That is bullcrap for example slime has been killing it just its manga adaption sales were rivaling some of the shounen series and vol 1 only sold around 6k and it just got a second season due to how incredible the boost for LN and manga sales have been.
Eli Baker
>toubun pretty much ranked in all of them
I doubt the VA's can carry the show alone. Is actually good? First episode was meh
Asher Hall
Additionally this has always been the case for a while now but when will people realize the anime industry is a whore to the publishers and nothing but a tool to popularize mostly light novels and manga. There was a time when we had tons of VN adaptions as well but the that medium is in a dire state now.
Aiden Sanders
>Shieldbro >Comedy What?
Elijah Bennett
It's haremshit, you know how that goes, people find a waifu and pretend the series is good.
Adam Jenkins
How about neither?
Nicholas Miller
Healthy people?
Bentley Hughes
It isn’t wrong tho
Landon Jenkins
>epidemic of false rape accusations incel
John Perry
>Currently popular >Makes anime for 5 yen and a bowl of rice Gee, I wonder why they chose Tatsuki?
Oliver Kelly
Yet shows that sold like absolute crap like Tsugumomo and 3D Kanojo still got second seasons. Or Slime for a recent example, it sales were nothing special and it got a new season announced today.
Brody Edwards
Is this anime redpilled? Might want to try it out.
Michael Williams
>Is this anime redpilled? The main antagonist until the very end of the series is the thot who accused him. said thot was officially named bitch (then witch) later in the series. She was Does that answer your question?
The VAs can and have carried worse shows. 5toubun isn't bad, but the quintuplet premise wears off fast and it devolves in the usual haremshit shenanigans. And both nips and Yea Forums love to eat that shit.
Noah Campbell
>discs sales matter in 2019 Imagine being this retarded.
It's manga is currently the most popular weekly romcom in Japan.
Jack Turner
Toubun is great. Can't say the same about the anime though. I dropped it after Ep 2.
Samuel Diaz
I am as perplexed as you are.
Robert Lee
harem shit
Lucas Cook
>Comedy anime of this season >not Neverland Shit taste. >Moe anime of this season >5toubub Stopped reading right there. >Exciting anime of this season >Moving anime of this season >all that shit taste And then you people say that the west have bad taste.
. 3D girlfriend Is the 2nd season better than the first? Because the first was pretty terrible.
Wyatt Smith
makes way more sense, too. >buy the BD >it's expensive as fuck and all I get are some minor changes >buy the LN/manga >get to see all the content that didn't make it into the adaption >can probably buy the whole series to see how the story continues for the price of one BD box, too