I haven't seen the new movie but based on what I've heard, not excited for it at all. Still, rewatching seasons 1 - 2 is some of the best shit even after more than a decade.
Is it perfect and devoid of any plot holes or asspulls? No. But this is the peak of entertainment. Shame they couldn't get the world's biggest pizza though.
I think the entertainment depends on how much you can ignore how dumb the plans are.
Isaac Jenkins
the hype is dead >everybody was excited to hear a s3 was in the works back in 2010 >then we got the recap movies that changed plenty of things compared to the tv series >then they announce it was a movie instead of a new season >then we got a movie that drop all the character development and personality from the tv series for the sake of CC-LL ending now we just wait until we get subs, camrips or the release outside japan before we start shitposting again
Juan Wood
>>then we got the recap movies that changed plenty of things compared to the tv series What kind of things? Shit, is that worth checking out?
Nathaniel Jenkins
I really enjoyed it for the most part after rewatching it last week, but just like the first time I saw it, everything seemed to fall apart after the thought elevator got smashed - it's like the writers got possessed by the spirit of Stephen King and couldn't figure out how to handle the ending arc.
like of how they had Kallen seeing off C.C. and Lelouch off and not implying that she may decide to follow them later on? Or of not given a more appropriate time of Kallen with Lelouch or of her reaction of C's World and of the possible Ragnarok Connection few years ago?
Joseph Gutierrez
yeah, even though they changed Shirley's fate which resulted in not actually kissing Lelouch or of him using his Geass on her to only realize how much she actually meant to him. Or of even though they didn't go to exact details with Kallen's relationship to him, even though they kept in the kissing scene in the 3rd Recap. I think I had it that in the end they had that C.C. was still immortal and not have it that perhaps the Supervisor of spacetime appeared and could have removed her Code off a whim which would lead to the potential harem for Lelouch if including Kaguya.
Jaxson Richardson
Some of that, but also the pacing of the storyline just felt wrong. The final showdown between Lelouch and his parents should have been the climax of season 1, and the whole Zero Requiem plan felt like something rushed into existence to justify a season 2. Character motivations didn't come off as strong or clear in season 2 either, inter-character relations were lacking detail, and the shit between Schniezel, Lelouch, Cornelia, and Nunnally felt forced and came a bit too late in season 2 to have a worthwhile payoff.
It's like they had all these interesting characters and motives, but couldn't put them into situations that made them shine and work together.
Mason Williams
I did not like it of how the staff members had change the views and relationships with characters despite they kept concepts like of the Code Black spin-off which featured Lelouch with the girls he had growing feelings for.
This is bait, right? You're literally using an One Piss image
Luke Morris
I felt that because of the number of episodes for each season; why couldn't they at least added in an extra 13 episodes to make it like 39 episodes for each season, given of the potentials the Picture Dramas were for an actual single episode or of more history on Kallen's family like a appearance of her father, like is he still alive or not?
Isaiah Reyes
who cares about the story
CC won lulubowl so deal with it
Cameron Reed
Not to mention that it seems they had also neglected the times in the audio and picture dramas, like of the audio that had Milly first met Lelouch which resulted of of her image song "My Dear Friend" which should her hidden feelings for him, or of the Picture Drama based on R2 of Turn 22 of C.C. of asking if Cecile Croomy is in love with Suzaku.
Only the third one The first two are minor scene additions and a lot missing
Aaron Martinez
Audio and picture dramas surf a lot between crack and canon and I no longer remember what's real and what's not.
I remember Rolo accidentally making Lelouch and Suzaku kiss though. Good stuff.
Evan Perez
>the release outside Japan It's already out, though? Just watched it.
Justin Phillips
t. butthurt suzakufag
Carson Myers
Weren't screenings in Australia supposed to start today?
Joshua Allen
>>then we got a movie that drop all the character development and personality from the tv series for the sake of CC-LL ending Your headcanon doesn't matter. Deal with it.
Gavin Lopez
>> drop all the character development >> headcanon It's canon now. Stick with it.
Zachary Fisher
Just got back home from one, it was pretty good.
Benjamin Thomas
They didn't drop anything though. You're just delusional retard.
Matthew Reyes
What did you like the most?
Jordan Robinson
You're just shipfag. Explains why you eat shit.
Isaiah Turner
The only country who does benefit from world peace is a country whose entire economy is based around mercenaries sending blood money back home. Instead of diversifying and transitioning they try to provoke a war or something by kidnapping Nunnally or something about bringing back C world. Why couldn't they pull a Dubai and use Indian slave labour to build fancy hotels and casinos in the desert and sprucing about all these amazing landforms?
Kallen hugs a Lelouch but CC confirmed winner. She literally resurrected a LEL ouch and Lelouch changes his name to Ll at the end, implying he married CC. Was so good Aussie girls cried.
Dominic Lee
yeah, but I felt they left out things though, like actual kissing scenes between certain characters. Also, even though Lelouch proposes to C.C. when having being called as L.L., what would stop if he decides to propose once more to certain girls that she had mention before if just a few years past and their feelings for him still remains.
Jordan Turner
>t. butthurt suzakufag You're pathetic cuck just like your boyfriend. Be more honest next time.
Carter Hughes
>She literally resurrected Wait, so she is mainly responsible for his resurrection? How did she do it exactly?
Ryder Mitchell
Nice coping, kallenfag.
Cameron Perez
> some cchit eating sounds Good.
Henry Perez
we wanted a s3 not some one-off useless shitty movie. I like CC but I wanted to see politics and all.
Geass itself already has a good ending. This movie is an extended epilogue like what you play in a game after the credits.
Josiah Hall
They kept all the character development that mattered and C.C. X Lelouch was always a thing. Don't rewrite history. Recaps didn't change the important parts.
Ayden Campbell
Conversely I prefer the final arc to most of R2
Brandon Perry
You need oil style resources to diversify and not all countries actually are able to do that either.
Jordan Green
Yeah, I still don't get of how they felt she and C.C. won't see each other again, even though early in the movie showed that she has a phone with her, couldn't they had exchange phone numbers or something?
Lincoln Morris
> even more some cchit eating sounds So good.
Levi Bennett
Cameron Carter
>everything seemed to fall apart after the thought elevator got smashed What the actual fuck? That's PRECISELY when the show got its shit together and delivered the best ending ever. Even haters agree on that
also, I felt they missed the moment like perhaps they could of had it that Lelouch would follow C.C. he would run into Kallen and decided this time to give her a farewell kiss with her thinking like from the Miraculous Birthday Picture Drama "Idiot, now I can't forget you even when I want to!". Or for an alternate end when C.C. says about the other girls he could be with, with him replying why can't he have all of them.
Dominic Gutierrez
Your eleven boyfriend is still a loser. Seethe more.
Ethan Cooper
Christian Perry
nice butthurt
Ethan Gray
> more Better.
Isaiah Wright
>stil assblasted How it feels to always lose, suzakufag?