One Piece

Do you like Luffy's new design?

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He relied on his rubber powers for far too long. It's good that Oda finally realized he had to bulk his base form.

post characters that could take on nami's happiness punch

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Buffy Luffy looks wrong. There's something off about that face on that body.

Even though at first glance half of supernovas looked like a bunch of serious edgelords that got
only introduced to pander to 15yearsoldfags, it seems that Oda is trying to give them some
kind of obscure trait or hobby.
>Law is an autistic comic geek
>Drake is more pathetic than Sanji when it comes about women
>Hawkins is such a massive feetfag that when surrounded by a group of random naked women
the first thing that comes out of his mouth is “Show me your feet”
The question remains on what’s going to be Kid’s and Killer’s dark sides.


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>Hawkins is such a massive feetfag

You do understand that your autistic interpretation of the scene isn't canon, right?

Do you like Hina's hinas?

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How can he be a manlet and a chadlet at the same time?

John the Drought

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it feels like somethings been missing from wano arc, I can't put my finger on it

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Xavier Draken

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who is the witching hour boy?

I know, where the fuck is Apoo?

i thought at first it was the benkei looking dude but he seems to be too much of a massive lad

Did Luffy grow up while in prison or is Queen just a manlet?

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>Hina will never lock you in a chastity cage
why even bothering to pay taxes

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Favorite Bible stories?

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What are the chances that we will see a nice celestial Dragon? like for example Mjosgards has kid that decided to want to explore the world or something.

they look like a duo of best friends from some comic strip

Oda probably don't know what to do with Apoo
He's just too fucking weird.

... wait a second...

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The plagues of Egypt.

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The Book of Job

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Luffy will be thin again once he gets out of the prison

I don't know what you're talking about.

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god, i remember loving as a babby this whole sequence from the prince of egypt

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Impossible since Witching Hour visited Ebisu while Tonoyasu was with Zoro.
what will be song at the end of one piece?

Non-flashback right? Because we've seen a nice Celestial Dragon in a flashback.
For the present, Mjosgard.

Predict his character.

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The silhouette we saw looked exactly like him though.

I'm so bored of Wano.

I know bro, time to move onto Raftel. Oda's been trying to be so serious and yet he's accidentally putting in bathhouse scenes, wtf.

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He's allergic to sunlight.


yeap,Do you think Mjosgard has a kid?

>can shoot a key moving from miles away
>don't headshot everyone
Name a bigger plothole

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What’s it like being a brainlet

Couldn't give less shit about the samurai and Wano. They are really dull

the polar opposite of queen so most probably a hard-ass, no fun allowed, "dad is home" archetypal. at this point, i genuinely think that oda is gonna make him a masochist or something

I thought his motto was Unclear Justice?


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it's because he wears glasses

You’re not Smoker

the admirals were holding back

Honestly this, this chapter focused way too much on the samurai, they were on basically every panel.

Edgelord to the extreme

I like Nami and hate Sanji.

If he shoots Luffy then he anyone else could try to pick the key, he chose to shoot the key so Ace couldn't get free, that was a right decision

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I hate that she already changed her outfit

I thought clothes were meant to be worn, why was Nami so quick to take them off?

Smoker may be a pathetic jober but he's definitely an alpha male

He could've shot both the key and Luffy

>they were on basically every panel.
But they weren't

Learn to read

he was in the middle of fighting Whitebeard, probably has only one attempt

to not destroy the island

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key don't have observation haki retard

strawhat pirates so cute

and also i think one piece is luffys hat

>perv Sanji

wait what? when did he get so buff? i'm not caught up.

How would zapping everyone in the head would destroy the island?

Name is a slut user
He's been in shackles for a few chapters. He does physical labor

Kaido put him in a concentration camp and since he can't use his DF powers to escape he decided to pass time until his allies rescue him working on his gains

>in a parallel universe, the key DID have observation haki
>key-sama: i sense danger...!!
>kizaru shoots his beam at key-sama
>key-sama: !!!
>activates CoO
>dodges the beam
>luffy unlocks ace's handcuffs sooner
>there's more distance between ace and akainu now so akainu can't shittalk Whitebeard
>ace and luffy narrowly escape Marineford

Too bad Luffy still sucks as a character. Maybe Oda should try giving Luffy some character development.

dude was already this ripped during the sumo match, it was all katakuri training.

>before and after reading the sticky

He's quite charming.

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>observation haki
>in a war
That's not convincing at all especially since 95% of the people there probably did not have good enough of it to dodge it even if there wasn't a war

i didn't really like that kuinochi dress, hope oda'll give her a "real" ninja outfit this time around

He's a good character. Conventional but good.

What the HELL is going to eventually happen with the giant Straw Hat Imu-sama is keeping hidden deep within the bowels of Pangeia Castle - Mariejois, in the cold storage?

IT isn't the massive treasure Doflamingo claimed...along with the Op Op no-mi that He could "conquer the World" with, is it?

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I thought it was one of her best outfit.

>Hawkins is such a massive feetfag that when surrounded by a group of random naked women
>Did Luffy grow up while in prison or is Queen just a manlet?
Let's all be nice to our special needs visitors today.

It's a big hat. Everyone would be so impressed by it on your head that they would respect you and probably do what you want.

I'm not sure if i like how chad and confident Luffy is acting after he got one shotted by Kaido

Nope. Doffy was referring to personality switching with Imu with the Op-Op Fruit. Imu is the national treasure.

I'd feel pretty smug if I survived that shit.

i found it too similiar to her first whole cake outfit (which is admittedly one of her best ones), at least from a silhouette standpoint

No shit i'm getting bored of it, now it all makes sense.

Could he use observation haki to constantly see Nami's body under her clothes at all times?

>Instead of dwelling in self-pity like that fat fuck Moria Luffy raises to the challenge and starts hitting the gym in preparation for their rematch
Truly an inspiration, become the chad Luffy wants you to be Yea Forums

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carrot fits the crew so well

One piece has its share of problems no doubt, but I feel like 80% of the complaints online are just about how it doesn’t match people’s head canon and what they think One Piece should be. People want edge piece when Oda clearly doesn’t care for stuff like that at all.


unless oda wants to make a gag with the shitty cook's obv haki, i don't think that's part of fuji's arsenal

Luffy didn't lose his crew and his chin didn't disappear

Who cares, she's already coming back home

anime-only please leave

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Ayyy another high IQ user. Yes, things will get serious when Oda wants them serious. Right now he's just enjoying showing various Japanese myths to you, having chill SH interactions, exposition, and slowly increasing the tension.

Carrot is given way more screentime in the anime, tho.
When was the last time she even had a line in the manga?

I dont watch the anime
keep coping bunnyfag

The Sunny is my home!? Score!

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>When was the last time she even had a line in the manga?
i think she murmured something in the very first chapter of act two

>Just realized Kyoshiro was the one behind the bathouse raid
God damn I'm retarded

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>oda wants me to stay in the background to troll people? well if he insists

>when was the last time she even had a line in the manga?
when was the last time jinbe has a line, lol

I agree, all the theoryfags get so worked up about what they think will happen and where the story is going. Then when it doesn't happen how they think it will/should they call it trash immediately. All the kneejerk reactions are ridiculous.They're brainlets desu

Too bad they are leaving her dead body behind in Wano

>keep coping
is this the new "keep seething"?

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Carrot has to be alive, she has to repopulate the mink race. Electric snusnu style.

It's the "crown" of the old leader of the Ancient Kingdom. Imu killed him, and is reflecting on how Luffy reminds him of the guy.
Also, Imu is an alien and the One Piece is his spaceship. It's called the "One Piece" because it looks like a giant coin.

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Carrot will lead the Nox pirates and be a part of the SH Fleet. She will not join the main crew. She serves no purpose on the main crew, adds no new capabilities or skills.

but we were told right after the bath-house scene that bepo, penguin and law's third guy whose name i don't remember now got caught


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>Carrot is given way more screentime in the anime, tho
It astounds me you can say something so confidently when you have literally nothing to support this. How the fuck do you even come to this conclusion? Do you have an actual number of the relative amount of time that Carrot is relevant for both manga and anime or something?

Carrot has more screen time in the fucking anime, shithead. If the "anime-only" isn't convinced, that says a lot about her lack of presence.
More like she disappears in the background when around them.
Yeah, it gets pretty sunny around Zou.

I can't imagine Carrot sailing in any other ship than the Sunny, it was her first ship and it has comfy grass and warm colors. Changing to any other ship would be a downgrade.

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>More like she disappears in the background when around them
read the manga, then join discussion

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>looks like Gilgamesh
>battling on a big bridge
Do you like the Final Fantasy V reference, fellas?

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yes, especially after the fourteenth time it has been pointed out to me

So Zoro loves chopper, and chopper and Zoro are my two favorite strawhats besides Luffy, there must be something in common between these two?

>Gilgamesh is based on benkei
Based brainlet

They're both very hairy. Zoro has a marimo bush above his dick.

what an imagery, thanks user

Good reference

As someone who has only experienced One Piece through the anime version, I basically dropped the show alltogether after the end of the Dressrosa Saga. But now I my interest has come back, however watching the anime version is unthinkable. Is the manga a lot different in terms of atomsphere?


I don’t care if Carrot joins or not, but you can’t say she doesn’t have a reason to join. Pedro fucking exploded himself so the straw hats can bring a new dawn to the world, whatever that means. Carrot’s goal would be to join the crew to make sure they realize Pedro’s wish and see them bring the dawn of the world. It matches One Piece’s theme of carried on wills.

They always fuck up simple scenes similar to this one The anime is absolute trash.

If by "atmosphere" you mean "overall quality" then yes, the manga is much, much better than the anime.
A lot of people here don't even bother with the anime

Well, it has atoms, but it's just kind of implied they're there, you never really see them.

Yeah she might join the grand fleet.

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Why does he look like Japanese Shaggy

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I’m not fucking with you here, after dressarosa there’s two arcs, one is called Zou and it’s better in the manga, however after that there’s an arc called Whole Cake Island, and I’m not shitting you when I say it’s better in the anime. I understand after that shit show that was the anime Dressarosa this is hard to believe, but they really stepped up there game. Of course you still have shitty Toei moments, but the good moments they knock out of the park and the filler they add is actually pretty solid.

More like....

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Not sure why, but the treehouses in Zou remind me of the Sunny for some reason. Maybe it's just because the crows nest is round like one.

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What killed the hype?

you being born

too much focus on the samurai



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This is true as long as you increase the speed by 25%. But yes Toei's been great in WCI. And the anime viewers are about to experience a level of based they're not ready for.

She's got killer thighs

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>Non-Greasy Cream

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So I take it that the anime still has moments that are worth watching, but overall I should keep up with the series through the manga?

Does anime WCI end tonight?

next week


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yes, without question

One Piece? More like Push Piece

So, we get the "Even if you die, don't die." speech today?

today episode adapts the entirety of chapter 901 so yesss

Manga is the primary version. In fact your experience of Dressrosa would be changed *a lot* in the manga. It's not the best arc, but it's better.

Anime should always be experience second to see what they improved or fucked up.

Ah, I see. Is there a filler mini arc coming next week, or do we jump straigt into the reverie?

I'm going to say this to a random group of women at Target.

Has this shit progressed in any way in the last decade? Do we know how BB got TWO FRUITS? Have they deciphered the glyphs? How close are they to Raftel?


Carrot is the only attractive female in the Straw Hat crew

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i read from rebecca's seiyuu that it's a straight jump to the next arc

Yes. No, also not two. Read some, deciphered no. Pretty close.

That's refreshing. Can't wait to see how they fuck that one up. Also, do they still use 1 chapter = 1 episode?

What if it's not a giant hat, and this guy is just really small?

best part of tonight's episode will be the preview for next week's episode

Okay then but where do you guys read it? I can't read from VIZ since I live in Europe.

One Piece, but Kidd is Carrot Top

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>Shutenmaru(Ashura Douji) is an oni (Shuten Douji)
>Kawamatsu is a kappa
What's left for Denjiro? A tengu would have fit the pattern but there's already Tenguyama. Kitsune is taken too.

Kissmanga for old chapters, jaiminisbox for new ones.

He looks older, I wonder if they do it, to look more like a young adult

>Do we know how BB got TWO FRUITS?
Nope, not yet
>Have they deciphered the glyphs?
They've been deciphering them
>How close are they to Raftel?
Four of the ponegylphs are actually "Road Ponegylphs" which are maps that lead to certain islands. Intersect the islands on a map and Raftel is there. The Straw Hats have two of these already

>Also, do they still use 1 chapter = 1 episode?
they've been doing that for the last gauntlet of what, 6 or 7 chapters? chapter 902 is also gonna be a 1:1 adaptation but generally 1 chapter per episode is the maximum speed the anime wil go

Mangaseeonline. I will delete this post in 5 mins. They have the official colored version and the b&w. Jaiminisbox for latest chapters.

>Has this shit progressed in anyway in the last decade?
>Do we know how BB got TWO FRUITS?
>Have they deciphered the glyphs?
Which ones?
>How close are they to Raftel?
Like halfway there

Good shit, I'll check it out.

If you ever see a panda symbol on the page you're reading. Run. Those are the worst possible scans and translations.

>Wiper was the first man outside of Wano to succesfully craft seastone bullets
>The Shandian dead trees are the reason devil fruits exist

What are some other Yea Forums hot takes?

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enjoy the ride, user

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Is Toei going to put out some filler between WCI and Reverie or are we going to go straight to it? They're going to need a decent amount of filler before Wano or else Wano will turn into a Dressrosa type of padded out trash

One Piece, but Luffy is pure Kino

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>in one chapter Oda made a joke out of Queen, Hawkins and Drake
great arc you got there

It's Vegapunk in the cell

Wano's already going to be monstrously long in both the manga and anime. No filler between WCI and Reverie, possible filler before Wano but Wano starts 2019.

Why not just sail along the line of the known two?

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I know it's great

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Queen is still the funkiest fag around.

It's called fleshing out characters. Queen has no real reason to be worried in-universe.

Nami has alcohol in there for a change, nice.

Nice. So we might get some fun Wano filler.

Because you can't know if you got two glyphs across from one another.

she just got it refilled

I'm totally prepared for Wano to be long, excited about actually. I'm just afraid, because of the length, if Toei goes straight into it there won't be enough buffer to get through Wano without catching up unless they throw in a bunch of trash, drawn out episodes

Do you have another version of this pic?

>bounty of 1.5 billion
>let's just remove his seastone handcuffs

Kaido is the azure dragon of the east, one of the five dragon gods of china, the cthontic form of the bluegreen deity, and one of the guardian spirits of kyoto

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They don't know the first line. Also while they did remove his handcuffs, he now has a spiked collar.

why do weebs like twinks so much?

This series has to be so hard to read for edgefags.


That would be retarded if Queen didn't know about Luffy recent events and Luffy probably can still go outside, only his head cannot.

lol who shot brook

Yeah. He is Garp grandson.. He needs muscles.

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He doesn't know. Wano's isolated from the outside world. Or is intended to be.

This may be stretching, but i also believe Kyoshiro is the vermilion bird of the south.
Manly because of how his predecessor hyogoro represents the "flame of chivalry". The vermilion bird is a representative of the element of fire and is described as a elegant and noble creature.I think kyoshiro will be a corrupted and dark of version of hyogoro's flame

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isn't he just going to lose the muscles because Oda will get sick of having to draw limbs which aren't string beans? Usopp lost them

>that tsuru
Would have lifelong serious relationship with us pursuing justice.

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Now that is....FUNK.

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wait shit i posted the wrong panel

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The people of Wano are, Kaido and his crew are not.

No real point in Luffy getting temporarily buff from prison training. Luffy's X scar is an added detail Oda mostly has to draw, Franky's also way more of a pain in the ass to draw than before.

Oda was arrested last night

Reverie officially begins episode 878. Episode 877 ( last episode of wci ) will be directed by the showrunner himself. So, look forward to that one.

Can Usopp get his muscles back?

homegrown on 4chins

I can't believe that he made Columbine look like a joke.

For what?

You know that shooting that happened in New Zealand? He was the master mind behind it

It is known.

CP or taxes?

Apparently all the victims shipped LuNa.


What devil fruit do you think would be the best to have when planning or execute a school shooting?

Hard mode: no logia.


Impossible. Even though he's one of the most prolific pedophiles from the northen hemisphere, his connections with Yakuza will prevent him from being arrested,

he said fuck really loud

I googled "Eiichiro Oda arrested" and got a ten year old anime news network article.

Woman Arrested for Threatening One Piece Creator Oda
posted on 2009-04-09 02:21 EDT by Egan Loo
Suspect allegedly sent about 100 emails, including some that read "Die, Die"
Police have arrested a 27-year-old unemployed Tokyo woman named Tomoko Fukushige on Tuesday for allegedly sending threatening email messages to Eiichiro Oda (pictured at right), the creator of the popular One Piece pirate manga. According to the authorities, the woman's husband was dismissed as an assistant from Oda's office, so she reportedly sent about one hundred messages that read "Die, Die" and similar words to Oda's mobile phone from September to December of 2007. Oda reported the incidents to the police before they investigated and made the arrest.

user, how is that even a question?

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I want him and Luffy to hold hands

Mr. 5's bomb fruit.

i dont like new oda´s
he keep drawing the face smaller and smaller fucking up his cartoon style.

I feel like the fact that literally no one has ever compared a current fruit user to their previous fruit holder from history is somewhat of a plot hole
How can there be an encyclopedia on them unless each fruit was already held by someone in history? And if that's true, how come no one ever says "whoa he's got the X fruit that Y used to have!"
It's only the case for Teach and Sabo whose previous fruit owners died during the on-going story

And if we're to believe that fruits only started appearing recently, maybe through a Vegapunk invention, so maybe majority of the current fruit holders are the first of their kind, it also doesn't make sense that no one ever mentions the fact that X years ago no one had fruits

I GENUINELY don't understand why edgelords read this series

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being the fucking workaholic he is, oda probably didn't even notice all the messages until someone else pointed out his full mobile phone inbox

Corazon's devil fruit. No one would hear a thing

>And if we're to believe that fruits only started appearing recently, maybe through a Vegapunk invention
We're not. That's retarded.

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How would Law look at 40?
Will he look like his father?

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It's just missed exposition, we simply don't have time for that.

That's exactly what I'm saying, both scenarios are retarded and don't make sense

If Luffy kills a guardian of Japan does that make him an enemy of Japanese society?

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Luffy holding hands with anybody is extremely adorable.


If I was an edgefag I would've dropped OP at the latest at Drum Island.
"Who the FUCK is this goofy reindeer? Dropped"

It's just somewhat of a narrative thing, an easy way to inform the readers quickly how certain fruits work. Similar to power levels in DB, they were just a quick way to tell the readers where two characters stand relatively to one another. Devil fruit powers are usually inherent part of a character's design, so coming up with two characters to fit a fruit just for some snappy backstory would probably be too much.

The theme is so obvious in Kaido's case that the only way Kyoshiro would qualify is if he had a matching fruit.

i wish oda would have kept chunky chopper: he was so cute in his very first appearance

Seriously Chopper is the design that would tick you off? Not Wapol and his two goobers?

Is south-blue a shithole?
How sad is Kid childhood?
As a child he look dirty

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Yes, south blue is the poorest part of the world, north blue the richest,
East blue is the peaceful part, while west blue is the war torn part.

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It's pikachu all over again

My dream is for there to be a One Piece RPG that encompasses the entire OP world with every single island being explorable once the manga ends

And I'm also a lunafag. Forgot that part haha

Pineapple head's or Joey Jordison's to avoid the american treatment

>Nami's hands

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Tashigi, Helmeppo and Koby

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Mato Mato no mi (Vander Decken's fruit)

You'd never miss a shot.

Why was Shanks just randomly chilling in Foosha Village anyway that deep into the East Blue when he's from West Blue?
He went from the West Blue all the way to the New World but then casually went to East Blue before going back to the New World? Or did he end up in the East after West and THEN go for the New World for the first time?

well played user, well played

hey i haven't read one piece since dressrosa
does chopper do anything yet?

handfags are even worse than footfags
what a disgusting fetish

Or how the fuck did he join the Roger Pirates that started in the East Blue? How did he get from West to East Blue as a 12 year old?

Not that guy but what they said makes sense. Baby-faced characters don't work well on buff bodies or at least people aren't used to seeing it. Nevertheless I'm really digging Buffy design.

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That's not how that one works.

Did Water 7 Luffy give Nami PTSD that everytime she's in air she gets extra clutch-y?

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That's Natsu.

If you want to walk up to each of your victims first to touch them before throwing a bullet at them, sure

>Why was Shanks just randomly chilling in Foosha Village anyway
He was there to bang Makino.

>Helmeppo confirmed future Fleet Admiral

So the bad guys know about the ankle tattoo. Is that related to Kyoshiro seeing the crescent bath in Komurasaki's hand or something else?

Why does killer hid his face?
Is he like pudding from the 3 eyes tribe?

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Would Oda let Sanji answer the shave or not shave Q about Nami's pussy during the SBS?


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Oda should do it in sbs. But I guess he will do the crew first. So we will have to wait 3-4 years for it to happen.

He's a big guy.

source: your ass

i loved this

They are cute!!

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>Is that related to Kyoshiro seeing the crescent bath in Komurasaki's hand or something else?
Unless Orochi somehow got hit by a prophetic dream about ankles then yeah

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

perona came in the mail!

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>gets carried like Carrot
Vivi seems to be the only girl Luffy has carried like his girlfriend

Alright, Spee D.

the only answer is that shanks was born in west blue but was adopted by CP0

Dead fish eyes

I know this is bait, but he caught Vivi falling from the sky. He didn't have any other way to carry her or something.

He needs longer hair, like Ace. His face needs a frame of sorts so it's not as mismatched with that body type.

That was Sanji who carried Carrot like that, im pretty sure.

Good stuff my guy. How much was it and how long did it take to arrive? Also, post your favorite Perona in celebration

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Only because you don't like it does not mean it is bait. Stop being so butthurt, and no you are wrong he could've easily catch her to his side but luffy seems more careful with Vivi. He doesn't treat her like a sister like he does Nami, Carrot and the others

35$ and I ordered it thursday night.

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As a non-shipper this is the only Luffy ship that makes sense.

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I have a fear of heights, I feel scared just imagining being at her place tbqh

THAT for only 35? Nice find

Hard to go wrong with this design.

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Again are you actually retarded? Vivi was falling from the sky. How would he even catch her to her side?

When a ball is falling you don't catch it by your side, you literally standing below it and catch it with both of your hands. I don't know why you're looking into this so much. He's literally catching them.

>more careful with vivi
He literally fucking punched her.

What are you even getting at?

You think zoro ever walked in on perona and mihawk fucking?

It was off amazon. I guess they had it in stock so it was regular price.

All shippingfaggtory is bait by default, retard.

Are we supposed to care about your wishful and imaginary couples?

I swear some retards come to this site only to make themselves look like jokers.

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That's how he lost the eye.

You think perona ever walked in on zoro and mihawk fucking?

He punched her because she was being selfish and not putting his life on the line for her.
If you notice you'll see Luffy acts more natural and more careful with Vivi. If Luffy would have to pick who to marry he would marry Vivi. Someone who doesn't punch him all the time or complains all the time etc etc. That is why Luffy already implied he wouldn't want to marry Nami on thriller bark

>treat Vivi more carefully
>punched Vivi back when she punched him
>never got physically violent with Nami even when she acts like the biggest cunt

Pls dude

Nothing about my post is shipping related. You seem very defensive for some reason

Kaido and Orochi need to pull out like 40 new henchmen of moderate strength at this point.

Kaido's power structure really needs to be different than Big Mom's with the three powerful main subordinates and an assortment of various fucks. The half strength Straw Hats ran circles around Big Meme's crew when you didn't counter for her very very top brass and here with have evidence that ONE potential ally in Wano is enough to at least go toe to toe with Kaido's equivalent of sweet commanders.

Kaido has his calamities, Apoo, Hawkins, and the 6 big boy headliners. The rest of his executives all come off as a bit shit and Orochi has only shown of his metric fuckload of ninja jobbers.

On the Straw Hats side we The scabbards, various samurai, Nekomamushi/Inuarashi, Law, and (if only for a short while) perhaps fucking Big Mom to an extent. In terms of pure number of bodies I get Kaido has a large ass crew and Orochi has an entire country but in terms of relevant non fodder characters of various strengths the Alliance still outnumbers them like 5 to 1 and Kaido just stomping through the various groups listed above single file sounds a bit lame.

yes, it was off Amazon, canadian amazon too

>Vivi [...] girlfriend
>not shipping
You got Alzheimer or something?

several times
mihawk had her clean zoro up

Well that's why he already implied he wouldn't marry her.
Read this Luffy also tells Nami to shut the fuck up when things get serious as shown with the Sanji situation and the Usopp situation

Who is the mother?

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He acts literally the same with every female with the possible exception of Nami and Robin.

Considering your silence to the "falling" part, I'll assume you have no rebuttal and accept that you're just changing topics.

Where did you read that? Are you replying to the wrong person? Why are you so defensive? Do you ship Luffy with someone else?


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>no rebuttal
So you can deflect and deny it? There is no point in arguing about that when there are examples of Nami falling and Luffy carrying her to side but not with Vivi.

Who are some characters that were hyped to high heaven but turned out underwhelming as fuck? Pic related.

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Ace, he didn't do much

Doesn't really change the fact that he hit one woman and shouted at most at the other. Yet you claim he's more careful when he acts the same with everyone.

Pretty weird of you to claim there's no shipfaggotry here when all you're doing is for some reason making nami look bad, saying luffy is more careful with vivi and has acted like his girlfriend in a scene, constantly referring to luffy turning nami down for some reason.

Let's cut the shit, do you think we're all stupid and don't understand you're trying to force shipfaggotry into this thread? Fuck right off you pathetic vermin.

Wow is that it? Do you not see there word LIKE' ? Why did that bother you so much? You seem very defensive about this I'm guessing you ship Luffy with someone else and you are very insecure about your ship. Like chill wtf, so defensive

>Luffy also tells Nami to shut the fuck up when things get serious as shown with the Sanji situation and the Usopp situation
He just tells her to "not get involved with this" lol.


Luffy is to dumb to live he needs Nami

Luffy has never caught a falling Nami in the same manner.


This doesn't matter since I don't ship LuNa. You were wrong about Luffy being more careful with Vivi. I can find example of Luffy acting physical with the males crewmates and Vivi when he find them annoying but he never did with Nami despite having many occasions, so according to your own retarded logic she's special. I know he didn't because she's simply the weakest physically, but so is Vivi.

>if you don't like my shipping faggotry you must be a shippingfaggot yourself!
Typical shippingretard rebuttal.
No, I don't ship Luffy with anyone. I don't give a single shit about any ship that isn't luffy x meat.
You literally had no reason to say "luffy was carrying vivi LIKE HIS GIRLFRIEND" unless you were specifically shipping them.
You also don't know what defensive means. I'd be defensive if you were the one calling me out, but I'm the one calling out YOU on being a shipper retard.

It's still kind of vague how exactly CoO works.
Some, like enel and katakuri, can see forward in time, others can see better around them (like sanji when he was looking for kin's upper body).
But it's never really been explained how it works, so who knows how much fujitora is really seeing.

>r some reason making nami look bad, saying luffy is more careful with vivi
And here I thought I was arguing with a LuHanfag but it's the cancer known are LUna. Should've known by how defensive you are about Nami.
You seem very upset by the fact that Nami has never been carried like a couple by Luffy.

Luffy has never carried Carrot though, why are you lying?

This guy is pretty pathetic in all honesty.

Okama Trio

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Sabo is strong, Marines feel the pain of his and Issho victory

>tfw no Sanji gf

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any info on the carrot figure?

What makes you think im a LuNafag? I was literally spelling out what you have been doing so far.
>"telling nami to shut the fuck up"
>"he rejected nami!"
>"he's so much more careful with vivi".

Again, don't ignore the main point. You still haven't been able to change the fact that he hit Vivi which disproves your "more careful" claim.

it's been cancelled

What the hell?

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>who knows how much fujitora is really seeing
we get a glimpse of it during the final chapters of dressrossa, when he's holding all the rubble airborne on the grand fleet and the citizens of dressrosa came in. issho basically sees them as colored silhouettes


There needs to be more winegirl perona fellas

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My fucking sides. Next someone will start posting Carrot x Gonbe.

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good, those tights were illegal

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Why isn't he doing anything in his arc?

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He lived without Nami for 2 years, that's more time than what he spent traveling with her. That's a pretty dumb argument
So Vivi is special because Luffy hit her. Yes that is correct. Just shows how much Luffy was pissed about her being selfish.
Plus I dont think Oda would draw that now.
He did when they were running from big mom

because he was with uncle ray

>wearing tights

Post please

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I want a cute luffy gf

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>What makes you think im a LuNafag? I was literally spelling out what you have been doing so far.
>"telling nami to shut the fuck up"
>"he rejected nami!"
>"he's so much more careful with vivi".
All of that is true
He is, just look how he treats her during alabasta

He does what he wants.

Not that guy but the fact that Luffy is acting more passive with Nami than with any other character is undeniable. And it makes sense considering the promise he made to Gendo.

>"so vivi is special because luffy hit her"
My god what a retard. First he argues he's careful with her, then he says it's special when he's not careful with her.

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cursed image

>LuVIfag trying to make it look like Luffy likes Vivi more than one of his crewmate to push his crackship

My sides, reminder that what made Luffy stops his depression his thinking of all his crewmates, not Vivi.

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we all know Luffy endgame

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im fucking dying at his autism dude it's hilarious

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Hina is underrated

>about to singlehandedly arm the revolution

i mean he's delusional enough to think Vivi will eat Kuma fruit and swim to the Wano to join the crew, don't expect much from his reasoning

>wake up
>see this
what do

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Post proof

attack and then let her win

>Kaido ~ BM
>3 Calamities ~ 4 Sweet Commanders (the Calamities seem to be stronger individually)
>6 dinos ~ BM's other elites like the super Charlotte bros.
>headliners ~ the rest of BMs children and named allies
>both sides also have an army of grunts
Kaido's crew structure is fine. It's similar to BM's but I think that's kind of the point. Roger, Luffy, Shanks and BB have similar crews, BM and Kaido are a pair and then there's Whitebeard as the anomaly, although he's not too different from Kaido and BM. It's Wano or more specifically Orochi's side that needs to reveal some powerhouses. Shutenmaru is strong and the other two will likely be on the same level and there's also Benkei and maybe Tengumaru, but none of those are on Orochi's side. Orochi only has Kyoshiro and the ninjas and they really don't match the image of powerful samurai.

I wanna see Perona assault Zoro during his bath time at Muggy Kingdom

take off my VR headset

Holy shit, all shipperfats need to get the rope

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Why are giants such shitters?

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Doesn't really get more girlfriend than the good ol' caveman

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Cause they're full of themselves due to their size so they don't bother with haki

Because you are then one saying "luffy hasn't done x to Vivi so nami is more special" you are a delusional person.
Say what you want but LuVi has more of a chance than luffyxnami and I'm not even a shipper
I guarantee you Luffy will hug her when he sees her. The only girl Luffy has hugged himself is Hancock but she is too old. So who cares
I never said that

What Men Like One Piece Women?
I know that Cavendish, Orochi, Doflamingo and Senior Pink are popular
Do the women find Zoro unattractive because of the scars?
Do women like Sanji, Law and Eustass Kid?

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fucks sake why does dumb shit like this still make me laugh

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the bigger they are the harder they fall

The story shipped her with her rebel friend pretty hard.


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> guarantee you Luffy will hug her when he sees her
>not even a shipper

Just shut up

That guy is friendzoned to the fullest and Oda included this page as if she is saving herself for Luffy.
If Kozha was her end game then it would've happen and already but its hasn't since Oda is saving her for Luffy and foreshadowed it here

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He carried Rebecca like that

This poor guy is so paranoid holy hell.

Cool! Looks like a really nice fig. I always lament that Perona isnt able to show up in the story more often because we don't get to see her try on more outfits in canon, so at least the merchandising has managed to pick up the slack on that front.
Perona with her hair grown out is best Perona

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I'm not a shipper and I'm telling you that will happen. Why does that bother you?

I'm going to waste all my money on nami figs

Don't bother replying to him, he's got issues.

saggy tits are ugly

>I guarantee you Luffy will gomu gomu no cumshottu into vivi's womb and settle down with her after he finds the one piece but I'm not a shipper

Who will be the final villain of One Piece?

I'm not a huge perona fan, I just really loved her outfit for the figure I bought. I'd love for her to get more figs if her outfits kept being this sexy

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Unironically not BB because that outcome is way too obvious
BB will be the pre-villiain to obtain the OP, and then Imu will be the final boss

>a hug means they will fuck
Are you 12 wtf? With that logic luhan will happen and not luvi

based kizaru will stop pretending to be an lazy jerkoff jobber and reveal he is a 200 iq mastermind and kill akainu

Same. Also Mihawk cooking for both of them.

Unlike Moria, Luffy's crew wasn't killed in the process.
Killing the rest of the Strawhats is the only way to break Luffy. Knowing they must be alive was what saved him from giving up after failing at Marineford.

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One of my biggest surprise when I started browsing anime/manga communities, is how much this type of slapstick humor triggers people, especially as someone who grew up watching Nicky Larson/City Hunter.


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Shinobu's head

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I fear the day Goda stops putting his creativity to paper.

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>Negative Hollow's him in the bath
>Zoro is now ass up, face down, cursing himself
>Perona HORO HORO HORO HORO's as she sticks sword hilts up his ass

Doujins when?

Attached: laughing+perona.gif (245x300, 500K)

Can't happen

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Why is the luna fandom the most insecure fandom? They are aggressively defensive

oh okay

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That's actually a terrifying thought. You'd be so vulnerable to getting ghosted if you're near Perona without your guard up.

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Thats not what I had in mind. Also cancer.

When you think you're born at the top, there's little reason to grow.
It's also hard to get stronger when all you know how to do is throw your weight around.

cringe post

he's a dragon and he shoots beams

which nami figure should I buy next? I'm a long hair nami fan

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If it's one on one, Kaido will win.

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Luffy always wins in the end
Otherwise the manga would fundamentally not work

im gonna be honest kaido's color scheme is retarded and fucking ass

same with komurasaki and toko

what the fuck is oda thinking?

It's a good thing Luffy will team up with Kid and Law to take him down.

It won't happen

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>hugs = romantic affection

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He's thinking on the merch sales
Kids like to buy colourful toys.

Zou dress

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Pleb filtered

Kaidou's zoan is seiryuu.
That's what Oda was thinking.

When will the anime stop being shit

IS THERE A FIGURE OF ZOU DRESS!?!? It's my favourite Nami!!!

When someone but Toei acquires the rights for it

Not until you watch a good fan edit

Is based Benkei going to be a relevant character or just some rando that Zoro defeats off-screen?

Not even a fan edit can fix the bare bones animation. Look up One Pace

If the actual legend is anything to go by, he'll be Zoro's first ally

It's not even about shipping, people like you are twisting what have been established in the manga in favor of their headcanon, and I hate it. Nami being special to Luffy is the irrefutable truth, don't even need to be part of the so called "luna fandom" to get it.

nebulandia was actually pretty fun. also i notice that toei pushes luffy and nami in movies and specials. why?

dunno, there should be by now?

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Perona's ability is pretty rigged when you think about it. What would her awakening look like?

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Here is your answer:

pirates and marines and the army will work together to stop davy jones.
davy jones was hinted by Jinbe, the same way johnny and yosaku hinted Jinbe, so i bet around chapter 1000 it will be revealed because it took like 500 chapters since jinbe's reveal, so 500 more for davy jones.
he is a fishman with a devil fruit power but doesnt drown because fishmen can breath underwater and doesnt get eaten by sea kings because of haki or some shit.

I know and like One Pace and animation is shit but the episodes are actually enjoyable thanks to the pacing.

I really hope Oda doesn't skip over this stuff with Benkei

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that's not what the real Gilgamesh looks like

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That outfit was pretty cute
Is Nami part longleg though?

Literally every woman

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Spee D. Reader here.
When was Zoro's sword stolen?

>Nami being special to Luffy is the irrefutable truth, don't even need to be part of the so called "luna fandom" to get it.
Luffy has done more for Robin than Nami. You are delusional wtf

Do you mean special like his others crewmates? If no you're a faggot shippertard

The real Gilgamesh had curls.

Because Oda wants it (in Strong World and Gold at least)

Where would he stack up against the Sweet Commanders and Calamities based on feats?

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Offscreen, last chapter if I remember right.

When they entered dressrosa

>speedreaders even speedread chapter that got released this week

Did Big Mom fuck an Okama?
Perospero looks like an okama

Obviously not.

Anyone here play world seeker? How is it?

Why did periot pushed Ichigo x rukia so much? Did it matter in the end? Why did one of Toriyama's assistant ship goku x bulma? In that case it did matter since that fag assistant was the reason goku x bulma did not happen

Gilgamesh was based on Benkei so it's more or less the same thing, although I suppose this guy resembles Gilgamesh a bit more than Benkei. Is Kaido going to delete him and send him to the void?

Due to recent events, all episodes and chapters featuring this character will be forever removed.

Fuck knows. Her devil fruit abilities are one of the most difficult to translate to a potential awakening. What we do know is that her abilities have developed since the timeskip, given she can now fly in her normal body and not just her astral projection. What else she could do from there is pretty unclear as she can already produce her ghosts relatively easily.

My best guess would be that she could gain the ability to influence the world around her with her astral form abilities, ie. flight, size changing and intangibility. That would align with her developing the ability to fly herself.

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I don't think being an okama is hereditery, he's just a creep.

Are we talking about bleach or one piece?

>pedo lawfag is back
I thought you were in jail

knocked out a woman and another one went all hearty eyes calling her a national treasure so nope

>Why did one of Toriyama's assistant ship goku x bulma

It was his editor, lol

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>looking at a picture
I don't think him reading the dialogue fast or slow would have any effect on him not looking at the illustration properly

>Perospero looks like an okama
Men turn out this way when raised by single mothers

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Yeah, he's Kid's key to Raftel. And daily reminder that they already stole the information written on the road poneglyph of Big Mom.

We are talking about anime studios shipping characters.
Same shit either way Oda seems to be the same and do shit to spite the popular thing. That's why he recently said he would change the ending if someone predicts it

I wish we got more important interaction between Luffy and Robin because right now I don't remember any since Enies Lobby.

No. He is more protective of Nami than the rest of his crewmates, partly because she is physically the weakest, but also because she is "special" in some sense.

im not a shipping fag i was just curious as to why. Oda said that the crew would not have any romance between each other and i believe that as fact, yet in strong world, the movie that he wrote, there's that scene at the very end with the sound dial. I thought that was odd.

If he wants to die can't he just drown?

>Why is Oda pushing Luffy and Nami in the movies ?? WHYY GODAAA
Dunno, like ask Oda for the volume 93 sbs or something

Oda pretty clearly didn't mean that. Are you saying Luffy will not become the Pirate King and the crew will not achieve their dreams?

>No. He is more protective of Nami than the rest of his crewmates, partly because she is physically the weakest, but also because she is "special" in some sense.
Lmao this shipfag, like who the fuck thinks this way? That is not true at all. What has Luffy done for Nami that he wouldn't do for his crew?

>My best guess would be that she could gain the ability to influence the world around her with her astral form abilities

Same. If paramecia awakening is strictly extending powers to the environment, that gives Perona tons of potential. She could astral project the environment around her to create illusions like Brulee. She could also turn objects into special Hollows with traits from the affected object. i.e., a tree hollow, a pumpkin hollow, a rock golem hollow, a house hollow, etc. basically the mirror fruit and soul fruit rolled into one is her awakening.

She'd be our broken Ghost Queen.

Attached: perona-brook-night.png (661x636, 725K)

How can a fishman drown, tho?

>Sanji gag
Dont even bother replying shipfag
>Oda didnt mean that
Oh wow so true I better believe a fatass on Yea Forums than Oda himself.
>pirate king
Not what the ending is dumbass

Coincidentally, FUNimation just announced they're gonna release the special

A bit bummed that we have to wait even longer for Punk Hazard to get dubbed but at least Episode of Sabo will give us a sneak peek of what a lot of characters later on down the line will sound like. Looking forward to getting that on Tuesday.

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Did Whitebeard have zika or something?

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Oda didn't say anything about the ending but theories, educate yourself.
>lol fat xD
Im asking you. Do you think Oda will not make Luffy pirate king based on his words?

You also seem very angry for some reason.

since when he's a fishman?

I'd put Jozu higher than any Sweet Commander tbqh
Higher than Jack too, but I think either Queen or King can put him down.

He had ligma

The one with the eyepatch

One piece of the worst father
-Dragon (he did not take care of Luffy)
-Yasop (he runs away from his responsibility leaving Usopp and his wife alone)
-Judge (he abonded Sanji)

>you also seem very angry for some reason
These people are very common these days.

It's usual to find people who bitch about "luna" all day on this site for some reason. Maybe it's just one guy devoid of any social life.

Japanese dragons can breath in the water, right?

Kaido is strongest creature on earth sea and air

Here's one I really like that I haven't gotten myself yet. The Banpresto Flag Diamond Ship Nami.

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Are you playing dumb or are you dumb? Saying Luffy will be pirate king is not predicting the ending.
When Oda says he knows the ending already do you seriously think he is thinking about Luffy being pirate king? What a retard

One piece worst fathers
-Dragon (he did not take care of Luffy)
-Yasop (he runs away from his responsibility leaving Usopp and his wife alone)
-Judge (he abonded Sanji)

>no one is talking about shipping
>people talk about Luna a lot
>brings up luna
Sasuga luna fag

Read this thread again.


One Piece dads are such deadbeats that is easier to count the good ones

>Cobra, Riku, Kyrios, Charloss' father, Lola's dad and Neptune
It seems that only kings can do their parenting job right

damn that's bullshit, so he can use his devil fruit power underwater?

Jozu was easily controlled by Doflamingo though. Even Luffy managed to snap out of it.

This is the only one that exists :(

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definitely on my list, I own christmas nami and the diamond flag one where she has a sword

it's good enough

it's cute but I want a BIGGER one

Jozu wasn't controlled, he was just restrained. Luffy knew how did Doffy's power work, tho. Jozu didn't have that info.

One of the best asses is on a dead body

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Head too big lol

This one that's being released alongside a similar Robin one later this year looks really good too. Love the flower ornament in her hair.

Attached: BadWolfVindici1551692528.jpg (1200x1200, 67K)

I don't see there Monet.

Probably, may be a little weaker but not enough to easily die

Can Perona join the SH?

Attached: Perona_Anime_Post_Timeskip_Infobox.png (727x1519, 1.16M)

fuck, that looks amazing. I want to get it and the robin one!

She'll hang around Mihawk

lol you and me both, too many cuties for me to buy and so little funding

I know what you mean, that Hina figure that's coming out this year is going to be a lot

Nah she's a part of the Mihawk Militia

Attached: mihawk-perona-strawhats.png (706x755, 703K)

What's ligma balls?

Who is very top right and second from the left at the bottom?