Do You Even Lift?
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do they do gomad
Fuck off /fit/.
How many Facepulls do you do,Yea Forums? I bet you're not doing enough! Remember to work out those rotator cuffs if you don't want rounded shoulders and look like a hunchback!
I feel uncomfortable whenever they moan.
I want to lift cute girls.
looks kind of boring, but id watch it for gyaru twintail
cute girls doing /fit/ things
>don't mind if I doOoOoOoOOOOOooo!!
It consist in:
>new excercise
>good explanation about it
Its good if you want to raise your test.
they don't even gain muscle despite time passing in the manga. it's annoying as shit
>Would you watch an anime about cute girls lifting cute weights?
Anyone else remember that shitpost? Well, it finally came true!
Yeah, that sucks. I expected Hibiki to at least be BEEFY.
I already lift, so i have no use for depictions of retarded casual exercises.
Then get out.
>Ai Fairouz as Sakura Hibiki
>that VA name
They're girls and they're natty I assume. What do you expect? It's realistic. Girls don't get "beefy" unless they're taking test.
I can't imagine this having full length episodes. Is it going to be a short?
I doubt anyone there thought we would actually get the lifting anime, but I'm glad I got to live to see it.
Women don't gain much muscle mass especially not in the upper body region. They can get big legs tho.
This. Musclegirlfags have a really poor grasp of physiology on top of having shit taste. Under natural conditions, just a minuscule number of women are capable of attaining a "buffed" physique regardless of the type of exercise or diet they undergo.
what the FUCK did they do to Akemi's face
Oh boy, I can't wait for them to fuck up her anime design.
I'm fucking certain we'll be treated to a modified version of the first chapter, in which Sakura complains about her weight while the screen zooms on her completely flat belly and rail-thin cookie cutter anime girl template, making the entire premise completely retarded.
>Doesn't want to watch cute girls lift
I lift but I didn't catch the gay.
It's Doga Kobo, they can do it right.
So we getting kengan anime soon?
>he doesn't know
>So we getting kengan anime soon?
It's quite funny. The pv is focusing just on the fanservice.
I'm not saying they should be at arnold classic levels, but they look the same as she did in chapter 1. akemi in particular wants to get swole, so she should at least have some added mass. iirc at least a full year has passed and with constant lifting she'd have some muscle definition
And the artstyle is fucked up as expected.
>newbie VA
Im in love. If she sings half as good as grandma fairouz this is aoty
I mean Kengan anime got announced before Danberu anime, Being done in CG has made the reception tepid though.
>Only well toned abs
No Fit enough
Can we negotiate?
can hibiki hit a 250kg deadlift?
id expect crossfit bodys or powerlifting
I've actually started doing 3*15 facepulls after each session and they're pretty great. Arigato, Jeff-sama.
The rpemise is dumb and that's fine, no idea how you can stretch that into a full episode.
Unless Abe sneaks stuff to make the regular otaku excercise more, like anime taebo or some shit like that.
I expected Kengan before this desu
I can just go to the gym and lift while i watch cute girls lift
youre not going to make any gains like that user, and youre probably already labled as the weird dyel kid that stares too much
>I'd expect competition known for steroid abuse #1or competition on known for steroid abuse #2 level bodies
This is all and you.
Looks like shit and gay. Have you seen KOF new beginnings Leona? That's where it's at.
Meant to say also.You shouldn't judge what any natty person (much less women) should look like based on those "sports" or even MMA, because nobody competes clean due to poor to non-existent doping control.
I hope kengan asura is next to get adapted
>t. doesn't lift
have sex incel
user, Kengan Asura got an announcement before Danberu. Netflixbux CG Q3 2019.
Now you are coping, fatass.
they will definitely do SQUATS, but i just hope them have some OATS with them
>cute girls lifting cute weights anime
I can't believe it actually happened.
Realism isn't really the point. It's a manga about girls who work out, it seems contradictory to the appeal for the girls to have stick-thin bodies indistinguishable from your average bishoujo character.
When are we getting an anime about calisthenics?
2d girls are thiccer than cum mixed with oatmeal
>talking about competition
nigga, nobody talked competing. those workouts build certain body types. if shes doing it for fun and to socialize, which is what girls do, why would they take steroids
>working out for girls
working out wont make you a +6' chad. it was over before you started
My cute daughter Hibiki and her cute friend Akatsuki are very cute.
I wish I could go to the gym. I am too lazy.
How the fuck does his offshoot series get proper, good looking animation, whilst his main series, Kengan Asura, gets 3D garbage?
It just doesn't work like that. Women have naturally a higher body fat % so it's already harder to see their muscle definition. They also lack test and other hormones that enable the quick buildup of muscle mass. The only region that will notably get bigger is the butt and leg region, but also not in a defined way. Women just become toned.
Though all of that doesn't really matter. Of course the manga only wants to keep them in a rather feminine form for fanservice purposes.
Unlikely, they need at least the 15 minutes ep. format to reach chapter 18 where Zina first appeared in a single season (unless they shuffle the order). Also 3 minutes format isn't enough to contain a single chapter, especially for an explanation-heavy manga like this.
t. dyel
>toned delicious brown abs
sign me the fuck up
finally an anime which I can watch alongside Yea Forums AND /fit/
I'm waiting for Kure milf
>No Machio doing his thing on the preview
>No lewd sweaty poses of the girls
They didnt get the joke
Does mark rippetoe show up and replace this DYEL stick girl?
Any upcoming anime featuring architecture?
I'm sure there is an isekai about dungeon design somewhere user. You just have to dig a bit in the garbage
2D will ever be beyond your means, Pierce.
Ayaka a best! A best!!!!!!
Your only realm of domain in 2D is Bleach with your disciple Kurosaki Ichigo, Pierce. You have no power here.
>PV isn't all about best boy
Failed hard
Lifting is architecture of the soul. Educate yourself before saying mean and bad things.
what sorta exercises can you do at home to get a stable routine and build some muscle?
I wanna get into that before going back to the gym, I feel too weak currently
unironically AOTY.
Russian cutie the best. Will the Idol be in?
you know the webms from this show will plague /fit/ for years to come
Can they fit Machio in 16:9?
The main girl becomes stronger, but does not become in better shape since continues to eat as sumo lifter all the way.
I don't get it, what does Pierce Brosnan have to do with anything.
>they don't know
Quick. Someone post THAT.
>retarded casual exercises.
It’s literally squats, deads, OHP, and bench in the first few chapters
rippetoe slic of lif edoing cute girly things?
You mean improve.
More like flabs, am I right
>too weak to go to the gym
Doesn’t exist, but if you want to, google calisthenics routines if you want some stay at home work
This. Girls get toned. Not beefy.
literally do the opm workout. if you can complete it, then you're fine to go to the gym
He's a feeder, bro
fucking kek
>Better animated than One Punch Man
I hope they animate the scene where the Gyaru and the other girl eat the chocolate statue of the buff dude and get big tumtums
I wonder what Jeff would think about this anime.
idk about anime but isn't there a fa- I mean bbw elf manga?
Too thin
It's in the same setting as Kengan Asura.
Isn't the fat elf series by Pochi getting animated too?
>Women don't gain much muscle mass especially not in the upper body region. They can get big legs tho.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Not that guy, but that either takes years upon years of training or steroids.
Aww yeah
Will the anime have Kengan character cameos too?
As soon as I saw that a youtube had been posted, I just screamed in my house:
"Oh Hell YEAH!!!"
Nice. Looks spectacular already.
Whatif I'm a 6 foot lanklet with good genes but am lazy? Surely there's a manga character just like me out there besides Leorio from HxH for me to insert as
You don't know what you have, dork.
Hibiki fluctuates just fine.
average dyel male with low bf
It's a comedy instructional.
The twist?
It's actually funny, and, it's actually instructional.
>cute girls lifting
We've reached peak CGDCT
You know where to go back to.
177kg here, fuck working out, I get called handsome regardless.
You can squat at least your bodyweight, right?
>He thinks the manga doesn't consist of compound lifts, variations of compound lifts, isolation lifts, seriously it's a weightLIFTING manga 90% of the time, not an exercise or fitness manga.
It's a manga
where the cute girls
Ayy dios mio...
Good vibes! Looks LITTY and RAUNCHY!
>arnold classic levels
You realize the Arnold Classic is Strongmen now right?
You're thinking of Mr.Olympia
You're a good man, and you're correct.
Which isn't to say the artist doesn't know when to make a joke through ART
Should I listen to Jeff or is he being posted ironically? What he says makes sense and he seems to be qualified but he clickbaits harder than buzzfeed so I don't know if I should trust him and replace certain exercises or start doing his programs.
This word doesn't mean anything. Sasuga disgusting 3DPD poster.
Jeff can be pretty long-winded but he knows what he's talking about 100% of the time.
>I don't know if I should trust him and replace certain exercises or start doing his programs
Solely depends on your goals.
Ha ha I wanna see the gyaru eat the Rock's Cheat Day meal ha ha
I'm betting it'll probably be 2 chapters per episode (at least). And there's plenty of filler 4koma to pad anything they want. Also, I REALLY hope they use the 4koma style for the eyecatches of commercial breaks. Seriously, a NEW eyecatch EVERY SINGLE commercial break would drive me wild. And they could easily, easily do that.
There's currently 69 chapters.
mom doesn't count
pretty sure thats steroids
There's plenty of reference that shows her as chubby when they mean it.
Btw, for anyone who wants them:
post exercise lewds
It's my collection as of about 1 month ago.
amerikans on suicide watch
Who the hell actually wants fat women anyways that’s kinda gross
>arnold classic
There's that if you want it, user
>/fit is already memeing
this animuh wil unite us like killing bytes did brehs
Isn't toned just very low body fat with light musculature that shows through the lack of body fat?
This makes me happy
It's anime land, EVERYONE CAN with the power of SQUATS AND OATS
Jeff seems pretty trustworthy.
He doesn't make any outlandish claims, and speaks from the position of being a physical therapist, advocating for a holistic approach to training. You can't just do 5x5 because that will lead to muscle imbalances; you need to do accessory exercises; and you shouldn't box yourself into doing only bells or only calisthenics. He also trains professional athletes, which adds a bit of credibility to his assertions as he's not just some LA fitness guru.
Of course, you should consider your goals and circumstances before starting one of his programs. His marketing is pretty forthright in that regard. The program is for people who want to be athletic. So, if you're interested in lookmaxing or powerlifting, then it's not for you.
Cute girls will probably sell better to anime nerds than a "realistic" shounen tournament.
Which isn't to say Kengan Asura wasn't SUPERB, just that teen boys are more likely to watch and jackoff to Danberu and buy all its merchandise.
She's a boxer who wants to win, user. And she lives in a gym her father owns and her sister is an instructor at. She'll help you, if you want.
She appears at the same time Zina Void/Gina Boyd does, so you'll almost certainly see her, yeah.
>post exercise lewds
>The free hosting period for this file has now expired, only premium users can download it.
at least the reactions images are still free for now.
Even you have influence to the 2D realm, you architect. Leave at once.
This is our board now. We'll crashing this board with no survivor
I hope that april fools is another board merge and we end up with /afit/ or /fita/
I don't think they'll get to ch 44 in season 1...
If he allows it with clothes on.
Clothes off? That's a toughie...
There's quite a few scenes where that happens.
Your name came out in 2k16 user
An UNBELIEVABLE amount of cake, actually.
So much erotic sensei cake.
That head and that body. This can't be real proportion
No, "toned" is a word that women's magazines use to describe regular musculature without saying "muscle" and scaring women who think picking up a car battery will turn them into the governor of California.
You seem upset user. Has someone been unkind to you?
RIP nice threads for this series
She can eat way more than the Rock can.
>good genes
Pick one
I can't find it please post
I lift 2 7.5kg dumbells. That's it.
Still can't lift my body though. I can't do pullups and full body pushups.
How about you, Yea Forums?
Cope harder lardass
>I lift 2 7.5kg dumbells
that's a joke right?
Basically he is a feeder, as in he takes hot women and turns them into landwhales, thats his fetish.
There is a pasta I cannot fucking find rn that starts with "Piers Brosnan is an architect and his medium is the female form"
A month ago I was able to do 15 regular push-ups in one go, followed by 4 sets of 15 knee push-ups.
Took me a week to recover from that and I never did it again.
>that's a joke right?
You're on Yea Forums, the headquarters of unathletic/skinnyfat or fat weaklings who spend all day watching anime or playing videogames.
Their entire lives.
Particularly, I've been like this all my life.
I can't even shoot a three pointer in basketball (but I love watching basketball).
I don´t lift because my wrists are kinda fucked, stuck with rehab exercises for now. Hopefully I´ll be able to eventually. W-we´re all gonna make it, right bros...?
I’ve listened to like two of his videos, but ever since I’ve watched his video on elbow pain and made some adjustments the pain seems to have gone away within a couple weeks, so personally I like him, even if he’s clickbaity.
Do 5 push ups daily and 5 knee push ups daily instead of killing yourself and doing shit ever again.
Start slowly fatso.
1/2/2.75/2.75 x 5
I need to eat more as I am a tall lanky fucker, and the judo probably isn’t helping.
>link expired
Oh, sorry, bud. Here ya go, an updated link.
Full page lewdity
I forgot they expire.
> who spend all day watching anime or playing videogames.
i am a neet oldfag and i do all of that while lifting of using the bike, no excuse boi.
Silverman Gym looks super clean and metropolitan and bright. Shit's cash.
What makes you say that?
liftan for 3 months
for reps
(not counting bar and substracting the hole in plates)
25kg Press, 45kg Bench, 50kg Skwat, 60kg diddly
in real life
When I was a kid I just couldn't bother with that shit. I'm too lazy. I'm your typical smart nerd.
That's why I was bullied in high school and elementary.
But I'm trying to change that, little by little. I'm starting to jog now, lift a little. Do pushups, dips and pullups. I can't lift immediately, I'm too scared because I don't think I could take it.
That's great.
I'll drop the name for this particular instance.
Shrugs with the 50kg dumbbells is the best danberu lift for me.
I prefer rowing, being a rower myself!
I think I've been away from /fit/ for too long because I assume based on the responses it isn't Jeff Seids everyone's talking about.
>I can't lift immediately
listen, use (yes, like a girl) water bottles as dumbells, and just copy a routine, don't worry about weights yet, just get the form and learn about nutrition (read the sticky on /fit).
Little by little and i assure you you will get results.
>thot crop
>I'm your typical smart nerd.
>That's why I was bullied in high school and elementary.
you were a stupid freak who didn't stand up for himself, faggot
>He doesn't know Elf-San is popular in Nipland
Smart people aren’t dumb enough to be lazy user.
>He also trains professional athletes, which adds a bit of credibility
He was the head physical therapist of the New York Mets, user..
I copy a routine, the SS Revisited routine.
Though I add pull ups and push ups. I want to be able to lift my own weight (which I can't right now).
I know that was part of it. You don't have to rub it in.
I was. Look, they exist and I can assure you I am one of them.
It's literally the only positive attribute I have.
I would ace exams and I don't even study much.
Almost every "instruction" in the manga is in micro shorts and a crop top
Fuck, all of them are so cute.
People are so fucking lucky that he went with the advertising idea of putting up his videos and content for free on Youtube and then letting you decide whether to take the program or not.
As far as weightlifting goes he's completely solid, the only thing fitness related I haven't seen him do is really any focus on how to train cardio (or maybe he has and I missed that video).
There are several. None of them are really very good.
Shut the fuck up Jeff
You didn't have to say that man, you're on Yea Forums. People here have legitimate childhood scars from bullying and inferiority complexes couple with legit social anxiety
Aww dude, nice
I can never understand how anybody can watch anime and not lift or do some otherwise explosive exercise.
Does the power of this medium simply escape you? There is nothing better than appreciating some fine loli doujins after a good day of pumping it.
>(which I can't right now)
I hope you aren't doing the knee down pushups and scooby negative pull ups just so you can add them.
You might as well just gain the strength through bench press and cable pull downs until you can do proper pull ups.
>cable pull downs until you can do proper pull ups.
You're supposed to do negative-only pull ups if you can't do them properly. I don't know anything about this "scooby" guy, I only ever saw pictures of him and thought he looked gross with his faggot hat. Why would you want to emulate him? Just jump up on the bar and control your descent as best you can and as slowly as you can.
I don't have a bench.
And I'm too socially anxious with anything physical to go to the gym.
I'd rather exercise at home first, before going to the gym.
I'm a short person. And I'm 55kg. I'm skinnyfat. I can't even lift myself. I can't even run 5km, at around 2km I feel like dying.
I still have a long way to go before I could do much.
I do sets of 20 after every workout, just as Jeff-sama says!
3 cakes, at that!
Well, one of them is actually married, but close enough.
That's really lewd for a comedy instructional manga
>>And I'm too socially anxious with anything physical to go to the gym.
Fair enough. 10 years ago I was probably the same.
The one positive I got from being tense and anxious all the time back then is it must have made my traps strong as no-one else in the gym shrugs anyway near the same as me.
Who's ready for /fita/ threads?
Shit's real. Was forced along to a gym with a friend. Fatass who hasn't touched a weight for well over a year deadlifted 400lbs.
Hibiki is an absolute novice, she's going to be soft for a while.
Yeah it's weird. Danberu has a bunch of references to Kengan Asura, so there will be in-jokes without a place to get the reference from for anime-only people until later this year.
Let's see, off the top of my head...
Tachibana Satomi = Cosplay Cake
Aina Rumika = Gang Biker Cake
Kure Yakusha = Murder Cake
Uehara Nana = Sister Cake
and then the Idol Cake (might not be older than 25), Kouhai Cake (might not be older than 25) and another cake that's friends with the senseis.
ALL very lewd, of course.
i saved pic related off a thread in august 2016 with chapter 2 of the manga and forgot about it
now the anime is only a few months away
feels good
>not self inserting as Chandy
Their clothes magically change to that during the lift tutorial sequences. In the "real world" they're wearing normal workout clothes. They tend to comment on how much more lewd the "tutorial world" makes them.
extremely based
And chapter 68 is literally a gathering of some cakes to drink.
I wish you happiness in your catch-up and anime following, friendo
D'aww. Kure family dinner.
Is Machio going to end with Akemi or is he loyal to his own muscles?
>not self inserting as Jason
Akemi does love a good manbreast
I never noticed Karla being there on the lower left in that page.
Since she apparently goes to the same school as the rest of the cast, I imagine they'll find places to randomly sneak her into the background here and there for the anime.
Akemi doesn't love Machio. She finds his muscles to be supreme masturbation material, but she has no romance for him. But Hibiki will. It's why she joined Silverman Gym.
>but it's girls doing %thing
It's heyday as a cliche might be behind us but I still don't like it, friends.
Whoa. I didn't expect that level of Akemi attraction.
Have you considered ceasing to be a faggot
The Kure sensei is a milf, not a cake
She's Karla's mom
5% gang' anime but it's girls
Yeah, she's one year behind the main cast girls. We haven't seen her at school yet. Seen lots of other school girls, though.
Fitness is important no matter who you are
Akemi is horny as fuck for muscles. It's crazy.
As weird as it sounds, going to the gym might help with the social anxiety. Literally no one gives a shit about other people being present in the gym unless they’re waiting on equipment; they’re all occupying the common space without any real social interaction.
Getting used to being around people in a gym might get you more comfortable in real social settings.
It's all she really thinks about. Get's deprived easily.
Away with ye to Real Drive and Potato Elf, Double Chin 7.
Not going to lie, Akemi got me back in the gym after a 6 month hiatus.
But Akemi is the one that goes on (muscle) dates with Machio, Hibiki never got to that.
She wants muscles bad
>Still can't lift my body though. I can't do pullups and full body pushups.
Start by hanging and pulling up as much as you can a couple times a day. You should be able to get your head up to the bar in a week or two at worst and a full chin-up won't be far off from there. Same deal with push-ups. Just get in position and push up as much as you can a few times a day and you'll be able to do them in no time.
There are plenty of fit people on Yea Forums. /fit/ used to just be Yea Forums with lifting like how a lot of the other boards also used to be Yea Forums with some hobby theme. I was 5'7" and 210lb of lard in high school, started with lifting my backpack full of books and doing pushups and situps in my bedroom. Bought a shitty set of dumbbels and when I moved out I got a bar and bench. Never gone to the gym and I only run in the dark early morning when there's nobody around because I'm a recluse and other people scare me. Been to a gym once in my life, never again. Look up books on working out in prison to work muscle groups that one usually uses machines for.
My waifu weighs 47kg. I'm not satisfied unless I can carry her weight several miles. I can do that and more now. You don't have to love yourself but it's not fair to the one you love to not make yourself more lovable. Do it for the cute girls. You can do it!
>not 3D
Well that's good, now I need to catch up with the manga, haven't read it in months
No, but she'll turn the world into Machios when she can.
We are already in one
nobody cares faggot
go back
This is true. I find myself being very sociable in the gym. While I don't particularly have social anxiety or anything of that sort, either way it's a good way to meet people. If you don't generally do well in social situations, it can be useful to ease into it, just starting with asking someone to help spot or let you know if your form is good.
Trying to nab you a Souryuin girl, eh?
Hibiki is going through a haunted forest attraction with Machio right now, while riding on his bicep. That sounds like a date to me.
>Still can't lift my body though. I can't do pullups and full body pushups.
Scooby's got you, brother.
That last one I saw was a bit depressing, or ego boosting, with the amount of 60kg or less DLs people were claiming.
I heard this has a male MC, is this a harem or he's just the regular trainer who is secretely gay and doesn't make moves on sexy girls? Might give this a chance.
She has lots of her own muscle dates with Machio, user. The last couple eng chapters were her flirt dates. She's had more in the past, on Valentine's, she'll have more in the future when she gets jealous of his kouhai.
She's IMAGINE tier, which makes her definition look larger in comparison.
Also she's doped to the gills.
>internet is shit in basement gym
>spend my time doing work if I'm watching anime
>can't manage time for shit
>realised I can't get as swole as the average shounen protag post time skips
>lost my gains a year ago
I'm not going to make it
He's not the MC. Hibiki (the gyaru) is the MC. Machio is the head trainer, and he's just obsessed with lifting. He doesn't make moves on them, but the two main girls do like him, albeit for different reasons. Hibiki for his face, and Akemi for his muscles.
Hibiki would devour the Rock's strudel.
I think it's funny the entire cast finds Hibiki's older bishie chunni bro to be wildly hot and rich as fuck
At least until he opens his mouth.
wait, this isn't yuri? that sucks
We already had a weightlifting/gym anime though and it captured the spirit of the gym far better.
I'm sure a lot of people are like me on Yea Forums.
I am really weak. I have a hard time lifting stuff. I am unathletic and the guy people laugh at when they play sports. I cant even coordinate my body properly.
And I have terrible habits I still cant seem to fix, its 2 30 am and I'm still awake for example.
My chief motivator is fear. Fear that I will die early from lack of physical exercise. And it is working.
Any tips on nutrition, user?
wasn't there a very similar anime just a few seasons ago about a girl talking to the viewer and explaining how do basic gymnastics?
nice blog
Who do you keep referring to in this delusion fed idea of reality you hold onto, Adam?
>Trying to nab you a Souryuin girl, eh?
They're a good choice, even through heartbreak
these are nice designs
not like your usual blobs of moe
i personally i wish there was a little /u/ muscle lust since honestly that's tip top tier
but if it's not there, then it isn't there. enjoy it for what is has to offer or just move on
>Psycho Crusher!
>2d actually behind 3d in this regard
The male dude is fit as fuck so you couldn't even self-insert if you wanted.
But I'm also very fit. Yuri is better though.
The trick, mon ami, is to ask nicely and don't backstab.
She can put it away, that's for sure. Must be because of her dad, The Wild Tiger.
Also, I gotta mention that I'm extra careful because I have a history of back problems (as I said I sit all day watching anime and playing videogames, also at my office at work).
And I am also very unflexible. Seriously. I cant even reach my toes. I'm working on that too. I reach for my toes every other day.
Anyways, thanks for the advice. I dropped the name in respect to you anons.
>tfw 2 and a half years of manga to catch up on
thanks user
He's fantastic when he opens his mouth, too.
.....not a smart choice of words.
No, screw you. I'm not your enemy, but apparently your sense of hearing seems to be to you. How strange!
>those abs
Oh god she's cute
This is how you deadlift you weak jap.
>user is comparing his level of "fitness" this
Oh thoth, you're never going to make a move on "her" are you?
athletic girls are top of the food chain
I haven't read the manga but she's clearly the best girl.
Strategic lifting regimen can actually help build back strength, and improve things like posture.
Here's some Jeff to help:
Barbell Medicine is also a good group to check out regarding handling long term injuries while lifting, and how to actually improve those pains through lifting.
There's an entire chapter justifying seated rows for your kyphosis, user
wait, people actually exist who didn't lift 100kg on their first time?
Cosplay cake sensei likes mixed-grip deadlifts
Only numale fagboys actually lift. The workout of real men such as myself is just to work the fields every day.
Oh, no you only own the demo disc don't you?
one plate
She's based on two russian teen prostitutes.
Are you Mr. Appleseed? Non? Then try something besides talking nonsense for deferred realization.
You should read the manga. All the girls are best girls. And the guys. It's an ensemble cast of incredible characters.
I literally want you to read it and tell me who you DON'T like.
This is correct.
I could name two Russian prostitues as well, but the *when* of it is difficult to pin down, no pun intended boy.
>using straps
Wut, completely defeats the purpose of mixed grip..
It's a meme that pierce bosnan likes his wife chunky and plumpy. But I'm not sure it's just a meme because he genuinely seem happy with her fat.
Even the Background Machos are amazing.
This shit looks great. As expected of Doga Kobo. I'm a little worried about Hibiki's design, but perhaps it's just an awkward angle.
I also never realized from the manga how cute anime girls grunting with every rep would be.
Hibiki is CUTE!
The girls (except maybe Akemi) acutally legit attend the gym to get boyfriends. It's nice.
They look a little younger than they do in the manga. At least Akemi and Hibiki do. So that's a slight downgrade, but I'm staying optimistic.
This lifting autism is pretty cringe to be honest
Why are you people so obsessed with how others pick up their heavy object and put it back on the ground
Do you really hold Hibiki in contempt for others mistakes, or only your own?
>Little insect? Really? No, that's not correct at all...
...what would you know?
>Even apologies mean nothing huh, how stupid.
Hibiki's "weight" fluctuates more than any other (except maybe Machio) to best fit the joke or sexual innuendo wanted to express. (like this imagination of what Hibiki wants to look like)
They all look a little younger than 17-years-old, though. I wonder what they'll do for 29-year-old Tachibana sensei
All these girls are rail thin wtf.
Someone's Mr. Unsmiley, yeesh!
Hibiki joins to lose weight and get a boyfriend. That's explicit.
Tachibana joins to stay fit (erotic cosplay) and to get a (younger) husband. That's explicit.
Akemi joins because she already loves lifting. And she would like a man with striking muscles (nevermind getting to look at them whenever she goes to workout)
Ayaka joins to supplement her training and she is also on the prowl for a man.
Zina joins after she moves to Japan after losing to Hibiki so she can get stronger. And, go figure, she loves muscle men (hi, Petin)
There's all kinds of chapters where the girls all state their motivation for going to an event or performing a lift is so that some hot guy will find them.
And they've all got their own unique hobbies they all love to do and work to get more of. These girls are all wonderful.
How many anime feature obese teen girls?
I wonder
Yes and it's actually not a meme.
My rotator cuff is fucking bullet proof.
Will prolly pick up. I imagine threads will be fun too.
Where are their muscles tho
At least he drank an appropriate amount of H20 before collapsing in a sauna
Under their clothing, bro
Hibiki, at least, is a total newbie so she doesn't have them yet. They're working on it. Akemi has abs, though. And Zina has some definition.
why not
He's a fun character. Everyone in the manga is a fun character.
TL;DR He thought bodyweight meant weights adding up to his weight?
welcome back /fit/
I am glad i never was one of those. I was nerd but for some reason my school bullies though i was too cool to get bullied.
Yup. It probably would have been better to say "Just the bar" to him instead.
Eh, Hibike likes him for more than his face.
I had no idea this was coming bros, this is awesome. The ascending of Yea Forums and /fit/ is finally at hand.
We're all gonna make it. Spread the word.
Nah, Machio is great guy and i can't blame hibike falling for him.
No, but
a sticky showman replaces them in the muscle-building reality show the girls were supposed to be cast in
I was going to post that too, then changed my mind.
Well played.
>lifting for 3 months
>those stats
Judging by the not counting the bar and holes meme I’m inclined to believe you’re trolling, but if not you need to start eating more immediately, user.
>what's wrong with mixed-grip
You tell me
/fit/ is a magical place
Based fatfag, fuck these posers doing it for social masturbation.
don't deadlift with biceps
Yes user, but very carefully
Is this Machio's sister or wife or just genderbender?
Not true. They attend the gym and want boyfriends, but wanting bfs is not why they attend the gym.
Stop being a bitch and just try setting your schedule correctly for a week and attempting any kind of gym for a week. Newbies always think regulars are constantly judging new people but the truth is we don't give a fuck. Maybe we'll glance at you for one second if you are on a piece of equipment that we need but for all intents and purposes we don't care as long as you aren't being disruptive.
The most important thing you need to do is stop caring what other people think about you. Set yourself on a long term goal and then some short term ones which will get you there.
>Namefag is weak as fuck
fucking shocker that
The Wild Bunny is a miracle
Who's going to sub this?
>it's based and /het/ as fuck, no yurishit
>Hot girl
>Must be inspired on these 2 random hot girls i jerk it to
Are you an imbecile?
DUWANG/Hadena collaboration.
Not related. Just a kouhai and an elite Silverman Gym trainer. She has a Kansai-ben accent from southern Japan.
>average woman = The borderline woman
So where is your sixpack and 2 meter wide chest area user, I saw a Image of a man having one so should you and every other fat fuck and thinfuck too.
These lil thots have no gains
Zina Void is equally translated as Gina Boyd.
Gina Gerson + Krystal Boyd
>Pornstars who are known for their slim bodies
>Star in porn where they frequently dress up
Zina Void
>Slim athletic body who arm wrestles (and does Sambo)
>Obsessed with cosplayers and wants her own cosplay fame
>References porn frequently as others' motivation for things
It's not coincidence. Sandrovich references famous people all the time, too.
Who's this hottie?
I'm 165kg, gimme that high five.
This nerd
It was also finally made obvious when, as a joke, this other teen Russian girl performing identically like Zina showed up for a panel with this name.
>3 months
Those gains are shit. Eat more
Also a little smoother
I really hope the threads don't turn to shit once the anime starts airing
Girls lusting for muscles is hot.
I can't wait for when Cosplay Christmas Cake Sensei can be added to these.
Now make it faster
So is Beeks supposed to bulk, or not? Or is she merely overdoing the bulk?
They don't change in appearance at all
you know that's what the user was getting at even
Oh fuck
They made them cute as fuck
Hopefully cake sensei will be very cute too
>How much heavy dumbbells can you lift.
Engrish never gets old.
Not only will they be able to make them CUTE as fuck, and SEXY as fuck, they are a huge range of comedic faces they'll be forced into making, too.
This series, just like the manga, and Kengan(s), will be a reaction goldmine.
The cosplayer is also based on two JAV stars.
FUCK YES, cute girls leaving humanity behind.
Animeonlyfags will be retarded as always, sadly.
It's a difficult title to translate into English, really.
Literally, it's sounds AWFUL and has zero grammar coherence.
Loosely, it's long and isn't very thematic.
There's also a joke that is completely lost in translation about gaining popularity on top of muscular gains.
People complain. It's usually why people just refer to this series as "Danberu."
I hope we get SSJ Hibiki
I didn't knew
I always had my suspicions tho
You aren't wrong, but the Engrish is both incorrect AND sounds bad.
>Chapter 39 - Punching Machine Contest
Hmm. I don't know if they'll get that far in Season 1.
"No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I Can't Lift!"
I'd love cute Engrish like
>Let's Lifting!
or the shock value of having it actually translated to
>Do You Even Lift?
They can adapt the chapters out of order like they did for Wataten. They are barely related to each other.
>I Don't Have To Meet Your Fitness Standards, Shitlord
This isn't going to go over well in America or Britain, will it?
True enough.
You got a link to Chapter 68?
>that pic
I don't share his fetishes but Pierce being happy makes me happy.
if you say so...
user, I'd presume you're a retard like me and ask for you to go on a gym where somebody can assist you, because you can fuck up your wrists really fucking easy and have a TFCC tear like yours truly.
No. The official source on Urasunday only officially hosts Chapters 1, 2 and the most recent chapter.
But yes anyway ;)
achievable natty?
Well, I can't say other exercises are NEVER introduced, or commonly asked questions about other frequent fitness topics.
>there are /fit/ people posting and lurking here
I want this to become a meme
Are there any doujins featuring girls being coitus'd while suffering from post workout soreness? Asking for me.
>there are people with a hobby discussing a manga about that hobby in the anime&manga board
man I hate when that happens
Will the streaming sites feature trigger warnings?
>Trigger warning: fictional people actually giving a shit about their bodies and well-being
>you know the webms from this show will plague /fit/ for years to come
>being attracted to girls
>currently at 180lbs bench
I wonder how much the average jap benches. would the maids and butlers there be impressed?
It shouldn't be that surprising. I can't imagine many people finding Yea Forums just for /fit/ so I'd expect most went from other boards and decided to get fit.
It'll be nice if by the final episode thread for this show we're among the fittest posters on Yea Forums.
>struggling with less than 1pl8 squat
is this the average nip level?
I'd have my shoulder workout there.
I just want to ask them to spot me while squatting lmao5pl8s
post legs
wonder how they would react to people pushing actual weight. I'm only at 2 plate squat though because I have tiny boi legs
I doubt many really fit people turn up there so it'd be easy to be one of the most impressive ones there.
Considering they seemed to load up the bar for you it'd be fun to watch them setting up 200kg.
/fita/ sounds cute
That video is over a year old, now.
If the place still existed, I'm sure some /fit/ baka gajins have shown up between then and now and did some insane reps to try to impress the 6/10 maids who are there for just a paycheck and don't really care if their clientele are any good or not.
It's pure retard strength
p-post bodies please guys
fuck I'm a retard
You're joking, right? This is a joke, right? I can finally die happy.
24 full episodes, right?
Cant wait for lewd moaning
They could cover a lot with 24 episodes. It's probably two chapters an episode as it stands.
>Cant wait for lewd moaning
How much should I work out if 3 days a week is my goal?
3 days a week
Sounds like 3 days a week is the correct answer.
They look really generic compared to the manga though
Don't exercise without advice.
I am going to need to see a physical therapist soon for all my upper body injuries like a fucked up shoulder, shoulder blade, and elbow pain and it might take me 12 weeks or more to get back to normal, hopefully.
Hindsight is maybe I should have done a low impact exercise like swimming instead.
Old age sucks. Wish I had an awesome gym trainer like the one in this manga.
Can anyone stop these absolute madmen?
I mean activities I want to do 30 min of cardio then 15 min weights.
Sure, you can do that. Enjoy your zero gains and wasting people's time waiting for you to move.
>15 min weights
what the fuck? how do you even consider measuring your lifting in time
go read the sticky and don't say stupid shit until you get it down
That's a toughie. I'd strive for 3 days a week.
Is Olympic weightlifting better than Powerlifting?
Seems Olympic weightlifters seem much less bulky and more proportional than Powerlifters.
Also, Olympic weightlifters seem to have a longer career than powerlifters.
Is there a reason for this?
>I want to do 30 min of cardio
>then 15 min weights
Just asking the difference between such wildly vague terms as "Olympic" and "Power" means you'll never understand the answer or why.
That's like asking if training for the Olympic Bobsled run will make you a better polevaulter.
>But user! They're both "Olympic Weightlifting!"
>Should I be "Powerlifting" instead, then??
Do NOT curl at the squat rack
>squatting in the OHP rack
found the dyel
Look up starting strength
Sorry for being dumb.
I'm just wondering why 35 year old Olympic Weightlifters can still compete but Powerlifters in their 30s start getting rarer and rarer to see.
Just seems that powerlifters burn out faster?
>tfw fell for the gomad meme
>almost shit myself the following day in the middle of doing push ups
dont forget they are also making Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
its fine user. everyone has to start somewhere
heres a nice routine infographic
>cute girls lifting cute weight
Thanks I'll do my best.
I'm ready to the point of impatience
It will come
>can't do fullbody pushups
>lift only dumbells and probably don't mix up your routine
Fucking hell, that's shameful. Even I can do more and I've been out of the game for 2 years
Look at the sort of retards it's attracting user
Im soooo shocked bro omg i have been waiting for this so much i want to see this with you all and my friends on twitter.
I also hope the first episode doesn't match with my vasectomy haha.
yukina commands my dick
That's the same trap every idiot falls into, you should feel stupid for taking the exact same action as everyone else who quits exercise.
This is the kind of thing that needs to be made into a meme so people stop doing it.
>fitgirl thread
>nobody posts the one who trains and fights bruce lee style
>release July 2017
AX premiere?
Get a working digestive system
I was worried that this was going to be just moeblobs with no defined muscles, like Harukana Receive
I hope I really like this show
The silver-haired girl looks like she will be my favorite
Is she supposed to be actually Russian?
I cant wait to see her abs
>Anime about girls lifting
>They're all stick thin
>Literally 0 muscle girls
How can they fuck up this horribly? Like my god this is atrocious
High school girls don't tend to be jacked, especially when they only just started lifting.
Go back to Facebook
This post is too retarded even for reddit
>this garbage gets better animation than Kengan Asura
I hate this world
Good thing to know your limits.
Remember, injuring yourself is more expensive than trying to impress people online.
Physical therapists aren't cheap at all and depending on how severe is your injury, you may need to get a MRI and not just some X-rays because X-rays are not able to view soft tissues, ligaments as well as MRI.
X-rays can see bones pretty well just not muscle and ligaments very well so that means you need to get a MRI to see the extent of your injury.
High school girls also don't tend to have fucking H cup tits but look at most anime
Give me my muscle girl anime now
They'll probably just call it either "How Much Do You Lift?" or "How Heavy Are Your Dumbbells?" Or just keep the title the same, I guess. But I think that would be a mistake.
Wh.........! What the Hell, this isn't...!
>bottle= MEGAMUSCLE protein
I tried drinking the protein shake Machio gave me......
Now I have to look just like Machio!!!!
[It was the worst dream possible.]
Wh.........! What the Hell, this is...!
>bottle= MEGAMUSCLE protein
I tried drinking the protein shake Machio gave me......
Now I get to look just like Machio!!!!
[It was the best dream possible.]
It does still exist. I think I saw an article posted about it the other day.
found it
Besides the
>3 days a week
gag, I assume you mean "What should I be lifting if I want to work out 3 days a week?"
You're probably a beginner if you're asking that, so the answer is to pick up a copy of the Starting Strength book and read through that.
It's a really simple, straightforward program, and the book explains it well. There's a tracking app, too.
is the Russian as much of a slut as the black haired girl
I dropped the manga a while ago so I didn't see her
This thread is pretty healthy!
if we're lucky
Yeah, people won't know what to do with the title. The best bet is really just copy whatever Engrish, verbatim, that the anime officially airs as its titlecard. Then it's at least consistent and has official publishing basis.
There's a reason no one posted 3DPD on Yea Forums, user. Many of us would have posted it, otherwise.
with cute anime grill
The less slut alonside the other brown girl.
She's not necessarily a slut, but she does fixate on erotic displays of sexy women in skimpy outfits more than anyone else. Including participating.
>tfw I want to lift but I'm too scared of gymChads
picked up
Just go, noone gives a shit, they might even give you advice
He's so damn charming
You'll be fine. Gymchads tend to actually be bros, and most people will be happy to help you out if you need it.
just go at 3 in the morning or buy a used set for your house
Tachibana-sensei is pure! PURE!
wrong black hair
I was talking about Souryuuin
My point still stands.
Along with something else "standing".
"gymchads" are usually insecure manlets
be careful what you shitpost
name one genre that isn't improved by using cute girls instead of smelly boys
What I like about Koihime Musou is that it's also more historically accurate than other Three Kingdoms adaptations. (Not sure why some think the characters are hairy men.)
>Koihime Musou
Pure sex, you mean
Lewd body, pure soul, etc.
We already have a Hibiki with a fat ass who's good at fisting why do we need to talk about the other one.
I need to get a proper routine for the gym. I'm getting pretty good gains and definition with what I'm doing, but I know it's a half-assed amateur workout
I guess I'll watch some Jeff videos tomorrow or something. Gotta have something good for when I start draining my balls to fit girls
On the bright side, I have established the habit to work out 5 days a week and I've lost 20 pounds.
skirts don't work like that
Do these things actually do anything? If so I might get one just for when I'm laying around watching a movie or something.
Yes, they're grip trainers.
Yeah, they're great casual little trainers. More for your forearm and clenching than individual finger strengthening, but it will definitely work.
Google your local gyms.
I find a good gym makes sure they have good clean restrooms.
A gym that can't give a shit about its own restrooms means that the gym owner and staff don't really care about the gym or the customer.
Also, don't imitate what everybody is doing and assume they are doing exercises right because even people can make mistakes when exercising.
Otherwise, people wouldn't need to go to a doctor later and complain about limb pain from exercising.
Wonderful to see a thread of people happy for this
Doga Kobo is saving anime more than anyone else right now.
end thread