Reminder that it's okay to hit girls!

Reminder that it's okay to hit girls!

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A real lady can take a punch or womens lib was fraudulent and xenosexual.

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but i want them to hit me

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Which Haruhi doujin is this from. Please post the source?

Never mind. Found it.

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This looks fantastic.
But it's from a doujin, right?

What if my fetish is girls hitting me?

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if you watched Index for any reason other than this, you've made a mistake

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that doesn't change whether or not hitting women is OK

>doesn't recognize asanagi right away
lurk moar


It’s not OK to hit anybody. Unless it’s playful jabs that don’t actually hurt, you defend yourself when attacked

Thanks buddy!

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only when they want to be treated equaly.

Well, of course it is? It would be sexist not to. That kind of misogyny has no place in a civilized, feminist, society.

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Ryona best~

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Not when it's Haruhi. Ryona is hot though.

Why did that faggot stop him?
Haruhi needs to get her ass beat.


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Who would win in a fight between Haruhi and Kamijou Touma?

there are people who don't think so?

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Touma, eventually.

Imagine spank Satsuki´s ass all day everyday.

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