post your most hated tropes here
>the edgy emo character
>frienship is magic
>will > skill
>jokes gets explained
> 10% fights 90% talks
>nice guys™ get the girls
>japan's cultures get praised by everybody and everything
Subjective worst tropes
I think you covered all of them.
>girl is perfect in every way, but is still virgin
>Spineless MC
As if someone is going to fall for that bait!
>Character dies.
>Comes back to life.
>walks in bathroom
>opens door
>sees a girl naked
>both screams like a monggoloid
>SHAFT anime
>at least five extreme closeups of characters' eyes every episode
OP here thats just fiction tropes in general, I mean......superman has been dead like what? 50 times maybe?
Oh also didnt some dessert guys
built an entire religion around that trope?
>spineless MC
to this day I always wondered how people can stand Evangalion without ever throwing their tv
>bad guy is destroying the world because one of his relatives died
>litteraly everyone including MC himself want him to do something, he does the opposite because of a bullshit promise no one cares about
>girl is bullied and/or abused by her parents even though she is beautiful, intelligent, respectful and obedient
>someone is about to confess
>all female casts
>modern tsundere
>miserable spineless beta MC who gets everything magically gifted to him
>dramatic scene
>one character starts crying and or yelling
>there's a screenshot of every other character stopping and saying that one character's name
Psycho bitch with trouble displaying human emotions
>no one in romance confesses
>series goes on forever
>MC looks like this
>is actually superstrong
>Konya wa Tsuki ga Kire
thanks for the recommendation
>obsession with harmony
>MC is as blunt as possible so everyone can self-insert
>heroines are nothing but collection of widespread fetishes
>schroedinger's cat
>sphinx's riddle
>7 sins themed anything
>chinese zodiac themed anything
>european folklore themed anything
>historical figures used in non-historic context. Especially Nobunaga
Instant drop flags.
>middle/highschooler/adult is as loud and obnoxious as a child
>gets his/her genitals sucked for the smallest of character developments
>bonus points if (s)he looks like one
>girl falls in love because she's lonely, even though she's a 10/10
>characters whose whole personality is being obsessed with another person
>every single character is perfect and always accomplish their goals
>"smart" characters in general
>anything about otaku being misunderstood
>childhood friend is the most passive person in the universe and loses
>girls' perrsonalities are as one-note as personalities get
>that one girl who loves skinship and never gets called out in a serious manner
>anime goes full Nippon Banzai
>schroedinger's cat
is that in that one anime where I'm the protagonist??
br0 that was literally me
>european folklore themed anything
Shit taste
>historical figures used in non-historic context. Especially Nobunaga
Mind giving examples?I'm not sure what you mean by non-historic context.
>Dumb character has to explain something
dont forget,
>adding quantum/theoretical physics theories into the story
>Cute/Hot chick you think is an ally turns out to be evil
>'Relatable' MCs
>Game Mechanics Isekai
>'Harems' where only one girl wins (usually also falls under Tsundere issue)
>Enemy wants to meet/become God
>spend a good amount of time building up to a new suit/weapon/upgrade
>it breaks quickly once deployed and is never seen again
>death is meaningless
>otaku is actually super talented and cool he was just too super awkward!!
>high level science without any need for it to be there
>extreme pseudo-philosophical stuff done poorly
>the harem never comes close to resolving itself
And my least favorite.
>if you kill them, you'll be just as bad!!!
>Glorious Nippon steel.
>nakama bullshit
>cheat powers
>lone male mc surrounded by all-female cast, harems in general
>sissy all-male cast
>pretentious, "deep" haiku sessions
Bitch Main Character.
As long as the execution is good enough, everything is fine.
>The strong live and the weak die pseudo-Darwinism bullshit.
I just started immediately abandoning shows where antagonists use this as some dumb reason for being a douche.
I'm only halfway to being caught up, but I really like it. It's like a superhero anime but with more corpses
>forced het romance
>all female cast
>modern tsundere
>typical Japanese virgin
But also
I don’t now if it’s waifu purity spiraling, self-insertion fantasy, a Japanese cultural thing where “ideal” relationships form at glacial speeds, plain bad writing, or a combination of all but I hate this shit. Say what you will about DB but his Asterisk War-Chvalry of a Failed Knight analysis was spot on in dissecting this shitty trope. It’s almost like average MC boy is a 10 year old boy in a 17 year old body aimed at 10 year old boys!
>The heroine was only using the MC, which is only revealed at the end of the season or in the worst case scenario, end of the manga/anime.
Fucking hate it.
Ah My Goddess?
The tower of Druaga. Watched it when I was a kid. Destroyed me.
I think everything has been listed already but my least favorite is always
>making friends with everyone and everything instead of just finishing the enemies off.
>creepy otaku persona played for laughs
>literally me
>is misunderstood
>shitty social skills
>self insert
Ishigami started out well but succumbed to harem tropes.
>Season 2 started out really good with the remnants of the expedition bonding, coping, and generally getting on with their lives.
>The rest of season 2 happens shortly thereafter
Fucking why did they have to vindicate MC's stupid obsessive shit and godawful decision making. Why did we have to jump the shark with god powers and god complexes? The entire appeal of the first season was small people doing great things through dedication and sacrifice. The 2nd season started really organically and ended up being your usual convoluted JRPG schlok-fest with chosen ones and fated enemies and every obnoxious overblown trope nobody asked for.
I watched that so long ago I can't remember the ending, What happened to the Brother and the heroine? Also the blonde tsundere that was in love with the brother before she gave up on him and fell for the MC
>"even if you say that..."
well she cant be perfect in every way if she isnt a virgin
Shinji is nowhere near the worst when it comes to spinelessness and he actually has some legitimate reasons for his insecurities unlike most others
>Villain's backstory was they were shunned, mistreated and beaten down by society
>never had any friends, only companion is pet dog-thing who's also been tortured and kicked around all the time and turned into a demon through horrific beatings
>their only solace is in each other and their shared experience
>only wanted to be loved and understood
>wants to take out his anger on the world for not understanding him, has a well thought out grey-morality motivation
>Main characters murder the demon-dog "Disgusting. It's going to its rightful place"
>Ignore villain's objectively superior ideals
>Use the power of friendship to beat the shit out of villain
>Villain says "I now realize that I was the bad person, thank you for making me see my bad ways"
negroid what the fuck (image only slightly relevant)
Name three anime/manga/LN where this happens?
>heroines are nothing but collection of widespread fetishes
>Stmart characters in general
This, usually are written by ab idiot that think that intelligence is like magic
>MC's friend or a any old villain commits all type of unforgivable crimes
>He still tries to save him with his talk no jutsu
>He does and everyone just rolls with it
Say What you want but katanagatari is great
rapist is ugly and not a chad
>Antagonist is forgiven
Especially of they harem to be a hot girl
This, Rance is redpilled
>forced het romance
Go back to tumblr.
It's been a while for me too. But basically the big brother awakens an ancient power and merges with it, choosing the 11th hour to reveal to the audience that he, the cool-headed trailblazer was actually maniacally fucking crazy with a host of complexes. He turns on his little brother for having the gall to be in the general proximity of his level of competence instead of looking up to him as a loser. And he leverages all of the ancient power in a showdown with the protagonist who also now has hidden ancient powers. They spend a ridiculous amount of time assuring you that the blue haired chick was actually a good person and that none of her decisions were evil or self motivated. And how she's being held hostage by big bro in order to control the ancient secret powers. And it's this really unnecessary, unwanted framing device to get the little brother in a position to save his fucking waifu.
I was really fond of the tsundere. I didn't like her when she was big bro's groupie, chasing after his graces. Because she was a non-character. But there was a really cool dynamic where she stepped up to the plate off screen and grew from the experience. It was a cool dynamic to have with the MC. Because the MC was experiencing the aftershock of not being treated by the universe like a mary sue protagonist after hedging all his bets on it. Little did both of them know, they didn't actually need to learn anything. All he'd need to do is try again to get that treatment.
It looked like a deconstruction at first. We're coming back to old characters we loved and seeing how they cope with life now that its all over. There's a really cool dynamic between our new leading man and woman. The MC starts chasing the impossible odds that he's not just been betrayed. And the tsundere wants closure. It all feels organic. And then it gets thrown away to build up to a big epic battle so that our MC and his JRPG bullshit can be shallowly vindicated instead of explored in any real way.
>schroedinger's cat
Jesus Christ this. Also, completely missing the point of the experiment and actually believing the cat was dead AND alive at the same time.
boob jiggles, high pitched squealing, and -dere bullshit are why this medium will always be seen as immature
>forced het romance
yeah what's up with that shit
>girl treats guy like a shit
>events happend and she understood her mistakes
>tells him that she's sorry and is going to treat him like a human from now on
>several episodes later
>nothing really changes
Damn thanks user. No wonder why it felt so forgettable.
>MC is literally me
>Oh, yeah, I'm a loner, but that's because I'm too smart and people are too dumb to get how smart I am
I wonder how many W/LN authors were bullied in school.
A character just getting development flashbacks just before his/her death.
>14 years old
>shinji kills kaworu willingly
>i'm a loner, everyone else is dumb.
Makes my heart crumble with pity with people who cope like this. I'm a loner because life's hard. I'm not gonna lie to myself.
What's up with all the /u/ shilling lately?
Don't you have a whole containment board for your degeneracy?
>Mountain of muscles gets beaten by a walking stick
>"It can't be helped"
>the inability to hold a proper conversation due to some sort of social awkwardness I don't get
>guy has to protect a girl even though she is far stronger than him
>powerful characters designed only to job for the sake of making the mc look good
>status quo is God
>going against Fate will only bring doom, especially villains who are laughed upon for even trying
>villain has a good point but suddenly it's conveniently forgotten and the hero can freely crush his life work
>Light novel adaptation
>if you kill him youll be worse than him
no matter on what form of media this trope is displayed i will always hate it
>nakama bullshit
Thats what i meant by "friendship is magic"
It's weird isn't it. Every thread there's one of these fags shilling their disgusting fetish.
>muh force het
Nothing forced about normalcy. It's only forced if girls are unnaturally paired
probably means its doesnt matter what you say since the stuff is already determined
>that picture
did they just copy that design straight from ww2 american propaganda?
So, who does the MC end up with?
>romance series
>The childhood friend or sister is in love with the utterly bland and boring MC because that way you don't actually have to show a reason why they fell in love with the retard.
The blue/black haired bitch he was obsessed with
I would have taken a rebound relationship with Fatina over that.
>forced het romance
You mean the majority of sexual preference on the planet, you know the normal thing to do to procreate to create offspring? The main objective of every creature.
>'Harems' where only one girl wins (usually also falls under Tsundere issue)
Fucking this.
Hi Saga.
This is like the typical tsundere, an endless writing bullshit.
Can you explain the point?
I'm interested
it would be better if the villian actually acomplished his objectived and killing him for revenge when he is defenseless has psychological consecuences for the protagonist
>rapist is ugly and not a chad
There are exceptions.
The point is that it was ridiculous. The cat cannot be alive and dead at the same time. This is a critique of an earlier quantum physics theory that stated that quantum particles existed I am unresolved state. Schrödinger's cat was a thought experiment to reply that quantum states have to be resolved asst some point.
It's because it serves one of two purposes
To keep a character alive to bring him back for more money (The Joker)
Or to keep the Hero from being anything less than a 100% Moral Paragon. Which is bullshit and makes no sense when dealing with flat out evil characters.
girls with speech impediments
it's cute for the first 5 minutes then gets annoying
>arranged marriage
>fated couple
>relationship starts very badly, but they keep interacting with each other for reasons
We get it you hate shonens.
ITT: Over generalization
Isn't that pretty common nowadays?
Worth pointing out that Copenhagen is still the mainstream interpretation. The cat probably isn't both dead and alive, but fuck if we can prove it.
He might be talking about the genderbent haremshit one, Nobuna
>Woman character is part of the group
>She's weak as shit
>She yells a lot
>"Sh-She's so scary!"
Nami comes to mind.
>Looks like I'm going to have to use THAT technique!
>N-No, you can't use THAT technique!
>I'm afraid THAT technique is the only thing that can save us.
>World full of magic users
>MC has anti-magic/power stealing/nullification
Why come up with varied and creative ways to overcome your opponents when you've been born with a "I win the battle" button?
Haven't seen this one yet.
>World-building filler where it makes no sense to have or is forced to buy time for MC
I don't understand why everyone considers Shinji such a bitch when he is not that much of one for the situation and age he is
>"No MCkun if you use that technique it'll shorten your lifespan/corrupt your soul/suffer some vaguely defined consequence
>This never gets followed through. Either they cure it or they forget about it
Chrono Crusade is a good one that follows throug h with it. It's pretty sad ending so I see why most don't.
he is realistic depiction for his age but he is in a world where all the charcters that are not him are realsitic
no one would stand his shit and whiping and would have left him or exchanged him 3 episodes in.
>where all the charcters that are not him arent realsitic
Pantyshot "fanservice" and just panties in general. There is nothing sexual about it, it's just on a scale of meh to gross.
There are some exceptions to that. Though I'm fine with ones that explicitly cure it because it's clear they would have suffered the consequences otherwise.
>nobody ever acknowledges mc even though he's saved the world several times
>after beating s tier villain s+ tier villain randomly comes out of the woodwork
>even though the villain is nigh-omnipotent mc still beats him through teamwork or friendship or whatever
>MC is a Royalty/Nobility/Military officer/Some higher authority
>Please just call me by my first name because I'm so humble
Kamijou Touma still has limitations and needs the help of others though. The only one he ever defeated without the help of others was Styl.
Well asians are known for having a draconian idea of what success is meant to be, in regards to their kids.
Is not that uncommon
The current accepted theory is that a particle resolves when it's observed.
To be fair it's been a thing since the greeks
>why do you like MCkun bland waifubait #495398?
>flashbacks to the time she watched MCkun try really hard at something from a 60 meter distance
>flashbacks to the time MCkun gave her a pencil during a test
>flashbacks to the time MCkun picked up some gay ass charm bracelet or necklace and gave it back to her
>flashbacks to the time MCkun protected her from bullies (something he is shown to do with literally everyone) 10 to 15 years ago
>Although he has next to zero interactions with said waifubait MC falls in love with her despite having almost nothing in common
Are Nips incapable of writing romance that doesn't go from 0-100 immediately or having the vast majority of the relationship being "the chase"?
That is one shiny rapist. Like imagine having epilepsy and this nigga comes at you.
>Are Nips incapable of writing romance that doesn't go from 0-100 immediately or having the vast majority of the relationship being "the chase"?
Yes. Virtually every "romantic" manga series is just two characters beating around the bush or one oblivious half of the couple.
This is the one I cant handle. Along with the opposite, where something good happens and it's a shot of each character smiling and making that breathy noise.
This is toddler show tier shit that keeps getting put in teen/young adult targeted shows, it's horrible.
>indirect kiss
>Nice new male character that attract the main girls is actually a rapey ass villian
>pic related faces
>Love is revealed through deus ex machina or a 3rd party character forcing them together
If you need a deus ex machina to confess for you then you don't have chemistry.
>all female casts
>yuri bait
>muh cute loli pedoshit
that shit is the worst crap this is y I don't even watch anime anymore since it's the only crap that airs now.
>The small, tiny character effortlessly defeats and destroys the bigger, muscle-bound character, along with any sense of visual confirmation of how tough someone is
>The retarded simplicity of the Japanese language forces any conversation that exits platitude-territories to be summed up again at the end of any serious conversation
>ALL of the girls are virgins despite being incredibly popular and well liked
>The school idol is worshiped, and anyone approaching her is attacked by the general populace, regardless of the idol's wishes.
>The Japanese' adherence to "The Reveal", forcing their characters to look like absolute idiots. Such as:
>>They ask "how did I get into this crazy position?" only for it to be not-at-all crazy as they go through the flashback, and then the situation is over in 2 seconds
>>They are staring at something that is even slightly but obviously threatening to them going " this a joke? Ha ha?" until they get killed
>>Something happens that should be in the character's line of sight, but they can't see and/or realize it until the camera pans over it.
>Anime in general.
In Japanese, first names are casual, especially without an honorific like -san
None, I don't hate tropes, I have these that write them in a shit way
none because writing doesn't have to be anything.
i only hate when a tool is used improperly.
oh, wait, there is a trope i hate.
the mouthbreathing ironic anime fan who communicates solely in buzzwords like "edgy" and "forced" which have lost all meaning.
Shinji is spineless yes, but he's not a sperg. He's got good reason for being awkward and unwilling to cooperate,
>not liking getting BTFO'D by the man, the legend tite kubo
i was laughing my ass off during the entirety of that last fight
To be fair, it was far more entertaining to see an asspull powerup to actually fail.
>character betrays everyone else
>gets forgiven for no fucking reason
>no repercussions
Bonus points when they keep fucking betraying, and by the end they're not only still alive, but achieved what they set out to do originally while suffering no consequences.
>Something goofy or "lol randum" happens
>Character has to yell out the joke for the audience
I loved Bobobo, but I really wanted to strangle Beauty sometimes.
That nip comedy for you.
>main girl gets pushed relentlessly especially when she's not the best girl
It's painful.
How does that differ from the Copenhagen interpretation?
Fuck harems. Every additional "love interest" character decreases the quality of the show drastically. And any amount greater than 1 means you're pretty much never going to get to see the actual payoff before the final chapter/episode, because otherwise the competition would be over.
Beyond that, the only way a harem doesn't end in instant fugging is if the main character either has no fucking libido, or else is a spineless little faggot who ruins the series (see: To Love-Ru). Otherwise, he'd stick it in the first gorgeous girl to inexplicably throw her naked body at his unremarkable self. Watching a man turn down such opportunities again, and again, and again, and again isn't really funny, it's just baffling and frustrating. Like jesus christ kid, just sack up and fuck her.
>So what you're saying is..... [characters repeats the exact same thing but dumbed down for 5 year olds]
This post is dangerously close to "I don't know -- CAN you go to the bathroom?" territory.
>girl is actually a boy
>The retarded simplicity of the Japanese language forces any conversation that exits platitude-territories to be summed up again at the end of any serious conversation
A-ahah yeah japanese sure is easy
Do Yea Forumsnons hate spineless characters because deep down, it reminds them of themselves?
>Adults are useless
>Church is evil
>Egyptian character's entire thing is being egyptian
>MC's best friend (male) ends up alone
>Dropping plot points / Chekhov's guns because incompetent writers
>Characters that insist they made it there through hard work but it's revealed they're special / the chosen one anyways
>Characters that insist they made it there through hard work but it's revealed they're special / the chosen one anyways
Naruto in a nutshell.
What a coincidence: I hate "girl gets splatted by thick white goop"
What are you, a faggot?
I'm just sick of seeing them. I like protagonists that want to get shit done.
No. That's why I don't like gazing at cock juice.
Cock juice sprayed all over a girl's face? That's like saying watching porn is gay if there's a single penis in it.
>Overpowered MCs
>MC is in love with one particular girl that has no interest in him and ignores other girl/s that do have an interest in him
>having slaves only to fill the harem fetish quota
>introducing concepts that people of that time period should already know (crop rotation)
>isekai'd MC has knowledge of a wide range of subjects that he shouldn't know unless he's a /his/fag, a trivia fag or actually has an in depth knowledge of that particular subject, which is never the case because MC is just your ordinary otaku
>"I don't want to kill people despite the fact that if I don't kill this person/these people even more people will get killed!"
>spineless MCs that don't change
>female is introduced as the strongest character, but once """"""""""weak"""""""""" MC comes along, she starts to job to almost everything, and the MC has to save her
>MC breaks established rules because muh willpower/tomodachis
>MC is going to leave his village, but tsundere childhood friend has to come along for no reason other than to contribute nothing and just argue with other girls in the party over the MC
>traps. They're always played as a joke and it's not funny anymore.
>Nippon steel katana can cut through anything!
>Boring and pointless world building
>Japanese mannerisms in an obviously foreign setting
>the token bug guy for you is suddenly the size of a mountain with no question
>and sometimes the plot entirely banks on that
*big, cause that can be someone else in that example
>"MUH " girl.
>Abusive girl who beat MC when he did nothing wrong
>The character kill and destroy many property and other people lifehood, then get away easily after heart to heart talk.
>Something that's objectively wrong with the society of the series' world creates a villain
>The villain outright explains his motives and how he came to the conclusion what he's doing is right
>"Hehe, screw you old man!"
>Teenage heroes kill the villain and don't acknowledge the societal problems that created him
I legitimately wonder if people actually put a terrorfying reason for the absurd strength. Like odd mental powers that work by touching objects, a twist of being a cyborg, a curse, using souls that they depend on to live, strength from a being beyond our world. Putting thing like that will at least get us to look past the ridiculous shit but the author is usually too short-sighted to even consider it.
>MGTOW warnings.
I love that the strong female character jobbing even happens in fix fics. They just make the girl a complete useless bitch that needs the main character’s dick almost all of the time. The only girls that don’t go through this are the creepy silent bitches that almost always resemble that water chick from “Now and Then, Here and there”. I’m surprised that fucking Black Clover doesn’t go this way.
Well yeah, women just can't do anything like fighting without a man's help, even in anime. Everyone remotely intelligent knows this.
Violent tsundere.
>speech impediments
>nano desu
Umu is an archaic form of Un, which means Yes. Nano Desu is perfectly correct Japanese grammar. The Nano part is an emphasizer. Following a noun with ppoi is also perfectly correct Japanese grammar. The ppoi means 'like'. Kodomoppoi = childlike. What you probably meant is that you hate characters that use sentence enders/gobi. I hate those too.
>You just cum buckets, but your penis is so genki again
Really hate this shit.
Women are useless in real life. I’m only referring that in the show’s context, the bitch is strong and experienced. Sometimes the jobbing chick is a fucking super soldier or not even human.
>all the women are waifuable even the villians
>There is no realistic cunt nobody wants to fuck.
Despicable women in fiction are kino. Think Xayide,the witches 1990 or this horror movie cant recall hot woman turns into a crazy hag and cuts dudes dick up in sex.
Maybe its cause 90% anime are for kids :p
>draw girl
>say its a boy
>/pol/ freaks out
every time
>SHAFT anime
>the fucking head tilt
I came across this clip of Shield Hero and my god the delivery is so fucking cliché that I cringed.
>smug self-insert MC talking down to others about how he's right
>chipmunk-sounding loli calling the MC "master"
>waifubait "muh waifu design do not steal" looking up to the MC
I don't even watch the show but I can tell that this is probably some generic isekai wish fulfillment anime.
The first 2-3 episodes I thought were good but then it just got progressively worse. Now the MC has a complete edgelord persona, while the heroine has to remind us hes just putting up an act. But for what fucking reason does he do it? That plus the fact he's so traumatized by being betrayed by some slut that it made him go full autism which causes him to trust no one and get emo easily. Creating a bunch of unnecessary drama. The last few episodes was of him being an hardcore edgy baby creating problems causing problems that could easily be solved if he had any sort of common sense. I lost all will to watch it any further at this point.
>Show is a blatant ripoff of whatever crap has been popular for the last 6 months
>Filled with tits and upskirts to try to make up for it
This is exactly why anime was a mistake
Shinji's spinelessness is a character flaw rather than something that makes him a "nice guy" who can't make a move and gets rewarded for it.
I don't know what you're talking about.
It's a Japanese-ism that doesn't translate well to English. It's even worse when they use it to vaguely refer to someone as "that person"
Threads that boil down to the topic of "why I hate anime" seem to have become a mainstay of this board since Yea Forums became 4channel.
Nah, it's more of a frustration due to the consequential pacing. There isn't really a reason for the plot to slow down just to suit a character's hesitation. It's like Wee Bey telling D'Angelo to move, while D'Angelo keeps thinking that Bey got orders to kill him
>The fuck you stopping for? GO!
>Get in mothafucka, we ain't got all night for this shit
Sometimes I think anime should learn from good Yea Forums
I used to really hate the whole "willpower of shouting a lot" thing, but I think the fact that it's such an often-hated cliche kinda warped me back around into liking it. I'm a sucker for that kind of indulgent, over the top shit.
>get dropped into a fantasy world
>offered the chance to be a hero
>actually destined to be the suckiest of the bunch
>things are looking up though and you get a good companion to help you out
>they accuse you of rape for the lolz and now almost everyone in this new world that you're stuck in hates you now over some shit you know damn well you didn't do
Absolutely no one on this planet likes being falsely accused, user. I don't even like the series all that much but I'd definitely understand why one would become a distrustful, jaded asshole too under those circumstances. Since most of the world hates him, he doesn't feel a reason to owe them anything or be nice to them or show them any kindness, because they readily believed some fake-ass shit because a cute girl said it.
Shinji is a pleb filter for people who want their mc to just be some typical badass rather than a character with realistic motivations or lack of in this case. I have met people who said they couldn't watch eva cause of shinji and almost every one of them spouts either Death Note, NGNL and Kill La Kill as some of the greatest anime ever made.
This. It's easy to forget how weak people are. I remember with Gurren Lagann there were even people who wanted to drop the series because they couldn't stand Simon early on. I don't know how light you'd have to be to not even be able to handle fucking Simon, let alone Shinji.
Anything that involves a power that's broken but "reduces one's lifespan"
Its just a crutch for the author to pretend that they are raising the stakes when in reality we are never going to see the actual consequences of it.
Not a trope, this is my autism speaking but
>anime is set in europe/medieval world/anywhere not in japan
>all the characters still have japanese mannerism
Fucking Schwarzesmarken was extremely guilty of this, they are supposed to be in eastern germany during the cold war but they bowed like if they were in modern day Tokyo.
Same for Little Watch Academia, where the FINNISH girl who lived in fucking BRITAIN bowed before a cop.
Like how fucking hard is to avoid doing that shit during the process of animating something if you aren't using Japan as a setting.
>childhood friend
It’s funny that DITF somehow has this shit (as if it can’t get any more shitty). For example, it has a dark fairytale of a monster and human romance that clearly is inspired from European fairytales. A fucking German scientist. An entire world that is controlled by a international force that is heavily inspired by the medieval period with a European government system, which is connected to Catholicism and European religion. Somehow, they have all of this European shit and and think it’s a great idea to try to replace it with some Asian shit that doesn’t belong there in the slightest, which is heavily true when you see the fucking Jian bullshit on the picture book or learn that the main villain is Virm instead of God after teasing the God/religious shit. Any European or even American would’ve used this setting much more appropriately and prevented the forced Asian shit from killing the show to rip out its European soul with a friendship power-up, reincarnation, Sakura, and Golden Hoe. DITF is like the Xeno series if they decide to say “fuck you” to its European inspirations and give no fucks about the story as long they get to put Asian shit in it.
nobody respects police like Finnish youth
> fantasy or isekai
> the big bad dude is "the demon lord"
God damn it Japan mix it up a bit.
>jokes gets explained
Why do nips feel the need to do this? Pic related is a joke done in a good way. Just think how much less funny it'd be if the last panel had Kishida exclaiming "CLUB PRES JUST SOLD THE BOOK OVER AND OVER TO MAKE MONEY!" like a lot of mangaka would.
Because nips are retarded manginas without confidence. I’m pretty sure the reason why white man have bigger penises is because evolution wants to show what race has more faith in itself.
>Looks like a slut
>Acts like a slut
>Dresses like a slut
>Not actually a slut
I hate this trope
>talk a certain way
>dress a certain way
>is not a whore
>comes back to life.
user, I...
>anime ends abruptly and is just an advertisement for the manga/LN
>audience treated like preschoolers; every little fucking thing that could be easily figured out with average adult intelligence is screamed from the rooftops
>writing and characters basically composed of a mishmash of whatever's popular at the time + the author's fetishes, no actual character development takes place
>superficial/"""implied""" character flaws sasuga onii-sama
Do black people have the most confidence then?
>all this hate for faggot mcs and roms
there's still hope
Post Japan culture being praised
>friendship is magic a bad trope
Today I will remind them
>>jokes gets explained
You can't even imagine how much I hate this.
False! Motherhood is a part of the perfect woman.
% fights 90% talks
Why do people like HxH again?
>It's ok to be a mass murderer if it's just you lashing out at society
Sorry user, but if you wouldn't mind I would like to have a word with you.
>>The school idol is worshiped, and anyone approaching her is attacked by the general populace, regardless of the idol's wishes.
Holy crap this so much. Where does the school idol meme come from anyways? Wouldn't the girl that every guy loves have a thousand rumours about her being spread by jealous girls?
>Villian has "good" motives that are supposed to be hard to fault
Villians are evil by definition, if he kills gazzilions of people so that he can make a perfect society or something dumb like that than he aint exactly morally just.
Give me your best lad
>>japan's cultures get praised by everybody and everything
This is how it should be, because face it; the west is a complete clusterfuck of disgusting multicultural nonsense and whatnot.
t. naturalized Japanese
>best girl never wins against main girl
>that one episode that goes full genesis
it was a little heavy handed but I actually liked it.
Meme awnser of a fag boy that loves being waged cucked by nipponese business men.
>no romance and no comedy
I enjoy the talking more than the fight. Regular shounen magical fight becomes boring after I've seen 1000+ fights. It's only fun when it has high stake, or tactically planned, or make sense.
>But he acts realistic
That doesn't make it fun to watch.
only after marriage
Practically every attempt to combine mythologies and historical figures ends up in a clusterfuck of dumb bullshit that makes everyone look so fucking lame.
Which is why the canonical perfect woman is the virgin mother Mary.
>"If protag does that he might lose his humanity and become a monster"
>he gets awesome berserk rage powers
>only price is requiring the occasional cooldown hug from heroine
>has uncontrollable rage powers.
>none of the allies gets hurt
>no real repercussions from said berserk but a coma
>Asspull power ups
Is so hard for shones to hint their future power ups?
>"Comedy" anime that is literally just a single joke constantly repeated.
>Character's entire motivation centers around them liking another character that they barely had any interaction with.
>Characters who only exist to die for shock value
>MC is a complete bystander to everything around them
You mean the chick who cheated on her husband with G*d? Hell no.
Pretty sure G*d put a baby in her without consent.
R*pe maybe?
I dunno but eitherway this G*d fella needs to be stopped.
>he didnt know
villains =! antagonist
>girl is strong enough to punch mc into the space in comedic manner
>but in any other situation she is as weak as a little girl
this trope was only done good in girls bravo where mc childhood friend was some kind of martial arts prodigy and fucked up any other character in a fight just like mc in comedy situations
Have you ever tried writing?
It's very often a 100% evil dickhead that we are supposed to find morally agreeable.
>MC is trained in a multitude of skills that are convenient for the situation
that's just your bias because it's always a japanese man with a western woman against a western male villain
I think this is come from their "Idol Culture" or "muh purity" stuff
If I wanted to see a blubbering pussy break down and give up the call to action in my shows, I'd head over to your house and invite you to join the military.
Compared to some of the scum out there (Himinto's loser MC being a prime example) Shinji is great taken even at face value, without even getting into why he is how he is.
>Character, object, place, or name is based off of or even outright from another country
>They use a Japanese name/pronunciation of it
No, fuck you Japan, he's from England so his name is "Neh-ji", not "ne-gi". The word is German, so it's "Eureka 7", not fucking "oo-reck-ah 7", and some other third thing I'm mad about.
First you have to make a power system that make sense and then make the Mc work around it.
Naruto at least trained to get the new abilities he used to fight each time, until the war ruined everything.
I wouldnt say is easy but is not that hard.
People who can't stand Evangelion and don't understand characters like Shinji should watch something more appropriate to their cultural level and intelligence like Naruto instead of Eva.
>muh resolve/power of frens resolving any problem or fight with 0 effort
Beauty was the straightman of the party to explain the gag. She was annoying, but that was her role in the world.
I hate limp wrist fags as much as the next guy but Shinji is a well written and grounded character. He doesn't even require you to read 5+ hours of a shitty VN to grasp his character like Shirou. You're probably just self inserting too hard buddy.
But then your shit get too popular and you have to extend the manga 10 ten times its intended length, and you have to resort to power creep to keep the manga interesting.
Then all the planning goes out the window and nerds all over the world dissect your manga more thoroughly than they did to the frog in biology class
I honestly find these quirks charming.
>I don't even watch the show
We could tell when you called Shield Hero a self insert character, and the series itself wish fulfillment. That world sucks and Naofumi rarely reacts to any situation as an audience surrogate. Don't take an out of context clip as indicative of the entire series in the future, as tempting as that may be.
Wouldn't the cat be it's own observer anyway?
Sure, it's a thought experiment to show how silly it is, but it's still kinda flawed in conception.
Remember, because of badly thought out examples we got half a century of writers treating entropy as the ultimate expression of chaos, even though it's literally the opposite.
Because story is more important than mindless action.
You're absolutely right.
It's just that certain things are much more often badly executed than not.
Would be justified if the villain didn't kill anyone and wasn't actually all too bad.
Any examples for that?
>he doesnt know about the discord trannies
wow what a bitch
>vocal tic/Gobi
>someone makes mix out of it.
maoujou de oyasumi is the only manga that gets the 'fantasy world with Demon Lord™' right
let's hope you are drowning in money at that point.
you understand
>character starts singing
>va doesn't sing the song
>instead they switched out for some singer they hired just for that song
>obsession with harmony
That's a confucian thing. Confucius's real name is Kung Fu Tze which roughly translate as "the harmonious one"
>male MC
>Mindless action
Instead of telling me what move this niggah is doing show me. HxH is the king of telling us about cool shit instead of showing us.
tenchi muyo?
>wait for BD
>no nipples
Tenchi wasn't spineless
kurt is that you???
>Implying it isn't
>MC is in love with one particular girl that has no interest in him and ignores other girl/s that do have an interest in him
Fuck man, why didnt Harima choose Yakumo. Will forever be always mad at that.
>posts Saint Olga of Kiev
>That female character that explains everything in the background.
>Worst girl wins.
Piss off, Nobunaga the Fool was great.
not incorrect.
weird looking fujiwara
>isekai with western medieval fantasy setting
>Nip male university MC isn't a self-insert
>Having a kawaii loli/anime babe look up to you as their master isn't wish fulfillment
This shit:
>MC goes berserk, gets powerup
>Supporting character: "*MC name*!!!"
>gust of wind generated from MC's powerup hits supporting character: "ugh..!"
>shot of MC's new look, MC makes a grunt noise
>enemy attacks, MC unleashes new move
>MC talks to himself/thinks of super edgy words like "kill", "die", "suffer"
>supporting character steps in to stop MC from going full berserk mode and says some corny bullshit like "I believe in you MC" or "remember who you are, MC" or "come back MC"
>MC reverts to normal self
>female with a loli body has lived for 20-1000+ years
>still has the wisdom/knowledge/mentality of a child
Enough with this shit. Either own up to being a lolicon or write a fucking adult.
>japan's cultures get praised by everybody and everything
Oh wow, who would expect that from literal japanese cartoons
Nah, I think its mostly just a way of making a character appear extremely desirable and out of reach (making it the more satisfying when the mc finally "obtains" them). I have seen that trope played both in series aimed at men and women, it goes beyond purity.
>shield hero isn't a self insert
The difference is that Shinji doesn't get girls sucking his dick the moment they meet him. His awkwardness is totally justified especially after the 2nd mission. In the first he got knocked out and would have died if it wasn't for Yui and in the 2nd he disobeyed Misato and won on his own without people dying, he then gets scolded - totally destroying any sense of direction he should take. And this happens all the time with him. Now compare him to the standard beta selfinsert nice guy MC that doesn't take action until the situation is painfully obvious for him to the thing and then gets drowned in waifu baits.
Camera pans to sky whenever they need to cut away. Lazy.
Someone give him the quick rundown.
Every villain needs to stand like retard and explain his "evil plans" so the MC can figure out how to whoop his ass.
Characters keep naming their attacks everytime they do a fucking punsh or something.
Mein Kampf manga
he's not even alive, which makes it more retarded
Dont have the screenshots, but a server was exposed for coordinating raids/shitting up threads across various boards, mainly targeting /pol/ & /r9k/, but they've been spotted in Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc. Screenshots show them trying to normalize twink/trap/tranny/shota/commie/yang gang shit.
The screenshots are floating in the other boards of them actively talking about their plans and strategies.
Not surprised that they're here.
>clenches fist
>rubber sound effect
JoJo part 5 is also guilty of this, I'm surprised they don't say itdakimasu before eating pasta
>You saw my titties, I cast the Bambi upon you!
I think that's drool. Doesn't really do it for me.
You'll be surprised about how little selfaware are girls
Great monologe
But there aren't many japanese men interested in western women. Is that those mangas are written by authors who like them or is that western women are niche fetish?
>But there aren't many japanese men interested in western women
>character drinks alcohol
>that sound they make
why don't you like that trope
Breast envy. Yes, I get it, 99% of all people are oppaifags. I like flat chested girls though, stop forcing the shitty breast insecurity trope on them. Just don't bring up size at all. Your viewers aren't retarded, they can see who has the bigger ones and who has the smaller ones.
>reddit spacing
user I was rooting for you, we were ALL rooting for you, why have you betrayed us?
you mean bipolar?
made me think of this
>no argument.
Convince me otherwise. Being an otaku in college doesn't automatically make a character a self insert.
You must hate Kaguya
Oh, that's what you meant. I can understand that.
Weirdest dislike on here yet. Is that just a pet peeve of yours, user?
>tense or dramatic moment
>forced humor to the rescue
Eh, that works well for some anime and not others.
>15 years trained powerful character is defeated by a character (usually the MC) because he got a "special" 3 days training.
>forced het romance
Like only 97% of the population
That's too specific to be a trope, user. I get what you mean though, and it can be annoying if not properly justified.
>character starts laughing
>other characters starts laughing
>pan out to landscape shot
Just feels forced every single time
I actually like this though.
> the entire ''school is the most importat place ever in the universe is the only momment in life humans are happy''
jesus this shit show how crap japanese life is,
why Japan people even care in finish school if they going to comit suicide later when they realise that their lives are just work in factories making memories 24h per day?
>Sometimes I think anime should learn from good Yea Forums
I think that's not too far fetched of a thought user. Anime should stop this incestuous relationship with itself and do more stuff inspired by non japanese media to grow. Look what Urobutcher did witch chink Wuxia shit, Thunderbolt Fantasy is fucking awesome.
I'm curious if this is true. I do recall someone saying that expressing yourself in that language isn't cool at all because it takes too much talking and the language is basically "beating around the bush" lvl 99 tier.
It's a little unfair to compare Yea Forums tropes with one of the best shows in modern times, but they only do it because it continues to sell. Same with tropes in Yea Forums, the target audience just doesn't see it as a big of a problem.
It's written by a woman. The MC is sort of their idea of a sort of perfect guy who acts as a tough/cruel asshole but actually has a heart of gold most of the time, yet still has anger problems that the female MC can "work on" over time.
And most importantly, he NEEDS her. Like literally can't do anything without his female companion. He doesn't have to have a female companion but his psychological issues make that more likely, conveniently in a convoluted emotional logic way.
There is plenty of cringe and wish fulfillment in there, yep.
Numbers were random but the format is always the same. Powerful trained skilled guy or monster of unbelievable power defeated because the MC got a "special" training that last a week (at best) and will never be mentioned again nor other character will try the same training.
It only works if the MC actually didn't kill anyone in the series.
>average joe goes batshit because someone did something like sneeze/adjust his glasses/put ketchup on steak
>bonus points if he's one of the main baddies
>extra points if he's a shota
I only hate spineless characters when it becomes a chronic problem and the most emphasized trait.
>flashback to something that happened 6 minutes ago
Yeah I see what your saying but since hes ventured into other areas and villages where there was no looking down at him or hating him. And ends up helping them for money and retaining that edgy attitude. Afterwards he's highly regarded and respected by those people, I would think he would develop as a character based on these experiences to see not everyone is a dick out to get him. Occasionally spear boy and cunt cut in and try to fuck things up but he's been beating them despite them cheating.
The Melty situation I guess I can sorta understand why he'd be so stubborn. But god damn you took care of this girl while neither of them knew who they were and shes best friends with your team mate. And she openly talked out against her sister, told them that she's a troublemaker and why despite being older is not set to inherit the throne and stopped her from doing stupid shit.
>character thinking back to conversation literally 30 seconds ago
>voice of other character to remind you of what they literally just said
Main girl is always worst girl.
>the fight is actually 5 secs long but for some reason they can speak for a full minute
>fanservice takes more screen time than the show itself
>pokemon level milking in disguise
Not really, Shinji is most def a well written realistic character. But I could not stand him being so pathetic, its infuriating as hell for me. I don't gravitate typically badass characters either since they're pretty boring. I like it when a MC has to suffer in order to progress or change, I don't mind it if they're flawed either.
Shinji despite being probably the most realistic MC's was to damn cringy for me to watch.
I remember some guy in a jojo thread said that animators probably do this because nips aren't familiar with western gestures and wouldn't get the meaning behind them
Giorno said itadakimasu before drinking the piss
maybe I'm just not noticing it but because they re part of my culture, but how many western gestures are there really that nips wouldn't know? shaking hands instead of bowing isn't some kind of great mystery
I feel like I'm the only person who related to Shinji. He literally did nothing wrong until episode 25 and 26 + EoE. I'd even go as far as to say I would have done everything almost exactly the same way if I was put in Shinji's shoes as a 14 year old
He's actually Japanese though.
saying your catchphrase while using your attack is the kino version of this trope
>MC has a one trick ability
>MC posts a shitty best/worst tropes you love/hate thread on an online image board for the third day in a row
Ugh, can someone recommend me a few anime where this DOESN'T happen?
>life only as a soulless drone
dont worry I think we all will finally head to that fate soon thanks to the chinks and (((them)))
>if the mc didnt kill anyone
this is my main problem with both anime and (((hollywood)))
>kill 100 henchmen that only there to feed themselves and their family
>confront the literal evil in human form
>defeats him and ready to deliver the final blow
>suddenly drops weapon
>"no, i wont be like you"
You forgot the part where the villain kill himself, a secondary character kills him or just a sudden accident happens. Everything to justify the MC not doing whats needs to be done.
Imagine if the reverse happened, though
>MC is staunch pacifist
>refuses to kill henchmen even to their own detriment
>confronts the satanic big bad
>forced to bloody their hands
>everyone else celebrates while MC becomes a broken man
Thank you, Rapeman!
Zestiria somehow manged to do this right. The game anyway. Fuck the anime.
>flashbacks to things that literally just happened
I literally do this...
Pic not related I assume.
>imagine if it happened
kino/10, probably will work with batman being forced to kill joker
>japan's cultures get praised by everybody and everything
Yeah, this one gets to me. Every now and then it's fine but some series just shove it down your throat.
>no one would stand his shit and whiping and would have left him or exchanged him 3 episodes in.
Never understood this. Isn't Shinji literally the only person that can pilot EVA-01 due to his literal connection to it? Hell I'm pretty sure he was consistently way ahead of everything else in terms of Sync Ratio for the entire series, only really being surpassed by Kaworu.
Bad Writing Index of Tropes.
>every girl is better than the main girl who wins
Most of those are great tbqh
All female cast is great, get better taste.
Zero no tsukaima. Louise is so shit that she needs to familliar love bond for Saito to love her. If there was no familliar love bond he would have married the big tiddy maid and be a happy man.
>Creating a bunch of unnecessary drama.
But he isn't the one creating the drama, is him telling the other heroes not to be retarded and stick around to see what their actions cause, the drama we've seen is usually started by the other retards.
>The last few episodes was of him being an hardcore edgy baby creating problems causing problems that could easily be solved if he had any sort of common sense.
Are we watching the same series? He keeps presenting himself as dick to everyone because the ones in power (church, state and other heroes) are still harassing him and he knows no explination will change shit, even when he is also cleaning after the retardation caused by the other 3 dropouts. The only time he fucks up is in the fight against the zombie-dragon just because he didn't wanted to put the girls at risk, wich fucked everything up and unlocked edgy mcguffin wich he should totally not use anymore even if it's OP as fuck as it causes an area of effect whatever.
What other probles did he created?
>kid is so new he thinks user shitting on tropes is a recent thing
No, they lead to the show being even more repetitive than haremshit and pander to literally the worst otaku group that is ready to eat any garbage with cute girls in it.
>Character is (half) Western
>can't pronounce his own name
>the edgy antisocial guy gets the girls
At least bland neuron star MC's are genuinely good people. Not some autistic grumbling "literally me" faggot. These are even more blatant self inserts. Just have him get trucked and purchase a few slaves while he's there.
>all female cast except the MC
>cast is just a collection of overdone archetypes
>MC has shaggy, spiky black or off-black hair
>MC has no personality whatsoever
>romance that goes nowhere until the very last chapter
>characters just say each others names instead of any meaningful dialogue
>tsunderes being violent like the same gag is funny every time
>big guy is the weak one
>small guy is the strong one
is there a bigger jap wank manga/anime than Gate?
>thing happens
>character states that thing is happening
>character A makes food
>character B goes "OH IT'S LIKE OISHII IN MY MOUTH
>tightens grip on sword
>metal clank sound
any cunt can be a mother, not every cunt can be a good parent.
motherhood < parent < good parent
How is entropy not chaos? It's total disorganization, just not in the "reckless force" sense.
>isekai OP MC
>fight with dragon or something(insert any strong creature)
>that thing turn into a girl and traveling with MC
>many more girl join MC party
>MC act like beta fag, get scared bob and vagene
>everyone surprised when MC do something
>Is Op as fuck
>Has no goals or desire to sleep with any women
>No real excuse or reason not to
>dense mc so oblivious to a girls CLEAR advances it makes him look borderline retarded
> one officer in the army/organization is stronger than all the fodder troops put together
Incredible how a society as collectivistic as japan keeps wanking named characters so hard. Some day it will be the fodders turn...
>Life of crime, trauma, ruined the lives of hundreds maybe thousands of people. Faced dozens of opponents with conflicting philosophy’s yet never wavered
>Complete brainwash by a 10min conversation with MC-kun
Has the unnamed masses in an army ever accomplished anything? The closest I can think of is Briggs soldiers stalling for the MCs in FMA.
>Harem anime
>Every male outside of the Beta MC is a sexist scumbag pervert who only exist to make MC-kun's basic human decency seem special
>every civilian is a complete evil asshole in a cheap attempt to make you feel bad
>then someone nice appears but actually they're going to sell the protagonist into slavery or to the enemy soldiers or something even though they're some random grandma
Yuno’s pissed me off so much in Mirai Nikki. Tho I did like how her parents basically had the same relationship as her and Yuki.
>character is supposed to be foreigner
>speaks fluent japanese without an accent
>says basic words like "hello" or "thank you" in his/her native lenguage every 4 sentences
>VA has bad to terrible pronunciation
>character is clearly voiced by a japanese person
>foreigner character is blonde with blue eyes
Fuck this trope