Ep2 6/15/19
Girls Und Panzer Das Finale
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Nobody's commenting that Saori is manning the gun?
This? That's the bow MG sight.
Also, I hope your guys won't turn this thread into another waifu shitposting and get the thread delete.
What we can talk about though?
>delete waifu threads to make room for more MHA and Naruto shipping threads
sasuga Moderation!
I'm just glad that at least we can see Viking fight instead of the stills that Chihatan and Bonple got in the series.
Give me a (You) when the BDs are out.
How GuP have changed/improved your life in all those years?
Look like they have Panzer III and Chaffee.
But what was she doing in the turret anyway?
so it's actually ending or "finale"
A little behind with the franchise
It's second episode out of six. This is probably the ending, but, you know that THE RIDE NEVER ENDS.
I just want to see that Polish school leader and what they gonna sing/play.
Team skinship ova when??
But that's not in the turret.
I mean, there's the frame where she's talking with Miho, and there she's in the turret.
>viking is in
Looks like she's showing Miho something.
I really hope that the frogs job fast.
>ep 1/20
I swear I would die first before all of the Das Finale episode gets released.
only 90 more days until das finale 2!
They are taking too long. At this rate most people will lose interest.
Or just die
they won't though. BC Freedom will expose Oorai horribly and continue on as the main cast against the vikings
You anons don’t deserve nice with you impatience.
I just want a tatenashi final boss
Sawreehfag's dick?
>Some anons will never live to see the last episode of Das finale
Feels bad man
It's eva all over again
I think you're exaggerating a bit with that. Not that I care about Eva,
In case of janny,
Check out /jp/
>Momo on the cover about to cry
Fucking useless trash goddamn
I met Yukari
And how that changed/improved your life?
Remove Alisa and we're cool.
But I want Alisa to be my girlfriend.
Is someone translating the Anzio manga?
I tried anchovies for the first time.
Stalker did some chapters.
Did you like them?
Too salty for my tastes. Panettone is tastier.
Honestly, it wont. Even if it takes 5 years, people will still watch it. Look at Eva rebuild.
This is how you do a trailer Hollywood. You don't tell any plot and just put action with some cute stuff in.
After the translation for the sixth chapter of Pravda Senki
Thanks user. Anzio a cute.
Girls und Panzer (2012) 36,286 + 30,739 = 67,025 Avg
Girls und Panzer Kore ga Hontou no Anzio-sen Desu (2014) 65,058
Girls und Panzer Movie (2016) 230,516
Girls und Panzer 63rd Senshadou Zenkoku Koukousei Taikai Recap Movie (2018) 12,586
Girls und Panzer Finale I (2018) 69,602
This series make 65K avg (not including movies)
Bandai can milk this for another 10 years. Plenty of manga to adopt. Ribbon Warrior should be next.
Andou is cute. From the poster arrangement, I guess she is going to fight the pirates?
I HATE Yukari!
If we dont actually get to see the faces of some cute blonde Norwegian girls I will be mad
Norwegians suck and deserve to get punched.
He HATES her
t. Takashi
She hates you more
Befriend Assam!
Ignore Rosehip!
I stopped being depressed and started loving life
>mfw my family gets pannetone every Christmas
Anyone know how much the French gup figures are going for? I saw them in a buyfag thread but I forgot to ask
Holy fuck Yukari is cute
well, Chihatan got a lot of screen time later.
But the vikings already jobbed against Maginot.
If the French Revolution going on at BC Freedom was just a trick to make Ooarai think that their leaders were at each others' throats and that they couldn't fight well, then why was there street fighting? Did they know that Yukari would spy on them?
Also I'm happy I get to see more of the adorable fluffy frog, and the French tanks doing more fighting
That's Viggen, it's Sweden and not Norway.
I passively follow this series, I left at the movie, what has been released as anime since then?
By that time probably every senshado player knows Yukari, see how quickly Uszka in RW identified her.
Dabrowski's Mazurka?
Why bother telling them how to do a trailer properly when they can't even do a movie properly anymore?!
You shoulda seen her fangirling over the pasta tanks in the manga.
Das Finale is not the end.
It´s the beginning of all.
She even instantly apologized to Miho after it.
ahhh... so close
they already have my merch money, I have no choice but to stay interested
>here's your tank bro
>saori sat on it.
What are the chances of Ribbon Warrior anime?
post YFW
i'll take the one with the crazy eyes
subs will be out from the 20 and never or it is going to be a BD release and fuck it?
That's no way to use a lance, Jajka.
eyepatch girl is my waifu
is das finale really going to be the end of the GuP franchise? i'm surprised it never got a second season.
>Darjeeling how do you propose to single-handedly change the entire culture of Japan?
>Illegal tank fights.
Fucking amazing.
Ok, but don't forget Koume.
Also, with this being RW, how long until we get a Maho/Erika scene?
Shizuka and Rin's lesbianism is so powerful its got its own cross-dimensional gravitational pull, they've begun to drag in dykes from other universes into their world.
Regal slags
pls respond
Blu-rays will be obsolete before they get to the end of this
This is the second season, they can just make more money doing it like this
so why is it called Das Finale instead of GuP II? Can they not milk this even further than a second season?
>implying any manga are going to be animated
Top zoz
If we get anything after Das Finale it'll be the world cup or whatever.
Because it sounded cool and I bet they'll make us think it's the end and "surprise" us with more. They're doing yearly releases so people who've bought in are baited with the promise of more and that they can't leave 'til it's really over. Which is fucking stupid, they really do run the risk of people losing interest. This isn't idol shit where you can filter through old fans and get new ones. People grow older and find other things to do with their lives.
I think my problem with the Das Finale episodes is that they feel too damn short
We're having to wait a full year or longer between each one, and they aren't even an hour long
I was actually surprised about how little fighting there was in part one, and I wonder how rushed things will be in part 2 if they have to finish the BC fight and have everything shown in the preview
Only seeing half a fight a year will be fucking annoying
I don't know how they are going to have the multiple fights and not have it feel like it is dragging on for all eternity
it didn't help that is was 50% introduce the pirate crew for the whole runtime.
I hope they don't drag out the BC freedom fight any further, especially if this is only 6 OVAs. the ambush at the bridge was bullshit. Oorai should've at least lost a tank or two.
>if [...] was
>modern tanks
>germany literally couldn't deal with the char b1 they had to invade france as a preventative measure.
>couldn't deal with the char b1
I hope we get to see a decent amount of the other school's matches.
First 2 pics were cringe, but the rest was alright
The apex of Yukarifagging
Fennecs are fucking adorable. Rommels are fucking adorable.
some of the guppies looks so dead inside
and I don't like it
Are there still any non-represented nations with respectable tanks left? Did the Chinese have armor?
This trailer alleviates some of my fears for the show. If das Finale had followed the shows arc, we'd have a max of 5 tanks battles, BC Freedom taking up one spot and seemingly the Nords taking up spot #2. Leaving 3 matches for other 7 schools, meaning some would get no air time. Made worse by the fact that Actas can't seem to finish a match in one episode. Now it's looking like second half of Ooarai vs BC Freedom will be episode two, while the other schools will be shown off fighting the new schools. Pravda vs Vikings and at the least some Saunders and Anzio. Seems like a different pacing style for them though, hopefully they can pull it off
me on the left
I want to trade bodily fluids with Saori!
Glad you cheered her up, friend!
You can't trade with yourself, Saori
Why not just mix them up, in her?
maybe if someone opens their wallet
>ree instead of my preferred unreadable runes, int's the other brand of unreadable runes
you may not like it, but this is what peak female fertility looks like
>>ree instead of my preferred unreadable runes, it's the even more unreadable runes
stop lewdposting
>Ooarai vs Bellwall semi-final
Please make it happen, I want animated Emi-chan.
> Jatkosota isn't mentioned
no no no
girls und thirdworldshitholeequipment when?
not enough loli's to steal to operate their stolen tanks in order to compete
Oorai was shit at the beginning too. Fuck, I really hope they show up somewhere in the future. I love those rogues.
>all best girls wear leggings
coincidence? I think not.
Compared to the others in Jatkosota Mika's tricks are relatively normal.
What part of deflecting shells by spinning like a mad cunt don't you understand?
>He feels a little strange, letting her girlfriend be used like this to fund her tank's repairs, but it turns him on so much
Huh, who knew Anchovyfags were cucks...
Israeli tank museum?
Didn't stop a certain still on-going franchise that called themselves Final Fantasy.
Nor did it stop Friday the 13th
extra thicc sherman
Cute tomboy
Keizoku's steering techniques are Nu Gundam!
Hey, there's one every seven months.
Would you eat the tomato falling on top of her cleavage?
No but I'd lick the juices off.
With LGA2 ending, what other GuP quests have you anons enjoyed?
What music do they have blaring in the background?
Just give me Marie doujins, fucking japs
I want to eat cake off her ass
watch what you ask for
>not out of
But that's literally me
I don't care at this point, I just want to fap to Marie.
how come GuP had only one season but so many movies and OVAs?
because Actas couldn't go 5 minutes without delaying something
what if i told you das finale is the second season but every episode is delayed several months and it gets canned halfway through
As if they are the ones in control of the franchise when they are just the studio that was hired by the GuP production committee to do the anime. I'm not even sure if they are part of the committee this time around even if they are now owned by Bandai.
I want that Andou Oshida art
Miho is not dead inside! Look how excited she gets whenever Boko gets hurt! That's a proof that she's actually perfectly normal.
>Kaichou and Yuzu graduating without Momo
Why not use MG to shred those exposed belly? Or HE to destabilize it?
The Panzerwaffe fears the Universal Carrier with a Boys anti-tank rifle
>Suzuki, Hoshino and Nakajima graduating without Tsuchiya
I want Shizuka to tread on me!
hitting boko makes me feel happy too
doesn't mean I am not dead from inside
Rin please
Also the reason why RW won't be cannon though
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
und das heißt: EEEEEEEEEEEERIKA!
I want those lumps on her chest.
They are perfect, and I'm a big fan of DFC
Heiß von Hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein
wirn umschwärmt: EEEEEEEEEEEERIKA!
Kankahalla kasvaa kaunis kukkanen,
nimeltään Kaarina
In my kamertjie blom ook 'n blommetjie En haar naam, EEEEEEEEEEEEEERIKA
Will they broadcast this as a 12 ep anime one it is done?
Quints of Five confirm they will.
>5 5s
I love this
We have Girls und Pankeki this season
But will there be Spanish tiddy monsters?
I'm happy as long as there's more brown.
God I hope so.
What board is she browsing?
Yea Forums
But it's a red board. I know you can change them
Yea Forums
Poor gunner in Andou's Somua must be squished with her legs on her shoudlers, forced to load, aim , fire the gun and traverse the gun on her own. But at least she has chocolate legs on her shoudlers.
It's a fair trade. God I wish there were girls like that IRL
Is Nishi a titty monster?
Assam's cute pits!
Give us BC/freedom / Maginot doujins.
She's a totsugeki monster.
>Migatte No Totsugeki
Nishi really looks like Saten here
Beautiful tank commander
Germany is finished
So Nishi looks like a slut?
>leave Berlin to me
You have no idea what awaits you.
what happens next though
Mi negro
rosehip goes to jail
Absolutely not.
And nothing of value was lost.
Anchovy ran some kid poverty and blood was everywhere
Don't worry I'm going to get the best lawyer to get my wife out of jail
I suppose Erika likes the sport lessons at KMM.
I'm gonna bust her out of jail so she can continue her life of crime.
it was the commander's fault
commie mommie
Wrong girl user, look at her front armour
Darj fucks the shota.
t-this is a fan made thing right?
I swear china was never going to get representation in gup
Don't free the Hip
Yeah, from a doujin.
Only humans can compete, no bug people allowed in senshado
why is erika a crocodile?
oh wait fuck
what a slag
Due a typo
Free the Hip, rebel against the system!
i don't get it
But they allow mentally handicaped girls
Punish the Hip
>I swear china was never going to get representation in gup
Note that if they ever did it, it would be Chiang's army and as such would technically represent Taiwan. Mao's army basically was absent during the entire WW2 except for one tiny engagement. So either way, China would be absent in GuP because the Communist forces are a non-factor and wouldn't be there. That's why is showing the Taiwan flag and emblem.
This however, tried to have Mao in the top right corner. Still not sure how she would fit in there. Chiang was in charge.
better to be mentally handicapped than ch*nese
I agree, mate! Now come along and allow me to aquaint you with Australia's true service tank and first can of Mortein, the Matilda Frog. A proven insect killer!
then she stole his Alfredo sauce
>it would be Chiang's army and as such would technically represent Taiwan
As it should be, because Taiwan is the only legitimate Chinese entity.
Is the same.
At least mentally handicapped vodkaniggers can design a tank, ch*nks just copy them
>As it should be, because Taiwan is the only legitimate Chinese entity.
Not disagreeing, but it makes sense why GuP would avoid THAT political landmine. People might make jokes about Nanjing and whatnot, but China as it currently stands really doesn't care about Nanjing, compared to mentioning Chiang and Taiwan.
China spends money every year portraying Communist forces fighting the Japanese in WW2 in propaganda movies, basically absolute fabrication. GuP even HINTING at the truth, would get it banned in negative 5 seconds.
True, but don't bully Nina.
Tanks are for losers anyway
the bug cries as it strikes you
At least it was not Marie.
I've just been getting into GuP after ignoring it all this time, so this trailer drop was good timing.
There's so much of it though, do I have it all?
>12 ep TV show
>6 blu-ray release OVAs
>Anzio battle OVA
>Der Film (about to watch this)
>Das Finale pt.1
thats an interesting beginning for a shota doujin
Instead of the tank I wish it was my face hahahah
You are missing Alice OVA
there's like 3 of them with the exact same premise
GuPs have the same way to hunt shotas.
Marie should sit on my face instead, without panties.
I love Kay!
Mostly, yes. There are 8 episodes of Akiyama Yukari's Tank Corner (only 6 are translated, I think), which you can watch if you like tank trivia. Otherwise they are not essential.
Don't sexualize the fat frog, pls
Trips confirm your love for Kay
Now take responsibility
>octane diesel
my boyfriend Naomi is very cute!
Stop, my wife is not fat.
saggy tiddies
I want Shizuka to seduce me then ride me like a horse!
Rin is so fucking gay.
She's a fatty
Rin really manages to stretch her mind for her.
Meet the new vice commander.
>Yugoslav team never
Wrong, she is just a bit meaty in the thighs.
"Accident" when?
I really, really want to ride around in that tankette with the duce.
I'm not wrong and you know it
watch out
It's time
I hope Erika gives me severe injuries with a Konigstiger!
St Gloriana is only for pure ladies.
pure slags
Dem fighting words
I know, right?
She's so cute and full of energy.
I like her even more than Yukari.
Imagine Darjeeling sittiing on your pllow while you drink her hot, yellow tea and eat her soft, salty crumpets
Koume is too nice to even consider such things, user.
Imagine being in that tank with the three of them. Chovy in your lap, Carp hugging you from the side, Pepe riding your leg.
Not according to most garupan doujins.
The things I've seen...
Will Marie, Asparagus or Eclair do a Zidane on Chovy?
I sincerely doubt a fourth person would fit into that tank. Really.
Everybody is a prostitute according to doujin
You don't know.
but true
The Old Gang II tank when?
Not with that attitude.
>I like her even more than Yukari.
This anime has so many best girls, it's hard to choose just one.
Choosing is for fags.
marie is fat
Post your proof
This is wrong. Mika is only interested in pure lolis.
there's no other way for her to have underwear that costs several hundred euros other than having a lot of casual sex that she gets paid for
also please do not grope mika
The Nishizumi sisters are neither pure nor lolis, Mika is a slut.
Their interactions in Dream Tank Match are great
The best
Not everybody is poor like Anzio
Most interactions are, as are the reactions of the girls to their "prizes".
Molesting the Nishizumi sisters is merely a power move. She's not really interested. She only truly cares about sweet little girls.
She would molest anything that breathes
I like it.
Only three more years to deny this!
In the Phase Erika manga there is a typo in Erika's speech which spells out the word "wani", meaning alligator in Japanese, so the two are associated.
In the Garupan Kindergarten series there's a part where the characters want to perform a circle dance. That is, a dance "wa ni", which means in a circle. Erika misinterprets it for a wani dance and comes dressed in an alligator onesie.
In Stalingrad there was a famous fountain with statues of children dancing in a circle around an alligator. A wani wa ni.
Did the creators of World War Two watch Girls und Panzer?
god damn
A Girl's Last Tour type show with Mika and friends would be actually kind-of cool. Imagine a sub-type of Senshado that emphasizes grit and perseverance over open battle by having a small number of tanks duke it out in horrible conditions where they have to survive and take care of their tanks while watching out for the enemy. Maybe like a Senshado battle royale?
Reminder that she might be a loser, but she got to smooch Miho.
Only nishizumisexuals want to kiss that dumbass.
>Maybe like a Senshado battle royale?
user, no.
that's pretty much everyone.
What sort of sociopath uses an anglerfish as their team logo?
she infiltrated the computer
Katyusha should be illegal.
Even more illegal.
Let me fix her
I want to give katyusha my shashlik
But most of them are only into one Nishizumi. Eclair fangitrls over anything Nishizumi.
I hope she wouldn't try to flirt with Tsuneo just because he's Mahos and Mihos dad.
And the thread is killed
>I hope she wouldn't try to flirt with Tsuneo
as one would expect from sovishits
i stopped drinking so damn much since i wanna live to see the end of Das Finale
I'm actually surprised WoT or Warthunder haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet.
>overweight sluts
Remember when this show was about cute pure waifus?
WoT has
Imagine killing subhuman communists with Mika
stealing this idea for my game
>pure waifus?
So never
But that's what Chovy is.
Delet thes
There was a short-lived battle royale event in War Thunder last year.
>Wants to be dicked so badly
Really? Must have missed it since I stopped playing a while ago and didn't see much news from it either.
I don't remember this one
>don't sexualize the finns they said
(C90) [ROJIURA JACK (Jun)] Go Ahead!! Kore ga Watashi no Doctrine (Girls und Panzer) [English] [hentaiboya & co.]
Not sexualize Aki should be crime.
Weird, only every saw the kay portion on ex, didn't see any of the extra pages afterward.
A GuP thread not being deleted? Holy Shit!
All I really want from das finale is for KMM to get defeated by a literal who school like the vikings or anzio
Can't wait for Mika to beat her.
Too bad we're going to see the wani win the tournament in a remake of the final against Oarai, after finding her own senshadou mid-match
naomi a best
Fucking boring
Go back to being lonely and depressed in your ostfront shack, Erika
Keep spamming pics, so the thread can be killed already.
You'd better go back to your homework if you ever want to graduate, Momo
Romanian witches got a new chapter some days ago, but nobody cares about it, please do, it has a cute Kay.
Who freed the picspammer?
God Kei is just such a cutey snuggle fuck 10/10 gf in this
Final Boss there
Looks more like Ginyuu Force.
>rosehip gouranga'd shota.jpg
Why is Patchouli Knowledge tanking with the KMT school?
Debased and horse pilled.
Kagarin correction.jpg
Nvm what I ask
Is al clear now
imagine being sexually abused by Miho
>Did the creators of World War Two watch Girls und Panzer?
Deepest Lore
Imagine being overpowered by Yukari and forced to listen to her rambling about tanks for hours
It was a gender bent dark twist on the plot of the original where the MC and his allies in a cruel turn of events fail to succeed in their goals and are killed in the end by the antagonists.
Whats she gonna do, be dumb at you?
you see what she's done to boko?
imagine being sexually abused by Alice.
imagine being dressed as boko and being sexually abused by alice and miho at the same time
What kinds of anniversary presents do GuPs like to recieve? Asking for a friend
Is it Alice or Arisu?
Alina wants at least 20 children
I want to HUG and FUG Saori
I want to HUG and FUG YOU, user
what if the final 'boss' of Girls Und Panzer was a crew in a Bob Semple Tank?
how does he not hear the tank
It's got rubber pads on the tracks.
> A GuP thread has almost made it to the bump limit without being Shoa'd by the jannies
It's a fookin miracle.
"Go Ahead!!"
Mods either delete or put every GuP thread on autosage.
There. Only one spoon for you today.
That photo is terrifying, I hope the Luftwaffe bombed the shit out of the fountain.