Congratulations to that one user who persistently dumps the manga on here. I wouldn't have known about this series without you.
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun anime announced
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Going to dump the cute comic the mangaka drew for the announcement.
Now I'm hyped as hell!
The end. I hope the anime looks at least half as good as the manga does.
Let's be honest, unless the anime gets a huge budget, I don't think they will able to do as detailed as the original manga but I still hope they're able to remain with a similar style!
Really glad to hear about this, definitely going to watch it.
Yeah, I'm not expecting anything as detailed. To be honest, I'll take anything as long as it isn't a complete production disaster.
it will be generic and shit but it'll be a good ad for the manga nonetheless.
And hopefully shitpress starts catching up for real
Finally getting that porno I see.
It's trending. Good shit.
I'll guess I'll start the dumping here. As you can see there's a gremlin on your screen.
Also the chapter is like 20 pages this month
Is it called fanart when mangaka draw random art from their series themselves?
Wouldn't it be called artwork or something? Or Aida Iro is the biggest fanartist of the serie.
What the fuck?
It seems like even 2 panel comic strips on a small section of a newspaper is getting an anime adaptation these days
That girl looks hella cute. What's this about?
That girl is named Yashiro Nene, she's an highschool student that ended up getting bonded to the spirit of Hanako-kun, one of the seven school mystery after messing up royally.
She's basically our main character, even if the manga is named after Hanako.
There's an official english translation and someone on tumblr translating the chapters as they come out.
I don't want to lewd a 50-year old shota ghost and a dying fish loli
I just had to fuck up huh.
mitsuba would make a good wife
Thanks for the info, user. I'm going to read this and watch the anime.
>girl wants to be popular to get together with the #1 guy in school
>asks toilet ghost for help
>gets cursed into a fish instead
It's not a very plot heavy series for most parts of what the anime will probably cover, but there are funny supernatural hijinks instead.
He's already Kou's husbando
Nice, the art is pretty cute, I hope it's a good adaptation.
Volume 10.
Is this made in abyss?
Is that a mermaid tail.
No it's school boy haunting the girls bathroom to his heart content.
What did he mean by this?
damn good cover
i need more kou mitsuba chapters
They will come with time.
That double suicide thing Kou tried to pull won't ever leave my mind
I hope her editor would remind her that the series is on g-fantasy and that she can get away with it.
going #justfriends after all the crazy things Kou has done would be very disappointing
Hell yeah!
Maybe we can get better quality scans with the news.
Thanks user!
Wait, the artist girl was not dead after all?
She used the exact same kind of framing between Hanako/Nene and Mistba/kou.
Who knows? I'm not sure what's going on but it could be things probably : Coma or it's a memory. Did she fail her suicide attempt?
cute, congrats for you guys following this, or is it the end of comfy times?
I think the manga is actually pretty popular in japan already, now, I wonder if the anime will get the attention of westerners...
I hope it get more popular here
nice catch.
somehow Kou and Mitsuba's panels look better than hanako's
Hope that it catches on with the fujos to inflate the sales
I think it's mostly cause I haven't got the japanese version of the chapter so I used the one from the tumblr. I started getting them from chap 49.
I'm convinced the mangaka ships them.
Don't we all lad? Don't we all...
she has been building them up nicely since mitsuba's intro
it would be nice to know the nip's general reaction to second pairing as well.
If I weren't a lazy shit, I could try tracking down the old chapters and put Honda translation on them...
Cool! I really doubt anyone can capture his artstyle in anime form however
There was this fanart going on around months ago, it's not too bad if we end up with something similar I guess.
I wonder what kind of voice they will give her?
Minase Inori's voice would be perfect for her. I'm just hoping they get a woman to voice Hanako. I know there are guys who can voice young boys, but it's not the same.
I hope they get a woman, too, I don't think a dude could give life to this mischievous yet fragile dead kid.
It's kind of funny how every fanarts of alive Hanako seems to forget he'd be way older than that, he'd be like 60 something.
So is Hanako just planning to put Yashiro in a human sized dollhouse? Also since he isn't going to stay, would Shijima make a fake alive Amane to stay with Yashiro or would she just live forever as if she had never meet him?
Im so fucking happy right now, this is one of my favourites
Feels good to be alive right now
Imagine animated Nene and Hanako holding hands. They're almost always touching, i hope they keep that in.
whats the acc that posts the translations on tumblr?
AhhhhhHHH no words can express my joy, I really hope they do this manga justice even if it probably won’t look as unique as the og artstyle
Here you go my friend!
The thing I really hope is that it doesn't go Black Butler anime route. No anime deserve to go this way.
I hope that they can somehow give mitsuba some screen time, or at least a cameo.
Mitsuba arc wasn't that late in the manga was it? Also I wonder how many episode are we getting...
He's at volume 4.
12 episodes is the current norm so it'll probably have that much as well.
depending on the pace we might get an episode per chapter, being a monthly manga and all.
and probably up to 6 volumes worth of content if we get a soulless word-by-word (might as well be a drama cd) adaptation
..Oh dear, I just realized we might get to see his "second" death but with music and all this time around.
Don't lewd the lolis and shotas.
These are actually pretty cute. Hope the style is something similar to this
Anime's adaption will only add to the lewding.
That smug asshole
Hoping for bones but bracing for deen.
I've got a worse idea ; Shaft.
That boy is beautiful and deserves the world.
Of course she does.
Does the manga have any scenes where a girl uses the toilet?
Honestly, I don't think lots of people actually goes in the old school building bathroom... But Nene is cleaning them EVERYDAYS
bracing for CGI
CGI school? Mokke? GHOSTS?
Thank you!
One can only pray
You're welcome! (yep' i'm still here, who needs sleep anyway)
Indeed my brother from another mother, this is a good time to be alive despite the shitty timeline.
Fucking hell. Don't jinx it
Hanako scale when
What kind of scale?
I hope they can capture his eyes and high levels of smugness
Oh god, his eyes are gonna be so damn weird animated!
My daughter too good for this world
oh no he's cute