Shirayuki Chuyo

What do you think about this lewd new idol?

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Imagine the smell

Hello idol Ougi.

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Is this that girl that shoots up schools and tortures people by slicing them up?
I've seen a few pics of her and she's alright I guess.

reminds me of leon
pretty sure that is murder-chan.

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What is that ugly black something under her seifuku?

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Attached: __shirayuki_chiyo_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_starlight_stage_and_etc_drawn_by_gomeifuku__346921729c (974x1487, 895K)

Shame. One of the reasons I like seifuku is the potential midriff shots. She won't get any this way.

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>full body stockings

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I was about to say I like the look, looks like my wife.

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How would it feel if I cum into her body stocking in the morning and have her wear it for the whole day?

When is Riamu's manga and anime?

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I just want her to beat me up and call me names, man.

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I see shiburin's character design has finally been beaten.

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This isn't an idol. This is a professional hitman!

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Who is she? Google the name and it doesn't come up with anything that can link to her.


Why is im@s blatantly ripping off T7S now?



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Fat cow.

They finally recognized the superiority of T7S

A reminder to re-read Kotori's manga.

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The new blonde one is a lot better.
She is the best though.

Chiyo killed her parents in a fire and is probably gay.


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(/@/ says the raw provider disappeared, for what it's worth.)

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*hopes and dreams

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SC's new unit.

Hopes and dreams cow?

More like a bunny, really.
Basically an upgraded Uzuki.

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