Real shit
Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gegege no Kitarou (2018) - 47 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.53_[2019.03.17_09.13.40].jpg (1280x720, 141K)
Real shit
The new arc in the second year is called The four leaders of hell. Search only gives 2018 Kitaro related results, could be the four princes of Hell, sounds western in any case.
The first revealed character is a fuckboy.
God damn
That was really double unexpected
So, timeskip or Mana uses her new powers to revive nekomusume?
Mana uses her power to eradicate every yokai
jesus christ
>i'm so fucked up
I'll need context to go with those gruesome images, doc.
watch the episode la
how in the fuck? isn't this a kids show?
welcome to japanese kids shows.
I stopped warching after 24, have they finally thought about different plot than nezumi no otoko fucks up everything in almost every episode?
Actually no, at lest until this episode, he was right this time.
I chuckled.
Is that Anonymous, the final boss of the Internet?
Yes, this one from /x/ lejun though.
I like the designs that went into these reporters.
Damn son.
we devilman now
>kids' shows can't feature violence
Thats a lot of jelly.
With your powers combined, I am captain mana.Nice episode, I'm guessing the beam going to have some (asspull) difference that could reverse nekomusume "death" compared to kitaro finger gun.
Youkai don't die when they are killed.
And a woman letting her child almost dying alone because she was fucking with another guy
Punished Mana is a pretty impressive twist, gotta admit.
I laughed a little. Can't be just neglect, she has to be cheating as well.
I laughed at this part.
I don't know how to feel about this. I know this is a series that is very basic and saturday morning cartoon and I am reminded of that quote from LOGH about "bring back a character from death at a moments notice" but still That hits real hard after all this time. I guess its shock and if they stick with it for awhile the sadness should hit the next few episodes.
Plus she shows absolutely no remorse. Just glad she could pin it on youkai and get away with it.
No surprise by the way the way because the 80s series also had a Hell arc.
Why, why did it have to be this way?!
I know but they still need considerable time to regain their old form.Mana beam probably gonna have a weKness or something so that nekomusume get all better when mana is fixed.
hold up. this still running?
Fuck Neko Musume and fuck Yokai.
Toei; Dragon Ball is a kids show, we can't show blood in Dragon Ball Super.
Also Toei
>the gerogerigegege of kitaro
Did they kill nekomusume in the old shows?
>Mana with enpera never
why live desu ne
Cute OG
Shit's going south now, next episode seem to go full throttle on Mana despair too.
The episodes feel less and less kids oriented, the series shine the brightest when it berate current society problems anyway.
What the fuck is Nanashi doing to Mana? Giving her elemental powers or some shit from people's negative emotions?
>Killed all best girls
>kill other far less sinister spirits
>let bibibi live
Someone explain
mixed bathing with my girlfriend!
I dropped it after the witch and western yokais arc, what are the relevant episodes I should watch to catch up with the current event? I don't want to watch bunch of monster of the week episodes.
I'm sure she's died temporarily a few times, but they get around it just like with Kitaro (who's as resilient as Kenny).
>I don't want to watch bunch of monster of the week episodes.
this show isn't for you.
> I don't want to watch bunch of monster of the week episodes.
They usually are the best one though.
You don't need to see anything before this ep.
Smile protection : FAILED.
What the fuck happened to this show? It was always a little dark but my lord, they really killed her off?
I actually like most of them it's just that the witch arc was kinda dragged on for too long so I lost my interest after.
RIP NekOnee-san
>a little
Nice yokai finish last.
There was many episodes with bad / sad end and even death.
I'm like 10 episodes behind, are we getting Higan arc next?
>gegege no kitarou
wait.....they remake this one too? I remember this anime as a kid, never understand the story tho since i have zero clue about how japanese monster and myths works
Youkai love Mana´s delicious legs.
They remake gegege no kitaro every couple of years since the 70s. We are already on the 47th episode of this remake.
>that picture
have anyone make it a "soul vs soulless" meme yet
also thanks for the info btw, saved 10sec of googling right there
This isn't Yea Forums
Faggot yes, go watch it, NOW.
What's the last element? Water?
Bibibi is half human and if we killed all crooks, we would run out of world leaders.
Nah, one of the new characters announced for the season is Enma Daio (no design revealed though).
Year 2 announcement actually outright said it'd be "edgier" too. They'll take this as far as they can go with the current timeslot.
We will do without it and you.
Nanashi/Nameless = Jews
The current generation = goys
Mana = the ones who still think and not completely affected by the propaganda
Yokai = Catholics
Kitaro = Jesus who punishes the sinners
Ratman = mixedbreed who will lead the way to co existence which is why he isn't killed by Kitaro
Oh is he, I just read the site description that said "Hell should be ruled by Enma Daiou, but..."
I guess they wouldn't mention him if he wasn't gonna show up.
you know, i kind of hate this.
this edgy "ooh mysterious and blood and DIE" constant bullshit.
i mean, i guess one of the purposes of rebooting this anime every decade is to showcase changes within the broader landscape of anime, and to an extent japanese culture.
everything from the stories to the chracter designs reflect modern anime values to some extent, and i guess DBZ beam struggles and gradients everywhere are what audiences are expecting nowadays.
but, still.
We've had some great episodes with little to no battling though.
That said, this show in general has been much darker than the 00s reboot (well, not counting Hakaba). I haven't watched the previous ones though.
I hope that when they bring nekomusume back it is in a form better resembling her old look.
I know, I know.
but things like the Western Yokai arc were so...bad.
i've seen quite a bit of the other series. the 96 series had a fairly solid manner of adaptation, where they would have the base of the story remain more or less the same, but expand on it in a meaningful way.
orotatami-nyudo is a good example. the plot from the original story is still there, but they expanded on the emotional and logical implications of Nezumi-otoko finding out he has a brother (albeit a fake one)
the 2018 series seems to be the strongest when they do the same, expanding on stories that already exist.
that said, i might just be an old curmudgeon who hates everything new.
She'll come back as loli.
Mana will be the nee-san now.
>but things like the Western Yokai arc were so...bad.
Oh, I agree. The Western Yokai arc ended up the weakest part of this series, in spite of getting hyped up. The current show is at its best when they can tie the Yokai to Japanese society somehow and the Western Yokai arc mostly lacked that.
No, not again. NOT AGAIN!
you're on the right track, so let me ask you this:
how does the nanashi/nameless overarching plot tie in to japanese society? how does it reveal something about either modern japan or the characters?
given, some stories don't need a "bigger picture" or moral. that said, is it substantial enough to stand on its own?
The sense of purpose modern japan lacks can work.
Nanashi's "problem" is that he is barely even a character and is just a hand in the background. But, other than the Western Yokai arc, Nanashi is involved with stories about the failings of Japanese society. That said, most of those stories, like the Tanuki war or the trial, already existed and they just added Nanashi to them.
how does creepily laying magic symbols on some random middle schooler represent that? i'm not being combative, just curious.
exactly. he just pops in every now and then to either give the moral or repeat it after someone else already said it. he's just something they added to keep people watching, wondering "oooh i wonder what this spooky mysterious guy is" he's like an anime carrot on a stick. except the carrot is just styrofoam. no substance.
Well, we don't know the conclusion to talk about "moral" of the story (although we should know in two weeks), but the basic idea seems to be turning the idea of a bitter anonymous/nameless internet user that can still speak to many others in spite of having no face to them, something inherent of the digital age, into a new modern Yokai.
Note how he was strongly involved in the modern version of the Kuribe Oni story, with the hate and curses that usually would be something personal being spread through social networks now, and even flowing through him at the end of the episode even after the Kuribe Oni was taken out.
Dark loli version?
It's the elemental pentagram symbol but evil hence he needed to break mana's spirit since one of the 5 elements is spirit.
It fits with the focus on the psyche they are going for, love/hate/understanding/manipulation/control
>one of the 5 elements is spirit
Fire Water Earth Wood Metal.
so he just goes through random kids one at a time over the course of months putting magic spooky elements on them and make them shoot lasers out of their hands?
it might've been cool if he was a personification of the good ol' internet hate machine, but mana does nothing to connect to the idea of it. all she does is use her smartphone, and it doesn't seem like she's overly invested in social media, or at least not enough for mister 5th of november to curse her. does he exist outside of the main crew? does he appear anywhere else outside of the main character's view, like how hatred exists even outside of a person's view?
Well, he seems to be using Mana specifically for some kind of ritual due to whatever is that backstory we've briefly seen before.
And, yes, we've seen him affecting society in general, not only Mana. It's just whatever ritual he is doing involves Mana specifically. Like I said, look back at the Kuribe Oni story or even the newest one. He's clearly shown as a general hatred machine.
>The current show is at its best when they can tie the Yokai to Japanese society somehow and the Western Yokai arc mostly lacked that
But most of them were about Japanese society's relationship with the West and Western culture.
Nah, that barely happened. "Mad Frankenstein", Halloween, Belial and most plot episodes aside from the first two were all about the witch fighting against her fate or getting used to the Japanese yokai. Not that those things don't have some value, but they didn't need that many episodes either, especially if they were just going to write her off afterwards.
Where's that image of neko musumes roaming around the author's place when I need it.
I still want a Enma-kun crossover
Guy Fawkes?
>No more Mr. Mice guy! No more Mr. Clee-hee-hee-hean!
What the fuck I guess I shouldn't have dropped this.
how do they work?
remember when mana got impregnated by tanuki
We know Nekomusume is coming back, but I wonder if they did this to "refresh" her design for the next season.
Kinda want it too but her new design proved to be pretty popular
I know, but more designs mean more merch. That's why magical girl has new transformations and shounen manga has visual power-ups.
I still can't believe they did this.
>I don't want to watch bunch of monster of the week episodes.
You probably should stay far away from this series then. Its really the whole point to have monster of the week episodes.
And now they'll have two popular designs to make figures of.
Did they even made one scale to begin with? I mean, not prize tier?
Only one to go.
so cute
There's one by Megahouse and 3 Bandai prize figures.