New episode soon.
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
Other urls found in this thread:
I would totally drink her piss
with or without filter?
easily without. I've already tasted the piss of my gf so its no big deal
I wanna smell yamashita's hairless pussy
I love this show.
I like the 4-pannel/sketch-nature of it, etc.
gag anime are seriously underrated
Not really i piss fag. I got curious and let her piss in my and hand i tasted it. It's not too bad, especially if you lick pussy you are bound to have tasted piss. I'm however disgusted by the thought of shit and menstruation.
Season 2 when?
cute girly smelly ass episode when?
She is pretty ugly user, i was a kissless virgin before i met her. She has acne despite being 20+ and is chubby/fat. Im a sexual deviant and really needed some pussy and she is about the only chick to ever be into me.
In a way i'm still a virgin
Their theme is now playing in your head.
Miwatase ba ichimen
ueno's blushing is so cute
Wow. You're are a really awful boyfriend.
hakkin no sekai ni
Once you reach a certain age you will realise that all that matters is youself, user. Otherwise, people will step on you without any remorse. I don't "love" my girlfriend. I like her enough to enjoy her company and that's good enough.
Conventional "love" comes from an unrealistic place. I'm not saying "love" doesn't exist but it mostly relies on your ignorance and in a sense of infatulation and euphoria that only young people can have. I've loved someone before and having that love come true is one of the best things in the world, definitely not underrated. But it mostly comes from a state of ignorance. That's why i enjoy shows like ueno, takagi-san etc. Because they kinda capture that innocent young love that i'll never be able to feel again
Stop being jaded then.
In a way, i wish i could
post the cameltoe
Yamashita reads interesting books.
>Still no Gymnast
I don't know whether I should be pissed or happy that the secret true best girl is saved for the last episode.
I need of webm of this part
>when she melts into tanaka's arms
What is unrefined sake?
Ueno will get a nendoroid right?
No need to be alarmed, these are not panties.
Google it.
I fucking love jello
All according to keikaku.
And the whole room flooded.
Imagine the smell.
I can't take it anymore, Ueno is so fucking cute.
reminder that tanaka is pretending
She would have broken Tanaka's nose if she just slammed into his face like that.
She truly is Gaen.
Oh shit I fucked up.
What a chad
thats good because for a second, I thought I just nutted to a little girls panties
I didn't think it was possible for the subs to get any worse, but this episode was just awful.
good thing you get it for free while the subbers do all the work
Her "Hai"s were very cute.
>when she says lucky in engrish
what are the worst offenses
Whoever timed them thought it was Tennis who was saying this, but it was Tanaka who said it a few seconds earlier.
she's one of ueno's oldest friends
yamashita spinoff when?
I'm so jealous of Tanaka. I wish I could hold a cute girl like Ueno in my arms like that.
>I will use this fish to pleasure myself.
class 1-6
Ueno is just ugly.
Thanks m8
>Yamashita blankly staring at the camera for 23 minutes
Just take my money.
Why don't they give Javier a proofreader?
We got to stare at her panty all we wanted.
Flashback chapter?
This scene confirmed Ueno has daddy issues, right? Normal people don't get aroused from being chastised like that.
its probably her smell
>I'm smolly girl
They need that money to pay all the producers and production staff.
Do you think she got wet when Tanaka told her she was pretty?
She was aroused by his hands gripping her bare thighs
I hated this anime, and especially this scene. "Someone's dying lets touch him and panic".
why are the girls so lewd?
I think females like it when they are chastised like that by someone they like. Or she's just really embarrassed
Man of culture.
Those are show panties. They are meant to be seen and are thus not lewd.
>Yea Forums
>knowing anything about "normal" people
>photosynthesis! photosynthesis!
>spaghetti factory not losing it when the guy she likes princess carry her while touching her thighs and almost her chest
based and thirstypilled
I didn't get her logic for why they're supposedly not panties
Old spongebob was great.
Whats yamashitas end game
penis goes here
Tanaka's ponos in Ueno's vagoo.
>1 episode left
Why are the shorts so cruel?
Yeti removal
>Normal people don't get aroused from being chastised like that.
She's not aroused, her mind is going nuts because of the implications.
i think she's wearing 2 layers of underwear
she's wearing them over her other panties.
her reaction to being told that they come because she's pretty was cute though
>See the princess carry scene
>Cover my face and blush irl
Are you autistic?
Did Ueno's VA change mid-season? Her voice sounds deeper compared to the first few episodes.
Of course I am.
that'd be weird haha
Did she liked getting spanked
So then what was her line?
Damn, Ueno's ass is BIG.
She was aroused from being princessed carried, not Tanaka telling her off, she probably wasn't even listening to what Tanaka was saying and was just savoring the moment of being carried by the person she loves.
"That's right"
Just the usual "sou desu ne", nothing important
At first I thought that may be he wasn't that dense and that he was only pretending.
Now I'm starting to think he is that dense
Tanaka is so dense he could collapse into a black hole at any moment
Oi, Tanaka.
This desu. She is perfect.
That's what normal people do when some had a fucking heart attack
Made an edit to give it more reaction image potential.
Good work.
Would you let her sit on your face
god yes
Where is the hair?
Where do you think.
Its not that I hate Ueno or anything, but lets be honest here. Every other girl is better. I rather have any of the secondary characters sit on my face, Tennis or (not)Nadeko or (not)Firesisters or (not)Kanbaru or even Yamashita before Ueno.
Is kind of sad knowing Tanaka is fated to be with Ueno because she is the main character, because she is definetively the less atractive. Even the robot has more sex appeal than her.
That's the worst opinion in this thread. Congratulation.
leg hair
cunny hair
Imagine being this much of a faggot. But no, the other girls are also 10/10's, choosing is difficult.
Dumb homosexual user.
I'm not gay, so of course.
will always be best
Unironically the best ED of the season.
it was established earlier that Ueno shaves her leg hair
Guys, I'm a bit confused here about Ueno's hair. Is it prehensile or just meant to be a representation of the state of her ladyboner?
All of the above.
it's like double ahoge. its better.
Theres something mid 00s about it
This. Ueno probably is your typical nerd school girl that smells like shit.
It just works.
Only after PE
I like the smell of girl poop
But then it would be the inferior ponytail Ueno.
>typical nerd school girl that smells like shit
I don't think that is typical.
I maybe recall only 1 girl that was like that in all my years of school.
I don't think I'd pay much attention to her hair style in that position
>having the hard gay
Everything you said except the robot being superior is incorrect
so which monogatari girl is tennis modelled after?
is this the answer to this ?
Not in a way that will break my nose. I understand she wants Tanaka's nose to ramm her butthole, but my nose is not made of steel.
>everyone is stuck in a rut
>but my nose is not made of steel.
Just ask her to invent something so it is.
Girls in Tennis have to wear skirts while on the court.
Because they dont want their panties seen they wear underskirts which you can think of being analogous to bloomers. That or bloomer like mini shorts over them. Lazy highschool kids just wear gymshorts.
Why they were mad at? They are always mad at him not reacting to girls appeal, so why are now they mad when he shows that he is aware of femenine beauty?
What the fuck is his malfunction
Anyone here is familiar with official tennis rules? I always wondered something. Are girls obligued to dress skirt in the court? Can't they use pants like the guys?
I don't know what they prefer, may be they prefer skirts and that's why they use them, but just hypothetically, if a girl wanted to use pants in an official match, would she be allowed to do it?
He's just alpha as fuck and naturally hits on cute girls.
For real? Oh no.
Do we know anything about another season?
I need a complete version of this
Maybe they realized that he just made another girl's dam break with whatever "charm" he has.
Yamashita has enough of this shit.
27th my brother.
Ueno is mad because he doesn't see her as pretty.
Yamashita is mad because he doesn't see Ueno as pretty.
Sister is mad because she's a brocon.
They're mad because Tanaka is so thick he thinks she's mad at him for what he said.
>Tanaka is so thick
What if in 2D world Ueno is just considered plain and noncute? That will explain her tragedy.
Looks like with a few words Tanaka can easily seduce both Ueno, Yamashita and imoutos.
>seduce Ueno
A little too late for that.
In this episode Ueno got her ass hurt purely by her own scheming, meanwhile Tanaka actually acted gentlemanly.
Yamashita reading increasingly weirder books.
Ueno actually was a trolleybus tsukumogami all along.
Congratulations, you're Tanaka.
Why one cour short show has more quality endings than some four-cour shows?
I knew this show was boner fuel but... goddamn.
Drinking sake and eating yetis with Yamashita.
They’re mad because Tanaka is oblivious of what he said
All Uenos are equal
What is more alpha: seducing girls knowingly and calculatingly, or while being totally oblivious?
Even if that were true she's interesting. What could be better than building cool shit with her all day?
Tanaka just has legit autism, takes everything literally and can't into emotions.
I hope this continues.
How did he even end in the science club?
Not because he was interested in Ueno.
Tomo-chan manga finally had "wow she loves me" moment, will Ueno-san have one?
Oh my heart penis
Ueno will get addicted to slapped butt and Tanaka will spank her every day during their married life.
That's a tricky thing to do if the story is built around sempai notice me (or kouhai in this case).
We'll see how well Tomo-chan will handle it, in principle it could be interesting, but it's easy to fuck up.
>in this episode Ueno got her ass hurt
Pretty much sums up almost every episode.
Oblivious. Otherwise, you come off as a try-hard
What is she reading?
Yes, but in the armored bra episode Tanaka was a bit excessive and you can actually feel pity for Ueno. Meanwhile this time she got every piece of buttsuffering because of her facesitting attempts. After that she even got a reward!
>its a facesitting episode
I'm not one liking this fetish though.
A book called "仏具入門" it seems.
I need more manga translations.
At least her ass is thick I guess, I would've broke my pelvis.
I'm reminded of the "why is she sitting like that" post chain for some reason.
I don´t care if Ueno is the new anal queen, I´d do criminal things with Yamashita´s anus
Class 1-6.
Ueno made some strange thing to give herself cute anime girl hair as an apologise with Yamashita because she ruined her hair first
That JC gap.
I think her hair have boners
good episode, bummed theres only I episode left. hopefully we get another season. God knows we have enough source material for it.
are you telling me that there is a Ueno out there actually making machines?
I think they want to avoid a lawsuit from Nisioisin.
If Ueno ever gets together with the dense one, they would never stop having sex to the point ueno would of had 10 babies before even getting to high school.
What's with all the exhibitionist girls in this school?
it's the best school in the world
gif/webm of tanakas ahoge communicating with each other?
Senpai is tiny
How do all the girls in there have perfect butts and tummies?
When is Ueno going to wear her panties on her head?
They're middle schoolers after all.
When is the diaper episode coming?
Did I miss the armpit episode?
Season 2.
Wasn't there something about diapers in the raws?
Hahah, nigga thats kawaii.
Grade 1 - class 6
JC1 - Junior High First Year.
She smells like piss and not fresh piss
Fake news
Looks like we now have another love interest.
Tamed hard.
I was just shitposting but I wouldn't be surprised with all the fetish shit showing up.
Useful image.
I want to lick ueno's puffy vulva
She's probably really hairy down there
cute cunny
The puffy vulva from this position is my reizon detre
Every simulcasted show I watch that released an episode this weekend was riddled with obvious sub errors. What the fuck is wrong with this industry?
I SWEAR TO GOD why don't more animators justify the lines between the sweet spot. This area is by far sexier and isn't given enough detail most of the time.
Easily in my top 3 of short shows
1. Aho Girl
2. Ueno
3. Galko
>250 posts
>102 IPs
wew, that's quite high
no many threads get a ratio like this
were speshul
low investment high reward show
though I am surprised modern Yea Forums likes it so much, considering how many casual prudes are on the board these days
Where's the Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou, user.
Speaking of shorts, though, does anyone have a more updated version of this chart? Though, I've probably seen any and every short that I've wanted to watch that's come out since I saved this image, so not too necessary. Still, it'd be nice to have.
Shout out to Kyou no Asuka Show. Such a good fucking short that got overlooked because it got released during a time when most short anime were still a bit off of Yea Forums's radar.
Is Ueno a cuck?
How does Tanaka keep bagging all these mega qts? Is he actually just pretending?
notNadeko and notKanbaru are just sluts though
I get the impression they don't really care about him per se and are more just flirting cause he's there and they're huge horny JC sluts.
Hackdoll is a fucking masterpiece
>S2 never
>director is dead
He's the only male with a face in his entire school
Thankfully Yea Forums will always be a board for perverts no matter how hard normalfags keep trying to change this.
underrated post
nice, now it needs a Tanaka edit
Light dusting of red hair around her asshole too
I would surgically sew my face to her ass
>Tonkatsu DJ
I have found the only other person who watched it.
Thick as a coke can and like 2 cans long
You kidding me mate? Yea Forums loved that.
Count me in
I would go for:
Wakaba Girls
5 now
>director is dead
What happened? The only thing I can find is him leaving a farewell message on Twitter.
Also, though it's not exactly season 2, the Hacka Doll app still seems to be popular, at least? So, it's not completely forgotten.
>They were right about Toilet Bound Hanako-san.
Not bad.
I feel like it's one of the more popular shorts, but maybe that's just me. Digibro also recommended it in one of his videos way back when, too, which probably got a few people to watch it.
It's easily my favorite short of all time. The charm, the heart, the soul. I know those are all buzzwords and meaningless, but Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou has all of them and more.
I laughed during that whole episode.
3. Nobunaga no Shinobi
2. Ai Mai Mi
1. S.E.K.K.O. B.O.Y.S. -- SEKKO!
>even mentioning an e-celeb
Delete that post right now you fucking mouthbreather.
>somebody else who loved Sekkou Boys
my nigger
1. Turning Girls
2. Kyou no Asuka Show
3. And that one hospital comedy who's name escapes me
>Half the episode is Ueno trying to shove her ass in Tanaka's face
She's growing bolder, but how would she not get embarrassed by sitting directly on Tanaka's face?
She freaked out with just a princess carry.
>Transparent visor
That's why she was trying to let gravity do the work
Surely someone has done a "Shadman" edit of this already?
None of her plans take into consideration the fact she is not brave enough.
Of course she'd get embarrassed and freak out. Her whole schtick is having the desire but not actually being able to cope with the reality of it.
I miss her bros
Speak for yourself, degenerate.
Lewd when?
And I'm so fucking glad for that.
I want her to sit on my face so badly
So other than Nadeko are there more monogatari lookalikes in this?
This is mine:
1. Teekyu
2. Teekyu Specials
3. Usakame
dumb smelly feet
>bros who liked sekkou boys in an ueno thread
Levels of basedness are off the charts
>3 Stooges theme.wav
>Not Takamiya Nasuno Desu
be honest, would you eat out miss ueno if she made you?
am I allowed to mow the lawn first?
no nigger
woah shit, I didn't even know it existed. thanks user.
eh, I'd rather suffocate in sweaty tomboy cleavage
I want to see my cum leak out of Ueno's pussy
only if you shape it like a heart
>shadman, but I'm curious
I got you
I love Tamon
tonari no seki-kun s2 when
he is cute
why does ueno not love him?
I have my doubts
It was relevant to what I was talking about, so fuck off.
It's a shame it didn't actually happen.
It really is, just the cutest. You know, even if he is a dense fuck Tanaka really isn't a bad guy at all, he'd make Ueno a very happy wife and she clearly loves him a lot so I really hope she wins in the end.
Female logic is crazy enough as is, but horny teenage female logic is elevated levels of batshit. She tried to outright have sex with him twice before the story even started and now she stops functioning properly when he makes any physical contact. Sometimes she even defaults to tsundere and gets angry at him, even though he's doing exactly what she wants but she's too sensitive a virgin to handle it. When they do finally get to having sex she'll probably cum violently just from being poked by the tip.
That clover dancing disturbs be badly. I really cant say why.
>She tried to outright have sex with him twice before the story even started
Boy, the song I'm listening right now is kind of appropriate
(not actually the 10 hour version though)
This is the next song on the playlist
They do a great job of having consistently great adaptations. I wonder if short episode length works in its favor to disguise how similar a lot of the skits are.
I love sweaty JC!
look at this dude completely stone faced looking at her ass
I thought we'd already seen the ultimate in JC thirst. Then this show happens.
How far will these mad men go?
Short anime often are easy to finance though. So hopefully we get S2
Time to buy all the merch I can
That's the original. The current series is the sequel.
A perfectly natural reaction upon being face to face with Ueno's wonderful butt.
I giggled
All the EDs are bretty good.
God I wish I was Ueno
You want to be smelly and very thirsty all the time?
Yeah because then I could try and fuck tanaka which is totally worth it
1.Aho Girl
2.Ueno-San= Ai Mai Mi
3.Wakako-Zake= Military!
For me
>3. And that one hospital comedy who's name escapes me
Anime de Wakaru Shinryunaika?
You only put that there because of the puffy vulvas.
The first time I've ever wanted to fuck a hamster.
You missed Hataraku Onii-san this year (or maybe it was last year, I've lost track of time)
You're goddamn right.
It was 2017 I think, but it got a season 2 the following year.
>tonari no Seki-kun
I need to give this a rewatch
Wouldn't have it other way
>ueno will never drop a massive log on your face
This is literally the anime physics skirt.
>Yea Forums
Is she retarded?
no, she is cute
Plot twist: people like her because they think she is advocating for a nopan school.
yes, she was a feminist
You know this would be a great powerlevel hiding wallpaper or a tshirt.
I used to fap to little girl panties in the Neckermann catalog when I was younger.
forgot my image
What is Tennis Cap saying to Robono in chapter 49?
I interpret it that she thinks Robono is actually Ueno, and is asking about some invention before switching the topic over to Tanaka. She's asking [[[Ueno]]] what their relationship is, and Robono says she loves him, causing Tennis-chan to get awkward and run out of the room. I wonder how far off I am.
Dont be gay, user.
Speaking of her, does she have a crush on yamashita?
all of them prefers anal, good taste.
>the internet
Would someone please explain this device to me?
Does ueno grow a dick? Or will the saddle grow into a dick and then into uenos pussy? What does ,,crotch data swap meet" even mean?
How did you even come to that conclusion?
>crotch data swap meet
it's an anti grav unicycle with just a seat that also happens to have crotch data readings installed
What do you mean? Sex? I only found pic related
What is a crotch data swap?
>What is a crotch data swap?
High-tech. You wouldn't understand.
leaves a print of the user's crotch to analyze
kind of like a clay print
> someone saving my OC
i feel kinda accomplished
>pff, I better help bucho either snag Tanaka or forget him because whatever happens I WILL secure a spot as this crazy genius broad's secretary/right hand when she inevitably takes over the goddamn world
All of the girls in this show are so godamn good bros
Webm for this?
Read thread
I want one with only Ueno in it
slight edit
>crotch data swap
So, is it like indirect seksu?
>12 min
Google "crop webm"
Make your own, streamfag.
Ueno is so sexy
What is the edit?
Also someone edit this so Tanaka has a boner
you should
thanks user
2 hours of work fucking around with free software , id never done something like it before
well it was worth it, cause your creation will likely live on literally forever now
What does that mean? I don't understand.
You want to leave the room because someone posted a gross picture, like a shadman pic, but you are also curious and your boner is preventing you from leaving the room
shadmans known for including disgusting tags like futunari and the like in his works
Reminder Tanaka is not sexually attracted to Ueno so her lewd wiles don't work on him.
He's just pretending to be retarded.
Only to not give Ueno any ideas.
He is but he knows Ueno can't handle his dick at this point in time so he's just biding his time
Maybe this is what happens when you have hot sisters, he can't get attracted to anyone less beautiful.
All these girls should only be wearing panties for just 1 episode.
Shit a
Tanaka probably banged Yamashita once and forgot about her after and now she hates him
What's the event about?
Ueno is going to lose her virginity
sports festival
What will Ueno do once she graduates and leaves Tanaka alone a whole year with Yamashita and his thirsty imoutos?
Fucking Gymnast is there.
Put a portal cock ring on him thats either connected to her ass/pussy or just leave the other end on her desk at work so she can suck him off whenever she feels like it and only she can remove it.
I wouldn't worry, all the hot chicks will leave together with Ueno, so she will leave Tanaka alone with Yamashita, and is not like Yamashita also wants the D.
It's kind of sad they will be separated for a whole year, maybe more if they go to different high schools. Ueno is going to take it pretty bad for sure.
Is Ueno-san a sex ed documentary?
Unexpected crossover.
I've been seeing a lot of art with Ueno made to look like Anchovy from gup and I love it
Firefox icon.
Why does Tanaka have girl shoes?
She rubs her cheek against yamashita's in the episode she's introduced.
I love it.
>What will Ueno do once she graduates
She wont, she will repeat the year.
A girl like Ueno would make your boner go backwards.
Holy fuck you're right, it is backwards. That's the last edit I'll ever make.
I recognize that bulge and its wrong!
I thought it was intentional and was admiring your artistic choice.
Left or Right, which is the better imouto?
Personally, I don't think it's even close, Yomogi is clearly the superior specimen.
Me too. Damn the magic is gone.
Hello Ed-boys.
Obviously, I wouldn't be surprised if the only reason she's still in school at all were Tanaka.
Aggretsuko is great
Right because I like long hair
Holy shit.
Imagine manhandling this tiny thirsty scientist
My panties and fuckin soaked
Same, but her being the less bitchy one also did it for me. Nothing worse than a bitchy tomboy, they're supposed to be the relaxed let's hang out and chill type.
Imagine Ueno spreading it herself for you
I fucking love her hairboner
This man here, he speaks the true truth. However, I still wouldn't want to drink ANY of their pee.
me at the bottom
Two bests in one
shadman is known for his shit art
ugh, I hate scat
He's fisting them in the wrong spot...
She's a brocon
i like how always angry the short haired one is
I miss nishihara. She was hot.
Tgey got bapped by their oniichan but in the wrong place.
Class 1-6
Javier and Xavier deserve to be castrated.
You don't know how happy you made me when i saw she has at least one bit of fanart.
delete this
Fresh OC comin thru.
Just report and ignore, nigga.
fucking gureto user
"Why are you shitting on my face?"
"How do you know it's shit? It's not out yet!"
God-tier. Thanks user
Is this bait or are you saying the truth?
He's not even thinking about fucking his sisters though.
excelente? Do these things have editors?
I got a bridge to sell you and i'll throw in mount everest as a freebie.
I love the reactions and the fanart coming out of this series
>Pan de Peace
I completely forgot about the bread autism show, motorcycle autism was the same season I believe and overshadowed it in my mind
It wasn't the greatest thing ever but it was cute enough.
It was definitely a cute show and it was nice seeing a bunch of bread varieties I've never seen before
Ueno is Snail!
say something nice about these paisanos
>No bat
A disgrace
Is there bat and crab in manga?
add tennis girl as gaen
I don't care that they are spics but would it kill them to take 10 minutes to check for errors, it's even less with the OP/ED included
The top is clearly superior in every aspect
I thought she was sushi
hope these retards get fired
This has to become a new banner.
I don't get it.
>Tanaka: Newfag
>Ueno: Kissless virgin
>Yamashita: Been saying she's gonna leave this place for 5+ years now
>Big imouto: ???
>Big imouto: ???
I like mods better cause it's just her minding her own fucking business instead of handling the problem in front of her.
class 1-6
Why do you need so many producers?
>Yamashita: Been saying she's gonna leave this place for 5+ years now
This is fuckin perfect
I think like the Yea Forums should be upper left corner so bottom girl doesn't get blocked
Good thinking there, satan.
Thanks for looking out there Satan
oh fuck I just satan'd
this thread has been great
You better hold onto that for the next banner competition
convert it to a gif too
Schrodinger AOTY
>196 IPs for a 12 minute show
>thread reached bump limit
Ueno-san for queen of Yea Forums
Which one?
right, easily
Make me 199.
What does she smell like?
Used clothes
Everything else this season is shit. Except Ueno, which is great.
This is one of those shows that was pretty much made for Yea Forums, I don't find it too surprising.
no applefag
None of the banners are webms, numpty.
Like hot sweaty hair with a touch of strawberry
>he doesn't see the webm banners
sweat and piss
Post one, nonce.
I didn't think this far ahead
This train pervert scenario was such a great experiment/episode. The two from the last episode totally pale in comparison.
kil yourself you fucking retard