How does she keep doing it, bros? My class rep can’t possibly be this cute!
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Other urls found in this thread:
It comes naturally to her that she is the worst.
It comes naturally to you that your taste is shit
I'm surprised Kara isn't interested in her. You would think that Nue would be on their radar.
At the very least Nue is on the Otsutuski’s radar given what Momoshiki said at the end of Sumire’s arc
I would like to once again commend Sasuke for remembering Shino's full name, despite having interacted with him very little.
He even remembers the brand of chips that Chouji used to eat
So Delta:
>can alter her body on a cellular level to be a weapon just like Kawaki
>has rocket feet
>can absorb all ninjutsu and return it at double power
>can regenerate
>can shoot superfast beams that stop other people from regenerating
>has detachable drones that essentially act as a byakugan
am I missing anything?
Honestly it seems like Sasuke didn't have a problem with most of his generation. Literally just Naruto.
Has she done anything after episode 15?
Anyone else legit feel bad for Sasuke? This panel pretty much points it out, his clan got discriminated by the Senju to the point of revolt and then get genocided by the Unionist Itachi who sided with the Leaf and in the end the Leaf got away with looking like heroes and putting all the blame on Itachi, making his brother look like a psychopath rather than a loyalist.
Meanwhile everyone enjoys the peace built on Uchiha blood and racism against them. Fuck if I was Itachi I'd avoid coming ((home)) to the Leaf village too.
She's on a team with the cat girl and the orange-sweater girl, lead by Hanabi
they have shown up a bit here and there
She has
Fuck I meant, if I was Sasuke I wouldn't consider the Leaf to be my home and would avoid staying there long.
That's exactly what Itachi wanted though. His utmost desire was to protect the Leaf at any cost. He wanted Sasuke to eventually grow up to kill him, becoming a hero of the village. He chose to die in disgrace.
>Fuck if I was Itachi I'd avoid coming ((home)) to the Leaf village too
he actually wanted to go more often, because he told the 3rd Hokage that he would be dropping from time to time to make sure Sasuke was safe. But being part of Akatsuki made that difficult.
He got lucky that Naruto was his target in Akatsuki.
>She has
Shit which came first The Boss or Itachi's retcon as a loyalist to the Leaf? If I remember right both were double agents that wanted their loved one to kill them but wouldn't make it easy for them
He was at the top of his class so everyone seemed to respect him which gave him no reason to treat them like shit even if he wasn't looking for friends.
Remember if pinkshitfag come around just say other pink haired girls are better for maximum butthurt.
Literal whos.
We still on this?
But it's true
What’s true?
Thread Reminder, Kawaki is the good guy and Boruto goes evil.
Bort is an even bigger moralfag than his dad used to be.
Fucking PURE
I think the Boss came first, MGS3 came out in 2004 and I don't think Itachi was a good guy yet
Moralfags like him are cautionary tales in shonen.
That she hasn't done anything since episode 15
you're a shitty kid boruto I wish Jaden Smith was my son
>Naruto interacted with him more and forgets his name.
but not canon
>Naruto interacted with him more
Not really. I think they only spoke in that scene where Naruto couldn't recognize him after the timeskip and in that non-canon one shot from RTN where Naruto compliments Shino for having a big penis.
Still way more than Sasuke.
Or you haven’t been watching
Saladshitter pls
Nah, if you're going by manga only I think Sasuke also only talked to Shino once
>someone posts part mountains of evidence that push Bort and Salad as a couple
>you claim to be in the right because NaruSaku and shit
>the saladfags start getting defensive
>you call them retard-kun
>someone uses Sakura as an insult to Salad
>sakurafag chimps out and starts shitting everything for 400 posts
There, thread over. Can we talk about plot and the old series instead?
Sumire´s birthday is in april.
New op &ed is in april too.
I hope Nue. doesn´t die exactly on her birthday.
That would be devastating and make some room for Sumire´s character development.
They should have gotten along since they were probably by far the two best students in their class
Nue´s final form is gonna have a third eye.
You’re preaching to the choir, mate
Yeah I was going to say Neji but he was a year ahead of them
I doubt Nue’s going to die, at least not in this arc
>Already on our third Boruto thread.
Sumire has Edo Tensei'd us yet again.
Don´t you dare ever understimate the power of Hawawa.
She hasn't done anything relevant.
It makes sense when you realize she was added in by the anime staff, and will have no bearing on the story.
The Nue is filler.
Well Naruto was literally a stalker (similar to how Hinata was to him), so...
Imagine not shipping Salad with Borito just for the bloodline shenanigans
You’ve got your (You), you can leave now
Shino was legit way more interesting when younger.
Current teacher Shino is nerfed
>Uchiha vote for Hashirama instead of Madara
>Madara rebels
>Tobirama blames all Uchiha for the actions of Madara, clearly never having forgiven the feud between the clans, while the Uchiha have (as shown when they voted for Hashi)
>Tobirama kicks them to the edge of the village
>Makes them the cops so they can’t move up politically due to a conflict of interest
>Uchiha put up with it for almost a hundred years before they get tired of being second class citizens
>Wanted a peaceful chance to leave the village
>Were slaughtered for even thinking they shouldn’t have to be second class citizens
>Corpses defiled so they could steal the magic Uchiha eyes
Uchiha did nothing wrong.
>bloodline shenanigans
The shit that ruined shippuden? Yuck
Uchiha did everything wrong by merely existing
>Third consecutive Bort thread.
I hope Nue gets cursed mark chackra and goes berserk too.
I wonder how Yea Forums will react when BoruSara becomes canon.
Complete anal devastation, I’d assume.
Hawawa is CUTE
There would be more anal devastation if BoruSumi becomes canon.
Nah. The majority of people on here seem to want the literal who to end up with Boruto
I feel like Sumire is the only new character introduced in the anime that has a chance against somebody from Kara or an Otsutsuki with the proper training. The Nue can be pretty OP if it can use all its abilities.
Yea Forums would celebrate BoruSumi and tumblr/twitterfags would have a meltdown and come here to whine, which you seem to have a head start on
I don't see them saying it's 100% going to happen like the BoruSara fans.
Eh. Not real. The Nue can absorb chakra, but that’s a power literally every Ayy should have.
There wouldn't be any. Sumirefags would just disappear again like they did during the entire year and a half she spent as a minor character with a few complaining about "boring and predictable writing"
But we'll all be dead before Boruto ends anyway.
The chakra absorption and space-time ninjutsu Nue possesses are right up Kara and the Otsutsuki’s alleys, hopefully they don’t underuse them
Any episode that doesn't have Shikadai is a good episode in my book.
Not really, they are just more vocal about Bort shipping
It’s also a power most of the other new characters don’t have, that’s his point
I’m a Sumirefag and I’ve never left, not sure what you’re on about
Can someone tell me how Denki is supposed to fight anyone with just a laptop?
I hope this becomes canon.
TV Tokyo's dad here. We're going to make Boruto x Mitsuki canon in the anime just to spite all of you.
Technology > Magic
Does he have a fighting style at all? I don't understand how he's still making the cut here honestly.
>Does he have a fighting style at all?
He can hack cameras, from what one of the episodes showed me. He can also Google stuff.
Sumire’s popular because she’s not tsunshit like Sarada but it’s at least comfy shipping, once you get into “already endgame because muh keikaku/muh parallels/muh genetics”, then you’ve gone full shippertard
Namida is going to to die a gruesome death, so no. You're only going to get Punished Wasabi.
>canon faggots in battle shonen
He got good at taijutsu too.
is he REALLY
sasuke was good at taijutsu
lee was good at taijutsu
Worked for Hunter x Hunter :^)
Her Nue is already growing up, next is her unleashing her edgy side from the first arc.
Be careful you might of really triggered retard-kun with that post.
What do you think about team 15?
All Saradas harem.
It's not canon, it's just fujobait.
Sumire is like the only girl that doesn't look like shit in this entire franchise.
shit ninjas
>comfy shipping
But they have barely spoken to each other in the last 80 episodes.
Bort and Salad even with the tsunshit have developed a functional relationship to the point that they are now some of the most important people in each other's lives
Has sumire done anything recently or did anons with good taste post a thread in her memory so we don't forget she existed.
They really feel out of place to me for some reason. Though I guess part of it might be because we've never had an all-female team before
>But they have barely spoken to each other in the last 80 episodes.
Same applied to Naruto and Hinata and look what happened.
Boruto's team and her team are on a mission together in the current arc.
> :^)
You have to go back
Fucking CUTE
Sarada’s harem is just a bunch of Naruto clones
I like them. be cool if the anime threw them a decent ark. Nice set of abilities that arent entirely original but different enough that they're interesting
Did you forget what franchise this is?
Cope and deal with it faggot
Her team had an episode and they’re currently on a mission with Team 7
She saved Boruto from Jugo last episode.
How to spot a twitterfaggot
Yeah, the reason Boruto gets shit ratings is because nobody wants faggy slice of life ninja shit.
They want action.
Good point, but has nothing to do with what I was replying to
>Boruto gets shit ratings
You hating it does mean it gets shit ratings.
Isn’t this pinkshitfag’s new buzzword?
I thought that was Naruto and Hinata for a second, this is awkward now
What do you think about their character development?
I’m happy to know Nue can possibly grow back to being a giant, though I do miss the chakra snakes jutsu thing that they do
Like father like son.
He's copying.
>If it works for him, it works for me!
You're just asshurted because your waifu hasn't done anything relevant after episode 15.
Retard-kun’s a known ESLfag so he probably saw pinkshitfag spamming “cope” in the last thread and thought it would make him seem like less of a spic
Sumire's birthdate is June 21. not April.
and I think that Nue will (only) go berserk, not dead.
I mean, I’m in a pretty good mood considering she’s pretty relevant no matter how much you deny it
It’s like 2017 all over again
Can nue even die? I mean he did explode last time but that just reset him to chibi nue
Why does she look like a 9 year old in the manga.
Ikemoto's handiwork.
So should we post hawawas?
Nah. I hope Namida end up with Boruto so that both BoruSara-fags & BoruSumi-fags got BTFOd.
>she’s pretty relevant
Having her show up 4 times every blue moon does not mean she's pretty relevant.
Even Chouchou fits more that description.
underrated & needs to he protected from extremist haters.
I love them.
No have the girl that boruto gets together with be a character that is bullying him.
She’s certainly relevant enough to annoy you and that’s what’s hilarious
Quality over quantity, user. Shikadai’s got a lot of screentime but how much of it really matters in the overall plot?
Everyone is wondering if the Nue is going to to die, but I'm here wondering if Jugo is going to die.
>the raindrops are the tears of her haters
SP, you cheeky cunts
Same, I’m not too worried about Nue since it survived nuking itself
I’m gonna accelerate, Sarada-chan
I was talking about a character like Nagatoro or Takagi. This is the age of the bullydere after all.
The next chapter of Boruto is next week, right?
Ignoring the fact that Uchihas have been the source of every conflict in Naruto history. It's not racism which is discrimination based on prejudice with no justification. Uchihas are literally genetically evil.
It's mostly because borouto is still a hateful faggot that no one likes and the rest of the cast are boring as shit overpowered dicks.
Literally the greatest thing to come out of these garbage threads
Nue is similar to a Biju, so it would just respawn in a new location.
Not every bully love interest is a tsundere moron, it's more about femdom then anything.
This is the same series where the previous supposed “main heroine” had all the screentime in the world but hardly had anything to do with it. It’s all about how much you can contribute to the main plot, not how much you show your face. How many characters actually have something to do with Kara or the Otsutsuki? Sumire’s the only one of the new genin who does. Also, it’s not like showing up often in an anime with this much filler is a requirement to be relevant.
It’s all equally shit, so I don’t care
Any Saladfag here who doesn't want BoruSara and prefer BoroSumi instead?
But who's crying because I said she's not relevant? I give a fuck about her if she's in it or not. The point is the you waifufags are pulling nonsense from your asses.
Sumisara is good too.
Nobody but you is crying here, dude, everybody else is just happy to see her. Just relax.
Shikadai has more importance than Sumire because of the mere fact he's Shikamaru's son. Shikamaru had his own arc and he's the Hokage's right hand.
I liked MitsuSara long before Sumire was even a character, so BoruSumi just happened to work out that way for me
Suit yourself.
>needs to he protected from extremist haters.
Shikadai’s arc was filler trash and the point being made was about how important he is to the main plot, nothing about him has anything to do with Kara or the ayys
So I went and watched episode 96.
What happened to the Sumire who knew ninjutsu and could hold her own vs Mitsuki? Its like she forget how to fight and use any jutsu that isn't summoning. Its like the first 15 episodes had one person and then they switched her out for someone else.
Can the manga be weekly already?
It's same shit with Naruto struggling against random whos in Shippuden filler when he went toe-to-toe with Pain. Characters getting depowered for tension.
Reminder that he did nothing wrong and should have been Hokage
Additional reminder that if he had taken down Sasuke he could have one-shot Obito with shisui's ultimate genjutsu
Calls in a Drone Strike ala Call of Duty.
Best Hokage.
Things would have turned out better if Tobirama didn't do this.
got killed on an away mission, failing the most basic duty of hokage
good at making up jutsu though
But there's no character that bullies Boruto yet. Maybe a yet-to-be introduced new character from a future arc? If so I hope she's hot.
>nerfing characters to create drama
Welcome to the Naruto franchise
Tosaka has the same VA as Dio Brando.
>If so I hope she's hot.
Well if she is able to bully the hokage so she should be in a very powerful family as well as hot.
Who´s gonna defeat them?
Good thing Boruto doesn't have a dog.
And Sakura. Team 7 was just fucking terrible.
True, though he mostly just ignored Sakura until her little comment about parents
I hope you are trolling.
So who's Bort's Sasuke? Kawaki, Salad, Mitsuki or Sasuke?
This was different, it was a aggressive raging beast as opposed to Mitsuki where she was backed up with a giant Nui.
He shouldn't have existed. Sarutobi should have just not been as great of a guy as Naruto envisioned him. Kishi is just a hack and has to make everyone pure light or dark, rather than having a complex internal conflict.
Except in Naruto it was just that, filler.
This isn’t filler.
It'd still be better than how Sasuke treated him.
Maybe he can end up in a no-homo relationship with the guy that licks bird shit.
It’s not filler.
How are they overpowered?
boruto literally worst anime ive seen lmao
Shut up, that was all the second Hokage and Danzo’s fault.
Some of it is filler, namely the SoL episodes
(You) have to go back
Watch more anime, low level faggot.
Nah, Uchihas are a mistake
Kys Narutard, I have been hear since 2003.
Fuck off
>How many characters actually have something to do with Kara or the Otsutsuki?
What exactly does Nue have to do with them? Wasn't it some chakra monster made by Danzo using first hokage cells?
Reminder that not even Tobirama and Hiruzen gave a shit when Sasuke told them that he offed Danzo.
How many gangs of filler villains have we had already?
A lot.
Not if Sauce has anything to say about it
this friday, official scan Sunday
Boruto SD anime when?
Might be sooner, theres a jap holiday happening this week.
It was created as a way of replicating Kaguya’s jutsu and has demonstrated both chakra absorption and space-time ninjutsu that Kara and the Otsutsuki utilize, the appearance of Nue also lead to Boruto awakening Jougan
>OOC fan art is the only way to show them being intimate
Being a saladfag must be suffering
The vast majority of this show is filler, user.
ok retard
The Sasuke version never got an anime adaptation so I doubt that Bort will get one
This Nazi is literally responsible for everything bad in Naruto.
>muh blushing
Cute toys, cute Uchiha boys.
I guess NaruHina will never happen
Closer to half than “vast majority”
But nobody knew shit about Kaguya when Danzo made it
There was blushing between Naruto & Sakura too? If you’re gonna use muh parallels autism, at least be consistent
According to Sasuke, the jutsu is an attempt at recreating that jutsu and surely there’s some sort of recorded history of Kaguya, she may have come out of nowhere in the plot but in-universe, she led to the creation of chakra
Hiashi is too smart to let Uchihashit and pinkshit genes infect his keikaku
Gotta wash down the hyuga jobber genes somehow, look at how many fights bort has lost already.
They are the same shade, you thirsty slut
>muh blushing
Oh, user
The anime is beyond boring and terrible. I wish the superior manga was weekly so we can have discussions about that instead.
>the state of purplefags
She’s clearly wants Naruto’s dick
>that time the writer confirmed on twitter that they didn’t actually kiss
My fucking sides
But standing next to each other in a normal situation is better evidence for anything?
Why did you reply to the same post four times?
And Bort wants Sasuke's dick, so Salad better be a trap
None of this shit is “evidence” you dumb shipperfaggot
Certainly cuter than saladshit that’s for sure
Why are you triggered?
It would be fun to see Narutards seeth weekly than monthly.
I don’t think you know what that word means
>didn’t even deny it
Saladfag on suicide watch
I want this to be animated soon, but it's realistically years away
I hope they keep up with her manga outfit.
Is Boruto the only kid that didn't inherit something important from both parents now that Shikadai is finally using his wind? Did Karui have something she could give Chocho other than the power of being a sassy black woman?
Chouchou can use lightning jutsus according to the databooks.
And I guess you can consider Bort's special snowflake eyehax as coming from Hinata.
>pusplefags seething and b8ing
toppest kek
Learn English already
my bad purplefag, an s slipped and made a typo
Indra, Ashura and Kaguya look cute
Go to sleep Jose, you’ve have too much tequila
>just let yourself be killed in battle so your brother's boyfriend doesn't throw a hissy fit
That blonde is really cute, but the boy next to her is also cool.
I'm accelerating Delta-chan.
Always remember to say no to BuroSara.
That’s not Sarada
>shows off midriff
Is that meant to be a SasuIno Salad?
Too colorful they look put of place in this setting.
Team 7 are even more colorful
Only Sumire is competent.
When did this happen?
The last episode of her arc
OK team,
but it's holding back Sumire's potential
At least they have interesting jutsus
Wasabi just needs a major boost in raw power, while Namida could be repurposed into a fragile mage role
ehhh, more like 1 year at most. I'm thinking they're going adapt the Ao arc imediately after the Mujina Bandit arc since the end of that arc pretty much introduces Kara and theres really no room for a filler arc there save for some filler SOL episodes.
is the guy who writes the SD manga a Naruhina/Borusara fan?
From what I've seen in Lee/Sasuke/Bort SD the pairing he shills the most is actually SS
adorable. boruto and surime are beautiful couple, needs see more them, please!
Because she's not a kishimoto character
This arc has 5 more episodes !
I'm suprised that show's actually gets good when Boruto and Sumire are together in same arc
>Union Itachi OC
Are you the guy who done the Waniko OC as well?
How long was the last one again?
Where did you get details?
Hawawa a best
>Has best arc in the Boruto series
>Despite all of the setbacks in her life, she still manages to be a best girl
>Wholesome, but can be batshit insane in a right way
>Doesn't hate any foods, due to her improvished background
>She is so best that she is canonized in manga as well.
Thanks user
>Sadara having higher stats in Chakra
They don't even try to hide their bias, lol.
And BORUTO becomes smart suddenly. lol
and then you have the constantly sighing daughter of a single mother who dresses like a whore
I hope they give her a dark side. Like not the typical "I'm losing control bipolar" crap but instead have her relish in being stronger than others and hurting them in the name of a just cause.
Salad is such a pampered little shit, who would’ve guessed that the key to writing a good female is to not have Kishi writing her
Based hawawa, truly a miracle of the universe
I feel like something like that would kind of be a regression of her character since she’s had her edgy phase already, at this point I can only see the edge coming back if something happens to Boruto
At the moment she's just a shy, blushing girl. Which I don't mind, it's nice having a peacekeeper and makes sense with her backstory. Maybe when she gains more self confidence and her character/personality changes (news flash Kishi that happens) then she could pick it up
She exists solely to pander to NaruSakufags.
I want time skip already.
She is a talented and ambitious girl. Grandpa Madara can be proud of her.
She is Uchiha trash and the whore is a disgrace to her already garbage clan
Sarada is living proof that Kishinev is a hack writer.
>s-she's tsundere
>she sighs a lot
>she only exists to pander to narusaku/sasusaku/sasunarufags
>she is competent sometimes, that means she is a mary sue
Cope more, purplefags. Maybe this time sumire won't disappear for 80 episodes after the juugo arc is over.
But she and Tsunade were the only semi-decent female characters he ever wrote
What do you have against Uchihas? They are a noble clan with a good kekkei genkai.
They can be a little crazy sometimes
Tsunade was decent, Sarada was the culmination of Kishimoto’s autism. Basically took two of his most autistic characters and made them breed.
>What do you have against Uchihas?
Their existence is a mistake, the plot of Naruto is proof of that
Other women written by him are much worse. Sarada is improvement.
What is it about Sarada that attracts dumb ESL shipperspics from twitter like you?
>from complete shit to something slightly less shit
Big whoop
>Cope more
If you’re going to use buzzwords you don’t understand, at least use google translate and find out what it means in your shithole language first
>When your series is so shit that the only topic of discussion is some filler girl from 100 episodes ago.
Big yikes.
Their kekkei genkai is autism incarnate, and there’s nothing noble about their evil ambitions
But Naruto's plot was moving thanks to Uchiha.
>100 episodes ago
Here’s your (You)
Moving towards absolute retardation, have you not read part 2 user
Only two Uchiha were truly evil. Why do you call evil the whole clan?
Nah, she just attracts braindead shitposters that are only interested in shipping.
The rest of the Boruto threads are only used to discuss the overall Naruto series while watching a neverending filler hell.
It's pure pandering because she took the worst qualities from both her parents instead of making her into her own, unique character
Because the whole clan plotted a coup, pedro, thankfully most of them were slaughtered
I remember Madara's wild ride and it was glorious. Although power creep was insane, but it is Kishi's fault, not Uchiha.
>I want to be able to see my dad
she's already ruined
I don't recall her getting the massive edge or the orphan mocking.
Because unlike most of these boring copypasta characters, Sumire is actually interesting
Why? The only thing she had going on for her was as a villain, now she is even more lobotomized than Naruto's TNJ victims
>it is Kishi's fault, not Uchiha.
Blaming the writer who created the characters doesn’t make the characters any less shit
They have reasons for that, Danzo moved them to the outskirts and kept them under surveillance. Also they were banned from inner politics.
>Why do you call evil
Christ, South America needs to be range banned
Her powers are actually interesting and carry significance to the plot, unlike most of Naruto’s villains who get killed off and then revived
Maybe they shouldn’t have been so retarded in the first place, then there would be no need to isolate them from the rest of the village
It will not help. II am not spic and not from South America. Also Uchiha are not evil.
Reminder that the god of shinobi himself Hashirama praised Itachi and called him a greater shinobi than himself because he put the welfare of the village above his accursed clan and rightfully butchered them like the Uchiha trash they are
But they were isolated because of Kyubi incident. Clan itself was not retarded.
>carry significance to the plot
Here we go again with pretending that Danzo's chakra pokemon will make Sumire fight Otsutsukis and Kara members.
Shin had some mini juubis capable of space time. Does that mean that he'll be the key to everything?
Sure thing, Pablo
based pedomoto
>make Sumire fight Otsutsukis and Kara members.
>he'll be the key to everything?
I never said to what capacity her powers will come into play in the future, only that she has significance especially when compared to other characters. Calm yourself, shippertard.
Tobirama moved them to the outskirts and made them the fucking police force. They literally had their own private little safe haven, and got to boss people around. 'B-but people don't like us!', no shit, but it doesn't matter because you're the police. Inner politics are fucking stupid anyways. If they hadn't tried to chimp out they would have still be living luxuriously in their own private, gated community while being the LAW.
What plot? The series is an endless filler hell even in the manga. Sumire has relevance to nothing.
Reminder that Hashirama himself invited Uchiha to live in the Konoha. He was even willing to die for the sake of peaceful coexistence of Senju and Uchiha.
Shin was defeated but all his clones were adopted, so I don’t see why not
We get it user, you’re a brainlet speed reader/watcher
Yeah, and look at what the fucking got him. His best friend, an UCHIHA, tried to murder him because 'I-i want to be in charge!'.
Danzo was a faggot but Tobirama was absolutely based
Don't you know? She is the fourth main character because she is so cute and hawawawa and will be in a lot of episodes in the future.
Tobirama did everything right. Also he moved them into ex-prison, not outskirts. Everything was good. Troubles started after Kyubi incident. Danzo was sure that Uchiha summoned Kyubi (it was Uchiha, but it was not clan's Uchiha) and then started discriminate against Uchiha.
Yes tons of people constantly get and discuss how much the plot has advanced since the start of the series and Sumire's continuous big role. Oh wait.
But it was just Madara, lone wolf. Even Obito was so brainwashed by Madara that you can consider him Madara's creation.
She might as well be considering how boring everybody else is
Have you not seen the last few threads?
Yes, and Madara’s autism ruined any chances of that
Except when Tobirama spoke about the Uchiha history he gave plenty of examples of evil Uchiha. How dozens of them murdered their closest friends and family just to try and get super eyes.
literally what plot
No, Itachi was the one who did that. Tobirama just talked abut their autistic power of love.
>ESL faggotry
>shipping cancer
>Uchiha apologism
Stop being faggots and post more hawawas
Yes, and how their autistic love can turn into AUTISTIC HATRED that surpasses normal hatred by 100000000x over.
Dude, we get it. You don’t like Sumire because she threatens your ship. Nobody cares.
Tobirama spoke only about how Uchiha's suffering awakens the sharingan. There were only three ms users in Konoha in time of Uchiha's massacre. No one killed anybody for those eyes. Even if ancient Uchiha did that, it's doesn't matter, because modern Uchiha didn't practice killing for ms.
>it’s been over a year and a half and he’s still bitching about her
But Uchiha clan renounced Madara and expelled him. So they deserved peaceful coexistence with Senju.
Typical Amerimutt. Cholesterol damaged your brain cells clearly.
What does defending Salad against retarded bashing fueled by characterfagging have to do with shipping?
no one can think of any reason to like her character besides shipping
Exactly there is no plot and Sumire's powers having relevance to a make believe story about the space aliens does not exist.
Why do neither Tenten or Kiba have kids?
Who do you think is Metal Lee's mother?
The post I replied to mentioned Sumire despite the post before it not mentioning her, dumb shipperfaggots are not known for being subtle
user, the material itself literally explained why the ghost incident was significant
I like how you think shitting on the series as well as sumire
If you learned how not to type like a retard, maybe more people would take you seriously
Tobirama pls
when this week's WSJ releases? i want my spoilers
I guess that they originally wanted to have a smaller number of new teams in order to avoid ending up neglecting half the cast like it happened in Naruto. But there is no feasible way of having 300 episodes of filler with only two relevant teams.
People post hawawas
Retard-kun came back
it´s like 2017 all over again.
Yeah, we are alive again!
How many episodes is this arc going to last?
6 episodes
And you are as bad as retard-kun, stop pretending otherwise
Yes significant for 5 seconds after her arc ended. It hasn't been brought up since and judging from her barebones screentime for the entire show it will never be anything more.
The only person as bad as retard-kun is pinkshitfag, everybody else is just taking the piss out of him
Because you have such a good track record when it comes to your “judgements” right?
Will Naruto finally stop holding back now that Kawaki is crippled and Delta nearly vaporized his daughter?
To be fair, there hasn't been any significance in anything at all since the Movie arc ended, and the manga only revolves around Bort, Kawaki, their edgy tattoos and whatever the fuck knock-off Akatsuki is up to.
Good trips
Bad trips
And yet, still more than what can be said for most of the other genin
This cover was nice.
He seems to only post here when he knows hawawaposting will increase, otherwise he just stays on twitter where he belongs
Objectively better team than what Team 7 actually is
I miss accelerate-sama
Most people predicted that Sumire would be demoted into a nerfed side character so yes the show and manga have proven that right.
And people wonder why we should have had Uchiha move the plot forward.
Shikadai and Chouchou have been a significant part of the cast. Inojin has been completely useless though.
Go back to twitter you fucking autist.
And what a coincidence, both of their arcs are boring filler trash
Literally how have Salad and Mitsuki advanced as characters in the past 80 episodes than Sumire did in only a few?
I hope there is a time skip eventually, sucks that none of the girl ninjas have big tits.
Nice revisionism
>Sumire will die
>Sumire will be transferred
>Sumire will quit being a ninja
>Sumire will not appear again
>Sumire will not appear in the manga
But can he access Dark Web?
Silly, retard-kun is from twitter
>And people wonder why we should have had Uchiha move the plot forward.
Who the fuck ever says this other than retarded Uchihaniggers?
Sumire literally not appearing in the show and manga for years at a time is effectively death.
I suppose you are happy with the exciting plot of endless filler arcs that make up this series instead of something interesting like Salad going berserk and killing Sumire.
>Sumire literally not appearing in the show and manga for years at a time is effectively death.
Even if this were the case, which it isn’t, have you forgotten what franchise we’re talking about here?
>Sumire literally not appearing in the show and manga for years at a time is effectively death.
You mean like Hinata?
Because you are comparing a 180 from villain to ally to characters that have had most of their core personalities established from the start but have steadily developed based on their interests, life goals and bonds with each other.
Please stop baiting
Evidently, the show is more interesting with Sumire and the arcs featuring her aren’t filler
>Salad going berserk and killing Sumire.
I’ll take a page out of retard-kun’s book and say nice fanfiction
The hack writers of this show and the manga have not delivered a quality that allows its audience to be hopeful for the future directions.
It would be a lot better than the milquetoast wheelspinning this series performs weekly.
Didn't knew Tobirama and Danzo travelled back in time to convince Hagoromo to pick Ashura as his successor over Indra. Indra's butthurt persisted over generations in the Uchiha Clan.
Why are you still here? Go cry on your blog or something
Make me asshole
I’m sure it took many months of learning English to come up with that one
>that numerals
Retard-kun is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a BoruSarafag, twitterfag, ESLfag, shitposterfag, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him retard-kun and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Hawawa is love.
Hawawa is peace.
I'm replaying Ninja Storm 4 and we're never getting another entry in this series are we
This purple haired qt is a miracle of the universe
We need a final solution to the retard-kun question
Ignore him.
Baiting him is pretty fun though
The reason Sumire unironically became my favorite Bort girl was because of this episode. She genuinely came off as a really fucking cool character and her gap moe hawawa/crazy was based.
The DLC already adapted the movie arc. It'll have to be like 5 years until there is enough additional material to adapt into a Boruto game.
The way I heard it, CC2 isn't even allowed to make the games anymore. They wanted a full 2 years to develop the next game but the powers that be wanted a new Naruto game every year.
So now we get Shinobi Strikers tier horseshit going forward.
Sarada-chan have breast buds now.
>Naruto spends his life trying to fix what he sees as problems in the shinobi world
>never once considers there might be something wrong with training 12 year olds to be killers
they treat the whole child soldier thing as such an afterthought
We technically have enough material for a game adaption. They would just need to spice up the filler-esque episodes.
still canon tho
I’m still disappointed that shinobi strikers chimped out on the next-gen characters
>they treat the whole child soldier thing as such an afterthought
Wrong, they made an entire arc about how that was the worst thing in the world. But in the end all they did to fix that was give the child soldiers a government funded education on how to kill people.
>like Salad going berserk and killing Sumire.
What am I reading here?
Fan fiction
>government funded education on how to kill people
This is already some improvement.
Do you want to kiss her?
I’d rather kiss hawawa
>still alive
>still have influence
Aren't these two pushing 90 now or something?
>her special ability is to cry
She and Denji need to be Neji'd soon.
Something like that. I think Hiruzen was like 65 when he died, so they'd definitely be around 90 now.
Hopefully they will live to the moment when they will have to answer for the Uchiha massacre.
So they can be celebrated as heroes for doing the right thing
Tobirama's deep state kids did everything wrong. Rebellion could have been crushed otherwise.
It’s much safer for the rest of the world to just exterminate the Uchihashits
I bet Mitsuki would like to lick them.
>third worlder thinks those are curves
The lack of food explains it
Too bad for world than. Sarada will revive Uchiha clan. Also Sasuke still can produce a male heir with the redhaired Uzumaki.
Holy fuck, learn English already
No, suffer from my ESL speak. I am just humble mexican dreamer, so be nice to me, burger. Just like your goverment. Btw what is so wrong with my sentence?
Go the fuck back
Sumire is literally a copypasted Sakura Matou and I'm absolutely ok with this
Why should i? I have a better life in your country.
I meant fuck off this board
>Shinobi Strikers
>finally get a game where you can create your OC Donut
>the gameplay sucks and so does the character creator
And why should i do that?
Because you post like a retard
And you post like easily triggered autist, but i don't judge and don't ask you to leave.
reminder that my boy Suigetsu took a bijuu bomb to the face and survived
Sasuke didn't give a shit anymore. He willingly teamed up with Hiruzen and Tobirama after deciding to keep going with Itachi's will
>the Uchiha massacre
would never have happened if Sasuke's father Fugaku and the rest of the clan weren't power-hungry traitors who were plotting a violent coup
Too bad, learn English
Sarada will sort things out someday.
They were planning a coup because Danzo relocated them to the outskirts, watched them and cut their police budget after the incident with the Kyuubi. But it was rogue Uchiha who did it, lone wolf. Uchiha clan was innocent.
She’ll be a fucking terrible hokage, as expected of an uchihashit
I'm finNa g0 gEt s0me chikkEn first
>ESL Uchihaspic ITT
Can't be worse than the rest
It's amazing how Naruto includes such a divisive and detailed political history. Most people think it's just about a loudmouthed underdog ninja.
They were placed on the outskirts and given control of the police force, which they saw as a demotion.
That's good enough for a grievance - not a coup.
>But it was rogue Uchiha who did it, lone wolf. Uchiha clan was innocent.
Nobody knew that, and being the only clan with the ability to control the nine tails they looked pretty fucking suspect
MC + purple hair secondary cast girl ... Where have I seen that before ?
I think you’ve hurt his feelings, user
Considering the Uchihas are objectively the biggest threat to the world, she’d be worse by default
>given control of the police force
That was Tobirama and he located them in ex prison. Things were good. It was Danzo who moved them out of Konoha, and then they chimped out.
Which is fitting seeing how Sarada has the pleasing old men for money meme attached to her now.
He did. I get upset when intolerant people call me spic.
>implying Madara's plan was bad
It was. Infinite Tsukuyomi doesn't even do what he thought it did. It doesn't let you exist in a perfect dream world forever - it turns you into a fucking Zetsu so Kaguya can eat you.
Don’t be a spic then
But his heart was in the right place. Matrix is wonderful.
How can I stop being mexican?
It was after the Kaguya asspull
>I can't deal with the world so I'll force everybody to live in a fake dream world
His heart wasn't in the right place at all, he was a lunatic
Not so important who he was. He made war arc tolerable.
Nearly everyone was better off in the dream world. I'm surprised that they haven't yet shown a large faction that wants to bring back the IT.
>a large faction that wants to bring back the IT.
led by Kiba
Wasn't his IT dream being the Hokage?
and in reality he sells dog food now
Kiba's true dream.
By killing yourself
Great, we have a /pol/tard here.
My wife Sumire is CUTE
Speak for yourself, I don’t care about /pol/shit
I can get down with that
What is Hinata even wearing?
At least he has got a cute waifu
Isn't Shikamaru the one into femdom?
Imagine being this deluded by Uchihautism
Madara was a true autist and he and his clan deserved death
Good God these threads are shit, literally nothing but shippingwars between a couple of samefags. But I guess there's not much else to talk about in this fillerfest of a show.
Not even, it’s just waifufags being waifufags and a shipperfag sperging about it
She is like a cell with robotic parts.
Shipping wars had been under wraps since like 2017 until two days ago.
So an 18?
But it's mostly just ''muh BoruSumi'' and ''muh BoruSara''. It really feels like NaruHina vs NaruSaku all over again.
It was certainly present last year as well, but maybe at a lesser scale I guess.
People argue more about Sumire’s role in the story rather than shipping, although shipping does come up occasionally whenever the Sumire hater slips up and lets his motive come out
From where the fuck this cat girl comes from? I swear I thought it was Kiba's daughter the first time I saw.
Who will defeat him?
All flats. This chart is a lie. None girl in this generation has boobs besides Cho Cho.
Just some random girl who went with a cat theme
I don't know, but he's going to be the one to kill Konohamaru
The fucking OP pic is shipfag bait
I did say “occasionally”, user
>Boruto and Sumire standing together is shipfag bait.
How is it that they have yet to mention Jiraiya a single time in the entire manga when this guy is clearly meant to be related to him.
Do they not want to be even more obvious than they already are.
I'm sorry but that's bullshit and you know it, I've lurked these threads for a good while and BoruSumi shippers aren't any less vocal than the other side.
This is why shipperfaggotry is cancer, it’s people like this who unironically see shipping in every little thing
>Sumire revives Boruto discussions
How does she do it bros? Is she that good?
No one who knows Jiraiya personally has encountered him yet. If it was Naruto, Tsunade, Orochimaru, or even Kakashi, they would say something.
I didn’t say they weren’t less vocal, I said the conversation usually revolves around whether or not Sumire will be relevant and it always comes back to her being a threat to BoruSara
Hawawa is just too powerful
Fair enough that might be the case in this particular thread, but it's not always so. Both sides are cancerous at the end of the day.
It’s not about sides it’s literally just one particular BoruSarafag, people on both sides know he’s retarded
We have shitty Sumirefags, we have shitty Saladfags, we have other shitty people that latch on to other characters. Stop being so defensive.
Not the same user but you're the only who gets all defensive. Honestly, you sound like a Saradafag.
More like 21
Nobody but you is being defensive, shitposters like retard-kun and pinkshitfag are named as such for a reason
So, ruining a character from the last series to push up this generation of useless Mary sues.
It just seems like a given that Konohamaru will die
>Weak character dying to a strong character means the strong character is a Mary Sue.
There’s groups of people, and then there’s individuals within those groups who stand out. Shitposters like this are all over Yea Forums and it’s been that way from the beginning. If there was a Hinata/Sumire equivalent to retard-kun/pinkshit then surely he’d also be singled out.
It's true but you'd think they would have mentioned him a couple of times to prepare the audiences for the inevitable.
Though I guess that Obito too was hardly mentioned between Kakashi gaiden and his reveal.
I've been called a Sumirefag and a Saladfag countless times in the past two years just for trying to tell everyone that they are deluded pieces of shit blinded by waifufaggotry that constantly shit on other characters because of that.
I've never cared about a single female character other than Tsunade and Kushina in either series.
>I've been called a Sumirefag and a Saladfag countless times in the past two years
Because you sound like a whiny bitch who constantly has to complain about people complaining.
>I've never cared about a single female character other than Tsunade and Kushina in either series.
Yeah bullshit.
Maybe you should just let anons post whatever they want and let the court of public opinion decided who’s more retarded than who
18 fits because she was the first example of a random robot suddenly beating by far the powerlevels of the strongest alien in the universe.
Same with Delta being capable of giving full powered Naruto a fight
Is it too bad to want a nice comfy Naruto thread that isn't riddled with waifufag autism?
They introduced an embroider whos been around since the fucking first hokage- the leaf have stupid-long lifespans. I figure the ayylmao chakra has something to do with it
Naruto/Boruto threads only survive due to waifuism. This is the sad truth.
Sadly most people who are still watching this show are the biggest autists on this board, the non-autists dropped this shit a long time ago.
Waifufagging can be comfy under the right circumstances. People find Sumire interesting so of course she’ll fuel discussion whenever she appears. It’s the shipper autism that fuels some moron to then freak out when others are just trying to discuss.
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind, and all that
>If there was a Hinata/Sumire equivalent to retard-kun/pinkshit
I swear tsunderes attract the worst fans, it’s almost like they become as autistic as their waifu when challenged
>Is it too bad to want a nice comfy Naruto thread that isn't riddled with waifufag autism?
You can't defeat autism by sperging out because you have autism.
>But they have barely spoken to each other in the last 80 episodes.
Only onscreen. It seems like the teams meet a lot at the missions hub and hang out at that burger place.
Sarada should become Hokage and legalize polygamy. Shipping problem solved.
Not Kashin or Konohamaru. They are going to kill Konohamaru to put focus on the kids.
You just described waifufags in general.
Kakashi didn't need to be killed for Naruto's generation to have focus.
The only reason why Kakashi got to have focus in the last arc was because of his relationship to Obito.
BoruSara just don't look good together.
>I swear tsunderes attract the worst fans
All waifufags are like that and not just tsunderesfags.
Yes, and tsunshitters are usually the worst of the worst
You only feel that way because of your hatred for the tsundere archetype, at the end of the day there isn't much of a difference.
>Yes, and tsunshitters are usually the worst of the worst
It's the ones that hate the tsunderes that usually to be the worst, it's the reverse when it comes to in shonen jump manga though.
No, I feel that way because tsundere is objectively shit and those who like it have shit taste
I think we might of found the retard-kun of sumirefags (except he is not actually sumirefag) and if he is who I think he is then we already have a name for him.
Good job proving my point.
I think it might be the same faggot that keeps turning all the tsundere related threads to shit with his autism.
It’s true though, how many tsundere characters can you name who aren’t shit?
That’s not me, I don’t go to those threads. That autist has been here before, I simply think they’re garbage. I don’t have time to whine in other people’s threads about it.
Your opinion isn't fact user.
You didn’t answer my question
What's the point? Whether a character is shit or not is completely subjective. I could name all the tsunderes in the world and your opinion wouldn't change.
kurisu, the manga version of Mine, misaka mikoto, Nagi, Hina, Shana and some of her clones, the LN version of Louise.
You at least been to a romcom thread?
A total bitch.
No, I’m not into romcoms
It could change if you weren’t shit at arguing
See? If there were more tsunderes like this then they wouldn’t be so shit
Ah so you are not the retarded anti-tsunderefag that keeps spreading that conspiracy theory.
And what arguments do you have other than ''my opinion is fact''?
Yeah she did kind of try to vaporize the sunflower
As long as you keep dodging the argument, that’s what I’m sticking with
a lot of tsunderes that are good in the original source material always gets butchered in the anime adaption which is one of the reasons why Minefags hate the anime adaption of Akame ga kill! so much, by the way have you seen what has become of the Familar of Zero theads? Almost all of the louisefags developed a pregnancy fetish.
Nah, I hate tsunderes but not enough to invest that much time in hating them. Dare I ask what conspiracy you’re talking about?
Yea Forums in a nutshell dude
No one actually likes Sumire
How so?
The recent activity in the Boruto threads as well as activity whenever she shows up would suggest otherwise
Keep on seething, Purpleshits. She's irrelevant waifubait..
He thinks that editors are the sole reason why tsunderes win, he started posting this ever since the maid he was rooting for lost to the rich childhood friend tsundere. He also keeps going at it with one of the more retarded fans of said tsundere. You should see those two retards argue as they are both so god damn delusional.
You're sticking with it because it's all you have, but even that has fallen apart now that you've admitted to the other user that there are good tsunderes. So what else is there to say?
>Sumire has a role in an arc.
>Three threads reach bump limit when we would be lucky enough to have one reach it when we had the other characters.
Go back to Yea Forums
If she is so "irrelevant" than why do you care about her so much?
Tsunderes are shit but there are some exceptions? You haven’t done anything but whine about how I present my argument
Which threads are these?
Even in the face of trolls and haters, /ourclassrep/ stands strong
Not really? The whole situation with his family was genuinely fucked up, but he goes on to try to take it out on everyone who had literally nothing to do with it.
Sarada is the worst tsundere to have ever been written and will become as irrelevant as a heroine as the title character of Akame ga Kill!
revenge no masamune a romcom which has an ending that mananged to piss off everyone including the (aki)tsunderefags even though they are the ones that won and only one retarded tsunderefag likes the ending, I swear that akifag and maidfag are going to keep arguing until the end of time, it doesn't help that they both think anyone that disagrees with them is the other.
Your argument is literally just ''tsunderes are shit because I say so''. There's no discussion to be had there, clearly we just have to agree to disagree.
Please explain why you hate tsunderes?
You could do what the other user did and present examples of them not being shit
Garbage personalities and it’s an overall unfunny and overused cliche
This is actually one of less retarded debates between a tsunderefag and anti-tsunderefag, however can we all agree that that one tsundere from baka and test is utter shit.
>Garbage personalities and it’s an overall unfunny and overused cliche
While I disagree with the first part, I do agree with the second, I also think tsunderes are being paired off with the wrong MC types which is symptom of a even bigger problem in anime and manga.
Fucking Minami, she’s actually one of the first ones that made me hate tsunderes
It just feels like another type of self-insertion to me, like authors who can’t get girlfriends get off on imagining a girl who pretends not to like them