Parallel Paradise Ch. 40 ENG

Our guys delivered.

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Chapter 40? I thought translations had already reached 70-ish

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Only shitty magazine scans with reddit translation.

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And credit page.
Now just 14 chapters remains before we get translated fivesome.

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What is the purpose of publishing censored hentai in periodic journal?

it's all part of Abe's master plan.

You really need to ask?

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Yes, it reads like one bigass tease, just move it to COMIC UNREAL or something.


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what the fuck is this
Picked the fuck up

For mere tease it's too much satisfying.

This? Satisfying? Really?
This is worse that forced drama in Grimgar or forced edge in Asuka.

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>14 chapters left
>last chapter was translated 3 weeks ago
Are the raws atleast available somewhere?

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This was translated ages ago, cease your TL autism

where can I find the raws of this manga

What the fuck is wrong with her armpit?

She starts sweating profusely when embarrassed

This'll come in handy as a reaction image when the /u/fags come out of the woodwork like they do.

If it's your image you're worried about miss you probably aren't helping much by smashing through windows and rolling around screaming like a banshee.

Dude, did you read precious chapter?

Reddit doesn't count as translation. Also this is fucking tankoubon.

Typical Okamoto's way. Remember Nononono?

None of them look precious enough to waste my time on it.

Then why you waste time here.

I'm looking to be convinced, maybe there's some sick sidekick or the plot thickens.

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>I'm looking to be convinced,

>Yes, it reads like one bigass tease
Why? The MC regularly fucks the girls, rather than just having them lust after him for years with no action

>Translation inaccurate
>body proportions inaccurate
New version is totally justified.

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The censoring bit

>hide male fluids in female fluids.
Greatest censoring ever.

you really need to see the dick to get off?

Certainly, some x-ray nakadashi panels too, just to be sure they're actually fucking.

Nope user, he just hugging her tightly. Dick is totally not inside.

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after a quick check: they fixed some missing black collars and added black bars in the flashback panels so there is no big change in this chapter (no additional pages or panels).

There was not much added content in Vol.5. Rather just fixes and redrawed panels.

No, you're looking for some (You)s but you'll have to try harder!

>>Translation inaccurate
so? story is trash

i like this girl the most

And you know it from inaccurate translation, right?

Okamoto deformed her hideously in original magazine art

As an escapist MC he does his job well, but as a character he's boring as bricks. He's like those cool headed isekai MCs who only go where the plot tells him to go, but he just fucks on top of it.

I'd agree, but the user I was responding to was talking about the series being a tease, rather than whether or not the MC was any good

>escapist MC
What make Youta escapist for you?

Apparently another TV commercial is in works. So another ParaPara voice(s) soon.

There is character poll now, you know.

This manga gave me overflowing fluids fetish.

Guess it's doing pretty well then.

Now imagine actual anime with A-list cast. Who would you want hear as who?