Why is the idea of banging a girl (who is mentally a guy) so appealing...

Why is the idea of banging a girl (who is mentally a guy) so appealing? Is it because females have undesirable behaviors and interests?

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It's because YOU have undesirable behaviors and interests, namely latent homosexuality.

It's the desire to subdue another weaker male.

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Why is the idea of transforming into a girl so appealing? Is it because I am a faggot?

It's because you're a colossal faggot.

Women have roles to play in life that complement and supplement men. "Spending fun time and hobbies together" is not what's complementary.

I would want to fuck Ranma.
I would not want to marry Ranma.

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not man enough to admit you're heterofaggot and fuck a trap instead

Hello Nodoka, you to eh?

Ranma as a boy still acts like a girl. This is why Ranma is still referred to as "best girl". Akane is a tomboy, which is why she is referred to as "worst girl". You have some weird transvestite fetish.

I prefer Nabiki or Kodachi myself.

It’s a combination
1. A woman with male thought patterns and interests would be easier to understand and connect with on an intellectual/emotional level
2. Pride/satisfaction in emasculating another man so utterly that they literally became a woman for you

>Is it because females have undesirable behaviors and interests?
Yes. It's best of both worlds. The personality of a bro and a body you can fuck

That's great to spend time with and bang, but awful to raise my children. She(he) won't want to, or do all the womanly shit I'd need her(him) to do. That's a horrible wife for a family.

It's because your unironic latent homosexuality.

Bunch of faggots in this thread trying unironically to defend OP's unironic faggotry.

>having kids
>not spending all your time banging and playing vidya/watching anime

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>I prefer Nabiki or Kodachi myself.

Awful tastes.

Mind break, changing the mentality of a man to become my woman, I find appealing.

>Ranma as a boy still acts like a girl.

What the fuck? Ranma is a macho ultracompetitive dude who loves to fight.

>This is why Ranma is still referred to as "best girl".

Female Ranma is a manipulative cunt who acts seductive in order to get men to buy her stuff or do her favors and then ditches them. How the hell can you like her unless you have a findom fetish?

>not wanting to be a cute anime girl

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Agreed. Seeing a genderbent character's mind gradually change to match her new body and then succumbing to the urges of her body is best.

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What's with all of the Ranma 1/2 discussion lately? Did the newfags just discover it?

Shampoo was best girl.


Its one of the old series that deserves a reboot, Im still waiting for Deen to adapt the Herb and Saffron Arcs.

>being a genetic dead end

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>caring about your bloodline when you should be banging your bro wife

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>not having prodigy progeny

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>tfw no auntie Dante

It's the Pinnacle of dominance, fucking a girl that used to be a boy and now will birth to your children.


Ranma is a semen demon, basically made to have lots of kids.

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>Auntie Dante, who's "Guy" and "Trash" who keep comin' around? They keep stealin' stuff.
>They're assholes who won't leave me alone.
>Do I have to leave you alone? Am I an asshole?
>Never, now come here ;-)

Yes, search for help.

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You think ranma would let you fondle his boobs if you asked politely?

>what is autogynephilia

Yea, bros before hoes.

because imagine your bust buddy who can also give you sex.

>Female Ranma is a manipulative cunt who acts seductive in order to get men to buy her stuff or do her favors and then ditches them. How the hell can you like her unless you have a findom fetish?
Male Ranma bitches, and moans all the time, often acts aloof, and like a stereotypical girl cares about his appearance. We often see his own father says he acts like a girl.


Same reason Romans didn't think it was gay to top but was to receive. Most men love to dominate sexually, and there's no better way of dominating than to force your partner to enjoy something they 'should' hate. See every mindbreak hentai ever.

Not that I'm complaining but there sure has been a Ranma revival on Yea Forums lately.

Ranma chan a cute.

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I wanna make Ranma like it.

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Take your own advice then.

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Why are redheads the best?

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>Ranma as a boy still acts like a girl.
Ranma won't eat ice cream as a boy because it's considered girly.

Will my cum count as hot water? what happens if ranma transforms mid way during sex?

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Don't know mate but the idea of fucking a hot girl is always appealing.

The premise of this show weirds me out

You lurk /gif/ around to see some big things entering dicks peeholes, it would end up like something like that, unless you used the backdoor then it would just turn very gay.

It's a fun show tough, don't listen to the degenerates unless you're one of them yourself

what comic


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Have you guys read Futaba Kun Change? It's got all the appeal of Ranma along with extra lewdness and as an added bonus it all gets wrapped up in 8 volumes with a great ending + epilogue.

it's ridiculously innocent though. there's not one sex joke despite all the nudity (besides the "wacky" panty stealing of Happosai, which doesn't really count)

Her breasts are huge.

Funny thing is that Ranma himself says in the beginning that he's already used to seeing his female form naked so seeing another girl naked is not really interesting to him.


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You dont need to think too deeply about it. It's because Ranma is a cute girl and she's acting like/is a tomboy. That's it. It's just because of gap moe
Ranma was great.

Yeah I wouldn't be able to fuck Ranma. That would be gay as fuck.

Ranma is a female there.

Oh yes fucking a hot red head in the pussy would be gay af.

it's the opposite bro, the idea of banging a boy with a female-looking body and mind is arousing.

Fem Ranma is hot, but the personality makes her unfuckable

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Artist is inari or inariya. I forgot which.

fucking a man in his pussy is gay, yes

I like the idea of lesbians being dicked to the point that they submit to a life as a breeding sow. I assume it could be the same for genderbends

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Knowing he's actually a guy, it's gay.

(C95) [Inariya (Inari)] Mesu Gao Complex

Nah, unless you were somehow sticking it in the peehole. The vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes are like an inverted ballsack, so your dick would be pushed out and end up nestled between Ranma's cum-covered balls. Also, while it's not consistent, usually it takes a decent amount of water on the head to trigger the change, so cumming inside probably wouldn't.


Is it gay to impregnate a guy?

Is it that time already?

Before you ask, Ranma's being saved for last. Trying to look for any other examples and all that.

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Would Ranma have been more interesting if his female form had her own female persona? I know that probably would have set up a whole Ranma/Akan/Kuno love triangle but I think it could have worked.

Just because I want to dominate in bed does not mean I want to fuck my bro user.

That would be pretty interesting.

God that doujin was so gay.
I feel like people shpuldnt read it, it's the perfect doujin to initiate the slippery slope of homosexuality and degeneracy, it the people are autistic enough and easily influenced.

God, you think he's Ranma, that's quaint. You think it's his murder complex, also quaint. You think jumping ahead proves you're on the ball, that's cute but wrong. You think he left you there, and all I can tell you is

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I did, but the ending wasn't good, I hated it cause was AYLMAO.

You sir, are an user of a peculiar and superior taste.

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There's already an episode where that happens. The answer is no, it wouldn't be fitting for a romcom.

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Don't fucking smile at me like that baby! I'll end you!

Funny that's the old kind of trap isn't it aren't most traps really girly tomboys who happen to also be fashionfags

i'm an autist and now I want to be a girl.....fuck

>a great ending
I read this like eight years ago so I don't remember much of it, but I do remember thinking the ending was dumb.

Something about aliens and introducing a second potential love interest at the very last minute just so the ending could be vague?

Male Ranma doesn't act like a girl; he doesn't bitch, he instead does whatever is necessary in order to win. And acting like a prideful douche is somehow feminine in your view? Ranma doesn't want to be considered feminine and he sure as hell doesn't act like a girl.

Futaba Kun Change is like a version of Ranma that focuses on the genderbending instead of just treating it as a simple disguise or temporary inconvenience. It's way better as a genderbending series, though I thought that the ending was dumb.

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its because you think women are an enigma and you cant understand them, yet you can understand a man since you are one

Not a chance in hell. He'd kill any man who touched him like that.

No. It'd be just like every other damn genderbender hentai piece of garbage out there.

I still want them to animate the rest of the series and finish it up. Even an OVA series would be fine.

Didn't the Blurays initially sell out in 2017?

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Got more of that?

I apologize, I forgot to save the link for it last time someone posted it here.

Then you'd effectively be having two characters that periodically swap places. I think that would barely count as genderbending.

No, most genderbending porn have the MC getting mindbroken and her personality altered. It doesn't have a Dr Jeckyl/Mr Hyde situation.

Imagine them cuddling both as females.

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Roughness, strong will, confidence,courage, fighting spirit, tough attitude, and a fiery heart are traits that are attractive to everyone.
A girl with those traits is superior to any other kind of girl.

Blessed post

Great work pleya! Keep it up.

boku girl, sekai de aimashou, and that eroe doujin had the superb narrow category of 'guy gets genderbent and eventually becomes a girl in spirit' that i can't find elsewhere
most tsf hentai is just 'boy this sex is great guess i'm a girl now' without any explicit mental alterations, and it's fucking disappointing

Goddamn trannies are invading my anime

Its because you're a fucking tranny in the making

30 anniversary was couple years ago. I don't know why, but I suddenly got the urge to re-watch and re-read.

I guess I'm trying to hype myself for whatever Takahashi's new series launching in spring is. hopefully it's not as tame as Rinne, that was the weakest series of her entire career

That is why love between two tomboys is the best. You take male entirely out of equations.

Say you had Ranma-chan and Shampoo impregnate each other through magical shenanigans. Would their daughters be the most perfect females possible in Ranma 1/2 canon?

I hope she does something very mature, instead of the boy tsundere

It's a great idea because you can do whatever you want based on this day's mood.
For example, start banging a girl and then add some water to bang a guy

Basically this.

It also happens in Remix Heart and Nozomu Nozomi. There's also Idol Pretender and Megu Milk.

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Because you're gay.

fear not, for it was me to deliver the link before. Or atleast im pretty sure i was


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more like Nut!

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>like a stereotypical girl cares about his appearance

Just because you don't care about how you look like a man bear pig doesn't mean others are girls for caring about hygiene and not looking ugly like you.

Holy shit a translated Lotte doujin that i didn't know about

its on panda. Its also her filling him with cream

I don't think there's another show that makes me as happy to read as Ranma 1/2.

Though it does make my heart ache knowing I'll never have a first love ever again

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A guy who now has to deal with feeling he doesn't understand and has his world uprooted by the power of the dick. Genderbender makes everything 10x better.

>spider isekai
>was more interested in the best friend gender bender side story
>thrown to the wayside
Glad I didn't buy anymore volumes

If either of you were a cute girl, you'd be a slave to the cock.

Guys are fucking horny, thats basically it

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post cute Akane pictures

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Domo Arigato
Fantastic nut

I posted the wrong image, but lol anyways

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Does Akane get to much hate?

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Anyone remember Ranma 1/2 fan fictions?

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She does at times. But in all honesty, she is actually a sweet girl. But Ranma is a rude idiot, and brings out the worst in her a lot. The fault of both their attitudes is definitely 50/50.

You might even say it's 1/2

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I lived for Ranma and Tenchi fan fiction back in the day. Some people wrote them non-cringy enough to be essentially extra episodes.

I still remember some of the lemon fics tho. Distinctly one about Akane using a wooden end of a boken or a broom handle to masturbate with. It wasn't very good. lol

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Fanfics fell out of grace when doujins became accessible, let's all be honest.

Hrm, that actually sounds about right. Back in the 90s and even early 2000s doujins were mostly random things you could pick up at cons, with no translation. And honestly most of us never learned to translate Japanese.

Fan-fics were kind of a hold over from when the Anime community was still made up of mostly the sci-fi/fantasy and comic book fan crowd in the west.


Well, anime fanfictions at least.

50 Shades of Gray sounds like the natural progression of lemon fanfics written by lonely cat ladies.

No, they will always hold a place in my heart.

So essentially before Toonami popularized it?

Ranma fanfics were the Harry Potter fanfics of the 1990s.

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Timeline fits.

Toonami era is also where we absorbed a lot of brain-dead anime fans who treated conventions and anime like a grade school POGS fad.

I'd say about now in the last couple years, we've finally gotten a better blood in the mix, with younger anime fans actually caring about classic shows again.

Threadly reminder that the longest written work in all of the history of mankind is a fanfic.

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I miss Fukufics.

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who needs thots when you've become a thot

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Hentai has conditioned us into thinking girls have it so much better during sex. How many doujins have you read where a girl fucking explodes from just being touched? No sane man wouldn't want to experience that at least once. Of course reality is nothing like that, but fantasies and fetishes rarely make sense anyway,

Of course you could just be a faggot, too. That's equally likely.

Hearts of Ice by Krista Perry remains a classic. Y'all should check it out.


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>Words: 4,102,328

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>you will never have your erotic fan fiction turned into a hentai voiced by the original seiyuu

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Was it autism?

Anyone can write 4 million words of spammy garbage if they don't have editors to reel them in. Not impressed.

Nostalgia'd hard.

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If they have kids before removing the curse, in-canon that means the kids will inherit the part of the curse, like the animal tribe in China.

Imagine a Re-Launched Ranma 1/2:

>Ranma and Akane give birth to fraternal twins, a boy and a girl
>Both twins can switch gender with hot/cold water
>Other characters kids in same school
>crushes occur
>everyone from outside the family think Ranma and Akane had quadruplets because of this/running gag.
>hilarious hijinks ensue

I think it could work.

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Everyone can be Sailor Senshi.


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he's right you know

Do it then, nerd.

War & Peace is a pamphlet in comparison.

Ah, yes The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest.
The single longest continous work of fiction in the english language, and possibly - in the entire world.
Longer than both all LOTR books combined and all Harry Potter books combined.

Same sex drive. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t be a slut

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That's 40 novels long. You need 40 books to read it.

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>Words: 4,102,328

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It's not the longest written work in all the history of mankind anymore. It's been dethroned!

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And as a woman, I'd have easier access to sex too. As well as a more versatile body. Literally zero effort with max reward.

When did Yea Forums become a tranny colony?

>the race to 5 million words

Who will succeed?

For frame of reference, Harry potter clocks in at 1,084,170 for the whole series. It takes all 13 Wheel of Time Books to come close at 4,056,130 words.

There is no single work of fiction written in our language that is longer than this.

And they're both fanfiction.

Yea Forums has always wanted to be the little girl
you're just a 2016 r/thedonald/ spillover from /pol/

Sailor Moon and Ranma 1/2 used to be the biggest series in the early days of the Internet.

Too bad it's not the case with Japan and the Japanese already forgot about Ranma by that time

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Explain to me why the majority of Ranma fanfics are super serious when Ranma 1/2 is anything but.

mmos taught me that everything else being equal, female>male.
ofc the deleterious effects of having a womb and vagina are incalculable

That's more because of thirsty men more than anything.

I have no explanation except autism existed even back then.

Same reason Rurouni Kenshin became kino when it was turned into a depressing OVA.

Pain sells.

because said girl has big anime tiddies

Why write fanfic if you're going to replicate the same shit as the series?

It's the same reason why the wholesome series have the most fucking and erotica in fanfic. You want to see something you don't usually see.

This. It's a power fantasy that is a step further than subduing a strong woman. The ultimate humilliation is to strip the strongest being (a man) from what makes it strong (his gender) and take advantage whe it (she) is now defenseless.

so what you're saying is wifebeaters should marry trannies?

>becoming a woman is a power fantasy now

The sorry, sorry state of the west.

They just don't make OST's like they used to.


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Who cares, as long as they're cute

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wait that's the plot of Boku Girl

Being fair women's stimulus is stronger than men's. Same for their nipples.


This is my personal nostalgia jam.


If I want to be a dickgirl in a world of dickgirls, am I a faggot?

Explain to me why Nabiki is every self-insert's waifu in every self-insert story.

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Makes sense.

We have Keit-ai.

I'd watch this if it were animated.

And thank god the fanfiction writers didn't end up in Japan influencing the course of the canon work.


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That looks like a bad ending

At this point the spick AF was better than this.

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Toyotaro actually made the Dragonball AF doujin.

Learn to read you fucking nigger

Man, auntie Dante dressed like a SLUT back in the day but fuck was she cute.

Nah. I wanted to be a girl before I ever looked at porn or even knew what sex was. It was just appealing.

Sarcastic girls were all the rage in the 1990s. She was like Daria but Japanese.

This actually has kind of a good ending

unlike this.

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Or shipping wars.

>tfw I remember the shitstorm caused by The Bitter End by Zen

If wanting to fuck ranma is gay, then I will be the homo man.

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That makes you trans, user


I blame the internet for my weirdness

>popping pills and having surgery will turn me into a woman
I have standards you know.

I mean you can disagree with how effective current methods of "turning into a girl" are, but you still want to be one, which is what matters.

Man that's hot, bulge-pussy should be a new fetish.

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its weirder than that honestly, I always wanted to be a shapeshifter ever since I saw a movie as a kid.
its less being about being a woman and more about exploring what I don't know, bodily speaking.

For me it was the fucking scooby doo live action movie

Akane kills Ranma and Ukyo after misunderstanding #4,102,328 and she's diagnosed with a mental problem regarding her temper.

Salty RanAkane shippers ensued decrying Psycho Fanfic Akane the likes of which won't be seen until Donte from DMC: Devil May Cry.

the girl was turned into that by the MC
used to be a dude

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Isn't that the one where Akane goes retarded after facing the atrocity of her actions? Man Ranmafic was dumb back in the day.

That sounds genderqueer to me, user.

No, but it's because you think women have undesirable behaviors and interests. You also do not understand women and have no desire to, so a man in a woman's body saves you mental work.

There's also the fetishistic desire to be the dominant one in a prison gay relationship without making the full leap to homosexuality, which is where the "make a woman out of him" types come in. There's also a projection/transference of being powerless and unmasculine onto the object being fucked, which can turn into the sissy/TG/trap desire to become said object.

Finally, gender bender type characters like Ranma and Naruto play up their feminine wiles in a male-attractive (read: easy without seeming manipulative/unfaithful/daunting) way, usually while saying they do it better than a traditional woman. This is removes the confusion towards whether a woman is attracted to the man, which is nice for anime watching autists.

tl;dr: Shampoo is best girl.

I know, also the 'girl' that I posted is a boy

you whippersnappers and your "labels" i swear

>show that makes me as happy to read

You are just greedy.


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all nintenfats need to be gassed.

Someone say ranma thread?

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source is required

Try Google or SauceNao

Please, explain this.

is this right? is that just for one fucking chapter?

The only reason I'm not gay is because guys are physically disgusting

>that taste

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Women just like to hold out or shit on men.

A lot of the holding out part comes from women assessing if you're going to hurt or rape them.

If you fantasize about turning into an anime girl and then taking dicks, you are a faggot.
If you fantasize about turning into an anime girl and then /u/ing other anime girls, then you are straight.

Was this fanart or some sort of official Takahashi/Yokai watch advert?

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Just split it into a series of novels with separate titles and it won't be as special.

>Kantai autist beats Yea Forums autist in autism contest within 5 years

Sasuga Yea Forums.

the dude in this manga gets more and more used to being a girl, that in the latest chapter even others are calling him out for it

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>I prefer Nabiki or Kodachi myself.
A man of culture.

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No, it makes him a guy who wants to be a girl. A person that actually identifies as girl wouldn't say "I want to be a girl," but "I am a girl." So he should probably stay the way he is and acknowledge that dysphoria is part of what makes him be. And that your gender is fucking irrelevant anyway.

For me it's just a slightly nice sounding, visually and physically appealing concept that helps act as fetish fuel. I'm sure if it's on a similar level in your mind it's just because it sounds like it might be neat. There could also be some part of you that's not satisfied with your current state. Either way don't let people immediately label you as some weird transfluidpeerqueer thing, it doesn't always have to be some part of you being broken or changed.



This is true and heterosexual.

It's pretty gay to not want to have a guys babies.

Girls who are still mostly feminine but have a few masculine hobbies are perhaps the most desired.
I don't want a full on gym teacher. She needs to be convincingly straight and a girl for me imo. But having masculine hobbies like guns, fighting, etc gives you something to actually connect personally on. I suppose males could have feminine hobbies in the same way, but my toxic masculinity says I should smack you if you think that.

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why are western artists so utterly shit

It's always either the nose or the lips (usually both), but that Zelda is pretty cute.

What's wrong with the lips, DSL is hot.

>I suppose males could have feminine hobbies
Is cooking a feminine hobbie?, cause I want you to smack me.

They are hot, but western artists draw some huge ugly lips.

Orgasm denial and mindbreak are two pretty damn good reasons. Getting expressive reactions out of someone sexually or changing how they think is probably the best feeling in the world.

Girls are prettier than guys. I don't think you need more of a reason than that.

But guys are prettier girls than girls.

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always saw hearts of ice around. what was it about?

the one fanfic that always holds a place in my heart was called 'will you be my fiance?'

it basically takes ranma 1/2 and turns it into a slice of life... Ranma has a stable normal life where he never traveled to china and has a kid sister. As he's living with both parents now he still practices martial arts but secretly takes up cooking one day (mother thinks it's unmanly) and then from weekly grocery sessions becomes friends with Kasumi. The story has a very maison ikoku feel to it with Kasumi and Ranma being the main focus

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the desire to fuck your bro if she was a girl

>girly tomboy

What board is that



sauce? everything comes up with nothing.

Cute !

>Bobba Fett
>Speed Force

I fUcKiNG LoOoOoOoOoOVe StAr WaRs

Attached: rich evans 2.png (1265x703, 553K)

Attached: 72171244_p1_master1200.jpg (636x900, 210K)

I'm still rereading Shampoo 1/2.

HoI was where Akane gets trapped in an ice kingdom as far as I can remember. It was 8/10 - pretty good. I think it was the first fanfic I ever read, and after that it was Just Won't Die and this one Ranma/Golden Boy crossover. I miss the Penultimate Ranma Fanfic Repository.

Enjoy my fellow degenerates

Attached: El Hermano vs Jiren & SSW2 Gohanpadre Calvo.webm (854x480, 2.93M)

I love it!!