Episode was hype.
Mob Psycho 100 II ep. 11
Other urls found in this thread:
Just h-how powerful is he?
About as powerful as King.
His spiritual level is beyond what any of us could dream of. Make sure to tattoo this on your hand: his level is 131
Will they have enough budget to finish the final episode without going full Congratulations though?
Considering they're showing the next 2 eps in theaters, I'd say they're going to be even better
Yeah, else they wouldn't show it in theatre.
kino incoming
Bnha movie and S3 exist for a reason
Considering the fight with the Boss in the manga is arguably some of ONE's best art for the series, there's so much potential for the last ep to be absolutely god-tier
Toichiro charged his j/o crystal for 20 years.
It's shit
Is there a reason this entire season has basically just been a movie-quality adaptation?
Remember everyone: People can have legitimate complaints about the show and not be attacked and false flaggers lurk these threads with intent to muddy up any conversation about potential faults.
Just talk about what you did and didn't like and stop being fucking faggots about chinese cartoons
I'd argue that this is a passion project of sorts
not sure if this is funny but i made this
Mob loves milk.
Reminder that the animation isn't anything special and that I can list a shitton of Naruto episodes with better animation and with more/ better action scenes just to expose as the hyperbolic fanboys you are
Episode 143, episode 85, I can post some WebMs too and we an compare. Go ahead faggots post the best animated scene and I'll post 3 with better animation in just one episode, I fucking dare you, if you can't then shut the fuck up and accept it isn't anything special.
Bones doing overtime, so OPM2 will look even more like shit in comparison.
Could touchy win against mogami if they fought?
but naruto is a shitty show
also a different show having good animation has no bearing on the animation of this show
Bones know how to actually schedule their shows, it's why every ep just screams passion from the animators.
why is there a narutard ranting in this thread
Reminds me of the user who compared bread sales to YoI Blu-ray sales way back when there were threads for it
>why is there a narutard ranting in this thread
ignore it you fool, he'll never let his shounentardness be checked
Post your face this entire episode.
And Mob is a shitty show as well that only has the animation going for it which is nothing we haven't seen and even that gets outclassed by some Naruto episodes. So no, this isn't any masterpiece in any way, not even close. that's my fucking point.
they want to get into ONE's good side so that he might actually write an original anime for them
Naruto has amazing animation once in a while, probably worse average.
Doesn't matter anyway since is right, what kind of fanboy melvin is so obsessed with his favourite show that he get's offended if another one looks good too?
Don't ignore my point retard, what are you afraid of? Their my thing your shitty show has going for it is surpassed by a fucking shonnen.
How are they going to handle animating the remaining arcs? They don't seem to be enough to constitute another whole season, but they're also necessary to end the story. OVAs? A movie?
Post wholesome mobs and reigens
>Is there a reason this entire season has basically just been a movie-quality adaptation?
art is very basic, and there is still almost no actual animation besides flying dots and shit.
Based future user, is OPM season 2 that bad?
Just 2 boys.
But you literally have no point if you're a narutard, it automatically discards all arguments.
Season with 10 eps works fine.
As expected noone was able to prove me wrong. So I think we have stablish that the animation isn't anything revolutionary and that this show is shit. Goodbye.
the problem with naruto is that its really inconsistent with the animation
most episodes look really bad while only a few look decent
there's also the issue with the excess of reused animation in flashbacks
KyoAni's worst shows make the best Naruto animation look trash too. So what's your point?
And I love Mob!
Retarded and bluepilled
Based and mobpilled
These retards were saying that this episode had the best animation ever which is ridiculous. Glad I proved my point and that you agree.
>These retards were saying that this episode had the best animation ever
Nice strawman faggot
Post some screenshots to prove your point
>These retards
Who? Why didn't you answer them directly?
Mobs animation isn't anything special, I think we've stablished so now retards can stop their hyperbolic claims.
>user remains after saying goodbye
Do you like our company that much, user?
When they said they'd been saving their energy for 3 months / 20 years, they meant nofap right?
Why did you have to make a thread so soon OP?
It's fucking 2019 gramps, who the fuck baits with Naruto of all shows?
>It's shit
Yeah. Capeshit.
Threadly Reminder:
Do we still not know how many episodes S2 will have?
So I'm not the only one who thought of that.
Based Capeshitposter
God, the shitposting is bad this week. Am I going to have to dump my sexual Reigen folder?
Who looks better, ONE mob or murata mob?
Yes please do. I need more reigens
I wonder what full effort Murata Mob and Reigen would look like.
WTF? Are you serious!
Murata Mob looks too shabby, ONE Mob actually does look a bit buff towards the end.
Why does such a good, wholesome series like Mob attract so much shit?
What the FUCK are you waiting for
Murata's drawing isn't detailed enough to see the difference
I've never done nofap, is that an accurate depiction of what happens?
did you really migrate from the other thread here just to shit on everything
Because it's capeshit, what the shit did you expect?
Shitposters live off of attention
Yes. Immediately.
I haven't fapped in 4 years
Do you have psychic powers?
I was originally just joking around but murata mob would probably be a buff bishie
>10 years later afterstory anthology
Now this is an awesome concept they can throw in for any manga, especially those with shit endings. If the author gives his approval it's officially canon, right?
Please don't point that thing in my direction fuck
One thing I really really liked was how they showed the teleport effect just by switching backgrounds, never seen that before, it's such a cool directing choice.
Best episode of the year. Feels like I am saying this with every episode with this show. BONES+ONE is one hell of a lethal combo.
>10 years later
This this this!!
Does anyone have a webm of Mogami transforming into that humanoid tree form?
Watch more anime
Mob died in a horrific weightlifting accident.
Pic related
So Mogami just fucked off?
Does he ever come back?
I think it's supposed to be the new face of studio BONES. The thing that set industry standards for years to come.
I'm currently watching Dororo and Great Teacher Onizuka as well as MP100, I'll watch more when I'm done with those first.
he was meant to pass on during the end of Mogami arc, but that Claw Spirit User cucked him from passing on
Look at these shitposters seething with envy. Fucking love it. Give me more.
You don't have to listen to him
Same thing with Shimazaki.
It was a good idea to remove the Awakening Lab kids from the Shimazaki fight, they had no business being there.
I was a bit disappointed Mukai and the Shou group didnt fight him.
You gonna do it?
It's honestly really funny how threatened people feel over a cute anime boy
His wholesomeness is too strong
Wonder what he's doing right now? The only hint about him post-Claw Boss Arc is that he's wearing some type of all white attire.
Teru's yummy ankles
he doesn't use socks...
>ywn see Reigen blushu
Why live?
Rocking those tights I see, teru. Keep it up
>file name
Oh fine. You sluts.
Sloppy sweaty drunk sex with Arataka Reigen
>adult Mob fucking Reigen art
>The pot calling the kettle black
For some reason teleportation guy reminded me of HA Lancer.
>Throwing in random Japanese words for no reason
Can you get more unironically weeaboo?
My dream
Bad idea.
Is it 2 cour?
No one has provided me with the art of Shou getting ready to suck his dad's dick, and I am incredibly disappointed
No. Thank god this shitshow only has a couple epsiodesleft and then it will be forgotten
Yeah, because that's Serizawa's job.
Teru wears no-show socks, like any fashion expert would.
Mob is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
The Strongest Virgin for sure!
Serizawa is for sucking his own dick
Everytime mob blushes my heart explodes
I want to Serizawa's dick while he sucks mine
We're in this together.
Thank you. Keep going
>Everyone says that Mob is what Fubuki and Saitamas kid would be like
>What if the epic crossover is that Mob is a prequel to OPM and is Fubuki's and Tatsumaki's grandfather
He IS!!!!!!!!!!
Last episode
episode direction was really lackluster
also the gun scene with shimazaki was just kind of sloppy
I've never fapped in my life. Checkmate
Oh damn, I didnt hear about this. Any deets?
I love you user, your posts make me laugh every time
So is Kameda doing the last episode?
Has there been any recent Mob popularity contest? From these threads, you would think that the majority of fans are purebred Reigenfags.
In all honesty you're not missing much. I mean I would but whenever I tried to bad thoughts would come into my mind and I'd be worried I'd be turned on by them
Reminder that mobkeks are brainlets who should go back to Tumblr
But I am coping user. By enjoying one of the best adaptations to come out in recent years
That he is
This, he's my favourite guy
Teru's bare chest
Not as good as rageanon, but still decent
fuck yes it was
Are those...are those pecs?
I knew someone here would stitch that.
He's in great shape, even if his muscles are shit.
>are those pecs?
They sure as hell aren't filled with milk.
Is there even anyone that can touch Reigen-sama, let alone defeat him?
Teru gets fit after Mob btfos him.
Give me 3 hours with him in a hotel room and I could get somewhere.
Mobbus dick
Only Reigen's girlfriend.
HGHGNN just shoot me in the face already
Mob would never do that.
>sleeping in a pile of Reigen's vomit and premature ejaculation afterwards
>Teru's not a soft boy anymore
There goes my fetish
Meant for
Let's be real here the last episode can't possibly top this one. Not possible.
I said the same about episode 5, then 7, and now this one.
This thread is a little too gay, so I'll post kino
I made noises no man should make when I saw this bit. Give the animators a raise, that perspective switch was so fucking nice.
god this episode was so good, I love Reigen so much
Naruto is garbage for everything except the animation
Anyone got a scan of the artwork on the left?
I don't care about anything anymore. They did Mogami's reintroduction perfectly. I owe Bones my fucking life.
How can any other show airing this year compete? No, really. That was an entire season's worth of animation in one episode.
they all might really like Mob Psycho
Here more kino
8/10 animaton but 6/10 episode overall
it was a sakuga fest more than anything
it's good to see the quality of the anime hasn't dropped
I'm gonna miss him. He was so much fun
Reminds me of the old school shooting games like Doom, Half Life.
>Its so hype it got into theaters.
We are in for some kino boys.
Ikr, we witnessed with that scene how much Scar was struggling vs Shimazaki.
Animeonly here. Is this the final arc? CEO guy seems like endboss material.
no theres like 2 more arcs
you don't say
How the fuck will everything with Serizawa and the entire fight with Suzuki be done in one episode? As cool as everything has been, a lot has felt rushed too
13 episodes.
Not only that but this ep handled SCAR super well too. The action was so clean and fluid and well-directed that everyone managed to get their own part to shine, best group vs 1 guy fight I've seen in ages.
We have 2 more eps until the series is over
OH silly, you can not abduct the willing.
well there are 2 eps left so I guess they'll leave something for the season finale
Imagine licking that.
Mogami is somewhere above the super 5 and normal Mob at 100% anger. Evil Eyebrows is definitely stronger
Wrong board?
All shitposting, memes, your-waifu/husbando-a-shit, your-favourite-anime-is-trash aside, I'm gonna be full honest for a second.
Mob Psycho Season 2 is the closest to a legit, unironical 10/10 that I've ever seen. I'm just fucking blown away by what I see every fucking week after another.
Mob and Reigens relationship is so pure, actually scratch that the whole family is pure
Since like episode 4 I've gotten to the point where practically every week now I've gone "This is the best episode of the series". Early AOTY contender already and its not even done yet.
It's 13 episodes this season you fucking retard. How many fucking times does this need to be said?
>it was a sakuga fest more than anything
>a sakuga fest
That's not how you write capeshit, faggot.
>only 2 eps left
How did Ritsu master the ability to be shipped with any boy within 30 meters?
Yeah, Bones are great.
Got anymore dad!Reigens?
I'd let him do whatever the fuck he wanted to me
BONES is so based for getting Hakuyu Go again to work on this scene. Anyone know what he did in specific?
I agree. And this is from someone who was not impressed by episode 5.
heh, it's subjective what could be considered dad Reigen
cute ass
If I had to guess he did that specific cut with a different animator doing the following one with Minegishi's plants being possessed
>Don't be callin' her my brother anymore.
That's "T".
He did up until the plant dude try to attack then it's Watanabe
post yfw episode 13 ends with this
He looks like the kinda person that says "oh I can help you with your homework I know this stuff!" And then has no idea what he's looking at
I want him to grab me and teleport to the sex dungeon.
We have to go back to slide show anime after this, it hurts.
>Slideshow anime
One thing I really hate Tezuka for is setting this as the anime standard
Oh shit we'll finally know who won the Mobowl?
I kinda like ReiRitsu because the hate sex.
I watched early episodes of Gintama and later episodes of Gintama. Believe me, I know what slide show looks like.
Could he have taken out Shimazaki? Or any other Ultimate 5 besides the 4 eyes?
Best one since probably Father vs everyone in FMAB.
Mob or JoJo will probably be anime of the year unless Hero Academia S4 also has this level of animation.
I haven't felt this excited and happy after an episode of anything in a long long time. God bless bones/ONE
>yfw S3 announced immediatly after the end/spoiler]
>Next season of MHA to be done by JC Staff
I love these
To be honest i think Mob Psycho 100 is the best Anime I've seen since i started watching Anime religiously in 2016
>unless Hero Academia S4 also has this level of animation
What makes Hero Academia not be AOTY material is the writing
Same, even though I started in 2015. It's actually taken over hxh as my favorite anime of all time, and that's something I never could've expected
Good, MHA is shit anyway
This. I hope Bones drop the series after season 4, the only thing worth seeing is Endy's arc and that's it.
can somebody repost the link to the unlisted remix/rearrangement of the first OP theme?
No. It's deep because Deku tries really hard. I've made several dozen video essays on this topic.
I started in 2013 but I feel the same
The thing is earlier in the series he DID try. Then O MY 7 QUIRKS happened, fuck this
I would happily share a mochi with mob
It's also the one arc that pisses the fanbase the most because redemption of the wifebeater, it'd be fucking hilarious if Bones ended it at that.
4 eyes? yes as seen in the anime
muscle head? yes
plant guy? maybe, depend if he can deafet him using his invicibility, i would put my money on yes
sherisawa? no
shimasaki? no
nevermind I found it
can you do the teleportation scene where the background rapidly changes as he slams Teru into shit
Reigen knocking people flat on their backs is the most cathartic thing ever put on TV.
Seen more than enough anime, never saw it
Did Sho wanted to kill his dad with this attack?
I wish I could take him to a nice restaurant and buy him all the sweets he wants.
Why is Teru so cool bros?
Do we know if this is fanmade or not?
apparently its official and came with the 99.9 cd
might play during the fight with the boss
Only thing that will come close for me is the Pluto adaption and maybe whatever Iso is bringing out this year. But yea Mob Psycho is probably one of the best shows I have seen. It's shounen done right.
so young
Everybody draws him so soft looking.
Well he is
I think my case is that I mainly focus my interest in RomComs and SoLs. Rarely I watch stuff like Mob Psycho to be honest with you, so amidst the stuff I watch Mob really is something else.
>inb4 shit taste
tell me something I don't know
He is the softest boy.
Wait the fight happens on sundown? Holy fuck this will make for epic lighting I can't wait for it.
Mobfags, Ritsufags and Terufags are teens, Reigenfags are adults.
Because he has excellent fashion taste and is a great (boy)friend to mob
Is this how most Mob threads are? Jesus Christ.
but I'm 22
>tfw One Punch Cuck is getting fucked over it's second Season while Mob Chad is getting a movie tier ending worthy of the hall of fame
I came
I want to marry Reigen
Why are there so many pedos here?
I want him to crush my skull between his thighs. I'd die happy
>the only cool scene the whole episode was Reigen's scene
>Reigen is pretty much the only one that's not a fucking capeshit faggot
really makes you think..
He's cute
Go back to tumblr faggot
I don't know what you're talking about, I just want Reigen to squeeze my head between his thighs
i love you and your work user
God Reigen is so handsome, really makes my kokoro go dokidoki
naruto has really amazing fights sometimes but 99% of everything else sucks lol like have you ever watched the shinobi world war arc its so ugly looking because the background is poop green colored in every scene and it takes 5 episodes for something to happen i think that arc had the worst transition from manga to anime so fuck you the animation in mob is good and the show is better than naruto
Then what term do you prefer? Shotacons? Means the same thing anyway so
Wow, she's so flexible.
user, that's a steamed bun.
>two more episodes until the stinky fat hiki turns into this
I ain't touching this with a 10 ft pole, so here's a (you)
Are Mob threads the ones with the highest concentration of femanons in all of Yea Forums? Seems like there are more of you guys than it's time threads.
I don't really get the vaginakin's obsession with Reigen. Maybe they want a bad boy who pretends he's a good boy but he really is a good boy who's pretending to be a bad boy pretending to be a good boy?
Just wait until Eigamatsu BD gets ripped and subbed lmao
>implying most of them aren't here because they think Mob is their son
As one yeah I'd say so
You nailed it. That and he's handsome
They ruined mogami's scene honestly, it was way more intense in the manga.
Other than that it was fine.
Tumblr despises them more.
Please don't. I've been fapping to Reigen way before you smelled his pheromones.
Yeah, in 4 months
Don't point me out like this
He's just so handsome.
I was telling them to go back to tumblr because they thought we were pedos
It's because he's fucking THICK.
Hey, Mob knew what he was signing up for when he decided to become a cute anime boy. Why should he be treated any differently from any other shota in the industry?
Plus, it could be worse. Just look at what people are doing to Reg from Made in Abyss.
More like 6
I can't even tell exactly why but I agree
Sit on my face, Reigen
Kill yourself
Why are you guys hornier than us? The fuck. Mob characters are pure and wholesome.
He is loser and hot as fuck, of course i want to fuck him
Suck my dick faggot.
All I know about the movie is that there was a copout involving the black cat, but that's it. Also hs!Jyushi's ugly as sin
Same energy
What the fuck bros I thought you told me ONE can't draw for shit?
>Pure and wholesome
The boys, yes. Reigen, no
ONE is simply a lazy piece of trash, he can draw if he tries.
Kind of like Saitama is a terrible hero but when he tries he gets the job done.
That everyone vs Shimazaki fight was more kino than we thought.
Way better than OPM S2 will ever be #IFeelSad
Maybe, although Yugioh threads have a lot of girls too
oh you sweet summer child.
Don't you know? When something is pure and wholesome it's even more fun to lewd.
m/a/tsufags were pretty hype for the movie iirc
Sad, S2 was shit but i want to see the movie, I want IchiKara
Episode 7 is still is my favorite but the new ep is a god tier too.
Oh I was as well, I just didn't like what they did with Jyushi's design. Well according to this picture he snaps out of it which is nice
Wanna sniff his stinky feet
felt really rushed. still pretty good.
Imagine constantly shitposting about OPM in a Mob thread. You retards are relentless aren't you
>S2 was shit
This, and yet there were still apologists in the threads.
Also ichikara a shit
I love Teruki.
>Implying his parents care about him
I can't wait for the next two episodes because people will shut up about if the animation is good or not, and actually discuss the feels like with Reigen episode 6 & 7
I’m from the future as well. Yes, OPM S2 was a laughable pathetic train wreck, as everyone predicted. It was so bad that Murata died of depression. He never got to redraw Garou vs. Saitama unfortunately.
Yeah, S2 killed the hype to many people, sadly. But I'm looking forward to shy Kara and popular Ichi, really
Jushi suffers from DID
I bet you love him more than his parents do lmao
Are we going to get back to the slice-of-life stuff or are we destined for power level-esque wankery forever?
They don't. That male and female are a psychic illusion.
Nah that's Oso.
And yes I do, but if anything he belongs with mob and company as non-blooded family member
Reigen is good with kids which activates something in my brain that makes me want to get impregnated by him.
Hopefully only 1
Don't harass him.
yeah, it's official and on the 99.9 album
>tfw I will never have a son like mob cause most irl kids are shitty
I usually don't like men who smoke but goddamn
Its better than OPM Season 1, BNHA Seasons 1 and 2.(on its way to surpass Season 3):
I used to think that, but it's really due to parenting styles that makes kids act shitty and annoying. Mob Psycho even touches upon this topic.
He isn't at the same level as the Ultimate 5. Maybe he was smart enough to pull out a fast KO against the only one who isn't a combat type, but that doesn't put him at their level. He was bullshitting in the same way he did when he said Ritsu was stronger than Mob.
Muscle dude had the worst matchup possible against Dimple-Musashi and then Mob, but he's invincible against pretty much everyone who hasn't a top tier ranged attack. He was strong enough to destroy Dimple-Mob's full power barrier, undo the possession and send Mob flying over the city like it was nothing. Maybe if Shou had a stronger attack than the one he used this episode...
Plant guy was holding his own easily against a fairly pissed Mob, no way Shou could compete against him.
And he has no chances whatsoever against Shimazaki and Serizawa. The former is too tricky, the latter just tanked Shou's strongest attack like it was nothing.
>BNHA Seasons 1 and 2
Why are to even considering that trash to be in the same level of ONE's works?
It does? Where?
Also I'm pretty sure mobs an aspie, which would have not much to do with his upbringing from his idle parents
Yup. OPM S2 is fucked
Those fucking feet, that's what's wrong
Are you female footfags or just faggots? If the former then what in the seven million fucks?
That makes infinitely less sense than the level of retardation footfaggotry already has.
>BNHA Seasons 1 and 2.(on its way to surpass Season 3)
Literally fuck off bnhatards.
definitely fags
Just stating the obvious. Don’t get mad over facts.
fucking silver
They sometimes don't use them in the show. The OPM cd did that
Mob and Ritsu are raised by normal parents, and they are generally polite (Mob has issues, but he isn't a bully)
Teru is raised in a neglectful way and becomes an egotistical bastard until Mob knocks sense into him.
Shou is raised neglectfully too and while he isn't a bully, he's impulsive and can be annoying
Serizawa's mom allowed him to stay locked up in his room thus neglecting him, which made him have attachment issues and he's dependent on Toichiro even if he's aiding a villain.
There's also Reigen, who has instilled important ideals into Mob, see how he's far more mature than the other man-made espers who want to flaunt their power and break the law. Mentors are important in Mob Psycho.
In the pure biological sense, women are just as horny as men. The difference is they don't get horny for a concept or a fetish, they get horny for partners. It's a whole mess of biological and gender differences, how we were sociologically wired and shit, but mostly women go for people than any sort of fetish category first and foremost.
>you mean waifus
Well why do you think everyone thinks that shit is gay in normie world? Because that's what girls do, they think about boys, specific boys they want to make babies for.
>mad over facts
I mad that you fucks are shitting up these Mob threads with OPM, something irrelevant. Keep your hur dur OPM S2 shit to the garbage OPM threads
OPM was fkd the moment they were going to compete with Attack on Titan Season 3 Cour 2 and JoJo Part 5 Cour 3.
Anime of the year could be Mob, Attack on Titan, JoJo or DBS(If they return in July).
They're quite idle parents, but they care for the boys and I guess that's what matters most.
I wish my parents were like mobs
I'm a guy but i want to fuck reigen, i mean just look at him.
I feel you.
Kind of makes me wanna smoke too
Screenshotted your post for posteriority .
Please don't
They're idle but they're not neglectful, and also they are not smothering, it is a good balance. More parents could learn from them.
Nothing wrong with being a fag. Stop being bitter, user.
The last 5 min of ep 13 or so otherwise no. For good reason.
It's strange that in the world of crazy vulgar shit, a girl saying 'I want you to impregnate me' or similar things so matter of factly is one that seems so shocking and appealing. We've really sullied sexual relations, why can't people just be excited to want to make kids together? Why does that seem so illicit?
I'm still a durrr yuasafag, but I can admit the directing is extremely 10/10 tier.
The main type of parenting that most developmental psychologists (and just people in general) think it the best is authoritative parenting. Mobs parents fit the laissez faire type.
Femanons fujos? Yeah. But Kaguya threads have a lot of femanons too IshiMiko a cute
They're not neglectful, but they're mentally and emotionally retarded. They're completely oblivious in so many ways.
Reigen acts more as a parent figure than Mob's own dad. Reigen, a fucking conman of all people. Imagine being so irresponsible that you let your son be at Reigen's place for more than 4 years. Your son, a literal autistic psychic. Yeah, the same son that nearly killed his brother when he has a child because he couldn't control his powers.
Really makes you think
Is this anecdotal or based on science? Not that I don't agree, but I'm curious and want to know more
They're a little too idle
Ritsu believes he can only rely on himself to fix things and is a little too mature for his age.
Mob, who needed more help because of his powers, was on his way to close himself off but thankfully found himself a parental figure in Reigen who helped him stick to his ideals, believe himself to be normal, train his powers etc
Hnnnng. Reminds me of my young self. Not that this show is bad.
Sakuga over substance - The series
Wow, are you actually reigen because that was 100% true.
Don’t tell me what to do friend
Hiding over replying - The post
I feel like they're both. They've obviously instilled a sense of morality in their kids, plus Ritsu (or Mob, I can't remember) said that their father can be a hardass. They both also have chores, laissez faire parents wouldn't care about enforcing washing dishes or keeping clean. It's Japanese culture that lets their kids run around after school and do whatever they want. Also, due to them not having psychic powers, they cannot run after Ritsu or Mob when they decide to go after bad guys.
OPM S2 will be AOTY
>A little too idle
That's what I was saying beforehand. Funny that Reigen ends up being the better parent figure/emotional coach to Mob than his own biological family
>Anime of the year could be Mob, Attack on Titan, JoJo or DBS(If they return in July).
Could you at least be less obvious? It's just insulting at this point.
There isn't a way to properly measure "being horny". It's a subjective experience, and as such it can only be measured with self-reported questionnaires (which are soft data).
What the other user said is bullshit, but I guess you already figured that. He used "biological sense" as a way to explain a supposed psychological phenomenon LMAO
One of my former friends had laissez faire parents and they still made her clean up after herself among other things. They just didn't give a shit about what she would get up to besides those.
Also Reigen runs after mob and he doesn't have powers.
despite constant attempts to "push bounderies" and "end taboos", the people who attempt to cherish the abnormal and perverse still recoil at the most natural and pure of desires. as they are more attractive than anything they can muster
I guess you could say Reigen fills in for the parental figure. But my previous post still stands, the behavior of a child is shaped by those who raise them (which would also mean Reigen)
Kids can be good. They have more potential to be good due to their pureheartedness. But also it's easier to twist them because they're so suggestive to manipulation. It's a good thing that Reigen ended up being the person who took advantage of Mob's powers. Not only has he taught him life lessons while protecting him for those who would use his powers for bad, but the usage of his powers is for helping clients, instead of say beating people up for money or stealing. It's still manipulation but it's a morally gray area.
yeah, it's practically impossible to study these things under rigorous scientific standards. but then you have half the world's population saying that the "traditional" view of women sexuality is complete horse shit.
I just want another character like Reigen
I think that's the fun: you initially assume the MC is a good boy because he has both parents around, and this conman that latched onto him is going to be a bad example..
And it turns out it was Reigen all along.
Pity Reigen is unaware of his importance to Mob, and Bones subtly confirmed that in episode 07 when they added the slashed shirt to his self reflection
Disappointing. I was finding the character development during the exorcism jobs and school scenarios much more rewarding
>power level-esque wankery
It's called capeshit, you fucking mongrel.
Reminds me I once watched the shittiest anime, which i thought would gave similar themes to mp100, but the mentor figure turned out the worst human being (even thanked the villain for killing his wife)
Maybe it's due to a lot of sexual relations in the modern era not ending in settling down and having kids. One-night stand culture is a thing, I guess (I wouldn't know personally because I'm a khv but it's what I see in popular media and news)
>Funny that Reigen ends up being the better parent figure/emotional coach to Mob than his own biological family
but it's the logical end point if you want to explore parent/child dynamics if you think about it. using Mob's actual father would carry a ton of extra baggage and muddle the theme of psychic power being an outlet of adolescent emotions.
Someone has to do a Shimazaki wojak punching
Don't you fucking start too
pls no
>this whole time mob espouses that psychic powers dont make you special
>towards the ending chapters, lets the psycho helmet club get to his head, making him think he's special
what the fuck is this shit
And adds to the theme that family is who you choose, not necessarily who you were born with
someone already did it
Oh I know it's the logical end. I love the father-son relationship they garnered over the 3 years since they met
>Teru's smile when he sees Mob
Absolutely precious
It's almost as if the worse the threads get, the better the anime gets to compensate. But what the fucked happened? I don't remember season 1 being nearly as hype as this outside of the obvious "REIGEN 1000%."
Too much anti aliasing.
Why are they all so cute
Looks a little off
I see that someone else already did one but I already finished this so here.
What do you mean, the women? That's how S1 threads are, they used to be way more spammy even. If you mean the shitposting, that's just the entirety of Yea Forums in a nutshell.
Whenever is see pictures of them all like that the 'we are family!' song always comes to my mind
perfect user
OPM S2 is going to be worse
So where did Shimazaki go?
>even thanked the villain for killing his wife)
I'll bite, which anime?
I'm not that far off your opinion wrt this particular school of animation -in general- but in the case of Mob there's something to be said about the extent that Kameda&co go to use as much screentime as the story allows to portray the characters being, well, characters through movement, and even maintaining an above average degree of personalized acting throughout the show especially in the case of Reigen. And the action stuff in this episode was honestly a cut above the typical "webgen sakugafest" in terms of layout, directing and flow.
Of course Norio Matsumoto is a better animator than all these people, he's Norio fucking Matsumoto. That's not a knock against Mob Psycho's animation at all.
I stole my opinion from a jewtube e-celeb but i agree, i think its becouse its really simple to draw (you can get that shit done faster) and also becouse its a comedy/action show where you can get away with a lot more if it was purely serious action show, and that plus being simple means the characters are a lot more expresive, artist alowed to experiment a bit while not being fuck by the timetable, so they flex those animation muscles a bit to add to their curriculum and aparently artist love that shit
But i don't know anything about the anime industry so i may be full of shit
my bedroom
I don't actually want kids, I'm just into the primal, animalistic urge to reproduce.
Never saw a more relatable post in my life
Just give me the nakadashi
Late but i'm here.
Trickster. Dont bother, it was a trainwreck and the characters were mostly shit to one another. Reigen would punch the mentor figure if he saw him
loving parent have a good effect in the healty development of a child
even if they are careless in and goofy way they still care about theri childrens and thats a lot for many people
dunno, kind of one of the things that keep me going
Anecdotal experiences mostly. It's not scientific, just general categorizing.
>muh outliers
Outliers is just a scientific way of saying 'special snowflake faggots who ruin my graphs', averages are noticeable by everyone, it's just not always easily quantifiable on charts.
>and even maintaining an above average degree of personalized acting throughout the show especially in the case of Reigen.
It's amazing how consistently they manage to nail the comedic timing with Reigen.
The pleasure of being cummed inside way too quickly by Reigen, who can't get it up unless Viagra is involved, and having to heave his comatose body off of yours 2 minutes after starting sex!
looks like shit
this is better
Depends, you putting out?
Oh don't get me wrong, it's great that they take care of mop and ritz.
I wish my parents were like mobs, in that they didn't give a shit about what I would do in my time
>Pity Reigen is unaware of his importance to Mob, and Bones subtly confirmed that in episode 07 when they added the slashed shirt to his self reflection
I wouldn't mind all of this at all, if it's with Reigen anything is good
This. He would die for mob if necessary, as shown in chap 100
It's not about the timing; Reigen moves, emotes, expresses himself in a way that's remarkably devoid of typical stock gestures and symbolic acting relative to anime in general (not just seasonal stuff, but all of anime across history). He has ticks, faces, body poses etc that are uniquely Reigen-esque, that feel like the animator tailored the cut for Reigen rather than his "type". It's something rarely seen within the paradigm of JP animation, so I find it much more interesting to note than the flashy action stuff that only differs from other flashy action in terms of degree rather than kind.
I never had parents like that so it makes me happy to see anime where the parents are not only both alive, but are also pleasant people (in Mob's case)
In real life that shit is pretty rare too
Anime-only here. I've been spoiled the last two episodes between Reigen curbstomping some punk AND the Body Improvement Club getting a fight, but I've just got to know. Will the season finale have a moment as cathartic as Riegen hitting 1000%, right as his theme song picks up and the guitar starts to wail?
I was questioning user claiming that Reigen is unaware of his importance and him saying something about bones adding a slash yo his shirt
That sounds like no fun at all. Don't ruin my fantasies.
It's mostly because the show gathered some of the best active TV animators around with a ridiculously forgiving schedule. Any style would look great with this level of production clout behind it, of course the design style lends itself to more movement than the typical anime approach as well.
The end of this season will have a totally different feel. There's two ways I can see it ending and neither are like Reigen 1000%.
No. A meet cute happen instead.
What we're you're parents like user, or would you not be comfortable telling?
Right before Reigen faces the camera to apologize to Mob he has some reflecting and realizes he fucked up. At this point he muses he must have kept Mob back, and the image alongside this is his shirt torn like it was when he got katanad in season 1. Meaning he doesnt know he helped Mob and instead has since then assumed he fucked up
Based mohi delivering good reimobs & reiritsus
Just the way he shifts his weight as he lectures people communicates a lot about his character. Or the way he reflexively starts talking with his hands if he's flustered or thinks he's losing someone. You can tell the studio put a lot of effort into getting him to move without falling back into old habitual poses, like scratching the back of his head with his elbow raised or some bullshit.
The comedic timing is absolutely a cut above your typical anime slapstick routine, though.
He did keep Mob back that time though, the narration even said that Mob was running away by relying so hard on Reigen and Shou spelled it out too. Mob had to stop depending on Reigen that way in order to grow, so even if Reigen didn't actively "fuck up" that time it was something that reflected the dynamic they had at the time which needed to change for both of them to grow
Last. Thanks to the /cm/ user.
Just go on AO3 and dig through the tag. This is not the place to ask for fanfic recs.
What about the part where you see him outside of Reigens door blushing?
I barely had any relationship with them, they were like room mates. Unless I was getting straight As and bringing pride to the family name I was as good as dead. Luckily, that didn't instill any crazy issues like I've seen peers with similar parents develop. But it's made me appreciate Reigen and Mob's parents far more.
In anime, a lot of the time the parents either don't exist, are on year long business trips, or are dead which was what my point about anime was referencing.
Shotacon implies drawn, whereas pedo implies diddling little jimmy next door. So no it doesn't mean the same thing.
god those thigh straps are so hot
> I was getting straight As and bringing pride to the family name I was as good as dead.
I'm so sorry you had to live like that user. No one should be made to feel that way
What does this expresion try to convey?
We're totally gonna have a surrogate family gangbang tonight to celebrate your graduation
>I barely had any relationship with them, they were like room mates. Unless I was getting straight As and bringing pride to the family name I was as good as dead. Luckily, that didn't instill any crazy issues like I've seen peers with similar parents develop. But it's made me appreciate Reigen and Mob's parents far more.
I don't know your parents, so take it with a grain of salt, but if they cared about your grades that means they probably cared about you and your future to some extent.
Some people just are bad at expressing emotions. I've seen it especially in people from asian backgrounds, it has to be a cultural thing.
They're called shirt stays and they're a real thing.
Workplace 3P with those two.
He's trying to be proud of Teru, but is also self-conscious of the fact that he's at a middle school graduation for a kid that isn't his, accompanied by a kid from another school that also isn't his. He wonders how many middle-school friends a 28-year old is allowed to have before they get accused of being a pedo.
A lot of Asian parents have an authoritarian parenting style where emotions are put on the backburner, not healthy for children
I was waiting for the Naruto fags to show up
That's how you know Mob has reached another level
It's okay to be scared man
The real hero and most powerful character without power ups of this season. Aka the MVP
Doujin of the four boys gangbanging Reigen, when?
Reigen works because he's not fucking capeshit. Everything pales in comparison, because it's otherwise pure fucking capeshitshow. Which doesn't mean that Reigen is actually that good of a character or anything, just miles ahead of all the other literally who jobbers in this fucking shit cape shit show.
>the whole reigen arc
Are we just going to ignore that fact that cum thirsty fujoshis, shitposting, and an unironic discussion about the nature of parenting are all coexisting in a thread on fucking 4channel.
In a few months, but it will never be translated.
Stop metaposting, you stupid faggot.
This episode was normal length but felt twice as long for some reason. Probably because they got straight to the point with the scenes and I didn't feel any impact on the pacing in them doing so. Very good episode.
Im loving it user. Well not the shitposting part
Sorry, have mobbu ass
Wtf that's not mob
Trust me, it's mob.
I understand what you mean. Culture certainly has something to do with it. I agree with My situation was more neglectful than what should be natural, but I'm not going to blogpost anymore. I think all families should be in touch with their emotional side regardless of culture, tradition can hinder child-parent relationships no matter where they live. Tradition is not always positive, the way some families believe they should act end up stemming from how their own parents mistreated or abused them, and those ideals being instilled down generations.
I can't read moon help
This garbage is too much for me. First season had it right. This shit is just OPM, but without being self-aware, which only makes it another Shounen-esque sentimental garbage. Main villain want to fuck shit up just because he can, but before you fight him and have your Boros fight, you must first go through his minions, the powerful [insert number of members]. This shit is lazy, now I understand why ONE finished the manga.
Pretty dissappointed overall.
He's not perfect. And it's a lesson he learns. It's called storytelling
Did you just forget the last two arcs? Are you fucking high?
Why are you trying this hard? lol pls keep it up
My sweet Arataka isn't a child molester. Delete this post.
Reigen: I'm gonna fuck him
Button1: pop
Button2: pop
Button3: pop
Teru: Someone is touching my property
The point was that Mob could rely on him sometimes instead of doing everything himself
>Tradition is not always positive
This, but someone will still be there to pass it down no matter how negative it's acknowledged to be.
>ekurei has 3 times as many doujins as serirei
when will fujos get a clue
Hey I can't speak moon runes could you tell me what's going on with that link? Also the context of your reply.
Holy fucking shit, is true. Sasuga Reigen.
Soon, hopefully. A lot of them are probably anime-onlys.
Not even Reigen's ass can take that enormous NEET schlong. But I'd like to see him try.
If this is what it actually said it'd be even better
Ummm, did I skip an episode or did they skip over what happened at the end of chapter 10?
doujin purchasing site, with a list of doujins by ship tag
dimple x reigen has 3 times as many doujinshi produced than serizawa x reigen (230 VS 60)
>230 vs 60
Based doujin authors
Considering how little he interacted with reigen on the original manga and has just started appearing in the anime, I'd say 60 is impressive
>dimple x reigen
wait till you hear that reigen x mob has over 350
Any wholesome family doujins?
see you next week user
There's so much sexual tension between that man and that haunted fart.
Why does Japan has shit taste? I bet they're all Security Guard Dimple doujins. Buff Dimple form is clearly superior.
Imagine the absolute hype that this would be.
>Mogami listening to Mob even giving him some advice
Loved this scene so much
God please stop. Can we just be normal weebs and ship a child with a grown man.
Not surprising. Mentor x Mentee ships are really popular (like Levi and Eren being the most popular AOT fics). Not to mention the whole shotacon dynamic. Fujos are freaks.
Ghost sex is the new hotness.
Just kidding, the entirety of it is Reigen being fucked by Dimple who is possessing the Claw Security Guard. Maybe a handful of them feature actual Dimple.
Probably, but you'd be hard pressed to find many. A lot of what's on Toranoana is shipping, porn, or both.
I'd rather jerk off to a Luigi's Mansion ghost than a little baby boy.
*ship not fics goddamn it
2 nukes weren't enough.
Idk man shotas are a pretty good fap.
Speaking of fics, I've never seen a anime with so many characterxreader fics as this one. Obviously reigenxreader
Mobs 14, not 6
That's for me to know and for Serizawa to find out.
I haven't read or looked for self insert fics since 2015. But I remember back then I would spend hours reading hetalia self insert fics, fun times
>Mob x Reigen
>Reigen x Mob
>Dimple x Reigen
>Serizawa x Reigen
>Ritsu x Mob
>Shou x Ritsu
>Ritsu x Reigen
We're lonely.
What about teru x mob?
Hate sex is good sex.
I dont look either, but I check the mp100 latest stuff on ao3 and theres usually some of that
Let's not do this. There is no difference to someone who doesn't get it. To them a pedo is a pedo.
>Teru x Mob
I hate Bones for making Reigen skinny, where is the slightly hairy salaryman's paunch I was promised
wtf, I thought Japan loved gaybait
>There's two ways I can see it ending and neither are like Reigen 1000%.
how are there two ways you can see it ending
Oh wait
>影山茂夫 x 霊幻新隆 (295)
>霊幻新隆 x 影山茂夫 (257)
>モブ x 霊幻新隆 (7)
>霊幻新隆 x モブ (5)
>Mob x Reigen
>Reigen x Mob
Huh????? I thought there would be more wtf. Why do fujos hate same age couple so much? What is this obsession with huge age differences?
Maybe with the Divine Tree? Not sure what the other one is unless they drag out the next two episodes and it ends directly after defeating Toichiro.
Only 25 for Shouritsu. Okay.
no spoilers pls
>Ritsu x Reigen has more doujins than Teru x Mob
I have no idea why terumob and shouritsu are so low. Maybe nips just have shit taste most of the time
It's obvious Toichiro doesn't win though, he's the bad guy. Divine tree also means nothing to anyone who hasn't read the manga. But if I should spoil that from now then I will
It's because it's porn, on pixiv or twitter the numbers aren't as drastically different. There's far more porn doujins being sold than vanilla anthologies and that goes for any anime
I was specifically saying no spoilers because you mentioned this divine tree thing. Ofcourse eyebrows fucking loses come on now lad.
We'll see the Divine Tree at the end of the show, if that's what you're saying, but the arc won't even have enough time to start. I don't know what mean by drag out the next two episodes because there's no way they're gonna fit the entire Boss fight in the next episode along side Mob's fight with Serizawa.
user please.
Teru can't even be with Mob in fanon ;_;
God the production values behind this show are incredible.
I know it's probably both but is this just due to a fuckload of budget or more efficient use of budget and god tier direction?
they have a lot of god tier animators animating small scenes, the director of the anime is a giant ONEfag and can't help but gush about how much him and his studio love the series, and everyone else who works on it is constantly praising it.
I feel like a pathetic excuse of a human being after reading them but at least I have fun
Teru was charming as fuck in this episode. Poor kid. No one loves him.
A crime
All the Terufags from Season 1 are gone
This very thread has a handful of Terufags in it. I don't see why anyone who liked him at the end of S1 wouldn't like him in S2. No one loves him in canon.
I'm still here
>No one loves him in canon
Mob is his friend and Reigen tries to involve him in things in the omakes.
>literal perfect anime
>the threads are full of fujofaggotry instead of talking about how good the animation and story is
I mean, this is fine, but..
Reigen is such a cock pocket that he can't even top a small child most of the time.
Reigan is my hero.
Last 3 threads discussed the animation and I had good and long conversations about the story today. Sorry you have selective reading.
Why is he so cute?
Top tier genetics.
Because ONE is good at designing cute boys.
He just is, it's hard to explain
>Good father figure
>Knows the despair of loneliness that I live with
What's not to love?
>not a perfect square
your triggering my autism
is this going to have a blu ray box set like the first season? not sure if I should just wait or get the individual release bds
Buy all of them like a good fan
i'm not THAT rich unfortunately
then why bother
Yeah, no. I totally get horny for fetish stuff, and I know other fellow women with same tendencies. What may be true is that we need more context, a reason why erotic literature works more for women than an isolated porn video (speaking in broad terms also, a lot of porn videos work for me too)
I wish I could at least buy the bds every month. Seeing mob lower than fucking Endro breaks my heart
Sucks to be me