It's time for parents.
Gal Gohan
No ass
So handsome.
>asked for a kissu in FRONT OF HER PARENTS
You can NOT DO THAT!
Mom ntr with Sensei when?
With posible oyakodon.
Her dad and Yabe are fucking buff.
What is next image.
Author really fucked up.
Gal Gohan should only have Gyaru Love Interests to match the title.
The 2 other love rivals aren't Gyaru at all.
People would be able to keep guessing at the End Girl if Miku's other 2 friends were also potential love interests.
Of course, some character background might need to change a bit but if I was the Editor of Gal Gohan, I would have strictly advised that any love rival in the story should be another Gyaru.
>upcoming release of the cooking club manga GAL GOHAN by Marii Taiyou
I don't know anything about Seven Seas, but is this going to kill scan user's activity? I hope not.
It will. enjoy waiting a year for books to catch up and then another 3 months for book scans.
how is TL & TS quality ?
Her dad is just Duke Togo with a stache and glasses
dump it fags
Do it yourself, lazy whore!
It just keeps happening!
I've ranted a couple times on this. Miku vs. Fujiwara is good in a sort of Yin&Yang sense, the only real mistake was the cake
>Gal Gohan should only have Gyaru Love Interests to match the title.
Gyaru Fujiwara when.
Why contain it?
Not soon enough, the only question is who would be the one to let her know she's best when she's just being herself. hopefully Miku and dense Sensei at the same time
based oyakodonbro, that was my second pairing choice
Is there more arts of this user (doesn't need to be Gal gohan fanarts)?
just this I think, hopefully he still follows the series and lurks the threads
what the hell miku
Way of the house husband crossover when?
Bread every time.
It saddens me she can't win
Fujiwara would never accept it, but would Miku accept a 3P end alongside her rival?
damn, if her mother looks like that then Yabe should just marry Miku since shes gonna agre gracefully.
No, that's fucking stupid. In a story you need thesis and anti-thesis to create a synthesis. You need character foils and such.
Yabe should stay out of her aggro radius
Does that mean it'll be pres's home visit next?
>Gyaru Fujiwara
If it's anything like gyaru Juliet I would cum buckets.
This is a nice image.
I need translations nao
Wasn't Yabe previously concerningly thin?
So...her dad is a boomer?
He looks too young to be born in the 1940s-1950s
Looks like some one from Vice City
*siiiiiiiip* Vice City? Now THAT was some great vidya, hell of a soundtrack.
Why is her dad Freddy Mercury?
>dressing like a hooker is fine
>trying to get a kiss from the guy she loves unacceptable
Miku+Fujiwara is supreme combo, sensei is superfluous.
hnnnng miku looks amazing here
Damn, that's nice fanart
Juicy too
>not thiccer but taller
>no shitty nails
>no shitty niggress tan
>still stylish and ticking dem gal checkboxes
>pure and cute
Why is the mom always so much superior?
The main issue I have is introducing perfection incarnate that is Fujiwara just to have her suffer and literally no chance of winning, and then sensei being a non character that only serves as foil and plot device to have Miku confess. The whole thing is ill conceived.
I would've advised against a love rival all together.
Yabe himself could've been a foil if he was better written. Fujiwara could've been a foil without being a love interest, like when she was first introduced.
>he doesnt like gyaru in a gyaru fetish manga
>user not only can't read but doesn't even know what a gyaru is
Protip: the better girls can pull it out without going for the nigger-wannabe look or the disgusting manicure.
have sex
It likely will. Most scanlators drop series after official English releases come out due to fear of legal shit.
It won't bother me as long as there is digital availability.
Get the fuck out of this thread faggot
I wonder how sensitive Miku's body is. Will her first time end with her being drained of all her energy and almost mind broken of pleasure?
This Gal, she could crack Yabe like a water melon
After 2+ years of pent up thirst, Miku and Sensei will fuck each other into a sticky mess until the sun rises.