What manga had the worst ending/drop in quality, and why is it Baki Dou?

What manga had the worst ending/drop in quality, and why is it Baki Dou?

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jesus christ, dat horrible anatomy

It just became a style thing.

Some characters had okay anatomy, others were grossly exaggerated.

It's actually really amazing how massively his art improved over the years.

Who killed him?

Nobody. He finally started fighting Baki for real and then an old psychic came and kissed him and sent his soul back to the afterlife, so the body became a vegetable.

Almost 200 chapters of buildup and the fight barely happened.

friendly reminder that if you want to beat Usain Bolt, this is how you should run.

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Has baki ever killed anybody yet or is he still a virgin?

>dat horrible anatomy
what's wrong with it?

Nope. He spent like 6 chapters telling every person he could that he was going to kill musashi, then it turned out that bullshit was his cop out.

Can't tell if this is your first time seeing Baki, which makes you a newfag or if you just wanted to shitpost like the pleb you are, so i crown you "newpleb"

To go any faster, you have to melt.

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>remember those 5 convicted murderers?
>remember that secret fighting tournament with all the strongest guys in the world?
>well, now I will fight in a even more secret tournament (one every century) with even more stronger guys
>while being sick (seriously, I look like Auschwitz mode
>you should even attach my hands in my back when we're still at it

This one.
It's sad, because until the end it's a pretty good battle shonen, so if you want something new and fairly short to read, ignore the following greentext
>entire story about son wants revenge on his dad
>also wants to prove he's the strongest swordsman ever
>dad is currentlyt swordsman in the world so son has to beat him for another reason
>during the story dad is shown to be sick
Now you might think "ok, they used his sickness to nerve him, so the powercreep and final fight won't feel ridiculous like other shonen. Wrong
>father simply just dies without any fight against son
it's like 10 years since i last read it, but i'm still mad as fuck

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>you cannot kill me with a shotgun
>you see, my skin was treated with salts
what did he mean by this?

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I like how the current manga deal is dealing with how ABSOLUTELY BUSTED sumo wrestlers are, ignoring that they already had a sumo in a tournament arc who was supposed to be one of the best fighters in the world and he got btfo.

Then they had Oliver just job to that new sumo soooooo bad.

>>father simply just dies without any fight against son
This could be played off well from a character perspective. I assume it was not played off well at all.

how is that wrong?

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> ignoring that they already had a sumo in a tournament arc who was supposed to be one of the best fighters in the world and he got btfo.

It's just wank at this point, and they only went into the sumo because the author pretty much went
>I'm bored of this, I want to do Sumo now!

The actual last chapter of baki dou isn't even about the story, it's just 17 pages of talking about how cool Sumo wrestlers are.

>it's just 17 pages of talking about how cool Sumo wrestlers are.
I know it's hard to understand for a cuck like you, but some people, especially nips, are proud of their traditions and culture.

>How should we end this story?
>Just print a history report on sumo wrestlers.
>Should we have the characters like, talking about it?
>No, in fact, don't even put any of the characters in the final chapter.

But the story isn't ending, nigger.

Baki has had several manga runs. That was the end of that run, and then the next one started up the following year.

They ended that whole run with
>Yeah, well, fuck Musashi and this whole arc, doesn't matter, SUMO, MAN!

You changed the goal post so many times, i can't even follow your cuck babble anymore.

>Goal post
They literally never set a goal post. Did you just hear about that today in class?

Why are you getting so upset at people shitting on what most people think is the lowest point of Baki.

That sumo chapter was literally the end of baki dou, which was the musashi story, and listed as such at the end of the chapter.

That's why the chapter count resets.

Mobile poster here


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Tokyo Ghoul Re:
Went from simple tentacles coming out of someones back to a gigantic kaiju destroying the city.

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...Because the goal was to make another series. It literally said to wait for the next installment of Baki at the end. No one was acting like that was the end of anything beyond the Musashi arc.