Regina was best girl.
Other urls found in this thread:
Finally starting Splash Star today! Other than force fields, and their being a fat cat, I know nothing of this show. Though, I'm kinda surprise that we are still stuck with DVD quality for this show. It kinda makes the subtitles a little blurry at full screen.
are you going to do all oyo?
I'd do it without subs..
Splash Star is the redheaded stepchild of the Precure franchise in a lot of ways. I wouldn't be surprised if Toei simply had never made BDs for it in the first place.
Keep us updated from time to time, user
I need more pictures of Kig Milky because reasons
Got any headless kig pics?
I didn't save any but I know there are some out there.
I hope they will cure her from this annoying verbal tick.
Yes, that's why her not becoming a Precure was the right choice.
Spears are so cool. I hope we get a Precure with a naginata someday.
Elena a cute.
The nips are just like us
Now thinking about it. Kemurikusa is a DokiDoki ripoff.
I don't think anyone watched that show and didn't notice.
>Sucki fucki 20 dorrar!
I like subs
I also like overtime subs
I love my Mexican wife!
Which Cure other than Akane loves white boys the most?
Nono, Elena, and Kirara
Lala's henshin looks nice but I think they should cut out this little dance part with repeating "Twinkuru Twinkuru Purikyua"since it is quite redundant.
But that's cute as all heck, mate
call that grin cute
She was the best in 1990 too!
That's the part the toy repeats until you wave the pen around.
Mana is too fat. Even King Selfishe's daughter cannot carry her with her magic.
They really liked using these comedic blindsides in Doki for some reason.
But aren't three characters in that image actually just one person?
user, that person is dead
No. They were created from her, but her soul/mind/whatever totally still exists outside of them since she talks to Macopy in the last episode (and then dies because Macopy isn't allowed to be happy).
Besides, the original Marie Ange is straight (because Macopy isn't allowed to be happy).
Because they're hilarious.
How do you know such detail?
I need the toys right now
Rin vs modern journalism
It's like Kingdom Hearts, where your heart can separate from your body and each become a person of their own. Killing all of them will restore the original person, but of course we can't have that in Precure.
Mana was best girl. Regina was second best girl. And Regina agrees.
Sasuga Rin
I still don't like Rin.
Youtube videos.
She is a fucking bitch and i hate her, but i how to ask, how popular is she? i know lots of people here hate her
I like Alice and Rikka more than Regina, but I still like Regina a lot.
Except she has two "heartless", and her "nobody" is a baby for some reason, and also we know that dead people turn into fairies in Dokidoki (like Mana's grandma, and like how the 3 non-Davi fairies were born during the Selfish invasion, presumably from three victims who died instead of being turned into monsters).
It's somehow even more complex than Kingdom Hearts, and that's saying something.
can Nozomi kick Rin from the team and add Masuko?
>remove venom
>add trash
I honestly don't know is Rin was popular or not, all I know is that I don't like her.
I like that idea.
>know is Rin
know if Rin
She always ranks low on Precure character polls, but her design (both visually and personality-wise) isn't exactly a crowd-pleaser, especially beside the other Y5s. Karen at least had the ojousama and /u/ bits going for her.
>he 3 non-Davi fairies were born during the Selfish invasion, presumably from three victims who died instead of being turned into monsters
will we ever figure out the full lore of DokiDoki?
Outside of Nagisa, sporty types are never especially popular with the demographics that matter (ie, toy-buying little girls and merch-buying big friends). Even Nagisa was barely sporty, she kinda just happened to play a sport.
i cant say im surprised, one last question, who is the precure who usually rank the lowest?
>Karen at least had the ojousama
i can assume Karen ranks low, thats a shame i really like her
fucking terrorists got Dokis
imagine what
A movie that went into the invasion, Sword's former allies, Goma and Lust, Jonathan and the knights, etc. would be a dream come true. Then there's Empress and her team. Dokidoki's setting had so much cool background stuff we'll never hear about again.
being friends with Himari
they most smell nice
Manhandling the squirrel
That's Dark Imagination!
I dont want imagine because will dont end well.
god, thats so cool
I guess they smell sweet
Do people actually dislike Himari?
Being friends with Himari would be great. She could teach me how to make sweets. Learning the science behind the process would also be interesting.
How is Cure Aqua's show, user? I got introduced to Cure Aqua thanks to HaCha's 10th anniversary speeches and I liked the character. I know nothing about her or her show though.
Well, Hugtto movie was explicitly marketed as Futari Wa x Hugtto, so I don't think we've seen the last of the Dokidoki verse. After all, it had the best pink in the history of Precure.
Holy shit, I can't believe they are playing Hugtto OP in Mogra. Guess everyone really do love Hugtto after all.
Tsubomi, Miyuki, Love, Nozomi, and Hana were not in Doki. So you're wrong on the best pink thing.
Yes5 is a really fun show, to me the bigest problem the show as is animation, lots of animation errors and re-use takes, but some some episodes and fights as fantastic animation. Smile is similar but yes5 but 5 as more plot Smile is better if you ask me.. I havent watch gogo.
I'm excited for Decade in Zi-o.
I am. I can't wait for more Elena and Lala.
I can't believe Tsukuyomi decided to travel back to September 11th 2001 and visit the US because she heard Sougo's parents were in the Twin Towers that morning.
Blue looks like Suzuki Koharu
Do those things vibrate? Asking for a friend.
Please don't use innocent star pens for your dark imagination
That's what the dark pen is for!
So, Fuwa poops. Huh.
It has more constellations than the 12 zodiacs in one of its page
Shit, I want to buy one.
these guys are pretty awesome
Not that user but why Reginafags wanted so badly Regina to become a cure? For shilling a new toy and then fuck off to the background after 2 or 3 episodes? Even worse considering Doki was The Mana show but that's another topic. Besides, King Selfish kidnapping and brainwashing Regina was great because it showed he mean serious business under precure standards and it fit with his theme as the ultimate selfishness, a father that couldn't let his daughter go and wanted her to stay in a pre-sexual stage forever (read between the lines). That subplot was one of the few saving graces of Doki
>a father that couldn't let his daughter go and wanted her to stay in a pre-sexual stage forever (read between the lines).
You can't just offhandedly imply that Dokidoki precure was actually all a metaphor for a father controlling his daughter's burgeoning sexuality and not elaborate
why did this get stretched
this. Also becomming a cure means that you are brainwashed little bit. Regina would stop being cheeky.
>a father that couldn't let his daughter go and wanted her to stay in a pre-sexual stage forever (read between the lines).
That explains why doki is the Mana show, she is a Harem protagonist
King Selfish (forgot his real name), lost his wife and raise his daughter by himself. Both were very close and it's implied the princess is very similar to her mother. Father and daughter are very happy together until the princess fall in love with Joe. Reminder that he's the one that unintentionally bring a selfish black thing (I forgot the name) to the palace and the extra material mentioned that Joe was exploring the ruins where he found rests from Selfishness so in a way, the princess got sick by contact with Joe. This is typical fairy tale stuff, an allegory of sexual awakening and the desire of going back and staying in childhood forever.
It's a phase, a necessary step for moving forward but still a phase. See the movie.
You don't recall the bit in the finale arc where her and Mana do the "introducing the boyfriend to Dad" routine? She even gives the usual "I love you, Dad, but I love my boyfriend too!" lines. Naturally, Selfish reacts violently. Replace evil lightning with a shotgun, and you've got the standard scene to a T.
It's not at all out of place, given how pretty much the whole cast center on issues stemming from blurred lines between childhood and adulthood.
Rikka has no parents, so she has to be an adult early, and she relies on Mana relying on her to give her self-worth by fulfilling that role.
Alice also has to play an adult, for the sake of her company, since she basically has no parents.
Makopi also (you getting it yet?) has no parents, literally this time. Her roles in the Trump Kingdom parallel those of the only significant adult in the show, Jonathan -- both as knights, and as love rivals for the Princess.
Ugly blatantly plays at adulthood, physically and in her actions, and tries to fill shoes that definitely aren't elementary-schooler-sized. Also she has no parents.
And then we have Mana, of course, who acts the most childishly of the whole cast, and is associated with virginity through her super forms. She's the pure, innocent part of selfish love, so she's the one who reins in all of the others who try to overstep their ages.
So when Regina's overly-childish mind in her rapidly-aged-up body starts to seek physical and emotional independence from her controlling father, of course you're going to read it sexually. She's a walking pile of puberty.
>That explains why doki is the Mana show, she is a Harem protagonist
No wonder I hate Mana then.
I think you people are overthinking things
I think you are underthinking things
Sexually so.
It wasn't well-executed but the hints are there, especially in the last cour when the show went full freudian
Mana isn't a harem protagonist, she's a shoujo manga protagonist. The simple-hearted girl who inspires those around her by giving her best. Honestly, it's such an old and well-trod tradition that you can lay it overtop of more than half the magical girl protagonists in the history of the genre.
That's only something you can say when the observations aren't taken directly from the text. It's not reaching just because most other seasons have trained you to turn your brain off.
Changing Regina's personality into the typical reformed villain moeblob would have been a crime against humanity.
Mana was a mistake
I think the original idea was to make her a shoujo manga protagonist but the writers let their waifu faggotry to run rampant and started adding idol bullshit like Mana can't fall in love because she must love everyone (they erase Alice's brother and most of her screentime for that) to the point she became a huge Mary Sue and everyone got piss off with the show, so there was a huge rating decline
No, she isn't a shoujo manga protagonist. She isn't a harem protagonist, either. Both of those character types have something Mana lacks: flaws.
Most shoujo protagonists are average girls with a bit of spunk but a lot of insecurities. That's not Mana.
Mana had flaws tho. Being extremely dense and having no tact for example.
>shoujo manga protag
>harem protag
Not unless you count being a doormat or generic nice guy as a 'flaw'
Mana is nothing like that. She just ends up doing everything herself.
Mana was a solution.
The solution to Precure's success.
>Mana can't fall in love because she must love everyone
They saved her romantic life for the movie, which is still one of the most successful precure movies to date.
And the movie showed us a vulnerable Mana that needed her friends.
>Mana can't fall in love
They cut Alice's brother because they cut Alice, almost. He was redundant with Nikaido once they decided to make the yellow a side character again.
I'm trying to get with Precure. Only watched Heartcatch and half of Futari wa, Go! Princess! and Hugtto but I can't actually finish any of these shows. Which other one I should watch?
thank God they dropped Alice's brother because love interests in Precure are just pure frustration.
You came at wrong time, we have discussion now.
Precure is for little girls. Fuck off incel. There's nothing inherently wrong with an adult man watching shows for little girls but they shouldn't twist them according to their tastes.
Speak for yourself. In Yes they were charming and HarukaxKanata was great too.
Setting aside that there are a million and one shoujo manga protagonists and harem protagonists who are perfect angels and Kiritos respectively, you're still wrong.
Mana was foolhardy, a social idiot, self-destructively selfless, and prone to breaking down when her usual bravado failed her. She has more, and more realistic, flaws than half the franchise.
And neglecting her own fairy
those lead nowhere. Except Homare who atleast confessed.
Thanks for standing up and stating the truth
>They saved her romantic life for the movie
So basically showing little girls that a girl being brainwashed to marry some random guy is an evil act and she should be free and independent to make her own choices and with her female friends as the most important beings for her?
I bet Abe would bann Mana Precure movie if it was released nwoadays.
If there was something slightly realistic about Mana, she'd be a friendless autist hating the world and the world hating her probably obsessed with the black-and-white morality of toku heroes and shounen mangas. Now that's a very interesting precure MC
>Mana stated she want to get married as one of her dreams in the beginning
>Since her early childhood she values her mom's wedding dress
>movie has a theme of passing love to the next generation
And this is why people hate /u/fags
It was fairy's fault for being too submissive. Mana likes them(boys and girls) rebellious. It makes her want to conquer them.
That's what made it so great. We got to see more context for how she became who she is and why she BSoD'd after not being able to shoot Regina.
Stop projecting your own unpopularity onto someone wholly unlike you.
They are mentally ill when they take their pill. Yet even more unhinged when they don't. It's a lose-lose situation when dealing with d/u/mmies.
Cure Roscharch would be cool though
what the fuck am I reading
What part of ANY of that is in the damn movie anywhere? The movie is about not being held back by the past and your failures; about treasuring them, because they make you who you are; and about relying on those you love (like, y'know, your spouse, but also your friends) to help you move forward in life and achieve happiness. There's not a damn spot of pro- OR anti-gay message in there.
>>Mana stated she want to get married as one of her dreams in the beginning
>>Since her early childhood she values her mom's wedding dress
She can easily marry another girl, even in Japan now she can get a partnership union.
>>movie has a theme of passing love to the next generation
No problem nowadays to get a girl impregnated by artifical inseminatio nand the father isn't even needed or just ask a nearby male friend for donation, solved.
Also sucking a cock is, cause there's no really need for that in heterosexual intercourse at all since it's only about impregnation right?
>And this is why people hate /u/fags
No worries, many hate Yea Forumsbitching-about/u/fags too
>many hate Yea Forumsbitching-about/u/fags too
I guess those are from /u/ and maybe those people should stay there.
Again, they don't even deny any of this in the movie. They go out of their way not to show the face of the person Mana is marrying, even though they clearly set it up as Nikaido earlier on, because the point WASN'T that you have to conform to societal expectations. The point is that she's happy, so fuck off trying to twist it into a negative outcome.
You've got it backwards. The people shitting on Mana over their own made-up harem fantasies are the only del/u/sional ones. It's not possible to complain about everybody loving Mana unless you delude yourself into thinking they're all gay, when everyone with an ounce of media literacy could tell you that Makoto is the only proper lesbian in the show.
>Makoto is the only proper lesbian in the show.
She just liked Ange because she had literally noone else.
It's funny that the staff forgot so badly about Makoto that they didn't even bother to erase her lesbianism. I doubt the moral guardians cared because nobody cared for Makoto. Fucking Bandai screwed the character for showing Cure Sword in the promotional images despite the staff wanted Makopin to join the team during the mid-series
She never really had Ange either. Poor Macopy.
Don't force it if you don't like it. You don't want to end up like us.
So, what does everyone think of Star Twinkle so far? Are you liking it or disliking it?
She had her as something like foster mother. It is kind of cute how Ange never tell Makopi about Joe which means she treated Makopi as a little kid.
So far it's very cute although a little shallow. I doubt people are going to be arguing about it years from now.
I legitimately loved how they handled that. Mainly because even though Makoto is super focused on her, we're shown in every flashback that she barely knew her at all.
She visited her orphanage once (literally a politician's token outreach), knighted her (a ceremony she was required to do), came to her concerts at least once (where they're not shown talking, she's just in the stands), and... That's it? Meanwhile, Makoto didn't know the Princess was engaged, and when they were searching for the Royal Crystals, she had to strain her brain to come up with such amazing personal info as "she liked flowers, I think?".
I'm pretty sure it meant they straight-up never talked at all. Makoto's foster mother figure was Davi, as little appreciation as she gets.
I'm liking it so far, the cures are good
I'm not sure Ange ever really cared about Joe. After all neither of the three parts she split into gave a shit about him. I'm not saying she loved anyone else, just that she didn't care about him.
It's great. Definitely top 50%, probably higher if they don't drop the ball. But they usually drop the ball in this franchise.
Is there somewhere I can get all of these Line stickers that I see all the time? I love them!
I liked Heartcatch since the first episode and I'm also watching Star Twinkle, which I like (not on the same way) too. But I just can't get in the other seasons, Go! Princess! wasn't really bad, I just dropped because I forgot where I stopped and Hugtto is actual dislike for the characters. Futari wa is more complicated, someone said to me not watch the second half and I'm actually fearing that it could affect my opinion of the first half.
The writing was a fucking mess but it's clear he was Ange's first love
It's not the second half of Futari wa that sucks, it's the sequel. Finish FW if you liked it.
You mean the parts that a) had no memories of being Ange, b) had no memories of being Ange beyond "oh yeah I used to be Ange", and c) was a baby? And the baby lived with him and she liked him just fine! Even after brainwashing Mana's family she goes back to live with Joe afterward.
>Is there somewhere I can get all of these Line stickers that I see all the time? I love them!
Well, they didn't ever show Joe being destroyed by the fact he will never see his beloved Ange (which he indirectly killed). Some things just happened offscreen (not unlike George and Papple's sweet time).
Thanks for advice, I'm going to watch the second half now.
Why don't you like the characters in Hugtto?
>I forgot where I stopped
That also happens to me a lot, just open an episode and see if you remember it
Thank you!
Probably because they're boring nothings. Most of them don't even have cuteness to make up for it.
>King Selfish kidnapping and brainwashing Regina
No and no? Regina was born from the Princess' selfish desire to save her father despite him becoming King Jikochuu. There was no kidnapping. Additionally, the brainwashing thing was irrelevant. Even when Regina was brought back to her senses she still wanted to be by her father's side, and her father always loved her. This is what made the relationship between King Jikochuu and Regina good and tragic; Regina wasn't a toy that King Jikochuu would throw away the moment Regina developed a sense of self. They were still father and daugther despite it all, and loved each other.
>I want to go home today..
>There was no kidnapping
If you've forgotten the midseason climax, that's probably a sign you shouldn't be talking about the show.
You're right in your conclusion, but the kidnapping and brainwashing stuff supports the strength of his (selfish) love, it doesn't go against it or not matter for it.
Hana and Saaya are cute. Hana also is not boring and Saaya gets a lot better later on.
What is Line? How does it work? can I use it on my Android phone?
I don't like how Hana is inferior on every conceivable way to her friends, Tsubomi was a similar exemple but she actually was quite well versed on flowers to balance the things. I don't understand Saaya character at all and I feel her personality is so random at times. Homare isn't a bad character but I don't understand why she is supposed to be the deliquent if she clearly don't act like one. I don't like even the slightest of Ruru character development, I like Emiru though but she isn't keeping me on the season alone. Henri is actually my most disliked character and I don't like the messages he passes on the series, he is the incarnation of SJW. I don't like Hugtan as a fairy. Harry is my favorite character.
It's a messaging app. You can use it, but it's bothersome to buy Precure stickers for it if you're not in Japan.
>Started watching Mahotsukai Precure
>Haa-chan gets her grown up form
>Heart melts every times she goes HAAAA
My heart can't take, how can one character be so fucking cute.
>I'm your present
I like her too, but her voice sounds weird to me.
>you can use it
Well I guess I can save my money in that case. I just wanted to shitpost Precure emojis at my friends.
>Not knowing what line is
>Claiming to have friends
She is one of the only good things after the mid season climax
is Line even used outside of Japan?
Her HAAAAAAs are very cute in isolation, but I don't think I can remember a single one in context. She just kind of spammed the sound randomly. She was basically a really good fairy... I guess she literally was that, actually, but you know what I mean.
I know OF line. And I do have friends.Stop slandering me, you meanie!
Please remind me. If you are talking about episode 22, there was no kidnapping there. King Jikochuu imbued Regina's heart with more egogy to heal her pain. It worked but regressed Regina to her previous worldivew. Then Regina was attacked by Ace, was defeated, and finally managed to escape thanks to the Generals' intervention.
You're framing it wrong. Before she gets dark-zapped, she doesn't WANT to go back, at least not if that means leaving Mana and the others behind. She's MADE to go back by her father brainwashing her. She doesn't revert to her previous views -- from day 1 she thought Mana was interesting and wanted to screw around with her, so this whole "I hate you, go die" angle she then takes is pure brainwashing, and keeping her on a bus for the next couple of months while giving her Darnergy baths was absolutely kidnapping, considering she always wanted to go out before. The fact that he does it out of love doesn't change that.
So 3ds will have a twinkle games or just Switch
3ds in Japan is deader than PSVita in Europe, so Switch only.
I've gotta say, I disagree with just about everything you hate about Hugtto.
>Before she gets dark-zapped, she doesn't WANT to go back
That's not true and you know it. Earlier, King Jikochuu got mad at Regina and told her that she was no daughter of his. Regina, being her father's daugther, jumped at the provocation and did the equivalent of a teenager running away from home. Does that mean that Regina no longer cares about her father? Obviously not. She's just throwing a hissy fit. Prove of that is that when King Jikochuu apologizes to Regina and tells her that he needs her, Regina's mood instantly improves.
So all in all the only thing I want to highlight is that there was no brainwashing in the traditional PreCure sense (think Towa from Princess PreCure). And that's what made King Jikochuu and Regina great for me.
>, at least not if that means leaving Mana and the others behind.
Here, you dropped this.
It's great that her brainwashing doesn't fall into the usual trap of removing all weight and agency. I love that scene! I love Regina's arc, and especially the King's! But call a spade a spade. It's still brainwashing even if it's done well.
When Precure's great, it's because the literal events enable figurative readings. Those readings don't mean that the literal events didn't happen. Plot and theme are separate.
>Here, you dropped this.
When Regina is back to her senses, he tells Mana something that goes along those lines:"I like you Mana, I really do, but I also like my dad. And unlike you who has a lot of friends, my dad only has me. So I need to remain by his side, even if that means fighting you". And again, that's a non-brainwashed Regina. So I think it's safe to assume that Regina wants to go back to her father no matter what. She was just too upset to realize it after her father told her 'you are no daugther of mine!' because those words really hurt.
In any case, I like you, user. Having a discussion like this about PreCure is very nice. I'll try to visit these threads more often.
That's really it, isn't it. Even now, while it's airing, most of what we talk about isn't really in the show, so that's not a very good sign. I'm holding out hope that Star Twinkle will be memorable in the end though, I'd hate to see it fall to Maho or Fresh levels of "it was okay I guess" where nobody ever talks about it.
>He masturbates every day
Well it certainly wasn't bad! Art aside.
Don't worry, the joke is that he's lying.
She's 12 there's no way she got her period and flicks her bean.
Fresh was great.
oh wait 9th grade. Don't lude the cures please
She's in 9th grade, she's not 12. That's 14-15.
Bro, have you BEEN to a school lately? Have you seen how fast girls are developing thanks to all the hormones in everything now? When I was in middle school a decade ago girls had huge titties at like age 12. I have no idea what it's like now but it's probably worse.
Fresh was pretty good. I really like Maho so far, but I can understand why others wouldn't like it.
I think ST is making the mistake that Kira Kira did by hyper-focusing on their theme, hoping it would compensate for not making the overall story that interesting. So people have to make up comics and crack yuri pairings to spark their (dark) imagination.
So when this scientist show up in twinkle?
I watched about 30 episodes of Maho before I noticed that they age up when they transform.
Am I the only one?
They need to push the theme even more then, every second stuck on this tiny rock is a piece of mugendai imagination wasted.
I noticed that too. I don't like it. In some forms Miracle has tits and in some she's still flat.
I wanna see cute flat magical girls fighting bad guys not watch some tits flopping around.
I don't want to miss the episode. We're currently just under 2 hours away from it, right?
How did it take you that long to notice that? They show them aging up during the transformation.
Episode is at 8:30 japan time yes
Less than an hour now. Looking forward to the notRaiders antics.
Today is the rocket fixing episode, space travel is at least next week but I haven't checked the episode guide.
I never noticed it on Liko and Mirai, that explains a lot. is legal to fuck miracle and magical?
It would be very painful.
I'd say it's because the heroes don't have any personal stake in the conflict yet. We've got nothing like Hime's country being conquered and it being all her fault, or Yuri's fairy having been killed by her clone sister, or even time-travel baby, as stupid as that was. The Cures want to protect the puffy puffball because its puffy and cute, and that's kind of it at this point. The stakes being "the heat death of the universe is coming" lacks any practical weight.
Depends on your locales aoc laws. I know where I am I can only legally sleep with Yuri, Yukari and Akira (lmao).
Most cures don't really have a personal reason to be cured at the beginning, look at the smiles for example
Aguri and Regina are 1 year old. Since they pretend to be in 6th and 7th grade respectively, by the time they graduate high school, they'll still be over a decade away from actually being 18.
Lala pegando na espada do Jiraya é daora, queria que ela pegasse na minha espada também.
Is it legal to fuck cure Ace?
And it's no coincidence that no one ever has or ever will care about Smile's plot.
Yes but you need to be quick like Daigan.
Technically Lala's planet was invaded by Notraiders but it barely feels like it means something yet.
She never said that. Some other Puff-y planet was invaded, and she went to help, that's all.
What was Lala doing in space any way?
Gross, get those cakes out of here
No, she's 1. Weren't you listening?
I miss that line then
How long till the episode starts?
that only makes it better but she ages up when she transforms
Ok I went back to look and I think everyone was a bit confused. Her planet wasn't attacked, but she "went on a quest" to prevent it from being attacked (likely finding the Precure) and the "puff-y" planet that was invaded was the Starsky palace where the zodiac princesses were with Prunce. Lala found Fuwa and Prunce while out there.
when we getting postcure
You'd probably be less confused if you used better subs.
Did the HaChas or the Hugttos ever do mail carrier cosplay? I feel like they could have.
They're like 20 and they're married to one another.
I will have to re-watch ST
Where? Both user's and OT's aren't good. The plot points were only explained in one line in one episode anyway.
Must be nice for them, being able to marry in the Magic World. All of the Japan-locked seasons will have to wait a few more years for the next Prime Minister.
Runaway princess.
She had to marry some fat Kappian
just realized it's an hour early
Does Japan not have daylight savings time?
Sub talk reminded me of something I meant to check last week. OT called the place the Princesses are Starsky World, while user called it the Starscape Realm. Looks like OT walked it back halfway because of a line in episode 6.
freesh Freesh FREESH
Wrong, Madoka's mission is to destroy all aliens
My wife as a great butt
01. Twincool - Used in ep.1
02. Astronuts
03. Galacticool
04. Gleamazing
05. Dazzling
06. Sparklesome
07. Glitterific
08. Glintastic
09. Dazzlepic
10. Startling
11. Solarific
12. Starderful
13. Lunaradical - Used in ep.5
14. Supernovular
15. Nebular
16. Spacetacular
17. Zero gee willy
18. UFOutrageous
19. Lunarighteous
20. Lunaradical
21. Out of this world
22. Oh my stars - Used in ep.6
23. Shimmery-zingers
24. Twinklezoinks
25. Blingerous
26. Rad
27. Siriusly hot
28. Meteorific
29. Stellar
30. Lunatic
31. Stars above
32. Sparkly wonderful - Used in the OP
33. Sparkool
34. Blinkarific
35. Sparkleicious
36. Sparkleful
37. Cosmosizzling
38. Cosmosuper
39. Cosmo-chic - Used in the ED
40. Quasarific
41. Starvelous - Used in ep.3
42. Solawesome
43. Luminarious
44. Galacterrific
45. Galactastic - Used in ep. 2
46. Astronomical
47. Celesweet
48. Interstellar
49. Solarific - Used in ep. 4
What'll it be this week? My favourite is still Astronuts.
I haven't livestreamed a precure ep in like a year, where are the usual haunts these days?
I remember we often piggy backed on one of /m/'s streams but now Precure is before rider I don't know if they still show it or if it's at the same address.
Or are we just mov3'ing it up
Himari is so cute.
tokutube is still a thing. Check /m/.
Sweet, good to know Precure is still honorary /m/
starting soon
That commercial featured dancing too.
Hikaru should keep her mouth closed.
Pajama is my favorite Hikaru
This. Lala should show her who is the adult here.
That shot of the movie reminds me that I miss Macaron and Chocolat
Please keep me abreast with screenshots.
I will close her mouth with a kiss
I want Lala to screw me
>Not that user but why Reginafags wanted so badly Regina to become a cure? For shilling a new toy and then fuck off to the background after 2 or 3 episodes? Even worse considering Doki was The Mana show but that's another topic. Besides, King Selfish kidnapping and brainwashing Regina was great because it showed he mean serious business under precure standards and it fit with his theme as the ultimate selfishness
The series had just gone through a huge arc where Regina befriended the Cures and was ready to join then, but then she is just kidnapped and then returns brainwashed near the ending, just delaying that entire story.
Making Regina join and then having interact with people beyond Mana which would have been inevitable if she had become a Cure would have been much better than the reset and repeat we got.
Now, yeah, she could lose some of her "spark" by becoming a Cure, but that's on the writers. They could likely still play out her traits in a comedic way without making her outright evil.
I want to drill Lala
shut down the AI
can't let you do that lala
That's a big tarp.
>eat shit, you useless jellyfish!
It has a drone now. We're pretty much doomed.
>kira music
I miss her lads
AI, sing me Twinkuru Purikyua
Nice entrance, boys. Now just teach those precures a lesson for messing with you.
Maximum kirayaba
They've got em this time. Let's go notRaiders!
>This is your Precure team for the current year
What do you think the bad guys are doing during the henshin?
Are those harmonies new?
The henshin song is better than the OP and ED combined
Milky Shock has ghostly faces in the lightning.
Not! Ray! Not! Ray! Not! Ray!
Red rover, red rover, send Milky over!
Lots of closeups this episode, I'm loving it
I enjoyed that fight sequence
Hikaru is made for tender loving.
Very nice handholding.
All your donuts are belong to Plonk
Elena is very dark. More noticeable in that hand shot.
space kirayaba
I like how she passed out from the Gforce.
Alien is the only thing I will remember from this season
They're in real space, not technicolor kirby space.
Good pic.
This portal thing is pretty cool. Kirby space is pretty cool.
Next time, notRaiders. Next time. Never give up. Those precure are only human.
Me on the right.
Finally, a single shot for SunMoon fans!
The donuts tradition lives on
This is a foreshadowing to Hikaru joining Planetes crew and be a space janitor
>two pisces horoscopes in a row
fuck nepotism
>pull my finger
>Madoka is the leader-type
>Make Hikaru the pink
Sit on my face first
Elena is very pretty.
>Inside the Tardis
me too
So how many episodes will they remain in space?
Dear God
no thank you
Lala is truly the truPink
I just noticed that Elena has a cactus in her room.
>ball earth
Madoka wears heels?
>POMF =3
Lala could have warned them that she was turning the artificial gravity on.
The kirayabaest
She has such a nice smile.
Next week
>precure visit a world of mutts
Neat, I don't think we've ever had a team visit America before
She's a classy lady.
I know right? I just noticed this ep and it was really distracting. What a classy slut
There was the one time the Smiles remember their bookcase.
I thought that was leather at first haha
Cute cubes.
Space idols are cute
Elena looks the best.
You wish it was BDSM leather, don't you?
Lala is a green.
Twicool High cut!
I want to kiss Elena's thighs.
Considering she's already half naked, you could argue she's lewding herself.
Nice move.
Lala is the best thing since Lala
Glad Lala is the MC of this season.
Can someone remind me why we hate Kira again?
She's a doo doo head
Holy shit I love this.
I really like the Kira's and I'm sad this is their last year in crossovers. I don't know why others hate it either.
I thought that we liked it now.
What the hell are you saying, you damn puffball? That doesn't look like any fruit punch I've ever seen.
because of candy beams instead of punches right? I myself like Kira btw
It's a fun season
Only casuals and shounenfags hate it. Core /pc/ loves krkr.
Is that a banana in there?
Space fruit punch
>madoka's thighs peek
"Colorful pop battles"
Bad characterizations (because reasons)
Worst end villain in Precure
Awful character balance (because yellow neglect)
Yukari is shit (because threatening to insecure boys)
I actually really liked it.
Cancer is really up there too.
While the word is technically the same, the expression is used pretty interchangeably in Japanese with フルーツサラダ or コックテイル, just as long as there's actual pieces of fruit in it.
I wasn't nearly as impressed as everyone else on here when it first aired, but I still really like the characters and aesthetics. If I had one grievance, it would be that it clings to its motif far harder than any other season; Suite for example, doesn't cling nearly as hard to music as Kira does to baking.
I figured it must have been something like that. Even if it wasn't, I would have put fruit salad anyway. You can never trust wasei eigo.
Could but didn't have to
B-but think of the memes!
wasted animal theme by comboing it with baking and then focusing on baking
Alright. Just for you, user.
I can't believe negom was right all along
I can't believe Catchick is fucking dead.
Those moments are hard to resist.
It's a perfectly legitimate translation of ルンルン .
Which Cure would help me apply my phimocure every day?
you don't have to ask other people to post buki, you can do it yourself
when did the little time jacker kid get an eyepatch
Commie plzzzz
Love episodes like these
It's past my bedtime, gosh darn it!
>Joyride watched the last episode
He is not just lewd but watch all episodes!
This show's plot is pretty eh but when it hits those high notes it fucking hits those high notes.
If you are watching smile for the plot you are watching it wrong
Which Cures wouldn't mind being in a polygamous relationship with a man?
Most likely Liko and Mirai, but you will be the third wheel
For your own good, you'll probably want to discard any investment you have in the plot. Smile doesn't really do (good) arcs.
>with a man
you just had to specify didn't you?
All the Yellows except Itsuki, because she's a brocon.
I'm just making an observation. When it comes to magical girl shows I mostly watch them for the characters, if I wanted a story I'd watch something that wasn't just 50 MOTW plots in a row and if I wanted the fights I'd just stick to kamen rider.
It's ok. But tell us, are you enjoying smile?
Oh. You're one of those.
Never mind, then.
Yeah, it's great so far.
The animal theme powers never used again isnce their debut.
Like the Whip jump or Custard speed.
somehow I managed to forget about those
Why is a teddy bear talking about seeing a field of flowers with a younger Mirai making me teary eyed?
Because the teddy bear at times is Mirai's sister and mother of sorts.
so did toei
False, they were mentioned in the movie. That's all
>space cortana says the mexican has to do the heavy work
I want Elena to be the illegal Mexican that cleans my house
That ai is a bully.
But that's Hikaru's job.
meant to
>Spic manual labor
I really like the family dynamic that Maho has.
Same here. The heart of Maho is really about this family of four.
I don't want Hikaru to be my maid i want her to be my bride
So they somewhat changing the MOTW format. That's interesting.
>[user] Star Twinkle Precure - 07 (subs only)
Mega folder:
Raw magnet:
god's work user
Thanks for the subs.
You delivered yet again.
that's pretty kirayaba of you
Nice work user!
If somebody could repost that in the next thread since this one is going to die soon, I'd be happy. I have to go to sleep immediately, DST is evil.
>DST is evil
I'm glad you understand this
Lala's smile is like a furnace to my cold, black heart
I hate DST.
I am loving Lala more and more. I would love seeing her work together with Ruru, who can friction mold and cut sheet metal with her fingers.
It is.
But you are good.
Purun is based. Why is it so satisfying to see cure and mascot doing mechanical work?
>when your project is not meeting milestone deadline
I like how Puff is channeling her inner Hana.
She's framed as a delinquent because she skips class often
>She sees your Precure folder
>her face when Dissonance
did puruns just make a muffin button
and blows off teachers
It's Abe's another agenda: immigrate brown people to do manual labor, starting this year.
This is bad, i don't think Molossia can take another invasion.
extremely dated joke aside, Nice work user!
It's space-kitchen.
>she sees Negomu's hard drive content
Blessed user
Why if Puff is actually related to Cure Yell?
I want Madoka to sit on my face.
Dammit I got that reference
I may be spending too much time on /pc/
I don't think that they would do that again so soon.
You don't think that Hana's lineage is somehow related to Puff? Hagumi could open wormholes and traverse spacetime after all.
Thanks! How can I make the subtitles work like in last season? I liked how they could be toggled on and off for screencaps.
she did blow off her coach until she became a Cure though
Night Bukki!
Selene OP