We've reached the white room.
Time to die.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is Tomo crying? And why are their outfits so similar?
Its called sweat drops nigga. She is nervous with adult Jun-boi, becoming more od a Jun-man.
Jun totally destroyed her
Oh god this looks like a shitty page
Please tell me it's not
She's sweating so much it's in her eyes.
Love hotel next ? Love hotel next ?
Can anything unrustle Jun now?
The sage teaching of the trees have changed him.
It is
>Jun attracting a senpai of his own when?
a tree is forever unshaken
Tomo should just submit to Jun's maturing superiority.
A more mature girl to threaten Tomo's place in Jun's heart would get the ball rolling. Jun is above Tomo now and requires a more suitable breeding specimen.
Title: The reason he watched so earnestly
Panel 1
Tomo: S-so...that movie was really good, huh...
Jun: Yeah. Sometimes you really just have to give new things a shot.
Panel 2
Tomo: You seemed pretty wrapped up in it. Are you into that sort of thing? (Do you love perverted stuff that much?!)
Jun: You know, I never used to like love and romance and stuff like that. I always thought I was someone who couldn't sympathize with it.
Panel 3
Jun: But, recently...hell, I don't know what happened. Maybe it's because I fell in love with you...
Panel 4
Tomo: (I'm a horrible person...)
Jun: What's wrong?
they're called sweaters, you wear them when it's cold out.
Well, it's not gonna happen. We're at the date arc.
Seems Fumita didn't at all capitalize on the opportunities.
That's a classic "this idiot" frustration pose, do you not read this manga regularly?
>Actually wearing a sweater
What are you, gay?
Three years
He fucking destroyed her
Tomo just accept him already. It is literally all on you of just not taking the leap like he finally did.
>Maybe it's because I fell in love with you...
We got an I love you, game fucking over. Tomo, you've lost.
Jun's gonna have to show some mercy at some point.
There's no coming back from this.
How long before Jun feels like he is weird and starts withdrawing?
How many babies?
Fucking obliterated
>If I confess I lose
>He confessed so I lost
All of them
Tomo just wants Jun to show how passionately he loves her.
By wrestling her down and breeding her for hours.
only one
Literally my fantasy.
I actually hate Jun now. He's no longer the old lovable gameboy anymore. He's just the boyfriend now. Tomo and Jun are OTP and all, but I just don't like him anymore.
The only baby is Tomo not just telling Jun about what she feels or wants.
go away tomo
So now its Tomo who cant accept Tomo as a woman? Still referring to sex as "that pervy stuff"
She doesn't know what she wants and it is annoying as fuck now.
She has essentially won but is trying to find some stupid reason to make drama for herself. She needs to be fucking open with him, half this manga is because she refuses to do so.
Sorry to hear that, Tomo.
It seems you've tamed the Jun.
Love does some weird things when "both" parties ate not being truthful, or acting cowardly. All this is on Tomo's shoulders now. Instead of coming clean on why it is bugging her to him for acting this way. He is only going to advance the way he sees fit to in acting like a grown man.
t. Tomo
Enough to field an entire American football team, including backups
the blockhead is coming from inside the tomboy
Jun plays basketball so I guess that would be 5.
Even B team is A team material.
Yeah, he went out of his way to do his part. She needs to work at it, too. At the least, she needs to be able to be upfront with him about what nags her.
It can't just be Jun doing all the work.
>the blockhead is coming inside the tomboy
Hang on, this isn't >dropout
Was she hoping he was into "perverted stuff"?
Jun stop! She's already dead!
Here in lies the problem with women user. Most of them do not want to be open about it. Otherwise, they lose that bit of control. Instead of being a team player in this partnership, she wants some kind of trump card.
Nah, it just doesn't have the same power..
Honestly, with how much she's bothered by Jun just trying his best and with her being reluctant to try and fix what bothers her so much, it's hard to believe she's really romantically interested in him.
Maybe it was just the idea she liked so much.
What a minute.
How would Gouro approve of current Jun?
People comoplaining about tomo need to chill, She's just getting used to the relationship shit, Jun's attitude has been annoying her because she's been watching too much Kaguya, and seeing it as a competition, but with this page she's realizing Jun's doing what he's doing because he loves her and she hasn't.
She needs to figure out what the hell she wants before she gives Jun shit for not giving it to her.
And when she figures it out, she needs to tell him, verbally or physically. But not this..
You know, honestly, if I were Jun and I found out about this, I'd tell her she's really acting like a girl.
her inner tomboy still doesn’t want to lose to the cock
>Jun's attitude has been annoying her because she's been watching too much Kaguya
Is this worth picking up?
tomo should rape jun
Quads confirm truth.
To late for that.
No. Its just that Tomo has been trying to be a tomboy for so long she has not let herself think about being a wife and mother. If anything she has been actively running away from it. For all her talk of wanting Jun to see her as a woman she has done nothing to prepare herself to be a woman and deal with sex and motherhood. She is not trying to have some kind of leverage or control winning Jun is making her now face a part of herself she has been actively suppressing since 4th grade when she started taping her boobs.
Then Jun should rape her back.
Back and forth because neither are willing to concede.
It's not rape if they're both screaming.
holy shit where do i get my own tree?
If you're watching it for the hype, you'll end disappointed, but if you're just looking for something enjoyable to watch, watch it, is a fine enough show.
>She needs to figure out what the hell she wants
>she needs to tell him
But what everyone wants, isn't something Jun can give them.
Chika is cute.
Everyone in this thread is stupider about relationships than me.
>tfw always been the romantic type
>use to worry that people think liking romance is gay
>tfw have to seclude my desire to watch classic romance
This guy gets it: We've found out that Jun knew 'Tomo-chan is a girl all along' (well, since middle school) Tomo-chan is a girl is a realization that Tomo herself has to internalize.
Enjoy the vacation.
Why do anons have such a shit taste? Tomo is perfect now, it's fun and they on a fucking date mostly because of how awesome Tomo is. They even went to see the movie because of her.
Wanting it to be boring usual stuff is just crazy. I would pick a girl that tries to embarrass me, that a girl who just accepted the relationship and became somewhat timid. Or I misunderstood the complaint?
You don't know shit nigger.
That's fucking gross. Don't post western shit.
I'm so jaded I have to look at something for like half a minute before I even think "blue board."
>misses the point
Tree started out weak but has grown unfathomably strong over time
le tree meme
>tree powers
How do I obtain it
Dude it's 2019, don't feel ashamed of being gay
I want this so bad
just reach enlightenment bro
shouldn't a couple of those 'this' be 'that' instead. they're talking about something that's not in front of them anymore.
Then there is this faggot.
good ol pseudo-incestuous christian ghoul sodomy
They'll be fucking later that day, won't they?
>le tree meme
It's not a meme, he really did a whole fucking transformation after that. maybe it could have been a joke the first couple of weeks but every time he gets a chance to prove the meme wrong and fuck up. he rises up to the occasion and does just the perfect, right thing to do. So it stuck because it's true. Jun being in communion with that tree made him way too good.
This thread is depressing given the character advancement we just got.
The sage strikes again. Next page, fourth panel is gonna be a shot of the chair drenched.
You shall not slander the mighty power of the Tree in like manner after he so generously bestowed these gifts upon you, ungrateful mortal.
Tomo will feel so bad about how stupid she was being that to make it up for him she'll ask him to marry her.
You know, she can just punch Jun's shoulder and call him a sissy to tease him for giving up on competing with her.
What does she think he'll do? Break up with her on the spot and move to another country?
B-but the active roster is 52 people...
Tomommy is a goddess and her husband is a faggot for not dicking her down regularly.
LMAO Tomo is pathetic.
>For not dicking her down regularly
>He doesn't know
Tomboys are quick to gestate quintuplets.
Probably has to much respect for her as a person to want to do that. This is why she has to poke and tease him until he snaps.
Obviously Misuzu, Carol & the moms (as long as they're fertile) will have to pitch in.
He just grown up a fuckton
>for not dicking her down regularly
He does though.
He is only a first year too.
Do we know for a fact that they're still on their first year?
Didja forget she’s a girl? If she isn’t trying to create chaos something is wrong with her
>She doesn't know what she wants
Are you retarded? It's literally in the title of the series.
Is she pregnant yet?
>means pure
I think it means Sincere.
Only thing I learned from Cromartie High.
Are they eating spaghetti? I thought Japs hated tomato sauce?
>I thought Japs hated tomato sauce?
why would they?
Don't ask me, I'm not a Jap.
I think that guy is just stupid. Anime characters order napolitan all the time. He's probably thinking about pizza sauce which isn't like the pizza sauce in the West.
>maybe it's because I fell in love with you
Jesus fucking Christ, man. If they're this far along already, why don't they just skip the whole dating thing and get married right now?
Margeherita pizza is best pizza, by the way.
We'll get there soon enough. We're 27 pages into the last volume with 100-ish left to go.
>that filename
>Jun's face
I will never not laugh at this panel
Can't wait for this manga to finish, holy shit.
The whole wrong is wrong.
>tomo has accepted she was being a cunt
Tomo won his heart and beat him in several ways until he accepted his defeat
Now that Jun has won this, it's time for Tomo to acept her defeat (for once)
Fucking beat me to it.
I find it funny that coming from a country with the most quantity of sexual fetishes and sexual deviations, they find vanilla sex degenerate.
Hello /d/
Party is over,code tree fall in love.
Joseph Campbell talked about it, it's the deviant's journey.
>It actually sounds like enough
The reference back to the title is cool and probably intentional on the author's part but it falls a little short. Tomo knows she is a girl but doesn't realize she is a WOMAN and is actively blocking the idea. Jun has leapfrogged past her. Tomo is in the opposite position of Carol who because of her family's history can't have a normal relationship with Senpai because her fertility is in the way.
Oh. Turns out nobody was sitting behind them at the theater watching the two of them. Crisis averted.
If this doesn't end in fucking im checking out.
inb4 Misuzu is sitting on the seat behind Jun again
What the Japas do to pizza is a crime.
I-i-is that broccoli and shrimp?
Now we got it, Jun is the female in this relationship and Tomo is the dorku male one.
>why don't they just skip the whole dating thing and get married right now?
I think they won't have sex before getting married seeing how these two act.
Bullshit, Jun could had snapped during the sleep over.
>on pizza
They have a wide variety of options.
>Eating spaghetti on date
>But from different plates and with forks
That won't lead to a kiss, Tomo. Your plan is flawed.
The plan was aborted due to the movie's turbulence. She's winging it now.
>mustard and wasabi
Are you mad?
Tomboy not so smug...
I agree with Tomo that their relationship would be more fun if they were play-bickering and competing more, rather than Jun constantly being sweet and totally gentlemanly.
But I feel bad for him that he's trying so hard to be a good boyfriend and yet she's bitching about it behind his back.
I mean, seafood can't be that bad of a topping.
t. Med
Tomo has been more of an asshole/retard than Jun for a long time now
I dropped it after the great hiatus. I felt like being freed from some sort of repeating nightmare. Is it worth it to pick it up again?
True, Jun has kind of been calming down for a while. I can't blame Tomo for wanting that Jun back, though.
But Tomo has to also accept that when you have a relationship, things change. You can be rough with each other, yes, but you also have to know how to show affection, and she seems very ill-adapted to being able to show him affection.
No, it's terrible. Tomo and Jun are dating other people. You should give up now.
Some foods just dont belong together.
t Med mutt
that sounds like a development atleast
>yet she's bitching about it behind his back.
Isn't this just being a woman type of deal?
Yes and no. I get what you mean, but if you're in a relationship, you have to do your part to make it work too.
>dont take coats off to watch movie
>take coats off to eat dinner
>the great hiatus
which one?
>be cold out so you wear a warm coat
>get inside where it's no longer cold out
>although ambient temperature is now warm body temperature is still cold so you keep your coat
>eventually body warms up so you take your coat off
Wasn't the hiatus where he went on scheduled break after volume 7 and was supposed to resume volume 8 but then postponed it for months afterward a longer hiatus?
At least it's not banana and curry powder like in Sweden.
It's god tier, you should try it.
The last big hiatus was the latest one. He was supposed to come back november 2018, and wound up coming back last month.
>Jun is doing his best to make things work and be the best boyfriend he can be for Tomo
>Tomo bitches about it to her friends and doesn't even want to tell him what he does wrong in her eyes
Tomo doesn't deserve him.
women are a fucking meme
What is is with the art style lately? Seems a lot more lazy when compared to Fumitas earlier work.
It's right there, she want's him to be the way he always was, but while getting lewded by him too. It's not rocket science.
Is he going to do a big bad? Honestly haven't read up to this point yet. Spoil it pls.
Have you ever been inside a movie theater? They're the single biggest over-users of AC out there, no matter the season.
he's gonna take care of the Misuzu problem.
Current arc hes on the way to end the scum of the earth that is Misuzu. Its finally happening.
Well he needs to work on his trigger discipline then, a school shooter should have utmost safety desu.
Did Tomo ruin Jun ?
He used to be so manly
True that. Jun used to be a monster.
>a school shooter should have utmost safety
Here's an easy trigger discipline trick. don't fucking shoot people.
She'll have to let him know. He can't smell that.
>while getting lewded by him too
Meanwhile, she's getting flustered over kissing and physical affection and calls it "perverted stuff.'
He has to solve the Misuzu problem, she's a shit. Maybe it's just a BBgun, or he is actually just going to threaten her or something. Don't worry user, it's fine! I don't condone it in real life.
God bless the tree
>getting flustered
that's because she likes it
>calls it perverted stuff
and she'd be into it, hey she likes to roughhouse it with Jun, she'd probably be into choking and stuff.
Should we ban trees as a powerup?
Yes, it makes manly men turn into a gay.
Hell no. We need more trees.
Tomo should've stopped Jun when she had the chance.
Now he has become too powerful.
I wonder where color user went. I miss him.
really? I guess missionary position and hand holding is a good way to gross out japanese.
I don't like futa, user
I'm here, I just cant' color things lately.
so Jun is Australian now?
Too bad man. Hope you get better.
I'm fine, just got a job where I have to wake up pretty damn early so I can't stay up drawing stuff. I wish I could because some of the latest Tomos have been great.
if you ever decide to start up again, I hope you color the tree page in. Would be your magnum opus.
user this joke is a bit too high level here
congrats user, you blew past 90% of most anons here in the "getting their shit together" category.
This one?
Yeah, I work a a breakfast place despite my education, I'm fucking made.
the record is 44 by some woman in (of course) Afica.
no way her uterus works after all of that trauma
Hashirama Cells.
it worked the first 43 times
a miracle of nature
easy user. It takes time but the most important thing is to begin.
in a few years i bet you'll make a mean scrambled egg