What are they doing now?

What are they doing now?

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fucking like rabbits

Eating pies together

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Nothing because I'm pretty sure Akazawa won. God she was a great girl.

Except she's fucking dead

running the doll shop together

Girls who wear eyepatches are CUTE!

They are good friends



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God misaki was cute. I rewatched this series twice


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U rite user

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I hate that my brain thinks about Another as something that's happened semi-recently (4, maybe 5 years ago at best) but I can actually perceive that the first Thor movie came out in 2011. Seeing the two coexist in this gif because they came out at the same time looks like some weird time distortion

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Pale girls are the best.


Pale girls must be protected

Hopefully not starring in ''''''another''''' contrived shitfest.

Living happy, fulfilling lives, hopefully.

Did the twink win the teacher? I remember him having the hots for the milf.

Shameless self bump of life

ova was fucking sad

My piefolder has been awaiting this thread.

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What's with the pie thing? Please explain to a newfag.

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i wonder