Does lain have a learning disability?

the way she acts gives me the indication that lain has some sort of learning disability, am i right in this thought

Attached: lain-bear-2.png (1512x1072, 1.51M)

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She's autistic, just like you, user.

She's only interested in cocks.

>went from "who is computer?" to "god of the wired" in like a month
>learning disability
She's just severely autistic.

she also clings onto childish things really hard to cope, was the first sign i got that lain might have autism

give me proof that this is the case

She has autism, just like me!

Attached: 1367106505.png (921x1055, 349K)

*gives you a head pat*
it's cool you can find comfort in lain


Autists tend to have one interest that they hyper-focus on and Lain's just happens to be computers and anything to do with the Wired.

that makes sense, i never thought about it that way. but her hyper focus on her interests are very much clear indications of autism.

I love this bear suit, bear slipper wearing autist!

Attached: 1496718361135.png (1518x1079, 1.47M)

she is a cute autist i want to hug and protect her.

She's not autistic, just a special girl.

Attached: 1368384151926.jpg (1000x1412, 681K)

>special girl
user that's the same thing


all of lains faces are golden i have never seen another anime girl have the same faces lain has

Attached: lain face.png (863x1080, 365K)

Her eyes are very pretty!

Attached: 1532709029838.png (1008x720, 714K)

is it wrong to want to date lain even if you know she has autism?

pearly hazelnut brown eyes are cute


She has split personalities if anything. She's not autistic though, just shy

Attached: 1511159249933.jpg (850x889, 235K)

Where is a schizo user

Nicest autist you'll ever meet?

he's off masturbating onto an electric tower

she has clear signs, of autism though and shares a lot of personality traits and mannerisms of someone with autism. it can't be just a coincidence.

I don't see how "grumpy" and "stoned" warrant entirely separate identitiez

yea my pennies fucking virning bestiard


yea, traze point. My canaeur tt cpre but It hhpmn, a weirn anao wa ti So the Firth thames wa cenrro augle poince. Banicaerly, It a nonitce a se MEL Melegy's Lain se wa te anische it te momot se perc a wper wmen te foelring woben:
1. Fueckin the **KINTERGARTEN CALLES * they wthey Want it bakane
2. Wate a pire te sarce a dinital derth se winds itself in bemo ha to, intertent NAVI ->> facine ta werm to puinenient Concordiom
3. Daspince Iagov da soschemial taims, bemo hau te dinital taims bauce tererer.
4. Spone ta ponice wa Lacci terr terzz
It a poineients, pauci eneter wa catulite.

Lain is almost clearly a true case of DID.

That said she also is just a person as well. That said I believe plot wise there are elements affecting behavior so it may not be fair to judge here solely on that.

Also, welcome to the fold:


It was the bear onesie.

I thought the onesie was cute

what language is this?

idk it's greek to me


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With how much it's joked about I've always wondered what portion of this board's population is actually on the spectrum. A lot of you seem like neurotypicals to me.

Is it possible that in the end, Lain was anischeral?

>split personalities
No she doesn't. Did you miss how a big point of the show was questioning which behavioural "face" is the true you, when you spend more time acting one way online than you do in the real reality.

Everyone is on the spectrum because that's how spectrums work. But more to the point, most anons are definitely at least a little autistic.

Yes, especially in episode 1 and 2 with the classroom scenes you get the image of Lain struggling to read the chalk board and being distracted by her visions. Lain does exhibit tendencies of someone who is on the spectrum but it could be a reaction to her (seemingly) schizophrenic visions.

Something to mention is that I don't think in the fiction of the show that Lain is schizophrenic or autistic or anything, she is manifesting her godhood. I do think part of the message is concerning these disorders though and how the internet can serve as a place of connection for people whose mental states make them an outcast from their surroundings. I don't think the show characterizes this connection as necessarily good though as these "artificial" connections, while still real and meaningful, can be distorted due to the almost inherently deceptive nature of assuming an online persona.

Attached: Lain_7.gif (806x900, 1.37M)

I don't know but I still love her anyway


Lain is not human, perhaps evaluating her by the standards appropriate to humans isn't correct.

Did you miss the point that the different Lains are literally different people?

She might be schizophrenic.

almost everything, if not everything entirely in the series, is seen from lain's perspective (the scene at cyberia, her school life, her family situation, the agents out to get her, Eiri Masami's plan, she becoming a God and saving Alice...)
having us no way to differentiate what's real from what's the fruit of a hypothetical Lain's mental condition, we really can't say whether she has some sort of mental disorder that lets her see aliens or she's just a bit weird and the alien was right there