do the same as Nino.
Guys, I had a dream about Yotsuba. Was that a premonition of her winning?
Depends. What was the dream about?
Except after Miku confesses Ichika will be out.
Considering he's ending in less than a year, I don't think he cares so much about that. And it's not like the losers will suddenly vanish once he chooses a girl.
Even if he does choose a girl in the last arc, he'll dedicate a few chapters to heartbreaks and healing of the other sisters, and their father's disaproval. Maybe a whole volume of that.
Honestly can't remember, just that it was about Yotsuba
>Go ahead and confess, Miku. I support you.
Ichika End.
Ebino Mei the loser
Yeah, her chances to win are gone but she'll still try to get fuu's dick before giving up and helping the bride win
>her chances to win are gone
What if she comes to her senses and competes fairly after Kyoto arc? Does she still have a chance?
No either would be better than first girl bullshit. but You know Its fairly obvious from all the flags Itsuki is the bride.
He did make her say the "you should be grateful for being with me" bullshit
Another looser flag to add to her stack i guess
Ninofags are dumb as shit.
She may shed her skin but a snake remains a snake
This is a reference to the volume extra where she got the severed rabbit head, isn’t it?
>can't remember
Maybe your brain is trying too forget it. That might be a nightmare and the sign of despair!
I feel like I'm the only legit Ninobro and everyone else is a retard Miku/Ichika/Itsukifag falseflagger
No I know it was a happy dream
More news at 11.
I hope she gets btfo hard, really hard
More yandere ichika
So was it Fuutarou or Nino who said "sorry" because I'm still confused?
Someone doesn't like Itsuki
Serious question: Is the kiss most likely a red herring then? Or does the kiss not insinuate that the bride is the kisser? Because if the bride is the kisser then Itsuki isn't the bride.
Thank you user for a quick and straightforward answer.
I'm going to marry Miku!
Literally me
You have an ambulance in your head?
No, a train.
WA a shit.
But that's clearly an ambulance siren. Ninoninoninonino
Shut your whore mouth
Are you dumb?
I thought she heard her say Fuu-kun a few chapters ago
Are you? Nino wouldn't use suman to apologize.
Who was stalking?
I think the kisser is Probably the first quint he dates seriously, there will be some twist and Itsuki wins. So not a red herring but not exactly concrete.
Something nips made.
Is Yotsuba going to pull this out?
I can't decide who's worse between Ichika and Nino.
I can't believe Yotsuba won.
Why are nips so much better at making OC than us
I hope not. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed the journey regardless of who wins, but I really don't want the first girl trope to come into play here.
I want to lick her iris
Ichicute >>>> Ninoshit
>Kyoto arc is going to be Miku centric, isn't it?
>I doubt Negi would bully fan favorite this much if there wasn't some payoff to it
you forget that The last arc Fake Itsuki is Miku arc
so nope
Kill yourself, subhuman.
Because people stopped trying to make good OC the worse the threads got.
basically yotsuba announces that she got a bf(fuutarou) and now 1,2,3 are trying to kill her.
No matter what, Nino will always be cherished in Fuutarous heart.
yeah because we always cherish people who roofie us
main girl moment
>Steal your fuu-kun
All they need to do is just rape him
For tracers, some nips can do a passable job from what I've seen. They could probably become mangaka themselves if they did their own original content
As his beloved sister-in-law
Main girl who loses first, nice!
More like a loser girl moment
main girl moment 2
More like BTFO loser moment
Imagine if these two were also in Fuutarou's group
She's literally self destructing.
I see only a winner vibe
A winner of the loserbowl, yeah.
Well each group have max of 5 people. So far fuutarou group only have 3.
oh Nino and ichika would join forces to nuke them.
Ichika is the worst and a villain to her sisters.
Nino is the worst and a villain to Fuutarou.
3 plus one girl.
Fuutarou literally doesn't give a shit nor care like you people. If it was such an big deal it would've been acknowledged long ago. Keep bringing it up as if it's some major factor in the story.
This isn't one bit a main girl moment, this is a side girl loserflagging.
it is clear that Nino is going to be Btfo many times but her victory will be more powerfull
Well he should. Good thing that drugging bitch won't manage to make him fall for her.
Negi cannot keep getting away with this!
Kill yourself, subhuman.
Then why is he marrying her?
Wait, my math might be wrong. How many people are in Fuutarou's class?
>it'd good Fuutarou-kun has friends
Soemthing tells me Ichika doesn't mean this genuinely.
Yeah, I'm glad that Yotsuba finally gets the spotlight she deserves
None of them will, but Fuut will fall for one of them.
You know. I like Nino, but she's going to do it again if things don't go her way.
That will be the only spotlight she gets.
Average people at nips HS is around 35.
Right back at you. Bad quint.
Now kiss and make up
I want the slapfights to come back in the Kyoto shitshow.
Weeb Miku
if the manga ends with a gigantic quint orgy, it'll be the greatest ending ever
Without Fuutarou.
Maybe Miku'll try to slap Ichika after knowing the truth, but Yotsuba'll snap and do it instead