This cutey wants to be a graphic designer, but college is way too expensive. Would you just give her some money and your blessing or you'd actually demand the services, /a?
This cutey wants to be a graphic designer, but college is way too expensive...
A free kiss is all I'm good for.
I'd give her some business advice.
Free kisses is way too generous, you can get at least 100 yen for those, and it adds up if you get popular.
How many dics do you need to suck for an autodesk maya license? Asking for a friend.
I'd give her a 10,000 yen bill,headpat her, and be on my way.
Anal is pretty cheap compared to boring baginal sex, good stuff.
Quite a few if you're only charging 250 yen per pop. In excess of 1000 in fact, off some quick math.
I'd offer to be her sugardaddy if she stayed loyal to me
Nothing wrong with supporting her job. A 1000 yen anal session should be good enough, please respect her by not looking at her like a beggar.
>going to college for graphic design
I'm not donating money to some dumb bitch
why is she cheaper than a dirty gyaru?
It's my fetish for when I become a fat bald old man.
Lack of selfworth
>when I become a fat bald old man
Disgusting. You should take her in when you're 45 in the prime of your game. A little salt and pepper in the hair, a good tan, handsome face creases, the ability to rock a polo shirt and khakis; the money is the original draw but when she realizes the beauty of a strong, virile man's man, she won't leave you ever.
>350 yen for paizuri
Now that's a deal.
How much to rub my dick between your thighs?
Lets go with 200.
nice nice nice
For me, it's Kuina
how much to have her fuck a homeless person
10000 yen of anal, please.
>turns into a scarecrow
>basically just a warm sexdoll
Would still pay good money
Amerimutt system is degenerate
10 bucks for anal. not even the biohazard hobo crackwhores charge you that.
Yes, its way to cheap. Does she have aids or something?
With the amount of sex she probably has, she'd be too stretched out for the sex to be any good, anal or vaginal. I'll have paizuri
Give her 50 dollars and a hug.
I'm poor, I have no money to give her
Should be x10000 since it's a cute 2D girl.
>separating Blowjobs and Deepthroat
One is a lot harder than the other.
Oh boy. So cheap. Me likey.
I'll have one of everything on the menu.
>kissing a whore
That is dirt fucking cheap, considering 100 Yen is like $1 in Nipland
>your waifu starts whoring herself out
Would you still love her user?
[ ] Yes, I still love my waifu dearly.
[ ] No, I never loved her to begin with and only called her my waifu for the lulz.