
>New Show from Binan Staff
>New PP
>New BL that finally looks decent
>Ner rugby sport anime
>New King Pri anime

The future looks interesting. What recent announcement did surprise you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hanako anime

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it's a pity that it looks like het end is on the menu

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The Given anime seems promising, I'm looking forward to it.

All you homoshitters are so dumb about this manga. MC was never going to magically change sexual preference because you wanted him to.

>>New BL that finally looks decent

All we've ever wanted was for the homo and the lesbian to stay gay until the end and find new partners instead of being magically turned straight.
But a straight guy magically becoming gay is just as bad as the opposite. Only retarded fujoshits would want or expect the MC and the homo to get together.

that rock band one I guess

Check your grammar retard newfag

Wonder when this will air? Hope they don't butcher the art because I really like how cute it is

Will KinPri get proper subs instead of LJ/Tumblr subs though?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.27.716.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

>The morning glory flower is a flower of duality.

Attached: 42_1.jpg (1080x1577, 345K)

>But a straight guy magically becoming gay is just as bad as the opposite. Only retarded fujoshits would want or expect the MC and the homo to get together.
There is no such a thing as a straight guy, everyone can be taught to love the dick.


>The future looks interesting. What recent announcement did surprise you?


It'll be shit.

>Misuzu has the power to stop time for three minutes a day. One day, she uses that power to try to peek up the skirt of her classmate,
What. My sides

Not him but I think it's dumb to dismiss the idea entirely. I didn't think a homo end was possible until the latest chapter actually.
The way Taichi reacted, while justified, feels strange to me. Why that one line about Touma's confession destroying his worldview? Does a confession have such an impact usually? Why the flashback about holding hands? Isn't Taichi just confused and repressed?
Well I still don't believe in a happy end where Taichi will magically go out with Touma and open a game shop together. But I wouldn't dismiss the idea that this confession might start a process for Taichi. A process that might culminate with Taichi aknowledging his bisexuality. Or something else.

Bi/Poli ending bros!

>Does a confession have such an impact usually?
If you're an insecure shy manlet who is all along confused about why Touma would even be his friend, then yes.

>Why that one line about Touma's confession destroying his worldview?
Never been confessed and even by someone close to you, uh? It really destroys your world view because it forces to change it in the most radical way, and makes you see people from a different perspective. Taichi's crisis is not only about "My best male friend can't be this attracted to me!" but how said best friend seems to portray a topic as complicated as love in a more defined way than Taichi himself when it comes to his relationship with Futaba. In other words, Taichi can't believe his homo friend is best at loving than himself.

He is so optimistic, I want to break his hopes and dreams


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.24.215.jpg (1920x1080, 139K)

>But a straight guy magically becoming gay is just as bad as the opposite.
I disagree with this, it's not uncommon at all for somebody who considers themselves straight to realize they're actually gay or bi instead. In fact that's practically the only way it ever happens in a society where everybody tends to assume you're straight until proven otherwise.

What about the hand holding?

>never been confessed and even by someone close to you, uh?
Well fuck you too user.
But thanks for the insight I guess. Indeed like you so aptly noticed, I've never been confessed to by someone close to me, so I guess I wouldn't know.
>In other words, Taichi can't believe his homo friend is best at loving than himself
No matter how I look at it that's an odd matter to get so upset about. Guess I just don't get it.

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The best thing about the manga is the art and the shotas. It's going to be shit, unless the production's good.

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I don't even remember if that has ever happened in manga outside of BL. Surprise gay endings have never been a thing, and I wouldn't mind getting one for a refreshing change.

Nah, they wouldn't dare to end the show with this.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.39_[2019.01.03_03.03.19].jpg (1280x720, 211K)

I would agree, but this is a manga written by a guy who's only done straight shit. In real life sure, but the chances of that happening here might as well be null.

>I don't even remember if that has ever happened in manga outside of BL. Surprise gay endings have never been a thing, and I wouldn't mind getting one for a refreshing change.
Does IBO count?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans - 45 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.20_[2017.02.26_ (1280x720, 86K)

He said manga. Otherwise Evangelion would come to mind.

Why wouldn't it?
In retrospect, I feel bad calling this bad writing in light of the current discussion. All I saw back then was how convenient that was for Yamagi and the forced drama that came with killing Shino right after that scene.
Yeah. It's still shit after all. But still a valid example.

>Never been confessed and even by someone close to you, uh?
Did you forget where you are?

He's getting knee cancer for sure, hopefully the author deliver and he becomes Kakeru's personal coach.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.37.452.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Erased argably counts.

>who considers themselves straight
The "considers" is the key word here. In almost all cases of someone thinking they were straight, but later findind out they were gay/bi, the person in question has experienced signs that they weren't straight since an early age, but they either
a) were in denial about it, or
b) didn't even know being gay/bi was a thing that could happen to anyone (which is more common in more conservative communities)

But Taichi is a fictional character, and his inner thoughts have been shown to us multiple times. We know he's not in denial about his sexuality, and we know he's not completely ignorant to the existence of homos. The author suddenly showing that he was into dudes all along would simply be shit writing.

We already have more than enough BL with that hamfisted straight-to-gay conversion shit ("I was a straight adult male with no signs of latent homosexuality until I met you, now I love dicks but only yours"), we don't need it in a relatively realistic manga.

Does anyone read the manga?

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It's a good homo year. Unbelievable.

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this season was pretty shit apart from suffering cattle children; next looks infinitely better.
if it's got art like that I could. is it keikaku doori?

Incest is the best!

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Reminder that traps aren't gay.

I wasn't trying to say it was something that should happen or made sense to happen in that specific situation, just that it's perfectly reasonable as a concept.

>Twitter JP fanartists started to use privater with password

Like twitter wasn't shitty enough to check fanarts.

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Homo ending never.

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Sorry, I did. My bad.

user, some gay/bi people were still pretty confident they were straight until it takes one person to question even if they knew about bisexuality/homosexuality before hand. Sexuality is fluid for some folks and some don’t even know they aren’t straight or gay until they are adults simply that they never been in a situation that they questioned themselves.

blog but I thought that I was straight until my mid-20s because I never got in a situation that I realized that I was also attracted to my own sex and it was quite a difficult realization and it was triggered when felt an intense sexual attraction to a TV star.

I fucking hate the [insert character's name]sexual trope.

Well sure, but I was thinking in the context of this manga. If there's room to believe the person/character is gay/bi, them coming out would obviously not be a "magical conversion" in the first place .

And here comes the blogging.

No need to talk about yourself, attention whore.

Old men.

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Who was it user? I swear I went through the same thing, only in my early 20s.

I&r the attention whores

The thing is that it’s not a bad trope in itself because it does happen in reality, but it’s annoying in BL/GL because how prolific the trope is and how it begets lazy writing. Luckily, they are slowly moving away from it and show some diversity in their characters in regards to sexuality.

I am still surprised that shit like Okane Ga Nai actually called this trope out

This honestly became one of my favorite sport anime ever, I didn't expect it. I love Kakeru's character development and how close him and Haiji got.

The only thing that would make it perfect were if Haiji and Kakeru kissed at the finish line, too bad it will never happen.

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>he's glad his life decisions led to meeting (You)
That was fucking cute.

Blogging under spoilers is still blogging.

Don't care if 0 homo, boys are cute

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I'd argue there's always room to believe somebody could be gay/bi, but in the context of a work of fiction written by someone who we have no reason to think is interested in telling that sort of story it's unlikely to happen, I agree.

Go to another board if you want to talk about real life and your life-story.

Speaking of bisexuality in BL, I recommend pic related and the carp jumps twice. These two titles don't brush aside the matter like most BL do and face it head on. They focus on both the anxiety of the gay one and the guilt of the bi one.

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I think the argument would had been better if that user argued that the author would be too inexperienced/chickenshit/meddled by the higherups to write that story.

I've come to hate these threads

Samefag is same. It has been stopped but you are still fucking dragging it on.

consider the following:
boys with hair that happens to look like cat ears

Attached: fluffy.png (358x417, 78K)

Fuck off roastie

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What are you waiting for to drop them? An "O MY SEVEN QUIRKS" tier shitposting singularity?

Nice, the art is pretty cute. This has been in my backlog for so long, I think I'll start it soon. Hope it has a good studio and staff.

what are /y/ refugees doing on my board?

Really stupid. They have pixiv for R18 content, why even bother doing this on twitter?

New designs still look kinda weird to me but I guess anything is better than the late manga designs.

Cat ears or GTFO. Don’t do some half-ass shit if you aren’t going to commit all the way.

Plus it makes the hair look really shitty.

Shitting the board with generals as usual

Did you forgot that the exodus from pixiv was caused because they felt that pixiv didn’t protect them from people downloading their art?

1. stop replying to yourself 2. learn what a general is

>I'd argue there's always room to believe somebody could be gay/bi
Even Taichi? I think the gayest thing he's even done was that time he felt up Touma's body in the horror house and thought about it later while watching Touma suggestively eating ice cream.
But I thought that was just him feeling inferior to Touma again or wondering why he didn't say anything while he was being touched. Or maybe he was just sensing some gay vibes from his friend but couldn't understand what was wrong.

Don't forget that Horamimi S2 started.

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Naive of you to think it's only one person on Yea Forums who thinks these threads are cancer.

I don't even get it. You post your art on the internet and then you're shocked it gets downloaded? Give me a break. Japan logic. Maybe the internet is too good for them, let them go back to submitting arts to printed fanzines.

>stop replying
Apply yourself.

This isn't my beautiful seiya

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Is this going to be good?

What are they doing?

Oh shit this looks great, I had no idea this would get adaptated. Awesome.
Now I just hope the lead singer's voice is good.

Cat motifs are overrated and overdone.

Cats are never overrated and overdone, cats are superior

>carp jumps twice
I’ve been meaning to read that because I really liked After School Nightmare but I heard it and Cornered Mouse are really slow reads.

>the three manga comes with new drama tracks and songs
I feel like it's possible they're going to outsell some Jump manga. I wonder if it's getting an anime soon.

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I watched episode 1 with the chad neighbor getting premium nekopussy and then forgot it existed. Is it better than S1?

Bass player is the best boy.

How does Yea Forums feel about furries?

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It admittedly is, but not in a bad way. I enjoyed it a lot personally.

Shit and for degenerates
Unironically I can't see the appeal

what did even happen to this?did it end?was it gay?

Fuck old men

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S3 never

>rugby sports anime
Name? I haven't kept up with new releases.

If I ignore the greater context like I said, then sure. Why not? People who think they're straight tend to mostly act straight too, believe it or not.

>samaichi slowly becoming the most popular ship
All is good in the world.

I wish they stopped uploading their shit to regular 2D porn websites. I'm sure there are furry-only sites, so they should just put everything there.
The less filters I have to use the better.

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Expectations for this? I skipped most of the main story so I have no idea what comes next if they keep adapting it that way. Would be pretty cool if they added fate episodes of popular characters, I don't really care much of the main cast.

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>All that furryshit on Panda and MRM
It's time to stop.

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They should have just made the Paradise Lost storyline into a movie.

Low. The first season was 4/10.

I had no idea people refer to Kougami as "Fapgami (シコ噛)." That's hilarious. May the new season bring us more fanservice.

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It's gonna go full /u/ with Vira, Apollo and Orchid
>Would be pretty cool if they added fate episodes of popular characters
Enjoy your 1 second cameo in the background

I like stuff like pic related. What you just posted is a massive turnoff though.

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You'd never guess that it's a sports anime from that pic. They're going straight for the fujo audience.

Meanwhile, in Newtype...

I laugh everytime I look at this visual, I just can't see delicate bishounen playing rugby.

Is there something I missed by not watching the movies?

This. Especially considering the main story is pretty generic before the second arc.

Too many twinks. Why homo anime and manga suffer from this serious disease.

An homo knights anime would be glorious, but will never happen.

whats is your favorite body type girls? bear mode here

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Is that Sasayama?

I think the name caught on in 2015 when the first movie came out and he was hot in it.

The way Kougami bangs are drawr is super hot

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Why do meganes always have to be bottoms?

I'd go furry for Marimo

Muscle enough but no roided ones. I despise skinny guys.

No, it's (You (male)) from the VN game.

>Enjoy your 1 second cameo in the background
The sad thing is that I totally will.

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The homo knights are boring the only interesting one is Siegfried also I'm kinda salty what they did with Vane

>pubes peeking from the sides
Alright that's hot.

They can't do the same trick twice, surely.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantasy The Animation - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.18_[2018.08.31_14.41.08].j (1280x720, 429K)

>also I'm kinda salty what they did with Vane
Which is what?

If they adapt around the same number of main story chapters it should at least be better than the first season. Albion-Golonzo is alright, it just gets bad again when Lecia's shounenshit starts.

I feel like he just orbits Lacey now.

I don't think so. He has the chickadees to take care of now.

He has children now it's ok.


Me in the background.

Please don't fuck it up IG

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Everyone is a little girl on Yea Forums.

I didn't watch the movies, where's the storyline now at? Are they finally going to do something about brains in jars?

Can’t unsee Mukuro and Hibari in this picture.

what about two sets of ears?

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user, it was because Pixiv's terms of service gives them rights to use any art posted, and what their staff decided to do with that was insult people's work at an exhibition of large poster prints. The artists said they didn't give permission to use their art like that and were told 'you posted it and agreed to these terms when you registered'.

How many episodes until his smile gets BUTCHED

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If you look at the end of the PV there's a "1st season" subtitle, my opinion is that it's a split-cour

Is cute so it’s allowed.

I thought the same user.

We don't know what the new season is about some say it's a prequel

The thing is that it’s like that at every social media platform though.

But when the drama went down, it was more that pixiv wouldn’t ban the international IPs from registering on the site.

It still hurts. Yamagi did not deserve that, and Shino missing and his anger towards himself hurt too.

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Pic related is the peak male form.

>more angelshit
No thanks. Sandal is fine, but Lucio and all his clones have the personality of a brick. I can't get invested in this.

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Other social media don't do art exhibitions and books though, right?

Yes perfect

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Sariel is cute, and even the boring ones would at least look cool animated. I wouldn't mind a homo spectacle like that.

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The perspective on his face and ears are off. I'll never understand why furries are the worst at drawing animals. Monster boy authors do far better.

hello fellow mobanon

Who cares? You know what people really want.

>partnered with the Japanese Rubgy Union.

So except very low gay in this.

Still mad that the best gay rubgy series got cut down before it could really fly.

Isn't that the plan?

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shit design

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I hope that's not the case unless it's 24 episodes a season or something.

Give me his eyes and burn the rest

>getting Akira Ishida just for him to make cuteweird noises

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Let’s be honest, is there any other better way?

he cute user

I can't understand the appeal of Belial. Nip fujos always have the worst taste.

Well yeah. His sex voice was the only reason I even got through the snoozefest that was WMTSB2.

[x] motorboat

He's fun.

I actually like the high forehead, short swiped bangs look.

The appeal is tiddies. It's not that deep.

Well Sandals is the fujo favourite.

He's right. Truly the worst taste.

You must be deaf.

Voicing Kaworu Clones™, but Sakurai seems to be doing that now.

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anal sex

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Lewd, funny, good seiyuu, dedicated to his husbando. On that last note Faasan actually had some great lines in the finale.

Handsome adults.
I respect the BIC guys a lot. Nice triple dubs.

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If I wanted tiddies I'd become a waifufag.
Seiyuufags will really take just anything.

>tfw they didn't show up in Manaria Friends
Feels bad.

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>If I wanted tiddies I'd become a waifufag

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I forgot this was continuing.

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>he doesn't like Faa-san
Shit taste

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imagine thinking that a cute show with a fluffy boy and a non-fluffy boy would be worth fuming over

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Is Ume-chan back in his role?

Anime when?


>Not trash

I just want more Yang

>10 HypMics in the top 30
Holy shit, imagine if this gets an anime.

He's the best Luci clone. I'll give you that.

Don’t shit on them, user. They actually okay.

>No character from Kaze
Holy shit, this is really a flop between fujos?

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I wish it wasn't. DNT was a mistake.

It will one day. I'm not even a fan but I see it everywhere, I'm just waiting for the day I'll see the announcement.

>between fujos
Try between everyone. No one is watching the show. It never trended in Japan. Not even the first episode.

I don't know anyone from the right page. Have I finally ascended?

Even this Ikemen/DILF?

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How old?

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I'll watch it once it's over, heard it's actually doing a great job as a sports anime.

Sad, I wonder what went wrong. SAO?

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He was the least shitty part of it but still inferior to OVA Yang in every conceivable way.

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There are only 2 episodes left, you may as well get started now.

Why is that?

I'm still a bit annoyed with the bland chara designs and dull ost we got for this. At least Yang got some good shots.
Is Ume-chan doing okay now?

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They need to cater harder to either fujos or otaku.
It's not like it has an interesting premise with mass appeal.

That weird Sherlock show also airs next season. Also this the season after it.

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Who cares about fujos anyway, the show is fantastic.

The running parts are often kinda meh anyway, most focus is on the character relationships and their development more than anything.

He was in Planet With, so I assume so.

The plan is fighting them in a waterfall and then feel very empty when the old man dies.

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It's boring.

are these homosexuals gay or do they have girlfriends?

yanhomo Shou when

One of them had a girlfriend, but she got removed because he's now gay for running.

Two minors characters have a crush on the team manager and she likes them back and one dude has an ex girlfriend, but that's it. The two protagonists show no interest in women.

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I didn't try that one out, nice to know he is doing well, thanks. He has nice range, I miss him playing Blue, he was great in YBJ too.

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Reigen is till young!

That was the old plan. This is the new plan.

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>This got cancelled
Fuck this straight earth

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I wonder if they'll address the aggressive homophobia in rock industry or it'll just be personal drama. Yeah, probably the latter.


It's an adaption of a BL manga.

Since it airs on noitaminA, there should be more mature content.

BL manga are getting pretty DEEP these days.

The mature content here is the boys being faggots

>these days
What do you mean.

Attached: 5247.jpg (225x327, 48K)

If by deep you mean dicks penetrating beyond prostate then yes, I've read some of those.

This is an overstatement.

What? I tought se were just waiting for the second season

The scanlators dropped it.

Great taste, it sucks that Eroica still doesn't have an anime. We could have gotten Dorian harassing Klaus animated but now we will get shitty cgi action if it ever does get picked up. Such a tragedy.
What happened to the user scanning the CMX volumes for us?

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Since Banana Fish happened, nothing is impossible.

Will anyone even be subbing King Pri?

True, but I heard Aoike -san dislikes anime as a medium, and Klaus isn't a very PC guy; it might get a bad rep before they even get to know him and how nice (less violent to) Dorian he can be.

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Devilman had one kind of

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I love tiddy, Rom was great, but Belial still doesn't interest me. I think it's just his general type.

Isn't it being shown in theatres?

>putting the cute moment in a dream sequence
how the FUCK is this legal?

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Ah I just saw another group took it on mangago don't worry

Rom was premium husbando material.

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Reigen is too old to be twink and too young to be DILF.
How do you even categorise him?

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I never bothered to check Devilman's prequels, sequels, spin offs, only read the classic manga. So what is the canon and incontestable ending?

I really hope they don't cut out the scene at the end of the race when Haiji throws himself at Kakeru arms right after finishing the race

twink bods can survive into the thirties user

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The goldilocks husbando

Is this Takarai Rihito? Didn't know she had a new series out.

I see some color in that white stripe

>no new male servant for White Day

So noitaminA from spring until the end of the year has a fujo-friendly line up

They know where the money is.
Though Promised Neverland is not fujo.


Should have posted Valery instead user, he is the older one so it'd fit better.

Attached: 2 Vrubels.jpg (1572x1766, 445K)

>no male servant for FGO
>no event a male rate up on GBF
What a trainwreck at least we are gonna get this cutie next week

Attached: DrsTcX1U8AArdvR.jpg (1125x1200, 187K)

The Primised Neverland was a winter anime, I wrote "from spring"


it was kinda just pic unrelated desu

Attached: 1552707931614.jpg (1142x1726, 586K)

Fuck if I know, user, Devilman Saga is still publishing, I think.
Nagai is not going to give Ryo what he wants in any universe it seems.
In Violence Jack (the second world reboot after the original Devilman), Ryo got hooked up with Miki
only to had his limbs cut and killed later until Satan in him woke up and fucked the world again.
In Devilman Saga (the third world reboot after this) Ryo and Akira are childhood friends again, Ryo is lusting after Akira,
but Akira is painfully straight, married to Miki and dislike his advances.
I kind of fast read the Devilman Lady so my understanding of it is shitty, there Satan was divided into female and hermaphrodite and Akira fell for
female one but it was unrequet.

All of the spin offs are much shittier and boring than Devilman was.

Attached: 007.png (1233x1800, 579K)

>more chocolate
Oh yes.

Pic was too nice for you to be able to resist posting it user? I get that feel.

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sometimes boys just need to be posted

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Probably an unpopular opinion but Kirill dressed as a bride >>>> Olivia.

>Though Promised Neverland is not fujo
But it has cute shotas.

Attached: norman_uguu.png (1024x576, 286K)

Seems like she only did the character design for this manga, so she's not the actual artist for this. But it seems she's doing a shounen now about voice actors in Gekkan Shounen Magazine under her pen name.

Attached: Voice Rush.jpg (730x536, 202K)

The recurring theme is that they're doomed to die and be reborn just to relive the same fate again right? It makes sense that there's going to be endless suffering in the end and no one can break the cycle. I liked the original Devilman's concept but Nagai is too messy and edgy for me.

Very true, I get it friend.
Not at all, Kirill looked lovely as a bride; Olivia just has a fluffier wig that's all, so the hair makes Olivia look better but bride Kirill is a natural beauty. I prefer regular Kirill as best and cutest though.

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kappas when

April 11th

convince me not to kill myself before then

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While I know everyone hates 10 Count but I always hate when BL/GL authors go “straight”.

I'm salivating

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Tennis shotas soon. I'm very excited.

You have to survive until July. What’s the point if you leave after episode 1?

I love Musashi and his harem of boyfriends. There’s no other group of more reliable bros.

Tell me more.

I liked depressed Ray

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yakusoku no Neverland - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.35_[2019.03.16_03.23.52].jpg (1280x720, 60K)

The shota of this show at their shotaest form are so adorable. Only Phil creeps me out.

I just respect them as bestest bros, I don't feel like shipping them together, some people are just way too heartwarmingly bro level.

Attached: Best bro tier Ben-san.jpg (1568x1742, 450K)

Anime fucking when

>Reigen not in the top 10
This is a great injustice! What were they thinking?

Do you want normalfags to find out about this so bad?

Hopefully only after the manga's finished.

Not everyone is obsessed about twitter reactions, Yea Forums.

who says it's even going to be good user?

Attached: 62049051_p0.jpg (2348x1724, 1.56M)

After the homo ending of course.

If you die now, you won't get to see Togashi go full mad man and make Killugon canon.

Throw buzzwords at me all your want, an anime adaptation would just ruin it

Then he can already kill himself now

I never said whether it will be good or bad.


At least we'd probably get some doujins out of it. Plus I don't care what normals think about it I want it to get animated by a good studio

I don't even remember those characters. They used to be in kurapika's manga, right?

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fuck off with your yuri garbage

Why is treating good boys like bitches so hot?

how does one go about identifying "good boys"?

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i wanna bully hachiman

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Yes. It's quite a splendid plan.

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isn't it because of an official English translation? or did the author found out about it and went ham.

>choosing second best boy

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Even if Dorororo is not shota, Hyakki has enough cuteness for them both.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.59_[2019.02.24_20.31.43].jpg (1280x720, 111K)

The chapter where a female classmate drew their characters was a goldmine.

Is it true Nico calls their bond "love" while running?

Ray is worst boy and nowhere near as cute as Norman.

Attached: norman a cute.png (806x752, 388K)

don't post old men on my board please

This show is trash

The Sunwolves recently beat New Zealand's former champions the Chiefs.

Anyone watching W'z? I heard is has canonish homos?

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Oh shit I forgot about that. Fujos aren't so bad after all! In fact I hope she comes back

Attached: not gay homos.png (766x764, 165K)

Can anyone explain to me what this franchise is? I see these characters sometimes.

What is it about ? What's the story? How can I accompany it?

Just ignore it. It will go away on it own like any other otome shit.

saika and his elephant dick is very wonderful too, user.

Attached: 57708511_p0.jpg (680x850, 97K)

god i wish saika topped me

Something something rap. I don't get the hype, but then again I never got into stuff like Toukenranbu either.

>I hope she comes back
With improved art skills? Heck yeah. I hope a chapter will happen where those two will volunteer as her live models someday. I await the inevitable spaghetti spill flooding.

It's a drama CD + songs franchise that exploded in popularity in 2018. It's so popular everytime they release a new CD it gets first place in Oricon. Listen to the Division Rap Battle + Anthem in Youtube, read the character profiles, listen to the drama CDs and read the manga. Since it's a newish franchise it doesn't have too much content yet. You can finish everything in a few hours.

i thought it didn't have any female mcs


hachiman looks like lucy from charlie brown when girls draw him

Attached: D1zE_aJU4AA_vvF.jpg (840x1200, 170K)

It doesn't, the characters hate women and the females there aren't self-inserters.

Everybody dropped it, it's so bad, apparently.

Are you drunk user?

shhh it's a saturday

Attached: shippo.png (700x1000, 508K)

Me on the right.


Symphogear with men and stands.

Not with that attitude.

Reigen best boy desu. Chuya and Hijikata are good too.

First they have to find a way to animate rap battles that doesn't look comical.

Muscular > Chubby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Twink

Is Mob a Reigen fucker?

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mob likes girls you faggot

that was the incorrect image

Attached: 1549388719303.jpg (640x607, 38K)

They don't have to. People love cheesy shit, and I feel like the fanbase would eat up whatever as long as it doesn't look completely shit.

all cute anime boys are not straight

Of course.

Attached: 73630141_p0.png (1404x1586, 1.62M)

what are bisexuals?

I dunno.
I still somewhat want their relationship with Mob to stay pure.
Reigen manipulating and corrupting the kid to molest him later is Harada tier.
At the same time Mob being the one fucking him sounds fine.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 S2 - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.43_[2019.03.10_02.42.22].jpg (1280x720, 165K)

not real

>At the same time Mob being the one fucking him sounds fine.

Attached: 1471643697576.png (329x370, 280K)

A meme

tell me about brown ponytail shotas with fangs

Attached: D1G2Kd4UcAEe4GF.jpg (844x1199, 153K)

Don't exist in Japan

They need haircuts so they don't look like faggot girls

Cheating scum.

the ones who prefer dudes are better than straights

>At the same time Mob being the one fucking him sounds fine

Attached: 73630141_p1.png (1404x1586, 1.7M)

I'm not one of you but why does almost every sports series end up Fujo?

fragile masculinity

Because any series that has a dominant male cast ends up with a fujo fambase. To add to that, sports are all about male camaraderie and teamwork which is essentially catnip for fujos.

the same reason why magical girl shows end up waifufag and yurifag pandering

Unironically this, just look at Kaze first episodes, nothing gay, but since it had naked dudes for the ladies it meant it was gay and for fujo for those people.

I don't like how they adapted Given's art. It looked really nice in the manga but the PV isn't convincing me.

it ended up getting gayer anyway so they were right

Haiji and Kakeru are a comfy ship and I could easily picture them into a relationship, but it still is around Haikuu level of gay.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.41.763.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

A nice gift, if your studio decides to go all the way and write it in tastefully in the new season you are waiting for.

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that's not an opinion you're allowed to have user

Attached: DrFtuoaVYAEfkUp.jpg (850x1200, 183K)

It's not over yet. Right now everyone's on a quest to get everyone turned back into humans, because that's what Yuu wants and Yuu gets what he wants. The entire Hiragi family is possessed by the First Vampire, who apparently is also a demon, and some new players have just shown up calling themselves the Hyakuya sect that might be holding all the answers. It's pretty messy.

translation when?

No magical straight-to-gay conversion needed, just a retrospective change of character interpretation upon hypothetical reveal, same as with Touma.
Par exemple if you wanted to you could interpret his interactions with Masumi in chapter 11 as him being a defensive bislut who thinks she's onto him. Note how he's all tensed up when she starts talking about same sex relationships when he's the one they're talking about but then his expression relaxes once she specifies she meant herself and Futaba.
At the end of the chapter, when she calls him "normal" he thinks something about it to himself but his exact thoughts are never revealed. He narrates that he couldn't figure out what she meant, which you could interpret as him being an über brainlet who doesn't know what a lesbian is or again, as him wondering if she was onto him.
And obviously this could all very well lead nowhere as those things tend to do but if Taichi were to be bi then it wouldn't be a reality-bending reveal either.

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Damn, I love manga Ryo.
Where are all the djns?

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I guess that makes some sense
I thought magical girl series had more trouble with paedos and paedo baiting?

thank you for your replies.

shotacons aren't about to waste time on ecchi user

not true

Attached: M4.jpg (848x1200, 514K)

who would have thought
is mika/yuu a real thing now or its only fujostuff?is shinoa relevant anymore?

that's really lewd though

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I want to watch the Matsu movie, somebody help

If there's something that FGO does well is pandering to oldfuckers.

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What's wrong with his grammar?

is it a 90 minute long orgy between 4 best matsus?

>it does happen in reality
No, it doesn't. I've never seen someone be oneitis sexual or something like that.

Touma deserves better than Tai anyways

Attached: toumamita.jpg (957x1400, 484K)

Go to the Osomatsu section of your local toranoana it's full of weird shit, it will make you not want to know anything about the muppets anymore.

If you want good vampire homo read Vanitas no carte

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What's the manga where the qt homo's friend kisses him to prove that friend's can kiss? He should hook up with him.

No orgy can last 90 min.

>that bulge
Well that's one hung shota.

I don't care, I really do not care for incest or blmatsu or whatever. I just want see what's the scriptwriters' reasoning for a shy kara and a moteki ichi and even a fucking banchou jyushimatsu.

I haven't read BL in over 6 months, are there any new artists or stories worth checking out? Untranslated things are fine too.

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Kaito forgot how draw Touma, wtf

don't bother, none of the shit you read will ever update anyway, and when you check to see what the rabble is reading it'll inexplicably be things with horrible art

they're really not that far off from each other
one is just broken inside

I thought I had escaped no updates hell when I learned moon but instead I walked into hiatus and cancellations hell with a raw drought on the side.

I can’t believe that it would at least 10 years before we get a T&B sequel at this point. Fucking Sunrise and their hatred of fujobucks.

It does, senpai. Just take the L and go.

That friend became old men plaything

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Last I heard about it it was all bait, did something change?

Violence Jack is basically Satan punishing himself and splitting into three billion people because he destroyed the world.

>I'm a hermaphrodite so I can love men too!
That was extremely shitty.

Yeah, she literally even pulled a bait and switch with the MC's childhood friend.

It's not even good bait, it's the annoying kind one.

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Magical girls are 40/40 pedoshit/yurifags with 20 of the heterofags.

I mean the amount of yuri doujins in series like PreCure and Madoka Magica are pretty insane.

I know user I know, but hey at this point, I'm just glad they actually announced the damn thing, I've waited all these years, I can tolerate waiting a bit longer.
Found something funny; looks like Sho has criminal relatives in other anime.
Re-posting since Yea Forums eat my pic.

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Did anyone see the previews for that nobunaga show? It looks gay as fuck

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chapter 2 or I delete this thread with no survivors

>tfw you realize there are anons who have died waiting for S2

There are more OOC Seiyas out there, user

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i don't know why anyone sees devilman as homo when they literally no homo in the source material

Get this man a bento goddamn.

I don’t know how any homofriends could read an obviously straight end harem series where the homo option will never get any real play outside making the MC question their sexuality for a bit or are completely oblivious about it.

Probably because Nagai went along with the readers' interpretation.

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>my favorite ongoing series is an ABO
I'm sorry guys.

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I blame Crybaby for spawning thousands of new fujos, but I still can't see anything homo in it. The only two certified homos were the demon and his dead bf.

Because Nagai himself said that it wasn’t no “no homo” either. Regardless of Ryo’s true form is Satan, who is intersex, Ryo is a man who wants to bang his male best friend.

Those proportions look terrible.

>can't find scanlations anymore for motto!
pure suffering

Blame Shin Devilman (written by Nagai) which pretty much confirms Ryo is gay.

isn't his human form a herm?

what series?

That thought does hurt a lot. We will just have to watch it for them too.

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And it’s in tacorunes too. You are making yourself look worse.

Megumi to Tsugumi

Sorry but the English scans only goes to Chapter 2.
The Spanish translation is already to volume 2

I just hope scanneranon is around even though technology sorta outgrew scanners nowadays.


Attached: Doi1NmuUYAAfUjW.jpg (1636x2048, 428K)

Nope. We have seen Ryo shirtless, he has no tits and presumably no vag.

But does it count when Akira is clearly straight and not interested?
Nagai isn't a BL author, I don't get why people get so worked up about something that will never fulfill the fujo dream.

it's great as long as it doesn't go deep on the abo shit too much.

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Yeah. It looks interesting, I'll watch it

Attached: Dz_6WZ7VYAAmu-b.jpg (1621x2048, 739K)

I mean it's better than most fujo delusions where neither party in the pairing is gay.
But yes, Akira is straight and would only sleep with Ryo if he was 100% female and no penis.

Doesn't this one have mpreg, I'm pretty sure one of the MCs has two same sex parents.

>would only sleep with Ryo if he was 100% female and no penis
What a pleb

Taco is my first language but I would rather die than read manga in spanish.

He kissed male Ryo in one spinoff and said he loved Ryo in Devilman Lady (plus teamed up with Satan)

The love and hate line is actually featured in the very first series as well.

Pretty sure it's a shota

you're lucky I could never punch that boy

>vampires is such a good potential setting for a BL
>no good BL vampire mangos

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Yeah, those scans were were so funny. PJA's twitter moved a bit after years and I know that the people from thisissternbild are still alive at least, hopefully they will continue scanning and translating stuff when the new season starts.

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Your lost. There's already been three sex scenes already and they are all great.

Try Eureka.

Reading a doujin on your mother tongue is such a wild experience.

yeah it's that one.
still palatable as long as they don't start pushing the genuine pair or some shit.
though tsugumi might get raped soon with the way things are going as they haven't bonded yet. the usual drama

Attached: Dz_1Q3kV4AA0KOs.jpg (506x1573, 103K)

Chis please kys.

would you settle for mediocre?

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It's okay user I can just read it in moon.

Tsugumi won't get raped. The author has made that explicitly clear. But I can totally see Megumi doing something stupid.

>Yonaga doing his evil Aichi voice again
I am cum.

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New key visual for StarMyu S3, it will have more new boys. Hope they'll develop them well.

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it's still not off the table as it was shown he can get pretty weak the moment he loses his will power.
I mean, he almost got raped in chapter 6

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That seemed pretty nice at the beginning, but the forced drama made the second half of the story a pain to read.

>cancerous tripfag is a spic
Shocked and appealed.

Yeah but many people would drop it. Go to the author's Twitter, the nips were thanking the author for having Megumi save him from rape.
Now a forced bonding or pregnancy seems more likely.
The big issue is that Megumi is afraid to be his father. The omega rape thing is just to show typical omega oppression but doubt it'll be invoked.

>tfw still haven't finished the second season
I'll try to complete it before the next one. And while I'm at it I might as well finish Binan S3 too.

I need to catch up, I love Wingu's voice. Also Aichi a cute.

saddest homo triangle in anime

Ren will save Aichi.

I see only 1 boy I want to lewd. How disappointing

Attached: squelch.png (932x505, 372K)

Okay but who tops, Ozy or Gil?

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They switch

I still can't believe they made a super secret ending in which my boy survived! ;_;

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Soulless cashgrab

Ryo is homo in the source material
even if his love unrequited. Also I think it set up lots of tropes with gay best MC's friends and gay for heroes villains.

Of course he did. Our boy Juzo wouldn't leave the future without the hope he brings in.

True that.

Attached: 1515940031694.jpg (981x589, 116K)

>dude from Dramatical Murder
>implied homosexual

Attached: 1479155876928.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Is this a "did nothing wrong" chart?

>reading straight shit for homo
>sympathizing with the gay guy in straight shit
Pig barf. Can your standards get any lower, user-kun?

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Shota must be at least this fat for entry.

Attached: Kenshin-4.png (595x684, 207K)

Who are you quoting

I want them all to have a big orgy while Homerun watches with popcorn.

>gay for heroes villains
That's the good shit even better when things start to get rapey.

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The Ao no Fag will get BTFO anyway.


Link me faggot, the art looks great but this shit updates in English at a snail's pace. Can't read Spanish but I don't need to read it to enjoy a sex scene.

>chubby shota
Great taste.

Can't wait. Their sense of entitlement is hilarious.


Attached: IDOLiSH7 Vibrato 08.mkv_snapshot_03.25_[2019.03.07_11.21.17].jpg (1280x720, 448K)

>reading straight shit for homo
Actual BL are so boring and generic 99% of the time. Can you really blame anyone for searching for homo elsewhere?

Attached: Saike Mata Shite mo - Vol.2 Ch.14 - Hero on the Scene - 23.png (891x1400, 248K)

Man, homo threads really hate homo.

you're not quite following there user

Attached: gay cat.gif (330x360, 2.96M)

>six pack frotting
Oh boy, a new fetish. I need more of this.

>more new boys
Rev up that drama CD characterisation.

now imagine if there was oil and your dick was between there

Moonfags please read Suzuki-san with me so I have somebody to rejoice over the recent turn of events with.

Attached: 1325351.png (1125x767, 982K)

Was for

is it still all bait or did something actually happen?

thank you, this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to read

Attached: Horny grip.jpg (975x640, 96K)

>forced drama
thanks for the heads up
I'm starting to read it and at least now I know that I gotta drop it at some point

No, we just hate dumb anons like you.

Technically speaking it's impossible to frot abs without frotting dicks, so it all comes happily together.

I meant you, as a third person using their abs as a fleshlight

Attached: 10384756931.png (603x507, 227K)

That's exactly why I dropped this shit. The drama was fucking annoying

Attached: homo1.jpg (756x1124, 343K)

No, just some nice things happening to the best boy. Yamada's not going to go full homo here now that she has her successful bl series.

Attached: Cy05xynUUAABLZk.jpg (700x1227, 74K)

le bait

I remember homo threads celebrating kado het ending or arguing IBO Yamagi was straight, so he's definitely right.

There is definitely been a shift in recent years, if No.6 came out today people here would argue it's straight.

It's not forced drama, but it would get over the top.
Like the first episode of Mahoshojo Site over the top drama tier.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - 18 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.49.909.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

Those views are not shared by all of the posters here. I don't think you should generalize.

Anons are just being reasonable and objective

>homo threads celebrating kado het ending
It was a hilarious train-wreck thus worth having some laughs over it.

>she's still butthurt for kado

>Haiji calmly carrying the lube in public
Alpha homo.

You mean celebrating that the annoying muh canon shitposters got fucked over in the end. I neither liked nor disliked the homo in either of those shows. Had it not been for the endless shitposting, I would've sympathized with you.

>people fucking up the thread with their metaposting on the last fucking second

Well, it is kind of funny how emotional user is over Kado of all things.

Abs as fleshlight, bulges as a shelf.

Attached: 1527701467564.jpg (187x183, 12K)

if you get to the end you will be rewarded with the R-18 bonus chapters

Attached: bat uses echolocation to find sustenance.png (481x338, 69K)

thanks but delet that file asap, senpai.

You're shifting the topic, anons were talking about certain fans of Ao no Flag specifically. Retard.

What's the upcoming anime with the hot tanned police officer and when's it coming out? My search-fu is failing me

Ikuhara's new masterpiece

it's fun shitting on delusional canonfags that kept on pushing their shit only to get btfo'd right at the end.


Iku-chan's newest wild ride.

Attached: 1551529015866.jpg (1710x1080, 1.34M)

Why does it matter that people want Touma and Taichi to end up together? How is that ship different from all the other homo ships in non-BL series?

are male nipples illegal now?

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Delicious, thanks

Attached: 1427500816277.png (574x581, 145K)

it's not but kinda in the grey area depending whos monitoring the thread.

Attached: D0-0oVAVsAAjM1a.png (1100x827, 246K)

here's to hoping for a continuation

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these fellas look like corpses

A-About that...

guess what..

Both that and doing it with my own abs sounds fantastic and hot. Thanks for the suggestion, user.

Attached: 70959345_p3.jpg (1238x2000, 697K)

They might be dead

Yep, it's suspected they die before the anime starts.

Attached: 1525997973553.jpg (1280x720, 818K)

Based on what?

Their colors are different from the main cast and won't be the first time he does that.

On nothing, but they are the evil guys and might be behind the zombies
Also symbolism in an old PV

How they look and recently in their twitter they started tweeting about seeing the otter+heart logos. There is also talk that it's Mabu that is dead. Look at Reo's armband he has a heart on it while Mabu doesn't

Attached: 1523248360676.jpg (1280x738, 137K)

>Mahoshojo Site
it should be fine if I just started reading it ironically at that point like with most bl gookshit

>show hasn't even aired and the ride is already beginning

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Goddam why do so many good Jap artists love ABO?
It's the complete opposite in the West where only the trash make stuff for it.

Which one has the biggest dick?

>When its April, lets go for a little outing and see the cherry blossoms" #Reo
>they will stop tweeting at the end of march

RIP Mabu

Neither, it's the Kappa.

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God Nisaka is so precious. He doesn't deserve to suffer.

Attached: nisaka.png (798x1200, 792K)

So the threads will be filled with homodachi? Nice, this might be fun. Hope you guys lewdpost a lot.

Which "threads"?

Homosexuals are for suffering and death, user.

agreed, seems a little too elongated - but it could definitely be worse

Please no, I don't want Mod-tier threads. Just keep the lewd here.

he'll end up with a sugar daddy and he'll learn to love it

I'll have killed myself before then but I'll be with you in spirit

Please stop.

How am I gonna suck your dick if you kill yourself, user

Why would you kill yourself when there's so much to look forward to, user?

Attached: 654.png (355x438, 158K)

Don't die homo, we appreciate your shitposts.

Yes, kys disgusting attention whore

and by "learn to love it" he means he'll cum hands-free while trying his hardest not to, and then get chastised by his sugar daddy for "enjoying" it so much, ultimately crying himself to sleep on the corner of the bed with a pillow wrapped around his ears to drown out the drunkard snoring next to him
this is before the opioid addiction mind you

Trying too hard, newfag

Sakura petals and an ア sign seem to appear when a royal kappa comes into our world, as it looks like Kazuki gets ambushed by one of Keppi or Sara while out on his run.

>blogging is fine
Guess who's the newfag

god i wish that were me

You can't kill yourself yet homodachi, you have to post your fetish first.

Can't wait to see the boys get their ass drilled.

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You won't
It will be symbolism


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swiggity swooty he's coming for that booty

Their butts going to ejaculate petals and ribbons all over the shop.

Do you think all of these scenes occur in the first episode, or will it take 3 episodes for all 3 boys to be transformed?

It's only a single cour so the boys should be transformed by the 2nd.

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most likely the first one, being a single cour and all.

Happens to me all the time.

They are cuter as kappa

I don't need anybody to tell me to have a nice sunday, I mean it's whatever, I'm fine

Good night homodachis, try not to fap too much.

Well okay then, I won't.

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have a good night, homos

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also goodnight

Last for being gay is actually very nice.

Even as a kappa, emo is the cutest.

Have a good evening homodachi!

So we gotta plunder all 3 boys' assballs, then deal with the first Zombie in one or two episodes? Sounds pretty brisk, unlike YKA.


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Kinda shocked that Ishida never voiced Griffith honestly.

h-he's not that old..