Steel Ball Run

this thread is dedicated to the best JoJo part, and the greatest manga ever written, Steel Ball Run. It is the pinnacle of what manga can achieve and everyday I thank my lucky stars that it exists.

how can other shonenfags compete?

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SBR is by far the most inconsistent Jojo part and has the lowest quality parts of the entire series while also having some of the best.

what are some of the low parts?

>bloc your path

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Honestly, Sandman going from major character to minor villain was pretty disappointing t.sbrfag

>Sandman going from major character to minor villain was pretty disappointing
but i like that Araki is one of the only mangakas that can do that

>Good fights with good writing
Diego & Hotpants vs Valentine
Scary Monsters
D4C/Lovetrain (it's basically one great fight done in two parts imo)
Gyro vs Wekapipo
Sugar Mountain

>Bad fights saved by the writing and made decent
True Man's World
Catch the Rainbow

>Awful fights where the writing was not enough to save them
Johnny vs ZA WARUDO
Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure
Tubular Bells
Civil War
Tomb of the Boom
In a Silent Way
Magneta Magneta solo fight

>Literally felt upset I had wasted my time reading it
Chocolate Disco

>he doesn't like Tubular Bells, Za Warudo and In A Silent Way

>greatest manga ever written

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But some of them arent bad just less good than the others (boku no rhytm; za warudo)

SBR isn't as good as 8

Wrong friend. Although jojolion is third best part (after sbr and stone ocean)

Why do you prefer Jojolion to SBR?

>hating high voltage
As fanservice as it was, it was still a kino fight.

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Bros it hurts so much from the get go you think you know the fate of gyro but it still hurts so fucking much. He deserved a better life than this rip in peace friend you'll always be best boy in my heart

Nobody is to blame except that clouded and unjust faggot President

higher consistency of quality arcs, plus i think a lot of aspects of SBR's story are still shounen-focused and just stupid, while JJL is a lot more seinen

the way araki treated most characters in SBR was pretty pathetic. like, at least with gyro's death, even though i thought it was a retarded thing to do to just go "yep, gyro's father was right, schrodinger's tennis ball, you shouldn't feel emotion or have friends and just be a bootlicker" it's evocative of the genre it's referencing, sometimes in westerns the good guy just dies pre-emptively and that's it, no happy ending, and everything he did was for nothing, but then you also have johnny, who is the opposite of this. he goes through so much, we go through so much with him, and at the end it's all just completely canceled- him being a cripple, his father hating him, etc and what annoys me even more is what people say in response to this, they say it's a conclusion of an "arc" and "character growth", like you stupid nigger, throwing out baggage you've accumulated throughout the entire story is not a fucking arc, it's a fucking waste. at least gyro's story, even with the abrupt end, it all stays with you. the last 6 volumes are a slog and suck

blackmore is clearly a very clever and capable guy and when he finds the corpse part he has like these visions of grandeur, but then suddenly the story is like "nope he's about to die and he's loyal to valentine :^)", i was actually very mad at that since i thought he was dope

mr. steel is all over the place because araki never knew if people had read that one bonus chapter after chapter 11 (that's not in most releases you'll find), diego has a great dynamic with johnny and paralel to phantom blood but araki doesn't care and never expands upon his backstory, gives him the goofy dinosaur shit, fucking KILLS him, then brings him back with ZA WARUDO for an autistic fan-service battle. it's just fucking infuriating

also lucy never gets raped, its a total cop-out

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>a lot of aspects of SBR's story are still shounen-focused and just stupid, while JJL is a lot more seinen
Stop using these words like this. They're meaningless in the context you're using them in. Essentially buzzwords. I agree with your overall point though that SBR is really inconsistent.

lol. they're W O R D S. shounen clearly has tropes because of its supposed target audience, with cliché feel-good resolutions, for example. this lends the idea that the story is intended for low IQ children and treats the reader like a fucking idiot, which it's supposed to i guess

seinen has, like the name indicates, a lot more "adult focused" themes. you wouldn't see yasuho in any other jojo part in a million years

this is the post of a brainlet
>goofy dinosaur shit fucking kills him
knew right then and there that you're a fucking retard and your opinions shouldn't be taken seriously. also, it seems pretty clear from your longwinded meandering post that you don't actually know what's going on in the arc

Dio should've won in the end.

Prove me wrong
Protip: you can't

>yfw Diego was somehow able to impreg some women in the village with his superior Dino cum and now the hospitals head doctor is a Dinosaur rock human stand wielding spin user.
Bravo Araki.

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because my boy gyro should have won
he was too good for this world


>Not liking the kino that Civil War was

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>he didn't stop reading halfway through to realise that jesus telling a jojo main character to shoot himself in order to ultimately defeat the president who wants to steal jesus's corpse could possibly be the greatest thing in fiction
what a fool

Diego Brando should’ve teamed up with Johnny to best Valentine then had a final fight over the corpse with Johnny winning and Diego accepting his loss

that is a cute jolyne

That's not really a flaw but a creative difference.
You are a fucking child with shit taste.

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worst post currently circulating on Yea Forums

>the way araki treated most characters in SBR was pretty pathetic
I'm almost in disbelief that this isn't b8 given your point of comparison is JJL, where tons of characters who have every reason to be present in the story completely fade into the background after their introduction for almost no reason.

I'm on chapter 26. I'm really digging the art but the story is meh. I miss the original universe