Why Osaka turned into a crazy woman? What happened to her after high school?

Why Osaka turned into a crazy woman? What happened to her after high school?

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Why OP can't into English?

And why do you even give a fuck?

Because this is 4channel.

Daily office work drudgery

>Daily office work drudgery
So I am turning into a psychopath too?

she wasn't really a psychopath she just made up an assault to get out of a deadline which everyone else was like "you know I remember also getting assaulted by that guy, can I get out of my responsibility too?"

Rent free

The couple last episodes were way too weird.

it was a battle of the truth vs societal bullshit

What!? I wholeheartedly took the "her mental issues are creating this whole mess".
I didn't love PA on the whole though.

What's the meaning of the lest episode of PA? It's just a super mess

oh, that's the meaning

pretty much all of Kon's work is about media and pop-culture's influence on society good and bad

I surely liked Perfect Blue. It was kinda lain-ish.
Are Paprika and Millennium Actress good too?

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all of them are good
though MA is the aforementioned "good influence" to PB's "bad influence"

Oh, MA is a positive movie. I see. Thanks

Millenium Actress is probably my favorite movie of his, but it's definitely much lighter in tone than Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent. Paprika's enjoyable, but it was more style-over-substance than his other works. You should also watch Tokyo Godfathers- it's nothing at all like Kon's other works, but it's still a great movie.

Poor, Osaka. She was already weird when she was young, but never expected she would end like that.

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>I wholeheartedly took the "her mental issues are creating this whole mess".

That shonen bat in her forehead