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Shonen Rival
Logan Gray
Owen Ross
The Wizard Enemies
>Good guy good, bad guy bad!
>"Bad" guy is evil for no reason
>"Good" guy is a Mary Sue
>Recycled plot and character development
The Thad Friends
>Says no homo before pounding each other
>Fights towards common goal
>Compliments each other's strengths and weaknesses
>Thots disregarded
Josiah Reed
These faggots aren't even half as good as Kaiba.
Bentley Price
>needing a rival character
Noah Cooper
What rival is even on Kaiba's level of sheer millionaire-funded autism?
Isaiah Russell
BC rivalry is a copy of Naruto rivalry with is the copy of Slam Dunk rivalry
Nathaniel Baker
Aiden Carter
Michael Sullivan
>a character that has had little to no screen time and is only now becoming kind of relevant is a full fledged rival character
Carson Sullivan
Yuno >>> Sasuke
Jack Reyes
not really a rival
William Morales
Blackbeard is just a big looming threat, a major antagonist and possible final boss
just being opposed to the main character isn't enough to be a rival character
Easton Powell
>not a rival
Jace Smith
>being opposed to the main character suddenly makes you a rival character
what the fuck am i reading
Landon Perez
yes that what i said
Thomas Lopez
>having a rival
>on the 50th permutation of a fight with no rivals
Julian Green
They're both aiming for Pirate King, of course he's Luffy's rival. And so is the guy in your pic as well as a good chunk of the antagonists.
You don't need to be a childhood friend to be a rival from a pure narrative stabdpoint. That's just a shonen trope. And I'm sure we can find shonen where the main rival isn't the MC's childhood friend anyways. The italian guy in Shokugeki is a good example, though he suffers from irrelevancy.
Tyler Hughes
Blackbeard's more of an antithesis than a rival.
Joshua Davis
user... most of the pirates are aiming to become pirate king, Don Krieg being Luffy rival confirmed
Daniel Bell
user... you do realize that this thread is dedicated to that specific trope in shonen manga, right?
Cooper Johnson
its another "Clovercucks shilling his manga" episode
Gavin Johnson
Kaiba is legit one of the very few rival characters that actually works. Often times I find myself thinking "why does this guy even give a shit, like, grow the fuck up" when I see rival characters meddling or bitching or whatever, but with Kaiba the idea that he probably legitimately spends hours each day literally SEETHING in an autistic rage is somehow 100% believable.
Christian Roberts
Luffy doesn't have a rival you faggot. The fuck is wrong with you?
His potential rivals were all thrown under the bus to show how powerful and bad ass he is in terrible fights that no one liked.
The latest fight with bigmom's kid katakura sort of cemented it as luffy's big adventure with some help from side characters a long time ago
He's nothing like gol d roger, white beard, shanks or any of the other legendary pirates.
He's a boring spoiled kid and hasn't changed a hair from that from the first issue.
Ethan Bennett
>being this retarded
>not understanding katakuri's fight
>unironically thinking luffy hasn't developed as a character
>being a fightfag
Matthew Rivera
>meaningful relationship between both sides means the inevitable dissolution of the friendship will be much more impactful
not happening, Yuno and Asta might be rivals but they are also brothers
Lincoln Roberts
Do you know anything about Roger or Whitebeard or Shanks' childhoods?
Adam Ortiz
(mind) crush at first sight
Chase Turner
>spoiled kid
how someone who comes from a poor environment, being regularly beaten or tortured almost to death regularly since childhoods and witnessing the death of his brother can be spoiled
Juan Clark
Black Clover is the Nickelback of shonen.
Austin Davis
DB = The Beatles
OP = Michael Jackson
Naruto = AC/DC
Bleach = Aerosmith
Black Clover = Nickelback
MHA = Imagine Dragons
Jonathan Johnson
Who's Queen then?
Josiah Sanchez
Nothing wrong with a designated rival character to set up a legit reason behind MC's eventual development instead of mere "nth wave of enemies".
Lincoln Myers
Fuck it I'll bite the bullet. Im gonna read Black Clover
Jace Hughes
Michael Hall
I would only consider the Asta/Yuno rivalry better by a small margin. Yuno would be considered a Gary Stu if he wasn't such an out of focus character. Much of their rivalry is tell with no show, and I consider it to be one of the weakest aspects of Black Clover. Sure we know the characters are progressing to incredible levels of power, and they say they're competing towards the same goal, but Tabata really needs show them asses each other more meaningfully. It works on the most basic mechanical level but that's it.
The Deku/Bakugou rivalry fails for a couple reasons. For one, we have no reason to believe that Bakugou isn't completely outclassed forever after O MY. I consider their spar to be one of the highlights of the manga and I find it hilarious that people are still butthurt about it just because Deku acknowledges that Bakugou is a hard worker who knows what he's doing despite his shitty personality. The problem is that competition just isn't there, or hasn't been there for years. Deku and Bakugou have been worlds apart for like two years now with little mention of the other's progress on each one's mind. There's nothing wrong with Deku not being as hotblooded as other shounen protagonists, but the emotions just aren't there for the rivalry to work right now. I'm not saying Bakugou needs to be beat up or told off, especially since Hori has very deliberately made it impossible for the latter to work, but there should have been more progress by now.
It's pretty good. Rarely wastes your time, well choreographed fights, and the mangaka seems to have pretty good planning skills even 200 chapters in.
Lincoln Evans
>when it's the only good thing in a shitshow of a series
Carter Allen
DB = Beatles
OP = Oasis
Naruto = Blur
HxH = Radiohead
MHA = Arctic Monkeys
BC = Nickelback
Jackson Johnson
>but the emotions just aren't there for the rivalry to work right now.
Because their relationship is changing. It kind of reminds me of what happened between Hinata and Kageyama in Haikyuu!! when the point is no longer "I'll beat you" and more "I will evolve as a fighter faster than you".
Brody Brooks
>HxH = Radiohead
Spot on, same level of pretentious fans.
Thomas Bailey
Delet this
Levi Taylor
>Bakugou wants to be a hero
>Bakugou turns down the VA easily without even having to think about it because the offer is so retarded and contradictory to what he wants to do
>hmm... should I keep going to my most prestigious school and live among the elites while working towards my goal or do I join this run down circus of freaks and become the opposite of what my goal is to be. Decisions... Decisions...
>MHAtards pretend this is character development
The set up for Sasuke's retrieval arc was far superior to the retarded shit Hori came up with to do his own retrieval arc