
Contrarians cant handle VAChad power so they constantly have to spout buzzwords in an attempt to look like an oldfag whose all-knowing.

Attached: PIZZATIMEBruno.png (864x480, 992K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Giorno bland protagonist
>Clumsy af climax
>Passione underdeveloped
>No character development besides boring sob story backstories for team
But I do still enjoy the fights.

Damn, part 5 has been on a whole nother level compared to previous parts (part 4 has hints of brilliance but is wildly inconsistent). I used to think the series was ironically good before, but now it's legitimately good.

Why does the new OP have to spoil literally everything?

Not even artsy just straight up spoilers

7 > 5 > 4> 2 > 8 > 3 > 6 > 1


Attached: unknown.png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

i do like the jojo part 5 anime but imo the last ep was to inconsistent animation wise

Dont worry their saving it for Metallica and all Doppio moments.

Attached: DoppioSeesAbba.png (1046x720, 1.17M)

7>8(so far)>5>4>6>3>1>2
4>2>5(so far)>1>3


Hopefully we learn why Doppio buried his mom

Is Moody Blues the most underused stand? Aside from Purple Haze.

The anime is halfway done, and MB was only really used during the Soft Machine fight at the beginning

Attached: MoodyBlues.png (462x694, 586K)

It was used more than Purple Haze and was actually plot important.

Fuckin hyped to see that

Attached: ItG6HQH.jpg (2560x1428, 153K)

Yeah, what was with that?

Crunchyroll retardation.

>used in soft machine
>partially used in MiTM
>used to retrieve information on where the venice disk is
>IIRC he uses it in Clash later on
>used to find the boss' identity
it's a very situational and thus not that helpful stand but it's not underused


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What are those even supposed to be? Raisins woven into the hair?

Moody Blues also flies the plane during Notorious B.I.G.

Dye or paint or something
Araki says Diavolo adds them himself because he's a punk but in reality they're only there because Araki is a plagiarist

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Abbacchio's meme kicking a random guy became popular what the fuck

Kono, Giorno Giovanna, ni wa yume ga aru

Attached: 1541114262256.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

>diavolo's design is based on a painting
Even more kino

Why does Bucc bleed?

Mommy's on her period

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

The entire fucking style of jojo is based on a painting type, I forget.

Moody Blues isn't used a lot in fights, but it's useful for gathering information.

Must be the work of an enemy stand.

I know that this is late but,
Rolling Stones did not create zombie Bruno. Have the people who spout these dumb headcanons actually read Sleeping Slaves?

better than arhacki

also a pedophile lol

Best ED yet for me, fuck me what a tune. Visuals are great, too, hopefully new Stands get added in as they are introduced.


i hate doppio what is the purpose of his existence?

t. Risotto

To be an adorable good boy who did nothing wrong

Doppio is Diavolo's past

He cute

Attached: 1536084368797.png (1280x720, 1.13M)

cute tum
I'm glad they resisted the JoJo prerogative of every male character having abss

Rage gets rid of the feeling of fear
From the day I swore against the devil
Is it the end of retaliation?
Abandon the way of life Prove it Stay gold

Weird that the english version talks about the singer betraying his god

I wanna lick her armpits

Purple haze only appeared once in 25 episodes
worst thing is that it looks cool as h*ck

VAfags can't handle the fact that their part is a dull, uninspired trash so they constantly have to spout buzzwords like "kino" in an attempt to not look like the complete npcs they are

Attached: 4a4.png (345x345, 157K)






Cringe and bluepilled

Why are Based and Kino Aureo haters so triggered by the words based and kino? As soon as they read them they assume we're buzzword spamming retards just like them.
Based and Kino op btw.

Is Yea Forums mad over Narancia saying he's a girl not getting animated?

ok asukafag

Why are VAfags so triggered by the words "soulless" and "npc"? Maybe because their part is soulless and they're insentient beings trying to disguise as humans?

based, other partfags are just mad that VAchads keep winning

Their pea brains can't comprehend kino. They also can't come up with any original posts.

not enough buzzwords


holy shit the meltdown started



not seething

Seething so hard he can’t even think of a new buzzword.


>we got Metallica in the part that isnt being censored to hell in the TV release


the only people who hate on VA are SO fags because their part failed to live up to the hype of its predecessor

Beep boop.

You keep reusing kino and based so why would I use something new? Lmao

>People think Doppio is the original personality
Diavolo's birth name is Diavolo
He wanted to keep his identity a secret so much that he developed a separate personality that literally transforms his body and doesn't even know who he is

Based and kino.
Also, reminder that the QUALITY last episode was a based and kino strategy to better animate the based and kino arcs that follow this fight.

I don’t need to cope because we keep winning.
Because at least we’re not reusing your words. If you want to argue with us, al least come up with your own words.


Any edit of this yet?

Attached: jojopepe.png (459x481, 367K)

Good effort but still unbased and unkino

Literally going insane.

Except you didn't come up with those words either. What an absolute retard, oh my god

Xforts disagrees with you and he’s the god of Jojo.

Attached: D2996BBC-AAF1-416E-9BAB-8318342B803C.png (1136x640, 96K)


What do you mean? Do you want me to invent my own buzzwords that will make no sense to anyone but me? We’ve already claimed certain buzzwords, so anyone who isn’t on our side shouldn’t use them in this thread.


What possible explanation does he have for why Doppio of all people developed another personality?

The only npcs are 2/7fags any other part combination fans are fine

To protect himself, which is usually the reason in real life.

>we claimed
>the buzzwords
My body hurts from all the cringe. They literally can't see how cringe they are, mental redditors.

Bros I don't know who's cuter Narancia or Doppio help me this is serious.

From what?
and why couldnt he just develop a stand? It's not like everyone had to be pierced by the arrow

Yes, we claimed those buzzwords and have exclusive rights to use them in this thread.

>no Ishida Doppio
how are nips taking it?

Doppio is a teenager. Diavolo is simply age regressing it's pretty common in MPD

>From what?
>and why couldnt he just develop a stand? It's not like everyone had to be pierced by the arrow
What does that have to do with this?

They're saving Ishida for Part 6

diavolo is original personality because he is the one who can be sensed by trish who on the other hand is his daughter

so wtf is star finger origin?

I actually wish that Epitaph makes seething noises in the future.

Attached: Epitaph.png (1280x720, 355K)

Weather pls, Anacringe doesnt deserve him

It's no use, doppiofags are delusional


A seperate soul would have the ability to develop a stand much like Dio and him having access to Jonathan's Hermit Purple-like stand. this is true also with Doppio. Epitaph is Doppio's stand that is apart of the main being Diavolo, who's stand is King Crimson.

Who here waiting for the Doppio molestation scene?

That just means that Diavolo was in control when Trish was conceived.

Epitaph isn’t Doppio’s stand, Diavolo is just letting him use it.

>Fixed anime version done by someone who knows better.
5 > 3 = 2 > 4 >1

Doppio being the original personality makes perfect sense when you consider that Doppio is basically the worst choice imaginable for a person that could be used to hide from others. He makes ringing noises, assaults people for imaginary reasons (the cab driver and the photo) or to use their objects as phones (the girl with the ice cream), and in general seems to draw attention to himself wherever he goes. He's loyal to Diavolo but is also capable of forgetting his orders or disregarding them entirely such as when he encountered Risotto Nero. The ideal secondary personality for Diavolo would be someone like Kira that would be as equally obsessed with anonymity as he is.

At the same time, Diavolo comes off as the type of person that Doppio would create if given the chance. Diavolo is strong, focused, in control, and absolutely determined to eliminate family members and the past so that the type of situation that happened when he met his mother never happens again.

Just like every jojo OP


>Fixed anime version done by someone who knows better.
>Part 5 is first
Sure, you know too much to the point you know nothing.


420 lmao

>tfw you're domming some cute femboy and he turns into a muscular punk guy

why rate 7 so lowly


Well I've got news for you: you don't

>that new opening

Jesus Christ

Attached: King Crimson is pissed.jpg (1920x1080, 596K)

God Doppio is lucky. I wish I could make a Diavolo

It's the most improved for the original manga. That is indisputable fact.

Yes we do.

I hope he looks this angry on the blurays

Doppio being the exact opposite of Diavolo is perfect though since he's so obsessed with not giving any information about himself that even his split personality is completely different

But it makes sense.

Nah you don't.

Untrue, he let him use King Crimson. Diavolo can still control both of the stands.

It does.
Epitaph is part of King Crimson.

Why does shadow boss look Formaggio? Why like a badly burned character? And why was Formaggio the one that discovered the deaths of Sorbet and Gelato?

Why did bossu sic Basket Case and Wonderwall on Sorbet and Gelato when he finds them repulsive and only sent them after team Bucci ass a last resort?

Because they’ll dish out just the kind of punishment that a filthy traitor deserves.

He hates them, but you've gotta keep your crazies satisfied and shit.

Based boss sending his best to exterminate the faggots.

Because he also finds Sorbet and Gelato repulsive.
Traitors are bad, but gays are worse.

Diavolo is literally gay for his own alter ego

which part?

its not gay if its doppio

bruh wut

Not gay if you're touching your own penis.

How does DP decide what song to use as the ED?
Do they just look at songs that were popular around the time the part is set or does Araki decide

They're songs Araki listened to while writing the story

>What was the process for choosing the ending theme songs like "Roundabout" and "Walk Like an Egyptian?" Is this a tradition that you want to continue in future parts?
Well, those came from the author of the original graphic novel, Hirohiko Araki. They're all songs that he was listening to back when he was drawing the individual parts. Mr. Araki only listens to Western music because he doesn't understand English, so none of the lyrics come across to him as language, but as pure sound. So we got a list of these songs that he was listening to back when he was writing each part, and we chose songs for the closing animation based on which ones Warner was able to secure the rights for. It was up to Warner to actually do the negotiating. So if there is an anime production of the next part, we'll probably go by the same process. Traditionally, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has been a gateway to learn about Western music for Japanese readers. For American fans, a lot of the music and names featured in JoJo's are more an acknowledgement of familiar artists, but this is also cause for Warner to be engaged in a lot of negotiations to secure those rights.

Are you saying this is gay?

>get to hear this in kamina voice
based and doppiopilled

you mad retarded lmao, read much bitch?

What a westaboo

>So we got a list of these songs that he was listening to back when he was writing each part
Modern Crusaders was released after Part 5 ended.


What will the animeonlies think of devil daddy's design?

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why didn't the shark jump into narancia's urine?

Probably that he looks nothing like the boss that Bruno fought and in the OP.

Stop parroting what others say aout part 5, have an opnion for your own
Fuck anime onlys, why DP should pander to these people?

Because Squalo is too loyal to Tiziano to have his stand swim into another man's urethra.

I want to eat evil Trish's ass while Diavolo fucks me

Attached: 50710822_305825676788898_7213451305087851060_n.jpg (1000x1000, 52K)

They weren't trying to attack Narancia

>abbachio spinning around and the same with Sardinia isn't artsy

I want Diavolo to eat me while evil Trish fucks my ass.

>Implying I didn't reach that opinion on my own
If I were parroting everyone else's opinion, I'd be trying as hard as you to shut my brain off and enjoy the worst part

I actually like Giorno, sure he's not everywhere but I like how he acts during the fights, its like Jotaro but with a bit more of a sharp tongue and who doesn't spew cheesy one-liners.
Diavolo on the other hand is a shitty antagonist and a major downgrade to La Squadra

If Crush can even swim inside bottles, why doesn't he simly jump into someone stomach? Or even bloodstream?

Abbacchio's death is peak kino

This thread is actually just containment for VAfags while real JoJo chads discuss part 8 in another thread

Attached: Album Limp Bizkit.png (600x600, 336K)

Thoughtful answer: He can only swim in exposed objects, hence most of the bottles/glasses were open when he attacked

Actual answer: Araki didn't think about it, it doesn't really hinge the story though

Typical Jojofag answer: Shut up and watch the fucking anime

Animeonlys aren’t people.

What are VAfags? Is it "Voice actor" or "Video anime"?

ougon no kaze

It means lurk more

>Thoughtful answer: He can only swim in exposed objects, hence most of the bottles/glasses were open when he attacked
That’s actually canon.

>No Ishida Doppio
>No Konishi Doppio
>No Kakihara Doppio
I just hope that his new voice actor does a good job.

I really don't imagine any character from part 6 with his voice. Maybe would fit well with JJL Kira.

Attached: tumblr_ngnoa5wIbd1spttl5o1_400.png (400x460, 121K)

Oh Vento Aureo, okay.
But what's with the hate? The part is one that I dig.
Giorno is kinda stale but I think its the part that's got the most consistent plot beside 6 and 7

Attached: x1.jpg (780x1200, 319K)

A human body isn't closed when you open your mouth.

Cute pupper.

>Trish una
>t. Una
Trish has a smelly puss puss

>But what's with the hate?

You're okay. Generally VAfags think that to defend their part they have to shit hard on part 6, which is why I started disliking part 5 fans rather than just disagreeing with them

You can't close your nose


Is it bad i really dislike Golden Experience? It's ability just feels like absolute bullshit that allows Giorno to do increasingly stupid shit that barely feels logical at times. At least Araki stopped using the damage reflection and thought acceleration stuff.

I dunno, it just doesn't feel satisfying to see it in action doing Jojo asspulls. I much preferred Crazy Diamond and Stone Free as far as "MC punch ghost with another ability" go.

God I hope so

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If only all Jojo fans could get along.



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I like that Part 5 isn't the most hated part anymore. But I hate that these faggots have shifted all that to part 6.

I have never seen that on this board. It's always "I like Giorno" followed by "SUBHUMAN VAFAGS."

I'm shocked if you're not lying

Attached: 'Allpartschads' are VAboys in disguise.png (1600x900, 470K)


Attached: king crimson.webm (852x480, 696K)

The adaptation has been very weak.
Scenes carry no weight, the characters look extremely off model 90% of the time, they look stiff and awkward. Only good episodes were the ones where KC was introduced, thank god for that.

I don't know how they did such a bad job, translating the art style to animation should not be the problem since they did a decent job with part 4.

Doppio appearing to Diavolo calling out King Crimson is my favorite part of hte OP

You need to go back.

>Makes an awful meme attacking Part 5 fans.
>Expects me to take him seriously.
I have never seen someone say, "PART 5 IS AMAZING AND ALL THE OTHER PARTS ARE BAD." On the other hand, I see a ton of people spamming the same four talking points about VA being the worst thing to ever exist.

You literally have things backwards. Characters look off model only 10% of the time and the artstyle is much better than Part 4.

Now I feel bad for unironically thinking that Stardust was trash.

Holy shit that would be my exact ranking if you took out part 8

I just hope this second half is better handled.
White Album was my favorite fight in part 5 and it looked abysmal.
Fucking Kraftwerk looked like one of those low budget Dragon Ball Z episodes.

And what's the deal with the black eyes, they do it every single time.
Though I have to say the new ED is dope.

It was all just asukafag.

>6 and 8 that low

The problem is limited animation, not bad models. The only episode that had really bad off model moments was the last episode.


Attached: WATCHERTITSWOBBLE.jpg (1560x1200, 1.04M)

>did a decent job with part 4

Attached: deadly quality.jpg (1134x1620, 73K)

Here's a very real pattern
>VA fan: Can anybody bring up any REAL criticism of part 5? Or is it KINO?
>VA critic: Giorno is boring, side characters are underdeveloped, setting is boring compared to a few other parts, the stumbling climax sucks all tension out of the final act
>VA fan: b-buzzwords



Attached: 1544879464822.gif (300x167, 894K)

That's what you've said about every single scene they cut out bro...

As it should be.


Attached: ghiaccio.jpg (210x240, 20K)

>Mista staying close to Giorno.

Attached: hhh.jpg (440x632, 161K)

Can anyone give me examples of bad off model, some people pointed out but I saw nothing wrong with it. I'm a guy that wants to work on animation and it just gets me worried that I didn't really think much when I saw this episode

Get out of this thread if you don't have shittaste

I don't know whats up with the anime bros..but I think I don't hate Trish anymore..

Attached: 1552701737229.png (1280x720, 932K)

>entire part taking place in italy
>no Zeppeli character


gyro better make up for this

I like to imagine in another world that abbacchio is a gigantic tiddy goth gf. Just absolutely massive honkers. Atleast twice the size of those watermelons you'd find but more round. Fugo would be a smelly FUJO that's a bit chubby who likes seeing giorno and mista be gay together(they are both gay males in this world) then narancia is just a bit taller with longer hair while still keeping the twink build. Abba would be moody because she keeps getting blue balled by narancia because fugo takes his attention from abba. Giorno and mista as I said would be a gay couple(as they already are in Canon as confirmed by araki) with Trish being a little cuck queen who watches them fuck daily. When she eventually gets all worked up she goes to her dad and they have farther daughter bonding. And by bonding I mean BONDAGE and hard core FUCKING.

>real criticism
wow user finds x character boring, amazing criticism

How does a guy with one of the most useless stands in jojo get to be part of Boss Elite Squad?

Attached: image.png (421x391, 490K)

Zeppeli characters are trash

on what basis

On they basis that they live to die

Bossu was nice enough to let Tiziano work with his boyfriend.

why does that make a character trash

pretty bizarre thinking, user

Because him and his boyfriend are a package deal

Based and redpilled

Cringe and bluepilled

Why did I laugh at this goddamn.

Because it's too predictable and they serve nothing of importance

Bruno is a Zippelli.

Maybe the Boss uses him to 'silence' people that know something about him?

Biggest flaw with VA is the uninteresting main characters, and having good MC's is like the most important part of a story

William and Caesar were shit but Gyro is based

Why does Diavolo have to look like a transvestite? What the fuck is with those spots

>the guy who introduces hamon to the joestars
>not important

>the guy who helps joseph train his hamon to take on the pillar men
>not important

>fucking gyro
>not important

nice troll, reported, hope you have other things to do besides post nonsense on this vietnamese rice-farming forum but i doubt it

Not completely useless.
It makes an already good stand completely devastating by isolating team members and restricting information.

Attached: trish.jpg (2560x1440, 803K)


where's the nude edit of her dad

>fucking terrorist

Why is Narancia the only one not looking at her?

Calm down Mista

>hamon crap
>not filler

What did you just say about my OP?!

Attached: 1552673899375.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

This board is infested with speedreaders.

All of them were great except Fugo

>Only two fights for this

Attached: tragic.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

Good meme.

Attached: How it actually is.png (1137x1200, 1.38M)

Don't worry bro, in the other worlds he gets to be a humongous titty goth gf


I like you.

Based Pizzallati

About 6 or 7 weeks for this. Depends on if they animate Risotto's backstory and move Diavolo's flashback to Metallica or not.

Why didn’t he just step on Diavolo?

Part 6 is so bad that Araki had to retcon the entire thing at the 11th hour lol

>Part 1 the lowest
Are you fucking gay?

asukatranny and his orbiters btfo

post stands you would sexually fuck.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 21 [1080p]00_13_36.942.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

"Hey you stop looking at MY butt"
cuz she's him

Based and redpilled.

Paisley Park

Now that's a good meme.

When king crimson enter the "erased" time he looks like strawberry gelatine

Attached: images (32).jpg (415x739, 36K)

Attached: HG.png (315x412, 395K)

Spice girl and pic related.

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Attached: HAHAHAHAHBRUABBAFAGSBTFO.png (1872x720, 1.09M)

Attached: d6f.png (611x802, 256K)

No pls..

Attached: 3969D03C-95C0-4D57-AF90-7BBC5586655B.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Do this with the courslaves version of the pasta.

I want moody blues to step on me

>this chad comes up to your gf and slaps her ass
wut do

Attached: based.png (591x355, 522K)

how do you unsexually fuck?

Shoot him


Attached: 6e30b626ef4000e85e217ec5bc88d0e2.jpg (480x640, 53K)


Attached: COURSLAVESDOUBLEBTFOD.png (1636x602, 864K)

He shoots him and makes things harder for everyone else

Attached: BN_Reiji_K=1106777784410492928.jpg (500x658, 73K)

Attached: IMG_20190315_185454.jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

>this chad emerges from that chad and slaps your gf's ass
wut do

Attached: infamous large.png (290x338, 197K)

The new op song is so bad, wtf happened?


Attached: AB274842-45D8-4768-9587-E383A126222B.jpg (1080x1413, 284K)


I think it great but the visuals are lazy

What? I really didn't like it. Feels too generic shonen, like Chase in part 4. Doesn't feel jojo

Have some Trish toes

Attached: IMG_20190315_185625.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)


What did he mean by this?!!?

Attached: N.png (684x768, 620K)




The only acceptable ship with Bruno desu

Attached: D1oS6DMVAAEEwSm.jpg (1200x1080, 182K)

moody blues was literally made for sex

Where's the oil

Attached: 1552683446038.png (1835x1023, 2.13M)

pretty much this

Can Giorno turn an onahole into an actual vagina you can hold?
Asking for a friend.

fuck off feetfag

I'll have my senpai Melone track and dismember you

Giorno could give Mista a vagina.

Damn Trish is dummy thick


Attached: fuckgiorno_5.png (816x1078, 559K)

No normies allowed

Attached: trish.jpg (1920x2858, 1.12M)


The nail polish wasn't in the original was it?

Does Trish gets stuck with a zipped hand forever? It's pretty stylish though

What it Trish softened part of your floor so you could fuck it

It's gone by BIG in the manga

What if Trish softened part of the floor and when you were balls deep in it she hardened it again and laughed at you?

It wasn't.


Attached: 9728e090-f84a-41d6-9c5e-b8da3fbbf2a7.png (1280x1361, 953K)

Then your dick gets ripped off as you struggle to remove it, sealing your fate as an emasculated sissy.

BASED asukafag, make more giorno torture

Nice one

who do i have to commission for good trish nudes


The shadman

Is this official art?

>cavemanfag thread
Yikes. I'm skipping this one.

Who was in control on this page? Usually the eyes means Diavolo is in control

Attached: 1551146576060.jpg (780x1200, 948K)

Diavolo was in control of the eyes and Doppio was in control of everything else.

>ladybug censors
Cute CUTE!!

Why would Diavolo get angry at himself?

New OP is the best JoJo OP.

>we're only a couple weeks away from seeing Doppio act like everything is a phone
I'm so hyped bros

Diavolo is the one with the angry personality, not Doppio.

I hope the anime has him using Diavolo's voice for the scene. Make him seem like he lost it

Doppio is a fucking lunatic.

It's edited.

Attached: trish.jpg (1376x2048, 827K)

Anyone can feel anger. It's not a personality.

They both get angry.

That would just be confusing.

Can we all agree that this was the best ED of the series?

Attached: 1552787803577.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Nothing will ever beat Roundabout

Are Diavolo's hair spots hereditary?


How do you even make that mistake? the 7 key isn't even remotely close to the w or h key.

Attached: 1540665796228.jpg (165x266, 13K)

Probably style markup that got lost

What's your favorite and least favorite stand?
Killer Queen
>Least favorite
Hey Ya

Aside from the fact it still follows generic anime tropes, the animation and visual details especially the 3D aspects have really improved.
The story is actually somewhat interesting with creative characters.
Mista is best character

Hey Ya is the best stand.

Paisley Park
Yo Yo Ma

>1 the lowest

it had the most soul. fuck stands

If he donuts you at least make him use a rubber

Attached: bite the pillow.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

REEEEEEEEEE I want to upload a 3GB image but it's "too large." How much more do I have to shrink it?!?! SHUT UP, Yea Forums. TAKE MY PIC.

Attached: NMCozCE.png (950x942, 379K)

its just hermit purple but in human form

I'd love to

Attached: 500e1c583aa74e4c6f61a8c027f4c1c3.jpg (570x840, 311K)

Stone Free
California King Bed

>D in power is enought to fuck up someone

A knife is enough to fuck up someone

The chance of Doppio filler is getting slimmer by the hour.

Attached: JojoDoppio.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

Paisley Park is no destructive power whatsoever according to the stats but still was able to break someone's leg.

Bros I can't stop rewatching the OP. It's fucking great.
>OP literally starts with the ending of the manga and that beautifully slow shot of the series title
>Squadra actually all got featured in the OP, making the past few fights feel even more important to the story while showing the group's progress
>That 10/10 transition with Trish and Spice Girl into the cover for the Notorious B.I.G. volume
>Them giving Doppio the best color scheme and nailing his entire personality in just a few seconds
>The fucking fight between Gio and Diavolo as the music reaches its best rise
>The triumphantly cool scene of Gio holding the arrow to the heavens and looking more like Dio than ever when stabbing himself with it
fuck you guys, this is the most hype a JoJo OP has been since Sono Chi No Sadame.

Gib Risotto filler

There's too much downtime, the entire part with Giorno and the arrow could have had so much more interesting stuff shoved into it

The chorus with bossu and Giorno is great but they went full retard with the arrow spoiler

Why is everyone suddenly retarded for this arc? It really dampens my enjoyment of this fight, at least the last half is great.



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Not at all.

Why is Part 5 so bad? I'm trying to like it but it keeps letting me down.

Young Diavolo looked like Doppio so why is he fine with Doppio just walking around out in the open all the time?

His hair hides his face
Also literally everyone who ever knew him died in a fire

it was a shameless fist of the north star rip off

Like what? Dedicating the last bit solely to Giorno and Diavolo helps Gio seem more like the protagonist to this part despite all the crticisms before, it fit perfectly with the music too. Plus you know there's almost definitely going to be a lot more added into the OP when the GER/KC version happens later on thanks to the full version of the song.
I don't think it was TOO bad, you'd only really figure out how major of a spoiler it is if you knew anything about the manga. Besides. PB's OP practically walks you through the whole part in terms of its spoilers. They're a staple in the OPs at this point.
>Modern Crusaders
DP knew what they were doing.
>Why is part 5 so bad?
Why don't you answer your own question?


Oingo's stand (i dont remember his god)

Part 5 is just trash. Don't try to force yourself to like it.

Didn't read the mango but the anime is the best part so far

Who do I believe?

Can you believe that we really trust Crunchyroll with the future of the anime industry?

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The opening is already very slow so grinding to a halt after it's just gotten into it is a bad move

Well, elaborate.

read Steel Ball Run and Jojolion. alternate universe is best universe.

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There are spoilers and spoilers. The arrow one is too obvious.

Kinda want to marry her desu

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have an actual opinion you flaming faggot.

I wouldn't really call it slow, everything after the 30 second mark kicks off into a pretty decent gear. The last part just gives a way better sense of build-up for what's to come, sort of like Sono Chi No Kioku.
Only if you're a manga reader apparently, I haven't seen any animeonlys thinking they've been spoiled other than by Spice Girl being showed in the OP.

VAchads, the winning side


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>the virgin having an opinion vs the chad just believing whats popular

>People called this bit QUALITY
I'm convinced at this point it's just a retarded JoJo meme. You even see it in youtube comments
>XD guys look at 0:04 at this one inbetween frame, QUALITY QUEEN am I right?
Fucking retards are as bad as fillerfags

>Believing what's popular
>on Yea Forums
Part 5 is the best part if it's now cool to hate on it

Tizzy Anos

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got D A M N tiziano arouses and confuses my dick at the same time

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I want Tiziano to rape me while he emotionally tortures me with his stand

Giorno clearly stabs himself with an arrow, which reminds animeonlies of bites the dust. Its pretty easy to predict.

Parts 7 and 8 are better written but I still enjoy 4 and 5 more.

I was going to do an oily version but I can't into art so I have no idea where the sheen would be

But requiem has nothing to do with btd

Similar concept.

Sure, but they don't know that


also same

>bondage stand
I'd fuck it

Animeonly here. I thought Giorno was going to put the arrow into Coco Large because they showed the arrow falling into a red circle right after which made me think the arrow was some upgrade to the Mr. President room.

Well technically he does

>Coco Large

And one thing I've found, is that every good road trip needs a good inside joke that only the people that went on the road trip will get. These days, I make up the inside joke before I go on the road trip, just in case one doesn't happen. For this road trip, we'll make it... jumbo/LARGE. Get it? jumbo/LARGE? It's like a maxymoron.

>There are probably animeonlys out there that have misinterpreted the ending thinking Giorno's using the arrow to unlock a new ability for Coco Jumbo

Imagine the disappointment they will feel

What would an evolved Mr President do?

I'm enjoying it but it feels like the part with the arrow goes on too slowly. Like everything up to this point is fast paced and then it spends like 1/3rd of the OP on Giorno piercing himself. Also It's noticeable that it's an incomplete OP because they will eventually include some King Crimson and GER, and I feel like that will elevate it to one of my favourites.
Also it's a personal grip but I wish they had included this visual

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To include GER they'd have to change the entire last part
It'd be stupid for him to already have GER out and then stab himself with the arrow



They couldn't include that because Fugo is gone

>Turtle Requiem
Based DP going with an anime-original ending

Literally a TARDIS

>tfw the visuals during the GOLDEN WIND part will definitely swjtch to Giorno doing THE best pose in the entire part for the final version

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It would have a bathroom.

This new ED is fucking godlike. Jesus fucking christ.

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How did Traitor's Requiem get away with that incredibly blatant sample of Live and Let Die?

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Now that I think of it, Giorno does put the arrow into Coco Jumbo for safe keeping.
Since the room is the stand and the arrow ends up in the room, shouldn't Mr. President have become Mr. President Requiem?

For once I'm actually excited to see Diavolo's unveiled design solely to see how badass he'll look in the OP fighting Giorno. I think giving Diavolo green eyes might actually've been a great improvement to his overall look

It would be a comfier 20th Century Boy with none of the weaknesses.


[Mr. President Requiem]
Now it have a bathroom.

maybe it has to actually scratch the floor

Lipstick or we riot

Why does Josuke have such bad luck with women? Gals were flocking all around him at the beginning of the school year in Part 4:

Attached: koichi and josuke.png (826x833, 285K)

they'll shit their pants when polnareff gets juked. fucking diavolo is a shapeshifter

If there are any drawfags about could someone draw O MY RUBBER NEN but with Trish and Spice Girl?

It would probably weaponize Coco Large's hatred for Buccellati's team and the Boss, revealing the true main antagonist of Part 5

Unlimited food supply on the fridge and a bathroom.

>Trish could soften her butt to make it jiggle like jello

I'd rather she softened me and trampled me

It already does that

>Disgraced Purple Haze looking down in shame
This ED is maybe better than Roundabout.

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But with her stand, she can make it jiggle even more. Like the surface of water.

>PH lower than the guys killed by KC

Why is the new OP such a disappoinment?
It's really noticable when Fighting Gold was pure fucking kino.

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Hot. I wish she sat on my face, creating an airtight seal killing me.

t. fugo

>Tiziano saying Squaaaalo

Very simple answer
CODA is god.
Daisuke is shit.

It just feels really phoned in, like they threw it together just for the sake of having a new OP.

dumb frog poster. Traitors requiem is kino

I remember people saying FG wasnt for Coda's voice when it debuted

DP also adding something extremely subtle during the climax of the OP where Giorno holds the arrow. The credits with the arrow suddenly blur out as if something's affecting them KC tryng to skip them but GER stops it from happening, I guess? . The arrows on the credits on the OP also alternate between pointing left and pointing right which is blatant symbolism for KC and GER's powers.

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Please write a fanfic about this.

I just don't think Daisuke's style fits part 5 like it does with part 4(the most light hearted part).
The song is too upbeat and lacks intensity.


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Cant wait

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Garbage taste. Traitor's Requiem is one of the best OP's yet and it'll be elder god-tier when we get the alternate version.
Post the fuck traitors pasta

Did he take his shirt off just for a cool moment

I didn't even fucking notice that. Kino OP

Why does Doppio where a kinky body net under his sweater? Also how did Diavolo's hair get those spots when Doppio's hair didn't have them? His hairdo changed too.

Is the tattoo doppio's or diavolo's


cummy on his tummy

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Can't wait for the OP's Silver Chariot Requiem version

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>"My cute Doppio...go get a tattoo."

Chad parts:
Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, and Part 7.
Meh parts:
Part 1 and Part 4.
Cringe parts:
Part 6 and Part 8.

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kys partshitter

You absolutely nailed the cringe parts.

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>part 6 and 8 have characters with issues more grounded in reality
What's the matter fuck nugget? Can't handle the REAL WORLD

Move part 5 to cringe parts and part 1 to chad parts and it's perfect.

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licking mista’s bellybutton

Move part 1 and 2 to cringe parts and part 6 and 8 to chad parts and you're correct

I love Trish so much that it hurts...

I don't have the talents

Based yet bluepilled

Keep everything where its at because its perfect.

>Medakaboxfag with shit taste
Checks out

obvious samefag

Why does the latest episode look so rough? It looks like a shitty amateur flash animation?

Should I finally just move on to the manga?

I want Trish to step on me so hard that it hurts.

I wanna fuck Trish until my penis starts to burn

Move on to the first chapter of Stone Ocean, yeah.


I want to feel his warmth and the steady motion of his breathing while he's asleep

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Nobody likes this arc so they're probably focusing on the most popular fights coming.

uncensored version please?

wholesome post


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>21 episodes of nothing but consistent solid quality
>1 meh episode
>"hurr why is this show so shit"

No, they're just phoning it in for this episode and the next because nobody gives a shit about this fight.
Making it the first episode after a recap does leave a bad impression, though.

>21 episodes of nothing but consistent solid quality
Wrong thread?

seething vafag

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I like the new OP

>lying over the internet to agitate people
try harder, child

Personally I've found it great up until this episode. I was just conveniently, or inconveniently, considering just moving on to the manga after being so excited by the King Crimson reveal. This episode is making it a bit easier to consider making that move.

You have to choose your words carefully around these parts, a certain group of people here are very sensitive to criticism towards their favorite part.

not even giving you a (You) for that poor attempt at bait.
Oh fair enough. Pardon that, you can't mention part 5 anywhere without shitposters lying about it just because its the current popular airing part. I'd personally stick around to see the rest of the anime since they've improved upon a lot on the manga so far and potentially could further fix some of the bigger issues it has towards the end. This was just a blip in quality considering half the ep is mostly dialogue and set-up, next week's ep should look up to snuff

Wanting to fuck Trish is gay because Narancia is Trish

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Anyone else miss the horror aspect of this series, such as vampires and zombies?

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The adaptation is not to my liking

Then just write a short copypasta detailing the experience.

I would tit fuck Trish so hard, underage or not.

The adaptation is to my liking

they really nailed the ED with Modern Crusaders



white pucci

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It was much more soulful. I'm glad that Araki restored the series to it's former glory in SBR.

There is still a horror aspect, but yeah, I get what you mean.

Trish is literally Narancia from the future after surgery many doses of HRT.

Every part in the series has had horror aspects though. Maybe you should read beyond part 1.

Just fuck them both
he looks unwell

Every part of Jojo is soulful you partshitter.

Just say "OLD GOOD NEW BAD", you basically mean the same thing. Soul is such a retarded term

What would he look like with white hair instead of...whatever shade of shit this is?

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I didn't know Jojolion was old

People only like JoJo for the memes and nothing else.

Good taste yet shit taste all the same. Every part in the series has soul because Araki is a great mangaka who enjoys what he does and it clearly shows because every part in the series still stands out as a JoJo part, you can put a JoJo part in any season this year or in any year and it'll still stand out like a sore thumb amongst all other shows airing then.


Name a jojo pair that inspires artistry to the extent that Giomis does. I'll wait, you fucking plebians.

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Best ED

7, 2, 1
8, 3, 4 (although it's a filler)

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>in manga
These threads sometimes give me aneurysms

I've never even listened to Enigma, because I just barely listen to music. Do the rest of their songs go as hard as this?

WAIT WAIT WAIT. Why did Buccellati get so pissed at king crimson? I know he got super pissed he went trough all that trouble just to see the thing he protected die, and to see a man try so hard to kill his daughter. But what was the biggest pusher?

We have a winner.

>not liking that softcore dad rock
Araki is a boomer

His dad got hospitalised for witnessing a drug trade, so Bucci got pissed as fuck when he found out the boss he was working under was indirectly responisble for dishing out the same drug that got his father killed. Add on top his coldness in wanting to just kill his daughter and it's understandable what kicked Bucci over

4, 5, 7
1, 2, 3
6, 8

Need hot pink hair. Or neon blue.

He already hated the boss because he hates drugs. Him then going and trying to kill his daughter after Bruno thought he was doing something good pushed him over the edge. Though that was already after Bruno was intending on killing him anyway.

>Bucci got pissed as fuck when he found out the boss he was working under was indirectly responisble for dishing out the same drug that got his father killed
Which is pretty dumb when you think about it

Not everyone uses the same definition of filler as you.

Thanks guys
That part was so fucking good in the anime, Seeing his rage was so cool. Bucc is shown to NEVER lose hos cool. And just seeing how ruthless this guy is made him snap. im on part 6 so my brain is fucking wired trying to stay invested.

the irony here is that i can't even understand what the fuck you're trying to say with the amount of buzzwords you crammed into 22 word run-on sentence

All parts are great and only an uncivilized ape would not appreciate every part ingenious mangaka, Hirohiko Araki, has to offer.

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Just ignore every post with ''filler'', ''kino'' and the soulful/soulless meme, its core partshitter vocabulary

Finally a correct ranking.

There's only one definition of filler.

No there isn’t.

How? If it wasn't for Diavolo's involvement with selling drugs Buccelati's dad wouldn't have died, that's a pretty justifiable reason to be pissed. If anything it's more reflective on Bruno that he didn't rebel against the boss even after finding that out.
He's one of the best boys for a reason. Have fun with stone ocean, it really isn't that bad, the 2nd half is some of peak JoJo

Asukafag I hope your cunt gets a yeast infection from how little you wash you fucking roastie, you and your orbitters single-handedly ruin these threads


It may sound dumb but for the longest time selling drugs was badly seen by the mafias, tho at one point it changed.

This look perfect to spam FUCK GIORNO.

>How? If it wasn't for Diavolo's involvement with selling drugs Buccelati's dad wouldn't have died, that's a pretty justifiable reason to be pissed.
Because, like you said, Diavolo was only indirectly responsible. There are billions of people in the world who could fall under that category.

How do we defeat asukafag and the orbiters

I believe it, I just hate how underused kiss is. It's said to be a big deal. But Jolyne is actually really fucking cool. I love how she's the exact opposite yet equals to Jotaro. Insteas of being cold calculated she's and feisty and calculated.

I’m not her. I actually like Part 5, and I don’t consider any part to be filler, but I acknowledge that the term filler can be applied to manga.

Indirectly responsible but still responsible. That's why it makes more sense for Bruno to have still stayed loyal with him until the whole Trish ordeal gave him further justification to say fuck off to the boss
Ignore partshitters and talk about her smelly cunt, it works

Which thread are we moving to lads

No jojo part is filler

No it cannot. Filler is a term used for anime and it's specifically used to refer to original content created by a studio for when they either don't have enough content to cover or are biding their time so they don't completely catch up with an ongoing work. One PIece is a good example of a show that has a fuck ton of actual filler.
None of the JoJo parts count as filler in any sort of way

>Indirectly responsible but still responsible

Let's shit up the jojolion thread

>it works
Works on what? Your ego and small penis? LMAO I will always btfo you all. Where is this pussy "anti-asukaposter"? I told them they won't last and they didn't.

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Yeah, specially when you remember how calm he was during the train fight.
Also, I also had trouble getting into part 6 but the second half is great, keep reading user.



>Asukafag's a size queen
What's the minimum you'll take?


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I never said that any part was, that was a different user.
It can also be used to describe anything that doesn’t move the plot forward, which doesn’t apply to any Jojo parts and isn’t even necessarily a bad thing.

Imagine thinking spamming buzzwords is btfo'ing people

20 vinesauce Joels

The one about HRT.

Damn, I don't really like Asukafag but you have to admit she just BTFO that guy

Indirectly. As in, not directly.

>thinking my only posts are the ones with the buzzowrds
Lmao, that's why VAfags are losing all the time.

They use "buzzword" as a buzzword, there's no hope for them.

>Asukafag has to pep themselves up by giving themselves (You)s


8 inches

You are desperate
I am, they're cute

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You realize people only started spamming buzzwords when you complained about buzzwords in your head

how do you play yourself like this oh my god


Are you actually retarded?



Giorno being gay is canon

Christ, that was embarrassing. Another victory for Asukafag I guess.