
friendly reminder that Ice-chan is a good girl who only wants love

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Toubunbros are laughing at us again.

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We were too cocky, Kaguyabros...

Kaguya Modo de la Negro

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What the fuck is this shit?


Currently reading the spin off and Holy shit this page

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I have seldom related this much to Kaguya

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>embarrassing a lady
too bad president

Fuck Prez is too precious.


posting the missing 4 page otterbait

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Holy fuck. Are we really going there again? I thought we were past this. I thought they were a couple already. I thought the plot would advance to the college arc. Not this shit. WHY? WHY MUST IT BE LIKE THIS?

Oh boy I sure hope no one jumps to conclusions about what happened without knowing the full context

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aka is a hack, otterfags were right *autistic screeching noises*

Based daddy poster

These baiters aren't even trying anymore


>everything that's not my opinion is bait


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Discount Kaguya is still better than most others.


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Jesus christ
Who'd think that fucking Ice will be the cutest of them all

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>implying her brother didn't grow a foot taller and get buff after he decided he no longer needed to try so hard at being #1 in the national exams.

Who wouldn't

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Loli Hayasaka a cute

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Reminder that F's IQ is higher that most people and is treated like some kind of chaotic unthinking animal by mentally unstable, ungrateful bitch and a monster virgin with Parkinson's

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becuz Aka is a faglord
nobody would complain/shitpost/whatever if he isn't such a hack

Is this nisekoi2.0 with all the padding and stretchy goodness?

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how many of you is new on Kaguya threads ?

imagine being newfag who can't appreciate comedy & episodic aspect on this manga and begging for progression every chapter.

they even don't know how we can survive on early Kaguya with so many episodic and monthly chapter, and after fireworks with no progression.

if you can't handle episodic comedy manga like this just drop the series because it's not suit for you. because if you keep pushing yourself reading it you will just became otter no matter what.

> Asks for coffee
> Moves in for a taste of sweet sugar
Women. Not even once.

>ITT: People that still don't get that Aka is timing the chapter of them becoming a couple with the anime's end.
Please, stop crying for two weeks.


>Changed the pacing for the anime
What a h___

Literally this.
Kaguya is an episodic commedy as its core, the plot and characters' progression are basically a bonus.

>not Kaguya Princesa de Hielo
1 job.


This. I love early Kaguya for its humor and jokes. Having progress is nice and all, but I don't understand why people want it every chapter, even before the confession and the kiss. Can we just stop and enjoy the comedic moments of this manga?

No thats Bokuben. This is a gag of the week romcom with a focus character interactions and self referential humor with lots of fluff and occasional drama tied together by tons of foreshadowing and continuity nods

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So... this is the power of El Hermano...

are u newfag who discovering this manga last week or something ?

Pacing always semi-episodic like this even long before anime retard.

So is mine, and I'm still fucking retarded

>kanji in her eye
am I seeing things here?

What a waste of character
Aka is a hack

But Fujiwara is never shown as retarded and surprisingly insightful a times

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>This is the guy who defeated Shirogane in the national exam and that was supposed to NTR him if the story followed the princess Kaguya lore accurately
Not what I expected

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> Hayasaka is a bit of a crybaby

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>Reminder that F's IQ is higher that most people
Integer overflow works on IQ?

He's going to end up being a complete cuck just like his sister

>getting bullied by Maki
Truly El Hermano

He was juggling the ball one thousand times till Maki interrupted.

>許嫁 means fiancee
At least until we find out it's just prez being paranoid.
I know Jap and if that's kanji, I can't read it.

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Arranged marriage aside, what reason would El Hermano personally have to pursue Kaguya if it ever came to that arc?

People tend to forget that Maki is Discount Kaguya. Going after her romantically would be equal to trying to fuck his sister.

That's hot.

When is the chapter supposed to drop?

And I present to you, the status quo. Have fun with this beta MC you fucking faggots

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It's called underflow, moron.

Before getting into the car, Kaguya actually drops a cold-hearted "o kawaii koto" with a cold stare to Prez. I zoomed in on it.
Prez's worst fears have come true.

Wow, you're actually right.

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>It's only getting worse in the pages not posted yet

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sometime this week

If that's the case, it's well deserved considering how much of a faggot he is this chapter.

time to panic?

RIP prez lads, he had a good run

it's literally fucking over

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Actually, I'm fearing for this chapter. It might actually turn to sudden drama that comes out of nowhere.

KOfags are also laughing at us now.

How about not assuming shit and waiting for proper context?

> Chapter 142: Miyuki Shirogane Wants To Hang Himself (Part 1)


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Despite Aka's hackery I will probably enjoy this chapter more that I initially expect


I mean he deserves it

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Yes and?
She told it before.

It is suspicious they haven't posted the rest of spoilers
This is just like other chapters of importance, fucking chinks are hiding the best pages until gook scans come out

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I think i want to die so i'm going home

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>I zoomed in
I see, the CIA is here.

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Please don't die though.


This was some Hiroshima-tier defeat for Prez. That's probably the second-worst thing Iceguya could have done.

#1 being How Cute'ing Prez dick after she pulled down his pants.

the good news is at least this day is officially over. the last text box says something like "result" just like when the day ends in other chapters. we're one day closer to the party bros



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If it does happen(and it probably will) i doubt it'll be anything intended to be all that serious, no one related to Maki is allowed to cuck anyone

Chances are around 100% she will go back to Hakaysa and go full crying mode over what she's done

Ice-chan is the most cock starved kakuya form

What's going to be next?

Prez falling in a state of depression and self-hate? Kaguya complaining to Hayasaka how much of a faggot Prez was?

Most likely (and hopefully) Prez will go and consult someone else in order to solve the situation. Kaguya looks really pissed off.

Who could he reasonably ask about this?
His best chance would be Hayasaki but she'd probably just call him a faggot aswell

She can't catch a break can't she?

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I have a feeling we will get prez seeking relationship advice chapter, maybe somewhat of a mirror of chapter 38

Prez is being a bitch here but it also doesn't seem as though Kaguya herself is doing a particularly great job of "setting things straight" here. She made it sound as though she was gonna actually cut the bullshit and just talk things through properly but from what we're seeing in the spoilers it seems more like she's just trying to manipulate Prez into making a move on her and then getting frustrated when he doesn't play along and actually just ends up even more confused. They're basically doing the exact same thing they've always been doing, trying to get the other person to make the first move because they don't want to do so themselves.
(t. person who doesn't actually know what's happening and is making a whole bunch of assumptions based on incomplete ant spoilers)


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did prez deny kaguya's kiss? never knew he's such a faggot

>Prez will go and consult someone else

>Ahh, a girl like that is the absolute worst. Kissing a man and then hitting him in the face the next time they meet? What is this, a comedy gaga manga? Honestly, a man should just stay from that kind of violent woman, there's nothing good about someone like that.

>next inner turmoil representation
>Defendant; IceKaguya
>Prosecutor; Bakaguya

Not even Prez is stupid enough to ask Subject F for relationship advice

how pathetic

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I haven’t been in a Kaguya thread since jag dropped, what does “otter “ mean exactly?

We are overdue for another Maki advice chapter.

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no i think she was expecting him to kiss her, but he was expecting her to kiss him.

>Well, you know, thinking about it, the man wasn't exactly right in his behavior. He should have probably accepted the kiss as a love declaration, though awkward it was. We're talking about people who don't know much about love so mistakes will be made, for sure. The man should have just probably stopped... overthinking things...

>Implying he will consult F instead of Ishigami

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> Chances are around 100% she will go back to Hakaysa and go full crying mode over what she's done

That's assuming she thinks she did anything wrong. Maybe Kashiwagi talks some sense into her - that she has to take the lead before reaping the rewards.

Asking Hayasaka would clear up the issue pretty quickly, so it isn't going to happen.

Another Ishigami love advice chapter? That would be great.

Turns out love will never stop being war

Gee anontachi I dont know
personally I also thinks that consulting with THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS FRIENDS WITH ICEGUYA FOR YEARS a bad idea

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Stop laughing at me! T-the kiss memories are still fresh in my mind! THE RAPIST WAS PUSHING ME TO INITIATE!

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If she's so smart then why are her grades slipping?

Otters hate the manga they're reading but can't stop reading it, which doesn't work in this case since otterposters are the ones complaining in the threads all the time, but it be like that with forced memes

When was the last time she actually said it to the president?

>Pushing Hayasaka so hard on studies she starts crying

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>prez please im so sorrryyyy huuuuuuu

Maki and ishigami giving prez love advice chapter? Sign me the fuck up

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Imouto is the answer.

Just a shitty misappropriated Nisekoi meme.

I don't think we'ver seen her "o kawaii koto"ing the president

Prez is just an innocent rape victim, and now his rapist is emotionally abusing him as well.
He needs sympathy, not scorn.

Now that's a choice that will get him called a faggot and generally berated for dissappointing Kaguya

The actual otters in Yea Forums are the Somafags.

Are you trying to kill the man?

the 5toubon chads are laughing at us again

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She became lazy and complacent
or maybe she doesn't care about grades as a big fuck you to her parents because she was forbidden to play piano
I don't know I'm not Aka

He will consult Haysaca, and Hayasaka will win the Shiroganebowl while Kaguya commits an hero

best ending

>icekaguya won't make matters worse btw
What sort of farce are they even cooking now? Kaguya already went in and mouth-raped him but somehow it's Shirogane's fault.

How can you look at this and say it's not his fault

A guy who kept using an otter reaction image kept claiming during the recent arc that nothing would happen and week after week each chapter blew him the fuck out. The kiss not only happening but turning out to be full tongue in mouth was the final blow.

> Imouto, please help! There's this girl I like...
> He's totally talking about me!
> And she's awesome and smart and beautiful...
> Yep, definitely me!
> and she face raped me the other day...
> Not talking about me!!
> and I don't know what to to. Help??

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5toubun is so shit so doubtful.

But imouto loves Kaguya

If she is comiting an hero she is taking Hayasaka with her for sure

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> love advice from Cuck Queen Maki

What could possible go wrong?

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Prez is gonna need some re-education on how to not fumble at important moments.

>Wants to confess
>Gets close, but fails due to cat maid costume
>Tries to ask her out, she fucks it up
>Manages big shiny confession method
>"Oh wait, I can just avoid wording my intent, since she accepted going to Standford with me, I can just take my time"

He was never a chad, he was just trying to reinforce his will, but he's still a major spaghetti spiller.

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Does it make me an otter if I legitametly enjoy how shitty Soma is?

He should get advice from capable people, not a guy who doesn't know he has confessed and a girl whose love life is so miserable that you can't even laugh.

Can you remind me the chapter from which this picture comes?

She's the one that kissed him first and now she's angry that he wouldn't kiss him back when they've yet to define their new relationship. Guess, I'll wait for the TL.

She just doesn't really study. That's all. Many students are like that. Not a surprise.

Also, here's some massive lies Hayasaka.

If you enjoy it for the absurdity of it, and to get laughs at how shitty it got, then not really.

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I don't think there are any capable people in this manga

Okay, those are clearly lies.

The best advice for him is the one he himself gave a long time ago early in the manga where only retards who planned to spend their entire life alone will try to play games around relationship.


Are you guys literally forgetting the "that was a lie chapter"? It was explained there. She's a model student, and likes to learn, but she trusts Prez and Kaguya's advice too much, since they're both top students, and she applies their bullshit "study" methods. Even then, her grades aren't really bad, they're just not the best compared to all the other students who get good grades.

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They aren't lies if you massage and stimulate them every day

I wish i was between those lies

>許嫁 means fiancee
time is running out slowly, it seems


>Prez actually resolves to talk things through with Kaguya after she wakes up
>She does wake up but then immediately starts trying to play mind games with him in an attempt to get him to make a move on her
>Prez just ends up even more scared and confused and ends up backing out again
Kaguya definitely shares part of the blame here (though Prez is still being a bitch)

We don't even have the text yet though. Plus, even if Prez wanted to talk, he has shown to put that into mind, but not into practice when it counts. We need more context on what they're saying anyway, since they seem to be going home together at the end.

> since they seem to be going home together at the end.

And Prez somehow fucks up again which angers her even more.

Actually according to that chapter she doesn't give a flying fuck if her grades slip because even if her parents follow through on their threat to take away her allowance she knows she can just beg her grandpa for money.

Well yeah, but she still likes to learn, that's been explicitly explained. Even if she had a backup plan for money, that doesn't negate the previous fact.

Perfect ending

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Aka just carried away a little but then editor-san come and puch him in the face.
Now we can enjoy status quo for our heart content.

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>being such a little bitch
he deserves that and more

How about Papagane? With Kei eavesdropping as well.

Is this the first thread today with spoilers?

Will he ask the true love detective Ishigami

This is easy. Not a virgin like Ishigami will resolve this. It's been here all along, just as Prez is getting depressive and suicidal, this fucking guy finally shows up and gives advice. It will be beautiful.

>tfw there is an actual chance of that happening

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No. The previous one was.


Holy fuck das it mane.

Papagane vs Papaguya when?

I need this


She's still ice, so no.

No but don't read last thread it was cancerous shitposting and baiting.

I mean he did get married with 2 children. He's a chad too. Why don't the Prez ask his dad?

rape kaguya till she dies

Make that three

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>prez is being shy again
>this is totally an unexpected development and hasn't been shown before in previous chapters various times
>this has no precedent whatsoever
Everyone ITT is a fucking retard.
And if you post an otter in reply to me I'm going to strangle your fucking neck.

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wow.... can't believe the otterniggers got the win this time.


>I mean he did get married with 2 children. He's a chad too.
> Chad

Literal trash can get married and pump out crimes against humanity's gene pool. That isn't a measurement of success. As it stands,
> he's jobless,
> relies on his children to pay for the family and
> his wife left him, but he's too beta to divorce her.

That's no chad at all. The only thing he has going for him is his banter.

Aka is a fucking hack. You can't deny it.

Fuck, where is this from? I want to fuck Maki if she treated me like this.

kill me pls. i dont deserve to live but too coward to kill myself, please help me


>This is El Hermano
Pfffffff hahaha
What a pathetic cuck

Aka's a fucking hack. He's just going to extend this with the same Ishimiko love triangle drama shit.

There's been more progress in the last 10 chapters than 90 before them, but these threads have just gotten worse and worse.

When she said it to him for the first time, it traumatized not only Prez, but Kaguya herself to the point where they imagine the other party how cuting them months later. So yeah, it's that bad.

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>he's still a major spaghetti spiller.
nah, he's just a little shy

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I can't believe otterfags fucking won again. I thought Aka was better than that but he succumbed too.

El hermano is probably the kinda guy who will make a really smug face for one panel then totally break down after getting insulted once. I wonder why I think that.

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Those last 90 didn't have Kaguya tongue-kissing Miyuki so people gave less shit about the progress.

Haremfags out.

>all these crybabies about otters
>and all these otters

As down the glen one Easter morn
To a city fair rode I
There armed lines of marching men
In squadrons passed me by
No fife did hum, no battle drum
Did sound its dred tattoo
But the Angelus bells o'er the Liffey's swell
Rang out through the foggy dew

Right proudly high over Dublin town
They hung out the flag of war
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky
Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar
And from the plains of Royal Meath
Strong men came hurrying through
While Brittania's huns with theirlong-range guns
Sailed in through the foggy dew

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Animeonlies just finished reading the manga, now they expect a lot more because reading it all in one take is far faster than reading it weekly. These people literally expect them to start fucking right now ogherwise it's shit and Aka is a hack.
It's like they've never read a weekly manga, ever.

>Literally just male Maki

It's all one person falseflagging to make the thread more shit, more than likely.

What are the odds of a chapter/miniarc where Kei realizes she doesn't want Pres to go to Stanford and tries to sabotage him leaving

Two because I just arrived. And it's true.

It was even in the anime. Remember bed scene

I want to kiss Maki and convince her that everything will be ok!

It's all stupidity and bait. But that doesn't excuse Prez being apparently an absolute fucking little bitch in this chapter. For fuck's sake.

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She said it to him when he got into bed with her when she was sick. Although, the tone was pretty different.

This. They fucking french kissed and this level of status quo is pure bullshit.


Nah, it was just Kaguya. Pres just took it without knowing what the fuck just happened

Calm down, we don't even know what actually happens in this chapter


I said it in the last thread but people got too used to the Culture Festival's pacing and now that we're transitioning to the next arc we have a bunch of people screeching about a lack of progress every gag chapter.

It's a meme you dip.

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why does this turn me on

> ravage me in ways that would make Hayasaka suffer a heart attack once she hears the details

Consensual sex in the missionary position, with lights out, for the sole purpose of creating a baseball team would already do that.

Well, theyre twins

I thought otters had migrated over to kf2.

That would make a good answer if it wasn't O MY ALTERNATE PERSONALITY pulling the plot back
I mean she cockblocks him and goes how cute or something like that

No otters here. I'm personally just criticizing Aka for actually falling into the same traps as other romcoms.

>the people making the threads shit are actualy shounenfags
It all makes sense now. That's why everybody's acting like an entitled retard.

Drop this while you still can.

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That's not the one that traumatized him though


Time for extras.

The whole point of the meme is that otters can't stop reading it you fuck. At least do it right.

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Letting shounenshit on the board was the worst thing that Yea Forums has ever done. This plague must be purged.

You have Pres himself wondering what the fuck he should make out of a kiss like that like 3 chapters ago. Don't speedread

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I think this is exactly opposite status quo.
It looks like Kaguya tries to forcibly advance their relationship.
At this rate, Prez can't chicken out anymore.
Don't forget Christmas is Coming Soon.

why does this place become the dumpster pile for all the memes from other series
we have otters, el hermano, O MY ____

>while you still can

Thanks my day is ruined

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So is true, Prez and Ishi are too pure. Kaguya will rape Prez and Miko will rape Ishi.

Anime adaptation

Thanks for dumping satan

Korean scans are out by the way


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I know Aka hates drawing the extras in the volumes but come on you lazy hack

Shitposting secondaries being absolutely braindead as fuck and looking for nothing but antagonizing people just to get a kick out of it. Consider migrating to another website, you'll get better discussion there.

>I mean she cockblocks

He cockblocked himself by spilling his spagetti everywhere. That "How Cute" at the end might regress their relationship by God knows know many steps, as it fuels Prez paranoia, making him extra cautious, while Iceguya grows more and more restless and dissatisfied by Prez faggotry.

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Can someone give us a TL on these to fix my anxiety?

He's already done so repeatedly with Ishigami's arc (oblivious ladykilling, white knight loner, the cat and mouse relationship between him and Iino, etc). A lot of this manga has the same shit other romcoms do, it's just written smarter than average.

Lots of importance is being placed on this lost and fouind item! How curious!

First Karen, now Hayasaka. Who's next?

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I can't believe the protestants finally got Hayasaka!

>By the way. I really want to fuck your brother, like, I want him to make my legs buckle up from an entire night of sex. Do you know any positions he enjoys by the way? Any kinks?

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If you notice, pretty much all those memes started after the anime did. Its secondary fags flocking into a popular series looking for something to meme about. It happens to adaptations every season.

Cry all you can I'm still right
Still they kissed and they both liked it. The "I fear rejection" thing is somewhat excusable but keeping them like this after the kiss is distillated retardation. Don't defend this shit please.

> he didn't even take her hand when walking her home gently, despite all of her hints

Are you fucking serious?

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imagine the doujins...

Extras end.

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I can't believe Hayasaka is fucking dead

What the actual fuck?

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It's pver. Aka has literally never done anything this stupid with the manga. Fuck this shit. I wish I could stop reading it, unironically. Why would he do this? At least let him hold the god damn hand you fucking nigger

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Shirogane is an even bigger faggot than anyone could have expected.
I really fucking hope he gets berated by fucking everyone next chapter.

Thanks for the extras user, time to vacate this thread now that the cancer begun.

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I detest NTR but I honestly, without any sarcasm, want this to end with NTR. Fuck Prez.

How cute.

Hayasaka > Kaguya > Iino > Onodera > Maki > Tsubame > Kashiwagi > Chika

Thanks but isnt it usually 10?

He really worked his hardest to earn that "O kawaii koto"

She unironically said
>You couldn't even hold my hand
>how cute
And he deserved all of it. Fuck Shirogane that fucking loser.

defend what nigga

All you're doing is jumping to conclusions with no substance whatsoever.

You had an entire chapter with Haysac telling Kaguya how stupid this whole thing was and Pres wanting to talk things over to confirm only to be denied the possibility right now.

Even judgekid defined their current relationship as "more than friends, less than lovers".

Again. Don't speedread

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I'm honestly enjoying the whole thing quite a lot.

The entire thing so far had been a stream of "I got a crush, and I'm gonna be with that person forever" deal, and finally got resolved.

Now, it's two socially broken people trying to understand each other beneath the layers of bullshit, after thinking that everything would just go smoothly. It's like every first/young meaningful relationship, honestly.

Problem is, nobody in this board ever had one.

Jesus fucking Christ.
What a fucking faggot

Attached: best kaguya.png (653x421, 324K)

>Hold the hand Prez. Hold the hand now, do it Prez, come on.

Attached: DO IT.png (629x401, 233K)


Please learn how to fucking space your posts

user, don't worry.The secondaries will leave after the anime ends. It may take a couple of months but these threads WILL get better, I know it.

>ready for Ishi x Miko x Tsubame drama
>"LOL NOPE. Let's reset Kaguya and Miyuki's relationship to FACTORY FUCKING ZERO."
I didn't ask for this.


End, of what's currently available. There's probably another 2.

Attached: Huhuhu.png (304x371, 157K)

And she's completly right

>Yea Forums goes from adoring Shirogane to hating his guts within a month over a simple walk home



Attached: ORAROAORAOROA.jpg (1500x1500, 721K)

prez has reached tarou levels of retardation and faggotry

Hello Police, I want to report a case of murder in self-defense


She literally leaned in for a kiss. How in the fuck is this a reset to zero you retard? Now it's more like "how to make Prez not act like a faggot".


Christmas party fun times ahead. Who will Miko punch in the face?

>Retards not noticing that hes not paying attention and clearly thinks this is a mindgame
Are you guys pretending?

monster virgin my ass

Attached: ew.png (533x397, 235K)

He'll be the opposite act like a little bitch and then do something extremely alpha afterwards

He acted like a complete retard during this chapter. I'm waiting for Japanese or TL but the pictures pretty much say it all.

We always shit on characters when they go off rails, or do stupid shit. Right now Prez is being a little sissy shit who can't even hold hands with the girl he likes when she's doing EVERY SINGLE THING POSSIBLE to hint that she wants it.

Attached: Prez dissapointed.jpg (603x593, 45K)

>just realized that its nearing april 1 in OUR time

Now I know I'm talking to a redditor. Predictable as only hugbox delving cucks can defend this bullshit.

This is all Kaguya's fault for conditioning Prez to question her every action.

Based and Provopilled

TLs are going to BTFO the shitposters as always.

Doesn't matter. She already kissed him. He already knows they like each other. Still being this "careful" when Kaguya obviously dropped the act and when he is obviously special to her is a attribute for a faggot loser beta nigger

>he resolved to be honest with his feelings during the festival
>now he's back to second-guessing Kaguya's "mindgames"
There's character development, and then there's BS "returning to status quo."

Yes we noticed that he's fucking retarded.

>this tastes bad
>at least I know what coffee should taste like from our servants brewing
>this tastes like it was just boiled
>I haven't brewed coffee myself before
>Next time, I'll learn how to brew coffee from Fujiwara
A sudden sense of crisis for Fujiwara
>Shinomiya seems to be in a bad mood. Did something happen?
>She loosened her hair
>She looks like the old Shinomiya

Attached: p1.png (621x929, 511K)

It will probably take a full volume for him to man up again.

Congratulations, Yea Forums, Enjoy your status quo


>reading being spoiled pieces of shit
>one mistake, and they leave you in the gutters
wow...human nature. who knew, right?

> first the botched kiss initiated by the girl
> now we got the equivalent of "You couldn't even hold me"

Prez went full Shinji. At the current rate we're going, Kaguya is going to "How cute" Prez while he chokes the everliving shit out her at the beach, with a giant, severed Fujiwara head in the sea.

Thanks koreanbro.

That literally doesn't matter. He's retarded for doing that. Kaguya literally just kissed him the day before.

wow President is so beta, he looks like a woman, this is like the intro to a NTR doujin

ok speedreader

>Prez always thought Kaguya would say "how cute" everytime he seems like he wants to make a move on her
>In reality, she said how cute when he didn't do it
Poetry. Anyway, I'm sure Prez will get his shit together by Christmas so people should stop being so paranoid.

>Next time, I'll learn how to brew coffee from Fujiwara

Attached: 63f.jpg (794x549, 184K)



So like President then.


>actually acting all fidgety and anxious around the girl she was just fooling around with not so long ago

Prez just had his confidence shattered by Kaguya's full tongue action and isn't sure about their relationship now that Kaguya jumped like 3 steps. He's going to work back his confidence and blow the fuck out everyone hating on him in this thread on Christmas.

Fuji chapter training incoming

Attached: 1518878291914.jpg (417x549, 81K)

God damn iceguya is so aggressive

kek this is unironically the worst developement of the kiss closure I could have thought of, well fucking done you retarded fucking author

Fuck you for ruining him Aka. He unironically made the manga for me.

So, how many chapters til Christmas? 2?

Your sense of reading the mood is even worse than Ishigami's was when he was first introduced.

>Next time, I'll learn how to brew coffee from Fujiwara

Attached: Fujiscared.png (581x720, 394K)

>A sudden sense of crisis for Fujiwara

He's going to poison Fujiwara, isn't he?

Attached: Fujiwara dead.png (593x581, 415K)

The thing is his plan utterly failed: he wanted a confession out of Kaguya, but got mouth rape instead. He's out of balance because unexpected things keep happening. He should just go with the flow and let things unfold naturally.

Prez suffers from Iceguya-induced PTSD, give him a break

She's mentally unstable. How the fuck are you suppose to ignore this shit?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 10 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_02.00_[2019.02 (1280x720, 50K)

how much skin grafts will she need from the 3rd degree burns?

brace yourselves.

Attached: images (3).jpg (480x441, 19K)

What mood? Just because she's being a little edgy doesn't mean you have to act so fucking pathetic with a person you were just having mindless fun with a few moments ago. This is absolutely ridiculous.

First we have 30 chapters of prez going full chad and kaguya being a blushing tard, now the tables have turned.

>324 posts
>94 posters
Really makes you think.

>All these retards pretending Prez wasn't always a little scaredy cat when it came to making a proper move
>Literally pussied out on confessing properly after he did the balloon stuff, because she accepted going to stanford already
>Completely autistic about wording shit

It's like you faggots don't read the goddamn manga.

Attached: That's gay.jpg (768x768, 190K)

>Ottercucks don't read the manga
and water is wet
Something new we should know?

Do you really expect speedreading doomposters to have read anything?

Persona - A Social Mask
As proposed by Jung, no matter what people are actually like, their social behavior changes depending on the environment
One's behavior with family, friends, lovers, the internet, everyone acts a certain role
This is especially true for Shinomiya
The training she received was very rigorous
To protect herself in any situation, much work was done to lay the foundations of her persona

Attached: p2.png (625x935, 538K)

>every other romcom MC acts beta
>(insert author) is a hack!!1!1
>Prez acts beta
>N-no no no, can't you see? It's in character for him

They didn't read the manga, it's all shitposting secondary speedreaders reading it as fast sas possible so they can have something to shitpost about.

I can still get mad at characters that act according to their characterisation.
That's the beauty of manga/novels/fiction in general

I always knew manga purists are retards

Attached: 1551645584763.png (1157x1500, 1.39M)

He always does. He does the majority of the grand gestures anyway, so the onus falling back to him again this arc is frustrating.

>hasn't been in the 450 posts 54 poster Bokuben threads
You're like a baby.

uh oh

poor fuji

Attached: 12983129634.jpg (328x342, 22K)


Attached: Cease.jpg (250x326, 22K)

try the 500+ posts with 30 posters in VEG threads

>the president can be shown to have feminine traits sometimes
they forgot that he can be an absolute faggot, given the circumstances. i can forgive him in this one...but damn.
not holding her hand??!!? fuckin!!REEEEE!!

You already posted this in the last thread

>implying I would read the biggest piece of shit romcom out of all of the current ones

I knew Aka was a psfag.

VEG was just fucking sad.
Especially the most forced "fandom war" with Darlifra

> Fuji chapter training incoming

What if Fujiwara absolutely refuses him, so he has to ask Hayasak for help? Girl knows how to make a good coffee and she's his bro.

Attached: consider the following.jpg (600x600, 48K)


No shit she went the problematic gyaru route for school
Poor girl

Attached: 1552921142292.png (97x120, 17K)

t. Kaguya wants to be status quo'd fag

Attached: Pathetic.png (576x576, 225K)

>one wrong move.
fuck off, spoiled otternigger.

Into the gasenwagen you go.

Attached: 1552853035236.png (808x1200, 2.2M)

Yes. It's a fitting response for that retarded post

Fujiwara can't say no when she's asked for help. And I don't think Hayasaka would ever accept as she probably knows how painful it is to train Prez.

She would act tsundere at first but she will help him in the end

The only retard here is you for assuming every posters acts the way you project them to act. I never claimed Prez was alpha, I even shit on him when he pussied out on properly confessing at the time of the balloons.

I kind of doubt that learning how to cook coffee is the highest on his priority list after tha blowout

It's because he's overthinking it.
That's always been their problem, the "War Between Love and Brains" is internal.


>Making Lolisaka cry

Attached: dead Hayasaka.jpg (492x382, 31K)

I hope I translated this mental part correctly but take it for what it's worth considering it's just an amateur job

While it isn't as severe as dissociative identity disorder or having a personality disorder, her deeply engrained mask can be thought of as a deeply rooted character
>I mean president
>Let's talk about what happened the other day
>It's here
>What do you think about our relationship?

Attached: p3.png (626x934, 518K)

It was cute, nevertheless.


>What do you think about our relationship?
There it is.

> Persona

Edit when?

Attached: Persona template.png (763x623, 262K)

>Retards saying its returned to status quo.
>Kaguya is actually acting like she did when they first met while trying to get him to initiate the kind of things couples do.
>Shirogane spazzing out because the kiss and Kaguya suddenly shifting gears is making him question if he misunderstood her.
>At the end Kaguya is pissed and does the "How cute" not because his attempts to get her to confess are adorable but because he couldn't even do the simplest couple-like things out of fear it was an elaborate mind game.

You retards don't even know what status quo is for this manga. They "confessed" and now they're working past the leftover baggage that lead up to this. Christmas chapter (The time for couples in Japan) is in a few weeks and the manga has pounded this fact in the past several chapters.

My point was him being "in-character" isn't a good defense to use for this god-awful character type that has plagued romcom MCs since the beginning of time

Did Aka put is specifically for the tards that were shitposting about mental illness?

Today's loss: Otterfags, for having their hopes up.

Most likely. Shitposters BTFO

I literally don't give a shit about that. I give a shit about that she all of sudden act like she has a personality disorder and the author will probably just deny it. It literally fucks with everything.

her period is late

>I am literally retarded and complain about non issues

Aka is browing this thread right now

So if I get it right, Iceguya is the same as Maid Hayasaka. A personality that has become natural and unconscious to Kaguya, but not really her true self.

>We're student council members I suppose
>It'd be weird to call us just friends
>If we've gone that far then
>Lovers, probably?
>What should we call it
>Lovers is a bit surprising
>For real?

Attached: p4.png (631x934, 477K)

>first panel

>Christmas chapter
So how do we expect this to go on both sides? Smooth sailing and lighthearted fun times for Ishigami and melodramatic bullshit for our main couple, or will it be melodramatic bullshit for everyone?

No I am not.

>non issue
>MC literally has traits of a mental illness

How? It's just disturbing and probably an issue the author won't deal with probably other than "she's back to her normal self lmao"


I understand being mad at him for this, but yeah, this is the balloon god we're talking about.
Mans will pull through.

So this is why prez went full beta, he used his last alpha points for this one.

>Christmas chapter (The time for couples in Japan) is in a few weeks
Its literally a day from now, which makes the complaints even less valid

Attached: 1551222835257.jpg (321x249, 24K)

Oh damn, didn't think they would get to this point already

Oh nononononono

Mein Gott, pure ideology. Aka would do better to read Lacan, *sniff*

Shit what? Was that an attempt at getting him to prove what he's saying?
Am I dreaming or she was actually provoking him and he actually didn't reply as expected?

Oh yesyesyesyesyesyes

Fucking kuuderes. Bakaguya would have accepted from the start

jesus christ she's ALPHA

Will it surpass the fireworks arc?

I wonder what Prez got Kaguya for her birthday.

Fuck off Zizek

>Shirogane was the cool and confident one when he was being honest about his feelings, and Kaguya was a mess mentally.
>He gets cheered as a Chad and Kaguya gets called cute.

>Now Kaguya has mentally composed herself and actually takes steps to moving forward with their relationship and Shirogane is thrown off kilt by her forwardness.
>Suddenly Yea Forums turns on both of them.

I know this place is misogynistic and full of hypocrites but goddamn.

Ah, but what if the opposite were true?

She hasn't mentally composed herself. She literally just switched personality back to how she was a long time ago after some mental illness tier hallucination. The author should have handled it better than this disturbing shit.

Shut up I love Kaguya, Shirogane is a faggot

>Suddenly Yea Forums turns on both of them.
I never believed speedreaders but goddamn we have legitimate retards too?

It posed no issue when it comes to the relationship, and actually allowed for more romantic stuff to happen.
Here, it's literally ripping apart their relationship because they are not on the same tone.

Feminism is truly shit inside relationships.

People are dumb, we know.

i hadent seen the raws , but just the replys to this post make me laugh

Attached: wheeeeeeeze.png (388x275, 25K)

The first one is unironically excusable. Prez has never gone as far as kissing her.

They are just pretending....
I hope.

>traits of a mental illness
Haven't we been through this? Aka literally just shat on that retarded assumption this chapter

Attached: bakatoice.jpg (773x541, 152K)

This is pretty true, remember when Kaguya rejected Shirogane asking her to a date? This place didn't riot like this

How to ruin the best character in 1 chapter. by aka Hackasaka

It's not even traits of mental illness. It is mental illness.

>when Kaguya rejected Shirogane asking her to a date?
What chapter was that?

>She hasn't mentally composed herself.
See Fucking speedreaders


>Are you acting like you're my boyfriend just because of the kiss?
>Just because we kiss, we're going out? How childish
>I knew she'd say something like that
>well what you said before isn't out of the question
>I knew from the beginning that you liked me
>What about you Shinomiya?
>How did you think of me when you kissed me?

Attached: p5.png (625x932, 530K)

>mangaka portrays her as having personality disorder
>damage control by saying it's like that but not really
literally a hack

She did that in the Aquarium chapter if i remember correctly

>>Just because we kiss, we're going out? How childish

Absolutely no chill

Why the fuck are the characters doing a 180? Was 135-136 just a dream?

So this actually is her fault, you all shouldn't have doubted Prez.

>What about you Shinomiya?
that was really aggressive

And just like that we're back otterbros

Attached: Smiling-Otter-_art.jpg?v=1500416142.jpg (650x434, 46K)

Here's my last (You) Enjoy it

Attached: 1518158978706.png (716x370, 285K)

Dude, it was pretty fucking obvious,

FUCK Iceguya.

>Just because we kiss, we're going out? How childish
holy fuck

>can't actually prove me wrong but just resorts to buzzwords like "speedreader" and (You) posting

Men have pride, you know?

I mean comparing this to the shoujo parody chapter is quite a leap

>Just because we kiss, we're going out? How childish

Attached: ohnononononono.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

>ree i hate kaguya now since i cant handle seeing a girl be cruel to a guy

Remember when people said that Iceguya was best guya?

>Just because we kiss, we're going out? How childish
Says the girl who thinks you kiss a whore.

>I know this place is misogynistic
get out, feminist!! you and your ilk have no power here!!

>>Are you acting like you're my boyfriend just because of the kiss?
>>Just because we kiss, we're going out? How childish

Previous chapters confirmed she's worried that she went too far and he thinks she's a slut. She wants direct confirmation of their relationship now.


Almost no one on this thread was on Shirogane's side this chapter (despite ice having her faults as well), get your head out of your ass.

Literally destroyed in seconds
Holy fuck

Attached: 1551750787783.png (316x332, 72K)

Honestly that response is such an obviously defensive reaction to her own actions that I dont think I would stay angry. Shirogane is right, just turn the tables on her in this situation.

Who after this could had expected a quick resolution to this issue? Either a retard or s speedwatcher

Attached: sketch-1552923185754.png (1080x1732, 647K)

She brushes his teeth with her tongue, then pulls this shit?
No wonder he thinks she's playing mindgames.

>Didn't you kiss me because you like me? Then
>Don't cause a fuss because of that kiss
>I could kiss anyone if I felt like it
>even now, yes
>do you want to do it now? Kiss?

Attached: p6.png (627x935, 552K)

>replying seriously to retarded otters
I admire you, user

WTF I hate Hacka now.

She is


She's trying to provoke him into making a move on her. She's literally using the same tactic he tried on her near the beginning of the story.

requires no translation

Attached: p7.png (625x929, 458K)

>i cant handle seeing a girl be cruel to a guy
i bet you pathetically white-knight on every girl you come across.


>kaguya's emotions are kind of out of control over her own outrageous stunt
>decides to shut them down in order to regain control of herself
>tries to rely on bantering with shirogane to feel like she's back in control of the situation after the french kiss
>shirogane immediately turns the tables on her because of course he did and he should
Wow so hard to understand whats going on

Well shit. Now I kinda understand Prez. That's borderline creepy and not romantic at all. What the fuck?

Attached: seija_yes.png (518x518, 185K)

>I could kiss anyone if I felt like it

Attached: buahahaahahahahaah.jpg (900x692, 561K)

No wonder Shirogane refused the kiss. It's entirely ingenuine.


>I could kiss anyone if I felt like it

Attached: 1309977644039.jpg (600x687, 155K)

Bakaguya will kill her

jesus fuck hold your shit girl


What the fuck Ice, that's not nice

Attached: D1VW7CDX0AEbJEE.jpg (567x524, 17K)

>>Don't cause a fuss because of that kiss
>>I could kiss anyone if I felt like it
It is 100% reasonable for him to hesitate to kiss her after hearing this bullshit. This is a horrible thing for the girl you like to suddenly say to you.

Hes not wrong
>I could kiss anyone if I felt like it
Jesus Christ Kaguya I thought you said you don't wanna look like a nympho

Attached: 1550518990894.jpg (771x359, 99K)

>kaguya's emotions are kind of out of control over her own outrageous stunt
Yeah, by literally switching personality after a mental illness tier hallucination. Your headcanons aren't in line with what was shown. The author damage controlling by saying it's like personality disorder but not as severe just makes it even more retarded.

This page will never stop enraging me

Stop being such a pussy, holy shit.

He made the right fucking move.

>i cant handle seeing a girl be cruel to a guy
But that's my fetish


Bravo Prez

Holy hell, what an idiot. This is why Iceguya shouldn't have been allowed to take control.

I know it's all a mindgame (Kaguya would never do this shit) but still, that's definitely not what you want to hear after pulling off the rooftop confession. What the fuck is she even thinking?!

So it turns out it was actually Ice's fault for continuing to play retarded mindgames which causes Prez to freak out and second guess himself?

You're taking it way too literally you fucking autist.

user, don't pretend like you're any better.
If you'd had any sort of luck in relationships in your life, you wouldn't be here on Yea Forums.

No, i love Iceguya and pure Prez.

>my shitty headcanon interpretations are what's correct

I bet you assume every female is a whore who wont fuck you

This is the kind of girl that Miyuki Shirogane fell in love with in first sight?

So it was Kaguya the one being retarded and Prez is just freaking out?
Fuck the ice bitch

Attached: 1492541852473.jpg (397x398, 22K)

You dont actually think everyone on Yea Forums is exactly the same person, right?

Ice is love
Ice is life

Well, it's a mindgame, but it's definitely not the same tone as the usual gags. What the fuck is wrong with Aka?

>>my shitty headcanon interpretations are what's correct

Wasn't Iceguya supposed to be the one who was taking this seriously? Why is she acting like a retard?

It's her true nature

Attached: moeha.png (840x504, 410K)

we aren't?

>be a man for us and kiss that slut!!
ya-NOOO. nope!!
why don't you absolute cucks do it for me, huh?

That's not what I said, but if that's the argument you want to invent so you can feel like you won, then be my guest. My apologies for replying to you. I promise it won't happen again.

>dynamic changes after the kiss

I literally just state what has been shown. You act like your headcanon interpretations are correct.

Yeah no.
It will be another story if he looked disappointed or confused after that statement, but his expression here clearly said "I totally want to do it but too much of a pussy to do so".

Imagine being this mad at people loving some manga that you have to shit in threads all day all night. Absolutely pathetic.

Attached: 1552924084436.jpg (600x720, 82K)

>Why is a man waiting to be kissed?
>It feels bad
>huh? But I didn't do anything wrong
>I thought she'd kiss me by force like before
>That kiss was deeply lodged in Shirogane's mind
>Ok, that may be the case but to hit someone over it
>sorry, hitting slow people is one of the Shinomiya clan's teachings

Attached: p8.png (620x932, 538K)

You're a massive hypocrite.

>thread limit
>TL still ongoing

Low brow skank

what a bitch. hayasaka should steal him from kaguya.

>>huh? But I didn't do anything wrong
Damn right, Iceguya is a total whore.

>Prez vindicated in a single thread
Neck yourself, doubters.

Attached: d28f454067055d1e5e127d365216b86d12a08686a8994bfd8e7335fd3a6eef91.png (1207x801, 629K)

Just make a new one once we're near dead.

Fuck you guys, I just came home and and wanted to bust a fat nut but I decided to first check my favorite mongolian basket weaving forum to improve my mood with some cute south asian comics and you do this to me? Not cool.

No, I literally just stated what happened. You even called me autistic for being to "literal" to what happened. Don't shot yourself in the foot.

That's no dynamic change, it's a freaking creepy 180° with actual insults. She's basically saying that what she did during Prez' confession meant absolutely nothing special, insulting the whole event itself.
Wake up, ffs.

He's a massive fucking faggot

After this chapter I sure as hell wish I didn't love this manga

Kaguya you fucking retard. To think people were blaming Prez for this before

>assume everyone is one way on Yea Forums
>get called out because thats stupid
>n-no thats not what I said, now im not replying to you anymore cause I dont want to keep embarrassing myself

She is taking it seriously, but also acting on her desires. She wants Shirogane to explain to her that they're on the dating line, and with the kiss coax him into reaffirming his feelings. But the way she goes about it is just putting all the onus on him with little to no examination on her own part.

Essentially, she's at stage 1 temporarily.

>hitting slow people is one of the Shinomiya clan's teachings
that is a good teaching

Shirogane should just contact Hayasaka, explain exactly what happened to her, and then Hayasaka should backhand Kaguya until she's sane again.

Welp, Kaguya is a fucking retard now. Poor Prez.

Ice did nothing wrong

You're being way too sensitive. You have the emotional maturity of these teenagers.

And this is why Ice isn't in charge anymore.

Yep I hate her now

Attached: 42238200_1951499814873459_5262018966976462848_n.jpg (370x373, 15K)

She'd backhand Shirogane until he stops being a massive faggot that is incapable of doing anything on his own

Yeah, you're not a falseflagger, that's for sure.

No sane man would kiss the woman who admits to being a whore.

This chapter feels like what everyone said Tomo was being this recent arc.

If that was ME
I'd do things differently! I'd take her and embrace her! Take her into my arms and kiss her straight on the lips!

Attached: moon-dark-400x267.jpg (400x267, 8K)

I really fucking hope the next chapter is Hayasaka tearing into Kaguya for how much of a retard she's being.

That's rude as fuck.

Okay seeing this has calmed me down somewhat. I'm still salty that we sill have to wait another two weeks though

Prez haters BTFO

>I wouldn't even think of dating a man with no initiative
>that's it for today. goodbye
>huh, I was going to call my driver but my phone battery died
>I guess I'll walk
>at this time of night, alone?
>Then, what do you suggest?

Attached: p9.png (619x930, 549K)

Can hayasaka even call out iceguya she's fucking cold

>everyone who hates this chapter is a shitposter

What there's another break?

>hitting slow people is one of the Shinomiya clan's teachings
No wonder Hayasaka was crying.

Attached: Hayasakadayoff.jpg (751x290, 124K)

Thanks god Prez has a bit of dignity, unlike you.

I was expecting bad things from Prez but this actually turned out to be a total catastrophe coming from Kaguya. I'm utterly baffled beyond beliefs. This is probably even worse then status quo, it's outright horrible to read. What the hell?!

Attached: 1470433521512.png (510x512, 159K)

She'd already did it with Bakaguya. Now it's Iceguya's turn.

I swear to God, these two are going to be on their deathbed surrounded by their children and grandchildren and still second-guess their relationship.

Don't lie to me, moon. You're the OG orbiter. Never coming any closer always hanging around waiting for us to come to you!

There's another thread that has all the images dumped so I'm just going to move there and move the translations. I'm worried that I'm so slow the thread will die before i finish this

You think full moon or cat ear Prez would be a better match for ice?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190318-105247_Chrome.jpg (641x530, 223K)

>I wouldn't even think of dating a man with no initiative

go on. be a man for me, you absolute cuck.

>>I wouldn't even think of dating a man with no initiative
What the fuck is wrong with this little shit?

Christ you people are fragile. Is it really that hard to understand whats going on?

Iceguya has no right to complain after pulling that shit.

Hopefully someone is going to put her in her place.

Attached: shameless slut.png (296x546, 209K)

This thread will be up for a while. The board is moving slow.

>at this time of night, alone?
>Then, what do you suggest?
oh lawd she's very straightforward

Let me in on your knowledge, O great sage.

Yes clearly Prez should just have to stand there and not do anything.
Fucking retard

This is actually painful to read.

Thank you for suddenly bringing Iceguya into the story, Aka. I'm sure you didn't do it just to drag things out or anything.

embarrassing post


>inb4 the person who snaps icekaguya back is fujiwara

Not that user but the man literally just orchestrated the biggest heart confession of all time.

And literally pussied out right before getting to the confession

And yeah, then Kaguya did the right thing acting like a whore. Asshole.

He has to man up
She want's to be taken
But he just wants to give
The power dynamic is in complete question

This is some last boss shit right here


or he'll die

Day 15: Aka still hasn't stopped and I'm getting scared

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That user was right. Bokuben really is better.

>Iceguya tears into Bakaguya for "not taking things seriously" and takes over so she an sort things out herself
>It turns out her idea of "taking things seriously" is playing more retarded mind games to try and get Prez to make the first move
>Literally all she accomplishes is making Preez even more confused than he already was
Apologise to Bakaguya right now.

He didn't actually verbalize his feelings though and almost backed out of it before she kissed him. She was even internally complaining about him not taking initiative before the balloon gesture.

well, extremely Japanese, at least
especially in sport clubs

When they are finally mutual, she decides to push her expectations when he's totally fine with how she is.

This is too 3d for me.

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Okay, I was almost converted to being an otter, but come on. Kaguya fucked up here.

Exactly my thoughts



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She's probably the whipping girl. Kaguya probably fucked up and Hayasaka was punished for it.

>I could kiss anyone if I felt like it
What a fucking slut.

What the hell is Aka doing with his characters? This is awful.

he is not the author of souma
don't force that shit here user


I demand Hayasaka NTR-ing Kaguya now, it's the only way.

>more than friends
>less than lovers

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Wait, is she trying to deny that french kissing prez doesn't count as confession, so technically she didn't confess? What exactly is she trying to accomplish here?

I'm going put myself under a steamroller to become 2D, go into the manga and break his fucking neck


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She could kiss anyone if she felt like it, but she only feels like it for Prez!