Pastel Memories

Pre-final episode today, looks like we are visiting Akihabara this time.
Will there ever be an ED and cast as bountiful as this again?

Attached: 73742448_p0.jpg (900x1200, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Another cute shortstack trapped in a show thats going to get no porn

I want to fuck the cat.

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Caligula Overdose.

You can only choose one.

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Be the change you want to see in the world with commissions and such.

Woah. Is this representative of what the show is about?

You should unfortunately know the answer to that already.

You mean penultimate.


I don't though. And I don't want to waste my time with it if it's just bait. I wanna see fat anime tiddies

There is a lot of heart under those fat anime tits.

Literally just download the ED mate.

To avoid someone in the future shitting on the show I'll save you time and say the ED is pretty much the only thing like that.

Attached: PaM2_2.webm (1280x720, 416K)

Fujomommy every time.

Attached: oppai.webm (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Are we finally getting mecha this episode?

I want Maya

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So it was a Gundam and Evangelion ep?

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RIP episode 2

Forgot the pic.

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Cant beat the cock.

What was parodied in episode 2 again? The copyright holder got mad I guess.

Gochiusa and it was very blatant.

Oh yeah, nigger chino was pretty kawaii though.

My cute eel wife chino

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What happened?

It's a good job they did a few episodes based on series made at the same studio so they should be safe.
It would be strange that it's taken down on the site but fine to be on the BD though. I doubt a huge number of people would even be looking at the preview page for episode 2 anymore so hard to see why it matters.

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>Fine on the BD
Episode 2 won't be included on the BD and they are changing the release format into a BD BOX instead of 3 BD volumes.

But every episode is plagiarism (parody)

>Episode 2 won't be included on the BD
I need to try to remember to keep the tv episode.

Bu then ep.1 won't make sense. They depart for Gochiusa world in it, but with no ep.2, what's going to happen?

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It feels pretty petty for them to do that to a show that was set to sell

Attached: Dw4iE-vUcAAf7Vi.jpg (1067x1200, 176K)

Episode 1 is being redone according to that news item.

No one's going to buy the BDs for this anyway.

Would this be a first time when TV version is the superior one compared to disk version?

more merchandise rolling out

Attached: D170qH5UwAATJVw.jpg orig.jpg (2362x1169, 290K)

What's wrong with Episode 1?

Cross Ange TV is superior.

Didnt osomatsu parodied a bunch and also got the first episode changed or something? Shit was pretty funny too.

More like pastie mammaries

>your face will never be their chair

Attached: 1552765091665.jpg (500x376, 11K)

Good thing KissAnime will keep ep 2 around. Seriously, fuck copyright shitheads. With all the political turmoil and shit after the electoral college goes into history's dustbin all forms of copyright protection need to go in immediately after.


Black hair not-fujo might not be the most meaty, but for some reason she's the one that get me going more than the others, I still don't know why, her episode made me break my pants.

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Saori is the true patrician choice.

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Please kiss yourself goodbye

You just now realize how cancer Gochiusa fanbase is.

Noose yourself tard.

not today, friend

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Not gonna.

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What's your IQ?

Attached: Sxarp.png (916x1080, 1.16M)

Fuck it, I'm going to commission Rei's Giguelf smashing some rabbit lolis.

Attached: giguelf.png (1040x367, 408K)

I like gochiusa but that's really fucking petty of them.

LowQ post.

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Good. The gochiusa episode was one of the worst anyway alongside the rozen maiden one.

I can't believe they only learned how to make use of their setting properly during the latter half of the show.

I know right? Smash the lolis in the fire and BREAK THEM DOWN! Gochiusa better watch out, I'll make my Planet Shit raging look like oscar speeches!

Attached: worst of 2018.png (767x485, 746K)

Pastel Memories must be the Doragoris and Gochiusa must be the Muruchi. For those that don't know what that means:

While the first 3 episode were easily the weakest it doesn't feel right to have to lose any of them over copyright.
For a show that was already struggling for popularity it won't help to make the torrent the most complete version.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.07_[2019.02.11_18.29.34].jpg (326x628, 29K)

Rabbit Order is just oil drinking and needs to be subjected to vagina dentata from outer space. Pastel Memories did NOT deserve this!


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Send Silvergon after the Goshitters

What the fuck is this autist talking about?

Subs out.

They did an unauthorized parody of Anpanman that episode. The rest of the parodies weren't the problem.

An episode is being pulled by whiny faggots, time to primal rage.

Time for mammaries.
Anpanman holders sounds like a bunch of tight ass people.

The high IQ episode? Who gives a fuck? That episode was utter shit. Insulting to watch even.

Aquarion Logos should erase rabbit cafe faggotry out of existence.

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Any download link for the ED? I only have some of the webm clips and I'm about to delete the whole folder of this series.

Someone draw all the PM girls as Godzilla monsters stomping on White Fox.

A bit of advertising money at least.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.27_[2019.03.19_01.41.31].jpg (1280x720, 478K)

I'll assume they knew what they were doing.

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How do we make White Fox pay for this? Boycott? They made Akame ga Kill so it's not like it's undeserved.

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Time for /m/! Also time to smash White Fox!

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AT field and shit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.44_[2019.03.19_01.54.36].jpg (1280x720, 345K)

Its already dead.

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THis episode is pretty bad simply because Eva is a shit anime for edgy 2deep4u type of viewers.

Attached: mehhh.png (656x709, 648K)

Bring Gochiusa down with it!

Well shit I gotta start leaving for work so I can't watch this until tonight. Fuck GouchiUshit.

>still no shinji
Taking his time getting into the robot.

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More likely Houbunsha is behind it as the publisher instead of the studio.
As at least 15 of my top 50 anime are from them I wouldn't boycott them over this, even if it is a shit decision. Also a group of people watching torrents of a show isn't the best place to arrange boycotts.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.37_[2019.03.18_17.50.45].jpg (924x397, 19K)

>2 episodes parody
Ballsy as fuck.

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This episode had lots of good ideas but the presentation of them was so bad. Is this what bad direction looks like?

Attached: 00124.jpg (1280x720, 220K)

We get all the girls together to fight and maybe fucking shinji gets in the robot for the final episode.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.06_[2019.03.19_02.14.47].jpg (1280x720, 456K)

Homage to eva.

Looking forward to Maya permanently joining the good guys side next episode thanks to some alone time with Kaoruko.

How is the tv version of cross ange? I never watched but I might in the future.

I'm glad I torrent anime.

Episode 2 being pulled would cause continuity errors because the plot of ep 1 is to search for Gochiusa's novels and then they reveal about the viruses and the episode ends with them going to Gochiusa (to save it in episode 2)
Thus, gotta rework episode 1 to lead to episode 3

Didnt an episode of shirobako also get removed because of some mecha show they homaged?

The problem is the owners of Gochiusa's license, not the fanbase

Hopefully they use the last episode to go full EoE.
Either that or finish the Maya yuri end.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Pastel Memories - 09 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_17.53_[2019.03.04_18.02.49] (1920x1080, 95K)

I wish we got to meet chinese knockoff Shinji.

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>More likely Houbunsha is behind it as the publisher instead of the studio.

Attached: BE THE SWORD THAT CHOPS THE DARK.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Nah we're pretty problematic too


I was going to delete the show once it was over, but I think I just changed my mind.

They have a full episode left and they're already warped in so they have tons of time to work them in.
You'd assume they'll find time for all of them to appear unless they're going for a huge epilogue.

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Maya really needs a boyfriend.

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Selling ThinkPads with FULL Pastel Memories series no lowballing I know what I got

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>not a single beach episode
I knew I should have dropped this shit instead of having any sort of false hope that they would deliver beyond the ED.

The ED is the beach episode.

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Last episode will be End of Pastel and you'll get a beach episode on that beach. Only the sea will be orange, or green

PriPara cut parts like Sophie wearing a burqa and VERY SEXY GIRL in the BDs.

It did kinda deliver with the entire ED, official art and merchandise, which all feature swimsuits.
By no means a bad haul for an unknown single cour, plus there's always a chance for more in the final ep or a BD special.

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>Chino killed an entire anime
Someone edit some big noses into the Gochiusas.

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An anime that will already sell sub 100 copies being hit with something like that has really got to hurt.

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Add this to the list of Maya's crimes.

All the times Maya was flying around I implored Kaoruko to catch her girlfriend. Shame it didn't happen.

That's because she's not a good girl friend.

It does feel too small to bother with. It's not too different to all the ice cream vans that are covered with trademark infringements in terms of scale difference.
Maybe they have something similar to the trademark failure to police rule, where if you don't act on infringements you can lose it.
May main worry is they might end up changing the last episode to avoid it happening with that. A parody of the last episodes of Evangelion or EoE could give an interesting finale but they'll probably want to steer clear now in case they have to drop the last episodes from the BD as well.

Isn't Maya's goal to destroy these worlds anyways? Just because the virus is so strong it's out of her control isn't necessarily a bad thing. She could just leave and let it do it's work.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.59_[2019.03.18_14.21.10].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Showing this is illegal in Japan.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 02 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

My wife Chino is owned by a greedy copyright jew.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 02 [720p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

By me.

Yeah, me.

Exa fags are the worst.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [1080p][12.12.481].jpg (1280x800, 223K)

They have a week. It's impossible to change the plot and animation and voiceover of an such a short time. They'll have to air what they have and take the fall, if one happens.

Why is Blue drawn with cowtits here? Isn't she canonically the flattest?

This literally keeps happening wtf Japan. Osumatsu got in trouble for a Love Live parody who themselves got in trouble for dressing up like Kiss. JAPAN YOUR COPYRIGHT DOES NOT COVER PARODY WITHOUT CONSENT.

These 2 are the flat ones. Everyone else in the series seems to be varying levels of huge.

Attached: pastelets.jpg (271x510, 41K)

Evangelion is the most parodied anime ever. If you could get in trouble for that it'd happened a long time ago.

Doesn't it? It does in most places as far as I'm aware. Wikipedia is hardly definitive but it doesn't list any parody exemption.

I think they accept parodies as long as they're approved and aren't mocking the character (i.e. anything cruder than satirical and then commercially sold on top of that is a no no)

>no "butter my biscuit shinji" equivalent

Maya goal is to get laid, she's just mad at anime for making all the males lust after 2D.

She just needs to become 2d with the power of autism.

She have a huge ass though, those 4 must be the ones with the bigger butts, makes sense.

Hot flatties.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 03 [720p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

>for dressing up like Kiss
Gene Simmons is one of the most jewy people imaginable, so it's not surprising.

She's mad at anime because she's a failed normalfag who blames anime for her autism.

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No burger, this kind of thing is called a homage. Plagiarism would be pretending they created what was referenced from the start.
Anyway this was an asshole move, they did a great job in making episode 2 feel familiar to anyone who liked Gochiusa while keeping things different and wacky enough (not much different from the usual WcDonalds thing) and it was what really made me interested in this show for good. I wonder what in particular set the copyright holders off.

>instead of dying peacefully and becoming comfy memories in the minds of the ~10 people who watched and enjoyed this show, it will now be forever known as the show that did a Gochiusa parody episode and got hurt for it, bringing down the reputations of both shows
I didn't want to wake up to this.

Attached: a sad russian loli.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>linking to ANN
>not reading the thread

Attached: 1525013304825.jpg (543x423, 79K)

Hello, Slowpoke

For any show that looks so bad it's good, like Marchen Manchen and Qualidea Code, TV broadcasts are the definitive versions. Also, supposedly TV broadcast of Evangelion is how it's supposed to look in terms of colors plus episode 16 might look better than the blu-ray due to high-quality source for home releases being lost.

Sauce katsudon.

Attached: sausu katsudon.png (535x721, 823K)

>revised BD version puts mosaics on the manga covers, bleeps out any mention of the parodied title, skips straight to episode 2's conclusion, and hides not-Megu's identity

Attached: [HorribleBDs] Pastel Memories - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.58_[2019.06.05_16.10.37].jpg (1280x720, 137K)

My legally distinct wife Zhino is so adorable!

I really liked that final scene with Megu, too bad it's gone forever now.

I can't believe my jewish wife Chino did this

But all the parody stuff is the entire point of this, will the other copyright complain as well?

>copyright holders

>[HorribleBDs] Pastel Memories - 1 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.58_[2019.06.05_16.10.37].jpg
Holy shit are you a time traveler?

>HS doing blu-ray rips.
It's a dystopian future.

I'm sure most people will forgive it. I can't be the only person to like both series. From my memory of the threads for episode 2 I'm sure there's quite a few Gochiusa fans here.
My main worry from this thread is the one making these images hasn't turned up yet. It would feel wrong to die without it.

Attached: Public Enemy #1-3.png (400x803, 117K)

Nah, just the Jewusagis.

Project No 9 made 2 of the shows that were parodied so you hope that'd give them some safety.
A bit like how Doga Kobo put a Yuru Yuri reference in New Game despite them being from different publishers.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.53_[2019.03.18_18.12.38].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Are you staying in shape for your pasumemo?

Attached: HS-Pastel-Memories-04-720p-stitch.png (1273x1581, 631K)

>show about protecting the memories of otaku culture gets ruined by meddling executives

Attached: rabbit.jpg (312x374, 27K)

The quality was worse than usual this time.

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Rude. That's just how people look at her age.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.37_[2019.03.18_19.06.05].jpg (1280x720, 153K)

There were ton of stills and no-animation as well.

>Episode 2 gets censored
>Nips download it like everyone else

my wife chino is so cute

I don't think so. People are just too used to the doujin market where it's almost unheard of for copyright to be enforced, but this wasn't a small-scale fan work. Regardless of its popularity, this was a commercial product with a wide release targeting the same markets GochiUsa does that was selling itself by blatantly ripping it off. Anyone with a brain would have sought permission before making something with that degree of similarity.

It's all part of the experience. They're attempting to reach meta levels previously thought unreachable.

The ED is not the only good thing by this show.

The Caligula Overdose ads are good too

>blatantly ripping it off
Except for how that's not what happened at all, parodies and homages are not "ripping off". This show never tried to paint their take on Gochiusa as something original or be anything at all like the real show, the intention was paying a homage to it in the form of visiting its universe while employing the same copyright avoiding tactics everyone uses. What seems to be the issue is that the old men at the top who say things didn't want the series they control to be paid a homage to for whatever reason, or maybe their control might extend beyond just the characters given how the scenery looked extremely similar to the original one and that ticked them off.

Attached: Public Enemy #1.png (400x860, 125K)

>parental advisory

Thank you.

Asucat > blond Rei

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2019.03.18_18.56.43].jpg (1280x720, 196K)

They plainly copied a bunch of background shots and put characters who were clearly designed to be identifiable as the GochiUsas in prominent roles. And put them in blackface. That is way more severe than flipping an M upside down or throwing an ad for Caligula in the background. It far exceeds a normal reference joke to the degree that the entire episode sells itself on "hey, look, it's not!GochiUsa." Failing to take any precautions and just assuming that everyone would turn a blind eye to that was foolish, regardless of whether you think it was justified.

I can't believe Maya is erasing their own anime

>the entire episode sells itself on "hey, look, it's not!GochiUsa."
The entire series sells itself on "hey, look, it's the original works you know and possibly love but copyright exists so we had to change them". They aren't reference jokes, they're basicallys exactly the same thing as the flipped up M in McDonalds even though you insist they're bigger - the best proof of this is how none of the other "ripped off" series raised a fuss about it.
All of this is also completely different from having Caligula ads (why the fuck did you even mention them since there would be an actual legal issue in here if they had used that without permission) or the actual Mikakunin manga on display so please stop talking as if you have any idea about what you're saying.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.01_[2019.01.07_19.13.18].jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Attached: 72868047_p0.jpg (800x1200, 135K)

>gochiusafags are shills
>they probably do it for free
Pathetic fanbase

The BD episode 2 will just be static with an overlay saying "The memories of this episode were erased by a virus."


Fuck off jewish slut.

The rabbits did nothing wrong, it's not their fault if some of Chino's Japanese old man husbands have such a tight control over who can make parodies of her story.

Meganes always

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Cat milk

Attached: 1548099684311.jpg (1920x2140, 649K)

Attached: 1547483929635.gif (800x450, 1.38M)

Is my idea or they ran out of budget for this episode? Hopefully they saved all the budget for the epic finale.

Chino's lawyer husbands stole all the budget for pastel memories
Last episode will have 1 frame per second

>ran out
>implying it had a budget to begin with

>last episode is a parody of the episodes 25-26 of Evangelion
Would genuinely make the show the AOTY.

It's pretty impressive what nips can do with only a few frames of animation

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Akanesasu Shoujo - 12 [720p].mkv-00_07_46.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

They couldn't pull 25-26 off. I am expecting at least a long ass still though.

Based Maya user.

Aggressively pouncing Nao and complimenting her cooking!

Attached: grape time.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

What do you do when she actually expects you to eat it?

I'm still frustrated, what do we do about this horse shit episode pulling?

Getting aggressively pounced by Ayaka!

Attached: god i wish that were me (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Wouldn't doubt it, mobage adaptions been doing whatever they want.

Attached: 1506186847693.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Is this from the pastel memories manga?

>This string of autism

I mean sure, getting upset at what's happening with episode 2 is understandable but you don't need to make seven separate posts referencing ultraman and your /m/ shitposts.

Attached: 1550268545846.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

Maya was really cute again this episode.

I'm such a dumbass. Wasted multiple nights not knowing how glorious this ED was. Just skipped it out of habit.

Maya is always desirable for marriage

Your poor decision making has left you at least 20% gayer.

I hope Maya gets a girlfriend by the end.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Pastel Memories - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.36_[2019.03.04_17.16.20].jpg (1280x720, 146K)


Obviously not, but she can have many girl friends.

>realizes that she has no chance with men so she goes for women
More cakes and soon-to-be-cakes need to learn about this.

That's actually worse since only a small amount of women is into other women, she'd have more luck with fat and old ojiisans who just wants young flesh.

Why not just be alone? It's not like you have to get with someone.

this series is missing a penis

Being alone is lonely.

That's what purityfags want you to think.

That reminds me, wasn't there some Bleach doujinshi a while back that got shut down for being too similar to Kubo's art?

Humans for better or worst are a social species, we require to have a companion, someone to be with be another person or pet because loneliness can literally kill you.

It's not necessarily a requirement, but at the very least it's good to have friends/family even if you don't have a significant other. Pets are a definite help as well.

Yeah but the thing is we still at least some sort of social interaction or the crushing depression will kick on full gear.

Glasses and braids aren't Homura exclusive.