I don't really like ocoho. She feels too mary sue even with her mind control doujin bait weakness.
literally made for rape
girls in this manga are god-tier
Is this a good series?
this reminds me of Khara
its another adults bad children good comic
This page alone already makes it better than everything published on the Shonen Jump.
it's great for a shounen
Looks like any shounen tier shit monologue about showing to everyone that they can do stuff if they try.
Show me another shounen where a character from the main cast doesn't want to use his powers to be the very best like no one ever was or for countless selfish reasons and just wants to show everyone just how fun nen/ki/chakra is.
Goku from Dragon Ball, he don't want to become strong because he want to be the strongest like Vegeta, but because he love fighting and want to have fun fighting. Every sports shounen is like that too, for example Hinomaru Sumo they love sumo and want to have fun while fighting and in Hikaru no Go is about spreading how Go is fun to play. This is already some kind of cliche and nothing new having a character that tries to show "how much fun is doing X".
>Goku from Dragon Ball, he don't want to become strong because he want to be the strongest like Vegeta, but because he love fighting and want to have fun fighting.
Not gonna dignify this shitposting with a serious reply.
t. brainlet that don't even know the media he consumes
I like this manga but you're fucking retarded. That scene is generic shounen bullshit. If you want a good page, do the one where Ocoho/Seth/Doc all take down their enemies at the same time
I like it.
>We have to wait until July for next chapter
Its not fair
How is generic seeing Taj speaking out his dreams that goes against any generic shounen trope?
Its not unwatchable.
Shonen tropes, but I think the author is french so there are different twists to it.
The MC has a simplistic dream and thiccskulledly follows it.
Its not the worst thing that I ever saw, maybe you may find enjoyable.
Come on m/a/te, for goku to have a deliberate reason to get moar stronk, firts he would need a functional brain.
At least some macross Yea Forumsnos realize that it hasnt aged well, but the active dragon ball fans are fucking cancer, because they are too obstinate and/or stupid to acknowledge their shit its too darn dumb and just barely more than Power Creep: the anime.
I had seen some YT videos of like 15 minutes each about the story of DBGT and DB Super and I was amused at how stupid was the story and how much filler it has.
Post your favorite moment
The scene where the baron soldiers are going up the tower.
When is season 2?
In 6 months.
Every girl design is top tier. Helps that they are decent characters too
Does she get bleached?
Harmeline was great.
it's really boring
It's great, aside from the generic/bland protagonist
Read the manga. The anime's filler shit.
Torque looks so fucking cool, hopefully he gets to kill one or two heretics before he has to go.