Why is this piece of shit ruining every single episode?
Kaguya sama
Took some me finding for this thread.
But the reality is that it's because she's literally an agent of an Eldritch god sent to create chaos for entertainment for powers higher than our understanding.
Two possibilities:
1. She's actually a super genius operating on another level entirely to orchestrate a plan in which her two friends hook up.
2. She's chaotic retarded and ruins everything she touches on accident, which isn't as viable considering she managed to make Miyuki slightly less useless at volleyball.
She is just chaotic neutral
I hate her more with each new episode
Because she's the title character.
I agree op
Ishigami became legend with his response
>two childish fucks being passive aggressive with each other
>too prideful to ask each other out because they think relationships have "weak vs strong power dynamics"
>thinking that a mind set focusing on "power dynamics" is conducive to a healthy relationship
I'm glad Chika is cockblocking them. Once prez and Kaguya grow up and realize their mistakes, they should be thanking Chika.
Ishigami is my new hero
Unfortunately, she's the title character.
Fuck off Chikanigger. She did nothing right.
Ishigami is literally me, except not me.
Or she's fully aware of what's going on and is screwing with them for acting like children.
>thinking that a mind set focusing on "power dynamics" is conducive to a healthy relationship
Gratz, you used minimal brain power and came to the conclusion of what the manga/anime is trying to teach you. You should be proud of yourself, you have proven to be slightly more intelligent than a literal retard.
Dude, Kaguya is so right.
What's up with the maid?
She is too loyal for a hired maid
I'm was pleasantly surprised that they recognized she was the one at fault here.
I half expected them to frame it like Ishigami was the asshole for comedy.
>implying it doesn't have to be spelled out to actual retards like and OP who literally start threads bitching about Chika "ruining" things
She's in love with Kaguya, she isn't hired (and she's also several times richer than Kaguya)
>Sage mode!
Her family has been the servant family of Kaguya's family for like seven generations.
Where's chapter 142?
in 4-7 days
Based and Chikapilled
Who is the best Fujiwara? Onee san or imouto or Chika?
Is she just jealous her body isn't desirable?
Miko Iino wants a househusband to cook her meals.
look at those melons wtf do they feed the kids
Yes, that's exactly what they're for.
It's weird that people get so triggered over anime-onlys liking Fujiwara so much. She was way more popular in the manga a few years ago as well, she just got eclipsed by literally everyone else being more interesting and getting character development.
If this show manages to get there, wait and see how many Chika fans are left towards the end of season 2, beginning of 3. No one will care beyond fags that latch on to FotM girls
i don't even watch show or read manga actually, Chika is just cute and I love how anal Kaguya fag's are about her popularity.
If I pull her nails will she die?
I love her so much
like a small yappy dog
The best catchphrase and reaction face in anime and manga.
IIno is endgame for Ishigami
No catchphrase can surpass "Cheerio!"
The horror
You mean Onodera
Iinodera? I never even considered that before.
Even better
She's jealous that Chika is able to get so close without spilling her spaghetti.
Are we Kurosawa now?
I already knew what was gonna happen, but I fuckin lmao'd when she ran in as the friend detective
Fuck Ishigami aka /r/eddit guy.
[X] Rape the blonde meido.
Is her true self the gyaru or the cold autist?
This was already brought up yesterday
None, but the cute maid autist is the closest one
I want to make her a happy girl.
But she would enjoy it...
>Wanting Irish girl
For some reason, I have a feeling that the maid is a guy but I can’t point my finger on why
You're retarded, read the manga.
Touma's disciple
Anybody but her, please.
Any problem with that?
Reminder that Subject F has acted as the "mother" of the group on some instances.
Why does every artist draw Haysack with big tits?
Delicious, finally some good fucking suffering
>hayasaca builds her own computer
Fuck lads, this is it, plug me in. I want to live in the matrix. Whatever it takes
They believe her lies
Reminder that Fuji's IQ is 130+ and she is not dumb by any means
Also she doesn't have any real friends in the stuco because Hacka
She'll be smartest when she takes out that dumb ribbon
The ribbon IS Fujiwara
my heart
>The broken phone miniarc
>All those photos
>ITT: animeonlies realise their "Chika" is actually a shitty force of chaos that only serves as comic relief
This will forever be my favorite panel. It's just so... happy.
Chika is the glue that binds everyone together
Y'know, I really can't disagree with that either. She's not my favorite, but to be fair, her silly games did help the gang come together in a way they couldn't have alone.
Also I gotta admit I do like the mama Fujiwara chapters a lot.
The manga has a lot of great panels
I want to fill her with my homemade hot glue.
Jesus Christ, Miko
even though i hate "chika"cucks, i think this argument is logically sound.
subject-F is the ultimate foil for both of those autists, but at least ishiKAMI counters her OP chaos powers.
this is heteroGODLY anime!!
get out of here, /u/!!
>expecting /u/ to leave when they think this is already their board
just ignore them
spotted the uncultured swine
flat chests are cute! CUTE!
Sending Jews to the gasenwagen with Miko!
What did he mean by this?
Ishigami is carrying this damn show
Also mark my words him and chika are fucking by the end of this show
Her character exists to cockblock and I think the way Aka could have spelled it out for you any harder is if he literally made Prez/Kaguya/F sentient bike wheels.
that cuckblock was uncalled for
Embrace the Miko
Hilarious, isn't it? Every proud manga primary was madly in love with Chika around chapter 40 and now they're trying to force us to stop love her.
Onodera does things to my dick, bros...
So she is the Kokurasetai?
What chapter are we on in the anime right now? I plan on starting the manga from there.
Yeah, well, how about I give YOU anal?
don't, you'll be missing out
what are you even on about OP this show is
>being virgins
if you can take it at face value its a decent show
if you cant do that then honestly kys you have shit tier taste
Onodera seething.
Why bother? Anime is way better, manga barely does Chika justice
mangafags seething
>manga barely does Chika justice
>is the source material
What did he mean by this?
shit skipped chapters in the very first episode
I agree, Kaguya destroys everything.
It means manga is inferior to anime, it doesn’t even have Chika dance
Chika shouldn't have been the youngest sibling, there should have been a loli Fujiwara
are we getting raided by some chikadiscord or something?
What is with this meme anyway? Is this a thing that actually happens in Japanese culture? It's not the first time I've come across it as a cheap excuse to insert a cute girl into a show arbitrarily.
Don't you "us" me, I'm a mangafag. Best girl for me will always be Jag
She isn't, she's the middle child.
Kept you waiting, huh?
Holy fuck lads, I've read like 70 chapters of this in one day. Shits good.
give it to me straight. Does it get better for Hayasaca? She's literally best girl and she's just getting shafted left and right, and if it's not me doing the shafting then it's just painful to watch
She exists to be funny and she does her job well
In this case it was Ishigamis fault for calling her
In Chapter 139 she reunites with her parents in Ireland and joins the cause for Ulster, up the RA!
it gets marginally better. She gets her own miniarc and some development later on.
Those 2 get along so well.
I binged the manga in 3 days. This manga is so fucking good.
Now I feel empty that I've caught up.
Chikanimeonlies were a mistake
>tfw you will never be that ramen
Would Kaguya be like Maki if Hayasaka got confessed to by Prez?
Maki's harmless.
What Kaguya mean by this?
I put off reading it until the big kiss scene and the hype over that made me finally pick it up.
It's probably the most I've ever laughed at a manga and its pretty much a masterpiece. I think everyone should read it.
>otter posters filling the threads
>rampant bait threads that get 200+ replies by merely saying the show isn't funny
>Jag is still gone
Where have my comfy kaguya threads gone? I miss finding small details with Yea Forums together.
Also did we ever get a conclusion to v2 inside cover vs v3 inside cover?
>No more kaguya thursdays
Bring me back to the good old days. Always knew the adaptation will fuck up the threads
Japan is pretty anal about muh traditions, so the most powerful ones have the oldest traditions, namely shinomiya corp has servant families.
>Always knew the adaptation will fuck up the threads
It always does.
Yeah but does this actually still happen in real life? Even in Japan I find it hard to imagine someone agreeing to spend their life being a servant for a particular family just because it's what their family did traditionally.
welcome to the club.
mangafags have known this for quite some time now and rightfully have been annoyed with the fujiwara hype
where is the rest?
She is Irish, not Japanese
It's not a really a thing, at least not anymore I think.
Basically Japan used to be controlled (and still kind of is but not as bad as it used to be) by megacorps and financial cliques called Zaibatsus/Keiretsus, a lot of these guys were ex-samurai clans, former nobility or some kind of absurdly rich merchant family.
Kaguya is part of one of these families, and it's implied she's from one of the biggest and oldest. Hayasaka was from another clan that was vassalized by Kaguya's generations ago probably back when they were still samurai.
Is this a bane post ???
>her body isn't desirable
Fucking RIP
kaguya is so great that I can still enjoy it on my 10th reread.
The rapping chapter actually never gets old.
HOLY FUCK ICE bracing for a kiss but prez thinks shes going to rape him again is to CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like japs have adopted some german into their language.
"Ne?" also means "right??" in german dialects
>almost 4 am
>have to wake up for work in 3 hours
Hopefully it's worth it.
obvious healing arc coming up
otterfags blown the FUCK out
From what I can tell, Kaguya gets mad that prez is being such a beta.
He is fucking this up.
>Confession gets delayed again
Otterbros won again.
they may have won some battles, but the war they will lose
Hopefully this is the beginning of an arc where prez learns what it TRULY means being a man (spoiler: it has nothing to do with dressing like a retard)
>waiting for a confession
>not more kisses
otterfags are really plebeians, I see
>No soul
Is she furiously asking to be handholded? The bitch!
>Just keep french-kissing someone you're not dating
Aka doesn't have to make Kaguya sluttier than she already is.
>iceguya wants KAICHAD
Chika is worst girl. It can't be a coincidence considering she has an obnoxious fanbase as well.
She has always been shit, but thankfully Ishigami will keep blowing her the fuck out
This is fucking embarrassing. He can't even hold her hand.
I didn't know this was user gets a gf and proceeds to drop spaghetti.
Ishigami gets better every episode.
You mean saves.
>inb4 I hated Chika before it was mainstream
Turns out Prez was /ourguy/ all along
>iceguya is full on assertion
>Prez drops spaghetti and pussies out
>this page
If I was Prez that look would give me a heart attack desu
>iceguya is too alpha
PTSD, user.
There goes all the stuff he said about being a true man. I get that he freaked out that Iceguya is pretty much asking to kiss right there, but for the guy who said he'd fuck on the fifth date, he really is all bark no bite.
On one hand, I'm happy that Kaguya finally stopped with the nonsense and is going all out. On the other hand this is the most pathetic I've seen Shirogane act. Almost romcom level. And that's bad. Then again I might need context, but I don't see how it would fix this.
This is a romcom. Having them date will make the gags harder to execute so it's better to sideline the Kaguya-Shirogane situation and focus on Ishigami instead.
Kaguya isn't that lewd! Stop that right now, Prez, don't fall for her tricks
>but for the guy who said he'd fuck on the fifth date
Give him a break, they haven't even been on a first date, and Prez is no manwhore
Next chapter: Fujiwara teaches prez how to be a man.
She's the real Kaguya, newcomer.
>Nothing happens
Wow who could have seen this one coming
a true man fucks his woman but still dresses like a retard if he wants to
I never read manga and hated her since first episode of the anime. Every episode that hate grows stronger. I legitimately can't understand how anyone can like her.
Based Fuji telling that ungrateful faggot how it is
someone get antanon pls
She isn't the sweet Kaguya I know. This is just very slutty!
Also I've been reading Kaguya for a long time now
someone with better eyes explain exactly what's happening in this chapter
>this gets adapted instead of chapter 30
The adaptation was pretty fucking solid until this.
hey its the taxi driver on that last page, right?
The Kaguya you love got killed in cold blood
>12 pages
I think someone omitted several pages.
geeee who could be behind this?
I have 150/150 vision.
I'll work on the rough TL.
Yet both of them are about to get hot girls as girlfriends while Fujiwara dies alone.
Why would anyone think her opinion isn't pretty much worthless?
The gif never ceases to make my day better.
Aka has proven himself as fucking hack once again
Kaguya asks Pres to walk her home and is doing things to bait him into making a move on her, Pres as expected drops spaghetti and she calls a taxi.
We're missing pages but that looks like what happens this week.
>She's actually a super genius operating on another level entirely to orchestrate a plan in which her two friends hook up.
That doesn't add up. She ruins several occasions for them to actually do couple stuff/confess to each other. She's actually completely oblivious and is merely acting according to her interests (unless she tries to teach something to Prez).
I can already hear the footsteps of Otterfags.
they will get btfo like every week
every week i wait for the return of saint karen
Otterfags will show up every chapter if there's no development, which Kaguya has always been slow and steady about.
This isn't really any different. Still looks like christmas is the big happenings arc.
>Miyuki walk me home gently
>12 pages
hopefully prez did something that wasn't shown here
>chapter title: the first kiss continues
>nothing happens
>IceKaguya will clear up the situation regarding the kiss on the next chapter for sure
>Otters are going to be BTFO'd when the full pages come to light
It never gets old anons.
This, kinda the pathetic spectacle since the culture festival.
leave the otters menace to the Seito-kai
they haven't been btfo for a month now though
Literally the Team Rocket of Kaguya threads.
BTFO is a codeword for "it got delayed again"
>another cop out
Aka the fucking hack.
Bokuben is better now.
...if team rocket actually won every other week
why is beta prez so relateable
>harem manga with stupid characters that have zero chemistry and full of misunderstandings, unlikely situations, people pussying out 24/7, etc.
What the fuck, I love 22i now.
Otterfag getting btfo'd is pretty much guaranteed
But honestly I understand that some anons getting irked by the 'developments'
>he is samefagging again
What a surprise.
I know you're shitposting but what even is winning in this case? It might as well have been blatantly stated that christmas would be when all this gets resolved, everything until then is either just build up or comedic chapters that don't necessarily matter.
Same in Italian. It is also use to grab someone's attention. I saw it used like this in japanese too
Bottlomline if she is NOT MY KAGUYA
Why do people expect anything to happen though? The manga would still be around by next year, I don't see this ending anytime soon.
It's always been a cute "gag of the week" manga. There's nothing to "understand", idiot.
>Bokuben is better now.
I bet you are a senseifag on top of that
> "gag of the week"
*blocks your path*
Kaguya is honestly just better from a comedic point of view than toradora
buon giorno ragazzo. non hai un lavoro?
questa è la fine della mia conoscenza italiana. non ho studiato italiano per 9 anni
I think it's more than a lot of people got used to the constant plot developments of the culture festival arc, now that we're mostly back to normal pacing people are now getting impatient.
I don't blame them but this is "if they didn't get together this chapter then it's bad" shit every chapter since 136 thing is rather annoying.
No it isn't. Don't be retarded.
>"forced drama" the series being better or anywhere close to Kaguya
Come on user dont be retarded.
and they will be the only ones reading it and not enjoying it, fitting of a dumb otter
winning = nothing happened
technically they won. otterfags only care about progress
No I don't
8/10 italian
Based daddyposter
>expecting more progress after the kiss is wrong now
At this point Aka can bend you over and fuck you whenever he wants
"Ne" is used in the Milan dialect,retard
>this will be the first chapter of volume 15
>no surprise
It's a romcom with an emphasis on comedy. Just sit back and enjoy Niskoi2.0 for another few hundred chapters.
Too bad I'm a terrone
>prez being a fag
is kaguya still on break this week, or do we finally get continuation of the first kiss (iceguya version)
What would a kiss with Iceguya taste like?
Idk it's weird to me to see each chapter in a win-lose mentality when it's clearly serving as buildup for the next arc, the narrator isn't just counting down to christmas for no reason.
It's psychological horror. Everything thus far is a setup. Prez is going to fuck it up and go into a downward spiral of despair, ending with him dangling from a dorm ceiling in California and not being found for days.
I think a big factor in this "otter" thing is the huge influx of new readers that got to binge all the way up to the kiss and experience the progress much faster and now want it to keep up that pacing while long timers who were fine with the weekly dose of comedy are more patient and forgiving.
God I wish
I've been reading since the beginning and my patience is running out. Guess it was too much to expect Aka wouldn't drag this shit on for months.
Ant spoilers just came out and prez is pussying out. Expect the translation on Friday morning if you're a SEAnigger.
What the fuck is wrong with her?
The last page will be Kaguya seeing the photo of him hanging and saying, "how cute."
>expecting more progress after the kiss is wrong now
It's literally been spelled out for the past few chapters that they're 100% moving forward in the next two days. If Aka backpedals on that, then you'll have something to complain about
That's Bokuben
Some larger spoilers out
The only way otterfags will be wiped is Prez and Kaguya actually dating, which to be fair should've happened weeks ago
>m-m-m-m-muh progress
Fuck off. Prez is certainly victim of the fear of assertive girls like a lot if Japanese people. Also he fucked it up and Kaguya is pissed off. This mini-story isn't over yet.
>monday raws
this is really rare
no one can deny ice is the sexiest
who's the old man supposed to be
>hayasaka crying
how dare they?
>the text is removed again
truly a god-tier move for max shitposting
i did not expect an appearance from my best bro girl this week
That's all
is she on her tippy toes
Hey look Karen before her terrible death.
Fujiwara's boyfriend.
ouch getting fan whacked might hurt more than a how cute from ice
>Prez is certainly victim of the fear of assertive girls like a lot if Japanese people
Am I supposed to find Prez acting like a beta Jap acceptable?
Why do I find this hilarious
>the fan returns
Why the fuck Onodera seems so suspicious in almost every panel with her and ishigami?Is this Aka just messing or she really may be a wild card that enter in Ishibowl?
aka stop reminding me of karen's martyrdom
is that maki with a new hairstyle in the first part of the middle panel?
what did he mean by this
>text removed
>Maki is an online shitposter
Totally unexpected and out of character, yeah.
I would have like for it to have happened weeks ago but I mean when they clearly state when the next big thing is going to happen, I can't get too mad about the buildup to it. The griping every chapter is annoying to me now since we can't have that build up or just normal gag chapters without people REEEing about nothing happening.
And nah when Pres and Kaguya start dating I fully expect otters to move on to the Ishigami/Miko situation.
Long-hair Maki looks like Nino
seems like that middle panel is specifically dealing with kaguya's "split personality" and how its just different personas for different situations, like how people are different with friends or on social media, using maki as an example
also i'd follow maki on twitter
So much for being a based MC.
Turns out he's just your usual sissy romcom protag.
prez needs to lower his guard
Read from the begging,there are like 8-9 skipped chapters and some gag worked better in manga format
>you are now imagining ice slapping an otter
Well, the chapter seems to be prez having deepthroat PTSD and being unable to make a move on Kaguya, and she gets extremely mad because of it.
The wait is only made more unbearable from all the breaks we've been getting consecutively. I'm just gonna relax and take each chapter for what it is until the time comes
You need to go back
>kaguya will need to train shirogane to be more aggressive
time to send in the maid
You should probably drop the series if you don't like it :^) you wouldn't want to become an otter, would you? :^)
>the guy with a ball
>maki has a black version of kaguya's ribbon
>beta prez
>same color hair
Monster VIRGIN, he can pull off retardedly big romantic displays but can't into proper intimacy with the speed Iceguya does.
He's simply not as THIRSTY.
Can't stop winning.
I'm not even gonna bother glancing over these pages until we get proper translations. Feel free to make your best guess what they're actually saying
mikado looks like the cuck meme
Blame Aka
it's tsubasa, I guess
How dare you call a rape victim "sissy" hes trying his best not to go in the fetal position and cry on first sight of Kaguya.
Gotta get the steam out from seeing your best friend fucking like a rabbit with a guy you like.
wtf I love Maki now
It says family, so she's bullying her younger brother.
>this is what prez has been reduced to
could it be that the legends were true? this is who kaguya will be forced to marry?
Wtf I love Fuutarou now.
Kaguya is a passable comedy. It's a trash tier romance.
>people thought maki's brother would either be an absolute chad
>or a hardcore tsundere
>he's actually just an easily bullied wreck who maki takes her frustrations out on
no hermano for you
>No progress on their relationship
>makes prez a sissy beta faggot for the sake of """buildup""" and """comedy"""
Man that rape ruined his mind.
>this is the guy who scored number 1 over Prez
No, it's obviously her twin brother.
>hair down ribbon Maki
Absolute perfection.
>Am I supposed to find Prez acting like a beta Jap acceptable?
He's always been a beta Jap. He's just always been good at hiding it from her. Now she's seeing his weaknesses exposed
I fear Aka is going to use that situation to introduce the arranged marriage and have Kaguya accept in hope that Prez mans the fuck up and stops pussying out like this. This is the second fucking time he acts like such a beta, aka. OOC. Prez is someone that overthinks things, he's not a fucking idiot. It's like the fireworks arc never happened.
she could kiss him if she wanted to, she just wants him to do it
>bad thing
that's hot as fuck though
>that absolute lack of a chest
i mean on one hand its kind of aesthetic how perfect a curve her body makes, but its still a washing board
Why would Kaguya marry her nephew?
so why doesnt he go to shuuchin?
I don't know what manga you've been reading, Pres admits several times that he's a coward, hell they both are. Him having moments when steps up doesn't change that.
she's not THAT flat though. I think their uniforms are just very wide and she's very slim to begin with. I suppose she's a b cup, judging from other scenes in the manga
That chest inconsistency is horrendous. Kaguya isn't so flat. Aka, you are a fucking hack.
>tfw to smart too shuuichin
Carl Jung.
Freud's disciple, wrote about the persona and a lot of crazy shit like archetypes and synchronicity.
not a single living Jap is capable of doing something like this
goddamnit i want this guy back, stop fucking around Aka
would memerson like kaguya
Ishi's a big guy.
Reminder that F's IQ is higher that most people and is treated like some kind of chaotic unthinking animal by ungrateful bitch with MPD and a beta monster virgin with Parkinson's
Ishigami doesn't count though because his retorts actually makes sense
What,he has chicked out many times before,the whole festival took all his courage to did what he did.
Holy shit, the ice queen bringing high heat.
So both kaguya and haysaka are wild cards able to use multiple personas?
Also aka really love it's psychology
Like i said, it's like the author is invalidating all the big events of the manga. After the stargazing, the fireworks, the festival arc and the confession arc, Prez SHOULD have manned up. People don't stagnate their whole life at this age. At this point, the poor guy is gonna have a cardiac arrest when Kaguya tells him she's pregnant ffs.
how is hayasaka going to deal with a frustrated iceguya
To be fair we had the entire manga since the fireworks where Kaguya was acting all fucking stupid in front of her crush, so it's only fair for her that Prez is the same now
god i wish that were me
Horse dildos
Shirogane only acts like that when he has things under control.
Throw him out of his comfort zone and watch him as he desperately attempts to grasp the situation only to fail miserably, as we can see in this chapter.
This often happens to people who are too structured in their way of doing things.
Omg this spaghetti
You fucking blew it prez
if he kissed her would they have fucked right there
>beta slap feat. Ice
I feel like you misunderstand the kind of character Pres is, he has his moments, and he has manned up over the course of the manga. But he's never been one to be to be upfront about how he feels about Kaguya outside of special circumstances and even then not for long, like in most of your examples he turns into a pussy at the end, it's the kind of person that he is.
Kaguya = me
Prez = Aka
There are way better ways to buy, you hack. Just because the big labels gave you a juicy offer and you had to push back the end of the manga because of the anime adaptation and the shitty unwanted live-action doesn't mean you can fuck around with the main characters like this, you greedy faggot.
his attitude in the festival was character development, he resolved himself to finally pursue her before it even started
This page triggers me
Then why bother to show him 'manning up' if he's pussified in the end?
>the cultural fest vid still aint posted
Ive rewatched the fireworks one for 122 times now Yea Forums, where's the cultural fest one.
That's because he only wanted to confess. He was expecting their relationship advancing slowly onto the classic stages.
Instead he got mouth raped day one.
>After the stargazing, the fireworks, the festival arc and the confession arc, Prez SHOULD have manned up.
All of those moments he's either been delirious or high on adrenaline. It takes him a lot of prep time to muster up courage to do many things
Kaguya's kiss was great. Shirogane backtracking was gay as fuck.
Yes this was development, but it doesn't mean he's not also the kind of person who'd be nervous about how to treat Kaguya after they kissed, especially since she's suddenly acting so forward with him
(cont.) hence why he started finally acting like a chad like in pic related.
There a lot more examples of this, his festival attitude wasn't just about the heart balloon. But now Aka is suddenly reverting him and making all he did during this period useless.
Have the otters even lost at all since after the slut kiss?
They're only growing more powerful each week.
>all these otters in one thread with muh progression and character development
Because he's a flawed person that can take action in certain situations even if he's still not confident about it after the fact. Like have a problem with it if you want but it has been consistent with his development so far.
>binge otters and false flagging
I knew the anime would only bring bad things
>muh progression and character development
wanting this is a bad thing now?
And its not like his character arc is over yet. Same with Kaguya's and Ishigami's. The manga isnt over
>otters won again
Kaguya a cute
Just what you'd expect from an akkoposter.
>waaah Yea Forums is shitting on my favorite manga waaah
go back to your reddit hugbox
Don't watch seasonal shit then
Go back to your own thread
Yeah, people forgot that he stopped giving a fuck and became a chad towards Kaguya since he knew he was on a time limit and he had to confess soon.
Then the let's go to gaijin land together happened instead of the confession and it all went downhill.
Because people don't change with one event, It's almost like this whole mangas message is that constant hard work triumphs or something.
Him "manning up" required a month of prep time and jumping way out of his comfort zone. Now he's back in his old familiar seitokai routine, and he's slipped back into bad habits like a pair of comfy shoes.
>Discord tranny telling anyone to go back
Fair point
but making Kaguya resort to fight-or-flight instinct because of a simple kiss and Miyuki getting scared by her after his supposed development is still a hack writing
I bet most of the posts itt are from him.
Do Otterfags even know what their own ebin meme means?
Cause they seem to think that
Otterfaging = We want muh progression
Shirogane is such a fucking faggot holy shit
you've already been found out. go back and complain for your upvotes
We waited for two weeks for something and doesn't get anything worthwhile
of course people's going to reel
otterfags or not
>wanting this is a bad thing now?
Are you seriously going to claim that nothing is progressing?
See None of this is out of character
Shut up: adults are talking.
That doesn't explain the obvious backtracking Aka is doing at this point, just for the sake of buying time because the fucking greedy bastards in the production studios asked him to do this in order to keep the story going to make the most from the anime/live-action. It's obvious when someone who did a generally amazing-to-alright job so far with his story arcs suddenly starts backpedaling so hard. It's like the kiss was nothing but a bone thrown.
「ファーストキスは終わらない」my butt, this is nothing but greed that's stunting what was a great manga.
Shoo shoo discord tranny.
>Getting scared after beingg mouthraped on his first kiss
maybe, just maybe, these aren't actually otterfags and people who are fed up with the dragged autism that keeps plaguing romcoms
otterfags really won
It wasn't a simple kiss though, they got great development during the culture festival but that doesn't change who they fundamentally are, these characters are both dumbasses that overthink every situation and end up sabotaging themselves. I don't see it as hack writing that two idiots are making the situation more complicated then it really needs to be. It is frustrating as a reader but that's also what makes it funny, imo of course.
>why is everyone being mean to me i'm just scared of getting raped again!
>He thought he was going to get mouthraped again
Hilarious but not based
I don't know where you're getting any of that from but I said my piece
>obvious backtracking
You're doing a lot of talking and not a lot of explaining. In what way is a natural progression of their characterization and development so far backpedaling
>None of this is out of character
See the question is, why is this still his character even after all the progress he's made in the cultural festival and the kiss? It's fucking retarded for you to expect people not to be pissed when we had him acting like a 10/10 MC in the last arc and now the author is turning him into a beta cuck
Prez is the most pure maiden is the Kaguyaverse!
>last week
>this week
It's getting tiring
Am I supposed to find this funny? Because the only thing I feel is anger.
>Maki's brother aka Shijo Mikado shown up
>Yea Forums didn't realize it at all
We've yet to see 7 more pages. I'm holding out hope that Prez is still the chad we all know he is
>the old guard remembers a time when shitposting was a minor part of these threads
I miss Jag.
>no text raws
>all these speculations and conclusions from pictures
>the raws arent even complete yet
The fuck is happening, why do we have all these armchair faggots
>And they said Fujiwara's ruining everything when she just don't want her "best friends"(trademarked) collapse into black hole by their own autism
oh how the tables have turned
It still got delayed. Doesn't matter how.
This is part of the spectacle.
Sorry phone posting is hard, I don't understand how it's backtracking though, the characters got developed and this is consistent with that development, like again we know this situation is being resolved at christmas, getting gags out of it until then isn't regressing anything, I'm also impatient but I don't have an issue taking each chapter for what it is clearly going for rather the griping about no progression every single chapter.
People don't act like such wuss, not matter how insecure they are. The guy goes about to make one of the greatest confessions that could be, decides in the end there's no need to speed up things, and then pussies out for another kiss, visibly pissing off the girl. There's a limit between "oh it's cute" and "oh it's retarded".
Prez was determined to make this the turning point, he grew enough balls to progress to the next stage, and but then when Kaguya takes control he's afraid? Like what the fuck?
Oh fuck off already, doomfag.
The guy is an overthinking VIRGIN who just got MOUTHRAPED by the girl he thinks is the PUREST lifeform on this Earth.
Of course he would be fucking confused as for how to proceed now that Kaguya skipped all the normal steps of a vanilla relationship and went straight into foreplay.
Prez reaction is fine, how is he supposed to know what she's thinking? First she frenches him without warning, then she's too delirious to talk about it and suddenly she wants to be submissive? Her behaviour is confusing as all hell and prez is far from experienced himself. Also wait for the full chapter.
He is and was a fucking pussy. There were like 2 occasions where he behaved manly in any way. And only the Cosplay chapter was while actually interacting with Kaguya.
He was already about to pussy out at the end of the culture festival with not actually confessing before Kaguya initiated the kiss.
Also fuck off with the Yea Forums tier "Chad" shit
Everyone being a happy autistic family is most of the fun for me.
so this.... this is the power of an anime adaptation.... wow.....
the amount of shitpost = Aka's hackery son
the otternigs just devour the chimp out like necrophages on a battlefield sites
Who will this man kek?
Fucking imbeciles ITT
The problem isn't whether or not he's a pussy, the problem is that he's being a pussy whenever the story WANTS him to be one, and he acts "manly" whenever the story wants him to be. And now, at the turning point of the manga, Aka is buying time by making him act like a stupid mindless kissless faggot, when he should have realized what that kiss meant.
Instead of being like this, he should simply TALK to Kaguya, tell HER that's not what he's expecting, but instead, he spilling enough spaghetti to solve world hunger.
There's a reason Kaguya is pissed off, and you should be too, for fuck's sake.
have you seen himhe's not kekking anyone
>we had him acting like a 10/10 MC in the last arc and now the author is turning him into a beta cuck
See that's the thing. He was acting. He tries to hide his insecurities by looking like a chad. We even see this pop up mid 'confession'. Its not like any single event will just permanently snap out of being who they are. Same way Sports Festival didn't suddenly turn Ishigami into a popular confident normalfag. There character development is constantly in progression
Your damage control is amusing yet misplaced...
How cute.
No one related to Maki has the ability to kek anyone fortunately
I sincerely believes that Fujiwara is the most level headed person of the bunch
Amidst the shitstorm, I just want to say that my fellow Onoderabros, you're the best posters here, love you guys
Are you seriously such a socially awkward and kissless faggot as to believe that? This is an honest question.
>The problem isn't whether or not he's a pussy, the problem is that he's being a pussy whenever the story WANTS him to be one, and he acts "manly" whenever the story wants him to be.
woah... who would've thought...
based Reibro
based "based daddy poster" poster
It really isn't if you have even the slightest cultural osmosis of expected behavior for dating.
And it's pretty fucking clear that Aka wants us to think of Shirogane's behavior in that situation as pathetic
>during the kiss chapter
>"Whoa, things actually progressing 10/10 best manga ever. How could other romcoms ever compete?"
>"I-it's always supposed to be like this. How dare you expecting something better."
I think Fuji is the most "normal" out of everyone despite how she acts, though that's probably because she's the only one who's perspective we haven't seen.
>Stuff is finally happening after setting it all up
>Stuff needs to be set up
Not based
NOT SO FAST we, momochads, are the best too
Sie will es und so ist es fein,
so war es und so wird es immer sein.
Sie will es und so ist es Brauch,
was sie will bekommt sie auch.
Only Fuji's chaotic shenanigans can save us now
>And it's pretty fucking clear that Aka wants us to think of Shirogane's behavior in that situation as pathetic
I agree with this. Kaguya's ire is the most understandable part of this and a natural reaction. I kinda want to see where that will lead, but I'm honestly pissed off as well that Aka did this shit.
>read lyrics
>reminds me of the rammstein parody with the bavarian folk song
>google lyrics
>it's rammstein
Just because it's setup doesn't mean the writing has to be retarded.
Is she?
Soo when can we expect a dump and TL?
Rammstein are amazing lyricists
And Rosenrot fits way too well to the manga as a whole
Do you even know what was said in the chapter?
My cute Christian wife Chika
>People once again shitting on the writing when the full chapter isn't out and we have no real idea of what's actually being said
People truly never learn.
>whole bloodline's tainted
>christian wife
checks out
It's been six chapters since the big happenings event and only 4 that actually focused on Pres and kaguya, what people mean when they say "it's always supposed to be like this" they mean this is always the pacing the manga has always had after a big arc, right now we're in the buildup for the next arc that happens in two days in manga time. We're getting "something better" but it never happens immediately
What do you think she smells like, Yea Forumsnons?
I wish I didn't know that Prez backed out of a kiss, but sure I'll wait for the full raws
You don't see to have an IQ of 130 to understand clearly what's happening in the chapter: Kaguya decided to give up on her tatemae and bare her heart in order to force Prez to man up and kiss her in return for her kiss, Prez can't handle it and pussies out because things don't unfold according to what he wants, Kaguya's pissed off because he's a wimp and smacks him with the fan and then goes home.
She's so beautiful bros
>And it's pretty fucking clear that Aka wants us to think of Shirogane's behavior in that situation as pathetic
It's pretty easy too make people think that when it's true
Mother F*
He didn't back out of a kiss, he was expecting to be the one kissed. She was the one who was super forward last time.
I mean relative to other characters we got to know everything wrong with them but not her as of yet.
Speaking of this moment I'm calling it now that the guy that confessed to her is Abe.
>Shirogane gets aggressively kissed once
>Kaguya wants another kiss
>He acts full sub this time thinking it will be the same
I don't get where did he fail
where was it said in the raws posted? genuinely interested to find out if you know nip
Welcome to the wonderful world of actual gender norms.
It is fully expected of the guy to be the active party so a failure to initiate especially in that situation is equivalent to backing out.
Ice will make Prez a real man bean.
Who the fuck backs out from a kiss from the person they love, especially at the start of the relationship and after a "confession"? This is retarded writing.
He didn't back out, he stood there expecting her to initiate the throat examination
They remind me of TGfags back in the good ol' days when :re was good.
We'd get spoiler pics on Friday (?) night and they would complain and rage about the most stupid shit, based on untranslated, out of context pics, only to get btfo when IS released the chapter next day.
Luckily for them, Ishida eventually stopped giving a shit about his own manga, :re went to shit and now they can pretend as if they always knew things would go south.
Ice Kaguya is actually a hardcore submissive who wants Shirogane to take the lead with her, part of why she was so fucking furious with kaguya-chan was because she "stole" their first kiss by jumping his bones and mouthraping him before she had the chance.
Of course Shirogane has absolutely no way of knowing what this fucking schizoid bitch is thinking so he assumes she will take the lead again and waits for her to LARP as a facehugger again.
Ice Kaguya realizes that he's not going to be the one to kiss her first and gets angry (at both him and again at bakaguya) and fans him.
It's stupid but also a surprisingly realistic portrayal of the kind of woman who expects their partner to be a mind reader and gets angry when they aren't.
Kaguya is a literally crazy split personality bitch and anyone reading the manga for her is missing the point
But that's the thing, you don't know what they said at all. You don't know if they had a serious talk, you don't know if the only reason he pussied out is because he's a wimp, you're just making assumptions based on a few pages without any translations and with a third of the chapter still totally unknown.
Chika is getting her first job!
where does it say that?
Pic related is Fujiwara "Tzeencthian Lady of Change" Chika with 10% of her insanity leaking out
say something nice to her!
did you miss the panel where kaguya opens her eyes and sees him standing there like a bashful maiden waiting to be kissed?
Bakaguya is an aggressive rapist and despite the stupid amount of time that's passed in the real world the actual kiss just happened, of course he doesn't expect her to switch from Dom to 100% Sub LITERALLY overnight
Not him, but all I really want is confirmation, I didn't wait 136 chapters just to be cucked out of what should've been a certainty at this point. All these different plot points coming into play just now like iceguya, virgin prez etc. seems so convenient for Aka to drag this out for a few more months
>instead of mood swings she has has full-blown MPD now btw
It doesn't, people are interpreting it two different ways which is why we should probably wait for the full chapter to be out before arguing about it.
Onodera is the most sexual year 1 in the whole of Shuchiin!
Fine: let's wait until the raws drop. I'll even translate them for you if they are in nip and I'm on Yea Forums when they are dumped. But the end result is pretty much the biggest aspect that's also clearly visible in this case and it's a huge disappointment, be it for Kaguya or us. Such behavior shouldn't be expected, it's nothing but a way to buy time.
Maybe it was a way for Aka to say "dudes, see, you shouldn't pussy out when the girl wants you to take the initiative", but in this context, it doesn't make sense since it goes against the development that has happened so far
Based Shyamaladingdong
>muh mpd
Lots of loyalty for a hired maid.
>Aka is the Japanese M. Night
Fitting, since the beginning was great.
Kaguya thursdays were infinitely better than this haven for shitposting
>literally being invaded by Reddit
Imagine defending that shit. I know most of you are kissless virgins, but when I got my first kiss (and I was actually kissed by the girl too) I was absolutely amazed by how good it felt. After you did it once with a person initiating a kiss the second time is NOT that big of a deal and you will WANT to do that yourself and not be a psusy beta nigger like Prez here. I know you faggots like to meme about muh prez got "mouthraped" but being "mouthraped" feels good, and it's not like he actually got raped. Stop defending this shit.
>Literally being invaded by reddit
And whats the difference with that now?
dang, Maki's brother looks more boring than I expected
youre retarded and autistic.
there's an obvious buildup in their emotion thus far.
The two prez are totally crushing each other now, in another way from the beginning.
Dont know about the manga, so might be wrong.
when you read the manga, read up to 136 and never look back
No one
He looks like a massive fuckboy
>Dont know about the manga
>gives an opinion
>Don't know about the manga
Fuck off you turboretard
>Dont know about the manga, so might be wrong.
And I supposed to take your post seriously?
>calling someone retarded
You were dying to write this
I can't believe people actually thinking that Pres dropping spaggeti isn't in character. Like, for as many cool and confident moments he had, he also had two times more embarrasing and shy moments. Shirogane gonna drop spaggeti throughout all manga, as like kaguya being socially dumb. And it's fine.
>All these different plot points coming into play just now
>iceguya, virgin prez
>just now
Wanna know how I know you're a speedreader?
So that's what she means by that
Yeah I WAS dying to point out how stupid the developement we have is.
>coming into play
do you know what this means? be honest
Not WE me here, you faggot.
The reason I'm so pissed is because Aka is not delivering on quality. He could have made interesting aspects, like Prez trying to actually discuss things with Kaguya instead of simply acting like a retard, especially after a kiss (even if unwanted), he could have made Prez ask for an experienced person's help like Kashiwagi's bf, he could have made Prez actually kiss Kaguya back but on the cheek instead with a snarky comment. That would have been completely fine.
The problem is that he's not even doing anything remotely fun or interesting, Aka's basically just undoing development and creating a pathetic situation for the sake of it.
Meme series
>That would have been completely fine.
That would be extra our of character.
Prez is as helpless as a baby when his plans go awry, and then they did.
Long live the mouthrape.
Shut the fuck up nigger, this is not the beginning of the manga anymore. Prez made up his mind about actually wanting to be with her for real, that this is the last chance. They have fucking Harvard deadlines and shit. He literally confessed and they kissed. Stop pretending he's still stuck in chapter 20 jesus christ.
>it's bad writing, because I would act differently
What the fuck?
>plans go awry
The person you confessed to tries to get you to kiss her on your own. That's not a plan that goes awry, this is exactly what should be happening. Does Prez actually think you have to wait 1 month before holding hand and that babies come out of roses?
>he could have made Prez actually kiss Kaguya back but on the cheek
that is the worst idea, user
He was alpha during festival because his back was against the wall with him wanting to ask Kaguya to come abroad with him. Now that is resolved so he is no longer under pressure, causing him to go back to spaghetti mode
Is it true that we're getting invaded by discord faggots?
>5 million copies
Pretty good, no wonder the shitposting was off the roof, alot of them are reading it
This is why you autists are all kissless virgins. Who the fuck thinks like this after being kissed by the girl you love?
>This is why you autists are all kissless virgins
Normalfags aren't welcome here.
>Who the fuck thinks like this after being kissed by the girl you love?
Prez, a guy who has been waging a retarded mental war with the girl he likes for like a year. Why the fuck would you expect normal logic from him
The character in this manga. Can you fuck off now?
He's pretty based
seriously, what with plotfags, otterfags, doomposters in this thread.
this is still buildup, aka never doing chapter by chapter progression, he always doing it on 1-2 chapter but with full progression.
i think just wait for christmas arc for this one.
after that all of you can judge Aka writing going downhill or not. this manga is episodic and mostly comedy, and all of you expect to have progression on every chapter ? what a retard.
Are you even aware of how sex-hungry teenagers here? They'd do the opposite of spaghetti
Are you surprised this weeks "get upset about textless spoilers" thread is attracting all the bad takes?
>Are you even aware of how sex-hungry teenagers here?
That's what Kaguya is.
Prez is the opposite side of her.
I would be pretty happy if I'm right, we need another goofy male character on the council to round out the cast
>any opinion that's not schlicking the manga is wrong
This. These fucking idiots are blatantly new, no such complaining exist before, as almost after every large arc there's seems to be slice of life-esque chapters, where characters to have fun and bask in the gradual change their actions bring about. These fags would be livid after the Fireworks arc where there is some significant downtime before the plot kick starts again.
Wait, the nips are also shitposting about it?
>criticism = shitpost
>the manga is written badly if it's not projecting my mature mindset one to one
Not really, I'm just joking on how there's too much people always commenting and shitposting on Kaguya threads due to high manga sales, around 150 or more ids. The nips are congratulating Aka as usual
They didn't french kiss during the fireworks, retard. Not to mention, Fujiwara and Ishigami were there too so going back to the old routine was easy.
Anime start coincided with confession chapters, so people coming to the manga from anime got used to weekly major progress, without having to wait for setup. Now that that arc is over of course they would riot when more episodic chapters return.
A MANGA character whose major quirk is to be an overthinking, monster virgin autist?
>he thinks everyone is the kissless virgin user
>5 million copies
Well, I guess anime did well in increasing manga sales.
>It's okay he can be an overthinker even after everything is said and done, nothing ever changes!
This is 140 chapters in. Off yourselves.
>idiots are blatantly new
That's not the point. They are intentionally shitposting and anons keep replying to them.
The downtime after the Fireworks arc was just as stupid and I already complained about it almost a year ago. You can't make "IT'S HAPPENING!" chapters and then "oh wait, let's not get ahead of ourselves", on a standard narrative aspect, it does not make any sense. It's as if Anno had Shinji go back to school nice and easy after he witnessed the incident with his schoolmate in the Eva units and threatening his father, it just doesn't make sense and it's akin to putting a ruler between two dominoes to stall the fall.
>Are you even aware of how sex-hungry teenagers here?
This is Japan
>why are my headcanons based on incomplete textless pictures getting shut down?
>every other romcom MC acts beta
>(insert author) is a hack!!1!1
>Prez acts beta
>N-no no no, can't you see? It's in character for him
It was already doing great before, it's just now the whole franchise including merch etc. is selling a shitton overall in addition to a decent manga boost.
>getting shut down
>It was already doing great before
Yeah, I know. Still a good thing that anime actually helped.
Aka subverted our expectations can't you see?
Is the chapter even actually out yet?
I mean on that point I think it's silly to call any author a hack over the character wussing out if it's in character for them. Pres has had a problem throughout the manga with being proactive, right now it's only exacerbated by him being unsure of how to treat Kaguya currently.
if Aka is not a hack then why it garners so much "shitpost"
deepest lore
let me guess, user.
for you, the mc of toubounkon(or whatever that shit is called) is a good romcom mc, right?
>comparing Kaguya with Eva
are u retard or something ?
No. But I heard this Prez guy was pretty good since he managed to actually confess. I wonder if they're together now?
It's pretty obvious that it just a few person shitposting at this point
Yes, there are people complaining after he Fireworks(I'm one of them, after all), but I realise the fact that the way the manga was structured since fucking chapter 10, that it's not it's way to show blatant relationship/character changes and more about how the characters evolves through interactions with other characters (Kaguya becomes more open to Ishigami after Fireworks/want to openly celebrate Pres birthday after the Fireworks arc, etc)
>Has been an overthinker for 140 chapters, literally part of his character.
>Suddenly get kissed.
>Remains an overthinker
Gee, who could have guessed that kisses don't magically change people's personalities?
>But I heard this Prez guy was pretty good since he managed to actually confess.
I recommend actually reading the manga. Because he was about to pussy out before Kaguya kissed him.
Fuck off, I'm trying to have a discussion here and I'll have none of your shitposting interfering, you stupid faggot. Also, Yea Forums rule number 1, you shitstain of a crossboarder.
It's a comparison based on the standard unfolding of events. Events happen inside the continuity of the story, things do not happen without a cause and cause do not exist without a consequence. The problem is that Aka is delaying cause and consequence and actually putting mindless stuff in-between.
The problem is that the latest chapter seems to show Prez HASN'T changed at all through all the chapters that happened so far, which is the main gripe at the point.
>implying I didn't think that was bullshit at the time either
>kisses don't magically change people's personalities
You are a kissless virgin, because your first kiss actually does change how you view those things you absolute nigger.
Complaining about hack writing ≠ shitposting mind you
remember Kaguya's MPD?
none of you can refute the "shitposters" argument
Clearly most people either didn't pay attention to this or chose to ignore it to project onto Shirogane
This is the most virgin thing I have ever read
Remember that the reason why president rushing because he think he don’t have time left for confessing. But now Kaguya accept the invitations he regressed back.
Not saying is a good development but the context is make sense. Also is only been 1 DAY since they (unexpectedly french) kissed.
Accepting that this is not a good development seems really hard for some people
Might be because most people are either indifferent or withholding judgement until we actually know what's happening.
Is Kaguya slapping Prez face with a paddle in the 4th picture?
Fine, let's w&s.
But is it actually bad writing?
user,don't be stupid please...
this is a good development, user
IceKaguya forcing the situation is good
> Iceguya desperately wants his dick
> alienates Prez even further instead
> Prez is also a fucking pussy
This is fucking infuriating, even without the text.
And Shirogane being a faggot isn't
Maki would look so much better with that hairstyle instead of her childish pigtails.
No wonder Tsubasa rails Kashiwagi instead.
>The problem is that the latest chapter seems to show Prez HASN'T changed at all through all the chapters that happened so far, which is the main gripe at the point.
But he was ready to talk with her in order to clear the situation though?It just unexpected kaguya-chan and now icekaguya happened which didn't help the situation
remember that Kashitwagi is a disgusting copycat
This thread is gonna be pretty funny in retrospect if it ends up being they fucked up the kiss because they were expecting the other person to make the first move like some people are saying.
Personally I dont care if she's a mentally stable person or whatever
Then why's her behaviour so detrimental to her relationship with Miyuki?
the inner turmoil bullcrap is maddening and isn't even funny no matter how you cut it
this shit can be resolved in one chapter and none of us would shitfling like a bunch of niggers
>they fucked up the kiss because they were expecting the other person to make the first move
You literally just have to look at the image to see that that has happened. See I personally am angry because Prez is showing again how much of a fucking faggot he is.
I miss when aka wrote leads who weren't pussies
Did you miss Pres, immediately after his ""confession", thinking that he has no need to rush if they're both going Stanford, and how it's great since he never technically confessed?
The main issue concerning the two is that Kaguya is far more confident about the two progressing into a relationship at this point than Prez. So, all facets of her personality are moving on ad though becoming a couple is already the set thing, as Prez is still trying to figure out if they're supposed to be dating.
Pres self-destructing because if his own doubts and overthinking is literally new, especially in situations where he's thinking along different lines to Kaguya.
Look, we have so many mentally unstable people thinking they're funny with their "OTTERFAGS WIN AGAIN" when they haven't managed to make anything remotely funny or productive and that are actually being detrimental to the state of the thread, it's not hard to guess that Kaguya can actually fuck it up unknowingly. But in the present case, Prez is the guilty party.
>Aka is still salty about Ib and make his MCs in the following series a complete opposite in personality
I say that because most people here were upset about that part thinking Pres backed out of it or something.
Concerning the rest of it I'm in a wait and see mood. Pres being a pussy is nothing new and we know they're getting together during christmas so the stuff in between is just funny to me, nothing to get actually mad about.
not him, but I agree
I say that because most people here were upset about that part thinking Pres backed out of it or something.
see He might as well have, we have expectations on how people are supposed to act and he doesn't follow them. In that situation not going for the kiss is basically the equivalent of Kaguya backing out if Shirogane initiated.
Anyway,you point is that you don't find the all this "mouthrape","kaguya "mpd" happening funny and want them to get to the point already?I kinda get it,but the thing is-I as many find all this post-festival staff funny and in-character for our cast and don't mind waiting for situation to be resolved in upcoming Christmas eve which is like 2 days in universe,I don't feel any urgency to see them already be a couple,that's all
>>salty about IB
Was the rushed ending because it was untimely axed? That would certainly explain some things
Actually Prez's current behaviour that some user elegantly put as a pussy stems from Kaguya's "state of ""mood""" or God forbid me, "bombastic personality"
but yeah I agree with you
here have some MAD BOY MIYUKI
>the inner turmoil bullcrap is maddening and isn't even funny no matter how you cut it
So in the end it boils down you saying it isn't funny and it's frustrating,really?So I should be frustrated and not entertained by current course of events?Okay man...
I wouldn't say that personally, I expect Shirogane to drop his spaghetti when dealing with unexpected situations like Kaguya suddenly being straightforward with her affections, at the end of the day this chapter is obviously building up them having their serious conversation about it for Christmas so I'm mostly indifferent to it.
>I expect Shirogane to drop his spaghetti when dealing with unexpected situations
Yes that's to be expected. My point is just that the reaction to his actions or rather inaction are perfectly justified.
It's a character flaw that seemingly resulted in a fallout that upset Ice.
Reminder that F took X years to earn Kaguya's affection so you should appreciate her wanting to "befriend" a blithering wreck that is Kaguya
F doesn't give one shit about Kaguya, she was only in it for Bakaguya petting.
Last for best girl
worst girl
Last for best bros
Last for psychos