
Why is her manga still doing so incredibly well and dominating the romcom genre after half a decade?

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And she can wear a bikini despite being JC and Protagonist of Moestuff.

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because it's a cute relationship

This girl is dangerous.

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came here to post odeko

did they kiss each other in the manga yet?

They're both incredibly cute.

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What's the big forehead for?

To be cummed on

>the state of romance manga

they already fucked

How do you know?

The worst part is that even though he cummed inside her he still gets flustered seeing her in a fucking bikini. What a pussy.

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Either it was artificial impregnation or he wasn't conscious when he did it

So what's their daughter like?

He's flustered because he knows if she wants another kid she's going to get it.


She has the cuteness of Takagi but the gullibleness of Nishikata . A good blend of bother characters.

Pretty much.

So she takes after the father in personality?

A future single mom

>She has the cuteness of Takagi but the gullibleness of Nishikata
Let me guess the mother enjoys trolling her too?

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Congrats you figured the entire plot of manga. Occasionally the little one trolls her dad....which is the big twist.

It's not my fetish, it's the truth

*sells like hotcakes*

So does the daughter have someone she crushes on herself?

You think I read this to find out? I read 40 chapters and then kind of stopped reading.

She has a crush on a male version of Takagi that looks like Nishikata. It's a masterpiece

>so incredibly well
because it's repopulating Japan

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My wife and mother of my children Mina is so hardworking

She looks like a boy from the front.

Can it hit 10 million until the end of next year?


truly a goddess

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And Mina has worn a bikini 6 episodes earlier than Takagi.

3 fucking kids? Jesus Christ the dad is a lucky bastard.

Man they got knocked up so young.

They live on a podunk island in the middle of nowhere. One of the booniest parts of Japan.

it's difficult but it'll get another major boost with the anime, 9M is definitely possible

When does this series get compared to nagatoro? Nagatoro is just a cunt most of the time, Takagi is at least nice.

Because degenerates can't tell the difference.

Outsmarting her prey.

Based bikini poster

>taking care of 3 kids sure is a lot of fun
Lies, don't believe her lies, save yourselves anons.

Eh, Takagi is too persistent about it.

If you have less than 4 kids you're not a real man.

If you include the spinoff manga where they're married, yes.

the girl isn't his, idiot

why wouldn't it

it was probably one of her pranks

>NTRfag grasping straws

>3 kids


Because fans are waiting for NTR

If you are with a woman who can make your heart race even after several years of marriage, I would call it a big win for you.

>come home from work
>see this
what do?

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Make Mr. Abe proud.


Tell her Chii's been asking for a little brother.

Joke's on him, I'd do her butt.

>"Don't worry Nishikata. You can have the main course (me), after we finish dinner."
What did she mean by this?

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I like how despite pure and wholesome this manga is, it clearly communicates how much of a lolicon the author is.

It's not like he hides it. If you check his Pixiv, his two loves in the world are JCs and foreheads. pixiv.net/member.php?id=61937

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I wonder that too especially since the author already spoiled the ending.

Because its cute. Dont overthink it.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Because it's simply good at what it does

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She might be drugging you though, a racing heart indicates nothing.

>Feodor Vassilyev
>died 1782 after fathering 87 children
>16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets
>that was with wife no.1 before she wore out and expired and he had to get a replacement
>fathered additional 18 with wife2
>6 pairs of twins and 2 sets of triplets
What are you up to?
Are you busy?

Piker. Genetic testing has determine a quarter to a third (variable according to my distant memory) of the present population of Mongolia are direct decedents of Genghis Khan.

How many descendants are alive though? Having lots of kids is nice but there is a point where it becomes excessive

Alternate universe Aho mom?

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I refuse to take this as canon. It's too retarded.

Because it's adorable and funny

Of all those kids I think only a pair of twins or something died.

Two people who were childhood friends and are attracted to each other, get married and half a kid. How is that retarded or does your autistic ass not understand human relationships?

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What gives you that idea?

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Who is chi's A-kun?

female lead relationships are extremely rare in japanese media
they always end up bending over when (and not IF) the MC acts sugoi once and past that go 180 and become perfect japanese subby wife #1478865
takagi is different, though I'm certain naga is going to receive the same fate as the others, but for now it's obvious why they get compared

anjou is closer and much better than nagatoro overall, tho, but for some weird reason it's not nearly as popular as either

tell her we should play a game, first one to come is the loser and if I lose I get to cum deep inside

The reason the Anjou manga isn't as popular because the mc is looks ugly period. Nishikata, Senpai and Sakurai is that they aren't ugly but decent looking blokes. I just couldn't self insert with how much of an ugly nerd he was.

no way, I don't see it being the reason nor is he that bad looking, it's literally just his haircut

though you're right that paisen looks kinda handsome and nishikata has that cute shota thing going on for him, but seito sure as hell ain't ugly

anjou's author's art is also grandiose compared to nanashi

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>f the present population of Mongolia are direct decedents of Genghis Khan.
He apparently had like 500 (+) wives/concubines.
That's a lot of fucking.
A different one each night.

Wasn't this like in the top 20 biggest media franchises from Japan in 2018? That's crazy for a romcom.

Is that because it was legit good or was it because 2017/18 was a bit of a null year as far as new, liked content?

takagi is unironically a masterpiece and I'll never understand Yea Forums's hateboner for her manga

There's a hateboner for the manga?
I thought it was manga fags still reeeeeing like the autists they are over the voice choice for Takagi in the anime?

something something no progression

Don't know, I don't follow the series. But it was in the top 20: animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-12-19/top-selling-media-franchises-in-japan-2018/.141064

>A different one each night.
You mean a different one every hour.
Genghis Khan's Daily Schedule:
>Conquer shit for 8 hours
>Fuck pussy for 8 hours
>Sleep for 8 hours
Great work/life balance

>Star Wars on #15
How the mighty have fallen

How is takagi a masterpiece?
It doesn't have god tier art, writing, story, worldbuilding or anything of worth to communicate to the readers.
It's a fun read I like it but let's not lie to ourselves

it's a masterpiece because it does its job perfectly well and no other series has ever come close to it
and certainly wont, japs suck at romance

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I think calling it a masterpiece is a bit too far
But it is a good manga
Which is fun to read

what would you ever call a masterpiece if not the best presentation of its genre?

I think a masterpiece needs to be better than just the best of it's genre
The japs suck at romance
That doesn't mean that the best romance becomes a masterpiece
Also the chapters are episodic and some chapters aren't as good as others

>half a decade

>>Sleep for 8 hours
They slept in the saddle when they were on the warpath (which was all the time).
That's how they could cover so much territory.
Shat and pissed whilst riding too.
Probably fucked as well.
They were efficient bastards the mongols.

Genghis Khan had the big painis for Asian. And Every Chick of The World Loved his big dong and Genghis Khan was powerful enough to have a hot anal s** with them.

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Also that femninja is from his another manga, Kunoichi Tsubaki.

>muh gorillion sales
shut the fuck up, it still does not change the fact that it is a mediocre and degenerate series

It's the exact opposite.
Nigger what?

>degenerate series
No gay shit.
No trans shit.
No weird fetishes like scat, or bestiality.
No Age difference pedoshit.
No population-replacement propaganda.
Not seeing any degeneracy there buckeroo.

The fact that Seto can actually look handsome when he tries is not everyone knows though.

Based Gengbro.

>"Haha, today I'm gonna prank the girl!"
>"Oh no, the girl can read my mind and counter-pranked me in the most perfect way!"
>Repeat this 500 times
People who like this have shit taste.

This. The first few chapters were nice, but then it became repetitive shit.

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Ugly ass bitch with her massive eighthead.

t. brainlets who don't understand the complexity of mundane situations

And I love him for it.

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Ah yes, still blushing while holding your wife's hand after marriage, truly a degenerate series


I haven't read it since the anime came out, I should pick it up again.
Huh, is this Motto? The art improved a lot... might pick it up too.

How is the Ninja manga? I really liked Fudatsuki no Kyoko-san, is it anything like that?