How does Yea Forums feel about cakes?

How does Yea Forums feel about cakes?

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They are in my strike zone

I feel that we should all read the official cake-idol manga, "After20".

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Call me when it will have more than 2 chapters

oh, cool

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You're supposed to read it again regularly.

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I can get behind Kaede.

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They're dry and lack nutritional content.

imagine kaede gf

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Wrong and wrong.

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Not a cake.
Probably not cakes either.

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i want to date Kaede under pretense of marriage but eventually i soften up and accept her proposal

envision kaede partner

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Lads, I will take the bullet for you and date Kawashima Mizuki

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she will suck you dry like a mummy

I feel old noticing I'm older than them. Already at an age of "shounen protagonist's dad".


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cheers user!

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why does she drink so much? i am worry about her health

>tfw my best friend/ex gf is my drinking buddy
We're getting closer and closer each time.

closer to death

Don't worry, she is young, only 25 years old

Sounds good

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Any good doujin?

but that pic doesn't say that
it says if the deadline is ok

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and why should I care about it?

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Be more specific. Which one?

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Wonderful taste.

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>tfw no horny cake to steal me away from my childhood friend
Young girls getting cucked by older women is the most patrician fetish there is

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What would your ideal SOL cake anime be like? I think one where that is focused solely on five groups of friends who regularly meet up to blow off steam would be pretty fun. You could have university professor/lonely librarian cake. barmaid cake, genki office lady cake, fitness obsessed cake, and one more who joins the group later on in the series. Maybe some failed musician or idol.

Just a cute cake romance, i'm not picky on the particulars
>tfw no Game Over anime

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Collectors adaptation. Or Lily Marble one.

only virgins. Though making a non virgin cake despair because she's used goods also turns me on.

2D and 3D cake idols are the best.

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So called "cakes" are younger than me. I don't feel anything. Enjoy it while you still can.

man I would love to eat some cake right now

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starting with her shoulders.

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what about KyoAni cakes?

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Izumi was way hotter.

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Why would you want a cake if she's got a younger sister?

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angry teens with lively optimism and ideals are tiring. I also want a soulmate drinking buddy.

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Because a cake has a low enough self-esteem that user stands a chance of getting her

They had their turn to find happiness, and squandered it. They don't deserve the young ones.

Basically Turning Girls

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>15 year olds look like mid 20 year olds
>21 year old "cakes" look like 30 year olds
What is with this weird and unspoken of trend in anime and manga where the characters act and look a decade older than they actually are?

Cakes are perfect.

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done now what

I have become the cake myself

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realize that you'll never get it

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But what if the cake also has lively optimism? Especially when it comes to beer [/spoiler[

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I like shortcake.

Kaguya please. eat all the shortcake.

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>in other words:

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>that one shot of two of them in bikinis
Unf. Those wide, wide hips they had.

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2D women aged 25-40 are the best.

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Are cakes always so eccentric?
My boss hired his grand daughter who I believe is a 27 year old cake is one of the strangest people I've met.


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Cuckold milf are the best.

>used to be 5 years older than me
>now I'm older than her

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hang in there grandpa

Eccentric in what way?

She's smart and dumb at the same time? For example, she's really sharp with complex things like market analysis and mathematics related areas but she has a hard time with basic things. We were making decorations for a valentines day party and she had to cut out the heart shapes that's been printed onto a paper with such an intense concentration that it took her about 5 minutes to complete a single one while it took the rest of us a minute.

I love a cake with glasses

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What cake archetyp is best? Office lady, teacher, onee san, etc.

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Wow it's almost like if people can be good and bad at different things or something. What a mystery.

Anything drawn by Damegane is great.

women my age? fine I guess

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That's a MILF not a cake,
Cakes are unmarried 25+

I think that they are cakes for a reason, there are motives that explain why they're single and let they in bad place

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Cakes need Love too ;_;

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25 isn't too late

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>fitness obsessed cake
There's a 3DPD version at my gym that ticks all my fetish boxes. But I want one in 2D.

Pic related

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It is, but people have to feel good about their bad life choices too.

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I feel like there are a few reasons why they are not married or in a relationship past 25:

>Life choices not letting them have time to meet guys.
>Terrible personality warding off suitors.

>25 isn't too late
Optimal marriage age imo for women and settling marital affairs (honeymoon, housing etc) and then childbearing before hitting 30.

Not that I would fucking know.

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Sometimes your significant other breaks your heart so much that you just kind of stop being interested in seeking another.

>your significant other breaks your heart so much that you just kind of stop
You can also die like Padme too

always best girl

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I just noticed that lump on her right ankle

i want to drug rape Kaede and blackmail her for more sex and money

>cake cannibalism

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>HATTORI Mitsuru
Speaking of, his new manga is really good.

Cakes hate competition. Might as well eat them.

tfw you will never smell a cake's pantyhosed feet after a long day of walking around the office in hgh heels

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would smell her butt and let her blow me

I'd pity marry her just to have sex with her and then deal with the emotional baggage for the rest of our marriage if you catch my drift.

>How does Yea Forums feel about cakes?

Almost every woman I've dated has been one. I feel they're overrated if you can find a mature younger woman.

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That's not a MILF, she isn't a mother. She's the sister of the girl getting cucked

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>when it hits you that women who are technically cakes would consider you an "older" man

I should just fucking kill myself at this point

I like creampies

>mature younger woman
I'll take "creatures of myth" for 500

You really should. You'll never be able to live the dream of making a lonely older woman happy now unless you go for older than yourself

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What's wrong with making women of your age happy?

That's why I was dating a 41yo Filipina two years ago.

My very first GF was 19 when we met, and the only woman I've met in my life who was as intelligent and mature was a 39yo PhD managing a medical startup. Turned out the 19yo was autistic so things kind of fizzled after a couple years. I miss her.

>dating a 41yo Filipina

user, that's what bottom of the barrel white men do, My Bro tier Grade 6 teacher was one of em. He's probably an oldfag here as well.

>breaks your heard so much that you just kind of stop.

That cut into my souls pretty deep.

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I've found Flip women to be smart and interesting and they're happy being "those wacky jungle asians." Also very sexual and into guns and cars. But every one I've dated has also been completely insane so I don't think I'd do it again unless I she came with a doctor's note.

As long as you're happy, I'm happy for you too user.

Types I've experienced:

1. Genuinely weird and unsocialized. Worth trying since she might turn into a good partner, but on the flip side she might turn out to be the kind of person you can't take anywhere.

2. Fear of intimacy. Not worth trying. Even if you do manage to turn it into a physical relationship she probably won't really be comfortable.

3. Crazy. If you're brave go for it. The sex will be insane. But don't get attached and don't turn your back.

4. Has poor relationship judgement. These can be nice people, but they're bad at figuring out what they want. Probably very used goods and she'll be into you too early.

5. Knows exactly what she wants but has a hard time finding it. She still probably will have a long history but if you're the right type things could be great.

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I broke up with the Flip because she was a psycho. I've dated a few women since then but nobody's really been a great match. I wish I was better at this--started dating when I was 27 so it's kind of an adventure.

I prefer women my own age desu. So yeah cakes are just right for me.

That's like half of us semi-old fags in these threads.

We're mid twenties now.

I sometimes feel the clock ticking as well

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>We're mid twenties now.

I'm 35. Fresh cakes will be bordering on too young soon.

>I'm 35
If we're doing Age/2 +7 rule

But these rules aren't concrete. You can do it user. You'll find a cake to settle down.

>But these rules aren't concrete.

It's funny, I was dating a chick in her mid 30s a while ago when I was about 32. She said she would have enjoyed dating a guy like me when she was 17. So on one hand I guess I could be thrashing legal high school girls, but on the other hand she was a turbo slut so eh.

>tfw no riveting romance with my high school teacher
France's president Macron might be a gigantic cuck/cunt, but he played his cards right and married his teacher

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>but he played his cards right

His wife already looks like a corpse. She's going to be senile and in the nursing home when he's later middle aged.

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I assume she didn't when he started fucking her, but hey, women age badly