What the Hell kinda show is this?

What the Hell kinda show is this?

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A cute funny show

A show for little girls.


That's right user

Available at Wal-Martâ„¢

You know what kind

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An cerebral high-brow anime full of cunning characters.

[mana drain intensifies]

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Oh, but do I tell them what they're actually draining?

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It's a decent maho shojo with cunny elements

A cunny trap you might be compelled to comment, but I wouldn't.

It needs to intensify, but would it still be a drain if one pushes mana into another?

Pedo show

Look, I get that you don't like good things, someone needs to beat your ass for playing romantic pumpernickel too often.

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Pedestrian show too!

Shill this one to your daughters.

We need more fate loli spin-off.

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Grail War, only everyone is a loli.

I'd like to see some of the GO lolis show up in Prisma and maybe have some Manas transfer scenes with the cups.

a very interesting one.

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Haha yeah, the manga went from fluffy to Turn 3.0 Fate/Stay suffering ride will never end.

Something I would make my daughters watch.

Don't you like sexy girls user?

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