since it seems nami and robin both lost their clothing disguise, what do you want them to wear in the next chapters? what are your favourite outfits for the crew in general?
One piece
Other urls found in this thread:
Shell be beautiful regardless
Challenge it. I won't stop posting it until someone defeats it
Carrot is the only attractive female in the Straw Hat crew
Oda needs to retire. One Piece should remain unfinished. Once you've entered the FT threshold of fanservice, the series has ran its course.
>lucci's justice is now necessary evil
what does this mean?
High level autism
It's probably all he's living for at this point, even his editors tried to make him take a break thats more than 2 weeks, to no avail.
C'mon it's one scene, it's alright.
we're not in dressrosa, my man
Can we not waste another thread on this bullshit?
Lucci will be on akainu's side when the coup starts and the WG faction is split in half
Which is Why I'm seeking another nutcase like that to fight it. I didn't make it but I definitely wanna see someone attempt to defeat it.
What does this series even have on Hunter x Hunter? The writing is worse, the art is worse; there’s simply nothing that can compare
The vivre cards are canon
there are no strawhat spots left
I'm sorry, but carrot isn't in
but why user
the straw hats' always expanding wardrobe is probably one of my favourite details of this series
I wished that Nami would keep that outfit a bit longer desu
Where are their cards because that entire thing is huge to go searching one for one, does it tell the future? Does it say "THIS IS IT" in big letters? Because if it doesn't that's not a defeat.
What do you guys think pf libraryofohara artur?
I don't get how people enjoy Nami at all.
Next to Robin she's on par with Shinobu.
She has the best ass at least
Oda isn't even close to FT style fanservice.
At least two or three of Nami's Whole Cake Island outfits are some of my favorite things she's ever worn in the entire series. I also dig her Enies Lobby outfit and her standard post timeskip outfit.
Robin has some of the best outfits in the entire crew so picking a favorite is next to impossible for me. Alabasta, Skypiea, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Strong World, Dressrosa, and Wano Robin are all 10/10
>new thread starts with lewds
thank you my niggas
I would literally make an army of Germa kids with Reiju, don't need any cloning just her and MY DICK GODDAMN
Why can't Oda or Toei draw women anymore?
so why is the sister of the third worst strawhat best girl
Have Robin grow extra hands on their bodies to cover them
Obligatory best girl post
>has big titties now
>not a woman
Not everyone is into old women
Nami sure grew up.
Sanjis sister is pretty hot
All Oda had to do to make me like Sanji is dye his hair pink and give him wonderful tits and thighs, I never knew it was that simple
Based Zoros wife
>Quads confirms shit we already know
What a fucking waste.....
My Domfu Reiju ...
Thriller Bark Robin is the peak of the female form
>Not enies lobby robin
Who do you think you are?
Literally a man-killer
Judge my post-TS OP track selection:
Fishman Island - Animal Collective - FloriDada
It has jumpiness and a holiday feel that works well with the colorful and low-stress FI
Punk Hazard - Kraftwerk - Das Model
Sciency sounding synthpop with no warmth to it but also fun
Dressrosa - Mr. Bungle - Pink Cigarette
Acoustic guitar reminds me of spain, is's also a love story with evil and death involved which plays into Dressrosa's romantic theme. Ominous elements resonate with Donquixote Family troubled past and evil character.
Zou - Ween - Bananas & Blow
Tropical happy and relaxed feel with a note of grand adventure in the background (road poneglyphs and politics set Straw Hats on a path of both war and adventure)
Whole Cake Island - Pink Floyd - See Emily Play
The mix of happy atmosphere, talk about games and play and psychodelic undertones matches Big Mom's infentile and sick character and the entire arc's aesthetic by extention, since everything in the arc reflects her personality. Also nostalgic talk about a playful girl would match well with the image of Pudding who's a sad girl that gets to spend the happiest moments of her life in this arc and will be nostalgic for them. I think it would put emphasis on the strongest part of the arc which is Pudding's story
Reverie probably would be connected to either Wano or WCI
Wano - Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round
Kinda similar to original DB OP but better, combined with Wano visuals would bring up nostalgia for Dragon Ball, Ruroni Kenshin and old and upbeat anime in general. Sets up Wano nicely as an homage to manga/anime culture of Japan.
Black women tier
Very nice.
God Tier: Brand New World
Great Tier: Kaze Wo Sagashite, We Are
Very Good Tier: Share The World, Wake Up, We Go, Fight Together, Kokoro no Chizu.
Okay Tier: Believe, Bon Voyage, Hikari E.
Meh Tier: Hands Up, Crazy Rainbow, Jungle P, Hard Knock Days.
Shit Tier: We Are: Shitty Boy Band Edition, One Day, the rest I didnt mention.
What the actual fuck were they thinking cutting Brand New World for this garbage? Tier: We Are: Straw Hat version
Cringe and autistic
Why? :(
So what do you think his DF is assuming he has one? I don't know why but I think it's a bird based Zoan like a Peacock or a Cockatrice/Basilisk
So lucci took luffy's words into account and stopped pretending that what he was doing can be called justice, right?
I think his motto became "necessary evil".
So yeah, there's no justice involved.
you should probably send your playlist to the sbs, i think oda would appreciate it
Considering he's working for the WG again even though they're clearly corrupt and tried to kill him, I'd say no he didn't.
I....I liked One day :/
So i dropped this at the start of Wano because its seems like it was a downgrade after big mama
How is the arc so far?
>One Day in shit tier
I love Oda's taste. Truly a patrician artist.
>One Day
That's a good one, shut your mouth.
pretty shit
but he changed his motto from dark justice to necessary evil
That could mean a lot of things. but most importantly it could mean he stopped lying to himself
pretty good
i like this fan op quite bit
i like it almost as much as hard knock days
*pink cigarette reminds me of spain because of tamburino and a glassy sounding electric guitar, it doesn't have acoustic guitar
Literally just an amv
Don’t post this cringey shit here, back to lleddit you go
fun so far but if you want to catch up to read this coming chapter then i'll suggest you to hold on because there isn't much to look forward to except for a zoro fight, if you're in that sort of thing, that we might or might not see
I love her, she's the one girl that actually needs saving.
ayyyy, look what's coming from the right
>mfw Jinbe isn't in Stampede
one piece women are only good for paizuri porn
>Her strength.
Lots of strong characters. Applies to Monet and Momonosuke.
>She is Unique.
Applies to Monet/Momonosuke/KInemon/Caribou
>Her love of adventure and bonds.
Momonosuke wants to fulfill his fathers failed goal. Momonosuke has bonded with every member of the crew. Monet is constantly reading about the stars and moons.
>temporary crew like Kinemon/Momo.
Kinemon and Momonosuke have been adventuring with the strawhats for substantially longer than with Carrot. Momonosuke has specific reason to go to Raftel even beyond Carrot's 'for the lulz.' reason. Monet will suddenly appear, alive with Doflamingo in his return.
Robin saved Luffy's life when he first encountered Crocodile. Carrot tried to kill Zoro.
Momonosuke is too young to run Wano, but going to raftel and fulfilling his father's will will mature him.
the thing about women joining second is numbers theory tier delusion. Same with the literal number theory stuff about "3 arcs later" and such.
>not the central figure
Nami was. Robin was. Monet was for punk hazard and Momonosuke STILL is for Raftel.
>the ship's lookout
They don't need this they've made it far through the grand line without such a lame non contributor. An astronomer would have a telescope for extreme long range viewing and also be able to help the strawhats if they needs to jump to a moon.
In my estimation she received enough saving for now and needs some time to process things and grow. We might be in somewhat different points of the story though, as I haven't read the manga.
Is kaido the only yonko to not job in embarrassing fashion?
Do you think mama lets perospero take multiple wives?
Whitebeard is the only one not to job in embarassing fashion. Kaido go turned around by Shanks before Marineford.
That's a very close second
Pudding didn't appear after that scene so you're probably up to speed on her at least. In my opinion she got a taste of being actually cared for and accepted and now she would do anything to feel that again. She'd probably rather die then live with no hope of being cared for like this again.
Whitebeard got injured by marine fodder and fucking guns
We have no idea of what went down between kaido and shanks, but knowing who kaido is, i doubt it was a fight sense that would take weeks, maybe even months
Shanks hasn't jobbed
>inb4 hurr durr but what about his epic loss to Lor D. Coast?
His focus was on saving Luffy, not tanking damage. And he bitched the Lord out immediately afterward, so no, Lor D. Coast doesn't count
Kaido can turn into shenron and breath at you
Shanks stalled him from Whitebeard and made him retreat
Shanks is down his dominate hand and has no devil fruit or even a large crew, how the fuck did he pull that off?
I love this page because it shows the death of the old age pirate against the new age ones that are like Blackbeard, cowardly faggots who have to wait for someone to be near death, has no chance of retaliating on them and they still needed to resort to common weapons like swords, guns and spears and even while doing that look at Burgass's face, he's not even sure if that's enough to finish Whitebeard.
My only wish is that Oda had let Whitebeard knock all of them back and them getting up thinking they just pissed the guy off more only to see that he died with that attack.
I still feel like the cover was stupid, like it was done in post after the editor said they have to censor the gory detail of Blackbeard digging through Whitebeard's corpse's stomach to grab the devil fruit out of it, still covered in blood, stomach acid and likely gun powder, and just stuffing that fucker in his mouth with no hesitation like a demon.
Shanks is the only Yonko who could attack your ship from underwater making him the most OP Yonko. We already saw that jobber Coby stop a torpedo underwater imagine what Shanks can do.
I think you're right kind user. Really makes you wish best for her, doesn't it?
Kaido can probably swim as well. Narrator said so.
But he has devil fruit, those times he was caught in marine ships was probably before he ate a devil fruit.
Yes, poor darling...
>Kaido can probably swim as well.
>devil fruit user
>can swim
so lucci doesn't really have any reason for being a psychopath other than being trained to be such since he was a child right? his desire to hurt others is pretty disgusting and would only be justifiable if he had even the slightest tragic backstory like doffy does. at least with doffy we understand why he arrived at the world view he has. lucci doesn't have a rhyme or reason for being as violent as he is.
Yeah dude it says everything that Oda had to asspull sudden literal gran mal seizures during combat for Whitebeard to lose.
>His hobby is attempting suicide
>if he could drown he would, the world is 90%+ water
>he's probably half fishman like jack, or perhaps somehow modified.
That's the honest to God math and
here's my theory:
>DF work under water even though they weaken the user
>as a flying dragon he can probably just swim like a seasnake, his enormous muscles probably help that too.
Wow you’re retarded
He doesn’t have a reason, that’s the fucking point, he was raised to be a remorseless killing machine so he is
Good. Thats what she gets for 851
But Meme stopped moving when she fell in the water.
i'm asking if there's anything more to it than that. if there isn't, then my question is answered.
Lucci much like a leopard is just a savage animal. Probably due to some neurological defect.
Mom isn't the strongest creature in the world. Water deactivates haki and we don't know how strong or weak she actually is without armament. Meanwhile Kaido tanked g4 with no haki at all and barely felt it, I think in his core strength he's vastly superior so he can just force himself to swim despite the sea taking some of his strength
What do you think will end up happening to the Tenryubito towards over the course of the rest of the series?
It's directly explained by one CP9 member (I think Lucci actually) that carnivorous zoans increase the aggression an savagery of the user in Water 7 and Ennies Lobby.
Oda said in SBS that a mom is the strongest being in the one piece universe. Kaido wouldn't die but he'd need someone to retrieve him.
user Meme as a fucking five year killed a giant with one hit LONG BEFORE SHE AWAKENED HAKI.
I'm the enlightened one so I can't tell you. I wish I could. I can leave you a riddle though:
What happens at the end of a long and extremely tiring journey if the hero has anything to say about it?
I won't confirm nor deny your answer.
Akainu will die making a last stand against the gorosei and Imu, showing the next generation of marines what it truly means to believe something. Coby will be crying for everyone to stop while kizaru lands the final blow on akainu
Why does Yea Forums like sakazuki so much
Borsalino for life
deposed from power (including the brutal murder of charloss) by the proletariat of the one piece world during the final war.
Good luck Carrot.
WTF.. Charloss seems a man with 40 years.. and her sister only 17? They are really ugly..
Im roasting them alive for the lulz.
well for one reddit hates akainu
second, akainu actually seems to be one of the deeper characters in the series and has never truly jobbed
Look closely.
Akainu isnt wrong, pirates are evil pieces of shit dont let the memehats fool you they are basically anarchist LARPING as pirates not the real deal.
>kinemon kinemon kinemon momonosuke
no one fucking cares, they're not candidates in the first place and you're a retard if you think they have any chance of joining
Blackbeard will reveal that he is the true D. God King and that the Tenryubito are false gods when he claims the throne at Marijoas. Kizaru will job attempting to protect the tenryubito beforehand, and Blackbeard will put them in public stockades or the like so people can throw tomatoes at them.
Many in the world will rejoice.
Not an argument. Momonosuke is the most likely candidate for nakama, since his father's will at Raftel is left unfulfilled.
>not an argument
neither is declaring autistic shit like momonosuke has to go to raftel. its fine if you don't think carrot is joining, but acting like momo is a likely candidate makes you look like an idiot
What if One Piece ends in the Red Line being broken allowing travel between all four blues to be possible?
The only one with the power to do that will likely be BB
I don't think Oda started Momonosuke at the onset of the new world to drop him off at the island before raftel, when his dad went to raftel but his goal was unachieved, no matter how butthurt you are about it.
This is the oldest of old theories
So old its got mold and stories untold
>momo must be relevant because his dad was relevant
so you're making a colossal assumption, and calling others butthurt when they call you out on it; you could not look dumber
So has Carrot joined the crew yet?
Not a Straw Hat yet.
She joined the crew on Zou
Over thrown by either the Revs, Akainu's Marine faction, and/or the general devastation from the Final events.
>Momonosuke isn't relevant.
Is this your real argument after what we've seen of him so far? If so I am done, you're a real retard.
Why would he need to say anything to anyone that isnt luffy and nami?
Also not even a thanks to Reiju after she saved him *again* and was soon after left to the wolves along with Jinbe
he's not relevant as a strawhat candidate
that's like posting the panel of shirahoshi calling the seakings and saying "oh shit she's relevant, she must join the strawhats"
you understand jack shit, and you look moronic
What, the Sunny is 5 times taller than the Merry? The fuck
that makes sense, since the sunny is a pretty stout ship to begin with, it looks small because it isn't very long but it's deceptively spacious
He never apologized to Luffy.
>I think it's a bird based Zoan like a Peacock or a Cockatrice/Basilisk
"You fools dare to mess with the Wano elite?"
Luffy doesn't expect or even want an apology. Luffy was able to recognize what Sanji was going through and why Sanji did what he did.
Sanji still a bitch tho
Yes but I'd still fucking apologize to someone I beat the shit out of regardless of the situation. A few simple words wouldn't hurt his pride.
Fuck off
Its Oda who writes this, ya know? Sanji isnt a real person.
That's pretty cool! Has the artist done any more?
Uh, what? Is that an argument? We're all well aware he isn't a real person. Are you mad we're judging a fictional person?
Have you like ever played any games or stories? People get involved emotionally and mentally with the story, that's how stories are supposed to work. They're not reported writings you just read and go "ok.".
> Momonosuke
Why do people include childern joining as a strawhat? I am pretty sure Oda hates the idea of childern fighting at all.
Someone is angry. Does a little bunny get you angry fag?
Is this the best argument you could've came up with..?
Apologyfags are either women or children
Men don’t expect an apology because apologies are just words and words mean nothing when it comes to truly apologizing
A true apology is action, not words, and any man knows that
I'm just saying, its Oda who thinks this stuff up. Saying Sanji didn't apologize seems to be overthinking things. Maybe Oda just didn't care about an apology or didn't have time with all that he had to write about. I doubt its because Oda thought,"Sanji wot apologize because of his pride".
T. Luffy
Like I said, what the hell are you talking about?
Oda represents Sanji's character with his writing. Saying "maybe Oda didn't just care!" is wrong. He represented Sanji's character by making him NOT apologize, that's all there is. Blaming Oda for writing a character is pretty stupid in itself.
Honestly the whole Luffy waiting for Sanji in the rain bit is 1000x better than Sanji saying sorry but only retards won't understand that.
Maybe he did characterize Sanji by not writing an apology but I doubt it was on purpose. Thats all Im saying. I don't really think its all that important to the story and things moved on pretty quickly. We didn't get a reunion with the crew face to face and things just skip around because of the time. I just dont think Oda cared.
Apologyfags are whiny cucks that think words matter more than actions
Zorofags are the worst
Autism even beyond the OP fanbase
he's a lunachad
Explains why he is so shit
so the benkei guy manipulates weapon size or what
>he's not relevant as a strawhat candidate.
>been there since the start of new world and has plot point in Raftel.
Can someone tell me why Kaido fucked Big Mom?
Was he trying to kill himself in the process?
Who Lawchad here?
Man this arc still isn't over in the anime also
You just know
Because Luffy asked Kinemon to join him, and Momonosuke is a dragon. Oda had Shanks and Buggy join on Roger's crew to go to Raftel, though Shanks wouldn't let Luffy join his.
Does no one in Kaidou's crew talk to each other? why didn't Queen know Luffy had CoC?
You're right so this leads down to Kinemon as being the most likely final member of the crew, since he's asked and his quarrel with Zoro will be resolved with Benkai.
No one else is joining you keks
Benkei.....more like
Poor Pudding bros...
We all know she'll be with her husbando sanjigoro in the end so there's nothing to be sad about.
>At first I was planning to collect ten friends in a year and a half. It took over 20 years and the story came up to around 80%, but the group is still nine.
But he loves another girl. I can't help feel bad
This. Why the fuck do we even bring this up when the end is obvious at this point?
Obviously sad. Sadly
Still baffles me how people actually thought team sunny, Luffy, and Jinbei were killed during badend musical.
>I like big sister-type characters like Ivankov and Bon Clay
Sanji loves all the women, but Pudding is the only one that reciprocates his feelings. She's also the only one he actually acts sane around.
i wonder if these people think sanji hates robin and nami for acting bad at their starts
did you skip the parts with women's tears or something?
Sanji acts sane around her because he doesn't like her that much. He is literally thinking about Nami while cooking with her and doesnt show any special interest in her. Also Viola liked him.
I dont think he hates Pudding. I just dont think Oda intends to reward her in any way after how she behaved.
I don't disagreeing with it, but putting that much effort and "scientific evidence" into what could just be summarized with
>I think this character will join the party.
and with such clear personal bias too, is just embarrassing.
>sanji acts sane around her because he doesn't like her that much
Do you even read this manga?
>viola liked him
Liked is the keyword. She forgot about him right after he left.
Your personal feelings have absolutely nothing to do with Oda's writing. Oda constantly brings up bad characters and then redeems them. Pudding already saved the Strawhats and did countless things. Thinking Oda won't "reward her" because she made fun of Sanji is pretty retarded in itself, especially when someone like Crocodile who tried to murder an entire country was redeemed.
Dude, read the fucking mango. If a character is redeemed by Oda, then he/she's not a bad character anymore.
>only one that reciprocates his feelings
Viola and Cosette tho
You're the one that needs to read the mango if you actually think that
I wish this philosophy existed in real life. Reality is outrage culture and never forgiving anybody for their past.
>Do you even read this manga?
Do You? Sanji ignores her while cooking and her love sick behavior for Nami. Didnt address that, did you.
>Liked is the keyword. She forgot about him right after he left.
I dont expect her to constantly bring him up though. Granted, her love isnt as severe as Puddings. Me bringing that up was more of a technicality.
>Your personal feelings have absolutely nothing to do with Oda's writing. Oda constantly brings up bad characters and then redeems them. Pudding already saved the Strawhats and did countless things. Thinking Oda won't "reward her" because she made fun of Sanji is pretty retarded in itself, especially when someone like Crocodile who tried to murder an entire country was redeemed.
Its not just Pudding. Its a pattern Oda fallows with Hancock and Viola being two obvious examples. Hancock helped Luffy a lot too. That doesn't mean she will have a wedding with him.
Viola literally forgot Sanji after he left lol
The fuck? user blushing once doesn't mean you're in love with someone. That's like saying Marguerite fell in love with Luffy.
I didnt says he was still a bad character. Get your IQ tested faggot
>Do you?
Yes. Sanji always brings up Nami and Robin when he's with someone else, this isn't new. Reread the Viola bit.
>i don't expect her to
As I said. Your personal feelings have nothing to do with this.
>its a pattern oda follow
If your entire argument against this is "dude look at _!" then there's no argument here. Im not here to talk about your Luffy and Hancock shipping. Im arguing about Pudding's relationship. Not anyone else. If you want to talk about something else, then don't bother with me.
>pudding is not a bad character
Then there's no reason for Oda to not reward her, now that she's been redeemed. Or are you saying Oda hates her for her past even when you've agreed she's not bad anymore? You're not making sense.
>Yes. Sanji always brings up Nami and Robin when he's with someone else, this isn't new. Reread the Viola bit.
Carrot was there and he didn't bring her up. Carrot is also someone he has shown attraction for. Even in the next chapter, his attention was only with Nami. I feel like we always have this conversation. Not with you specifically but with countless anons.
>If your entire argument against this is "dude look at _!" then there's no argument here. I'm not here to talk about your Luffy and Hancock shipping. Im arguing about Pudding's relationship. Not anyone else. If you want to talk about something else, then don't bother with me.
That's because you refuse to see the pattern that goes against you. The obvious reason HAncock wont get Luffy is because of her evil actions before her life change. She looked down on people and was a huge bitch, even if she did have a sad backstory. Sound familiar?
Again, get your IQ tested. I said she is getting Punished for her evil actions by falling for the guy she treated like shit and not actually ending up with him.
Based. Truly the Vegeta of OP
Not even near the level of edge.
Sanji barely even knew Carrot at that point. The only time he actually showed attraction to Carrot was when he got to knew her well. Sanji doesn't care about temporary residents of the ship, otherwise Vivi would've been brought up with Viola.
>luffy hancock hurr
Reread what I said. I don't care about your feelings towards other ships. Either shut up about them, or stop bothering.
I love him so much!!!
But I hate jellybeans!!!
But why would she get punished now that she's a good character with a good heart? She's already suffered her entire childhood, you want her to suffer more? You just hate Pudding don't you.
He will fight Kaidou with Luffy
based on what?
Ahh Marguerite never blushed like that, it's not even comparable if you look at her hand position
>Sanji barely even knew Carrot at that point. The only time he actually showed attraction to Carrot was when he got to knew her well. Sanji doesn't care about temporary residents of the ship, otherwise Vivi would've been brought up with Viola.
lol Sanji literally cares about Conis an hour after meeting her. Stop with the excuses that make no sense. Just accept Oda did it on purpose.
>Reread what I said. I don't care about your feelings towards other ships. Either shut up about them, or stop bothering.
No, you don't care about clear author intention and patterns. If you can't give an argument against what I'm saying, its because Im right.
>based on what?
Never bringing up Sanji specially when she brought up each of the Strawhats. I also meant forgot as in she just lost any feelings and stopped caring.
I already said. Blushing once is not proof of love.
>stop with the excuses
Right. So you have no argument. And Sanji probably knew Carrot for less than an hour. They had zero interactions prior to that.
>if you can't give an argument against what im saying, im right
If you want to feel that way, go ahead and tell yourself that. But I'm not gonna argue about something pointless.
Why can't One piece just stretch to the end of the grand line?
One Piece is making Oda fat
neckbeard confirmed
>Right. So you have no argument. And Sanji probably knew Carrot for less than an hour. They had zero interactions prior to that.
Yes they fucking did you retard. lol. Also Sanji never cared about the time hes known a female character to get love crazy. You sound pathetic right now.
>If you want to feel that way, go ahead and tell yourself that. But I'm not gonna argue about something pointless.
I will and I'm right on the money. Ignoring it wont make you anymore right.
Luffy can only stretch so far before he tears apart
Reminder that Zoro will die in chapter 944!
Break next week Gaijins!
About ten gum gums.
Nope. He can't even challenge Luffy. Kid's the Vegeta of OP. Law is the Piccolo or Krillin.
You are crazy if you cant see their similarities. Doffy is also Frieza
Law and Vegeta are nothing alike
There are zero similarities between Law and Vegeta
Fuck off
What he saidLaw is nothing like Vegeta. Him and Goku are constantly challenge each other and have opposing personalities. Luffy doesn't have that relationship with Law.
The vol. 92 Usopp Gallery is finally public
Mo-mo-no-su-ke ???????????
Now fuck off
>Carrotfag can only comprehend babyspeak, big words too much for tiny Carrotfag brain
every fucking time
How can a piece of art being so well-drawn yet so bad at the same time
time spent learning rendering instead of perspective, anatomy and posing. That sort of stuff is why it's important to be well-rounded as an artist, or at least go out of your comfort zone as much as you can.
Its badly drawn but the shading is good. Did the same when I was a kid
I remember RogersBase did a video on this years ago and then got a claim from Shueisha. I am completely onboard with the idea that something big happens to Zoro in that chapter.
>Cuck Pirates 903-126-881
Excuse me sir. What?
I can smell the piss bottles of the autist that made that pic.
>One Piece
>manga is actually in a million pieces because it’s one of the longest, if not the longest, manga in Jump’s lineup
Only Steers and Queers come from Texas, and well that name just about narrows it down.
that guy posts in the One Piece Treasure Cruise general on /vg/, that's his name and ID number on there
Commissionfag with excess funds here, I ran into trouble with one of the people I was commissioning for art based on the requests here, but upon further searching I was able to find some alternative options for cheaper, so with that considered I'm willing to take even more requests for cute/lewd art.
Anyone have any OP girls they'd like to see me commission some art for? Go ahead and shout out some ideas you'd find sexy or cute if you have any; even if it don't pick it it could still give me ideas for what I could do in the future.
Sandersonia or Amande
Reiju sitting in a chair with her legs crossed and no panties on in such a way that you can see her pussy
Kind of like that official figure of her in a chair but with her leg a bit higher up
Goddamn Page One's design was fucking beautiful.
Carrot wearing a pair of stretch pants with "JUICY" written on the ass, and she's slapping her butt. Jiggle optional
domino pls
I guess for the sake of making things easier rather than keeping up some sort of surprise I should just come out and mention the characters I already have lined up to be drawn. Several anons wanted Tashigi, so she came first, and then when I polled the board for the next option there was a three-way tie between Galette, Smoothie, and Carrot, so they're going to happen too.
Tashigi and Carrot are on the way at the moment and hopefully can be shared soon. Galette and Smoothie may be a while, since I now need to wait and receive confirmation before we move forward, but those are happening no matter what.
Based on your description I think you'll at least appreciate the Carrot commission I came up with, user. It's not quite what you suggested but it's in a similar vein, at least regarding the subject matter.
He's been shilling for World Seeker for like a week now which is pretty sad.
>Reverie will be adapted as half a chapter or even worse
Is that what happiness punch does to Luffy?
Good god.
Read the manga
Did you shit yourself and run away when someone mentioned Brook?
Why is Nami such a luffycon ?
I like how no one gives a fuck about Big Mom's flag protecting the Fishman Island, it really shows that Whitebeard was on a whole another level when it comes to strength and influence.
Gonna ask for Amande as well
What's the Roman Numeral for 10 again?
Hot damn that booty
Do you have more of this good stuff from the anime?
Why would Oda write this?
Opps forgot picture
Rubber penis.
Would that just be a dildo?
No. Dildos can't go Gear 4th.
It's the best arc to do so since it doesn't rely on action or adventure nearly as much as other arcs
You can find a lot on YT, Toei is horny af.
And that's how Luffy developed his latest iteration of Gear 4th: Fuckman.
That would kill someone though now I wonder how big do dildos come in.
The most recurring theme in OP is fatherhood, especially with how it doesn't need to be your biological dad. We're already over 80% done, and Momonosuke is pretty much the only candidate at this point. If it's not him, it'll be nobody- which drastically increases the chance of a shitty cop-out ending with the final page being some random shouting "I'm gonna be king of the pirates!!!"
Law is Nakama
He becomes the tactician of the straw hats
>made of rubber
>can't get sex tired
>Proud of his achievements and uncaring of the people he's hurt
>hates the MC but is dragged along with him further into the plot
>voiced by Ryūsei Nakao
>Luffy : Yikes!
I found my new reaction image.
What did Oda mean by this?
4th for amande please
I wonder why Oda picks out lower quality fanarts so much.
maybe because he likes those pictures specifically regardless of the quality because of it's theme and/or the message of the picture
What is the text below saying?
I cant understand nips obsession with ntr. Thankfully Oda doesnt like it
>thankfully oda doesnt like it
something about luffy/nami and something about sanji to stop dreaming
im still a nippon in training sorry
He literaly makes fun of it in the mango silly. Though, I guess this could be ntr
You should read Oda's comments again.
>this could be ntr
That's quite literally not ntr.
About Sanji dreaming is this one.
This is all Usopp talking and makes jokes about fanarts. There are some BroRo fanarts ad other weird ships.
jesus fuck i keep getting confused about all this
>this is usopp talking
Right, no. They're Oda's comments.
Welp, looks like the majority has spoken. Amande it is. Gonna try to coordinate it so she gets paired up with an artist who can pull her off well enough.
Dunno if any of you have suggestions for how Amande should be posed or what she should be doing or wearing but I'm all ears. I have a little idea myself of what to ask for but if I hear something really good I may take that idea and run with it.
I ended up writing some of these other characters down too. Also in my head I came up with another idea for Smoothie that I really want to do so I'll throw that in as an additional bonus; I think you all will like it. Good thing my job has been steady at the moment so I could splurge a bit or else I'd be completely insane.
Its Ussops Galary in Ussops voice. Lol did you just discover them?
That's Oda talking, user. And not every comment is a joke.
It is the definition of ntr
I didn't know you could hear usopp's voice in a picture. I know what Usopp gallery is, but it's pretty weird of you to think it's a fictional character like Usopp talking, especially when Oda makes comments on Usopp not in Usopp's speech.
Why aren't there more cat zoans?
In a bathtub smoking, inviting user to join her
Oh, so its you.
>Usopp Gallery Pirates (ウソップギャラリー海賊団 Usopp Garari Kaizokudan?) is a segment that can be found in between or after chapters published in One Piece volumes along with the SBS pages, where readers can send in their One Piece-related fanart to be featured along with a small comment by "Usopp". In an SBS, Oda said that the works were chosen based on how good and balanced they are, but mostly on how well the address was written on the envelope. Grand prize winners receive a board with Oda's autograph and an illustration of Luffy on it
I'm not good at japanese but this one is something like "This gives me the vibe of "we're going to steal it! even the star in the nigth sky!" "
That's not how clothing works
Its me, yes...
Like I said, you contradicted yourself. It's Oda writing them. Not a fictional character. Because that's literally impossible.
Its in Ussops character. What dont you get?
It's not Usopp lmao, Oda is just writing comments of the fanarts he picked.
It's literally impossible for a fictional character to write in reality, what is hard to understand? Why is this even an argument?
Did you not notice the "" on usopp?
pretty sure he wrote something about usopp on an usopp fanart so that already contradicts it, ill look for it
Kino panel.
I miss this art style
No it isn't, Oda is using his own speech patern and not Usopp's.
>luffy and nami are hunterchads
It's all muscles
It's not NTR since Sanji was never a romantic interest for Nami in the first place
What do you think it meant by "having Ussop comment on it"?
That would be an example of a mistake rather then the norm
Don't bother.
Lmao but he does with Pudding?
It if you could read japanese you would know it isn't Usopp, but hey...stay in denial nobody cares.
I hadn't seen this one yet.
No, Sanji doesn't have a shot with anyone because he's pathetic and will die alone, just like you.
Why would the wiki right it then? Why is it you cant even translate a line and claim to know niponese?
The way of speeches on specific fanarts do not match Usopp at all. So the Usopp is in the name "Usopp Gallery" only.
It's like with let's say, McDonalds. You don't have Ronald McDonald, a fictional character have cook food for you. It's just a way to popularize it. The comments are being made by Oda. It makes zero sense for Usopp, a fictional person to come to life and write on a piece of paper.
Woah, I have two "LuNa" spammers trying to trigger me and you are the one seething
Ask to a japanese then. I can 100% guarantee that it's Oda commenting.
user, quite simply. Usopp doesn't exist. He's not real. He's not making comments, it's Oda behind a piece of paper.
user, even the wiki wrote "Usopp". Emphasis on the quotations.
I expect them to wear porn star lvl clothing like Oda draws them these days.
I never knew there were so many of these. That's cool to see regardless, I guess.
> It makes zero sense for Usopp, a fictional person to come to life and write on a piece of paper.
You are purposefully acting dumb, right? Look user, there is a reason its in the wiki and I know a genuine japanese speaking person who told me this too. You cant even read a couple of scribbles
Here. This is my pic irl.
That's exactly right- I'm unironically mad that people stupid enough to like Sanji in any way, shape or form are allowed to exist.
Sanji has been cucked by Oda since TS. RIP. Didnt even get a full on panel fight with Page One.
Answer my question hereThen take it up with the wiki that proved you wrong
>I know a genuine japanese speaking person who told me this too
Kawamatsu will be a Kappa-like fishman specialized in water fighting and spitting techniques similar to Chuu.
>there is a reason it's in the wiki
First off, wiki isn't made by Oda's assistants on anyone. It's literally a group of people on discord. Besides, anyone can edit the wiki page to his desires, so there's no point to it. Wiki is not proof. It's been wrong countless times. You are literally using someone's (that isn't even related to oda) or a fan's words.
>you can't even read a couple of scribbles
The translations completely match the kanji's.
Stop trying to use the incompetent one piece wiki for proof.
Well I cant prove it but Its true in reality. So, I know youre wrong.
>answer my question
I literally did?
How do you want me to prove Usopp isn't a real person? The fuck is going on?
> People treating wiki as canon reliable source
The level of autism is off the charts.
Sure and Im sure they just came up with that out of nowhere without anyone being able to read japanese
Sad life
Yes? Translations are one thing wikipedia fucks up a lot in.
Dude, stop trying to read the wikipedia as a source. It's not proof, it's literally a report writing.
No you didnt. Im asking what do you believe they meant by "Ussop" and you responded with "Ussop isnt real". Now, does that wound like an answer user?
I rather a wiki then 3 dudes on 4channel
Well, I know from someone who can read japanese and, what do you know, they did get it right. Weird huh. How it wasnt just made up for no reason.
Rock on!
>Finally read the chapter
>Zoro fighting gilgamesh
>what do you believe they meant by usopp?
As a way of giving a title to the gallery, they chose Usopp as the mascot due to his artwork skills. Refer to for what the mascot has to do with this.
My answer is simple. It's not Usopp giving his personal opinions to the pictures. Because Usopp does not exist, he's a imaginary character on a piece paper.
And stop using the wiki as a source, do you see pic related? I can change the entire article and use it for my proof whenever I want.
That's cool, but proof is required if you're making a claim.
And to help you out. The wikipedia also knows that Usopp isn't writing it They put emphasis on his name with quotations (") to point out that he can't possibly be writing this and it's meant as a joke.
Usopp does not exist. This is my final reply to this childish argument.
>that hina
muh dick
This and everything.
You have some horrible autism
More like Odass
Im not the one who believes a fictional character is real.
Getting hard off of that anorexic, stomach pumped body?
I am honestly speechless at how stupid you are lmao.
1. My question is refering to the "Ussop" in "commented by Ussop" part, not the title.
2.You can edit things but why would you? No one cares enough to change this shit. Its not an opinion, its a description.
3.I know Ussop isnt writing the comments. Its Oda writing in Ussops character
my man, it's 20 fucking 19. download a snipping tool if your computer doesn't already have one, goddamn
Weird how its back to one reply. I guess falseflagging as different people isnt very sustainable
>"commented by usopp part"
Let me ask you, do you have any particular source for that? Other than wikipedia.
>you can edit things but why would you?
Yes, this proves that wikipedia is not a credible source as any literal who can put the "official information" there.
>i know usopp isn't writing the comments
Yes? Thanks for finally understanding.
do we all agree or improve?
Hello my name is Monkey D. Luffy and I love Boa Hancock so much!
There should be a massive gap between pre and post skip villains except for Hodi.
My dude actually thinks somebody is trying to argue Usopp is a real person
Holy fuck YOU ARE DUMB
ugly toei
>Let me ask you, do you have any particular source for that? Other than wikipedia
Why do you ask me a question when Im trying to ask you something first?
>Yes, this proves that wikipedia is not a credible source as any literal who can put the "official information" there.
You are being a paranoid faggot
>Yes? Thanks for finally understanding.
I hope you read the rest
Where do I even begin with this garbage
>when im trying to ask you a question first?
Im only going to answer a question which is based on credible source and bases.
>you are paranoid
>i hope you read the rest
No argument.
But you said you already answered it? Why are you afraid?
If I have answered it, why are asking me to answer the same question again?
sorry for putting your katafag so close to wapol but he's nothing but an over glorified enforcer
You didnt answer it but you said you did. Then I told you how you didnt answer it andthen you said you wouldnt. Whats the problem
>you answered it
>you didn't answer it
Are you by any chance what they call a retard?
based and funkpilled
Not only do you not know what the word evil means but you’re also mentally deficient
>you answered it
When did I say this? Are you iliterate?
sunbathing naked
Just because your definition of evil doesn't match-up to the source material of one piece doesn't mean you get to be a cunt
but Akainus end goal is for a peaceful world
It's not his fault every other Admiral lets pirates walk away
t. sakazuki
or weird fags that love a good boot on their neck
Good fisting
>can't even say why he's evil
All he's done have been completely justified
>"absolute" justice
>lets the celestial dragons do whatever they want
He's not evil, just a coward
>fired on an ohara evacuation ship filled with innocents without provocation or no command/order from higher ups(gorosei or imu)
the guy was a fucking idiot
>>lets the celestial dragons do whatever they want
His job is to deal with criminals, not people that follows the law
Because if one scholar was on that ship, then all their work on that day would be for nothing. Then they found out that Robin managed to escape and 20 or so years later Enies Lobby is in ruins because of it.
Oh please oda does fanservice rarely once in a while.
But that was the correct tactic to deal with something infectious or sneaky
Being this mad at a fictional character and hating people who like him.
Predictions for the next color spread?
>you cannot have an opinion on fictional pieces of work
Sanji feeds Jinbei to the crew so that no food goes to waste.
You can just not so much it makes you hate a real person because they like something you don't.
Has he deep fried anything?
Thread remimder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get te Nikyu fruit
Good to see the Monetfag has moved on
Is it really moving on if they just cling on to a new safety blanket?
>One Piece Log Collection: Zou (7/26)
>One Piece Log Collection: Mink (8/30)
>One Piece Log Collection: Jack (9/27)
>you can't dislike people because of their opinions
Who should replace Oda once he works himself into a coma?
>yabuki is a lunachad
Not much of a question.
What the fuck
Do what you want but I think you're it too seriously
im in love bros
Imagine the bathhouse scene if Yabuki was in charge of One Piece
What would he use instead of shiny metal faucets? Wano doesn't seem like they have too much modern equipment.
Tsunomaru will take OP to the next level.
This so much, only brainlets cared about a direct apology from Sanji cause it wasn’t needed, his situation didn’t require an apology at all.
Simple kimonos or heart pirates jumpsuits would be nice.
Man, I wish I was that deck. Imagine the smell haha.
>Simple kimonos
meh, it would be alright for nami but i was never a fan of geisha robin so i hope she gets something else
One Piece has overstayed its welcome, it's going down the same route as shippuuden,
This. Her doujins captured the atmosphere of One Piece very well.
>geisha kimono = simple kimono
You're a moron, aren't you.
At least mention HxH in some way if you want (you)s. You're not even trying.
Why would I mention a superior series? That doesn't even make sense.
apparently? if you were so kind to illustrate the difference between a geisha kimono and a normal one, i'd be glad to hear it given that i'm not very well versed in the topic
Reminder that akainu did nothing wrong
The escape of a single scholar will lead to the crowning of the pirate king and the entire world descending into a chaotic war
>How would I know?
Sanji would never say that. He'd either know or be ecstatic to learn what it is.
You still have a lot to learn then.
>in one piece
confirmed as not under standing one piece
So wano in july means new op.How do you imagine it? I think it will be a little edgier than the usual tone of one piece ops
>killed his family
>not evil
>one piece
congrats, you didn't understand OP
im going to drop manga and social media and everything for a whole year my precious one piece general
wonder if I'll see any developments in you all and one piece next year
Good luck in your soulsearching journey, user.
>zoro one liners
>entire law charcater
>entire kid character
>yeah op is never edgy at times
Not those anons, but personally I think the thing that downgraded Doffy for me was this whole “he was born evil, he’s evil natural champion”. It was pretty explicit in the manga.
This looks way too real.
If you want illustrations just google them. Or just notice the difference between what O Tsuru and Komurasaki are wearing. Surely you noticed a difference right?
Generally geisha kimonos are made of richer, patterned and shiny fabric, have more layers, a more defined round shape around the shoulders, show off the back of the neck, and have dramatically long sleeves and obi that reach their feet. Heels too. All so they can look extra fabulous while dancing.
By simple kimono I picture a feminine version of what Luffy is currently wearing. So a cute, simple, and obviously run down simple garment with patches of fabric. And a simpler hairstyle too. Kinda like what suggested, only more rundown because Wano is a wasteland after all.
nobody cares you blogposting faggot
Good luck with that user, I admire your resolve and I wish you luck.
You won't be missed.
I barely have any hopes left but I want one with color spread sol scenes that's not to pop-y. I didn't like the last few at all.
I agree about Kidd and Law only before dressrosa.
But Imo Lucci was peak edgy in op (no the pidgeon was not a wacky gimmick). Zoro is usually tryhard cool which is not edgy at all.
>one piece
It'll be shit, as usual. There hasn't been a single good OP in years.
Rebis, Bonten, Bobobo, Murata., Rojiura Jack. mikanberry, Diogenes Club, Hybrid Jimushitsu, NEL-ZEL FORMULA, Naruho-dou or Nabe.
>confusing unique character traits with edginess
Further proof that you are either a woman or didn't understand One Piece's theme at all.
We'll wait for you.
I imagine it will be ones that are somewhat Japanese themed.
No I won't, speak for yourself retard.
>But Imo Lucci was peak edgy in op
I agree with this. It would have worked if Lucci baby talked to his pigeon like it was his son but he didn't so it just seemed like the pigeon was in an unrequited relationship and it simply wasn't enough to compensate for the edgyness.
Or they could go with the dreamscape ones and save Japan for next year's Olympics schedule.
>Surely you noticed a difference right?
yeah, obviously. like you said it in the rest of your post, komurasaki's kimono is richer in general but hers and robin's aren't definitely comparable (komurasaki isn't even a geisha). in fact, robin's kimono looks more like tsuru's so i don't really see the point of stripping down her outfit to a "simpler" version considering that we already have here is something, somewhat, basic
what a hostile cunt you are
I expect more nippon wank, which always sound pretty lame.
Yep, we haven't had a good one since Hope, OP 20 and that was pre-ts.
>Luffy has already spent more time in prison than he has on any other island in the New World.
How does this make you feel?
sorry LuNa and SaNa fags, but Nami is for zorochads only
>wano in july
This. Except with based Drummer Octopi cosplaying as all the Strawhats, Beast Pirates, Big Mom pirates and random characters for the entirety of the 4 minute 'song', with random shots of Wano scenery and more octopi peppered throughout.
hack writing
It's based Oda saying prison is worth it if you follow your dreams. Prison can be fun!
Tiger zoan when?
>“he was born evil, he’s evil natural champion”
That was just the opinion of his executives, Roci included. You weren't supposed to take it at face value yet so many people like you did, I'll never understand why.
Doflamingo is not Mother Teresa but he obviously has good sides to him.
Maybe LuNa shippers are onto something. Naaah they're friends.
>long sleeves
>long obi
>multiples layers
>seamless pattern
It's not.
To give Luffy reason to return to Amazon Lily so Boa can tie him up and make a baby against his will.
There are only 9 chapters from where this week left off to Wano.
Filler arc confirmed?
Guaranteed antagonist of this arc
>kaido and the calamites
Filler/stampede film tie in
i'm sorry user but apart from different patterns, and a higher collar too, i really don't see too much of a difference between these two
I literally just pointed out to you what the differences were.
That's not till August, and Oda usually makes a color spread for the films lately.
More retarded that LuNa and SaNa reunited . Zoro genuinely hates Nami's guts and he never showed any kind of atttaction, can't even say he's being a tsundere.
yes, i read them. and i can see most of those specific features in tsuru's kimono too hence why i said that there isn't a drastic difference between hers and robin's
Why does it have to be right before the movie though?I don't think that was the case with film gold
Is there some sort of relationship between her and kyoshiro?
Kyoshiro is the only other character that looks like he came from a old Japanese painting
>against his will
He said, he'd return the favour so all she has to do is to ask.
They've had quite some time to prepare, I would think if they do a tie in they'd have scheduled it more closely.
Nothing about Wano starting in July or there being a filler arc has been confirmed yet
Nami generally trusts zoro more than the other two, they probably fucked after syrup village
Nah man. Nami will die alone. Zoro will have Robin but he'll occasionally bang Perona and Tashigi(not out of his initiative)
Well... at the very least you're not a SaNa shipper so that's good.
brah i had these heavy cloth- i mean these handcuffs on for a week, now theyre off and i can beat kaido :)
So is pineapple-head still alive or will Weevil kick his shit in?
Wano is a homage to Dragon Ball so it's fine.
>Maybe I'll get stronger, if only by a little!!
>A little!!
Why is Oda backhanding shitposters so hard lately?
>Buffy escapes prison
>runs straight up to kaido for a rematch
>btfo 2.0
That'd be fun.
Lol, I hate sanafags yet I can understand why they ship it. Can't say the same for zonafags. But I genuinely dislike Zoro and Nami dynamic.
He didn't say that in the official translation, though.
>dragon ball invented resistance training
I'm unironically triggered.
Ah damn. You're right he'll casually BTFO Kaido the next time he meets him.
I thought I skipped a loguetown chapter for a second there. Did she work as Oda's assistant or something?
Vergo had either the Metal fruit or Hito Hito no Mi: Model Negro
>T-This can't be happening! How is he so strong!
>Luffy thinks he'll get stronger at least a little
>soon someone will make a face like in picrel cause as it turns out his upgrade is far from "a little"
Kaido looks like it's the tenth attempt that week.
Falsefagging like usual huh, sanafag.
Tbqh I think that user isn't honest. He's baiting. Zoro and Nami dynamic is that of cats and dogs.
Jesus Christ, that's the best imitation of Oda's art I've seen.
I love it. All SH basically live in Wano now. It makes Wano feel special as an island.
Doffy is a character study of Satan that treats Satan like a human. Dressrosa is Oda's deepest and most patrician arc.
Please, don't be paranoid. I'm a huge Namifag yet I think she's too much of a cunt to Zoro.
Like forcing him to carry her his fight against Daz Bones in Alabasta, when he was already half-dead. She doesn't act like that with Luffy and Sanji
Good bait but no cookie
Sanji is CIA/MI6/KGB of Straw Hat. The only Male character in SH with highly functioning brain.
Show some respect, ret/a/rds.
Nah that's Robin. Sanji is a coock
This, there is no evil or good in One Piece, the fight is between chaos and order and between people that like blinded animals try to claw their way to the top.
It was Whiskey Peak actually.
Sanji is clever, not intelligent. There is a difference.