What went fucking wrong?
What went fucking wrong?
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Oh god. It's finally here?
why does it look so shit
>literally flashing the screen to make it look like motion
oh nonono
What the actual fuck
Holy shit this is terrible, wtf happened?
none of the previous staff are working on it
this is going to be beautiful
this is actually good by jc staff standards
Back to Yea Forums
New staff of the J.C. kind.
this, lmao
welp there it goes my hope for opm2 to look decent
HaHahahahahhahaah this is fucking awful what the fuck what the fuck
No matter how many filters you have, it won't cover up that shit animation
I..thought it was alright? It's not perfect but it looks like it's gonna work out. Anyone expecting S1 levels is an idiot anyway.
are those CG arms and torso?
reminder that they're supposed to show the best scenes in the PV
>all these still shots
it's like watching one piece
His body looks like a fucking transformer from beast wars.
Also King looks much better now.
what the hell, why are they putting these ugly-looking VEG filters?
Berserk Season 2 all over again.
That fade to black every two seconds is really disorientating
>but it looks like it's gonna work out
This is the fucking PV. they are supposed to show off some of the top shelf animation and all we get are some logos and still shots. the alarm bells are ringing.
OPMbros.. it wasn't supposed to turn out like this
J.C was a mistake
Oh boy
What a fucking mistake
It is everything we feared
opm isn't popular anymore, anyways
too busy making art
damn, are they really gonna disrespect murata's art like that?!
What the fuck did I expect from the ones responsible for """""top notch"""" animation like magical index?
Why did I even held up my hopes for?
>C-Come on guys, we did our best
what the fuck
I want to die
FUCK OFF, YOU SHILLS!!. It looks decent enough! Fucking Incels.
Not going to bother watching this now, fuck yoU JC staff
>s-shut up guys! i-i-it l-looks f-f-fine
ill do it, but for the lolz and QUALITY
Reminder that you guys trashed the first episode when it came out. That being said, the fighting really doesn't look that good.
>those stills
>those filters
>literally flashing the screens
>lazy as fuck lasers
>motion with motherfucking stills
Holy fucking shit. Why? Why did they do this? Did OPM not sell well or something? This is embarassing as Mob had great animation for its season 2.
Too bad it's the most anticipated show of the spring season. Everyone's going to see this disaster.
It was always gonna turn out like this. Madhouse is garbage now and only Bones could've made it a masterpiece, but they are too busy with Mobbu.
stills sure do look decent
>madhouse denied one punch man a good season 2
>because they didn't want to schedule it
>then proceeded to pump out shit after shit and Overlord
Oh I am mad
They fixed his chin, I will give them that, too bad Genos looks awkward.
>One JUST Man
I thought my screen was blacking out but those flashes are actually part of the PV LMAOOOOO
So, where are they going to show us the animation, why they don't want to.
Jesus, the Fire Force PV shits on this completey
Well, at least we have Mob
>Season 2 covers the most dull segments of the plot
>AND will have shit animation
We will never see Monster Garou animated lads
Season 3 never ever
This will tank very fucking hard
Because Bones is the best anime studio in the world today? Bones are the New England Patriots, JCStaff are like the Arizona Cardinals.
> Daily reminder JC. Staff is making this too
Eh, looks fine.
>this is actually good by jc staff standards
All the good animators J.C. Staff have contacts with are probably mostly working on Railgun and that Accelerator spinoff
And that is made by fucking David Production, shit looked like Bones made it.
What the FUCK is happening
I told you guys, and I demand an apology right now, i'm waiting.
comparing this to the mob psycho 2 pv is like night and day, holy shit
So is OPM anime worse than Tokyo Ghoul, Berserk, Kingdom and Terra Formars?
That will be 2 fanbases getting fucked over by the same studio
>Did OPM not sell well or something?
it sold well enough for a second season. they just got impatient
Soul vs soulless
>season almost over
>When literal fucking manga is better fucking animated than it
They might as well have copied and pasted each manga page. Fuck, it would actually be better.
I want just kill myself desu senpai
Im sorry for ever doubting doomsayers
You were right all along
Fuck JC staff
This is berserk 2016 all over again
We will wish they never animated season 2
normalfags watch dbs and think it looks fine.
Good point
Monster Garou won't be until season 4 or 5 by the pace the manga is going at
What the actual fuck?
Is this the end?
I think this is all funny lol
> /ourgirl/ Tatsumaki vs /ourguy/ golden sperm N E V E R E V E R
So how far do you think it's going to go? I think I saw some clips from Elder Centipede but I could be wrong.
>still image moving around, with lasers on top
Guys, just watch Shokugeki no Souma last season, that is pretty much what you are going to get for this new season of OPM.
>Madhouse abandons OPM
>They go to shit
>But OPM goes to shit too
Atleast madhouse will burn with the OPM franchise
>second season comes 4 years after the first one
>looks noticeably worse
>adapts boring parts of the manga
>general interest in the series tanks
it's attack on titan all over again
Looking fine and looking good is different People expect nothing from Toei cashgrab. People expect S1 quality from OPM.
>it's the most anticipated show of the spring season. Everyone's going to see this disaster.
LOLWAT, thats Attack on Titan Season 3 Cour 2, Return to Shiganshina is a masterpiece.
Hey, here's an idea: I would really prefer to see this season animated webcomic style. Like kinda sketchy and simple, black and white, it would be cool.
Season 2 would just be set up anyways
not as a terrible as expected but still pretty dogshit desu
It will pretty much end at Elder CGIpede(last battle) OR there is a chance that it ends at an anime original fight against Gouketsu since he got an offscreen fight in the manga.
I'm glad the secondary powerlevel retards will finally fuck off.
All snk quality will look God tier compared to this hot garbage
Only Fruits basket and kimetsu are safe with their animation
>A shitload of stills
>And some horrible animation of genos fighting in what seems to be, a fucking pilot episode
>the fucking first episode will have shit animation
>imagine the rest of the episodes
Oh lord almighty
Save us from berserk 2016
Based JUST Staff making animeonly faggots into manga viewers.
>gomu gomu no panchu
Yes we've all seen mob psycho
after watching the last episode of Mob that had basically 50% of the whole episode be delicious sakuga with fully animated backgrounds and great shit like that, watching this preview is like watching those videos that mexican Dragonball fans make for youtube
hopefully s3p2 being 10 episodes helps with the quality. RtS is very action heavy
>looks noticeably worse
>AoT 2
>The entire PV is just shots from the first episode of the season
Why? Have they only finished one episode?
That wasn't AoT Season 2 at all.
>waaaah it's different I don't like change
That's what you guys sound like.
boogie is good tho
>lets give the heavy action, heavy movement franchise to the people that make light action, romance, fujoshi and comedy shit.
Whoever made this business decision should be shot
The worst thing qbout this is that while in S1, the whole anime was basically one big sakuga, this one won't be. But there will still be people that defend this shit. I can expect that they will use some of those sakuga scenes in S2 and say the whole season is comparable to S1.
SNK QUALITY is rarely noticeable due to the directing, if OPM has decent directing it would be better than expected, desu if it turns out like Baki it would be fine (at least in the eyes of the normies)
At least this isn’t bad
>Madhouse abandons OPM
>to make this
Case in point
This is what you sound like.
Kuseno still looks better than Genos, even Sitch looks better than Genos, its like JCStaff hates him.
It proved Shingo Natsume is NOTHING without his Bones buddies.
Bones is the best anime studio in the world, and thats a fact.
The only reason the OP isn't shit its because its the same guys
Nigga wit studio has put all their budget to Kabaneri movie.
Seriously, it's been 4 years, why didn't the committee or whatever just wait until the original team got back together or atleast got ahold of a more fitting studio? Like you were already late, why not wait it out a little longer.
Madhouse isn't some godly studio, their quality is wildly inconsistent and is basically a coin toss. OPM S1 was good because of all the sakuga animators that came on because they were friends with the director. And if you didn't know, the director of this season is a complete no name.
gotta pump this shit out before sales drop
this remind me black clover
> Good Openings
> HOT GARBAGE animation
I don't think I have a reaction image sad enough to even display the depression I feel towards this shit
based bones user
> the director of this season is a complete no name
This is the reason why this will be shit
A nobody director will have a nobody staff.
No clue why the previous director couldn't be reached again
How much shit of a director you have to be to approve this
Because he went to work on Boogiepop instead
The Levi chase scene from early AoT 3 looked better than anything from AoT 2.
I mean...someone approved berserk 2016 right?
If someone approves that abomination, the sky is the limit
I said most anticipated. I didn't say it was going to be the best. It's PV has the most views on youtube and its #1 on MAL and anilist. I'm pretty sure that's going to change though.
Still doesn't make AoT2 look worse than 1
>studios find a popular property
>rather than opt to hit a high profile home run, use this as an excuse to invest as little as possible since people will buy it anyways
I hate how the anime market works.
What the fuck are ONE and Murata thinking about this, I wonder?
Japanese businessmen are very adept of "make cash quick, any way possible"
They are stuck in the 80s mindset for a reason
maybe if the money went to the studios and not the production committes, sales would dictate quality
Tokyo Ghoul Re as well.
they are rich af they probably dont care
Probably noticing that its noticeably shittier
But they can't say nothing because their agent already signed the animation contract
Kinda like watching a car wreck happening without being able to intervene
OPM is terrible, anyway.
The one joke it has gets old really quickly.
ONE doesn't care, because he gets a fat pay check regardless
Would be cool if Murata rants on twitter about JCStaff, Fubuki stilll looks derpy in the trailer.
No, but Mob has actually effort. I wanted something more like ONE original style, more rough and sketchy. It could be even like that one GIF page in the webcomic.
HAHAHA his body looks like a fucking PS1 cutscene
it's like I'm watching a 90s Bionicles cartoon
Murata is incapable of thought he’s just a talentless robot that can only draw
What did they DO to him??
It's not good.
But I had my expectations set so low that I'm kind of pleasantly surprised.
But the fact that this is being used as their "advertisement" is a little unsettling.
Garou's rumble in the forest is going to be a travesty.
Are you bois ready for speedy lines and still-galore?
I'm pretty sure they don't give two shits about it, is not like they are going to get any money from it and it will do just fine for an advertisement, a very long advertisement.
>yfw it'll have 24 episodes
Pretty much my thoughts exactly
Season 3, I hope David Productions gets the rights, They are doing a good job with JoJo Part 5, even Captain Tsubasa has been an enjoyable show.
You know what kills me, they are obviously not going to show any major moments in a PV, but this is the BEST they decided to show to the fans and it's still hot garbage.
You guys gotta at least admit that this scene looked pretty good.
HOLY SHIT they just said it's going to be weekly!!
>CGI arms
Well we already new EC was going to be CGI but if they can't even animate Genos' arms I guess this confirms it
And Fire Force looks fucking excellent, I thought Bones was making it for a sec. I'm so proud of them.
Stupidly sad considering this segment is where Murata's art peaked and he started pumping out hundreds of pages long chapters. Going by Genos clothes in the cover... They will be in charge of ruining Garou vs A class heroes and the Elder Centipede fight which could have been the best anime fight of the decade if animated by the S1 team. Seriously imagine the guys who worked in the past anime drawing that giant thing fighting against Genos' military power and the Bang Bomb combination. And the sick martial arts movements of every Garou fight.
For fucking real. Garou would have benefitted like crazy from good animation so we could understand how op his dexterity is.
>They are doing a good job with JoJo Part 5
>A series known for its still shots and art, not animation
Jojo fans are literal retards
I still have to ask "Why J.C. Staff? Was Madhouse not good enough for them?"
Like seriously, What made this decision? Was Wit or David Pro too busy?
I wasn't expecting S1 quality, but this... this is pretty fucking bad. I'd argue that even A-1 would have tried more than this.
Terra ForMars again?
Too bad her fight vs Saitama will probably suck, and its going to piss off Murata.
It would attract shitposters either way.
Now where are those faggots who said that there won't be static images in the second pv
Season 1 aside from the censorship was kinda fun, now Season 2 they made it kiddy with the gag scenes and it became trash. The Alexander fight was the only memorable moment.
I give up
You win
Yeah how dare they talk shit about OPM.
These people are just entitled babies.
Literally everyone's too busy it seems. Wit, David Pro, Bones, but even so it's not a good argument because JC Staff have a million fucking projects already even without OPM. Aren't they supposed to release like 2 movies this year as well?
It's so interesting to me, I would love to know about the behind the scenes stuff that made this all happen.
Phantom doesn't really look like anything special either. Even if S2 was still made by Madhouse I doubt it would look anywhere as good as the first. A sad sign of the times.
Fucking moeshit took the best people.Anime quantity should be decreased for quality.
Why are they coloring over the line art, it looks bad
T-That's a goblin!
Imagine the shock of marathoning OPM
Season 1 with godlike episodes by the end
Then abysmal animation at the first episodes of season 2
The shock will be amazing
What I really cannot stand is the fucking CGI? Did they use CGI in the first season? If they did, I didn't fucking notice it. But this shit? I can see it's fucking CGI. Fuck you JC.
Murata is probably making more Fubuki lewds to store in the vault.
so should i read the manga or what?
afaik, Genos was fully hand-drawn like the others and I think CGI was only reserved for effects.
No, just drop the whole thing.
Yeah, you're all overreacting. Wait until you see the actual episodes.
Most people would’ve said yes even if the animation weren’t horrible
Manga’s art is amazing
No they don't. Even some moe shit is looking shit. Some shonen shit is looking good like Fire Force and Kimetsu no Yaiba. JC Staff is just fucking lazy.
I gave a chance for Berserk 2016
Didn't work it out
Im not falling for it again
The staff for this season 2 probably wants to kill themselves after the latest Mob episode.
I’m willing to bet most of the footage in this trailer is from the first episode of the new season. Absolutely nothing but a shit production schedule can justify a trailer as bad as this. Every single shot with Santana has him doing pretty much nothing and even the action scenes with Genos don’t look very well animated.
You should probably read the manga anyway, but man this shit's gonna be hilarious either way so watch the anime too.
This. Everybody that talks about DavidPro animating their favorite series is retarded. JoJo has never had fluid animation like OPM S1, and it doesn't need it. Araki's trademark is his art style and design, which David Productions adapts perfectly.
>You now remember Quality Queen
The only really fluid fight scene I can remember off the top of my head is the Vanilla Ice and Ratt.
Sad day for OPMfags everywhere
Your series is overrated trash anyway
>index JUST'ed
>Konosuba JUST'ed
Stop giving action packed show to JUSTstaff, they are just fine when they don't have to work so much like with toradora
You don't need good animators if you gonna animate the kinda shit JC staff produces.
I feel like the only studios even more ill-suited would have been Toei and TMS. The former would have made it DBS-levels of QUALITY while the latter wouldn't give it over to the Telecom branch (the only branch of their's putting in any effort).
Can you tell if this guy is CGI?
Why is everyone shitting on J.C. Staff? I thought Yea Forums would be better than this. It's not like it's their fault. They were chosen to do this even though they don't do these types of anime.
I refuse to believe no other fucking studio would have animated OPM.
Someone make a webm of this part and compare it to the new berserk "walking part" you know the one
I literally just started OPM last night. The nightmare is already alive
Its karma after they mocked DBS 4 years ago. Now DBS will have great animation, kinda turnaround if you ask me.
even this is better than DBS lmao
Bullshit, all they do is fuck up properties. See Index S3.
>That Yun Yun
My fucking dick.
Isn't TMS doing Dr. Stone? Hope that works out.
It is the first episode, you can tell based on what was shown
DB is the worst managed franchise i can think of
I don't want to watch it anymore.
Man, it's sad that the trailer had to come out the same day Mob ep 11. The differences in quality are glaring
A1 had SAO, NNT AND Fairy Tail, Pierrot had Boruto, Tokyo Ghoul and Black Clover, Toei had DBS, OPM and Kitaro, Bones had MP100 and Hero Academia,
It's Ok, JC Staff, I know you're a bunch of talentless hacks, but all I was asking was for you to AT LEAST TRY to make something decent. And now all we get is a fucking slideshow with bad CGI bad drawings and nonexistent animation.
>One Punch Man was initially a parody of shonenshit power levels
>Actual powerlevelfags show up
The threads are as bad as DBS. What happened?
Do you think they got confused? All those people saying "I wish Super looked like OPM", and they went and made OPM look like Super?
i will always treasure my memories when watching season 1. it truly was a blessing. i'll see how it turns out; not surprised but also not that excited
I mean, who else would be willing to do it? Everyone has their hands full.
I was not expecting a berserk upset so soon
The time-window was fucking huge
They didn't even need to do it this year, its not like OPM S1 is fresh on people's minds anylonger
Its impossible that no one had the time
>opm isn't popular anymore, anyways
>Saitama vs Boros YouTube reupload from 2 months ago still gets a million views
Are you retarded?
AoT is the one that isn't popular anymore LMAO
This is the first I'm hearing of this, and now I feel double JUST'd
this is even better than movie quality
HOW do they do it?
Did they spend all their money on the song?
Talent and passion at the same time is POWER user
the entire fucking episodes was like this
it's just fucking insane, and it's not even over yet there's 2 more episodes
god bless
I actually read the whole thread before watching the PV, I expected way worst
it's ok, nowhere close to S1 by CHADhouse though
>that genos during the lazers
that was fucked up
>Ok guys listen, we’ve gotta get another PV out, how many episodes do we have finished?
>We’ve only finished one episode? Okay, fuck it, make a PV out of the first episode.
>But it’ll be half made up of clips of people standing around and talking if we do that.
>I don’t care, do it. And I want it finished by tomorrow.
Read webcomic, then manga for this arc.
What is this Mob psycho vs OPM shitposting war?
I like both.
I'm just sad that OPM S2 is probably gonna be mediocre
At least the manga is close to done with the Demon fights are we will be getting the Dragon fights by the time S2 airs, so it wont be much suffering.
>Isn't TMS doing Dr. Stone? Hope that works out.
And Fruits Basket. And that Lupin the 3rd spinoff movie about Fujiko directed by Koike
>One Punch Man was initially a parody of shonenshit power levels
Not entirely. No.
Holy shit, that's some nice CGI tho, didn't even notice it.
Well, we were expecting this quality from the get go. I think I'll skip it
>all that people telling the guy to go fuck himself
Who is laughing now huh.
Shitposting wars is far easier than actually discussing the values of a show.
Some fags hate MP100 with a passion.
not even a few months ago they were forcing the HxH vs Mob narrative. It didn't catch up so good
now in every thread there's mob vs opm even though it's from the same author and the fanbase is roughly the same
OPM is overrated anyway. It's a braindead show and the only thing going for it is its humor and flashy animation
I was about to call you out for youtube shilling but that vid was actually based
Stop doomposting faggots, wait for the actual anime to showcase the animation and not clips.
Why do they keep getting work?
do you understand what a PV is supposed to showcase?
You know the PV shows the actual footage from the anime, right?
>this is peak JC Staff
The setting has always played power levels straight.
What are you talking about?
>wanting madhouse after the clusterfuck that was overlord 2/3
yeah no
It's over bros...
Japanese literature/fiction is for braindead people.Just read a western philosophy book.
nigga it's 2019
its more of a talent problem than a budget problem
>they went and made OPM look like Super?
nah, super was way worse
Just trolls user, they really like using hxh pics but they post on every thread out there. Fuck we even got one on dr. stone threads and those are only up one day a week
Nigga, Deen did Konosuba. It has never been a sakuga show.
Please stop
>Fuck this shit, I'm out.
What? Are you an anime-only? Most would agree that the Monster Association is best arc in the series, and it's illustrated in MSPaint scribbles.
Three actually, Index 3 was a disaster too.
What killed the hype?
Where are all those delusional fags who kept defending this train wreck?
Some of us are too lazy to download the video and make our own gif some of us just want to make a gif in the browser from the link fuck off it's easy and fast eat my ass
This was the worst offender
even index s3 had one or two good looking scenes. doesn't stop the rest of it from looking like complete dogshit
death note
god i wish that were me
>FUCK OFF, YOU SHILLS!!. It looks decent enough! Fucking Incels.
oh the irony
This thread really just kills you twice, huh?
it wasn't bad desu
>how to convey movement by JC Staff
t-they still have time bros, it will be better once it airs
Are you ok?
wtf i love Mob now
He probably believes the first 25 episodes of HxH2011 were goat tier.
this is great until the slow down part, being animated on 2s or 3s doesn't neccessarily make it inferior to 1s as long as you can communicate the motion and use the camera well
>Episode 1
Okay now show me episode 10 quality
I'm so looking foward to the first episode holy shit it's gonna be so FUCKING INSANE
Who the fuck asked for Steampunk ninja zombie shit anyway? It's like the Japanese don't want to be successful on an international level.
Im actually looking forward to episode 2, Murata is going to be furious if Fubuki vs Saitama sucks.
I thought that picture was a fucking joke until I looked up the pv
>this is official art
at first I genuinely thought it was something from DeviantArt
>ONE takes this shit down like Araki did with the Phantom Blood movie
Ah yes. Didn’t you know? All those 100’s if push ups and sit ups and running has allowed saitama to fucking fly.
Thank you JC animation for unlocking his true potential.
Railgun will save JC staff
Megumin butt is good though.
You are all stupid doomposters, the trailer doesn't even look half as bad as you folks try to make it seem like.
Based JC staff fucking OPMdditors in the ass
From its conception to about 2014, everything Madhouse touched was god-tier or good at worse. Ever since the mass exodus of talent and bankruptcy (?) it's been pure shit however for the past 4 years
HAHAHAHAHAH. We get the Overlord treatment.
Or Murata, Im actually expecting Murata to be like Araki at that time.
Does anyone have any comparison in S1? Like Saitama jumping then vs now.
And now DBS has the healthier schedule.
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
Is incel = "i fucked ur mom last night"?
how the fuck did this end up in the pv? it's so noticeable.
new buzzword for "people I don't like"
it took over "cuck"
Does he even have the clout to do that??
At this pace JC staff will go bankrupt before railgun airs
Modern anime was a mistake
Based. People might hate Nagai but at least he delivers when it counts.
Don't any have any videos but Saitama actually had weigh to his jumps where he he just floats away with no movement
Same way that gomu gomu no metal pistol shot from Genos made it in there
When he jumps off the moon. But that's a money shot so idk if that's a fair comparison.
I'm going to no shitpost for second and get serious here. The trailer was garbage, what was shown was decent, but that's the worse offender in my eyes. There is no effort, no skill, no passion in what they've shown us. Everything looks like a cheap attempt to make a quick buck, and that's sad, sad for them and sad for me. I'm not going to bother with this season, if they couldn't put in the effort to get the color of Saitama's head right, then it's just not worth my time. What everyone should be doing is supporting Murata and ONE would release the manga completely for free and are about to have a shitstorm coming directly toward them. What a shame
>fuck off shills
>this product looks good
Are you ok. Are you mentally retarded!
I remember the moon jump being crazy impressive.
Can you clarify? What happened? I have no idea.
I hope we get back to the webcomic, so I can forget the anime is a thing
>What everyone should be doing is supporting Murata and ONE would release the manga completely for free and are about to have a shitstorm coming directly toward them
Does this looks good to you, nigger?
I'm okay with this monkey paw because we have Mob.
kino post
Not just his moon jump but little details like him slightly jumping off those bullets Boros ship shot
Based JC staff imitating ONE's artistic talent
>talentless robot that can only draw
is that... is that not a talent
The OST, writing and specially directing are going to do one hell of a carryjob.
Series like Beast Wars had horrible animation movement but excellent writing and storytelling.
post yfw you didn't buy OPM season 2
sssssshut the FUCK UP user
Honest to god, at least I would've respected that if they went that route. But then again Mob looks fantastic, so it's still lose-lose.
i would prefer the whole s2 in one style over this shitshow
It's not a talent when ytoure shit at everything else you do in your life
Its strange, I'm not a fan of anime overall but I really like ONE's stuff, the webcomics for mob and OPM where really great reads and I hope he goes back to the OPM webcomic soon
I think he meant that we should be supporting ONE and Murata buy reading the free manga that was put up on the Shonen Jump app, but instead the hate for S2 will go towards them.
Damn, this is fucking awesome actually.
Not a fair comparison. Beast Wars looks ugly now, but Mainframe was doing some pretty cutting edge stuff. It was on TV the same year Toy Story came out.
What's JC Staff's excuse?
t. doomposter
The actual anime will blow everything out of the water, just you wait.
If this is what they've have shown us, I don't trust the directing. Not even the OST and writing for the season can carry this
I know you're trying to have fun here, shitposting this travesty of a trailer, but you could wait at least until next thread. I'm still processing this
Small indie studio
what the fuck are you talking about? Now the craft of illustration is worthless? mangaka? character designer? his skills at composition, drawing and rendering? why?
Yes, definitely. And forget that S2 exists.
mangaka that doesnt write their own story is worthless
I'm hoping for 2 cours, personally.
Beast wars CGI is dated but it looks more, No scratch that is more fluid than anything in the trailer we got. It seems they are going the new Baki route with this adaptation
>almond skin
>Stilted animation
>so-so art.
t. delusionalposter
Thats fucking bullshit and you know it
virgin vs chad but its saitama and mob
So pretty much confirmed
Episode 1: King episode
Episode 2: Garou+Fubuki introductions.
what are the odds that jc staff will still deliver despite that shitty PV?
>Episode 2
>Murata sees the abomination that JC Staff have done with his waifu
>Go Araki on them, season 2 is cancelled
There is hope
Please murata
Picasso was a fuckin bitch he didn't even write stories for his paintings.
more like
Because there was no other shot of Saitama ready to be used for this PV
What a random thing to say. Are you retarded?
Picasso wasnt a mangaka
Murata should ufck off and be an artist and stop eating up the spotlight that ONE deserves acting like hes at all responsible for OPM
>lengthened tedious arc + JC staff JUSTnimation
Yeah, I think OPM anime won't recover
This pretty much. It's telling that neither Murata or ONE have made any comments on the trailer so far
I believe
The best you could hope for is that this is some MGS2 bait and switch.
Mangaka do visual communication and manga made by two or more authors is extremely common, same with the comic industry all over the world, the person who draw the pages isn't expected always to also come up with the story or all the dialogue, in fact even manga with only one credit usually has it's story and dialogue heavily influenced or even wrote by the editors.
Also Murata has done personal work
And that's just one of the skills mentioned. Murata is a fantastic illustrator.
Slim to none
Why do i have the feeling this will be better than expected?
Yea Forums bashed Captain Marvel--->enjoyable movie
Yea Forums bashed Carmen SanDiego 2018 and Ducktales reboot ---> Good shows.
take your meds schizo
I don't have any memory of an anime with a bad PV being good.
If the state of index is any consolation then no they won't change it around.
take ur bullet to the face retard, murata dicksucker
>Anyone expecting S1 levels is an idiot anyway.
He said during the same season where Mob Psycho s2 is not only as good but better than s1.
>stop eating up the spotlight that ONE deserves
He doesn't eat anything, do you live under a rock? ONE is the one who gets invited to interviews and events for OPM the most, on top of signing contracts and Murata rarely if ever goes solo to begin with.
That Hunter x Hunter user was retarded, claiming his series never had bad animation.
If your standards are that low then yeah you'll probably enjoy this, regardless of the actual quality.
>Captain Marvel
>Captain Marvel--->enjoyable movie
This is bait
Would you rather have them pull a Toriyama and shit all over the animators, and fake-promise "things will look better"?
He does give ONE story input.
To be fair, it's not like Studio DEEN is a huge step up from JC Staff.
..yeah? What does Mob Psycho have to do with OPM? The people that made Mob 1 moved on to make Mob 2, of course this would be the result. OPM 2 isn't made by the people that made OPM 1, and on top of that it comes from a studio that isn't even known for their action scenes. Whats your point..
Because animation quality is something objective that has a standard and can be measured.
Wake up, user. It’s over.
How does it feel to be a talentless person who has never done anything in their life that puts them in the perspective of a content creator?
Let's hope that the original team will take over in season 3 in 2025
I think ONE deserves a lot more praise not only for his stories but also for his art, and there's things about Murata's art that pisses me off, but you really should go fuck yourself
>Ducktales reboot
wait, what?
lmao all those angry comments
i have more talent than murata because he literally only has one thing he can do and everybody praises him for it like fucking sheep for illustrating (something literally anybody can do) ONE's story
The point is that you're probably a newfag and should get the fuck out of here. Season 2 looks like shit, they didn't even try to make it as good as season 1.
literally gave me berserk 2016 and overlord flashbacks, it's fucking over
Wait, I thought Saitama couldn't fly.
stop replying to that weirdo, user
oh god, this is going to get shitposted to death isn't it
To be fair, if you ONLY 'play' music, you're kind of just an orchestra monkey.
Konosuba was a suprise to many because the animation was far above what DEEN is known for, to me it was excellent visually. This JC Staff movie could potentially be a huge step back.
Remake when?
what the fuck are you saying this doesn't even have anything to do with my posts
It already was beforehand.
You are actually a nutcase, seek help. God why are there so many literal schizos on Yea Forums nowadays. It seems like every recurring thread on every board has a least 1 resident schizo.
>Yea Forums bashed Captain Marvel--->enjoyable movie
it was bad, even if you had sex
kys sheep
if you are looking for something to watch after you drop OPM S2 there's always the Bocchi anime
It would be hard to have sex after seeing that movie.
nobody calls animators team monkeys for only animating, musicians also have their own quirks and styles and are spected to be very exdisciplined, just like a team of animators or any team of anything
Murata remake of S2 when
incels like you wouldn't even know
Toei and Pierrot now have a new friend. People are gonna hate the shit out of J.C.
>anybody could do that
>are spected to be very exdisciplined
I tried to fix a typo and I fucked up badly, I should rest
>Yea Forums bashed Captain Marvel--->enjoyable movie
Guys, I'm serious.
I can't gandle my manic depression much longer.
I guess, I'll see whether Kimetsu will save my life.
>This feminist propaganda is good
>No it isn't
Why do you even bother
>implying I am one.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here, but I kinda physically can't comprehend people who try to make careers just reading sheet music from composers who died hundreds of years ago. You're not writing anything. You're not improvising. You're just very good at following instructions.
I say this as a musician myself.
have sex
At least Toei and Pierrot have the excuse of doing long running, weekly shows. JC is seasonal and still looks like trash. And even their best moments fall far short of what Pierrot can do when they actually try.
I mean, considering how crazy Genos' arms have gotten as of late, I shouldn't b surprised JC Staph Infection would cut corners and use CGI. But it still hurts.
King, Saitama, and Garou look fine. Good thing Genos does fuck all this season and doesn't become relevant again until after Elder Centipede (the finale of the season).
>Imagine being a namefag
>Imagine thinking anyone cares about what a namefag says
>Imagine not just filtering any namefag and completely ignoring his posts
Man I sure loved those stills and black screens
A lot of Yea Forums enjoyed CM tho.
Take a chill pill Dunning Kruger
I'll hold onto the hope that they for whatever reason actually concealed some of the good parts from the preview, and with this hope I will watch the first episode in 3 weeks, we'll see what happens after that
compare mob's PV to this PV
God bless Bones. If Madhouse wasn't unable to do it giving it to Bones would have been 100% alright with me.
Henceforth, One Season Man
they're gonna leave Monster Garou for S3 with actual good animators to do it justice right
Fuck off bochifag.
I was looking forward to OPM2 and Bocchi for spring
I fucking lost my shit when I saw that page for the first time.
If they did that says a lot about them to be honest.
>filler arc gets bad animation
color me surprised
4chanx slows down my computer, and I like making fun of CM-obsessors.
They aren't an indie studio though.
Also, Beast Wars, even with its dated CGI, still looks better than... whatever THIS is.
We are talking about the lowest point on OPM plot, only saved by the nice fights
And they will serve that shitty plot with shitty animation
Not even normies will like this
My thoughts exactly
Maybe in 4 years we get a Bones adaptation of the real good stuffs
It's not bad but this would be 300x better as the OP song. Prove me wrong.
>Oh wow, OPM's PV is out!
>Oh boy, oh boy, I wonder what's gonna be in it!
>Maybe we're gonna get some shots of Metal Bat fighting and being cool?!
>We're probably gonna get to see Garou fighting... Maybe in the alley, with Golden Ball?! Or even against Watchdog Man?!
>Maybe we'll get a glimpse of the tournament! Suiryu?!
>Fubuki vs Saitama? Sonic??
>Wow, there's so much they could show, let's see what they've got!
>It's all shots of people talking in the first episode and black screens
I would be much more surprised if season 3 gets done after the napalm bomb run that season 2 will be for sales and fanbase
Bones will be done with Mob soon. Maybe they'll get season 3 in the future? A man can dream..
Absolutely fucking nothing happens on this Arc. Season 2 is a huge filler, they just gave it the QUALITY filler treatment. Just sit this one out until season 3 boys.
>he still thinks there will be a S3
I wouldn't be surprised this season tanks so hard that even the manga gets a drop in sales
Stfu trip incel
Garou looks like discount vegeta in the PV
This adaptation is looking soulless as hell
>tfw Bones is just hyping everyone for Tatsumaki wrecking city Z, S class vs Dragons and Saitama vs Garou
based bones playing the long game
I knew it wasn't going to be like S1, but god damn, it felt so stiff and janky.
At points, it made me think of a fan animation, especially with the facial animations.
And this is supposed to be an example of the good parts.
75's voice sounds exactly how I imagined
Garou vs Metal Bat, Garou vs the Tank Tops, and Garou vs everyone in the forest are all more hype than any fight before them besides Boros.
Your not wrong. Really a lot of the CD dramas would be better Op's. But this one definitely would have been better. Sucks they didn't make a full 4 minute song of the cd ones.
OPM is one of the most selling manga and has top tier art, anime is just a bonus.
Fanbase will be upset but that won't impact it's popularity. If anything normalfags will pick up the manga instead
>like five or six shots that aren't pans or lip flaps
>they all look stiff/simplistic/amateurish
What the fuck dude, this season got delayed almost a year. It's not like it got rushed out the door. Is the staff that inexperienced?
It's literally just shots from episode 1
Just don't watch it 4Head.
>Yea Forums
This is the first time ever I hear about Captain Marvel, also, all capeshit movies are the same shit, you just need to watch 1 and then you already watched all of them.
Kimetsu no Yaiba and AoT will be dominating spring, I guess. OPM will just be a laughing stock. It's unfortunate.
we are talking about the same staff that struggle animating index
>laughing about anything
maybe reddit is more your speed
>this level of cope
Fuck off pedro
>my face
>my soul
Why was there black-screen for multiple seconds at a time? I'm so confused
One Joke Man just turned into One Frame Man
Literal autism
base Yea Forums also has filters, fag. just press F.
I'm worried about Mamako now
>JC will animate this as a single frame with speedlines
What happened to this shit then?
Legitimately looks like some guy's fan animation.
the animation was too smooth for the human eye
Wow did they really animate the One Hurricane doujin with their spare budget?
what the fuck were they doing
It's so blatantly obvious they were padding the trailer because they didn't have enough finished footage to show. This thing is going to be a fucking disaster. We're talking early Dragon Ball Super levels of shitting the bed.
This will never not be funny
Playing an extreme game of tag.
>JC will animate the Elder Centipede punch with three frames and speedlines
Bones and Kyoani are only good visually, their content is fucking shit.
>*angry cat noises*
Yea Forums is also retarded and jacks off to 3d little girls, so I wouldn't really hold their opinion in high regard.
This was also all still shots. If they're gonna be still shots, they may as well be good ones.
Also p5 animation isn't bad, stop being a bandwagoner.
imagine if JCStaff is still doing this when it gets to the Saitama/Garou fight
I might actually do it
>JC Staff is given the job of animating season 2 knowing full well they will fuck it up, driving people to read the manga instead
>save money on the animation while still boosting manga sales
genius, really
I shouldn't have seen this.
No effort
I bet they wont even continue the joke of turning Tatsumaki into the webcomic version when she gets mad
kek, i feel you user
You guys wouldn't know a good anime if it hit you upside the head. OPM S2 has SOUL. It is obvious that JC Staff did their best and poured all of their blood, sweat, and tears into this adaptation.
This is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen
OPM S1 was 2015 though.
Someone needs to tell JC that just because Soma went to shit doesn't mean they can use that as a baseline for other franchises.
Atleast I can take solace in knowing that nothing will ever beat DBS
The ending is Elder Centipede, my man. That means this season includes
>Garou vs the 8 heroes
>Garou vs Metal Bat
>Bang, Bomb, Genos vs MA and Garou
>Pic related
looks pretty fucking grim considering the show is airing in less than 2 weeks. Not only the animation is looking bad already, but they'll probably also run into production issues midway into the season
No passion
Forgot to paste the link.
Meanwhile with Fireforce
Exactly my point, whethee 4ch bashing on shit or not is not a meter that they will not be shit.
But an actual incompetent studio and terribad PV are.
Ufo is /ourguy/
My sincere condolences to OPMbros
How is he so strong?
Problem is, TMS is also behind Baki and that (pretty much outsourced) Between the Sea and Sky. Their output is even more mixed than J.C. Staff at this point.
Whats with JC and showing jackshit on their PVs?
Previews are meant to showcase the best scenes.
If the best scenes are dogshit, people are going to to logically think that the rest is going to be even worse.
Is there anything worse than something made more hilarious through good animation being given unintentionally horrible animation?
At least season 2 will have great meme potential.
this will never happen you retards, do you actually know any normalfags? they'll drop it and watch something else in a heartbeat, don't give me that bullshit
OPM has always been shit. get fucked, redditors
I hope UFO just straight up animate Kimetsu to completion, since it's in final arc and all.
>>Garou vs Metal Bat
>By JC Staff
Fuck, please no.
>Captain Marvel--->enjoyable movie
Yeah, I think this has more to do with your own literally garbage standards.
But I envy you. At least you can enjoy trash like Bayformers.
Someone put all the actual animation in a 22 second clip
Now that OPM is practically dead, let's post manga that deserves to take the spotlight for an anime adaption.
When a fan animation beats the PV.
wtf with all those black screens?
At this point they should just let Bones animate the webcomic, animating Murata's manga is a futile endeavor
Maybe even they know how shit their animation is.
Yeah, but one thing, clever man.
The anime has to still be popular enough to warrant a third season by an actually good studio.
It won't be at this rate.
maybe we could use weaponized autism to remake s2
Keep going. Please keep going.
>people unironically watch this
but normies don't want to look at ugly drawings
>deserving anything
Oh, this is made by the mangaka that made Soul Eater, right?
I'm interested. Looks good.
w...was Yun Yun fucking CGI?
Yeah it's not fair at all to compare an anime adaptation of Murata's OPM to One's Mob Psycho. Mob Psycho's original character designs are so abstract they can literally be whatever Bones wants them to be. Murata's incredible skill at high-detail rendering actually boxes in Madhouse really badly.
It was fucking annoying.
>bump limit in 2 hours
Threads are going to be fun aren't they.
Its Berserk all over again
Yeah, i don’t think that this is goin till centipede anymore, unfortunately, it’s ending wit gouketsu lol. They will just want to get this done, fuck setting things up for a season 3
Could you even tell? There's so little in that shot that I can't even make a call. In any case the shots here aren't too bad, but considering there's maybe fifteen total seconds of actual animation that means nothing. Screw faith, it would be inappropriate to even have hope right now.
Do you hate deep and thought-provoking themes, user?
Say goodbye to quality fights like this.
>watching OPM for the fights
Goodbye quality, hello QUALITY
will they get fubuki right?
The Index 3 PV showed quite a bit even though half of those scenes weren't shown or were completely changed
delete this
The anime looked like shit since S1.
Not like I was gonna watch the movies anyways. Dropped the series mid season 2 when I learned it ends up becoming Megumeme's variety hour featuring Kazuma.
I bet you unirronicaly enjoyed Aquaman.
Nothing on that webm is on par with OPM S1.
Goodbye world
I mean, nobody reads solely for the fights. That's stupid. But combat does have a significant role in the series. No point in bothering with an animated adaption if it doesn't deliver with the action scenes.
That's obvious, but at least it's better than what's in the PV. It could've been passable at least. Shame the user who posted that thinks we're getting anything of even that quality.
>take a look at J.C. Staff's recent work out of curiosity
>11 projects in 2017
>10 projects in 2018
>4 anime tv series and 3 (THREE!) movies for this year
what the fuck is this studio doing, why do they have so many projects? do they want to commit death?
fuck it's been so long since I saw this I didn't notice how far below it the pv is
Some fights in the later DBS were okay, like Goku vs Jiren.
But yeah, DBS isn't a sakugafest by any means.
Railgun S looks better than this.
I don't watch capeshit anymore because most of it is garbage.
What's your point?
That sounds fucking insane.
>Some fights in the later DBS were okay
Obviously some fights were better than others but Episode 131 was a fucking masterpiece.
They didn't it's just shills.
Animation definitely looks wonky, some stills look good though
I will watch it for Garou's based voice actor
>some stills look good though
get out of here.
The only """filler""" is the tournament you absolute retard. Is Garou's introduction filler? Is Saitama meeting Fubuki and King filler?
What does the nip audience think about this?
will hollywood ever give up on us?
You can't deny that Garou, that Sonic frame and King's closeups look good at the very least. Art will be inconsistent and have good frames here and there.
weren't most people complaining about how dbs quality looked like shit.
nah, boogiepop is good
what we really need is animation studios in western countries
Japan has an excess of work while all our talent is going to waste resorting to the internet since there's no market
Railgun S was one of their best looking shows, but then again Nagai had connections
Murata gonna mad as fuck for fuck his waifus
People in the West still believe animation is only for cartoons and kids
Only faggots watch overlord, so why would they waste the budget? You losers will still buy merch and tune in every week
It's gonna be so funny when Made in Abyss comes out in theaters and dumbass parents take their kids to see it.
maybe boomers do, every time in the last 10ish years there's a cartoon worth its shit it gets a huge adult following
Literally nobody gives a fuck about SnK now
Legit had to check and see if my HDMI cable was coming out
You mean a cartoon that hard caters to feminists with the minds of children? That's literally every cartoon that's gotten popular in the West. Voltron, Steven Universe, She-Ra, Korra..
Adventure Time, MLP, Samurai Jack, Avatar
yeah there's always gonna be a little leftist propaganda but that's not why people watch it. other than Steven Universe.
Don't come back
>that's not why people watch it
literally braindead senpapu
I'll give you Samurai Jack and Avatar but everything else both you and I listed was watched only because "uwu my gay ships"
and don't even get me started with MLP
I'm surprised you conceded Avatar, s3 had quite a bit of political undertones, to the point I could tell even though I was like 12
anyway I really don't think that's the case, the gay ships thing is inevitable, and it's not like anime fanbases are any better
I don't think his issue is with politics in shows in particular.